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How to make the most out of your univer sity experience as a mature student

How to make the most out of your university experience as a mature student

The Guelph Mature Students Association has a wide range of resources for mature students on campus.


The GMSA gives mature students the opportunity to meet other mature students from similar backgrounds. CREDIT: UNSPLASH If you’re a mature student on campus, you may be looking for ways to meet other mature students, or a place to simply relax away from the hustle and bustle of campus. Luckily, there is a club specifically designed for mature students on campus called the Guelph Mature Students Association, (GMSA). The club offers mature students a lounge space and provides them with resources to make their university experience as comfortable as possible. The GMSA provides students with access to a network of students that are in a similar position from various backgrounds and age groups. It’s also an inclusive environment where students can join whether they are transferring from a different college, coming back to study after entering the workforce, or are simply a mature student who takes their studies seriously. The GMSA also offers mature students an exclusive lounge space for its members. The lounge is a place for mature students to socialize, chill out or study. GMSA members can also access a fridge, microwave, sink, coffee maker and espresso machine, computer, printer and other basic office supplies. The GMSA lounge is located on the fifth floor in the University Centre in room 536. GMSA lounge access is available for $5 a semester and a limited number of lockers are available for rent for $5. For further information on the GMSA and all it has to offer mature students at U of G, follow their instagram page @uofguelphmsa or email mature@uoguelph.ca to join.

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