New Hall Careers Programme - Years 7-9

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New Hall School Careers Programme 2023/2024 – Years 7, 8, 9 Intent: The Careers Programme for students in Years 7, 8 and 9 intends to provide a range of information and experiences that will enable students to develop an awareness of their strengths and opportunities in the labour market, and how this can help them to make informed decisions about their GCSE options. Implementation: Students will complete dedicated Careers lessons through the PSHEE programme, and these will be supported by careers learning delivered in lessons linking careers to the curriculum, visiting speakers and co-curricular activities. Impact: Students will be more aware of their own skills and how they link to future careers in the modern labour market and will feel confident in choosing their GCSE options. Year 7 Delivery PSHEE Lessons x 3 (25-30 minutes per session)

Content 1 - Who am I? Self-reflection, self-awareness. Students explore their own identity, culture and characteristics and why they are all important when researching careers.

Framework/ Benchmark CDI: Grow throughout Life GB: 2, 3, 8

2 - Exploring Dream Jobs Identifying the skills required for their dream job and how they link to their own skills and characteristics.

CDI: Explore Possibilities GB: 2, 7

3 - What is a career? Students consider what “career” means to them and discuss key trends and how they could impact their future.

CDI: Manage Career GB: 2, 7, 8

4 - What is an entrepreneur? Students explore what makes an entrepreneur and identify what makes them successful and evaluate the advantages/disadvantages of self-employment.

CDI: Create Opportunities GB: 2, 6, 7

5 - What is work-life balance? Students explore what we mean by work-life balance and why it is important. They identify strategies for maintaining wellbeing.

Employer Talks Subject Based Lessons Assemblies

6 - Careers and the Future Students explore how careers have changed over time, compare “then and now” facts about careers and make predictions about future jobs. Programme of lunchtime employer talks available for students to sign up to. All students must attend at least one talk per year and record their attendance on Unifrog. All subjects deliver careers related activities to highlight how their subject links to future pathways and skills development. Careers information related to subjects is available on Firefly. Careers related assembly delivered to all year groups during National Careers Week. Apprenticeship awareness activities available to all students during National Apprenticeship Week.

Cocurricular Activities National Careers Challenge

Apprenticeship talks delivered during National Apprenticeship Week. All students are encouraged to take part in a rich and varied programme of co-curricular activities and record them on Unifrog. See the co-curricular programme.

CDI: Balance Life and Work GB: 2, 3, 6, 7

CDI: See the Big Picture GB: 2, 3, 6 CDI: Create Opportunities GB: 3, 5 CDI: Explore Possibilities GB: 2, 4 CDI: Explore Possibilities, Create Opportunities GB: 2, 5

CDI: Create Opportunities, Balance Life and Work, Explore Possibilities GB: 3 All students take part in the National Careers Challenge. Students work in small groups to CDI: Grow throughout Life, complete a challenge set by employers to simulate a real-life business task. The aim is to develop an Create Opportunities, See awareness of employability skills. the Big Picture GB: 1, 4

Year 8 Delivery PSHEE Lessons x 3 (25-30 minutes per session)

Employer Talks Subject Based Lessons

Content 1 - What are my interests? Students describe their interests and draw the connections with career pathways.

Framework/ Benchmark CDI: Grow throughout Life GB: 2, 3, 8

2 - Job Applications and CVs Students develop an understanding of how employers recruit staff and the purpose of a CV.

CDI: Explore Possibilities GB: 2, 7

3 - Challenges and rewards of work Students identify some of the rewards and challenges associated with working and define what having a growth mindset means.

CDI: Manage Career GB: 2, 7, 8

4 - Creating the life you want: making a vision board Students describe what they want their life to look like in the future and draw connections between their skills, abilities and interests to formulate realistic goals for the future.

CDI: Create Opportunities GB: 2, 6, 7

5 - What does success mean to you? Students define what success means to them by ranking measures of success, identifying their own successes and linking them to different career paths.

CDI: Balance Life and Work GB: 2, 3, 6, 7

6 - Careers and the Climate Students explore ’green’ careers and identify ways that careers can positively or negatively impact climate change. Programme of lunchtime employer talks available for students to sign up to. Students must attend at least one talk per year and record their attendance on Unifrog. All subjects deliver careers related activities to highlight how their subject links to future pathways and skills development.

CDI: See the Big Picture GB: 2, 3, 6

Careers information related to subjects is available on Firefly.

CDI: Create Opportunities GB: 3, 5 CDI: Explore Possibilities GB: 2, 4

Assemblies Careers related assembly delivered to all year groups during National Careers Week. Apprenticeship awareness activities available to all students during National Apprenticeship Week. Cocurricular Activities Employer Workshops

Apprenticeship talks delivered during National Apprenticeship Week. All students are encouraged to take part in a rich and varied programme of co-curricular activities. See the co-curricular programme. All students take part in an employer led workshop designed to highlight the range of opportunities available in the labour market.

CDI: Explore Possibilities, Create Opportunities GB: 2, 5 CDI: Create Opportunities, Balance Life and Work, Explore Possibilities GB: 3 CDI: Explore Possibilities, Create Opportunities, See the Big Picture GB: 1, 2, 4, 5

Year 9 Delivery PSHEE Lessons x 3 (25-30 minutes per session) Second half of Michaelmas Term to support GCSE options

Content 1 - What are my skills? Students will reflect on their skills and achievements and link them to career and study options.

Framework/ Benchmark CDI: Grow Throughout Life GB: 2, 3, 8

2 - What comes after school: the main learning pathways Students will identify a learning pathway to explore and name pathways, qualifications, skills, and progression opportunities related to a career.

CDI: Explore Possibilities GB: 2, 7

3 - Decision making: choosing what to study at KS4 Students identify important factors to consider when making subject choices for GCSEs and outline what they need to do to make an informed decision.

CDI: Manage Career GB: 2, 7, 8

4 - Taking control of your journey Students identify their own career needs and begin to explore how they can create their own career journey.

CDI: Create Opportunities GB: 2, 6, 7

5 - Working and earning: managing your money Students identify some key employment rights as a school age worker and learn to calculate different rates of pay and how to budget.

CDI: Balance Life and Work GB: 2, 3, 6, 7

6 - What is the labour market and why is it important? Students define the labour market and labour market information and learn to source and compare different information. Parent A parent information evening will be held to explain the GCSE options process in detail, and this Information will be supported by extra sessions available in the Careers Office after school for students to Evening ensure they fully understand the options available to them.

CDI: See the Big Picture GB: 2, 3, 6 CDI: Explore Possibilities GB: 2, 3

Employer Talks Subject Based Lessons Assemblies

Programme of lunchtime employer talks available for students to sign up to. Students must attend at least one talk per year and record their attendance on Unifrog. All subjects deliver careers related activities to highlight how their subject links to future pathways and skills development. Careers information related to subjects is available on Firefly. Careers related assembly delivered to all year groups during National Careers Week. Apprenticeship awareness activities available to all students during National Apprenticeship Week.

Cocurricular Activities

Apprenticeship talks delivered during National Apprenticeship Week. All students are encouraged to take part in a rich and varied programme of co-curricular activities. See the co-curricular programme.

Careers Students take part in a Careers Speed Networking session with local and national employers from Speed the key growth areas in Essex, healthcare, construction, engineering, digital technology, logistics, Networking ‘green’ jobs, to support Labour Market Information.

CDI: Create Opportunities GB: 3, 5 CDI: Explore Possibilities GB: 2, 4 CDI: Explore Possibilities, Create Opportunities GB: 2, 5 CDI: Create Opportunities, Balance Life and Work, Explore Possibilities GB: 3 CDI: See the Big Picture, Explore Possibilities, Create Opportunities GB: 3, 5

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