Post 18 Pathways Guide

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Useful guides and resources to support your child in choosing their Post 18 Pathway.

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What students choose to do after Sixth Form is exciting but it can also be overwhelming. There is a lot to consider and a wide range of opportunities to choose from. Understanding the advantages and disadvantages of the different options can be confusing.

To help you support your child through this process, we have collated a range of guides and resources which we hope will prove helpful to you. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or require further advice and guidance.

Simply click on the images to access the resources.


1 Post 18 Options

2 University

3 Apprenticeships

4 Help your child to stand out

5 Stress and Anxiety

6 Exam Revision

7 Unifrog

Post 18 Options

A summary of the choices available to students, whether that’s higher education, entering the world of work, taking a gap year or setting up their own business. This guide includes information on:


Apprenticeships and degree apprenticeships

Higher education courses at college


Jobs with training

Gap Years

Starting a business


Everything you need to know when your child is considering university applications, from choosing the right course and university to creating a stand out personal statement. This guide includes information on:

Types of universities

Types of courses

Open days

League tables


UCAS process

Preparing for university life


Explore why apprenticeships are a good route for some students but not others, the different types of apprenticeships and the qualifications obtained, the application process and how to get ready for the world of work. This guide includes:

Types of apprenticeships

The pros and cons

How to research apprenticeships

Top ten apprenticeship providers

The application process

Degree apprenticeships

The application process

Help your child to stand out

Discover how you can help your child gain a competitive advantage by doing things they enjoy. Explore how non-academic interests build personal values and transferable skills and why these are vital to future success. This guide includes:

Self-development and increasing confidence

Getting work experience

Benefits of research

How hobbies impact mental and physical health

Recommendations for non-curricular courses

Benefits of competition and awards

Stress and Anxiety

It is not always possible to eliminate stress, particularly during exam periods, but it is possible to deal with it more effectively. This guide includes information on:

How to spot the signs of stress and anxiety

Ways to help

Long term strategies to build resilience

Coping with rejection

Encouraging healthy routines

Unhealthy habits

Sources of help

Exam Revision

Effective revision plays a crucial role in exam performance, but it is not purely down to what happens in School. Having the right conditions at home can have a huge impact on how well students do in their studies. This guide includes information on:

Keeping healthy: diet, sleep and screen time

Simple steps to create a helpful study space

Ways to help them revise

How to build resilience and manage stress

How to support them during exam time

How to help with exam nerves


Unifrog is an online platform that supports students with their research. It is the only place where students can compare every undergraduate course in the UK as well as international opportunities. Unifrog also provides students with access to the most comprehensive list of live apprenticeships across the country.

Once students have explored their interests and compared the full range of pathways available to them, Unifrog provides one place for students to draft all materials needed for applications such as CVs and Personal Statements.

All students have their own account Parents/guardians can also have their own login to Unifrog, where you can access the tools, information and guidance to support your child to make their best next step. If you would like an account please send an email to


Mrs N Andrews

Head of Sixth Form

Dr S Foster

Deputy Head of Sixth Form

s foster@newhallschool co uk

Mrs J Hilliker

Head of Careers and Alumni Association

Please feel free to contact your child’s Tutor.

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