Edge Grove Magazine - Life at the Edge, A Review of 2018/19

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Life at The Edge | 2018-2019 in review

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Dear Parents Another year has flown by and it is again a great pleasure to write the introduction for Life at the Edge 2018-2019. Whilst we have a new design for our magazine, which we hope you like as much as we do, some things don’t change and once again the pages are bursting with reminders of what busy and purposeful lives your children lead at Edge Grove and the myriad opportunities which are available, both inside and outside the classroom. As we wrap up another busy year at Edge Grove, we have been asking ourselves: what is the purpose of any school if it is not to have, at its very heart, children who are growing up and learning, children with aspiration? For the children who come to our school, this is their moment and every day is far too important and special to be wasted. One cursory glance through this magazine certainly demonstrates this perfectly. Every opportunity is seized and every lesson is exceptional. The classroom, whether inside or out, is a safe and stimulating environment, somewhere where children feel comfortable and at home but at the same time, excited and enthused by what they see. For this to happen we have teachers who are inspirational and committed and for whom their subject is their passion. Teachers who can support and challenge, encourage and motivate, and develop in our children a lifelong love of learning together with academic curiosity and engagement. Equally as important is the response of the learners and their personal outcomes. We want the learning journey for every pupil to be clearly understood and evidenced by the progress made. For this to happen, expert questioning probes understanding and teases out misconceptions, challenging and imaginative tasks engage pupils and support the learning process, and opportunities for individual and group working develop leadership and collaborative skills. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone involved for allowing every day at Edge Grove to be such an exciting and fulfilling one for our pupils. Our teaching and nonteaching staff for their professionalism and dedication and for being genuinely willing to go the extra mile to ensure a rounded and balanced education. To our community of parents for their continued support and encouragement in everything we do and finally to the Governors who work so hard to ensure Edge Grove is positioned at the forefront of prep school education in the country. We are ambitious for our pupils. I want each and every one of them to achieve their full potential in an environment where permission is automatically granted, to think the unthinkable and to do the undoable. There should be, and there are, no limits to what can be achieved. I hope you enjoy your copy of Life at the Edge and it brings back many happy memories of another brilliant school year. Best wishes

Ben Evans

A year in review

Autumn term Year 7 & 8 Team Building & Bushcraft Trip Netball Tour to Barbados Early Years Christmas Concert

7 15 29

Spring term Cricket & Music Tour to Sri Lanka Middle School Production Rock Bottom Ski Trip to La Thuile

46-47 57 61

Summer term ‘Bring the House Downe’ Choir Competition Friends of Edge Grove Camping Weekend Expedition Week

65 67 82-87

School news Sport Review Artwork Charities Friends of Edge Grove Recycling & Environment Life After The Edge

Front cover artwork by Nicole Zhang Back cover artwork by Alex Milner

97 98-99 100-101 102-103 104-105 106-109

September 2018



Year 7 & 8 Team Building & Bushcraft Residential Trip to Hatfield Woods

Both year 7 and 8 enjoyed team-building Bushcraft activities in Hatfield Woods as part of the outdoor learning strand of the Edge Grove Baccalaureate. For year 7 it was even more of an adventure with the addition of a night’s camping in the beautiful woodland. On arrival, the ‘tribes’ (aka their new Edge Grove form groups) were challenged to work in a team to construct and light their own fire. It didn’t stop there; next steps were to prepare, cook and eat lunch (as well as wash up afterwards of course). The tribes enjoyed further activities including shelter building, campfire songs, trap making (to catch teachers…), games of ‘predator’ and knife handling/tool cutting. Some were also offered the opportunity to learn about animal butchery. We were very impressed with the year 7 pupils who were brave enough to camp overnight in the shelters they had built: not an easy experience given the non-stop rain on Tuesday night!

Mrs Warren, Head of Upper School


We were very impressed with the year 7 pupils who were brave enough to camp overnight in the shelters they had built: not an easy experience given the non-stop rain!

Year 4 Trip to Paradise Wildlife Park

The year 4 trip to Paradise Wildlife Park was packed full with information and close up views of some of the most fascinating species on the planet. What a great introduction to the science topic on animal habitats and the food chain!

Boarding Activity Evening Laser Tag

40 very excited pupils, including 16 year 3 pupils who were boarding for the first time, joined us for a fun-filled evening of Laser Tag on the front lawn. Six intense games of Laser Tag followed by supper and ice cream meant everyone was very ready for bed that night! 8

Our U11 girls’ hockey team had a fantastic masterclass with Haileybury’s new Director of Hockey, Rob Schilling at the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. They were joined by pupils from Chesham Prep, Heath Mount, Kingshott and Beechwood Park for a coaching session followed by some match play. It was a brilliant experience in a truly inspirational setting.

House Captains Year 8 House Captains were elected and immediately got to work on their House Notice Boards under the arches. They also met together and discussed how they could best raise the spirit of their House and promote them. Well done House Captains!



U11 Hockey Masterclass at the Olympic Park

Macmillan Coffee Morning

Parents joined us for our annual Coffee Morning in support of Macmillan Cancer Support. We raised over £600 and ate some delicious home-baked cakes. Thank you for your support!

Open Day

Tatler Schools Guide Review

Saturday 21st March 2020 Entry – all years

“Bye bye polluted London, hello 48 acres of beautiful Hertfordshire countryside.” admissions@malverncollege.org.uk www.malverncollege.org.uk 10

The Daily Mile September September

Year 4 Farm To Fork Tesco Trip

Year 2 Drama Workshop

Year 4 learnt about food production, processing, distribution and consumption in their Farm to Fork trip with Tesco. They also learnt how the ‘farm to fork’ process can be managed to enhance our environment, economy and nutritional health. 11

Year 8 Trip to Cadbury World Year 8 enjoyed a brilliant day at Cadbury World in Birmingham. The day started with a fascinating look at the history of the cocoa bean. Pupils then went on a tour of the building and tried their hand at some chocolate-based decorative handwriting! Then followed a fascinating workshop delivered by the education team. This enabled the children to take an in depth look at the marketing and branding of chocolate, how raw goods are grown and imported as well as global trends.

Year 5 Trip to Hampton Court Year 5 had a fantastic time at Hampton Court. They particularly enjoyed the Great Hall where Henry VIII held his extravagant banquets and the kitchens where all the food was prepared. Fortunately, we did not see any ghosts which Hampton Court is also famous for!


‘The spires of Oxford and the 100 acres of green loveliness make St Edward’s a winning co-ed boarding ticket.’ TATLER SCHOOLS GUIDE


October 2018


Girls from years 5 to 8 took part in a netball tour and trip of a lifetime to Barbados and returned home undefeated! Staying in the stunning resort of St Lawrence Gap, the ten girls each played a total of four different netball games throughout the tour, against local schools and clubs including St Ambrose Primary, Hillaby Primary, A Dacosta and Clapham Blitz Club. Having spent some well-earned relaxation by the pool and free time at the beach in between training hard on a daily basis, the pupils also enjoyed the opportunity to sightsee and explore the local area with a fascinating trip to Harrison Caves. During their stay, the girls also went on a catamaran tour and swam with turtles!



Netball Tour to Barbados

Year 3 Trip to Chiltern Open Air Museum

Year 3 had a fantastic trip to Chiltern Open Air Museum as part of their Stone Age to Iron Age topic. Children travelled back 12,000 years and immersed themselves in the outdoor environment, learning all about how Stone Age and Iron Age families survived. They were given the chance to grind wheat and make fresh bread on a fire, whisk cream until it turned into butter and butter milk and they even made their own charcoal paint.

Breaking Ground

With the area cordoned off and the diggers on site, work could commence on the new Lower School building this week and some year 3 and 4 pupils were there to celebrate this exciting occasion.


Work starts on the new Lower School building...

Harvest Festival


Year 7 Poetry Recital

We had a fantastic poetry recital competition with all pupils performing brilliantly. We were very impressed with the way they confidently took to the stage and recited a whole range of poems with passion and poise. Edge Grove families are renowned for being incredibly generous at Harvest Festival and this is always a vital time for many charities. Once again this year we supported the Watford and Three Rivers Refugee Partnership (WTRRP) and the Watford Food Bank. The WTRRP supports genuine asylum seekers who have entered this country seeking refuge. Thank you for your kind donations for their food bank.

Inter House Conker Competition

Year 1 Workshop History off the Page

Year 1 pupils enjoyed a very interesting learning experience thanks to ‘History off the Page’. They began by entering a dark and dim hall, lit only by lamplight as they sat around the fire in the dungeon of the fairy-tale castle. As the day progressed they were set to work stitching leather pockets, making candles, mixing a perfumed tonic and weaving rope amongst other tasks that would have been familiar in a medieval castle; each step of the way was explained and put into historical context. The day ended with a banquet, where guests and the King were entertained by jesters!


Thursday 18th October saw the Inter House conker competition. Each house played two matches, with children playing friends in their year group. The year 8 leaders stepped up magnificently to take control of the event and judge each match. Well done to Gills for being this year’s Conker Champions!

Year 6 Art & Science Trip to Kew Gardens By Libby Graham Today year 6 visited Kew Gardens. Once we arrived, we were split into seven groups. First we walked around the woods and noticed little plaques on each tree, it said what kind it was and where it was from. Soon after we spotted a tree-top walkway right above our heads. When we had climbed the stairs we had an amazing view of the woods. While we were walking around we saw lots of wooden structures including where we ate our lunch on giant tables and chairs. After lunch we wandered a bit more and we went to our science workshop where we learned all about parts of a flower. We split into groups and did interesting activities where we learned lots of facts about trees and pollination. Some of those facts included that bees sometimes purposely collect pollen in little pollen baskets on their legs. This is to feed their young and give them protein to grow. We learnt that vanilla in Madagascar is more expensive than silver because it has to be pollinated by humans. All of our group decided to have a go with paintbrushes, pollinating from one of the flowers anthers and then another’s stigma. We felt that after a little pollinating we had done our job very well! Shortly after we went into various greenhouses and drew many different flowers. I really enjoyed the trip and feel I have learned a lot more.

U11 District Table Tennis

Congratulations to all the Edge Grove boys and girls who competed in the U11 District table tennis tournament at Edge Grove. The girls’ competition comprised of five schools playing in a Round Robin format. Edge Grove won all their matches to win the district competition and progress through to the County Championships in December. The boys’ competition had nine teams split into three pools. After the pool stages the Edge Grove A team beat Radlett Prep in the first semi-final and Edge Grove B beat Cowley Hill in the second semi-final. The final was fiercely contested by the two Edge Grove teams before Daniel M won his match to leave the B team winning the District competition 3 to 1. Well done to everyone involved!


Year 6 Trip to Paris October

By Ms Taylor

The first ever Edge Grove year 6 trip to Paris set off from school at half past midnight on Thursday morning. Pupils and teachers came prepared with pillows and blankets and we all managed a nap on the coach as we sped towards Dover. Refreshed after a short nap, everyone was in fine spirits as we boarded the ferry and enjoyed a very early breakfast on board a virtually empty boat. After a smooth crossing to Calais we all settled down again for another nap which ensured that by the time we arrived in Paris in glorious sunshine everyone was rested and ready to climb the Eiffel Tower. We climbed to the second floor and then took the lift to the top to enjoy stunning views of Paris in the glorious autumn sunshine. We arrived at Château de La Grande Romaine in the late afternoon and had time for a game of football with pupils from the International School of Brussels who were also staying at the Château before supper. After supper the PGL monitors organised a ‘mini Olympics’ - the most memorable relay race being to strut like a chicken before laying an enormous egg!

On our final day in Paris we got up early to pack up and then enjoyed a final breakfast of croissants and pains au chocolat before heading in to Paris for a trip down the River Seine. We all enjoyed sitting out on deck in the sunshine seeing the sights of Paris before returning to our coach and heading back home.


The word of the day had to be ‘montagne russe’ which is the French for roller coaster!

On Friday we were all awake in good time ready for our day at Disneyland Paris. Again, the weather was glorious and we all thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. At Disneyland pupils were able to put their French into practice - the word of the day had to be ‘montagne russe’ which is the French for roller coaster. The day at Disneyland Paris made for a particularly memorable birthday for one member of the group and after a delicious supper at the chateau - which included snails for those who wanted - the chef came out with a magnificent birthday cake to round off the celebrations.

November 2018


Our week of Remembrance culminated with the laying of a wreath by our pupil leadership team on behalf of the Edge Grove community at the Service held on Letchmore Heath village green. Our two school services involved the whole school, either in music, the reading of poems and prayers or in the display of Remembrance inspired work including poems, paintings and creative writing. Not forgetting the 500 ceramic poppies, each one unique and a work of art.



Remembrance Day Service & Art Installation

Photo: Tim Cross

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Year 3 Rocks & Fossils Workshop

Year 3 were treated to an excellent workshop on Rocks and Fossils. They learnt so much and they even got to hold a fossilised dinosaur egg with bones of a baby dinosaur inside!

Pre-School & Pre Prep Fire Engine Visit Reception and Pre-School pupils welcomed firefighters from Red Watch and their fire engine to the school grounds. Having the opportunity to clamber around the fire engine and ask lots of questions provided a wonderful learning experience for the children.

Children in Need

The school was a sea of yellow on Friday as we supported Children in Need with a ‘yellow and spotty’ dress code and a cake sale. Thank you to everyone who produced cakes and thank you for buying them! 23

Boarders' Halloween Evening The boarders had a fun evening celebrating Halloween on Thursday. Wearing a range of spooctacular fancy dress, they enjoyed some Trick or Treating with a few scares along the way!



13+ Assessments for September 2020 entry Friday 31st January 2020 For more information or to register please contact the Admissions Registrar at admissions@stcolumbascollege.org or call 01727 892040 King Harry Lane St Albans Hertfordshire AL3 4AW T: (Senior) 01727 855185 E: admissions@stcolumbascollege.org www.stcolumbascollege.org @StColumbasHerts @StColumbasHerts


Gills Hedgerows






Inter House Football


The year 5 to 8 boys had an excellent Inter House football competition on Friday afternoon. The games were all very tight and the boys played with great determination and enthusiasm. The senior competition was won by Gills, the Colts competition on the Paddock was won by Hedgerows and the Colts competition on the Pig Sty was the closest of them all with Hedgerows and Sarnesfield finishing tied for first place. Churchills

Well played everyone! 25



Tree Planting Ceremony We were very sad to see the loss of our 200-year-old, historic cedar tree, which stood grandly in the front main drive. Determined to retain its significance as part of the school’s rich natural environment and heritage, parts of the tree have been recycled into rustic outdoor furniture and year 3 pupils also hosted a special tree planting ceremony attended by guests including Ken Staton, a former gardener at Edge Grove who spent over 50 years looking after the grounds.

Inter House Christmas Tree Competition Pupils took part in the Inter House Christmas competition and this year’s challenge was to decorate their Christmas trees in a sustainable way. Recycled and up-cycled decorations adorned the trees and they all looked stunning! Hedgerows







UK Parliament Week In our whole school assembly we were joined by Oliver Dowden, MP for Hertsmere to celebrate the culmination of UK Parliament Week. All week pupils had been exploring the centenary of women’s suffrage in the UK and what better way to end their work than by hearing about modern day Parliament from our MP. As ever, the pupils’ questions at the end were searching and insightful with just a hint of Brexit to keep Mr Dowden on his toes! Year 8 transported us back to the early 20th Century with a lively parliamentary debate discussing whether women should be given the vote. Both sides spoke with great persuasion and passion and fortunately the ayes had it in favour of women’s suffrage. Democracy in action and another example of how our pupils understand and embrace the fundamental British values.


December 2018



Pre-School & Reception Carol Service & Nativity

The Early Years Christmas Concert at St. John the Baptist Church in Aldenham Village was a fantastic occasion with all children taking part in singing carols and Christmas songs. We were tremendously proud of all of them and we enjoyed every minute of the performance. Well done all!

Lower School Panto The Pied Piper

All three shows of the Lower School pantomime were a sell out and everyone seemed to really enjoy this festive performance! The children were amazing, pulling together all the advice given in rehearsals to produce a wonderful show. Well done all!


I am Peace

I am not domestic hostility, occurring around every corner, I am the twitter of the birds, ringing out their merry bells. I am not riots of cold-hearted beings, I am the silence that music retreats to in times of greatest need. When the blind man listens to me, he hears the wind easing past the dandelions and the twitter of the robins, intoning their morning song. When the old man looks for me, he sees a park resplendent with trees and feels the wind portraying itself as a gentle breeze. Do not take me for granted. For I shall not stay for long. Savour every moment I am with you Before I shall be gone. I like it when I live in your house even when it’s empty so that I can welcome you home upon your return. I like it when nobody is in a chaotic mood and I can hear the ocean gently scampering up the silky sand and then cowering back down again. I am not a thing or an emotion Rather, I like to portray myself as a sense. One of hospitality and all calm. Almost like a chant; no, A morning psalm. For I am not brutal Yet not futile For I am a warm welcome at the end of a taxing day. I am love and collaboration entwined in an indestructible knot of harmony.

By Jimi Bakare, year 6

Senior Citizens Coffee & Carols


We take our Guiding Principles very seriously at Edge Grove and we were able to demonstrate our genuine commitment to ‘global and local responsibility’ when we invited over 30 senior citizens from Radlett to enjoy the festive sound of our combined choirs and some congregation singing too. This event, in association with Aldenham Parish Council, is always hugely appreciated by those who attend, not only for the fellowship at Christmas but also due to the amazing quality of our choirs.


Carol Service at Aldenham School Chapel

Boarders' Christmas Party


Mr McManus, Head of Boarding



A delicious roast dinner followed by a disco was the perfect way to celebrate with all our friends in Boarding.

Christmas Fair The Christmas Fair was a tremendously successful event and once again demonstrated what a fantastic community we have at Edge Grove. The Friends of Edge Grove committee worked so hard in preparation and on the day to ensure it was an event to remember and a brilliant way to kick-start the festive season.



Christmas Jumper Day It was lovely to see a festive array of knitwear (along with some home decorated jumpers too!) for our Christmas lunch on Christmas Jumper Day!


Football Teams

1st XI

2nd XI

3rd XI

4th XI

Colts A

Colts B

Colts C

Colts D

Colts E

Colts F

Colts G

Colts H

Colts I










Hockey Teams

Senior Girls

U11 A

U11 B

U11 C

U10 A

U10 B





U9 Miss Ella

U9 Miss Howley

County Champions

We celebrated sporting success with 15 County Champions across three sports – squash, archery and table tennis. In table tennis we had double success with both the U11 and U13 boys’ teams becoming County Champions in the same week!


January 2019



Scholarship Art Scholarship art pupils worked on a variety of projects in order to build up their portfolios. Year 7 and 8 pupils prepared pieces in response to music including these impressive oil on canvas artwork of birds.

Lower & Upper School Rush Hour Concert Well done to everyone who performed in the Rush Hour Concerts. We were treated to some fabulous performances from both Upper and Lower School pupils.


Friends of Edge Grove Table Tennis & Chess Table Donations The funds raised by you through the Friends of Edge Grove were put to good use, buying two table tennis tables and a chess table for Edge Grove Park. They have proved very popular with the children and have been gratefully received by pupils, parents and staff.

Boarding Activity Evening Mega Jump The Boarders had a great evening out at Mega Jump doing backflips, cartwheels and competing against each other at dodgeball. After a full hour of jumping around it was then time to jump back into the bus and refuel at McDonalds. We ended the night on a high with McFlurry’s for all and a good singalong in the bus on the way back to School!



Year 3 Egyptian Day

What a wonderful week – snow and Egyptian Day! Children very much enjoyed dressing up as Egyptians and were considerate of the weather! They learnt lots of facts and were an absolute credit to the school. Well done!


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Year 4 Trip to Tring Natural History Museum Year 4 visited Tring Natural History Museum where the focus was to view 3D models of birds and draw several sketches from different angles. The children then used their observations to make lifelike models in art back at school. Part of the visit had a science focus and each child attended a skeleton workshop which required them to use their knowledge of animals, plus an amount of curiosity, to work out which animal skeleton belonged to which animal. The hardest, and the one no one worked out, belonged to a hedgehog!


We all attended a skeleton workshop which required us to use our knowledge of animals, plus an amount of curiosity, to work out which skeleton belonged to which animal!



February 2019



Snow Days

There’s always lots of excitement when it snows at Edge Grove. This year it was also a chance to use our new snow plough to clear the roads and keep the school running as normal!


Edge Grove High Performance Academy In the Edge Grove High Performance Academy (HPA) pupils learnt about nutrition for sport and made their very own healthy energy bars. The HPA is aimed at pupils who excel in sport and play at a high level outside of school, educating and preparing them for Sports Scholarships. Sessions focus on developing pupils’ athletic ability further in order to help them progress in their sport and are run throughout the year on a Thursday evening. They cover topics such as body movement and controlling body positions, agility, speed, power, strength and nutrition.

French Verse Speaking Festival On Tuesday 12th February, eight pupils took part in the French Verse Speaking Festival at Berkhamsted Prep along with pupils from The Beacon, Chesham Prep and Heatherton. Each school entered a team of two pupils per year group, from year 3 to year 6 and the pupils were challenged to learn and recite a French poem by heart. Lily Rose and Andreas represented year 3 and performed a poem called ‘Bonhomme de Neige’ about a jolly snowman whilst Amber and Arthur represented year 4 learning and reciting a poem about a snail called (unsurprisingly!) ‘L’escargot’. The poem for year 5 was ‘J’aime le Carnaval’. Our year 5 participants had made masks in art, which were perfect props for their fantastic performance. Congratulations to Momoka for winning the gold medal and Steven S for winning the bronze. Finally year 6 were challenged to learn and recite a metaphorical poem called ‘Après la Pluie’ which compared the beauty of the rainbow following a storm to peace following conflict. Allegra performed very well, but congratulations go to Eve who beat off stiff competition to win the bronze.

Friends of Edge Grove Quiz Night The Friends of Edge Grove Quiz, written and presented by Mr Wooding, was another triumph. From the erudite quizmaster, to the delicious fish and chips and the professionally run bar, the whole evening was great fun, despite yet another year when the teachers were unable to raise the trophy!


February The girls had a fab Happy Hour Party at Lush making potions, being shown around the store and choosing a few items to take home at the end.

Boarding Activity Evening Happy Hour at Lush

Year 3 Mr G Magnets & Materials Workshop

Children were treated to a special visit from Mr G. A full day workshop exploring magnets and materials for year 3 and electricity for year 4. One particular highlight for year 4 was learning how to make a motor and battery out of everyday objects and were thrilled to learn how to make water bend!

Year 4 Mr G Electricity Workshop 45

Cricket & Music Tour to Sri Lanka

Our combined cricket and music tour to Sri Lanka was a resounding success with victories on the cricket pitch and once in a lifetime musical experiences, including being the first ever school children to perform at the prestigious Mount Lavinia Hotel in Sri Lanka. Performing at the Rainbow Centre, our partner charity that provides support to children living in extreme poverty in south western Sri Lanka, our young musicians ran a three hour session teaching musical elements and notation as well as helping new groups of local children to learn an original version of the traditional ‘I like the flowers’ song, that they had written using Sri Lankan geographical elements. As well as performing and working with the Sri Lankan pupils, the children were fortunate to experience a taste of Sri Lanka too, including traditional drumming, visiting the amazing Peniwala Elephant Orphanage, and being treated to a private Kandy Traditional Dance and Music show.



The cricket team won their first game in a decisive victory over a well-drilled Kandyan team and the music group provided much enthusiastic and talented entertainment to local children.


Friends of Edge Grove Chinese New Year Celebrations Our Friends of Edge Grove team hosted our inaugural Chinese New Year celebrations which kicked off with an enthralling traditional Lion Dance. There were also lots of other exciting activities taking place including a treasure hunt, craft tables, a presentation on the story of Chinese New Year and some delicious refreshments.



Year 2 Perform Workshop The Great Fire of London Year 2 recreated the Fire of London this week with the help of Magic Grandad. They had built Tudor houses with great attention to detail and then stood by as the fire slowly spread from house to house as it did in 1666.

The children spontaneously started singing ‘London’s Burning’ much to the amusement of the entire Estates team!

The children witness how quickly the fire spreads from house to house, just as it did in London in 1666.


March 2019


March Sometimes it’s the simple things that bring the most joy and this was certainly the case when year 2 visited Dunstable Downs.

Year 2 Trip to the Chiltern Hills National Trust Centre at Dunstable Downs


Together we flew kites, sketched and painted the wonderful views, spotted birds and watched gliders. We also rolled oranges down hills which is an Easter tradition unique to this area; the oranges replacing eggs which is perhaps a more common practice but just as much fun! The spring sunshine certainly helped as did the wonderful company of the children who were in their element. It was a testimony to the ethos of Edge Grove that they know how to be purposeful outdoors without constant intervention from an adult.

Inter House Pancake Races It was a beautiful day for our annual Pancake Race which brought much excitement (and noise!) to the school.

Inter House Cross Country

Inter House Touch Rugby

It was a real pleasure to see the boys taking part in the Inter House Touch Rugby competition as they all participated with energy and enthusiasm to do the best for their Houses.

Once the nerves and excitement calmed down, all the children took part in our annual Cross Country run with real enthusiasm. Nothing evokes team spirit quite as much as this event and it was wonderful to see. Well done all! 52

Saracens Rugby Coaching Session

After our busiest Open Day ever for prospective parents with over 90 booked for the morning, we held our first Charity Fun Run organised by Dr Evans. The sun made a welcome appearance and 140 children and parents had registered to run either the 800m, 1,500m or 2km distances.

Our year 3 to 6 girls and year 7 boys were treated to a world class training session with Saracens Rugby Club on Monday 25th and Tuesday 26th March. The coaching squad, including England Rugby players Sarah McKenna, Hannah Botterman and Poppy Cleall, put our young players through their paces with sessions on agility, tackling, passing and team work. Pupils thoroughly enjoyed themselves and were able to show off their skills. It was great to see so much enthusiasm and smiles all round!

The afternoon was organised partly to raise money for the various charities that our marathon runners were supporting and to bring families together for an enjoyable afternoon and some exercise in the fresh air. The atmosphere was fantastic; full of camaraderie, fun and just a little competitive spirit. The course was primarily around Edge Grove Park which proved the perfect venue and the first opportunity for many parents to see it close up. The ice cream van did a roaring trade and was a very well-deserved treat for all the runners.



Charity Fun Run

Year 7 Trip to Phasel's Wood Year 7 made the most of Monday’s beautiful sunshine with their trip to Phasel’s Wood Scout Camp, where they enjoyed a host of team building challenges. As part of the outdoor learning module of the Edge Grove Baccalaureate, this was another excellent opportunity for the children to employ their skills of leadership, creative thinking and collaboration. They also took part in abseiling which, for some of our pupils, was a challenging task requiring them to be confident and take a few risks outside of their comfort zone. Well done to everyone for participating and motivating and encouraging each other so positively!

Warhammer World Semi Finals Well done to Etienne, Aman, Syon and Felix who competed in the Semi Finals of the Warhammer World competition on Wednesday 27th March. The boys lost each game, but the points from winning only account for a third of the total amount. The first third comes from modelling and painting, whereas the final third comes from sportsmanship, team work and best game votes. We must have had quite a few points from both as our final position for the day was 10th! So out of the 17 schools that attended the day, and just over 90 people, our Edge Grove team did very well to come 10th. It was a good day overall, with lots of games, models, rulers and of course dice! Well done boys!

Visiting Author Joseph Coelho

Year 3 and 4 were treated to a visit from author Joseph Coelho to help inspire them with their poetry. The children thoroughly enjoyed his poetry, ideas and clever ways to remember words like onomatopoeia!


World Book Day March

It was wonderful to see such a beautiful array of outfits in celebration of World Book Day. From Peter Rabbit to the Gruffalo, we have never had such interesting guests at Edge Grove!

Year 1 Performance Year 1 delighted their audience with a performance of songs and poems centred around the theme of Spring. They had all worked so hard and deserved the applause and appreciation they received.


April 2019



Middle School Production Rock Bottom Take one stage, 128 year 5 and 6 pupils, three nights, three separate casts each with at least five lines per child, and a staff member dressed as a dinosaur and what do you have? Just another Edge Grove Middle School production! After a term of rehearsals the anticipated performances arrived and needless to say the show went down a treat! All of the children were excellent with their comic timing and the audience didn’t have a minute to stop laughing.

It was wonderful to see that despite the script being the same, each class interpreted it differently and therefore each night brought something different to the audience. Mrs Chenovitch, Head of Drama


Boarding Activity Evening Laser Tag We had a great time on Friday with well over 20 children taking part in our annual laser tag activity evening. The group was split into two teams and each team had to get as many points as possible by shooting the opposition with their laser. It was energetic and so much fun!

The Virgin Money London Marathon After months of training, it was time for Mr Eglinton, Miss Bonnick and Mr Evans to take to the streets of London for their final long run. The atmosphere from start to finish was incredible and the tireless support and the enthusiastic motivation from the thousands of supporters lining the route was something very special. As a result of your incredible generosity, they were also able to raise over ÂŁ10,000 for their chosen charities which is in itself a fantastic achievement! Mr Evans, Mr Eglinton and Miss Bonnick were raising money for...



Warrior Adrenaline Race The Warrior Adrenaline Race attracted over 200 pupils, parents and staff all showing fantastic team work, resilience and sheer determination over the 10km course of obstacles and mud. With such a large contingent, it further highlights what a great community we have at the school, albeit a slightly strange one who thinks that crawling through freezing muddy water is a fun thing to do!! Well done all.


An education that is about more than just her grades: it’s about the person she becomes.


(The Sunday Times Parent Power 2019)


Ski Trip to La Thuile April

This year we headed off by coach to La Thuile in the Italian Alps for our Easter ski trip. Excitement levels were high so, despite the long journey, everyone was keen to hit the slopes. We enjoyed a fantastic week of skiing with lessons in the day and fun activities in the evening. The lovely weather, good snow and enthusiastic skiers made for a very successful trip!

Taking Shape

The new Lower School building... Work on the new Lower School building is progressing with the iconic sloped roof now in place and outside walls going up. 61

Rugby Teams

4th Team

U13 A

U13 B

U12 A

U11 A

U11 B

U11 C

U11 D

U10 A

U10 B

U10 C

U10 D

U9 A

U9 B

U9 C

U9 D

U8 A

U8 B

U8 C

U8 D



Netball Teams


U11 A

U11 B

U11 C

U10 A

U10 B

U9 A

U9 B

U9 C

U8 A

U8 B

U8 C

New Walled Garden Astroturf Pitch The boys tried out the newly laid Astro Turf pitch in the Walled Garden this week and seemed thrilled with it! The new pitch provides us with a 7-a-side hockey pitch in winter and two tennis courts in summer plus space for general sporting activities.


May 2019



‘Bring the House Downe’ Choir Competition

Our Vox 15 choir took part in the finals of the Downe House ‘Bring the House Downe’ choir competition at Cadogan Hall in London. It was a busy day of performances with judging in the afternoon (in front of Bob Chilcott) and then a concert to a packed house in the evening. Whilst our choir did not win the competition, they performed outstandingly in every respect. Their performance brought the stage to life. From the moment they appeared, to when the last member left our sight, they entertained us with their enthusiasm, enjoyment and energy; smiles never leaving their faces. They finished to rapturous and very well-deserved applause!

Daily Mile Filming Our Pre Prep pupils were the stars of the show this week when they took part in a filming day with the Herts Sports Partnership who were creating a short film about the Daily Mile. They had heard about our ‘Run the Amazon’ activity and how the Daily Mile is such an important part of school life here that they wanted to hear more. Children were filmed doing their Daily Mile and talking about what they love most about it. Staff were also interviewed about the benefits of the Daily Mile and how it can be linked to the curriculum (just like our Amazon activity!).


Events @ Edge Grove Launch It was a beautiful day to launch Events @ Edge Grove. With the sun shining and the wisteria in full bloom, Edge Grove really did look beautiful and the perfect setting for anyone planning a special occasion. A small marquee was set up on the front lawn with canapes, prosecco and cakes on offer and the Library was set up for an exclusive dinner for 20. There really is so much that the school buildings and grounds can offer!

Year 6 Trip to the Lincolnsfield Centre Year 6 visited the Lincolnsfield Centre this week and went back in time to war-time England. After being greeted by the Billeting Officer who set the scene to 1939, the pupils were split into groups for activities to immerse themselves in the era. From the 1940’s House Dig for Victory to the Anderson Shelter, it was the perfect way to imagine life in war-time England.



Friends of Edge Grove Camping Weekend by Mrs Hilton The camping weekend started 4 years ago with an idea to use the extensive Edge Grove grounds for a Father’s Day event. Something where dads and their children could spend time outdoors doing something special....camping! When we started out, we decided it would be best to keep it simple and have activities in the afternoon, a BBQ and breakfast served in the morning. From simple beginnings the event has grown more than we could have ever predicted with over 250 campers this year! Thankfully the Edge Grove grounds accommodated wonderfully - the chaos was manageable!! We had an assault course and orienteering activity thanks to military boot camp - The Fitness Squad. Kids and dads got carried away with army camouflage running through tyres, under nets all while a rather imposing army guy shouted instructions. Orienteering was a new skill to most—navigating Edge Grove Park using a compass. Keen Bean provided an array of inflatables for the children. Josh did a wonderful job of keeping up to 50 children at a time amused with his helpers. The bungee run was a particular favourite! Woodland crafts in the dining room sparked the children's imagination finding natural materials outside to make necklaces, tic tac toe games and pictures amongst other things. With a treasure hunt and dads organising ball games there was plenty to amuse the children. It was very special seeing dads having such a relaxed time spending time with their children and having the often rare time to meet with other dads over a beer, burger and of course a camp fire. Despite the coldish night (always use all weather sleeping bags in spring!) there were smiley faces in the morning and hopefully some lovely memories.


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Haileybury Archery Tournament May

A team of 11 travelled to Haileybury for this year’s tournament and Edge Grove pupils were well represented at the prize giving ceremony. Congratulations to all who took part and these were the results:

U14 winner - Abbas U12 winner - Anderson (2nd Ali, 3rd Neel) U11 winner - Jesse U10 winner - Scott (2nd Shona, 3rd Hayden, 4th Everett) U9 winner - Esme 3rd place boy overall - Evan

Year 5 Trip to the Radlett Reform Synagogue Year 5 visited the Radlett Reform Synagogue, experiencing first hand Judaism including tasting some delicious Challah bread that is part of the Shabbat meal. Another highlight was viewing up close the Torah and having a go at writing their names in Hebrew.

Haileybury Rock and Jazz Day Five pupils travelled to Haileybury for a Rock and Jazz workshop. The pupils were split into different groups and had to learn how to play new songs. It was great to see our talented players taking part and they certainly impressed with their skills! The day culminated in a concert given by all of the groups.


June 2019



Pre Prep Sports Day The whole of Pre Prep came together for our annual Sports Day and House spirit was certainly in evidence throughout the day. Every single child played their part, once again supported wholeheartedly by parents, and it was Stratton who were the eventual winners of the trophy. The sun shone beautifully and we enjoyed a leisurely picnic on the Paddock to celebrate another successful Sports Day.


Race For Life Pretty Muddy Well done to all our year 2 pupils who took part in the Cancer Research UK Race For Life Pretty Muddy 5km. Thankfully, despite heavy rain overnight and in the morning, the clouds parted just in time for the race. The children all had a fantastic time and felt very happy to have been part of something so special. Along with the Pop Up Tuck Shop, they raised ÂŁ5,000 for Cancer Research UK. What a fantastic achievement!



Friends of Edge Grove Summer Fair

The Summer Fair was, yet again, a fantastic community event and every aspect of the day was a combined effort from pupils, parents and staff which ensured its success. The Friends of Edge Grove Committee put in so much hard work to bring it all to life and we are extremely grateful for the money raised which we will use for additional resources and special projects. Well done to the pupils and staff who also rose to the occasion with their fantastic House stalls and activities. All in all, a true community event in every sense of the word! 73

Boarding Activity Bushcraft Evening

'Edge Grows' Gardening Club

We enjoyed a great evening outdoors on Friday for our Bushcraft Boarding Activity. We made dens, whittling wood, bows and arrows and finished off with marshmallows on the fire.

It was a busy year in the polytunnel!...we grew potatoes, lettuce and peas and learnt so much about how to plant, care for and harvest our vegetables. Well done to all the pupils who took part in the Edge Grows Gardening Club and we can’t wait for more gardening adventures!

Eco Committee Recycling at The Radlett Festival Our Eco Committee members were out in force at The Radlett Festival to take responsibility for all the recycling which in previous years has all gone to landfill. They worked tirelessly all day collecting any waste which could be recycled and encouraging people to think about their recycling habits. This also involved going through the waste bins and fishing out any rogue drinks cans and plastic bottles; not the most pleasant of tasks! Meanwhile, Alex and her team of staff helpers were spreading the word about the role the school is playing as a community recycling hub for latex gloves, crisp packets, dental products and pet food pouches attracting quite a lot of interest. In addition to recycling, Ms Evans and Mrs Mellini flew the flag for the art department by running the very popular craft marquee and Mrs O’Sullivan, the school nurse, provided first aid for the whole event. A fantastic team effort!



Reception Trip to Ashridge Estate Reception went wild in the National Trust’s Ashridge Estate on Friday as they embarked on a very successful mini beast hunt, returning every creature to its natural habitat after they had counted and described what they had discovered.

Year 1 Trip to Paradise Wildlife Park

Year 1 had a wonderful time on safari at the Paradise Wildlife Park. Workshops focussed on different habitats around the world, how animals adapt and evolve to life in these habitats and the impact humans have on the environment. 75

Year 2 Performance Rainforests The year 2 performance was a triumph. The appreciative audience were treated to a collaboration of songs, poetry and factual learning about rainforests. The sheer volume and exuberance of the children rocked the theatre and was only matched by the applause of the audience. The backdrop added to the wonderful atmosphere - thank you to the team of parents led by Mrs Wilkins for their support and hard work!


Year 3 visited the Hare Krishna Temple, or Bhaktivedanta Manor, to deepen their knowledge of the Hindu religion. They dressed up as Hindu gods and goddesses, rode on a cart pulled by oxen and met some very kind people who worked there.

What a busy day! We visited the Eco Garden, learnt how the temple sends 1000 free meals into London every day for the homeless and even had a ride on a cart pulled by Parmaganda and Raguva, 12 year old oxen!

Mrs Robinson, Head of Lower School

Year 3 Trip to the Safety Centre

Year 3 visited ‘Hazard Alley’ where they learnt how to keep themselves and others safe. They made 999 calls to ask for specific emergency services and learnt how to give their location and relay information from the call centre to the people at the scene of the accident. 77


Year 3 RS Trip to Bhaktivedanta Manor

Year 4 Workshop Junk Orchestra Year 4 had a very entertaining visit from Mr Junkman and his Junk Orchestra. The children were very enthusiastic during his demonstrations and were excited to perform with their own musical instruments made out of the materials they had brought in. The workshop was so much fun and also complemented our science and topic learning this half term as we discussed the pitch and amplitude of their sounds.

Year 4 Trip to Windsor Castle

Year 8 Formal Dinner

It was a pleasure to be among the pupils’ company at our annual year 8 Leavers’ Formal Dinner. The children looked wonderful in their formal attire and what a beautiful sunny evening it was. It was the perfect way to celebrate a delightful year group and to prepare for their wild camping adventure planned for Expedition Week!

Year 4 rounded off their 1066 Topic with a trip to Windsor Castle this week. The children learnt that it is the oldest lived in castle in the world, originally built by William the Conqueror and where Prince Harry and Megan got married. They saw the Changing of the Guards and even took part in training to be a Knight.


Whole School Photo June

We somehow managed to find a gap in the rain and assemble the whole school for our biennial photo. We are very happy with the result.

Year 8 Edge Grove Baccalaureate Conference Our year 8 pupils delivered their research papers at the second Edge Grove Baccalaureate Conference in front of staff and parents. On the theme of My Environment, the pupils selected a topic of their choice, and worked in groups for several weeks in their English lessons on writing their final papers. Titles at this year’s conference were wide-ranging and addressed a number of topical issues including the effects of violent video games, social media and suicide, pollution levels and knife crime. We were very proud of the pupils and how well they communicated their findings, responded to questions from the audience and engaged with their peers’ presentations.



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Expedition Week Year 3: Cuffley & Edge Grove

The week began with a camping experience at Cuffley. Although there was some trepidation at the start, it was clear to see from their happy smiles that the children thoroughly enjoyed their busy two days of building fires, cooking their own food, building shelters, whittling wood and much more. The excitement continued back at Edge Grove with activities such as archery, swimming, dance and even zorbing.



Expedition Week Year 4: Cuffley

Year 4 spent a fun week camping at Cuffley where activity highlights included blackout, tomahawk throwing, first aid skills and ‘Tribe’s Got Talent’! All of these activities built up healthy appetites and the children were treated to delicious food prepared in the camp, sometimes on an open fire. Venison stew, bannocks, camp fire brownies and s’mores were just some of the new foods that the children ate.


Expedition Week Year 5: Knapp House

What a fun-filled, actionpacked week year 5 had at Knapp House in Devon. Everyone loved the variety of activities which included surfing, ringo rides, tunnelling, wall climbs, abseiling, crabbing and a speed boat ride. It’s hard to believe that we did so much in such a short space of time! All the children were impeccably behaved and a pleasure to take on expedition week.



Expedition Week Year 6: Cornwall

Year 6 travelled to St Issey in Cornwall for their Expedition Week. It was action-packed and non-stop with activities and outings. Some particular highlights were the giant stand up paddle boards (where every game turned into a ‘last one standing on the raft wins’!) and a visit to the seaside town of St Ives where the children explored the back streets and shops using a carefully planned treasure trail.


Expedition Week Year 7: France

Year 7 travelled to Normandy for their Expedition Week and were based in the very elegant Chateau de Chantereine. Before arriving at the Chateau, they stopped off at Nautica, an aquarium near Boulogne-Sur-Mer where they spied sharks and turtles and enjoyed the sea lions’ antics! Tuesday kicked off with a trip to Rouen and a tour of its gothic cathedral and the next day they took a trip to Dieppe and the beach followed by a visit to a goat farm. The trip was the perfect introduction to war poetry which the pupils will study in year 8.



Expedition Week Year 8: Dorset

Year 8 visited Dorset for their Expedition Week where the scenery was beautiful and the weather was kind. The range of activities on offer ranged from inflatable water obstacle courses, giant paddle boarding and building catapults. For many children, wild camping was a new experience but they rose to the challenge admirably with characteristic good humour.


July 2019



Inter House Swimming Gala We had a fabulous day of swimming with all the pupils giving their best for their Houses. The year 7 and 8 pupils kicked things off with the Upper School gala won by Hedgerows. In the Middle School gala it was very close with Churchills winning by one point. Sarnesfield won the Lower School gala and the day ended with Churchills being the overall winners. Well done all!


Sports Day We had an excellent day of athletics with every child from year 3 to year 8 taking part in our annual Sports Day. The groups were very evenly contested and it was fabulous to see the pupils pushing each other to such great heights. We had a number of records broken which is always a sign that our athletes are getting better and better each year. The overall Inter House Athletics Festival winning House was Hedgerows. Well done!


July Record Breakers (left) & Lower School Group Winners (above)

IAPS National Athletics Finals

Daniel (year 7) National 100m Champion!


Art Exhibition Our impressive Art Exhibition showcased the huge range of work produced by all pupils in the school. We are so proud of the quality of work from our pupils and we wanted everyone to be able to experience it for themselves. Every child from year 1 to year 8 had something on display including the Art Scholars whose work was truly exceptional this year. Well done all!


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Dr Dominic Selwood (Edge Grove Alumnus, 1979-1984)

Find group think. Find pointless rules. Find lazy thinking, and root them out! Trust me. You’ll enjoy it. And you will find more of yourself in the process. Dr Dominic Selwood, Edge Grove Alumnus 1979-1984

Mr Ian Elliott, Chair of Governors

Mr Longman receiving his retirement gift after 47 years of teaching 94

Mr Evans, Headmaster

Speech Day Speech Day is always the highlight of the year and the opportunity for us all to reflect on another successful year and celebrate so much progress and endeavour. This year was no exception. From the address given by our guest speaker Dr Dominic Selwood to the speeches from the Head Boy and Head Girl, it was the perfect way to round off another successful year. As well as the giving of well-earned and well-deserved individual prizes, we reflected on the vast achievements we accomplished as a whole school and discussed aspiration, ambition, innovation and progression, all of which can be found in abundance at Edge Grove. We also gave thanks to all the parents for the tremendous support they continue to give the school which ensures we have such a strong and cohesive community here.



Inspiration, engagement, excitement and a genuine commitment to excellence, everywhere and always. This is the secret behind an exceptional lesson at Edge Grove and something we aspire to every day.



Boys’ Cricket

1st XI

2nd XI

3rd XI

4th XI

Colts A

Colts B

Colts C

Colts D

Colts E

Colts F

Colts G

Colts H

U9 Mr Davies

U9 Mr Eglinton

U9 Mr Lloyd

U9 Mr McManus

U9 Mr Thomas

U9 Mr Wooding



Girls’ Cricket

Senior Girls

U11 A

U11 B

U11 C

U10 A

U10 B

U10 C

U9 A

U9 B

U9 C

U8 A

U8 B

U8 C

A Successful Year Of Sport Nowhere has more aspiration been seen and on constant display than in the Sports Department this year. Special mentions must go to the following teams who all remained undefeated in their seasons: the Colts E, Colts H, U9C, U9E and U9F Football teams, the U11B, U11C, U9A and U9B rugby teams, the U11C, U10A and U9A girls’ cricket teams and finally, the Colts A, Colts D, Colts F, U9A and U9C boys’ cricket teams. In athletics, Daniel in year 7 won the regional 100m and long jump events to qualify for the National Finals and was then crowned the 100m National Champion – an outstanding achievement! In swimming, the U11 boys relay team of Kene, Daniel, Josh and Emilio qualified for the IAPS National Finals and finished 12th in both the medley and freestyle relays. They also qualified for the English Schools Swimming Championships National Finals and finished 4th in the freestyle relay and 8th in the medley relay. Kene finished 3rd in the IAPS National freestyle final and Daniel was 14th in the IAPS national butterfly final. 97

In squash, Honor (U9) and Amber (U11) became county champions and our Aegon tennis team qualified for the finals. Edge Grove once again hosted the IAPS national table tennis championships with a record entry of 130 pupils. Congratulations to Alex who finished as National Champion in the U11 competition and also finished 3rd in the U13 age group and to Niyam who was placed third nationally in the U11 category. With the opportunity to participate in 25 different sports, 100s of fixtures for every age group and ability level each year, sport is most definitely thriving at the school, both locally and at national level. Well done to all pupils for your enthusiastic participation and to all staff who support and nurture sports teams throughout the school.

Declan Orriss, year 6

Ed de Jong, year 5

Amber Pinkerton, year 6

Edward Dunn, year 6


Artwork Zack Caplan, year 6 Billy Malyon, year 3

Louis Lass, year 6 Ayomide Dada, year 3

Gray French, year 6

Yousuf Usmani, year 3


Charities Charitable acts and charitable giving are an important part of Edge Grove and reflect the kindness and empathy of our pupils, their parents and the staff. This year we raised over £12,000 for various charities through donations and events. We currently support three main charities; Guide Dogs for the Blind, Hertfordshire Community Foundation (HCF) and the Rainbow Centre in Sri Lanka. In addition we retain some funds to support emergency appeals and charities that are dear to the hearts of the Edge Grove community. This year we have raised money for MacMillan Cancer Support through their annual coffee morning (£610); Children in Need (£842); Save the Children’s Christmas Jumper Day (£183); and Comic Relief (£688); the Poppy Appeal (£670). All the events were great fun but the children also learned a lot about the various organizations and how their donations would be spent. The efforts to raise funds to support the Rainbow Centre in Sri Lanka were immense and thanks to individual pupils holding competitions and sales, as well as families making considerable donations, we raised nearly £8,000. In April three of our brave staff ran the London Marathon and were generously sponsored by many of the parents. To show solidarity we held a Family Fun Run and raised an incredible £724, which was shared between the marathon runners’ charities. Several school events are vital in our efforts to support charities, these being the Christmas Fair, the Summer Fair, the Carol Service and Harvest Festival. The funds from these events are shared between the school charities, as well as the Peace Hospice, which we have long supported and which was in dire need of funds. The items collected for Harvest Festival were given to the Watford and Three Rivers Refugee Partnership (WTRRP) and the Watford Food Bank. Last but not least we have raised over £250 from recycling your old clothes! Please continue to donate these in the large green bin in the Sports Hall car park.






Friends of Edge Grove The Friends of Edge Grove (FoEG) kept us all entertained again this year with a number of wonderful events. They continued with the much loved traditions of the Christmas and Summer Fairs, as well as introducing a new event for Chinese New Year, which was a huge success, teaching us about Chinese traditions through a Lion Dance, storytelling, crafts and activities. Camping was enormously popular and a great opportunity for the men of Edge Grove to bond both with their children and each other. There were some complaints about lack of sleep but that’s camping for you! These events were not only great fun but they also serve an important function of bringing the whole school community together to enjoy the facilities that the school has to offer as well as each other’s company. Furthermore they raise significant funds for extra items that the school would like to buy to further improve the experience that pupils have at Edge Grove. This year the FoEG raised over £6,000 and this has been put to a variety of uses. A large number of items have been bought to improve break times through the school and to support sports and extracurricular activities. Specifically the FoEG have donated two outdoor table tennis tables, three outdoor chess tables, and several all-weather benches for Edge Grove Park and for sports spectators, made from recycled plastic. Keep your eyes open for these benches springing up at fixtures this term.


Recycling & Environment A new venture this year was becoming a recycling hub for hard to recycle plastics. We joined up with Terracycle and are now proud recyclers of latex gloves, pet food pouches, Pringles cans, crisp packets, snack packets and confectionery. So far we have earned nearly 6000 points, equating to £60 for our chosen charity, Guide Dogs for the Blind. We are incredibly pleased to say that several organisations are now sending us their plastics to recycle. It’s not an easy business and requires a lot of cleaning and sorting but hopefully it will go from strength to strength as we get the system right. We have also commissioned an environmental survey of Edge Grove Park and the lake by the Herts Wildlife Trust. We are awaiting the results and will soon be developing an environmental plan. In the meantime the Pre Prep and Environment Club have been busy planting wild flowers and saplings. Both are doing well but more are needed. Our recently formed Eco Committee has also undertaken an EcoSchools Environmental Survey in ten areas: biodiversity, energy, global citizenship, healthy living, litter, marine, school grounds, transport, waste and water. They determined that, whilst we are doing well, we need to work to improve a number of areas including reducing our use of energy, recycling and biodiversity. The Eco Committee will soon be publishing their findings and an action plan.



Recycling & Environment

We welcomed back our Old Boys who left the school between the years of 1965 and 1985. We were treated to a delicious Christmas lunch, music from our current pupils and a truly festive walk down memory lane.

Alumni Christmas Lunch (Old Boys 1965-1985)


Life After The Edge

Old Edge Grovian visits

Inigo Selwood (2012-2014) with Mr Ian Elliott (Chair of Governors)

Harry Sampson (2006-2010)

Julian Adams (1978-1984)

Stephen So (1975-1980) 2018 Leavers 107

Alumni v Staff Cricket Match What a great day for the Alumni v staff and dads cricket match. With an abundance of alumni of all ages wanting to play, Captain Mark Turpin did a fine job in giving everyone a go. In the end the staff team won with Mr Eglinton sustaining a ball to the nose courtesy of a former pupil! Players and spectators were treated to a delicious match tea midway through and post-match beers and bbq.


We enjoyed a fantastic day of golf at Porter's Park Golf Club for our annual Edge Grove Society Golf Day. It was a glorious, sunny day and some great golf was played. It's not about winning (well, not always!) but the winners were: Individual Winner Kevin Hyland Winning Team Ben, David and Alan Scott Longest Drive David Elson Nearest Pin Alex Henchley Thank you to our alumni, parents and staff for making it so much fun!


Life After The Edge

Edge Grove Society Golf Day

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