Canford Impact - Development Annual Review 2023

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Supporting and Engaging the Canford Community

‘A school community where all are inspired to explore, empowered to express and challenged to excel’.






Canford’s Centenary year has been vibrant and successful and, most importantly, it has seen the wider Canford community heavily engaged with those celebrations, reaffirming all that Canford stands for. The Centenary film, produced by OC Will Holloway OC F99, captured the essence of Canford’s warmth and dynamism, closing with the phrase ‘Always a Canfordian’.

We held two main Centenary events with a number of smaller gatherings through the year, including a former governors’ lunch, a 100th birthday staff bake-off, a Centenary Row Past at Henley involving former Canford Boat Club captains and the Centenary OC London Drinks.

We had over 2,000 guests attend the magnificent Proms in the Park and over 1,000 guests attended the Centenary Foundation Service at Salisbury Cathedral. The Henley lunch reception saw the highest attendance since we have started to host this and the OC London Drinks had the highest number of OCs booked to attend for many years. Seeing so many Canfordians past and present gather together, often with their families, was wonderful.

You will have received various updates highlighting the many fantastic things which have been going on at Canford over the past year. Superb academic outcomes, serious sporting successes and amazing performances from the creative arts have been woven together by a great work ethic and a strong sense of inclusivity and participation as current Canfordians embrace the wide array of opportunities and experiences on offer each and every day.

It has been lovely to see that hard work and commitment recognised through a range of national awards. Canford is in a strong position as we look ahead to the next century with the highest number of pupils ever on roll. However, we are acutely aware of the significant pressures that Canford, and the independent education sector as a whole, face in the years to come. Our strategic planning is clearly focused on meeting those challenges whilst embracing the


opportunities which change always brings. In order to thrive we need to ensure our educational offering is relevant, dynamic and of the highest quality but within the context of a business case that is effective and sustainable. I am most grateful to the Governing Body for the considerable time, commitment and expertise they offer in this regard.

In last year’s report I outlined the broader contributions which the independent sector makes to the UK economy. This year I am sharing data around what Canford contributes to our local economy which I have been sharing with local politicians and influencers also.

• Our total contribution to UK GDP is £38.9m, of which 50% is generated locally

• We are just under 0.5% of Poole’s GDP and support just over 0.5% of all jobs in Poole

• Total UK jobs supported by us is 867, just over half of which are on site

• Total UK tax supported by our activities is £12.4m, of which £5.9m is direct from the School

• It would cost taxpayers £4.3m if our eligible pupils went to state schools.

We will see what the next year brings on the political stage but signs suggest that Labour will win the next election. They have been clear that they will be focusing swiftly on their stated policies towards independent schools, in spite of the impact this will have, underlined by robust data. We continue to lay plans to ensure Canford will remain in a strong position to meet these headwinds successfully.

Within the context of this future planning Canford remains fully committed to the work we do in partnership with our local community. Canfordians continue to be heavily engaged in extensive ongoing community partnership work as set out on the Schools Together website.

In recognition of this work, we were honoured that our collaboration with The Bourne Academy featured in the

ISC annual Partnerships report which was launched at the House of Lords last month. We are proud of the success of our 13 year partnership with the pupils and staff there. We all gain greatly from this partnership and it is wonderful to see such a positive collaboration recognised within the sector in such a high profile way.

Canford also remains firmly focused on ensuring that access remains as viable as possible to as many young people as possible who could not otherwise afford to access the amazing things a Canford education offers. This requires a clear emphasis on fundraising for bursaries and this is gathering momentum each year. The telethon was a great success raising over £74,000 with a total of 114 donations from OCs and parents. Almost 50% of donors agreed to start making a regular donation. In addition we now have five pupils who are being wholly supported by Old Canfordians.

To further support these efforts we are considering setting up a bursary endowment fund to provide a perpetual source of funding, ensuring sustained support for bursaries over time. This will enable us to support multiple generations of pupils contributing to a lasting impact on their education and the development of our community. It will also allow donors to leave a lasting legacy with their contributions continuing to make a difference to the lives of pupils for generations to come.

wanted to close by thanking the whole OC community for all their engagement and support over the past year, and for the efforts to come as Canford embarks on its journey into its second century. As I enter my second decade as Head, it remains a real pleasure and a privilege to part of that journey.



As I write, the calendar has just flipped over to 2024 offering a natural moment for reflection on the past year. What an extraordinary year 2023 was for the Canford community! A year ago at this exact time, I felt a profound responsibility to deliver a memorable series of events and celebrations to commemorate the School’s Centenary.

Crafting a programme that appeals to all members of our community entails designing something that will interest people whose ages range from nought to one hundred plus. That’s quite a wide range and we realise that not everything is attractive to everyone. However, for our two major centenary events, I can confidently say that all members of the community were represented in some way. The musical elements of the Foundation Service in Salisbury Cathedral and Proms in the Park on Mountjoy at Canford meant that pupils, staff and OCs were involved. The open invitation to both events saw our most senior OCs, international OCs, parents, staff and young OC families attend with little ones, making both events as inclusive as possible.

For those with a sporting interest, an OC hockey fixture with Stowe was re-visited and former OC Boat Club captains took part in a row past at Henley Royal Regatta. From a visual arts perspective, we were delighted to commission the Canford Sphere and mural so generously sponsored by donors. Staff enjoyed a morning break with a difference indulging in homemade cakes for the 100th birthday bake-off and small gatherings took place in different parts of the globe.

We are a team of two! would like to take this opportunity to thank Rachael Daniel, Development Officer, who played a major part in all aspects of the Centenary year along with the fabulous support that we received from Canford staff and alumni. From the positive and congratulatory feedback we’ve received I feel content that for the most part, we got it right!

Celebrating a centenary doesn’t mean that the normal day-to-day work in the Development Office can grind to a halt. We continued to organise the usual OC reunions, numerous Friends events and still managed to find time to raise funds for the Martin Marriott Foundation (MMF) and a few other projects. You will read later in this report about the difference that our fundraising can make.

The economic and political climate is rarely stable but what remains constant is that young people need our help in many ways. At Canford it is our duty and pleasure to increase access to bright, talented young people who can contribute so much to our community in numerous ways but simply lack the financial backing to afford fees. As I embark on my ninth year at Canford, the list of young people that the MMF has supported continues to grow with commitment from School funds and your most generous help. Young OCs are going out into the world making a difference and are forever grateful for the opportunities that you have helped to provide. More details will follow as we explore the possibility of establishing an endowment fund, aiming to offer ongoing, sustainable support for pupils to access a Canford education.

Looking ahead to 2024, the calendar is once again brimming with events, both familiar and new. encourage you to join us and actively participate. I don’t hear regrets from those who return for reunions or attend Canford events, but I understand that many are unable to make it. Let 2024 be the year you engage. As we bid farewell to 2023, I extend my gratitude to everyone in the Canford community for your support and enthusiasm. I look forward to seeing you in 2024.

Looking after Canford’s past and building its future…

During its near 30-year run on TV in the 1970s, 80s and 90s the children’s show, Record Breakers, regularly featured ever more impressive attempts to break the Guinness World Record for domino toppling. The secret to success was always meticulous planning and patient execution and the current world record is just shy of 4.5 million dominoes!

Nowadays, the phrase, ‘the domino effect’, is applied to chain reactions and sequences of events that don’t involve anything physically toppling. The Estates Plan at Canford is such a case in point, with each discrete element dependent on a number of others to ensure that the School can continue to operate at full capacity while work goes on to achieve the improvements and enhancements that will keep Canford at the top of its game well into its second century.

Creating additional dining space required moving the old library in Canford Manor to an interim location in the old Sixth Form centre while the new outdoor education centre was constructed, which in turn allowed the old CCF building to be demolished to make way for the new library. The construction of the new School House allowed the upper floors of Canford Manor to be converted to provide space for the three day houses, and Monteacute has moved to a new-build home ready for the Sixth Form Hub to be formed from the old Monteacute/Wimborne building. The Marketing, Admissions and Development departments are now co-located in the ground floor of the Manor House extension that was previously home to Lancaster.

Work to build the new Upper Sixth boarding accommodation will begin in Summer 2024 after the old

medical centre has been demolished. This has already been moved to the old bursary building, suitably converted into a state-of-the-art medical facility, and the bursary, together with the careers staff, have moved to the Watermill (previously Salisbury House). The Watermill will also be the new location for the exams office, and reception is already in place in the old careers ‘bungalow’, allowing easier access for deliveries and visitors.

Confused? Hopefully you won’t be once the results of our labours come to fruition. Already our pupils are benefiting from a modern library, enlarged assembly hall, more spacious dining facilities, two brand new boys’ boarding houses and freshly refurbished day houses in Canford Manor. Prospective parents and couples looking to hold their wedding reception at Canford are welcomed into an impressive reception room alongside admissions and five new multi-use/meeting rooms are already in operation with more to come. What’s more, the combination of new and refurbished buildings has made a major contribution to cutting the amount of gas we use for heating by 27% in the last twelve months, and the fitting of solar PV panels is doing the same for our electricity bills. Together with an increasing number of electric vehicles, these initiatives are eating into our carbon footprint.

Every capital project we complete can be seen as another domino toppled. I’m just glad we’re not aiming for a world record – at two or three projects a year, it will be a while before we get to 4.5 million!

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The Martin Marriott FOUNDATION

At the end of Canford’s 100th birthday, it is with real pleasure and pride that we can celebrate a bursary programme that is growing and supporting children who are thriving, grasping every opportunity offered to them and thoroughly enjoying their Canford education. This is only made possible by our generous donors. Not only are you changing the lives of individual pupils but their presence within both the Canford community and their home communities enriches the lives of many others. The beauty of the Martin Marriott Foundation is that in helping individuals, they each go out into the wider world with the inbuilt responsibility to not only flourish themselves but to help others. YOU are making that happen.

We currently have five pupils in receipt of a bursary who are being funded individually by Old Canfordians and Canford parents. Donors receive an anonymised annual report about the pupil(s) they are supporting. This is a very special commitment and one which our donors take seriously but in turn, gain a lot of joy from.

13.1% of pupils at Canford are in receipt of bursary support

6.6% receive 75% in bursary support

3.3% receive 100% in bursary support



We have ambitious plans for our bursary programme and make no apology for this.

Our aim is to have 10% of our pupils on 100% bursaries by 2033.

We need your help to achieve this.


In 2023 we raised over £379,000 for the MMF to support a number of pupils. This encapsulates collective giving from our generous and loyal regular donors and one-off donations.




“I only looked at Canford, and once I had visited, I knew that I didn’t want to go anywhere else so I had to make it happen.” Imy found Canford a very diverse school where everyone was kind, considerate and accepting. She has definitely made friends for life. “In my previous school I was labelled as a distracting influence. I was simply bored. At Canford small class sizes make such a difference and you get so much more attention. They have been able to cater for my needs which has made me work harder and perform so much better.”


Merlin first came across Canford when attending a sports course at the school. He attended junior school in Ringwood but on seeing Canford, was keen to see if he might be able to gain a place. He took the scholarship exams and did very well. He was offered a bursary-supplemented scholarship which allowed him to accept his place.


Imy has taken up every opportunity on offer. She took part in Les Misérables being the youngest cast member on stage, took part in many music concerts, STEM challenges and then she found rowing. She started out with a blade in hand but soon realised her potential as a cox. Imy coxed at Henley Women’s Regatta, HRR and SHORR and won a medal at National Schools. “There are so many opportunities at Canford. I have never ever had an experience like this before. I used to hate school and now I’m really sad to leave.” Imy has secured a rowing scholarship and will study Philosophy at Newcastle.

He settled in quickly and found the House structure very comforting, especially on the long days which were exhausting to start with. Canford encouraged him to be more independent and he could see very early on that the opportunities he would be offered would provide him with excellent experience. Canford has opened up new perspectives. “At Canford, you are not pushed but encouraged to explore. You feel fully supported to look at all the opportunities on offer. I also recognise that I am part of a very valuable lifelong network and community which will continue to support me in different ways.”

Merlin achieved four top A level grades (A*A*AA) and has continued to look for unique opportunities by studying a BEng (Degree Apprenticeship) at the Dyson Institute of Engineering and Technology.



Currently the bursary fund operates on a ‘pay as you go’ model. Donations made are generally utilised and drawn down within one year to fund pupils. This approach provides instant impact and satisfaction for our donors, who see their gift realised during their lifetime. To provide a more stable and enduring source of support, we are in the throes of researching an endowment model as another donation option which could provide a continuous long term source of financial assistance. This stability would allow for ongoing support to deserving pupils, creating a lasting impact on their educational journeys and in turn, the security of the School.

We hope that an endowment fund will inspire potential donors in knowing that their contributions will have a lasting impact and serve as a legacy and impact on the education of future Canfordians. More details about our endowment plans will be available in the coming year.

Whilst an endowment fund is a long term plan, there are still many pupils who need help today and we will continue to support as many children as possible but to do that we need your help. If you would like to discuss how you might support our bursary programme, please email Rowena Gaston


Toby was at The Bourne Academy until Year 11. His brother Jay had come to Canford on a bursary so it was not a totally unknown path. When the time came to apply for Canford he was a little unsure and lacked confidence in his abilities, but he sat the entrance tests and gained a place. Jay and his mother persuaded him to leave his friends and his comfort zone and accept the challenge to come to Canford. He found the structure of the school very different. Lessons were really short, very focussed and he couldn’t believe how little time was wasted. He got straight into his A level lessons and found that there was always a teacher around to support him if needed.

Canford offered a real stability to Toby. He recognises that many of his old friends’ education has been seriously hampered by Covid and teachers’ strikes with many hours of lessons missed. Toby found Canford teaching staff highly motivated and always willing to help. “During my time at Canford my confidence has grown. I have met so many different people from varying backgrounds and cultures who really put‘their all’ into everything they do and I have learnt a lot from that. I know this experience puts me in great shape for the future.”


Mark is the third SpringBoard pupil to complete his Canford career following his brother Matthew the previous year. Coming to Canford was a massive step up and a big adjustment. Mark found the days long and tiring. He has enjoyed a variety of sports and has got involved with music playing the piano. He put himself forward to join the EDI pupil committee and helped to launch the BBMC – Black, Beautiful Mixed Heritage Children - project.

The difference in socio-economic backgrounds was not a problem. “There are clearly differences but no one really cares about it or mentions it.” Coming from East London via the Eastside Young Leaders’ Academy, “I could easily have been led down a very different pathway had I stayed in that environment.” Compared to his friends near home, he has had a completely different life. “Canford has helped me to become a well rounded individual with high values and morals. It has given me a head start in life and access to things I didn’t know existed. I have connections and have been helped with guidance for university and employment. My House became my part-time home. I made the best friends and was guided so generously by my Housemaster.”


Each year we take the opportunity to thank and honour those who have signalled an intention to leave a gift in their Will to Canford by inviting them to the Nineveh Legacy Society Lunch. It is a lovely occasion to see our donors gather together, meet with other Old Canfordians over lunch and listen to an OC who has benefited from a bursary place. Anna van Wingerden jumped at the chance to join us and share with us just what her place at Canford meant to her, how it helped to shape who she is today and how she regularly uses valuable skills that she learnt at Canford.

In many ways, providing for Canford in your Will is the greatest gift you can make to the School. It signifies your belief in all that Canford stands for and creates an enduring testimony beyond your death. In the past year, three Old Canfordians who made such a commitment sadly passed away and I would like to take this opportunity to share their commitment and passion for Canford.


Rodney Jelfs S46 might be known to some OCs for helping to organise the OC Northern Lunch in past years. I unfortunately never met Rodney in person but spoke to him on the telephone and his character and enthusiasm for life was infectious, he was such a positive and outgoing man. Living in the north of England made it difficult for him to attend events but he kept in touch regularly via email. It was during Lockdown in 2020 that Rodney called to let me know that he would like to make a gift in his Will to Canford. “I like reading about what you are achieving with the bursary programme and I want to be able to help…”. Rodney’s legacy has allowed a bright talented pupil to attend Canford on a 100% bursary place.

Charles Rawlinson B52 was an avid supporter of Canford and extremely proud of his education. Music was one of Charles’ passions and during his lifetime he supported the Canford Music department with donations to fund music lessons for pupils, Britten Sinfonia’s regular visits and the full refurbishment of the Steinway grand piano.

He was also supportive of the Martin Marriott Foundation for bursaries and took great pleasure in sponsoring the Rathbone Room named after his influential teacher –Michael Rathbone - safe in the knowledge that this would benefit the bursary programme.

In his latter years, it gave Charles great pleasure to see two of his grandchildren enjoying their time at Canford too. Charles’ support for Canford lives on through his most generous legacy which will continue to support pupils wishing to take music lessons whose families are not in a position to afford them.

Peter Littman W49 set up the Perseverance Foundation with a view to supporting Canford. His legacy is now supporting one of our SpringBoard pupils to complete their five-year education at Canford.

Obituaries for Charles Rawlinson and Rodney Jelfs are available via the Canford obituary web page at

Therefore the estate’s beneficiaries would forego £16,200 but the charity would benefit from a total of £67,500

If you would like to know more about how you can leave a gift in your will to Canford (including the inheritance tax benefits), please get in touch.

REDUCING YOUR INHERITANCE TAX BILL BY LEAVING A LEGACY TO CANFORD Below are examples of how this would work in practice. Therefore the estate’s beneficiaries would forego £4,200 but the charity would benefit from a total of £17,500 Gross estate of £500,000 No charity bequest With a 10% charity bequest Gross estate £500,000 £500,000 Less nil band -£325,000 -£325,000 Net estate £175,000 £175,000 Charitable donation £0 -£17,500 (10%) Taxable estate £175,000 £157,500 Less Inheritance Tax -£70,000 (40%) -£56,700 (36%) Remaining estate (Incl. nil rate band) £430,000 £425,800 Gross estate of £1,000,000 No charity bequest With a 10% charity bequest Gross estate £1,000,000 £1,000,000 Less nil band -£325,000 -£325,000 Net estate £675,000 £675,000 Charitable donation £0 -£67,500 (10%) Taxable estate £675,000 £607,500 Less Inheritance Tax -£270,000 (40%) -£218,700 (36%) Remaining estate (Incl. nil rate band) £730,000 £713,800 If you Will, they can NINEVEH LEGACY
Thank you to OC Anna vanWingerden L18 for joining us.


Be a part o f Canford’s history




Your name set in stone

Lady Charlotte’s Walk leads up to the new library at Canford. It is edged with stones on both sides which are growing in number as more from our community set their names in stone and in doing so contribute to the Martin Marriott Foundation for bursaries.

Many leave a simple message with their name, house and year, some honour their parents and a few have quirky humorous messages.

Sponsor a stone and have your name engraved for a lifetime link to Canford.

If you would like further information, please contact

For every stone sponsored, Canford donates a book to the Bourne Academy. They have now received 245 books.


“Having your support with our reading programme really allows us to grow the programme and increase our students’ vocabulary knowledge and cultural capital.” Claire Peel, Literacy Coordinator

“Please can I add my thanks. Going into tutor rooms daily and reading these books to our students is a real highlight of my day.” Mark Avoth, Headteacher

of books for the Bourne Academy, please contact Rowena on

The Martin Marriott Foundation for bursaries is funded solely through voluntary donations. The commitment that Canford makes to our pupils in receipt of a bursary is only made possible because of the generous contributions made by members of our community in personal gifts and legacies.

You can contribute by making a gift to the Martin Marriott Foundation in any of the following ways:


Join our regular giving donors and set up a Direct Debit online by going to community/support-us/donate


Just 1% or your estate could make a tremendous difference and it is also tax free. Contact Rowena Gaston for more information –


We are open 9am-5pm including the school holidays and if not available leave a message for us to call you back – 01202 847506


Did you receive a bursary? Would you like to give back? We can help you set up a giving page and promote your sponsored challenge.


at community/support-us/donate or call/email to receive bank transfer details



via – tax receipts are available


made payable to Canford School FTAO the Martin Marriott Foundation, Canford, Wimborne, Dorset, BH21 3AD


There are so many opportunities at Canford ... I have never had an experience like this before.



PLEASE CALL US if you would like to discuss other ways of making your own contribution on T: 01202 847506

At Canford you are not pushed but encouraged to explore.


Canford has given me a head start in life and access to things I didn’t know existed.

10 FUNDRAISING FUNDRAISING 11 B e partof Ca nford ’ shisto r y
you are interested in sponsoring a class


Central to the Art Department’s efforts is the idea that creative subjects act as a conduit for translating our experiences and interactions with the world around us. Connecting to the world outside school is important so that events and issues faced by our wider national and global community feed our ideas.

As a result of another most generous donation from a Canford parent, we have been able to engage and develop an artist in residence programme and also invite visiting artists to work with pupils. Our search for a practitioner whose ideas, approach and practice would enhance, challenge and engergise our pupils and colleagues resulted in the appointment of Laura Buckle who also works under the pseudonym Flora Bucket ( She describes herself as: ‘an artist, researcher, educator and activist whose practice focuses on the textile industry in particular textile waste. She is working with pupils, hosting a variety of workshops and also working with pupils designing garments for the Friends of Canford Wardrobe Foundation Fashion Show.

Pupils from across the school participated in the process from the inception of the project, generating the aspects of school life to be depicted, then working alongside Fay to create the subtle textures, patterns and colours that form the image. It is a joyous, contemporary expression of Canford life.

The Canford Sphere

Our century year concluded with the unveiling of the Canford Sphere commissioned to capture the spirit of Canford. This project was originally conceived and managed in close consultation by Charlotte Bowater, Canford parent and daughter of OC Charles Rawlinson. Again, thanks to most generous parent donors, artist Zoë Wilson was commissioned to design and carve a commemorative sculpture to be permanently installed at Canford.

Zoë Wilson is an award-winning letter and pattern carver with a diploma in Historic Stone carving. She is a QEST Scholar (Queen Elizabeth Scholarship Trust) based in Hampshire. The inspiration for this piece came through Zoë’s research visits to Canford. She felt a strong sense of the spirit of the school articulated through Canford’s four core value couplets: Purposeful Engagement, Humble Ambition, Gracious Leadership and Courageous Attitude.

Zoë created a geometric pattern to represent these values, consisting of eight interconnecting circles carved into a sphere with each circle integral to the pattern reminding the viewer of the significance of every value for a wellrounded individual and community. The stone chosen for the sculpture was Portland Limestone, local to the school and with links to the School buildings’ history.

The Canford Sphere is timeless in reflecting the values, the history and impact of Canford on lives past, present and future. Unveiled in December, it now stands in pride of place close to the Lancaster Lawn as a quiet reminder of Canford’s spirit and the values its education inspires for a life well lived.

One core aim of the overall project was to enable parents, pupils and OCs to take away a beautiful reminder of Canford. The Canford Sphere has been cast and photographed, producing exquisite miniatures and a fine art print of the sculpture. These are available to purchase and all proceeds from sales will benefit the Martin Marriott Foundation for bursaries.

More information about the Canford Sphere can be found at

Another aspect of the project allowed pupils to take part in stone sculpture workshops with Zoë to experience firsthand the work and career of a skilled craftsperson.

Illustrator Fay Troote was invited to work with pupils to create a large-scale artwork in celebration of the centenary.


Canford has successfully fostered diversity and global connections through its partnership with Awutu Winton Senior High School (AWSHS) in Ghana, a unique institution offering free education. The collaboration, championed by OC Nick Robertson C86, began in July 2014 with Canford pupils and staff making their inaugural visit to AWSHS. The engagement extends beyond mere cultural exchange, as Canford students actively participate in teaching, coaching, and various school activities during their visits.

Being a rural boarding school with a close-knit community, Canford faces the challenge of connecting its students with the broader world in a meaningful way. The relationship with AWSHS has led to innovative solutions, such as inviting teachers from the Ghanaian school to spend a term at Canford. Nick generously funded this initiative, bringing Samuel Amoasah to Canford in January 2023. Samuel, equipped with a welcome pack for the British winter, immersed himself in the school community, leaving a lasting impact.

During his tenure, Samuel became an integral part of Monteacute House, interacting informally with the boarding community. He contributed to the school by coaching in the senior football program, accompanying students on trips to places like Westminster Abbey and London Central Mosque, and working with debating teams. His engagement extended across various departments, adding an authentic touch of diversity to the staff.

Samuel’s influence didn’t stop at Canford’s gates. He took back strategies and initiatives to AWSHS, fostering enduring connections between the two schools. The commitment to joint debates and ongoing collaboration demonstrates the sustained impact of his visit.

The success of the program is evident in its positive reception at both Canford and AWSHS, prompting Nick to sponsor another Teaching Fellowship for a staff member from AWSHS.

This continued support underscores the mutual benefits and success of Canford’s commitment to global engagement and diversity through meaningful partnerships.


Dr Michael Toosey was a charismatic man who had very fond memories of Canford. He was most generous in donating a significant sum of money in 2017 to enable Canfordians in receipt of a bursary to access all that Canford has to offer by providing additional financial assistance for activities that might be financially unobtainable.

Thanks to his donation, we have supported pupils in receipt of a bursary this year to take part in a number of excursions including the Norway CCF skiing trip, Oxford reading trip, Granada trip, DofE Gold Award expedition. Our gratitude continues and Dr Toosey’s legacy lives on.

Dr Michael Toosey W44, May 1927 – July 2018

As in previous years, the Canford community came up trumps! An amazing array of prizes was donated for our Centenary online auction at the end of 2023 which turned out to be our most successful yet.

We continued the trend to allow other charitable organisations to contribute to prizes and share in the funds raised.

Canford Telethon 2023

At the end of the summer, thirteen Old Canfordians applied to work for our biennial telethon to raise funds for the Martin Marriott Foundation. Working online from home, some in different countries, they called to speak with OCs and parents.

The telethon is a fundraising exercise but it is much more than just that. Our callers spend time talking with OCs who in turn enjoy sharing memories of their time at Canford. There is also a real opportunity to share knowledge and their experiences which our callers highly value.

£20,224 for the Martin Marriott Foundation

£1,110 for the Friends of Canford

£587 for the Richard Porter Founation

£87 for the Friends of Canford Music

Our thanks goes out to those who donated prizes and those who placed bids. Your support is so generous and very much appreciated.

“It gave me the chance to network with depth and breadth of characters and career paths; a very valuable experience and one that really did feel like I was making a difference to a Canfordian.”

“It was a very rewarding experience as I was able to raise money for a good cause whilst also talking to so many wonderful people all with their own stories to tell.”

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Contact for information. FUNDRAISING
Nick Roberston and Samuel Amoasah
calls over 533 hours 114 donors £74,238 over 4 years THANK YOU Special thanks goes to Ted Allen M17, Offline Marketing Manager at 288 Group Ltd who printed and processed the pre-call letters.


We have been delighted to receive sponsorship from OCs and parents for rooms at Canford. When Michael Dix SH74 read last year’s publication, he was immediately on the phone from Canada to his father to arrange for them to jointly sponsor what was his former dormitory in School House. It was a pleasure to take Ken Dix S47 to see the newly named Dix Family Room.


There is now the opportunity to sponsor rooms 3 and 4. Before 1923, the plans suggest that these were Lady Guest’s dressing room and boudoir but later became dormitories in School House before being converted to office space for Marketing and Admissions. These rooms are being refurbished with room 3 becoming the Chaplaincy and room 4 a flexible meeting room.

Was this your dormitory? Would you like to add your name to the door?

In addition to the rooms in the Manor House, Salisbury House has been refurbished in the last few months and now houses the Bursary offices. The former Salisbury House Common Room at the rear of this building will hold happy memories for many. This will now become the Bursary Conference Room. If you would like to sponsor this room and add your name of choice, we would be pleased to discuss this further.

With the development of the Sixth Form College in the former Monteacute House, there will be further opportunities to sponsor rooms at Canford which will hold memories for OCs and is not limited to those mentioned here. Equally in the new Sixth Form boarding house there will be the chance to sponsor brand new rooms and in turn support our bursary programme.

Sponsorship is in the region of £10,000 - £20,000 with all proceeds supporting the Martin Marriott Foundation for bursaries. If you would like to sponsor a room, or require more information, please email


2023 We are extremely grateful to the following for their support of Canford in 2023. We also thank several donors who have asked to remain anonymous. In any listing such as this, there will almost certainly be inadvertent errors or omissions, and we apologise if this is the case, but please do let us know if we have got it wrong!


Tea Colaianni



Michael Lane M42

The late Rodney Jelfs S46

Ken Dix S47

The late Peter Littman W49


Michael Goodliff W50

Christopher Sneath M51

The late Charles Rawlinson B52

John Cucksey SH52

Guy Palin SH52

Edwin Owen S54

Paul Merritt B54

Adrian Scott B56

Nicholas Barling F56

Roger Palin SH57

Ward Bullock S59

Henry Taylor C59


Christopher Ridler W60

Timothy Hughes W60

Giles Biddle B61

Patrick Jenkins C61

Tim Kirk W61

Mark Fairhurst S61

Nicholas Edmonds SH62

Anthony Baron F62

John Jones-Pritchard B62

John Walker C63

David Betts C63

Jeremy Wingate-Saul W63

Anthony Smith SH63

David Hall S64

Simon de Halpert F64

Anthony Riddy W64

Jeremy de Halpert F65

Mervyn Pannett M65

David Austwick M65

Hugh Hazelton M65

Brian Langer S66

Peter Cameron C66

William Rippon-Swaine S66

Paul Tracy SH67

Richard Way F67

David Collins F67

David Kirk W67

John Lenton SH67

John McFarlane S67

Tom Montgomery C68

John Baxter B68

Jeremy Davies C69

James Harvey F69

Jeffrey Archer SH69


Jonathan Guest SH70

Andy Bell M70

John Buckmaster S70

Robert Upshall S70

Jan Carlstedt-Duke B71

Kevin Pratt SH72

Andrew Oatts F74

Martin Hewitt M74

John Bingham M74

Michael Dix SH74

Christopher Volk SH75

Mark Forbes F75

Robert Awford M75

David Adams C76

Jane Allan F76

John Rylands SH76

Alexander Davis SH76

Anthony White F76

Gary Ellis S77

Amanda Suitters S77

William Hoath F78

Hugh Chissell S78

Helen Payne M78

David Charlton F79

Fiona Price F79

Nigel Westbury W79


Rupert Ryall SH80

Cleeves Palmer C80

Philip Hammick M80

John Legat M81

Michael Griffiths F81

James Zeal M81

Howard Moody B82

Mark Falconer S82

Nick Rogers S82

Julian Thorne S82

Duncan Tatton-Brown W83

Mark Titman W83

Paul Harkness SH83

Rachel Johnson-Ferguson SH83

Ben Richards B84

Robyn Wright W84

Nicola Hancock F84

Rozelle Haynes SH85

Timothy Barnes S85

Stephen Headford SH85

Charles Moss SH86

Mark Tennant C86

Jamie Crittall SH87

Timothy Wiltshire F87

Johnny Payne B88

Joanna Jensen W88

Madhan Street W89

Matt Keats S89

Paul Nurser W89


Rebecca Adlington S90

Will Tilbury F91

Andrew Smith S91

Adam Key B92

Barnaby Maunder-Taylor S92

Juliet Thomas F92

Simon Andrews SH92

Hamilton Ford SH93

Ashton Ward W93

Catherine Brookes S93

Kenneth Appleby C93

Dominic Fry F93

Rory McCormick F93

Andrew Young C94

Miles Hartwell W94

James Lock C94

Graham Lannoy L94

Matthew Maddison SH95

Andrew Ketteridge C96

Nicholas Coombes M96

Paul Mawdsley S96

Alexander Laird C96

James Hallam S96

Thomas Howard W96

Nicholas Smith L98

Thomas Montgomery S98

Paul Williams M98

Christopher Sharp S99

Natasha Fisher S99


Katharine Templeton S00

Charlotte Robinson W01

Chloe Beattie Ma01

Nicholas Phillips SH01

Samuel Ross M01

Simon Stringer C01

Emily Salvesen L02

Hugh Farquhar M02

Justin Etherington M02

Marie-Louise Sharp S03

William Rottenburg C04

Richard Booth L06

Timothy Allen L07

Rory Ferguson W08

Alex Silk F09

Thomas Scott F09


Edward Durkin C10

Henry Wilkinson F10

Henrietta Lane B12

James Lee W12

Charles Orr L12

Warren Muggleton S12

Matthew Borghi SH13

Harry Griffiths SH13

Marna Judson B13

Katherine Pierce S13

Freddie Porter M20


Stephen Allen

Lucie Allen

Raulin Amy

Julie Anderson S86

Jeremy Andrews

Tom Armstrong

Edward Aspinall

Richard Bates

16 17
Ken Dix S47 visiting the newly named Dix Family Room The Crown THE CROWN THE DIX FAMILY ROOM ROOM 4 ROOM 3


Harriet Bates

Paul Bennett

Yvonne Bishop-Weston

Beverley Blackman

Charlotte Bowater

Toby Branston

Timothy Brown

Ed Carrell

Adam Carswell

Kitty Cecil-Wright

Vincent Chan

Stuart Christie

Ewan Clark F86

Tim Clark

Sarah Cole

Nicholas Coughlan-Davis

Louise Courtenay

Sukollaphat Cross

Naomi Davies

Richard De Lisle

Rachel de Thample

James de Veulle M93

Alexandra Dirou

Marc Du Ry

Heather Field

Katie Gallagher

Rohan Glynn

Domini Gordon

Catherine Guirdham

Angela Guy

Charlotte Haddock

Eloise Hall

Christopher Harlowe

Edward Herbert

Billy Heyman

Lucy Heyman

Emma Hindell

Paul Hopkirk

Cerys Hopkirk

Clina Hopwood

Felicity James Smith

Robert Janaway

Shirley Jin

Nicola Jinks

Emma Keating

Anthony Keeley

Charlotte Keen

Jayson Kenny S86

Benjamin Kiff

Timothy Knatchbull

Nana Kyeremateng

Caroline Laird

Christopher Lewis

Jane Lewis

Dawn Markham

Matthew Martyn

Yvonne Motsi

James Pearce

Emma Perrin

Grant Perrin

Susannah Pinner

Jonathan Raymond

Helen Robertshaw

Mary Rodber

Marianne Romer

Michyla Samra

James Sclater

Susannah Sclater

Roslyn Scott

Alex Sloley

Alice Snell C90

Shaun Stacey

Clare Tee

Moira Thomson-Lukins

Alex Walter S90

Richard Warner

Ali Warner

Laetitia Watts

Kelly Webb

Paul West

Oliver Westberg

Brian Williamson

Danny Witter


Anita Ambrose-Hunt

Pauline Bearblock

Fiona Boyle

Anja Bull

Judith Chapman

Clare Cotterell

Sean Coughlan

Heather Culpan

Guo Hong Deng

Julie Durham

Tiffany Fleming

Keith Galbraith

David Hargreaves

Anna Herrington

Andrew Hilton

Caroline Hutton

Vanessa Janion

Joss Kent

Andrea König

Lynda Le Boutillier

Ming Lu

Fiona Martch

Roger Morris

Claire Offer

Roland Potts

Susan Rance

Stuart Robinson

Emma Robinson

Andrew Robson

M Rogers

Sally Rowland

Neil Saunders

Julia Sullivan

Lijun Sun

Audrey Taylor

Linda Tazzyman

Mary Webb

Laura Windsor

Jingjing Zhang


Ian Dryden

Rowena Gaston

Nicola Hunter

Kerry Mapp

Stephen Radnedge S80

James Ryan

The Estates Team


Michael Bartlett

Keith Hay

Richard Knott

Andrew Powell

Jane Vacher


Vivienne Arkell

Canford Sports Centre

Cove Creations

Ruth Coxon

Falmer Palmer’s

High Mead Farm

Moors Valley Country Park

Anita Moss

Keith Parkhouse

Ben Perham, Oxygen8™

Remedy Oak Golf Club

Lighthouse Poole

Rose Shepherd


Swanage Railway

Van Haven

Bristol City Robbins Foundation

Jun Yane


Philip Alford S71

Richard Booth L06

Max Bowsher W01

Jon Boyle W80

Colin Chalkly S73

Ken Dix S47

James Faure M52

Colin French C59

Allan Futty SH52

Sarah Galbraith

Keith Galbraith

Donald Geikie C67

Michael Goodliff W50

Keith Hay

Vivienne Horwood

The late Rodney Jelfs S46

David Lazenby B55

John Lever

The late Peter Littman W49

John McFarlane S67

Sophie Minter M86

Tom Montgomery C68

Malcolm Napier M50

Roger Palin SH57

Robert Pierson SH58

Roy Pointer

Ken Quin M57

The late Charles Rawlinson B52

Ben Richards B84

Hugh Robinson C62

Adrian Scott B56

Phil Smith SH70

Patrick Target F74

Louise van Wingerden

Paul van Wingerden

Eric Wallington

Ian Yates F50


Canford Global Connect is an online platform for Old Canfordians and parents. It allows you to find, re-connect and reminisce with fellow OCs as well as enabling you to utilise the trusted Canford environment to expand your professional network.

The platform serves as an effective communication tool for Canford news and events. If you are considering changing your career path and need advice, looking for a new job or seeking to recruit someone for your organisation, this network is invaluable. You can also share your news, advertise your business and share job opportunities with our community.

For this platform to become increasingly effective we need as many OCs to join as possible. You can edit your profile as with other social media sites and offer (or not) what works best for you.

Many schools and universities use this platform and we very much hope that you will join and make use of the valuable contacts available to you throughout the Canford Community.

Parents and former parents are welcome to join. You are a vital part of the Canford Community and you bring a wide range of experience and valuable qualities that you may be willing to offer to others. Plus it’s a fantastic networking tool too. Thank you to all the OCs and parents who have already offered CV advice, work experience and mentoring to others, it is greatly appreciated.

18 19





The Friends of Canford have once again enjoyed a bumper year of events, all of which were supported by record numbers. The proceeds of these gathering are used to support community projects, the majority of which are passionately supported by Canford pupils as part of their Community Project work. Thanks to our committee members and Canford pupils and staff we have been able to help a great number of extremely important and worthwhile causes. Each event brings our Canford community a little closer together and makes a marked difference to those we support. Wherever we help, we always try to leave a legacy. Our collaborations are not just about donations, they are focused on bringing about change and really making a difference. Many of our committee members end up as volunteers for the causes we support.

Our year commenced with our ever-popular Spring Lunch where Maureen Rose (dressmaker to the late Queen) held us spellbound. Golfers were treated to a super sunny day in June as we finally managed to host our FCS Charity Golf Day, our first for three years. Thankfully the weather was also on our side this year for our History and Arboretum tours, both of which were enjoyed on balmy evenings and served as an excellent reminder of how lucky we are to be able to share the enjoyment of our beautiful school setting. Participants have tried their hand at Real tennis, tested their aim on our Rifle Range, and their skills at rowing on the river too. We marked the end of the year with our infamous Quiz Night, then finally our seasonal Noel Noel event, the perfect end to a very special year.

All events raise funds for local charitable causes and our thanks goes to parents for their support of our work.


2023 FCM events opened with a Night at the Musicals, which was an evening of stunning performances and a night to remember. The Friends helped to support the event with a friendly welcome and bar reception for everyone to enjoy throughout the concert. The Centenary Proms in the Park was attended by a 2500 strong audience! School tours, food carts, art workshops and lawn games were just some of the attractions. The Friends supported by managing the stage chairs and stands as well as a Friends of Canford Music gazebo helping distribute free CDs and historical merchandise for those parents and friends wishing to be part of the nostalgia. The Orchestral musical line up started with Chariots of Fire, followed by the Wind Orchestra and Concert band and penultimately the Jazz Band. The finale, by all musical groups, played ‘A Fifth of Beethoven’ (Walter Murphy). The musician OCs and current pupils were exceptional throughout and a fine tribute and celebration to 100 years at Canford.

In November, Night at the Musicals 2 took centre stage. The Orchestra opened with excerpts from the magical Phantom of the Opera, followed by Defying Gravity. The Concert band with West Side Story, then Wind Orchestra followed, finishing with the Jazz Band - Anything Goes and I Get A Kick Out Of You, together with duet and soloist performances by pupils. A stunning sequel to the concert earlier in the year and once again the Friends supported it with our usual welcome and refreshments.

The close of the calendar year brought about the Christmas Concert - a plethora of stunning Christmas pieces from concertos to carols, performed by the Chamber Orchestra, Concert Band, Choir Quartet, Jazz band and Wind Orchestra. A feast of music to excite the senses in time for Christmas. The Friends of Canford Music were ever present with a festive welcome and drinks bar to help the parents and friends get into the Christmas swing!

Perhaps you have a good-quality but unused instrument that you would like to donate - helping more young people to make even more music?

Please email:

Canford may be a school that rows, rather than a rowing school with budgets to match, but it punches above its weight through rowers’ sheer determination and hard work. FCR had the pleasure of watching and supporting another successful year for Canford’s Boat Club. Following an autumn of races cancelled due to bad weather, the crews competed well across multiple head races and regattas. FCR provided food, drinks and support for rowers, parents and other supporters.

A new fundraising event was held in the spring, with rowers taking turns to keep three ERGs running for twelve hours. This was well supported and was the first step in raising money for a much needed racespec boat. The rowers covered 487km (305 miles) and, thanks to matched funding from a very generous donor, just over £11,000 has been raised. Hopefully this will become an annual event. The Boat Club dinner was the year’s social highlight. This year Siobhan Cassidy was the guest of honour and after dinner speaker. Siobhan is a former Cambridge Boat Club Chair and a Director and Chair of the Boat Race Company.

The season culminated with a lunch reception at Henley Royal Regatta, preceded by the boys’ 1st VIII racing against Westminster and a Canford Row Past to celebrate the school’s Centenary. An uplifting and very positive way to finish the season and the summer term. A second successive autumn of heavy rain meant river levels were often too high for rowing and a frosty Bristol Head was the only event unaffected. In true Canfordian style, our rowers persevered despite temperatures down to -3 degrees and it was great to see so many Canford boats on the water. This massive effort by everyone in the Boat Club – staff and pupils –was a fitting conclusion to the year’s rowing.

Nicola and Jonathan Stuart, Friends of Canford Rowing


Many Old Canfordians, parents, grandparents, friends and staff give up their own time to volunteer in many ways to support the Canford Community by helping out at events, attending the Careers Convention, helping with school trips, talking to pupils, mentoring Canfordians and OCs, being a Governor to mention just a few. Without your help, so much of what we can offer just wouldn’t be possible.


The aim of the Convention is to enable our sixth formers to learn more about career paths beyond school from OCs and parents and to build connections which could lead to mentoring or even work experience opportunities. This year we were very grateful to the 70 volunteers representing a wide range of industries including Business Management, Entrepreneurship, Environmental, Science and the Third Sector. The event started with pupils and volunteers in a conference style setting with special guest and Old Canfordian Sam Jones S09 presenting the first session of the day. Sam left Canford in 2009 to join Cardiff University to study Philosophy. Sam’s entrepreneurial flair saw him embark on various business ventures, his most recent and well-known achievement is as founder of tech company Gener8. In 2021 Sam appeared on Dragons Den to seek investment for his business, where he delivered what Dragon Touker Suleyman described as “one of the best pitches” he’d ever heard. Fast-forward two years, Gener8 has over 600,000 users, more than six million visitors and further funding from a consortium of investors, including Harry Redknapp, Tinie Tempah, and ex-cricket captain Chris Gayle. As part of his presentation, Sam talked about his inspirational career journey and his determination to pursue his goals, stating “Action always wins” and “I don’t believe many careers are linear. The magic happens when you take risks.” Thank you once again to all volunteers who joined us.

Are you an OC looking for careers advice? Would you be able to offer advice to an OC? Join Canford Global Connect and also contact We are here to help. Thank you.


Thank you to the following people who donated time and expertise to Canford in 2023. We have tried to include as many people as we know about, but we apologise for any omissions or errors. Please do let us know if we have got it wrong!


Michael Akinfala

Tea Colaianni

Gary Coward

Rob Daubeney M84

Philippa Dickins

Georgina Fozard W04

Mark French

Nicholas Holloway F96

Michael Jeffries

Stephen Le Bas B89

William McLaren-Clark F98

Richard Nicholl

Jane Portlock

John Simmons

Annabel Thomas F95


Barry Coupe F70

Colin Chalkly-Maber S73

Richard Dyball S82

Teresa Fisher S82

Sophie Minter M86

Kevin Driver W87

Joanna Jensen W88

Hugh O’Neil Roe F88

Nick Jenkins SH94

Jon Howat SH95

Nicholas Coombes M96

Benjamin Dove-Seymour SH96

Anthony Langly-Smith M96

John Owen M96

Douglas Goodall M99

Graham Rapier F99

Oliver Finding F01

David Owen C02

Marie-Louise Sharp S03

Rebecca Gibson S04

Alexander Richards C04

Claire Grose Ma05

Richard Watt L05

Charlotte Williams B05

Marcus Chippindale C06

Kate Rayner B09

Rosie Rydon B10

Thomas McLean C11

Cameron Parham L11

Tobias Russell M12

Harriet Whillans B12

Thomas Hill M13

Katherine Pierce S13

Elle Upshall S14

Gus Mitchell C15

Hermione Jemmett B16

Sarah Elliott L17

Rupert Talfourd-Cook S17

Anna van Wingerden L18

Nicholas Leavesley W19

Richard Steavenson C19

Callum Bruce W20

Matthew Effick W20

Zachary Arnold F21

Erin Bruce W23


Jeremy Andrews

Richard Balasubramaniam

Brooke Bowater

Charlotte Bowater

Sarah Burnet


Justine Campbell

Caroline Coulson

Catherine Coupe

Adam Covell

Richard Cutler

Tania Davis

Jessica De Mounteney

Lisa Farthing

Katie Gallagher

Tim Gallego

Mike Gibson

Martin Hancock

Lucy Harford Tapp

Helen Herbert

Jacqui Howells

Andrew Humphries

Anne Humphries

Alex Jones

Caroline Kersey

Emma Keating

Kristine Knudsen

Gail Mowat

Raffaella Newell

Grant Perrin

Katie Peters

Tim Porter SH85

Helen Robertshaw

Helen Schuster Bruce

Emma Selway

Catherine McSheehy

Andrea Siggers

Jesper Svedberg

Tania Davis

Angela Tweedie

Luc Vrettos S96

Joanne Walpole

Alex Walter S90

David Whelan

David Williamson-Jones

Michael Wright

24 25



Philippa Scudds

Gary Shaw

Jane Skellett

Karen Smith

Emma Thornburrow

Claire Vandvik

Ben Vessey

Harriet Vessey

Carol Wells

Pamela Wesley Annemarie Winter



bookings made for events

173 358 people donated to Canford

volunteer s gave their time to Canford


Keith Hay

Over 4,600 Over donated to the Online Centenar y Auction FORMER PARENTS

Rory Christopher Ben Coward C01






Sylvia Mountford

Kate Richards

Elizabeth Bingley

Michael Durham

David Shute

Colin Bingley

Michael Ledger

David Stewart

Lee Tilson

Fiona Wright

Total funds raised £440,486 events organised for the Canford Community

£105,504 donated to the Canford Charitable Annual Bursar y Fund


2,059 member s have joined Canford Global Connect

263 stones sponsored on Lady Char lotte’s Walk

65 volunteer s took par t in the Career s Convention

37 member s of the Nineveh Legacy Society

26 27
1,320 donations made to Canford
David Bayles
Helena Conibear
Angela Cork Ann Edwards
Perianne Graham
Heidi Leavesley
Miné Lockyer
Phil Merrell Susan Oliver Debra Stocks
Jonathan Stuart
Nicola Stuart Linda Tazzyman CURRENT STAFF
David Allen
Henry Bishop Pagan Bishop
Tim Brown
Rachael Daniel
Chloe Davis
Mike Doherty Phil
Rowena Gaston
Anne-Sophie Harrison
Susan Hogan
Miles Zoë
David Neill
Lucy Ralph Richard Redwood
Richard Salmon
Andrew Powell
Patrick Rossiter
Roger Peart
Jean Edwards
Maria Hannah
Elaine Melia
VOLUNTEERS CANFORD DEVELOPMENT - A YEAR IN NUMBERS 2023 Raise FREE funds Shop online for us every time you Raise FREE funds Shop online for us every time you causes/canfordschool
Vivienne Arkell
Development Office, Canford School, Wimborne, Dorset, BH21 3AD T: 01202 847506 E: @CanfordSchool @CanfordCommunity @CanfordFriends @canford-school Canford School Ltd Registered Office: The Bursary, Canford School, Wimborne, Dorset BH21 3AD Registered in England and Wales No 190956 Charity No 306315 VAT No 331 5659 06
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