Stormont Press 2018-2019

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Stormont School 2018-2019


Contents From the Head A Step Back in Time – Form 5 Clubs and activites Bird Sculptures – Art & Design Barnet Enviroment Centre – Reception The Ginerbread Man - Reception Under the Sea - Reception Yours, from Cinderella – Form 1 Robbo Robot the Musical – Form 1 Our School – Art and Design The Great Fire of London – Form 2 Habitats and the Frozen Poles – Form 2 Christmas at Stormont Celebrating Ramadan – Form 3 75th Anniversary Celebrations The Butterfly Lion – Form 4 Kingswood Activity Camp – Form 4 Art Partnership Geography – Upper School Maths and Computing – Upper School Computing and Coding Bringing History To Life – Upper School Book Week: Stormont’s Colourful Day

1 2 4 5 6 8 9 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 37 38 40

Readers and Writers of Today – Journalists of Tomorrow! – Form 5 English 42 Exploding a Moment – Form 6 English 43 School Wars – Form 6 44 Treasure Hunt - Art & Design 46 French through the year 48 Un Séjour en France – Form 6 in Picardie 50 Design and Technology 52 The Natural History Museum – Science 54 Cranedale – Science 55 RHS Hampton Court Flower Show 56 The Wonders of Science 57 Music 58 Sport 62 Sporting Achievements 64 Sports Day 66 Leavers’ Memories 68 Charity 72 Stormont Parents’ Association 73 Prize Giving 74 Form Photos 76 Staff Leavers 79

From the Head Walking around Stormont I think you are immediately struck by how well rounded the girls are and how we celebrate all subjects. Creativity is in every corner and it is evident in every subject. Whether it is from visiting theatre companies putting on a play, building wildlife houses in science, creating habitats out of shoe boxes or enormous and beautiful sculptures out of wire, we really enjoy the cross curricular and creative approach that we are able to provide.

write to local councils about issues that bother them or enter a variety of curriculum competitions. We are a non-selective school, but through our bespoke learning which is individually tailored to each individual we are able to find the strengths of each girl and help them to excel.

In our 75th year we have enjoyed reflecting on our past but we are very much looking ahead to our future. We are continually investing in the school to make sure that the We are proud to develop happy, education our girls receive combines confident girls who are well prepared traditional values with a modern for the next step in their educational and forward-looking approach to careers. It’s heart-warming seeing teaching and an outstanding level the children growing in to happy of pastoral care. young women who will confidently



A Step Back In Time – Form 5 As part of our 75th Anniversary celebrations, Form 5 performed a play in the stables courtyard taking the events of 1916, when the Dore family lived at Stormont, as the inspiration. All the props to recreate the original atmosphere of the courtyard were produced collaboratively in Art and Pottery, while the script was honed in English lessons.

Pottery lessons Mrs Dore asserting her authority

Courtyard animals


Frank Dore and the blacksmith


Grooming horses

Army officer tells of Zeppelin being shot down



Clubs and Activities Stormont provides a large variety of extracurricular activities throughout the school day. Some before school, some during lunch break and some after school. Staff and parents have generously given their time to run

many of these clubs, others have been run by activity leaders. We have asked our school council to help suggest ideas for clubs this year and the list of opportunities has increased.

Recreational Gym

Run For Fun

String Ensemble


Book Club

Stormont Singers



Rock Band




Musical Theatre


Ball Skills



Disney Choir

Tae Kwon Do


Wind Band



Lower School Choir



Ukulele Club


Relaxation and Mindfulness


Gym Training

Early Room


German Easter celebration

Lego - under construction

Cookery - Christmas treats Recreational Gym



Bird Sculptures – Art & Design

Form 4 collaborated with inventor and sculptor Darcy Turner to create these beautiful wire birds.



Barnet Environment Centre - Reception Reception enjoyed a class trip to Barnet Environment Centre where they took part in a number of fun activities including pond dipping and mini-beast hunts!

“We went pond dipping and found lots of insects in our nets.” Rain



“We took our buckets back to the classroom and used our tick sheet to discover the name of the insects that we found. We found two newts and lots of water snails!” Orla

“We searched the woods for mini-beasts living under logs.” Jasmine.



The Gingerbread Man - Reception Reception read ‘The Gingerbread Man’ story as part of their traditional tales topic. Following a hunt around the school to find the missing Gingerbread Man, they baked gingerbread biscuits! They then put on a wonderful performance for their parents and the whole school, which included some catchy songs.

“We decorated our biscuits with icing and chocolate buttons.” Ava


“The Gingerbread Men tasted delicious!” Sophie

In their Under the Sea topic, Reception investigated and researched facts on a variety of sea creatures. Having read ‘Sharing a Shell’ by Julia Donaldson they retold the story in their own words. They went on to produce wonderful artwork.





Under the Sea - Reception





“We learned lots of facts about under the sea creatures. Clownfish live in an anemone. They have special mucus on their body so that they don’t get stung.” Lilly “Baby turtles hatch at night time and then go into the water.” Abigail Alexia

“Hermit crabs have ten legs and they swap shells with other creatures.” Maisie 9


Yours, from Cinderella – Form 1 Form 1 have written letters pretending to be Cinderella and telling her best friend Betsy all about how hard her life is. They thought carefully about how Cinderella would feel and what her life would be like. Pupil’s dressed up as either the sad, hardworking Cinderella or the belle of the ball.

“I am heartbroken, I wish I could come to your home. I asked my stepmother can I have a rest and she said no!” Ifrah


“I have a lot of hard work. Can I go to the ball? No! My stepsisters are nasty and mean because they make me do all the work”. Jovan



“I have to light the fires and I burn my fingers. They are mean and they give me their leftovers for my dinner. My nasty unkind stepsisters force me to do everything”. Prisha “I’m so sorry Betsy that I can’t see you because I am stuck at home. I sleep in the attic with the spiders and the cobwebs”. Scarlett


“I sleep on the scruffy floor and it is bumpy and uncomfortable. My secret dream is to go to the ball and see the prince, but I don’t think it will happen”. Rosie Jovan



“I have to scrub the floor for hours and hours and my hands are dry and cracked. I am exhausted but I don’t have a bed”. Chiara


“I don’t know what to do! My ugly stepsisters force me to do everything. I have to cook the food and they like nasty food that makes them ugly”. Yasmin


“I can’t tell you how upset I am and I’m so tired. When my horrible stepsisters go out I am all alone.” Arabella



As part of their Design and Technology work they designed their own ball gowns.

“I have to wash all their clothes and it makes my knuckles sore on the washboard. They won’t let me go to the ball and they say I have to work, work, work!” Eliza

“I sleep in a dusty old attic with spiders. I really don’t want this life, I really want to see you”. Grace “I try my best, but I just can’t ever see you again. I have to brush my stepsisters’ yellow teeth, they want them as bright as the sun”. Matilda “My stepmother is terrible, I have to mop the floor and it makes my hands hurt. I dream that I will go to the ball and meet the prince”. Christina “The ugly stepsisters’ perfume smells like witches’ cats. I have to do their makeup and sew their dresses”. Katie Grace

“My only friends are the spiders. My secret dream is to go to the ball, but that will never happen in my life time. I am stuck here for ever”. Emma



Robbo Robot the Musical – Form 1 Form 1 performed an assembly about a colour hungry robot who came from Planet Zog, where everything was grey and dull. He wanted all the colours from the Earth. The power hungry V.I.P.s wanted to stop him by

blowing him up and destroying him. It took Charlie, a small girl with some big ideas, to sort the problem out by talking with the robot and teaching him to share the colours.

What our assembly meant to us... “Don’t be mean and nasty to each other, if people are nasty then other people could be nasty back.” Prisha

“The VIPs liked fighting but Charlie had a better plan, all because you don’t need to fight”. Grace

“Sharing is very important because if we say this is all mine, other people won’t have enough in life.” Matilda

“Charlie didn’t want anyone to get hurt, not even the robot.” Ifrah

“The VIPs were show offs and they thought they knew everything. They didn’t listen to anyone and that’s wrong.” Arabella

“If you blow things up it’s not good because the world might crash around you.” Christina

“Making friends and sharing is better than just taking things.” Katie


“We have to share our world because if one person takes too much there’s not enough for anyone else.” Jovan

“Some people have lots of money and some people don’t and that’s not fair.” Chiara “If there is a nasty person you have to try and make them good so they can join in the fun.” Yasmin “Charlie tried to change the robot to a good robot, she gave him a second chance.” Rosie Rosie, Eliza, Katie

“Charlie was a nice person and she was thinking about everyone else.” Scarlett


“People shouldn’t be naughty because then the world will be a bad place.” Eliza

“We have to look after our world because if we destroy it, we won’t have enough and the world will be spoilt.” Emma

Ifrah, Grace, Yasmin, Emma

Matilda, Chiara, Christina




Our School – Art & Design









Our School – Art & Design









The Great Fire of London – Form 2 Form 2 performed a very exciting assembly set during the aftermath of the Great Fire in 1666. They recounted the events to see who could be to blame. The girls created their own effective collages of the fire using tissue paper and black silhouettes. In English they imagined they were children escaping the fire and wrote diary entries. Londoners

Sophia and Olivia

Suddenly I was woken up at 2 in the morning by the choking smoke. I was terrified and scared. As I looked out my window I saw smoke floating all around the city. Sophia Quickly I ran out of my house and into the streets below and the fire was spreading. I ran as fast as I could to the River Thames. I could see that London was burning down. I was very tearful. Elena


Next I got my things together, I grabbed my jewellery and my teddy. I heard people screaming outside. I was terrified. We raced to the River Thames and jumped in a boat to safety. Tayla

Olivia and Sophie M

Suddenly I was woken at 2 in the morning by the sound of horses neighing. As I peered out my window I could see red fire as hot as the sun and burning smoke everywhere. Sophie M I returned to my old house. I felt emotional and sad. Then I saw St. Paul’s Cathedral - it was in pieces and it was all burnt out. River






Sophie M




Finally I lay down and began dreaming about the wild vicious fire back in London town. I dreamt of what it would be like when I returned. What would it look like now? Emma

As I peered out my window I saw red dancing burning flames and black tickling smoke. I felt anxious and petrified. I could hear people screaming below. Angelica

Fire dancers



Habitats and the Frozen Poles – Form 2 In Science the girls learnt about animals and their different habitats. They created their own amazing shoebox habitats using lots of different materials to make a mini version of their chosen habitat from around the world.



Caribou have large, concave hooves that spread wide to support the animal in snow. Sophie P Arctic foxes are not fussy. They will eat any small animals such as vowels, raven’s eggs and birds. Irena Narwhals are pale coloured unicorns of the sea. A male’s tusk can reach up to 5 metres long. Annabella

A Beluga whale is a round headed whale and has no dorsal fin. Most Beluga whales are grey and white. Beluga whales make a wider variety of noises to any other whale. Claudia The Arctic hare is a herbivore and feeds primarily on woody plants. They like to eat a lot of willow and they eat snow to get water. Grace

Arctic hares live in the Arctic and are a type of mammal. Megan


Olivia and River


A Polar marine biologist come in for a whole day of Polar fun with Form 2. The girls carried out experiments to learn about how animals keep themselves warm and how climate change is causing glaciers to melt. They looked at the differences between the North and South pole and even got to try on a variety of polar survival gear! The girls investigated animals found in the Arctic and the Antarctic and presented their research in reports.

Catherine and Kayikunmi




Christmas at Stormont This year’s nativity was ‘A Tale of Two Birthdays’. King Casper holds a grand party to celebrate his birthday. Special guests arrive, including some kings and queens and a variety of marvellous entertainers perform. A star shining like a diamond is spotted and the Queen asks the King for it. Suddenly a troop of soldiers appears looking for recruits and the kings are tempted to join up after listening to the wealth that King Herod has to offer them, but decide to follow the star.

This leads them to a stable where they find baby Jesus and worship him. The kings are happy they stayed together and were not tempted by riches. They celebrate the new King’s birthday. 20


Yuletide Fun!

Christmas Lunch

Carol Service



Celebrating Ramadan – Form 3 Form 3 have been learning about and experiencing some of the traditions of the Muslim holy month of ‘Ramadan’ - fasting, prayer, reading the Qur’an, refraining from bad behaviour, and doing acts of charity.

Learning about how Muslim women usually apply mehndi designs to their hands and feet during the festivals of Eid.

Drawing their own mehndi designs.

Trying a date for the first time. Dates are eaten to break the fast.

Enjoying trying on a hijab with a smart dress.

Helping each other to put on a Hijab for the first time.


Designing their own prayer mat.

We wrote diaries of a Muslim girl who is fasting during Ramadan Fasting is challenging because I get really hungry but I don’t complain. It helps me to think about the poor and how lucky we are to have food. My little brother doesn’t have to fast as he is too young. At the end of Ramadan we celebrate with a big festival called Eid. Shanti I am fasting today. I got up for breakfast and had toast, cereal and a banana at 2:30am. This is my second fast ever! Fasting is challenging because I get a bit hungry and thirsty. After Ramadan is over, we celebrate Eid and I will get henna. Ayesha I am not allowed to eat from sunrise to sunset. By the time I get home my mum is cooking her delicious curry. I am really looking forward to the end of Ramadan, not just because I don’t need to fast, but because I will celebrate Eid with my friends and my lovely family. Ameera

Fasting helps me because I learn to control myself. It is challenging because I cannot eat or drink. Helena Fasting helps me be thankful and mindful of other people. Muslims fast because the prophet Muhammad fasted for thirty days. Whilst you fast, you have to be kind to others. Lucy


Diary extracts

I am finding it very hard to not eat during the day. I also have to pray during Ramadan otherwise my fast doesn’t count. At the end of the day, dates are the first thing I eat and then I have a yummy feast. Thea I’m really hungry because it’s been such a long time since I’ve eaten. I fast because it reminds me how lucky I am and how it feels to be poor. Sofia During Ramadan I must not complain that I am hungry or that fasting is very difficult. When I am fasting it helps me to be grateful for what I have. I am so excited to have a big feast at the end of Ramadan. Lily K

Using a qibla compass to indicate the direction to face to perform ritual prayers. The compass points towards the city of Mecca.



75th Anniversary Celebrations To celebrate 75 years of Stormont educating pupils we had a week packed full of events that were celebrated by SOGs of all ages as well as the staff, current pupils and their parents. We invited in our neighbours as well as local schools and businesses so it really was a community celebration.

An afternoon of fun and games

An afternoon of fun and games









The Butterfly Lion – Form 4 Form 4 studied a novel written by award-winning author, Michael Morpurgo: “The Butterfly Lion”. Girls enjoyed paired reading, discussing questions about the text and acting out key scenes. They used the text to locate quotes in order to support their ideas about particular characters.

Zeinab and Nina

Sophia and Kayleigh

The Loving Fox The Tiny Mouse Grace was only nineteen when she found a silky red Even though Sabrina knew if her mum found the fox. Her fur felt like you were touching a silk blanket. mouse, she would be grounded for a lifetime, she After a few minutes, Grace noticed that the fluffy red would still take the risk. Sabrina and “Tiny” became fox was bleeding. She had to get help but the fox put close friends. Whenever she had time and her parents weren’t looking, she’d go to the park with Tiny. his paw on Grace and made her stay. The little mouse always tried to scurry up the slide Amara however he always failed. One rainy morning, Sabrina woke up with a cat in her face, purring quietly. Her mum crept in and shouted, “Surprise!” Sabrina really was surprised at her mum’s sudden outburst. “We bought you a cat!” exclaimed Sabrina’s mother, Cherry. Sabrina thought about cats for a moment. She knew they ate birds, mice and fish. Oh no! Natasha


The Little Elephant Today, as I gazed at the beautiful river, I noticed a female elephant. It was all alone and it didn’t seem very happy. It was covered in mud and couldn’t bath itself so I ran home as fast as I could, grabbed a bucket and splashed it over the elephant. She liked water. I decided to keep her and I named her Emma. Zeinab

The Blossom Deer Charlotte turned around and Blossom was no longer there. She had gone… Charlotte lay on the grass looking up at the sun, a tear running down her face. “She’s gone, gone forever,” muttered Charlotte. The farmer came over and tried to cheer her up, but it just didn’t work. Day after day, Charlotte searched everywhere but Blossom was not to be found. Marni

Gabby and the Drowning Kitten As she was approaching the steps, she heard an urgent “meow”! Nobody was in sight so she just ignored it. As she settled down to bathe in the sun, she heard another. Gabby stripped off her clothes and dived into the blue sea. A kitten was struggling to swim and was about to drown! Sophia

Liberty and Leah

Emily and Ayse

Two of the book’s main characters first meet in an unusual way! When Millie’s kite becomes stuck in a tree, Bertie climbs up to rescue it! Bertie and Millie become fast friends, flying kites together every Sunday. He tells Millie all about his life in South Africa, and his white lion – a lion he has tamed back home in South Africa.


The Loving Rabbit It was behind the tree when she saw it. Amelia screamed very loudly indeed! It’s a rabbit!” Her family immediately came to the tree where she was standing. Holding it, Amelia declared it to be called “Raffi”. However, her dad did tell her that she could name it but it wasn’t coming to live with their family. Leah

“I’ll get it down for you,” he said. “He told me I had to think of him every time I flew it.” “Before he left me that last Sunday he gave me a kite.” “ I thought that if I lost the kite it would be like losing Bertie forever.” 27


3G Swing

Kingswood Activity Camp – Form 4 Form 4 had a fantastic time at the Kingswood Activity Centre in Ashford, Kent. We were so proud of their support for one another and determination to push through their boundaries in order to reach their own personal goals. The Stormont spirit was clear to see and the girls received many compliments on their positive attitudes, support for one another and lovely manners. New experiences were enjoyed, new friendships were developed and so many great new memories were made!

Nightline team 28

We made it!


Coming through!


I really thought it was fun and I feel like now I’m braver than I was before. Emily

My favourite activity was High Equilibrium. I felt so scared but getting up to the top gave me so much more confidence. Leah

The best thing about Kingswood was that we all worked as a team. Dixie It was an amazing experience; one of the best in my life! I especially enjoyed the 3G swing. Beatrice I learned how to make my own decisions. Freyjana It was really great fun solving problems together. I would love to go again next year. Amy


Caught in the net

Ever since completing High Equilibrium, I’ve felt more confident and have let nothing get in my way! Isla I was scared but I built more bravery with every step that I took up the pole. Amara On Nightline, you had to trust the person in front of you, that’s what made it fun. Jessica

Bush Craft 29


Art Partnership This year Stormont continued its partnership with Pope Paul and Little Heath. One hundred and eighty children have had access to working with a wider range of materials and media. Pope Paul Year 3 explored Ancient Egypt and made portraits, plates and Canopic vessels


Year 1 and 2 used natural forms as a starting point to develop skills in printing, drawing, clay work, collage, pen and ink

Year 3 explored Ancient Egypt and made portraits, plates and Canopic vessels


Little Heath

Year 2 drew animals from primary observation which were developed into clay tiles.

Year 3 explored the Stone Age in making pots and necklaces

Year 4 designed and made plates based on early numeric symbols


GEOGRAPHY - UPPER SCHOOL Creating our own rainforest

Form 3 built their own models of famous volcanoes and presented their work to the class

Geography - Upper School We aim to make geography lessons at Stormont fun, relevant and as hands on as possible. We want to inspire the girls to have a curiosity about the world whilst also teaching them about the impact we have on our planet.



Form 4 enjoyed a day at Kew Gardens, London to learn about the rainforest

The Hive The Hive

Form 5 creating rivers

In the rainforest

Taking scientific readings of the sunlight

Form 6 using an interactive globe to bring learning to life



Maths and Computing – Upper School

Maths in Upper School combines a variety of lessons and practical activities to help embed the topics and principles being introduced or reinforced for the girls. Concepts and methods are taught using a variety of methods and resources, including interactive and adaptive activities and investigations which lead to more problem solving activities later on in topics to check how deep the girls’ understanding is.



ICT is also used to support the teaching of Maths across the Upper School. The girls use technological resources in class, either as part of an independent task, or part of the whole-class teaching with bespoke activities to offer the relevant level of challenge or support. Interactive whiteboards are used to bring lessons to life and use graphical modelling to explain and breakdown mathematical concepts. As well as an instructional tool for the teacher, interactive whiteboards and Promethean ActivPanels are used by the girls independently when working on consolidating understanding.



Maths and Computing – Upper School

Lesson concepts and skills are reinforced using web-based subscription software such as and, with tailored tasks specifically assigned to each girl during their Maths lessons. The girls can also check online to see their progress or even revisit a lesson again that evening if there was something that they later realise they are unsure of, or indeed wish to deepen their understanding ahead of subsequent lessons. As well as visits to the ICT suite during their Maths lessons, the girls have had the chance to bring technology to their Maths classroom when using the school’s iPads.

During the year selected girls from Upper School enter local Maths events and challenges at nearby schools. This year Serena, Aruba, Zoe and Safia competed at a Maths challenge event at Aldwickbury School, Harpenden. The girls enjoy the tasks they have to solve as well as the end of session refreshments too!



Computing and Coding

Computing is a key aspect of the learning we do at Stormont. We aim to prepare the girls from as early as Reception to use technology with confidence and skill. Topics such as coding, animation, music creation and digital photography are all part of the busy curriculum, with enjoyment and challenge at its centre. The girls become increasingly confident as they move up through the school. There is also the opportunity to join in Coding Club after school.



Bringing History To Life At Stormont we place huge value on the lessons we can learn from the past. As often as we can, we create immersive experiences that enable the girls to explore first-hand what life was like long ago. This year we visited Hatfield House, Welwyn Roman Baths and St Albans Victorian Court Room and prison cells allowing the girls to walk in the footsteps of many interesting and significant people from the periods studied, (not forgetting reflecting on the history of our own Victorian home here at Stormont.)

Victorian Crime and Punishment Form 4

Sophia and Nina investigating

Chief Magistrate Emily

Charlotte Kimpton aka Nina - accused of stealing from her aunt

Anglo Saxon Day and Assembly Form 3

Preparing to battle the Vikings.

Nina pressing runes into clay tiles.

Battle weary King Alfred.

Romans Form 3

Verity as a Roman soldier with a shield the size of her!


Helna wearing Roman Bathing Shoes. Essential for the hot floors but not the most relaxing footwear!

Shanti and Olivia E drawing Roman pottery artefacts.

Everyone played a role and I was Charles V. I loved it! I learnt so much about Tudor times and how people were so different back then. Emma

Henry VIII’s guardsman with Diyara and Shasmeen.

All of the girls were given a role to play in Henry VIII’s re-enactment of his own life.

Ancient Greek Day Form 6

It was as if I’d travelled back in time. It felt so real, which made me feel excited but terrified! Willow


A visit from Henry VIII Forms 4 and 5

Performing Greek myths and soap carving.

My favourite part was the theatre festival and feast. We performed plays in small groups and I really enjoyed tasting all of the different foods that they ate. Zoe I’m going to keep the things that I made in a safe place so that I can look back on the day when I’m older and remember how enjoyable and interesting it was. Hannah



Book Week: Stormont’s Colourful Day In March, all classes used the same text “The Day the Crayons Quit” by Drew Daywalt to inspire their English lessons. Pupils came to school dressed as an object inspired by a colour from the crayons box and amazed teachers with their creativity. The day began with a reading of the book, with pupils playing each crayon colour. The hall has never been so colourful! Pupils read with great expression and enjoyed starting the day by sharing the story together. Each crayon has a complaint to make to their owner.

Reception - Red

Colourful assembly

Form 3 - Grey


Ameera sharing the story

Girls worked hard to produce a response with a positive message and presented them in the form of a letter, a rap or a poem.

Black Crayons Pigeon holed, restricted, limited, held back.

Good Morning Blue Crayon, Blue Crayon, we’re all good at something. Whether it’s boxing, swimming or jumping! Try not to boast, how hard can it be? It makes a big difference as you can see! Encourage the other crayons that they are gifted, And automatically their hearts will be lifted.

When I read your letter, my heart began to crack.

You’re not short and stubby, you’re my favourite colour.

I want you to be happy, I want you to be free.

Without you, my life would be duller.

But please remember that you’re part of a team.

Everyone’s talented – you might find it hard to believe,

I know you are the out-line, I know it’s not the best, But don’t worry my friend, at least you get a rest! You make things stand out, you make things 3D,

If you disagree, you might as well leave –


Pupils wrote letters in role as the book’s main character, Duncan. Duncan replied to each crayon with a response to their complaints about feeling under-valued, tired or over-worked.

Don’t hurt the other crayons’ feelings

Making others look good is your speciality!

Coz that would be the opposite of appealing!

But please stop this moaning, please stop this whining.

Why don’t you be modest, why don’t you be kind? I hope now that you will change your mind.

Jump on the paper and start drawing.

From your absolutely amazing owner,

Come to the spotlight, I’ll come and let you shine.


But whatever happens, you’ll always be mine.

Christabella – Form 5

Ava and Maryam – Form 6

Zoe and Charlotte Form 6 - Black

Mimi Form 5 - Blue



Readers and Writers of Today – Journalists of Tomorrow! – Form 5 English Form 5 travelled to the Guardian’s Education Centre in London. Girls transformed into reporters and editors, and encountered the real-life experience of producing a newspaper front page. Working together in pairs, girls looked at the day’s news to identify key information.

Collecting ideas Editing

Inserting pictures and captions


How to set out a front page


Exploding a Moment – Form 6 English

This work complimented our topic on Rudyard Kipling’s “The Jungle Book”.Girls used a range of costumes, instruments and props to create a jungle scene. They enjoyed acting as animals, drinking from a pool of water, climbing and clawing, snarling and catching their prey. This experience helped girls to generate exciting vocabulary in order to describe a jungle setting. We used the term “exploding a moment” because it encouraged the girls to picture each aspect of the scene using their senses and by noticing small details. I can hear the delicate wings of tropical birds gracefully fluttering around me! Karina I glide my finger along moist leaves from the tropical bushes. Ellen Multi-coloured wings fluttered as cheeky monkeys shrieked. Melanie Rotting vegetation on the ground below me crept gradually up into the humid air. Eleanor As I could hear elephants stomping, the waterfall crashed down on the rushing river! Isabel

My delicate fingertips glided swiftly across the emerald-green stream. Safia

As the vines slowly started to strangle the trees, I listened to the kites’ tuneful birdsong ring out up above in the lush canopy. While my moist fingertips explored the dew-dropped tropical bushes, I felt bucketfuls of sweat trickle down my face, arms and legs. My body was weak and tired, begging me for water. I stumbled clumsily through the jungle, the stink of rotting vegetation on the ground below me creeping up gradually into the air, filling my nostrils; it made me wonder why I came here in the first place. Everything around me was so wild and chaotic; back home, all was calm and orderly. “How will I survive here?” I whispered to myself. Maryam

The explorer could see eyes staring at him through the thick jungle foliage. Then he stepped into an ancient crumbling temple. The silence was deafening. It was overflowing with gold and silver. The man had a terrible feeling that he was being watched from all angles. Gliding flawlessly through the bright sky, a group of kites circled above in the lush canopy. The brave explorer noticed a large waterfall and stroked his dry fingertips along the mossy rocks where the water tumbled down. He instantly lifted his fingers to his mouth and drank the sweet nectar. Lily 43


School Wars – Form 6 This year, the traditional Form 6 Leavers’ Play was a wonderful opportunity for the girls to entertain parents, teachers and friends and showcase their talents. A musical comedy written by Form 6 and their teachers, it starts with the students being very frustrated with the staff and they are at war with one another. They find a way to unite by learning from each other, working together and become a warm, friendly school, just like Stormont.

“It was great writing our own play and having the chance to work together on the script and lyrics.”

“It was fun doing the comedy scenes, especially playing the moody teachers.”

“I loved that it was a musical, the tunes were really catchy and upbeat.”

“It was just one big collaborative process, everyone had a chance to contribute.”




Treasure Hunt - Art & Design



Sophie P



Mr Lebowski found a treasure map, dating from the Great War, in the Stormont attic. Form 2 went on a treasure hunt and discovered mementos belonging to the Dore family who used to live here.



French through the year Poems inspired by “Je voulais dans mon cartable” by Pierre Ruaud.

Je voulais dans mon cartable Emporter mes pantoufles, Un ballon, ma balançoire Et mon oiseau. Maman m’a dit : “Ce n’est pas permis Et puis tout ça Ça ne rentre pas!” Alors j’ai pris un crayon, Pour le goûter des cerises Et que des choses raisonnables. Plus une plume! Amy – Form 4

Je voulais dans mon cartable Emporter mon chiot mignon, Un escargot, un nounours Et le trampoline du jardin. Maman m’a dit : “Ce n’est pas permis Et puis tout ça Ça ne rentre pas!” Alors j’ai pris ma trousse, Pour le goûter quelques biscuits Et que des choses raisonnables. Plus une coquille d’escargot! Grace – 6E

Je voulais dans mon cartable Emporter mon chat, Un nounours, mon lit Et mon coussin moelleux. Maman m’a dit : “Ce n’est pas permis Et puis tout ça Ça ne rentre pas!” Alors j’ai pris mes devoirs, Pour le goûter une petite barre de chocolat Et que des choses raisonnables. Plus une image de mon chat! Beatrice – Form 4

Je voulais dans mon cartable Emporter mon lit, Mon oreiller, des peluches Et ma batterie. Maman m’a dit : “Ce n’est pas permis Et puis tout ça Ça ne rentre pas!” Alors j’ai pris une trousse, Pour le goûter des macarons Et que des choses raisonnables. Plus mes pantoufles! Abigail – 6E

Form 5 Journée Française – Mardi Gras

Form 5 Journée Française – making citron pressé

Je voulais dans mon cartable Emporter le sapin, La rivière, la prairie Et l’herbe. Maman m’a dit : “Ce n’est pas permis Et puis tout ça Ça ne rentre pas!” Alors j’ai pris un crayon, Pour le goûter une pomme Et que des choses raisonnables. Plus trois feuilles! Shasmeen – Form 5

Je voulais dans mon cartable Emporter le soleil, La lune, les étoiles Et les planètes. Maman m’a dit : “Ce n’est pas permis Et puis tout ça Ça ne rentre pas!” Alors j’ai pris un crayon, Pour le goûter des noix Et que des choses raisonnables. Plus du fromage de la lune! Charlotte – 6W Onatti Theatre Company – Ticket pour L’Espace



Le petit déjeuner français

Form 1 - Le Trois Cabris



Un Séjour en France – Form 6 in Picardie Form 6’s traditional residential trip to France was a great success again this year. The girls enjoyed good weather, friendly hosts and a full week of activities and fun – all in French! Here are a few memories of another wonderful ‘Séjour en France’.

A la boulangerie

Berck sur mer

Des crêpes pour tous


Fun at Le Touquet

Wheat dollies

Snail Farm

Team work – mayonnaise making

Birthday celebrations at the Château

The art of making croissants

Amiens cathedral


Le carrousel a Le Touquet



Design and Technology

Form 3 designed and made shadow puppets and performed ‘Jack in the Beanstalk’.

Form 4 designed and made a motorised toy car. The car body was designed using a computer programme.



Form 4 designed and made embroidered beany frogs Form 6 made jungle themed cushion covers using hot wax batik.



The Natural History Museum Forms 4 and 6 took a trip on a big coach to the Natural History Museum in London. What a beautiful place! Form 4 had a workshop about teeth and Form 6 had a workshop about Evolution. We were awe struck by extraordinary objects we had never seen before, such as real gemstones and animal skulls! We took some money to spend in the gift shop and were able to bring a memento home to show our parents. We had a great time! Eleanor and Megan

Which animal has a skull like this


The T-Rex was very realistic!

Identifying animal teeth

Awsome rocks and gems

Ascending to the Earth’s core

Identifying remains of animals


Cranedale Form 5 took part in the annual trip to the Cranedale Centre in Yorkshire. We went to the beach on a perfect day. First we explored the caves and got to actually go inside them (with HELMETS on to keep us safe). Next we started rock pooling, trying to catch crabs. It was very slippery! Harriet and Emma On our trek across the North York Moors, we went stream dipping. We were taught how to catch animals from the river. We did this by digging the surface under the water with our foot and holding the net close and would you believe it - we caught so many river creatures! It was so much fun! Nicole Our first activity was the low ropes. It was my favourite, because you had to work as a team to try to balance the plank of wood with all of us on it. It was very difficult, because one shift and it would be unbalanced and fall to the ground. Mimi

Exploring the caves

low ropes - balance

Rock-pooling - who can find the biggest crab

Flamborough Head

How fast does the water flow



RHS Hampton Court Flower Show Back in January, Form 5 designed a wild life hotel, taking inspiration from our school building for the 75th Anniversary. We were accepted to show our piece at Hampton Court and on Monday 1st of July 2019, we were lucky to see it at the show on the press day. As we were walking around we visited many show gardens, saw lots of beautiful flowers and got to go in the floral marquee where there were even bonsai trees. We were also able to buy little cacti and plants. The show was not very busy as there were TV crews and celebrities around – our favourite, by far, was HRH The Duchess of Cambridge! What a great day! Anaya and Emma


We have been so busy growing potatoes, strawberries, runner beans and lettuces to eat in the dining hall. We created a wildlife plot, where we have enjoyed watching bees searching for nectar. In the lab we have learnt so much and completed so many experiments and practical activities, including, making circuits, making ice cream, looking after flower babies, keeping tadpoles and growing mould. We also enjoyed science based outings It has been an extremely fun year! Eleanor, Dahlia, Safia, Estelle and Megan - Science and Eco monitors

Gardening - Form 4

Testing for starch - Form 5

Which metal is the best conductor - Form 5

Recreating the human skeleton - Form 3


The Wonders of Science

Exploring electricity - Form 6

Making a rain cloud - Form 4



Music Music is an integral part of the girls’ lives at Stormont. They all enjoy taking part in their two 40 minute lessons a week and the weekly singing assembly. In addition they have the opportunity to have individual music tuition as well as be part of concerts and a range of different clubs such as Orchestra, Choir, String Ensemble, Rock Band and Ukelele Club. They have also played in assemblies, Prize Giving and at the annual Art Exhibition.




Steel Pans - Form 2 lesson


Glockenspiel - Form 2 lesson






Exam Results

The girls are given many opportunities to perform. This year they have taken part in:

The girls have worked very hard preparing for music exams throughout the year. Here are some of their achievements:

Lochinver House Sing Out Day,

Piano Prep Test Piano: Kayikunmi, Form 2 Maya, Form 2

The Harvest Festival The Carol Service Entertaining the residents of Cooperscroft care home Solo concerts in the music studio The Spring Concert Concerts in assemblies The Lower School concert And they recorded a school CD thanks to the Stormont Parents Association Spring Concert

Grade 1: Ameera, Form 3 Amy, Form 4 Anaya, Form 5 Reya, Form 5 Grade 2: Alice, Form 4 Rose-Ellen, Form 5 Karina Form 6

Grade 4: Diyara, Form 5 Zoe, Form 5 Grade 5: Zara, Form 6 Singing Prep Test: Emily, Form 4 Grade 1: Zia, Form 2 (Distinction) Isabelle, Form 5 (Merit) Mimi, Form 5 Hannah, Form 6 Megan, S Form 6 Grade 3: Grace, Form 6 Grade 4: Marissa, Form 6 Megan, Form 2 Grade 1 Violin (Merit) Abi, Form 6 Grade 1 Drumming (Distinction) Charlotte, Form 6 Grade 2 Oboe Nicole, Form 5 Grade 1 Drumming (Distinction) Grade 3 Piano Grade 3 Oboe (Merit) Shasmeen Form 5 Grade 1 Singing (Distinction) Grade 4 Piano (Merit) Tara, Form 5 Prep Test Flute Grade 2 Piano

Sing Out Day

Lily Form6 Grade 2 Euphonium Grade 4 Singing (Merit) Melanie, Form 6 Grade 3 Violin Grade 5 Piano Aruba, Form 6 Grade 4 Piano (Merit) Grade 5 Music Theory



Music Groups We have a variety of different groups at Stormont. Here are a few of them:


Stormont Singers

String Ensemble

Ukelele Club



Sport As in previous years, all the girls in the Upper School have had the opportunity to represent the school in a team. This year in PE, the girls have taken part in ball skills, dance, gymnastics, netball, rounders, tennis, cricket, hockey, lacrosse, swimming, gymnastics, athletics and cross-country. We are extremely fortunate that the girls in Forms 5 and 6 have also had the opportunity to be taught by visiting staff from Queenswood who have enhanced their hockey and cricket skills.

Cross Country Cross country takes place on the school field with winners receiving a medal for their achievements in house competitions. Hockey This year, hockey lessons for Forms 5 and 6 have been enriched by the Head of Hockey and a member of the PE department from Queenswood School and a coach from Southgate Hockey Club. Swimming

House Competitions We have held House competitions in netball, rounders, athletics, cross-country, high jump and swimming. We are very proud that every pupil in Forms 3 to 6 has represented her house in these events. We always want to encourage every single pupil to achieve her best in sport. All of these opportunities help to turn out confident girls who know how to be a valuable member of a team a lesson for life. Gymnastics

At Stormont, Forms 2 and 3 swim weekly for the duration of the year at Queenswood’s pool. Forms 4, 5 and 6 swim for a term.

Rounders All of the girls in Forms 4 to 6 have enjoyed participating in rounders, which is played either on the courts or the school field.

Gymnastics is taught in PE lessons from Reception through to Form 6.

The SOGs Rounders is an annual match hosted by Form 6. Old Girls come back to see the school and the staff, play rounders and enjoy reliving their fondest memories of Stormont with old friends. This is always a very special occasion and it was lovely to see so many familiar faces. Congratulations to the SOGs who won the cup this year.

Netball Tennis Congratulations Charlotte and Ellen who played superbly well in the final, with Ellen eventually lifting the trophy.

Throughout the autumn and spring terms we played regular fixtures against a number of schools. We are proud to say that the girls are very successful. Every girl in Upper School takes part in matches or tournaments. We want all girls to be included and to feel valued. 62


After successfully introducing cricket to Form 6 last year, we extended this to Forms 4 to 6 in the summer term. Form 6 lessons have continued to be delivered by the Head of Cricket at Queenswood School with Mrs Portsmouth and Mrs Mursell teaching Forms 4 and 5.

This year we had another successful master class session in lacrosse. The lacrosse coach from Haileybury offered her expertise to girls in Forms 5 and 6, which was enjoyed by all who participated.



Cricket has been well received by the girls and they have enjoyed playing against other schools

Dance Dance is taught from Reception to Form 2. The girls enjoy using equipment and their imaginations to create their own routines, parachute routines and skipping dances.

Lacrosse is taught to girls in Forms 5 and 6.

Mr Eastwood’s lunchtime tennis coaching continues to be a popular club at Stormont. The girls enjoy Mr Eastwood’s sessions and have developed their skills as a result of their attendance at the club. Ball skills takes place before school on two mornings a week. This optional club is attended by almost every girl. During these sessions, the girls focus on their throwing and catching skills and enjoy occasional match play. They like being active outside first thing in the morning. Athletics During the summer months we take full advantage of our Field, where PE lessons and Sports Day take place. The girls enjoy the open space, running, jumping and throwing for athletics. Stormont hosted a meet against Lyonsdown where the girls did exceptionally well. Ski trip In April, Mrs Portsmouth organised a ski trip for girls in Forms 4 to 6. The girls enjoyed the ski school, evening activities and developed their skiing skills as well as their independence by being away from home.

Gym training sessions are for selected girls who have opportunities throughout the year to compete against other schools. For these competitions, the girls work hard to demonstrate agilities including handstand forward rolls, bridges, backward walkovers and 360 degree spins. For the vaults, they choose from squat on and straight jump off, squat through, straddle and handspring vaults. Recreational gym is open to all girls throughout the school who would like to develop their skills.

Clubs Run For Fun is a popular club organised by Mrs Portsmouth and Mrs Mursell on a Friday afternoon after school. It is an opportunity for girls to develop stamina, train for cross country and athletics competitions and have fun whilst being active. Lunch time netball sessions provide an opportunity for the girls to develop their position and tactics and prepare for matches.

Team work fun in recreational gymnastics



Sporting Achievements As a member of IAPS we have always been keen to enter as many of their tournaments and competitions as possible. The standard at these competitions increases each year and despite being a small school, we are proud to be competing and performing so well at these competitions. London Prep Schools’ Athletics On the 10th June, 7 athletes from Forms 5 & 6 travelled to Eton having qualified for The London Prep Schools’ Athletics. The girls participated in the 100m, 200m and 800m, javelin, shot putt, high jump and long jump events; Dahlia qualified for the Regional Final in Birmingham where she went on to become the National Prep Schools’ Champion in High Jump with an outstanding performance clearing 1.43m.

Dahlia, centre, National Prep Schools’ Champion in High Jump

Summer and Sophie

Gymnastics This year, Stormont entered the British Schools’ Tumbling Championships for the first time with a team of 15 girls taking part in the Eastern Region Championships.

The U9, U10 and U11 gymnastics teams took part in a variety of friendly, regional and National competitions throughout the year

Sports Scholarships Since 2013 an impressive 41 sports scholarships have been offered to Stormont girls for Senior Schools. This reflects the girls’ hard work, dedication and impressive standards in sport. 64

Congratulations to Abigail, who came 2nd and went on to represent the Eastern Region at the National Championships where she finished 9th.


Ull Potters Bar District Champions

Cross-Country In October, we hosted our 10th annual Invitation Cross-country Championships at Queenswood. Every pupil in Upper School was invited to participate. Thirty-nine girls took part in both the U9 and U11 races. The U11 A team won the U11 Championships. The U9 team finished 3rd.

National IAPS Skiing Championships

Skiing In March, we competed at the National IAPS Skiing Championships for the second year. Eight girls from Forms 2 to 6 travelled to Passo Tonale in Italy to compete in the U9 and U11 competitions. The girls all performed extremely well. We also competed in the London Schools Skiing Slalom for the 4th year running.

U11 A team squad National Netball Finalists

Netball The U11 A team squad won the regional round of the IAPS Netball at Felsted, winning all of their nine matches. At the National Final, at Epsom College, they played 8 matches eventually being knocked out in the quarter finals.



Sports Day Sports Day is always a major event in the Summer Term Calendar. Every girl competes against her peers in every event, and points are awarded for individuals and Houses.


The Vitrix Ludorum medals are awarded to the girls who each scored the highest number of individual points in their groups. Medals were awarded to: Reception: Orla, Emily and Sophie Form 1:


Form 2:

Kayikunmi, River and Sophia

Form 3:

Lucy and Reva

Form 4:

Marni and Amara

Form 5:

Hannah and Harriet

Form 6:

Charlotte and Eleanor



Leavers’ Memories Georgia The Ski trip was awesome. It was my first ever trip in a different country and I learnt something new! I was so proud when I became House Captain for St Patrick’s House. I’m most looking forward to all the sports facilities at secondary school and trying new sports. I really love netball. Of course chicken pie is my favourite school dinner. Megan I’d like to be a Marine Biologist or a video game designer, or work for Marvel comics when I’m older. Everyone knows me as an absolute Marvel addict! I’m most looking forward to the trips at secondary school. Skiing and swimming are my favourite hobbies and Science is my favourite subject.

Ellen, Megan, Tamaya, Georgia and Charlotte Ellen


My first memory of Stormont was when Aruba and I were colouring on our induction day and I asked her to be my friend. My favourite lesson is PE because I really enjoy all the different range of sports and my proudest moment was when we won the IAPS regionals as we worked really hard as a team! Chicken pie is the best school dinner because all the cooks made it really well! The thing that I will miss the most about Stormont is all my friends because we have spent so long together and I don’t want to leave them.

PE is my favourite subject and I’m best known for being sporty. I’m very proud to have been a Sports Captain. Unsurprisingly, I’d like to be a PE teacher when I’m older. I’ll miss my Stormont friends when I go to secondary school and chicken pie!

Ava Next year, I will really miss my friends who aren’t going to the same secondary school as me and the teachers who have taught me at Stormont. But, I’m looking forward to making lots of new friends at secondary school, working towards getting into the tennis squad and just enjoying school. My hobbies are gymnastics and tennis. My favourite subject is Science. In Form 4, I really enjoyed it when we made toothpaste and then advertised it on iPads. Isabella, Grace and Ava




My proudest moment at Stormont was becoming Sports Captain. My favourite pastime is netball. The best school trip was France, best school dinner chicken pie and best subject Science. I’ll really miss my friends from Stormont.

I’m best known for being dramatic, so obviously Drama is one of my favourite subjects. I also like Science, Music and Art. France in Form 6 was definitely the best school trip because of all the new experiences that we had. The things that I’ll miss the most about Stormont are my friends and my teachers.


Aruba, Isabel, Karina and Melanie Aruba My first memory from school is coming into Reception and seeing Tamaya and Karina playing and I joined them. My best school trip was Cranedale because I loved most of the activities, and the food was also delicious. I’m best known for talking a lot! I’m most looking forward to cookery lessons at secondary school because I love making and eating food! Also making new friends. The thing I’ll miss most about leaving Stormont is all the friends I’ve made. Isabel At Cranedale we did fun activities in the evenings and my favourite day was spent rock pooling on the beach. My two proudest moments were when I was awarded the Maths Trophy and when I competed in the IAPS swimming. At secondary school I’m most looking forward to Art & Design and DT because I want to be a designer when I’m older. Tae-Kwon-Do and Swimming are my favourite pastimes. Chicken pie, roast dinners and chocolate brownies are the best school dinners. Karina My favourite school trip was Cranedale because I liked all the activities that we did. When I am older I want to do something to do with music, right now I am not completely sure what I would like to be. Melanie My most favourite school trip was Kingswood in Form 4. It was so much fun to be doing team-building activities with my friends. My favourite school lunch was either chicken pie or cottage pie, they just taste amazing. I want to be a family lawyer just like my mum, she tells me every day that she loves her job, she loves helping other people out. I’ll miss all the teachers, the food and especially my friends, but I can’t wait to make new friends.

Safia, Dahlia, Estelle and Eleanor Eleanor Cranedale was my best school trip because it was so much fun, and the class grew closer to each other. My proudest moment is getting through to the national finals in IAPS netball and swimming. Science is my favourite subject because it is interesting and enjoyable. I love chicken pie for school dinner. Most of all, I will miss all of my friends who aren’t going to the same school as me. Dahlia I joined Stormont in Form 4 and I remember I was made to feel very welcome by new teachers and my new school class mates straight away. I have to say the chicken pie has always been my favourite school dinner! When I’m older I would like to study to become a vet, I have a love of animals and would like to continue with this as a career. Mrs Bradley made Science a very interesting subject, and I know that this will be very important for when I train to be a vet. My proudest moment was when I became the IAPS National Champion in High Jump in Birmingham in 2019, I felt very proud to achieve this for myself and the school.


LEAVERS’ MEMORIES Zara, Hannah, Lily and Ella Hannah


I’m really looking forward to starting a new school and making new friends, but I’ll also really miss my Stormont friends. Cranedale in Form 5 was my best school trip and I really enjoy Science. In the future I’d like to be a lawyer.

My best school trip was going to Cranedale. I’ll really miss my friends from Stormont. My proudest moment is getting a sports scholarship at Haileybury. My favourite subject is PE and netball is my favourite hobby too.



Going to Eton for athletics and going to the IAPS netball finals were my two proudest moments at Stormont. I really enjoy playing sports. My favourites are tennis, rounders, swimming, netball and hockey. France was the best trip because we got to go to lots of places, including the cathedral in Amiens and the supermarket. I loved being able to practise my French. I would like to be a vet when I’m older, because I love animals. I would love to help them when they are in need. When I leave, I will really miss the family atmosphere and not seeing my friends on a daily basis.

I will miss the family atmosphere of Stormont and all the teachers who have taken so much care of us – and of course all my friends! I loved Cranedale and the French trip – it’s too hard to choose between them! Cranedale because I loved being outdoors and France because we travelled abroad and learnt so many new things. I loved the Geography coastal erosion project that I made out of chocolate cake. The best part was when the whole class eroded it!! My favourite school dinner is Chicken pie! At the moment, I think I’d like to be a primary school teacher when I’m older.

Maryam Cranedale in Form 5 was the best school trip. My favourite subject is Computing and favourite hobby is coding. I want to be a software developer when I’m older. I’m looking forward to making lots of new friends at my secondary school.



My main hobbies are dance and drama and my best three skills are being artistic, theatrical and good at dancing. My favourite subject is PE and favourite school dinner is delicious chicken pie. I’ll miss seeing my Stormont friends every day.




Zoe, Serena and Abigail Zoe



What I will miss the most about Stormont are all of my teachers and my friends. All the clubs I attend especially Debating with Mrs Martin and all the friendly smiles on the verandah. My favourite subject is Music as Miss Riley always makes all the lessons fun. I absolutely love playing the piano and the violin. My best school trip was Cranedale as we spent lots of time outdoors walking around the North Yorkshire Moors. I really enjoyed crabbing and walking to the top of the moor with all of my friends. I’m best known for loving cats and having a contagious laugh. My favourite school dinner is obviously chicken pie followed by chocolate brownies.

When I am older I want to have a job to do with computing. I’m best known for being small, liking cheese and for being good at gymnastics and cross country. My favourite subject is Computing because my dad is into it and so is my mum. They got me into doing it, and when I first tried it I fell in love with it. Also, all the time my dad was doing such cool things and I was intrigued. My hobbies are gymnastics, coding and drums. I will miss my friends and I hope we will always keep in touch.

My proudest moment is when I won the ISBA U11 gym championship. I want to be a gymnastics coach and a PE teacher in the future. I’m best known for always being upside down when we are out on the field. My favourite subject is Geography and my favourite school dinner is chicken pie.



Charity Last year we raised money for The British Heart Foundation, our nominated charity for 2017-18. Janet Woodall came to talk to the girls and thank them in the Autumn Term and the House Captains presented her with a huge cheque for £7,242. This year saw the House Captains make presentations on three different charities and the whole school voting. They did a fantastic job explaining and campaigning for their chosen charities and the votes were very close. The RSPCA came out on top and we have been supporting our local branch this year. We have also been supporting the Hart and Parker Trust. In support of both charities the girls took part in an animal themed sponsored obstacle dash, the House sales, French breakfast, non-uniform day and

the Summer Rug Sale. There were also generous contributions at the Lower School Nativity, the Carol Service, SPA coffee mornings and the popular Stormont Bake Off sale at Sports Day. The Stormont v. Lochinver House Golf Tournament was also played in aid of this year’s charities. The Stormont community have also been busy raising money for lots of other charities this year. WaterAid, Royal British Legion’s Poppy Appeal, Macmillan Cancer Support and Leonard Cheshire (via Harvest) have all benefited from their good work. Congratulations to everyone for all your hard work, generosity and kindness. As we go to press, the total amount raised and shared between our two charities this year stands at £4,185.

Presentation to the British Heart Foundation

Macmillan Cancer Support Coffee Morning

Summer Rug Sale and Muck Up Day

Janet Woodall visits from the RSPCA


Sponsored Dash for Cash

SPA has had a very successful year this year. It has been the school’s 75th anniversary and we have been working alongside the school to make this year memorable for staff and students alike. We kicked off the year back in September 2018 with The Macmillan Coffee Morning in September. Form 5 girls (and their parents) very kindly baked lots of cakes, biscuits and sweet treats for the rest of the school to purchase. Lots of parents popped in after drop-off to have a cake and a coffee. The next event SPA helped with was the coordination of the Harvest Festival Boxes and the New Parents Lunch, in October. All the girls brought in generous and beautifully decorated boxes, thank you girls. Thank you to all the parents who helped to decorate the stage. Before the assembly, the parents of the new Reception class had a lunch provided by SPA. This was a nice opportunity for parents to get to know each other. The biggest event of the year was Yuletide. The girls loved the bouncy castle and mini bumper cars. They made lots of decorations in the Arts and Crafts stall, won plenty of chocolate in the Chocolate Tombola and even managed to do some Christmas present shopping at the Presents for Parents stall. This was all before getting their nails painted, hair adorned with tinsel and arms festooned with glitter tattoos!!! And when the girls finally wore themselves out, there was a yummy BBQ and cake stall at hand for a hot burger and sweet treat.

In February we had the Valentines Disco. The girls danced the afternoon away in the school hall, snacking on popcorn and squash. Soon after followed the Easter Bonnet competition for Lower School. We gave out Easter Eggs to all pupils in both Lower and Upper School, wishing them a Happy Easter. The end of June saw a fabulous party to celebrate Stormont’s 75th Birthday. Thank you to all the girls for their imaginative creations for our annual Bake Off and congratulations to the winners. This year, SPA has made several purchases on behalf of the school. These are;


Stormont Parents’ Association

• The new Home Corner in Lower School. • Contribution to the Form 4 Arts Heritage Project with Darcy Turner. • The CDs which were made by a recording company of all of the students in the school singing for the 75th anniversary. • New reading scheme books for Forms 2, 3 and 4. • New furniture for the book corner in the Link. As always, SPA could not function without the help of parents, office staff, catering staff, groundsmen and teachers. A huge thank you to everyone who has helped SPA to make this year a success.

Stormont Bake Off Cake Sale



Prize Giving EFFORT

ACHIEVEMENT Ayesha Natasha Emma Maryam Melanie

Form 3 Form 4 Form 5 6E 6W

Lily Beatrice Sophia Zoe Karina

Form 3 Form 4 Form 5 6E 6W



Alexander Reading Prize Ava Form 2 The Elson Cup Reva Form 3 The Hawkey Cup Ruby Form 4 English Prize Form 5 Hannah Dyson Trophy Eleanor Form 6 English Prize Safia Form 6


The Alexander Mathematics Prize for sustained effort Lucy Form 3 The Hawkey Cup Amy Form 4

Kelmanson Cup Melanie Form 6 Form 6

Form 3

Pearce Cup for consistent effort Alice Form 4

Barnett Cup Hannah

Form 6

Science Prize Ella

Form 6

The Bathia Computing Cup Serena & Megan Form 6 Computing Prize Tamaya



Form 6

French Prize


Form 6

Maunder Taylor Cup for History


Form 6

Horlock Cup for History


Form 6

Hall Cup for Geography


Form 6

Geography Prize


Form 6

Blumsom RE Cup


Form 6

RE Prize


Form 6

De Bacq Rose Music Cup


Form 5

Slavin String Cup


Form 4

Marcus Woodwind Cup


Form 5

Payton Cup for Brass


Form 6

Holditch Cup for Commitment


Form 6

Hopkins Cup for Singing


Form 4

Percussion Prize


Form 6

Antscherl Cup for Music (overall)


Form 6



Science Trophy Thea

Pearce Cup for enthusiasm Zoe Form 5

The Lewis Cup Diyara Form 5

Hearn Cup Maryam


Form 6


ARTS Junior Craft Trophy Amara

Form 4

Junior Pottery Prize Leah

Form 4

The Vooght Junior Art Cup Dixie

Form 4

Grant Cup for Senior Design & Technology Isabel

Form 6

DT Prize Megan

Form 6

Senior Pottery Cup Ava

Form 6

Senior Pottery Prize Serena

Form 6

Simpson Art Cup for the most Improved Artist Tamaya

Form 6

Ronchetti Art Trophy Aruba

Form 6

Thompson Drama Cup Grace

Form 6

Booth Cup (for Best Supporting Actress) Tamaya

Form 6

Kathy Lucas Arts Prize (for all Arts) Abigail

Form 6

Chris Kelly – special guest and President of the English Rugby Football Union

SPORT Almond Sportswoman of the Year


Form 4

The Liveras Cup for Effort in Sport


Form 6

Taylor Cup


Form 6

Collings Netball Cup


Form 6

Rudge Gymnastics Shield


Form 6

Bergkamp Athletics Cup


Form 6

Lester Cup for Style (Swimming)


Form 6

McLean Shield for Speed (Swimming)


Form 6

Pottinger Tennis Cup- Runner Up


Form 6

Pottinger Tennis Cup- Winner


Form 6

Anderson Annual Sports Trophy (Team)

U11 Netball Team

(Charlotte, Isabella, Ella, Dahlia, Hannah, Ellen, Eleanor, Zara, Willow, Hannah)

The Pyne Trophy for Effort


Form 5

The Lazenbury Shield for Effort

Marissa & Isabella

Form 6

Colyer-Worsell Shield for Swimming Excellence


Form 6

The Hurley Shield for Beginners in Swimming


Form 2

Lawrence Cup for Determination and Perseverance in Sport


Form 6

The Penstone- Smith Junior Netball Cup


Form 4

Balwin Netball Cup

Hannah & Willow

Form 5

The Hurley Junior Gymnastics Cup


Form 5

Ellingham Athletics Cup


Form 5

Junior Tennis Cup


Form 5



Teggin Cup for Effort

Zeinab Form 4

Cooper Progress Cup Emily Form 3 ESB - Entry 1, Form 3 Distinction Ayesha, Lucy, Nina, Isobel, Charlotte, Shanti, Chloe, Olivia E, Lily F, Caitlin, Esha, Verity, Thea, Lily K, Saba, Sofia, Ellie, Ameera, Reva Merit Emily, Helena, Maria, Olivia, Annabelle ESB - Entry 3, Form 5 Nicole, Mimi, Sienna, Anaya, Isabelle, Emma, Alice, Willow, Hannah, Bella, Shasmeen



Form 3


Form 4


Form 5





Freeman Dark Cup for Team Spirit


Form 6

Good Citizenship Shield


Form 4

Moody Cup for Good Sportsmanship


Form 6

Murray-Panayiotou Cup for Consideration Abigail

Form 6

Newland Cup for Service to the School


Form 6

The Penstone-Smith Junior Netball Cup


Marni Cinnamond

Balwin Netball Cup


Hannah Clifton & Willow Dench

The Hurley Junior Gymnastics Cup


Emmelia Papastylianou

Ellingham Athletics Cup


Emma Gudgeon

Junior Tennis Cup


Isabella Artemi

Form Photos

Form 6




Form 5

Form 4

Form 3



Form Photos

Form 2

Form 1



Marilyn Kirk

Ryan Cronin

After a committed and impressive 29 years of service at Stormont School, Marilyn made the difficult decision to retire this summer in order to have more time being with her family and to realise some long held travel ambitions. She started her time at Stormont helping individual children with specific needs and then moved to working in Reception as a Nursery Nurse. She is a legend, offering a welcoming smile for so many girls on their first days at school. Her care and comfort to those injured or ill will be remembered by so many. Marilyn has accompanied many residential trips over the years, encouraging and supporting hundreds of girls. She particularly enjoyed the trip to Cranedale in Yorkshire as she loved being outdoors and seeing the girls in a different environment. We have seen her as countless characters on World Book days, particularly memorable was when she was an oompa-loompa from Charlie and the Chocolate factory! We thank her for her commitment and dedication to the school and will greatly miss her but hope she enjoys retirement.

We said farewell to Ryan after 4 years of service to Stormont school. He has been a fantastic Form 6 Tutor and quiet but diligent Maths Coodinator. In his time with us his organised approach has seen the Maths department develop and children’s confidence rise. Ryan not only left Stormont but also left his home and the country to take up a position as a teacher of Computing at the Cayman Prep High School in the Cayman Islands.

Jo Reeve

Jo joined us over 2 years ago in January working alongside the rest of the admin team. She specialised in HR and recruitment matters but also turned her hand willingly to the many different tasks asked of her during her tenure. Jo has moved on to a new a HR role and takes our best wishes with her.

Harriet Riley

Nicola Hayes


Staff Leavers

Nicola leaves us after 19 years of tremendous service to the school. Nicola embraced her duties in the office but also her duties around the school, getting to know girls and parents alike. Hundreds of families will have known her and spoken to her regularly as well as benefitted from her thoroughness and efficiency as the bursar’s assistant. Organising trips, budgets, front of house at many events, and attending trips name but a few of the many tasks she undertook. We will miss her greatly and wish her well in her new venture.

Harriet has turned the Music department into a vibrant fun place to be in the 2 years she has been with us, by introducing Disney Choir, Ukulele club and many other exciting opportunities for the girls. Harriet has also taught Drama and this culminated in a stunning Form 6 drama production involving the girls in the script writing, choreography and direction of the piece. She moves to Norfolk in order to be closer to her family and returns to teaching secondary school children.

Val Haywood

Michael Kendrick

Charys Green

Michael taught guitar for 19 years and over that time many girls flourished under his guidance.

Charys taught Clarinet for 12 years and her high standards, together with her love of performance, enriched her teaching and the experience for the girls.

Joining the school 9 years ago as Assistant Cook, Val later took over as Catering Manager, when she was a cheerful face to the girls as they came to choose their lunch. Val knew all of their names and encouraged many to try something new. She introduced some new favourites to the menu whilst holding fast to the famous chicken pie. We thank Claire Timberlake for stepping in for the last 6 months.







The Causeway, Potters Bar, Hertfordshire. EN6 5HA 01707 654037 •

Articles inside

Staff Leavers

pages 81-84


page 74


pages 64-65

Sports Day

pages 68-69

Stormont Parents’ Association

page 75

Leavers’ Memories

pages 70-73

Sporting Achievements

pages 66-67

RHS Hampton Court Flower Show

page 58

Exploding a Moment – Form 6 English

page 45

Treasure Hunt - Art & Design

pages 48-49

School Wars – Form 6

pages 46-47

Book W eek: Stormont’s Colourful Day

pages 42-43

Computing and Coding

page 39

Maths and Computing – Upper School

pages 36-38

Art Partnership

pages 32-33

Kingswood Activity Camp – Form 4

pages 30-31

Robbo Robot the Musical – Form 1

pages 14-15

Barnet Enviroment Centre – Reception

pages 8-9

Christmas at Stormont

pages 22-23

Habitats and the Frozen Poles – Form 2

pages 20-21

The Butterfly Lion – Form 4

pages 28-29

Y ours, from Cinderella – Form 1

pages 12-13

Celebrating Ramadan – Form 3

pages 24-25

From the Head

page 3
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