West London College Student Newsletter - June 2022

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June 2022

Student Newsletter

Opening Welcome Hello All,

We are on the final weeks of our last term this academic year. Well done to all those who sat their GCSE Maths and English. Wishing everyone who still has more exams to sit the very best of luck and please remember that we are all here to support you.

Exams Please be aware 29 June 2022 has been set by Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) as the Exam Contingency Day. All GCSE, A Level and BTEC exam students must be available on this date should an exam or exams have to be rescheduled.

Stationary Please be reminded that it is your responsibility to ensure that you bring all equipment required. Failure to do so may disadvantage you in the exam. Exam Rules and Regulations Possession of unauthorised items, such as a mobile phone or any watch is a serious offence and could result in disqualification from your examination and your overall qualification even if you do not intend to use it. You must not have any electronic devices or watches on you they should all be left with your personal belongings in the cloakroom or the area designated for belongings in the exam room. You must not talk to, attempt to communicate with or disturb other candidates once you have entered the examination room and you must follow the instructions of the invigilator at all times. Before your exams so that you know what is expected of you must take the time to read the Information for candidates – Written exams guidance and familiarise yourself with the Unauthorised Items Poster and the Warning to Candidates poster.

West London College

Student Survey

Please take ten minutes to complete the end of year student survey - your feedback on your course is the best way for us to see what has gone well for students this year and what we can improve on. Just click on the link below or follow the QR code. Thank you



West London College


Safeguarding is of utmost importance to us and we are focused on ensuring we do all we can to protect all of our learners. If you ever have any concerns about yourself, or any other student you can always pop into Student Services. We can offer support with a wide range of problems and if we can’t we will find someone who can. Email safeguarding@wlc.ac.uk or fill in the student services referral form.

West London College

Dear Students, My name is Shommi Khan and I am your new Careers Advisor located in the Hammersmith Careers and Employability Hub. With a strong background in academia and work history as a Braille Teacher I am eager to share some of my skills, university and employment experiences in the hope to inspire and motivate you. As a former Hammersmith West London College student I look forward to connecting and advising you on all the exciting career and study courses that are available. If you have time for a brief conversation please feel free to pop into the Careers Hub or email me s.khan3@wlc.ac.uk me for a 1-to-1 meeting to discuss possible career and education pathways. I look forward to hearing from you all! Best Wishes, Shommi Khan

West London College

Progression Over the next few weeks we will be focusing on supporting you with your progression options, this is a very important time in your lives focusing on your next steps and we are here to support you the whole way through! We have arranged for different organisations to come in and talk to you about different progression routes from Higher Education, Apprenticeships, Gap Years and Employment (please click on the links for information on each progression route)

Progression Activity Timetable If you would like to book a Careers Advice appointment with our College Careers Advisor please contact Jemima j.wiredu@wlc.ac.uk Please click the images below for the latest job vacancies, apprenticeship opportunities.

West London College

Careers Interested in a Nursing/Midwifery career, and studying at Level 3.1 or 3.2? New Buckinghamshire University is organising a one day input and taster for students who are interested in pursuing a career in Nursing & Midwifery at their Uxbridge Campus on Wednesday 22 June 2022. There will be a free coach to take students and back, plus free lunch. For more information and to attend please contact j.wiredu@wlc.ac.uk

Open Day Trip to Coventry University Coventry University has invited West London College students to their Open Day on Wednesday 29 June 2022 at their main campus at Coventry. They will provide a free coach and lunch for our students who wish to attend. This is an opportunity for all Level 3.1 students to visit the university to have in depth information via Talks about courses offered at the University, Degree Apprenticeship, Accommodation, tour the campus, and Student life generally at Coventry - all at no cost to students. It is also an opportunity for any Level 3.2 and Access students who haven't had any response/offers from their chosen Universities, to attend and enquire about the potential of being offered a place. To register your interest to attend please contact j.wiredu@wlc.ac.uk How can careers at WLC help? The Careers team offers a range of services and career resources accessible from the Student Services website via the Student Portal. Please email us careersteam@wlc.ac.uk if you have a query and/or to book a 1-1 careers advice session with a Careers Adviser.

West London College


Pride is a special celebration within the LGBTQ+ community, it is about acceptance, equality, celebrating the work of LGBTQ+ people, LGBTQ+ history and raising awareness of issues affecting the LGBTQ+ community. Pride is a celebration of people coming together in love and friendship, to show how far LGBTQ+ rights have come, and how in some places there is still work to be done. LGBTQ+ stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer, the + is an inclusive symbol to mean 'and others' to include people of all identities. Pride is celebrated in the month of June, as that was the month when the Stonewall riots took place. The Stonewall riots were important protests that took place in 1969 in the US, that changed gay rights for a lot of people in America and around the world. Pride is all about being proud of who you are no matter who you love and this year, Pride is having a special celebration as it is 50 years old. Celebrating 50 Years of London Pride 2022 || Jecca Blac For more information on pride please visit https://prideinlondon.org/

West London College


The Careers & Enterprise Company is the national body for careers education in England, supporting schools and colleges to deliver modern, 21st-century careers education. Its mission is to help every young person find their next best step. They do this by: •Training and supporting Careers Leaders •Bringing employers, educators and providers together through our network of Careers Hubs •Sharing practical digital tools and resources To ensure they are meeting the needs of young people, the Careers and Enterprise Company have been working closely in partnership with the British Youth Council since 2020, to establish, develop and integrate youth voice across their service. The Careers & Enterprise Company Youth Advisory Group has been running for over a year, enabling young people from across the country to have their voices heard and influence the direction of the company’s work. They are looking to recruit a new cohort of young people to join them and take advantage of this incredible learning and development opportunity. Applications are open to people aged 14 – 25 with experience in state secondary schools, colleges or further education. For more information and to access the application form please visit The Careers & Enterprise Youth Advisor Group

Pastoral & Wellbeing

Founded in 1998, Refugee week is a UKwide festival celebrating the contributions, creativity and resilience of refugees and people seeking sanctuary. This year's Refugee Week will explore the theme of 'healing', with a programme of events celebrating community and mutual care. Check out events happening around London in commemoration of Refugee Week in the link below. https://refugeeweek.org.uk/events/

West London College


Basketball Academy trials Students aged 16-18 are welcome to come and try out for our Basketball Academy. Next dates are all at our Hammersmith & Fulham College Sports Hall: Friday 24 June, 14:30 - 16:00 Wednesday, 24 August, 15:00 - 17:00 Students can book here

Boxing Academy trials Students aged 16-18 are welcome to come and try out for our Boxing Academy. Next dates are all at our Hammersmith & Fulham College Sports Hall: Thursday 23 June 15:00 – 18:00

Students can book here

West London College


Applications for the 2021/22 academic year are now closed. We hope that as many of you have applied and used the Bursary to help you throughout this year. If you are enrolling next year, we advise you to apply as soon as possible from September to receive the full allowance possible. The last Bursary payment for 16-19, Adult Discretionary and Advanced Learner Loan Bursary will go out on the 30th May and for those with 16-19 Vulnerable Bursary will receive another payment after the 30th on the 17th June which will be their last payment. Free College Meals will continue as normal up until the end of the Summer Term. If you have experienced a recent change in circumstances that has put you into financial difficulties, please speak to a member of the Student Services team to discuss what support may be available

West London College


Letter Request For those of you who require a letter to confirm you are studying at the college these can be requested via the Student Services centre all the way to the end of the Summer term. You may need a letter for all types of things including; opening a bank account, Council Tax Exemption or just general proof of study. Please visit the Student Services Centre or alternatively click on this link to complete the online request form for 2021/22. It can take up to five working days so please be patient while we get this prepared for you. Once completed the letter will be ready for you to collect from the Student Services Centre. Unfortunately, we do put these in the post but can be emailed to you upon request. Please note that all requests must be received during term time in order for them to be completed before the summer break. All requests after 1st July may have to wait until September when the new academic year commences. For this and all other enquiries relating to Student Services you can email us on studentservices@wlc.ac.uk.

Student Newsletter June 2022

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