New Hall Nursery 2023-2024

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New Hall School



At New Hall we understand the importance of choosing the right childcare for you and your child. This is one of the most important decisions you will make and it has to feel right. We recognise that, as parents, you are your child’s first and most enduring educators and we strive to create positive parent partnerships with effective communication channels. You will doubtless be filled with many questions and feeling a variety of mixed emotions. Whether you are returning to work for the first time or considering a socially stimulating environment for your child, it can be overwhelming.

Each Early Years Practitioner at New Hall Nursery considers it a privilege to be a part of the learning journey that your child will embark upon as they enter our Nursery. This will be a journey that is filled with fun, laughter, delight in the wonders of their surroundings and the world around them, and one that will lead them to become confident and resilient learners, ready and eager to embrace school life.


New Hall Nursery follows the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum, which covers seven areas of learning. In the Nursery, we focus on the three Prime areas:

♦ Personal, Social and Emotional Development

♦ Communication and Language

♦ Physical Development

The children experience expressive activities, which are process-led so that the children can fully embrace their creative natures; they experience sensory and messy play, music and movement, singing and lots of language-rich stories. Practitioners use a mixture of child-led and adult-led activities that follows the children’s interests and includes free-flow access to our outdoor learning environment.

The children have a simple structure to their day that allows for flexibility, spontaneity and the opportunity for Practitioners to enhance teachable moments. Planning is based on children’s needs and interests and considers all of their developmental needs, whilst providing an abundance of engaging and stimulating activities. We introduce the specific areas of learning in ways that enable each child to flourish and grow at their own pace. Our Practitioners offer support and nurturing guidance that allow children to be independent whilst having the reassurance of a familiar and secure base to which to return.


In the Pre-School, the following specific areas of learning are introduced: Literacy, Understanding the World, Mathematics, and Expressive Arts and Design. We use a more structured approach but still offer a curriculum that is rich in experience and stimulating learning opportunities. The children benefit from specialist subjects.

High quality teaching with a relevant, purposeful and engaging curriculum, enables our children to exceed expectations. The curriculum, which is paced according to each child’s needs, provides the knowledge and skills to fully prepare them for school life. Your children will develop into confident, independent and curious learners with a desire to learn, explore and ask questions.

“I am very happy with the relationship my daughter has had with her key person and the other nursery staff. I really feel comfortable knowing she feels safe.”


We value the important influence of parents and the proven effectiveness of home/school liaison. We therefore strive to support parents by offering food and sleep routines for the very young children in our care. We provide daily opportunities for verbal feedback during handover and our open door policy enables you to speak with your child’s Key Person at any time. The online learning journey ‘Tapestry’ allows parents to have a snapshot of their child’s day with a photograph or video and a written observation. Parents also receive written formative reports and are invited to attend Parents’ Evenings to discuss their child’s development and progress.

“We could not be happier with the choice we have made in sending our son here. There is no doubt in our minds that he is well cared for and receives high quality, personalised learning opportunities tailored to his interests - staff really know our child and that means more to us than words can describe.”


Our purpose-built Nursery offers a spacious, bright and calm environment for your child to explore and develop their natural abilities. The building has been carefully designed to support all areas of your child’s learning whilst facilitating their emotional wellbeing in safe, nurturing and stimulating surroundings. The building offers air conditioning throughout and has CCTV installed for peace of mind.

Our exciting outdoor learning environment provides a spacious area that incorporates sand and water play, a mix of AstroTurf, real grass, elevated areas and natural planting, all of which will nourish your child’s imagination. Children can delight in the mud kitchens and take part in gardening activities in our vegetable and flower beds.

“When looking around, we felt that the facilities were exceptional.”


Our values, beliefs and aims are all underpinned by our Catholic ethos, which recognises and celebrates each individual as special and unique. Children at New Hall are cherished and, because they feel safe and secure, they thrive personally as well as academically.

At New Hall, we pride ourselves on promoting Christian values and principles so that children are well-behaved, polite and responsible. We encourage them to be caring, trusting and respectful towards each other.

We are committed to educating the hearts and minds of our children, warmly welcoming all who embrace our ethos, regardless of faith.

‘Let the children come to me, do not hinder them;

For to such belongs the kingdom of God’

Mark 10:14


We know how important it is to provide a nutritionally balanced healthy meal for growing children. All our meals are cooked on site using a selection of fresh ingredients and in consultation with a nutritionist. Children are provided with snacks twice a day which include fresh fruit, vegetable sticks, pitta pockets and hummus. Nursery children can book in for the early session from 7.30am to 8.00am and enjoy a breakfast selection of cereals, toast, fruit and yogurt. Lunch follows a three-week menu, offering choice and variety and catering for allergies and other dietary requirements. Children who stay beyond 4.30pm can also have a light supper.


We understand the need for a flexible provision that can suit your family. Our Nursery is open Monday to Friday 8.00am to 6.00pm all year round (50 weeks). We offer an extended day from 7.30am, subject to availability and an additional cost.

Children entering the Nursery (1-3 year olds) are required to sign up to a minimum of 2 days a week, and children in Pre-School (3-4 year olds) are required to sign up for a minimum of 3 days a week. Our Nursery classes move up in September at the beginning of each academic year, ensuring that children remain in the correct year group.

If your child attends New Hall Nursery they will be given priority admission into Reception classes, conditional on them reaching a sufficient stage of development.

Children in our Nursery have the option of being full-time or term-time. There is the option for Pre-School to be full time by signing up to our holiday clubs on a termly basis, which are provided throughout the school holidays.

Full details of attendance requirements and fees can be found on our website.


We know that a school prospectus can only tell you so much. We therefore encourage you to spend time with us, to get to know us and to talk to our staff.

Our Admissions Department will guide you through the process of applying for a place at New Hall School. You can contact the department 01245 236 098 or

To contact the Nursery directly call 01245 236 144 or email

This prospectus is provided for information only and is designed to describe the broad principles on which New Hall is presently run and to give an indication of our history and ethos. Although believed correct at the time of publication, it does not form part of any agreement between parents and New Hall School Trust.

New Hall School Trust: Registered Office at New Hall School - Limited Company (05472420)Registered Charity (1110286) - Registered in England. @NewHallSchool @newhallschool The Avenue, Boreham, Chelmsford, Essex CM3 3HS Telephone: 01245 236 192
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