Vista issue #137 July/August 2021

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No. 137 JULY/AUGUST 2021

The Skincare & Hydration Issue

Your Guide to Healthy, Organic Living

Sharon McDonald with our Featured Ambassador Recipe: Sweet Chilli Rainbow Salad


Creating a Butterfly Garden 14

Harness Your Calming Breath 9

All About Face Yoga 20

Surprising Hydration Facts


HEALTHY CHANGES THAT STICK Integrative Nutrition with Holistic Health Coach Alessandra Goes ORGANIC ENTREPRENEUR

Jack59's Vanessa Marshall 24


C A N N A . M E D. E D

Hemp-Based Skin Care 44


Julia Perfetto, JuliaFit 46

with Allison Tannis  deliciouslygeeky

Tune in to the Vista Natural Health Influencer Podcast available on TUNEIN IHEARTRADIO STITCHER






How to Balance Your Sweet Cravings With Healthier Sugar Alternatives Bake your cake and eat it too! I absolutely love baking. It brings me back to my childhood in Brazil and the beautiful time spent with family on a Sunday afternoon. So, it is something I like to replicate with my family here in Canada. Yes, this is a perfect example of emotional eating. However, as I was going through the transition to bettering my health, I started implementing changes in what I eat and found alternatives to the ingredients I was using. Processed sugars are highly addictive and toxic, and they contribute to a whole set of issues, including inflammatory conditions like fibromyalgia, diabetes, obesity, to name a few. These sugars are found in many processed foods, like store-bought bread, cakes, cereals, energy drinks. The list is quite extensive. Below you will find some of my favourite sugar swaps for baking. • Date Sugar– dates are nature’s candy, packed with natural sugar and very high in fibre, giving them a low glycemic load. • Coconut Sugar – it’s packed with nutrition. It retains its rich mineral content, including calcium, iron, zinc and potassium, due to minimal processing. • Raw Honey is excellent for stabilizing metabolism and controlling blood sugar. • Maple Syrup is rich in minerals, such as calcium, potassium, iron, manganese and vitamins B2, B5 & B6.

You will see some of my creations where I have incorporated these alternatives being presented here in this issue of Vista Magazine, and there are many others on my Instagram page under  COCONUTANDCASHEWS. Besides using natural sugars and baking your own delicious treats, I highly suggest a few simple steps to detox sugar from your body and finally balance your cravings once and for all. • Hydrate your body — add a lot of fresh water, fruitinfused waters, and green juices to your routine. • Eat fruits and veggies, ideally local fresh produce, which carries more energy and nutrients. • Add healthier fats to your diet, such as nuts & seeds. These will satiate your appetite. They are the perfect snacks. • Don’t replace processed sugars with artificial sweeteners — they are as bad if not worse than sugar. • Read your labels — they are the perfect vehicles to nutrition 101. Stay away from “low fat” and watch out for “gluten-free” flagged products. These can contain high levels of sugar. Bake your own glutenfree foods instead.



No. 137






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6 Best Foods for Hydration

Achieving Lasting Change with Alessandra Goes




Creating a Butterfly Garden


Herbs & COVID-19 Protection




Farro's Low-Gluten Health Benefits


Nourish Skin with Hemp


Growing "Tower Garden" Tomatoes 20


Julia Perfetto's Fitness Journey


All About Face Yoga The Skin Care & Hydration Issue

No. 137 JULY/AUGUST 2021


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Harness Breath to Calm the Mind Do these three things to make your breathwork practice more soothing.

Anxiety so often manifests as a “monkey mind,” filling your consciousness with negative chatter. A mind in overdrive can be so hard to shift into a calmer, more positive place. Fortunately, you have an extremely effective tool for soothing your mind that’s always available to you: your breath. Deep breaths calm an anxious mind because your breathing is intimately linked with your nervous system. When you’re in a dangerous situation, you go into “fight or flight” mode, and your breathing becomes faster and shallower. So, by taking intentionally deep, slow breaths, you signal to your nervous system that “all is well.” Here’s how to make your breathwork practice as effective as possible: 1

Focus on your body

Do a check-in with your body. How does it feel? What physical sensations are registering for you? Find a place where you can be physically comfortable and begin to pay attention to the sensations of the breath coming in and out of your chest, throat, and mouth. 2

Ground down

This is an opportunity to be literally grounded. Pay attention to the way the ground underneath your feet feels. Imagine that you are growing roots that are sinking deeper into the earth below you. 3

Breathe deeper

Try to keep lengthening the time it takes to inhale and exhale. If it helps to count in your head, do so. Imagine that your breath is slowly, gracefully flowing down a tube the width of a slender straw growing in a field. Keep breathing slowly and intentionally for about three minutes. You’ll thank yourself.




6 Foods to Stay Hydrated It’s all too easy to undermine your efforts to stay hydrated with one too many coffees or glasses of wine. So support yourself this summer with these proven hydrators. Watermelon


There’s a reason why it’s a summertime staple: watermelon is 92% water. It’s a lowcalorie sweet snack, also rich in antioxidants like lycopene. This compound reduces the damage done to cells by environmental stressors. Finally, watermelon is a good source of fibre, vitamins C and A, and magnesium.

At 88% water content, each orange contains a half cup of water. Of course, these juicy citrus fruits are known for their high vitamin C content; each serves up 130% of your recommended daily intake. But they’re also excellent sources of potassium and inflammation-reducing antioxidants like flavonoids.



Another sweet treat with close to 90% of its weight coming from water, a peach is the perfect addition to any hot summer day. This fruit contains vitamins A, C, and B, as well as potassium. It’s also a rich source of an inflammation-lowering antioxidant called chlorogenic acid.

Cantaloupe is another 90% water-filled fruit with tremendous health benefits to boot. An extremely rich source of vitamin A, one cup of this melon delivers 120% of your recommended daily intake. Among many other benefits, vitamin A supports healthy immunity, keeping you well this summer season.

Strawberries Another hydration heavy-hitter, 91% of a strawberry’s weight, comes from water. But, like the other fruits on this list, these berries are packed with vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, manganese, and folate. Plus, these are proven inflammation-reducers, a boon for your overall health.


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Cucumber At 95% water content, cucumber is hard to beat for hydration. In addition, this vegetable is a fantastic low-calorie snack, providing small amounts of vitamin K, magnesium, and potassium. So fill up on cucumber, and you’ll be filling up on the water you need to thrive this season.



3 SHOCKING STATISTICS ABOUT DEHYDRATION Dehydration is common—and it has a more significant impact than you might think. We all know we need to drink those eight glasses of water a day. But how many of us do? And if we’re not getting sufficient hydration, what does it cost us? According to the research: quite a bit. Dehydration fuels fatigue, brain fog, slower metabolisms, and conditions like kidney stones. Good hydration, on the other hand, unlocks a serious boost in well-being. If you’re consciously or unconsciously suffering from dehydration, you’re not alone. But the benefits of changing up your habits are more substantial than you might realize. Here are three statistics about dehydration that will probably surprise—and hopefully inspire—you:







45% of Canadians drink 4-5 non-water beverages a day, which fuels dehydration. Another study shows that 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated; although they typically drink 8 hydrating beverages daily, alcoholic and caffeinated drinks offset this hydration.

As little as 1-2% dehydration has been shown to trigger thirst. That means if you’re thirsty, you’re already dehydrated. Drinking enough water means you should rarely, if ever, experience thirst.

Boost Metabolism: Drinking cold water could boost metabolism by as much as 30%, according to one study. The effort the body expends to heat the water causes this uptick in metabolic rate.




Summer is finally here, and it’s time to focus on skin health and all the ways to nourish that sunkissed glow! While there are plenty of products and treatments dedicated to hydrating our skin on the outside — what about hydrating the skin from the inside so that you have that glow year-round?


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Nature gives us so much abundance, and it’s time to explore some of our favourite nutrients. These are not only healthy for you but hydrate your skin, leaving it plump, moisturized, better able to manage skin irritations or inflammation and help to keep fine lines away.

Water Let’s start with the basics. Are you drinking enough water? Think around 2 litres of water a day, and if you’re working out and getting a good sweat on, you’ll need to bump that water intake by a few glasses. Water is one of the essential macronutrients necessary not only for our health, since our bodies are made up of about 70% water, it is also crucial for your skin. Your skin is the largest organ of elimination and needs plenty of water to keep it nourished, clear, free of toxins, hydrated and helping your body to cleanse itself and detox. Water also helps regulate and control the skin’s natural pH balance – oxygenating, hydrating, revitalizing and detoxifying it. Without sufficient water intake, the body cannot get rid of harmful toxins that can get trapped beneath the skin’s surface and cause harmful bacteria to build up and the complexion to deteriorate. The best quality water to drink is spring water or filtered water, with a suitable pH of about 8. Summer is also a fantastic time to enjoy water-rich fruits and vegetables such as cucumbers, watermelon, celery, watercress, lettuce, peaches, zucchini and tomatoes – especially locally grown or harvested from your garden!

Healthy Fats Our skin loves fat! In fact, it thrives on healthy fats to keep it hydrated, supple, moisturized, less inflamed, and needs it for healing. There are various healthy fats that all have their role to play in healthy skin hydration. For example, omega 3 essential fatty acids, including chia seeds, flaxseeds, hemp seeds, walnuts, eggs, wild salmon, small fish such as sardines and anchovies, all help reduce skin inflammation, hydrating dehydrated skin. That’s because Omega 3’s appear to improve skin barrier function, sealing in moisture and keeping out irritants. In addition, most of these foods are also rich in vitamin E and zinc, all nutrients which help to promote a healthy complexion and help with wound healing.

Vitamin C

is a good reason for that. Foods rich in vitamin C include strawberries, kiwis, oranges, bell peppers, lemons, limes, grapefruit, kale, spinach, raspberries, broccoli, mint and cauliflower – all contain plenty of vitamin C. When you eat these kinds of rich vitamin C foods regularly, you give your skin the ability to retain moisture better, improving skin hydration. Fruits such as strawberries and raspberries are also rich in ellagic acid, a powerful antioxidant that helps prevent cellular changes. When looking at the skin, hydration is vital to help prevent these kinds of changes such as fine lines, sun damage and hyperpigmentation. Vitamin C also helps to produce collagen.

Collagen By now, most of us have fallen in love with collagen. It’s everywhere! Collagen is a protein that helps to maintain the structure of the skin. When the skin is hydrated, collagen is more bioavailable to improve elasticity in keeping skin moisturized, plump and helping to regenerate and prevent fine lines. Water is about 60% of collagen’s weight, so it’s easy to see how vital the relationship between water and collagen keeps skin healthy and youthful. We are born with tons of collagen; however, we lose our collagen stores as we age. Therefore, keeping adequately hydrated should be part of everyone’s health and beauty routine. To produce collagen, your body needs a combination of macro and micronutrients, including proline, glycine, vitamin C, silica, zinc and copper. Help your body produce more collagen by eating foods containing the nutrients just mentioned. These include lentils, eggs, chicken, gelatin, sesame seeds, raw cacao, asparagus, mushrooms, beef, lamb, nuts, seeds, citrus fruits, and the vitamin C foods mentioned above. Alternatively, you can also supplement with a good quality collagen powder. To keep skin hydrated from the inside out, be sure to drink at least eight glasses of water per day, eat foods that are abundant in water, consume a good amount of omega 3 and healthy fats in your diet, include plenty of vitamin C rich fruits and vegetables, and enjoy a variety of protein-rich foods which contain the nutritional building blocks to form collagen. With hydration in your diet from all these sources, your skin will be sure to thank you with a healthy summer glow! MARILIA PEREIRA is a registered holistic nutritionist, culinary nutrition expert and clinic iridologist with a private nutrition and

Have you ever noticed how there has been a recent trend over the years for skincare products made with vitamin C nutrients such as citrus fruits? Well, there

wellness practice, Fleurish Holistic Nutrition & Lifestyle, located in uptown Waterloo, Ontario.  FLEURISHWITHMARILIA  FLEURISHWITHMARILIA.COM




How to Create a Butterfly Garden Butterflies are critically important pollinators. Why not devote some of your outdoor space to a butterfly haven? 14

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Choose Many Colours

Create Different Levels

Butterflies are attracted to multiple colours, so pick a variety of flowers for them to nestle in. They especially prefer red, orange, yellow, pink, and purple. Also, flowers like daisies, which have blossoms that create natural landing platforms, are a great idea.

If you plant flowers of various heights beside shrubs and trees, you’re creating the ideal environment for butterflies. These pollinators prefer different levels to perch on. Plus, the shrubs and trees create pockets of shade.




Plant in Colour Blocks

Collect Water


Although you want various colours, ensure that you’re planting bigger blocks of the same colour together. Try planting one section with one flower and the next with a flower that has a contrasting colour.

Certain butterflies depend on water, so ensure your garden has a place that collects vital moisture. One easy method is to take a shallow plastic dish and bury its bottom in the soil near the plants before filling it up with more soil — this will capture water and keep your butterflies healthy.


Uncompromising Quality Make the Healthy Sugar Switch! With BetterStevia™, you get the zero-calorie, low glycemic, natural-source sweetener with all the healthy nutrients stevia has to offer. BetterStevia contains our unique, whole-leaf extract that delivers all the benefits of the original stevia leaf resulting in a clean, fresh taste.

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Farro The low-gluten ancient wheat grain is a staple of Middle Eastern, Mediterranean, and Ethiopian cuisine. Nuttyflavoured and hearty, it is traditionally used in salads and soups. With a host of nutritionally beneficial properties, it’s the grain you should be reaching for this summer.

Get Plant-Powered Protein Farro is as rich in protein as most beans and legumes. In fact, for every 34 grams of carbohydrates in farro, there are 6 grams of protein. When you pair this grain with a legume, you get a complete protein source— this helps you maintain muscular health, balance your energy levels, and remain satiated for longer.

Support Your Heart Health A grain such as farro is packed with heart-healthy components like fibre, oligosaccharides, antioxidants, resistant starch, and carbohydrates called cyanogenic glucosides. These nutrients are linked with the prevention of chronic cardiovascular diseases.

Improve Digestion Because farro is incredibly high in fibre, it supports healthier digestion. One half-cup serving includes 7 to 8 grams of dietary fibre that will swell in your digestive tract, sopping up toxins and stimulating healthy elimination. As a bonus, this fibre content makes you feel fuller for longer.

Boost Your Brain Farro is an excellent source of multiple B vitamins, which are crucial for healthy brain functions. Of course, B vitamins produce the energy that fuels all your body’s systems. But they have a special role in supporting the development of new brain cells and the smooth functioning of neurotransmitters.

Nourish Your Skin Farro’s plentiful B-vitamins also help you maintain healthy, vibrant skin. B-3, in particular, has been linked with outcomes like minimized pores, reduced blotchiness, and greater resilience against sun damage. It may even help prevent or reduce the severity of acne and other skin disorders.


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Featured Ambassador Recipe Beat the heat with this Sweet Chilli Rainbow Salad from Eating the Rainbow! Packed with plantbased nourishment and ready in under 30 minutes, this meal is perfect for a hot summer day. Sweet Chilli Rainbow Salad

Ingredients • • • • • •

Block of Firm Tofu (pressed and cubed) 1 tbsp Cornstarch 2 tbsp Plant Milk (I usually use Oat or Almond) ¼ cup Panko Crumbs ½ tbsp Oil ¼ tsp each of Dried Italian Herbs, Paprika, and Garlic Powder • Salt and Pepper to taste • 1 tbsp Sweet Chilli Sauce • 1 tbsp Water Vegetables: • 1-2 Cups Romaine Lettuce (chopped) • ½ Tomato (medium-sized - chopped) • ½ Yellow Bell Pepper (medium-sized - chopped) • 1 Carrot (spiralled or grated) • ¼ Cucumber (chopped) • Red Onion (to taste) • 1 tsp Hemp Seeds (optional)

Instructions 1 Begin by slicing the slab of tofu lengthwise and then cut into cubes (roughly 1inch pieces). 2 Place tofu cubes onto a plate and sift cornstarch onto the tofu. Toss to coat evenly. 3 Set up two small bowls to coat the tofu. Pour two tablespoons of plant milk into a bowl and mix the panko crumbs, oil, dried herbs, salt, and pepper into the second bowl. 4 Dip each tofu cube individually into the milk, followed by the panko crumb mixture. 5 Air Fryer Instructions - Air Fry tofu cubes for 10 minutes at 400F - tossing halfway. Skillet Instructions - Fry on a skillet for 5 minutes on medium heat, flip tofu and fry for another 5 minutes. After 10 minutes, mix the tofu on the skillet and continue to fry for 2-3 minutes to ensure an even cook — 12-13 minutes total. 6 While the tofu is cooking, prepare the vegetables - chop and build your bowl. Begin by filling a bowl with romaine lettuce (or greens of your choice) and top with tomato, bell pepper, carrot, cucumber, and red onion. 7 Remove tofu from heat and allow to cool slightly (2-3 minutes).

SHARON MCDONALD first created Eating the Rainbow to record her meals when transitioning into plant-based eating four years ago. She then combined her passions of

8 Mix 1 tablespoon of sweet chilli sauce and one tablespoon of water together to thin the sauce. Toss tofu in sauce to coat.

teaching and cooking to expand her page to share with, connect to, and educate others on how to nourish their bodies with colourful plates of food. You are what you eat - why not be a rainbow? EATINGTHE.RAINBOW  EATINGTHERAINBOWS.COM

9 Add tofu to the bowl of greens and vegetables. Top with hemp hearts and add dressing - enjoy!!! *An easy creamy dressing can be made by combining 1-2 tbsp Hummus or Vegan Mayo, ½ tsp Lemon Juice or Apple Cider Vinegar, ½ tsp Water, ¼ tsp each of Dried Dill and Nutritional Yeast.




Growing tomatoes in a Tower Garden is not just a “plant & play” experience. There are many pros and cons, as well as different growing techniques to consider. When starting the seedling process for tomatoes, the manufacturer advises planting two seeds per rock wool or coconut coir pod. When seedlings are about 5cm tall, they recommend then cutting the weaker plant. Although, at Agrotonomy Tower Farms, we prefer to start with only one seed per rock wool. Our experience has proven to us many times that when two seeds germinate simultaneously in the same constrained space, the smaller seedling tends to develop into a weaker plant when fully grown. Therefore, starting with one seed per rock wool is our preference as it allows us to better benchmark which seedlings need to be planted. Seeds generally germinate in 10 to 14 days, and seedlings take 5-6 weeks before planting. Tomato plants do not do well under 20°C/70°F. Therefore, if using your Tower Garden in a greenhouse, pollination assistance is recommended. Over the years, at Agrotonomy Tower Farms, we have grown over 50 varieties of tomatoes using Tower Garden technology. We have run numerous comparative tests by growing tomatoes aeroponically versus growing tomatoes in the soil. Furthermore, we have used different techniques in terms of pruning and structural growing support. There are many YouTube videos and other sources of advice when growing tomatoes on a Tower Garden. However, like all advice published by Agrotonomy Corp., we only advise our readers based on our own experience. Firstly, let’s talk about our numerous comparative tests:


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Tomatoes grown on the towers usually give us an average of 50% crop yield increase (compared to growing tomatoes in the soil), and the fruits are noticeably bigger by 20% to 30% in size. Tomatoes grown on the towers also start fruiting earlier and keep on giving fruits for a longer time. Tomatoes growing in the towers also require substantially less water than their counterparts grown in the soil. Furthermore, tomatoes grown on the towers are usually pest-free (as long as using a grow cage or a trellis, or in other terms, as long as tomatoes are raised off the ground). On the other hand, pest-free tomatoes grown in the soil is almost an oxymoron! However, tomatoes grown on a Tower Garden, are in our opinion, inferior in terms of flavonoid levels (in comparison to tomatoes grown in the soil). In other words, based on the tons of tomatoes that we have grown aeroponically, tomatoes grown in the soil are tastier than their counterparts grown on the tower — this is mainly the case during the hot summer months. Of course, when running a comparative test, we also give optimum soil quality and organic fertilizers to the tomatoes growing in the soil and a lot of TLC! Although tomatoes require total sun exposure, when using Tower Garden technology outdoors, above 32°C/90°F affects the overall flavour of the tomatoes. Some indeterminate tomato varieties will grow from April through December (in a Mediterranean climate, for example). Fruits will be harvestable from June through November. The tomatoes picked until mid-July taste better than the tomatoes in August; however, the tomatoes harvested from the same


plant around late September throughout October are much sweeter. Tomatoes grown in the soil can deliver flavours way beyond the taste of tomatoes grown outdoors on a Tower Garden. This is proof that it is not the heat that affects the taste of the tomatoes, but rather, when temperatures go above 32°C/90°F, the water in the tower’s reservoir warms up to unacceptable levels hence inhibiting the full release of flavonoids. This lack of flavonoids would explain their inferior flavour despite their increased crop yield compared to their counterparts grown in the soil. We advise against using Tower Garden technology to grow tomatoes using the bottom planting ports and letting the plants crawl on the ground. Of course, this is generally most advised; however, at Agrotonomy Tower Farms, we are 100% against allowing plants to crawl from the tower onto the ground. One of the biggest perks of Tower Garden technology versus conventional farming/gardening is the fantastic reduction of pesticide usage. One of the main reasons is that plants are growing off-the-ground, thus preventing potential pathogens from crawling up on the tower. When using an aeroponic tower, we advise using a grow cage, or even better, using a trellis or a customized growing structure. We realize that only the Tower Garden flex comes with a cage (the new Tower Garden for home use does not come with a support cage option). A grow structure can be as simple as 4 or 5 stakes planted around the tower connected with twine/ cables/scrog nets etc., to support the plant’s growth. Alternatively, instead of growing indeterminate

varieties that keep on growing throughout the season, we advise you to grow determinate tomato varieties that grow upward or in smaller bushes. Even better than determinate tomato varieties, if you do not have a structure to support the growth of your tomato plants, we recommend that you grow either dwarf tomatoes or patio varieties, which aside from their compactness, do not require pruning. As you can see from visiting our YouTube account, we have grown tomatoes using different pruning strategies in the past. However, from all our trials and errors, we have learned that for best results using Tower Garden technology, we prefer to grow indeterminate cherry tomato varieties using a strict pruning approach to allow only 2 to 3 main branches to grow. Aside from giving bigger fruits, this technique enables us to harvest much tastier tomatoes. When growing tomatoes by getting rid of the suckers to limit the number of main stems, tomato plants will continue growing on an ongoing basis, so such branches need to be trained to crawl accordingly. The crop yield of such pruning techniques might be lower than when allowing tomatoes to grow in a bushlike effect. However, limiting the number of primary branches, aside from much more flexible leverage to train the vines to grow in specific areas, more tomato plants can be planted on the same tower (or other crops can be planted simultaneously). Uncared tomato plants left to grow into a bush are invasive and hinder the planting potential of the tower. The root system of a tomato plant is not strong enough to support all the fruits growing on an uncared tomato plant. This way, we have become prominent advocates of growing tomatoes on a Tower Garden by limiting the number of primary branches/stems, as featured in these two videos: YOUTUBE.COM/WATCH?V=TGOQ-NQK6IY YOUTUBE.COM/WATCH?V=LXZH4MXYGVO

Although you should grow a maximum of 2 tomato plants per planting section, ideally, for optimum results and to allow enough root space (above all if growing indeterminate tomato varieties), we recommend only one plant per planting section.  AGROTONOMY.COM





Your face is the first thing people look at when meeting you. It is said that “the face is a mirror to the soul.” Here, we break down what you need to do to put your best face forward. The face is a significant source of information about the internal state of our health. What is inside appears on the outside! Chances are, years of repetitive facial expression plus emotions and imbalances mapped out on the face have left your face in dire need of balance and the skin in dire need of moisture. Let’s face it, we can spend hours at the gym (or yoga & pilates studio) working on our bodies, but it only makes sense that if you want to define and tone the contours of your face, you’re going to need to work those muscles too! Suppose you no longer wake up looking well-rested and have been looking for an approach to ageing gracefully, one with zero exposure to toxins or invasive peels & injections. In that case, you may want to look into beginning a regular Face Yoga practice for an instant boost of radiance.


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What is Face Yoga? A series of exercises intended to lift, sculpt and tone facial muscles to achieve balance and form in your facial appearance…(oh, and improve your skin health). Face Yoga exercises stimulate blood flow, increases collagen and elastin production, which in turn can result in tighter and plumper skin, resulting in a more youthful glow. By rebalancing symmetry in the face and reducing puffiness, the exercises work because they’re based on the same principles as resistance training; the only difference is that you’re using your hands as resistance. Face Yoga allows you to find confidence in your appearance and gives a little help with turning back the clock. The fundamentals of Face Yoga are designed to help return the shape of the face as it was in the past, not into an entirely new form. It works by turning on the body’s resources to strengthen & stimulate muscles of the face, so they become more elastic and toned (but also balanced & relaxed). With over 50 muscles in the face, facial exercises stimulate the muscles, skin, and lymphatic system for a more youthful appearance, but one that has you still looking like you! Because facial muscles attach directly to the skin (and are mainly designed for expression), when we exercise the ones out of balance (and release those tight from overuse), we restore the facial features to a more relaxed and peaceful look. What does this have to do with the lymphatic system? The lymphatic system is considered your fountain of youth. It’s the system that cleanses your body from the inside out, keeps skin cells clean, lifted, and firm. Beauty is genuinely built at a cellular level, and the body’s ability to repair cells is a defining characteristic of how strongly you can maintain your youth. Poor lymph flow = inflammation, which = aging. The lymphatic system helps to clear cellular waste & toxins under the skin; If not cleared, there’s no room for fresh oxygen & nutrients to feed the cells. When you get rid of fascial adhesions, your skin can then hold on to more moisture. The skin is one of the fundamental communication systems and replenishes itself at a rate of approximately —30,000 cells per minute. (How’s that for superpower!).

Face Yoga Pros • FaceYoga promotes circulation (collagen and elastin building), hydration, and ideal lymphatic flow, which can have a natural beauty effect on the skin.

• Touch releases the hormone oxytocin, which allows us to feel more connected with a greater sense of love and wellbeing towards ourselves.

• Facial yoga allows the hands to access vital acupressure points through the face, which has a restorative effect on all the glands, organs, tissues and nervous system. Facial yoga follows Traditional Chinese medicine channel pathways, bringing the entire body back into a state of homeostasis. Dark circles, anyone? It could be a sign the Kidneys need some attention.

• Face Yoga needs no fancy equipment and can be done in the privacy of your own home.

• With only a few weeks of practice, visual benefits are fewer fine lines, wrinkles and crow’s feet, and less puffiness overall.

• A brighter complexion because of increased blood circulating to the face.

Face Yoga Cons • You’ll need to learn the exercises and dedicate time to practice for optimal results. Like anything done infrequently, you can’t expect good results without putting in consistent work.

• The good news? It’s easier than you think to restore the facial features back to their original shape (not erasing lines that are supposed to be there). With regular daily practice, it’s surprising how little it takes.

ANDREA and ADRIANA are both CPNs & Face Yoga practitioners passionate about sharing their love and knowledge of Holistic wellness. With over two decades in the wellness space, they guide their clients through Holistic Nutrition counselling alongside FaceYoga and Facial Reflexology protocols.  ANDIMETHOD.COM  ANDIFACEYOGA



Skincare for Women Over 40 and Beyond SANDY KRUSE


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Once you reach midlife, skincare can get pretty complicated. All those low-end cosmetics you used when you were a teenager? Now they can wreak even more havoc on your overall health (I never recommend toxin-filled cosmetics for teens either!). Like most these days, I was shopping online for a new eye cream, and I entered my criteria for areas of concern:

Now, the complicated part — the ingredients. Most know to avoid the following:

• Anti-ageing • Suitable for someone in their 50s • Clean

• • • • • •

Out of these criteria comes an extensive list of many different eye creams available to me. As I was reviewing the selections, I realized that most of the products recommended for me had photos of 30-something-year-old models. A 30-year-old cannot have the same anti-ageing concerns as me. This was my first complication – is this meant for me and my skin? Or is this a fallacy that the cosmetic industry wants me to believe my skin will look like I’m 30? This didn’t sit well with me — I’d like to see a woman my age using the product. It’s important to use skincare meant for your skin type and your age category. I love nourishing oils like organic rosehip along with serums that include hyaluronic acid. There are some fantastic products out there! The Ordinary brand makes some excellent serums. I’d consider them pretty clean with no additives except for the active ingredient— my top-secret serum from The Ordinary – their copper peptides serum. This ingredient is excellent for anti-ageing! Copper peptides have been well-studied to help generate that elastin in collagen deep within the skin.

• • • •

BHA (butylated hydroxyanisole) BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene) PPD (phenylenediamine) DEA (diethanolamine) DBP (dibutyl phthalate) Formaldehyde-releasing preservatives like methenamine, diazolidinyl urea Parabens - methylparaben, propylparaben, butylparaben PEG (polyethylene glycols) - petroleum-based Siloxanes - these ingredients end in "siloxane" or "methicone" SLS (Sodium Lauryl Sulfate) or SLES (Sodium laureth sulfate)

Here is the trickiest of all ingredients in personal care products, even though all the other nasties are removed: FRAGRANCE. I stay away from products that include this one ingredient because many nasty elements can be hidden within this one ingredient under the guise of “trade secrets.” To help you make better choices, download the apps “Think Dirty” or “EWG Healthy Living.” They do an excellent job of deciphering whether or not many of our personal care products are clean.

SANDY KRUSE of Sandy K Nutrition is a registered holistic nutritionist and podcaster who works primarily with women over 40. Sandy shows them through customized, balanced programs she constructs that you can age gracefully, healthfully, and beautifully.  SANDYKNUTRITION.CA  SANDYKNUTRITION




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Joining the Movement to Better Hair and a Cleaner Planet Canadian-based Jack59 presents vegan shampoo and conditioner bars that are pH balanced and sulfate-free, making them gentle for both hair and the environment. Please tell us about how your business started. What was the inspiration? My name is Vanessa Marshall, and I am an aboriginal entrepreneur. I was inspired to create Jack59 as a way to provide quality beauty products to my family and spend more time with my daughter. I was in the healthcare field for most of my adult life and was feeling burnt out. My daughter was spending up to 12 hours a day in daycare, and I knew I needed to change something in my life. I attended the University of Alberta for four years in the pre-med program with hopes of becoming a dentist. I was nearing the end of my degree when I visited a dentist I had worked for many years. I walked into his office prepared to reminisce and evoke those old feelings of belonging but what happened was unexpected. Nothing had changed; the people, the chairs, the environment was exactly how I left it ten years earlier. I had a sort of anxiety attack and realized I could never live happily as a Dentist. I have an incredible entrepreneurial drive and realized I needed to do something for myself, and I needed to be creative and flexible. I did not return to University the following year and began my journey with Jack59. I made many products before I decided to focus on hair care. I created a line of all-natural soaps, whipped body butters, bath bombs and many more products, but it always felt "crafty.” I loved the concept of shampoo and conditioner bars, and we travelled a lot, but I couldn't find a set that didn't dry out my hair or leave it weird and waxy. I became obsessed with the different hair types and spent years

researching the science of hair and the currently available bars. Some people are shocked when I tell them I quit university after taking the dental entrance exam. I have never had regrets about leaving, and it has led me to where I am today. I believe knowledge is power, and I use that knowledge I gained in University almost daily. Formulating salon-quality hair care became my passion, and I absolutely love it. We understand that the amount of plastic we could save by giving up bottled shampoo and conditioner is immense. But, exactly how much of an impact does it make? It is estimated that there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish by the year 2050. Tom Szaky, the CEO of TerraCycle explains, "about nine million tons of plastic end up in the ocean each year." More than 552 million shampoo bottles end up in the landfill each year, that’s about 11 plastic bottles of shampoo a year per family. We are actively encouraging consumers to rethink product packaging and to make changes to the products they purchase. Our Shampoo and Conditioner bars are a great way to eliminate many plastics being added to landfills each year. We also believe that recycling is not enough. According to an article in the National Geographic, written by Laura Parker, a whopping 91% of plastic isn't recycled. This is why we encourage consumers to choose plasticfree options. There are many ways to reduce your plastic consumption, and we encourage everyone to incorporate some (or all) of the possible methods.



adding nutrients for specific hair types. The results of our bars will be noticed very quickly. They add a silky soft feeling and a notable increase in manageability. There is no adjustment period when you start using Jack59 shampoo and conditioner bars. This is only a factor with the soap version, as your hair doesn’t know how to deal with the soap residue. Our bars allow the hair and scalp to gently cleanse without stripping oils or depositing any residues. We understand your staff is all women. How did that happen, and what's that like?

Sometimes shampoo/conditioner bars don't have a great rap. Why is this, and how are your bars different? Even as consumers are looking to make changes, they still expect high quality from their sustainable products. Unfortunately, not all eco-friendly alternatives work well, which has caused some consumers to be disappointed and more cautious with their choices. We realize that sometimes shampoo bars don’t have a great rap — this is because not all shampoo bars are made the same. There are generally three types of shampoo bars. The first type is probably the most common; it contains sulfates like SLS (Sodium Lauryl Sulfate) or SCS (Sodium Cocoyl Sulfate). The sulfate molecule is smaller and can enter your pores, causing dry, itchy scalps and other irritations. In addition, they are not naturally pH balanced, often having a pH rating of over eight, which is very alkaline and causes damage to the hair strand. The second type is a soap bar marketed as a shampoo bar — this type often gives shampoo bars the worst rap. While a tiny percent of the population can tolerate this type of bar, the majority can not. It often creates a waxy build-up due to unsaponified oils and causes your hair to be crunchy and brittle because it strips the hair of its natural oils. The pH is incredibly high (10+), and we do not recommend using this type of bar on hair. Soap is soap — you can not change it to be safe on the hair. The third type is sulfate-free and pH-balanced — this is the type we designed. Our hair and scalp vary slightly, but on average, we believe the ideal pH to be between 4.5-5.5. We created our bars to provide a gentle cleanse while


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We have eight amazing women from Edmonton employed full-time, and we have one other lovely lady employed part-time for our markets. We actually just hired a male student for the summer. He is an excellent addition to our team and has a great sense of humour. We never intended to hire only women; it just became a reality as our team grew. I realize that women deal with more family-related obstacles, limiting their access to jobs and affecting job retention rates. We work with our staff to provide the flexibility needed so our team members can manage both work and family. As an aboriginal woman, I wanted to show my daughter and other aboriginal women what can be accomplished if you work hard and that it is possible to follow your dreams no matter your hardships. Aboriginal women are strong and resilient, and I have overcome many obstacles in my life to be where I am, and I am proud of that. Being a business owner is hard work, but it also gives me the ability to spend time with my family and create my schedule, which wasn't possible when I worked in the healthcare system. I wanted to create a work environment that women can thrive in, provide flexible work hours and remove the fear of losing a position when life gets in the way. Women are incredible beings, and I am honoured to employ a fabulous group of them. What were the biggest wins you experienced while building your business? Formulating products takes a lot of research and time, and I have many knowledgeable ladies that have helped along the way. There are many goals to keep in mind when formulating a new product.


Our main goals are sustainability and offering excellent results. We go above and beyond to include ingredients that will deliver on both of these aspects. We are far from perfect in our processes, but as we grow and learn, we change and adopt new techniques and incorporate new research. Most of our products are vegan, and of course, all of them are cruelty-free. I mainly test my products with my family, and they love being my test subjects. The bubble makers that we use are derived from coconuts, and our nutrients are also all plant-derived. Our bars are sulfate-free, and we have many gluten-free options as I found there are not many gluten-free, sustainable hair care products currently on the market. We use organic botanicals, and our bars are all pH balanced to provide salonquality results. What were the biggest challenges? I’m sure you will agree that 2020 was a rollercoaster year for businesses and personal lives. From homeschooling to pivotal business changes, we have experienced our share of change and stress in the last year and a half. Still, more importantly, we have grown as a team and learned that we are a resilient group of amazing women. Despite the challenges we faced last year, we managed to open a new retail space at 3620 98 St NW, Edmonton. The shop is attached to the front of our warehouse and saved us the cost of opening a separate location. The space is starting to get some character, and soon it will be filled with local products from other Edmonton area small businesses. What's your vision for the future? We have a couple of new products that will be released in the next few weeks. First, we have two new compostable shower containers, similar to the black one we released earlier this year. There are

a couple of remarkable differences, though. One contains the same compostable resin mixed with 25% Alberta hemp. The hemp is produced near Spruce Grove, Alberta and the container has a definite hemp smell. The other is powder pink in colour, and partial proceeds will go to the Breast Cancer Society of Canada. Our compostable shower containers are manufactured in Edmonton, Alberta because we love to keep it local. Puppy shampoos and hair masks are some of the new items we will be releasing in the next couple of months. The mental health of our team members is vital to us. We are all worried about our friends and families in these overwhelming times, so we like to have fun and keep it light in the warehouse. You can always hear a wide variety of music playing in our workshop, and you may even witness some fancy dance moves. We wear pink on Wednesdays for anti-bullying and some added team comradery. One of the most important things we do is have a check-in meeting every week or so. I love to give our team a platform where they can speak their minds. Having an all-women team provides us with a kind of superpower, but it also means we have to nurture it. We have learned that we can trust each other and depend on each other. Together we have experienced exceptional growth during a turbulent time. We will continue to support and elevate each other as we launch our US website and break into the American market. Our website is shipping worldwide, and we will continue to release innovative sustainable products. Sustainable products are becoming more and more mainstream, and we will be here with high-quality products to help people reduce their carbon footprint while having great hair days. Our vision for the future is to become a global brand that makes a difference in the world.  JACK59INC  JACK59.CA  VANESSA@JACK59.CA



 The PHILIPS PASTA MAKER PLUS SMART provides an easy, mess-free way to create fresh pasta at home in under 10 minutes. With a touch of a button, the Philips Pasta Maker will automatically mix, knead and extrude pasta. Available at  PHILIPS.CA for $399.99


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F E AT U R E D P R O D U C T S  Staying home doesn’t mean you have to miss out on your favourite brew. Skip the coffee shop lines and save those toonies – HAMILTON BEACH has it covered when it comes to creating a barista bar right at home. From kettles and coffee makers to espresso machines and more, create an elevated home beverage experience with practical, stylish, and reliable countertop appliances.  HAMILTONBEACHCA  HAMILTONBEACH.CA




Delivering Change That Lasts Holistic Health Coach Alessandra Goes shows us that integrative nutrition is about more than food. Looking at wellness holistically from a lens of prevention, improvement and overall life enjoyment allows us to reach beyond the surface regarding health.

You're committed to a "plantbased, whole foods lifestyle"? What does this mean for you on a day-to-day basis? Eating more plants has become my way of showing compassion to my own body and, at the same time, share this choice with others. Plants are nutrient powerhouses providing us with fibre, vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, and so much goodness all around. My day-to-day lifestyle is supported by what I bring into my home; the foods you will find in my fridge, my pantry, and the ingredients I use when baking are all about making me feel good. These living foods, straight out of nature, are healing; they fuel and satisfy my needs. Once I found the motivation to explore more sustainable ways to live the plant-based lifestyle, especially seeing how it impacted my health, it was a no-brainer — I fell in love. Becoming plant-based became a journey and a genuine commitment. What does "integrative nutrition" mean? Integrative Nutrition is more than the food on your plate. It’s about


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the root cause, prevention, and natural options for our wellbeing. It’s an opportunity to re-educate ourselves on what nature has to offer. It’s a lifestyle change based on environmental conditions, personal relationships, spirituality, career, physical activities, mental and emotional threats. Once we are more aware of what is bringing us down, we can pivot for the better. The key is to tune into our personal needs — it’s about self-love, self-care, selfpreservation. It is really about simplifying things and creating healthy habits. The critical point to holistic nutrition is that what works well for one might not work for the other, which means it’s a personalized approach to health. What's your story? How did you end up becoming a holistic health coach? The story that made me turn the page from living with chronic pain and fibromyalgia to a life of freedom where I share my healing journey with others is why I chose to become a holistic health coach and why I am here today. It's been almost ten years now that I have lived the darkest moments of my life. It felt as




“My biggest desire is to inspire others to take on their journey in mindfully finding a brighter light.” though I was carrying the world on my shoulders. Fibromyalgia was a massive part of my life. It was, in truth, a call for help. It was a sign that it was time to look inwardly, take time to breathe, live, and love. Every morning was a struggle to be present for my family and for me— this was the ultimate cue to make changes. I left my long-time high-level career in the fashion industry and decided to invest in learning holistic nutrition for myself, my lifestyle, and those around me. Nothing was as empowering as finding my voice and connecting with nature through the foods I now eat. Food has saved my life and gave me the tools to put me on a path of specializing in antiinflammatory living. My biggest desire is to inspire others to take on their journey in mindfully finding a brighter light. How can a person who wants to up their nutrition game make 2 to 3 simple changes today? I would start by taking back the kitchen. Most kitchens today are inundated with processed foods that hold your health hostage. My first tip is to replace these with real, whole foods. The idea is to do a big clean-up. It’s vital to fill the


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fridge and cupboards with fresh vegetables, leafy greens, fruits, beans, grains, good plant protein. Secondly, it’s essential to ditch sugar. Refined processed sugar is the biggest culprit causing havoc to our bodies as it is highly inflammatory. And thirdly, choose healthy fats, like coconut, avocado or extra virgin olive oil, instead of vegetable oils. And if I were to give one last piece of advice, I would say create good habits starting with lemon water at the start of the day and having a soothing lemon balm tea just before you go to bed. What's your favourite summertime dish? I love a good salad with leafy greens, hearts of palm, apple slices, maple-glazed pecans, sliced cucumbers and a side of roasted veggie chickpea flour quiche. I like my salad dressing with extra

virgin olive oil, balsamic vinegar, dijon mustard, crushed fresh garlic, dill, salt, pepper and maple syrup. So much goodness! In your work as a coach, how do you support people to meet their goals? Listening to my client’s needs is the first step in supporting their goals. We will identify any concerns they may have, always with a positive and inspiring lifestyle and wellness practice in mind. I will provide them with guidance, encouragement and will hold them accountable. And at the end of their session, they receive my feedback and 2-3 easily actionable recommendations. My programs are a vehicle to empowering them to take responsibility for their transformation journey of creating and maintaining a sustainable and healthy life.


“Barely Rose” Popsicles



Coral Pink Layer • 1 frozen banana, sliced and frozen • 2 Tbsp dragon fruit powder • ½ cup strawberries

1 Add the cashews to a small saucepan and bring it to a boil, at low temperature, for 15-20 min. Remove from heat and set aside until it reaches room temperature. 2 Blend all ingredients for the “coral pink layer” until well combined.

Rose Pink Layer • 1 frozen banana, sliced and frozen • ¼ cup mango • ½ cup coral pink blend Coconut Orchid Layer • ¾ cup raw cashews • 1 can coconut milk (using only the solid portion) • 2 Tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice • 2 Tbsp organic maple syrup • A dash of Himalayan salt • ¼ cup rose pink blend

3 Pour ½ of this blend into a small bowl and set aside. 4 Add the ingredients for the “rose pink layer” to the blender with the remainder of the “coral pink blend” and pour into another small bowl. 5 Add the cashews, the coconut milk (the solid portion only), the lemon juice, the maple syrup, the Himalayan salt and ¼ cup of the “rose pink blend” to the blender and blend until smooth. You will get an “orchid soft colour” blend. 6 Layer the three blends into the popsicle mould and one thin slice of strawberry on top, creating your magic. 7 Add the wood sticks to the popsicles and freeze for a minimum of 4 hrs. or until firm. 8 Once ready, remove from the popsicle mould and enjoy!




Blackberry and Peanut Butter Rustic Donuts



Blackberry Donuts • 1 ½ cups spelt flour • ½ cup gluten-free 1:1 flour • ½ cup date sugar • 1 Tbsp peanut butter powder • 2 tsp baking powder • 1 tsp baking soda • ¼ tsp salt • 1 tsp lemon zest • 1 ¹/³ cups unsweetened almond milk • ¼ cup coconut oil, melted • 2 tsp vanilla extract • ½ cup blackberries

1 Preheat the oven to 400° F and spray a donut pan with cooking spray.

Icing • 1 cup powdered date sugar • 1–2 tbsp almond milk • 1 tsp lemon juice • ½ tsp vanilla extract • 1 tsp lemon zest • ¼ tsp Dragon fruit powder • Ruby chocolate powder to sprinkle on top


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2 Mix the dry ingredients in a bowl and the wet ingredients together in a separate bowl. 3 Pour the wet ingredients into the dry until combined. Add the blackberries, mixing gently. 4 Spoon the batter into the pan. 5 Bake for 10-12 minutes, or until a toothpick comes out clean. 6 To make the icing, mix the powdered sugar, almond milk, lemon juice, vanilla, lemon zest and the dragon fruit powder all together until combined. 7 Once the donuts are cooled, dip them into the icing. Let sit for 30 minutes for the icing to set, and sprinkle the ruby chocolate powder on top. Enjoy!

Wild Blueberry Olive Oil Cake



Olive Oil Cake Base • 1 cup extra virgin olive oil • 1 cup coconut cultured yogurt or 2% lactose-free yogurt • 4 organic free-range eggs or 4 flax eggs • 2 cups date sugar or organic sugar • 2 cups gluten-free flour • 1 Tbsp gluten-free baking powder • ½ cup wild blueberries

1 Preheat oven to 365°F. Spray a cake pan with coconut oil and line with parchment paper.

Topping • Date sugar and protein powder combined.

5 Pour the batter into the baking pan and add the blueberries, mixing it gently.

2 Add the olive oil, the yogurt, the date sugar, and the eggs in a blender and blend until creamy and smooth. Transfer it to a bowl. 3 Sift the flour into the yogurt blend and, using a mixer, mix until well combined. 4 Add the baking powder and mix gently.

6 Bake the three cakes for 45 min. Once done, let them cool for 20-30 min. 7 Prepare the icing by mixing the vegan butter with a handheld mixer until creamy. Then add the vegan cream cheese and mix again. Lastly, sift in powdered date sugar and a squeeze of lemon juice and mix again until creamy and well combined. 8 Remove from the pan and spread the icing on the cake. Decorate with wild blueberries on top. Sprinkle the date sugar and protein powder on top. Enjoy!




Herbs have not received the same kind of attention for COVID as the more famous vitamins like C and D — this neglect is a potential disservice in the fight against COVID. In China, 90% of COVID patients’ treatments include herbs, and a herbal combination of ginger and licorice has led to a positive response in 90% of COVID patients. 1 Several other herbs are beginning to receive scientific support:

Licorice As the Chinese data suggests, licorice may have promise. Glycyrrhizin, an essential component of licorice, has been shown to plug the ACE-2 receptors that the SARS-CoV-2 virus uses as a doorway into human cells, where it takes over the cell’s machinery, allowing it to replicate and do its damage.2 Encouragingly, recent studies have found that glycyrrhizin may target the ACE-2 receptor and prevent SARS-CoV-2 entry.3 Other in vitro studies have found glycyrrhizic acid from licorice to be effective against several proteins targeted by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, meaning that licorice could help treat the effects of the virus.4


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1. Chin J Nat Med 2020;18:226–30) , 2. Journal of Virology 2004:11334–11339) , 3. Preprints;; Chin Trad Herbal Drug;4(51):845-850,20200228 , 4. Comput Biol Med 2020,124,103936 , 5. Phytother Res 2019;33:2798-2820 , 6. J Phys Chem Lett;11(11):4413–4420,

The Most Promising Herbs for COVID-19

7. Phytother Res 2020;34(11):2911-20, 8. J Complement Integr Med 2021;doi:10.1515/jcim-2020-0283 , 9. Virology Journal 2020;17(1):136, 10. Thai PBS World December 9, 2020, 11. Curr Drug Discov Technol 2020;doi:10.2174/1570163817666200712164406; Curr Ther Res 2020;93:100602,23; Coronaviruses 2020;1:1, 12. medRxiv 2020;, 13. Cells 2021;10(2):302




Curcumin is an anti-inflammatory that may play a role in the excessive inflammatory response seen in COVID.5 Computer modelling studies have found curcumin to prevent SARS-CoV-2 viral attachment.6 However, curcumin is also antiviral and boosts CAMP — a protein that helps the immune system fight off infections from pathogens. For its combination of anti-inflammatory and anti-viral effects, curcumin has been suggested as a potential herb for preventing and treating COVID.7

Thailand’s health ministry has made andrographis the first herb to be approved by a country for treating COVID. In a small study of six people with mild to moderate symptoms, 60mg of andrographis extract, taken three times a day, improved symptoms, especially coughing, within three days. At five days, their other symptoms began to improve, and two of them were COVID negative. After three weeks, all six people tested negative. Thai media has reported on a study that found andrographis extract to improve the condition of COVID patients whereby it led to improvement within 72 hours of developing symptoms. All patients started showing signs of improvement on the third day of treatment, including cough, sore throat, muscle pains, headache and runny nose.10 The researchers say that although andrographis cannot prevent cells from being infected, it effectively kills the virus and prevents it from multiplying.

Echinacea You knew we’d get here eventually. Echinacea is the most popular herb for supporting immunity. It enhances your immune system’s response to viral infections. So, could it improve your response to COVID infections? In the first echinacea study, the great herb was combined with ginger. One hundred people with “suspected COVID-19” based on positive CT scan/X-ray and clinical symptoms were given either hydroxychloroquine alone or hydroxychloroquine plus echinacea and ginger. The people in the herbal group had more significant improvement in coughing, shortness of breath and muscle pain. Coughing was alleviated in 97.6% of the echinacea/ginger group versus 78.8% of the hydroxychloroquine group. Shortness of breath improved in 91.17% of the herb group versus 69.23% of the hydroxychloroquine group. And muscle pain improved in 96% of the herb group versus 76.47% of the hydroxychloroquine group. Though it did not reach statistical significance, fewer people in the herbal group had to be hospitalized: 6% of the control group (three people), but only 2% of the echinacea and ginger group (one person).8 Components of echinacea called alkamides have been shown to bind to cannabinoid receptors to reduce the exaggerated inflammatory response of COVID. And a recent cell study found that Echinacea purpurea herb and root demonstrated antiviral activity against the SARS-CoV-2 virus.9

Black Seed Perhaps the most exciting herbal research yet is on black seed (Nigella sativa). Black seed is antiviral, antiinflammatory, antioxidant and immune-modulating — all of which makes it interesting for COVID. Computer simulation studies have found that components of black seed can attach to cell receptors and potentially inhibit SARS-CoV-2 attachment and replication.11 When people with moderate or severe COVID were given black seed combined with honey, they got over their symptoms significantly faster than a placebo group. There was a significant advantage for all symptoms tested, including fever, cough, shortness of breath and inflammation. Whether their symptoms were moderate or severe, people in the supplement group tested negative a significant four days sooner than people in the placebo group. Most importantly, while 18.87% of the placebo group had died by day 30, only 4% of the black seed and honey group had.12 People with cancer are at increased risk of COVID and severe symptoms. Recently, researchers have suggested that the thymoquinone found in black seed may be of particular value in these complicated cases.13

LINDA WOOLVEN is a master herbalist and registered acupuncturist with a practice in Toronto. Linda Woolven & TED SNIDER are the authors of several books on natural health and The Natural Path newsletter, a monthly natural health newsletter. To subscribe to The Natural Path, to see their books or make a virtual appointment to see Linda for a consultation, you can visit  THENATURALPATHNEWSLETTER.COM or  THEM TEDSNIDER@BELL.NET



Connect with our super inspiring Vista Ambassadors this issue for wellness tips, healthy recipes, fitness advice and more.


a Canadian content creator, vegan recipe developer, and food photographer. She loves working with plant-based companies to create unique recipes highlighting their food or wellness products. On her Instagram page and blog, she aims to inspire others to incorporate more plant-based foods into their lifestyle and show people how easy it can be to eat vegan. All of her recipes are easy-to-follow and made with wholesome ingredients. Christa is also a mindful and intentional living advocate. On her page, you can also find lots of low waste and sustainable fashion tips. On sunny days she spends her afternoons walking or biking and enjoying the outdoors. FUN FACT Christa is the proud plant mom of 10 plants and counting!  CHRISTA.MARIA


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 AMINA RAI has always had a passion for baking

and cooking. Over the years, she’s learned more about nutrition and health, which has made her more mindful of the ingredients she uses while cooking. Her page focuses on delivering simple, delicious, and nutritious content — with the exception of some treats. FUN FACT Amina loves tropical getaways but doesn’t know how to swim!  MADEBYAMINA_

 KIRSTEN VANDENHEUVEL is currently attending the Canadian College

of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto, Ontario as a 3rd-year student. She is excited to bring her knowledge and experience of the gut-brain connection into her practice when she graduates. You can find her speaking about mindfulness, mental well-being, and her journey as a naturopathic medical student on social media. FUN FACT She has travelled to Costa Rica four times now and would love to practice there in the future.  NATURALLY.KIRSTEN




 SONIA RUPRAI is a Food Blogger in the Niagara region. She’s

passionate about inspiring her followers to try more plant-based cooking to enhance their well-being. She loves to experiment in the kitchen with traditional meals and provide a plant-based option still packed full of flavour! FUN FACT Sonia is a third-generation Lacto-vegetarian.  MYVEGANPANTRYLIFESTYLE  MYVEGANPANTRYLIFESTYLE.COM

Find us @VistaMagCanada and follow #VistaMagCanada and #VistaAmbassador. We have you covered for all things health and wellness.


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PRODUC T SPOTLIGHT  We created this collagen to fill the space in the market for a collagen powder with more than just one source, so you don't have to choose between bovine or marine. You don't have to settle for single-source collagen; MULTI COLLAGEN PROTEIN provides three types of collagen derived from three food-based sources. Our collagen powder is obtained from nonGMO, grass-fed and pasture-raised, cage-free and cruelty-free sources.  ANCIENTNUTRITION  ANCIENTNUTRITION.CA

 DANDIES are 100% vegan and contain no artificial flavours or colours, no corn syrup, and no gluten. They’re also kosher, Non-GMO Project Verified, and free from most common allergens.  MYDANDIES  DANDIES.COM

 Based in Cochrane, Alberta, REAL TREAT succeeds in its mission to deliver organic treats that satisfy a craving for decadence with its awardwinning organic cookies.  REALTREATKITCHEN  REALTREAT.CA

 ILI NEW YORK'S SMALL BACKPACK IN COBALT BLUE is the perfect on-trend bag for summer. Made of a buttery, smooth leather, it has adjustable shoulder straps for a comfortable fit that can be worn all day. It has RFID blocking lining and a front, back and two inside slip pockets for maximum organization. It also comes in Black, Jeans Blue, Purple, Red, Toffee/Black. Available for $190.00 at  ILINEWYORK.COM  ILINENEWYORK



 ABSOLUTELY GLUTEN FREE are the delicious line of sweet and savory snacks that are 100% Certified Gluten-free, all-natural, OU certified kosher, grain-free, free of corn and rice, vegan, and made with only clean and wholesome ingredients.  ABSOLUTELYGF  ABSOLUTELYGF.COM  Take hydration to the next level! AFTER PRACTICE provides all 6 electrolytes lost during sweating, plus vegan aminos, vitamin C and trace minerals in a delicious pineapple coconut powder. Paleo, Keto, Vegan, Fasting-friendly. A natural, caffeine-free pre-workout that’s good for you! GREEN ENERGY, increases energy and stamina without the jitters. Greens, superfoods and vegan aminos. Paleo, Keto, Vegan, Fasting-friendly.  NIYAMAWELLNESSCANADA  NIYAMAYOGAWELL.CA

 BANISH SKIN CARE founder Daisy has been struggling a lot with psoriasis and eczema, and much like her journey with acne, this gel was one of the only things that made a difference! Read about her entire struggle with eczema and how she discovered what worked for her.  BANISHACNESCARS  BANISH.COM


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 NUTES SUPERFOOD SMOOTHIE PUCKS are frozen pre-portioned smoothies made with whole food ingredients. Simply add your liquid of choice and blend! Raw, plant-based, and nutrient-dense.  NUTES.NUTRITION  NUTESNUTRITION.CA

 The BLISS BRACELET, made with 14 karat gold beads and genuine Swarovski crystals, is designed to help you focus on taking you one step closer to finding your bliss! Each crystal represents an area of your life – personal growth, romance, health, friends & family, career, fun & recreation, finances, and environment.  THEBLISSMINUTE  FINDINGYOURBLISS.COM

 AUPALE VODKA Relentless sourcing of the most untouched, natural ingredients engineered with integrity with the purest water in North America. Free of impurities, free of gluten, full of passion and precision to redefine smooth and next-level quality.  AUPALEVODKA

 Woman-owned and made in Massachusetts, Z WRAPS super pliable, reusable food wraps are incredibly easy to use and stick down when you want them to—the first time.  Z-WRAPS  ZWRAPS.COM

When it comes to nutrition, RICEBERRY RICE is one of the best grain choices. It’s not only rich in antioxidants, but it’s also completely gluten-free! That along with its high fibre and bran oil content, makes Riceberry Rice an absolute powerhouse at aiding digestion.  THAIRICEFORLIFE  THINKRICETHINKTHAILAND.COM



Hemp & Your Skincare Routine KELLY EBBERT

How Does Cannabis Benefit Your Skin?

For centuries, people have been finding new ways to utilize natural products to take care of their bodies and heal issues from pain to inflammation. The hemp plant has stood the test of time as one of these natural remedies. More recently, researchers have sought to discover how its potential ability to reduce inflammation could connect with promoting the health of our largest organ, our skin.

Skin can run into all sorts of problems caused by factors from environmental irritants to genetics. According to new research from the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia Medical School, CBD ointment may reduce skin inflammation and provide therapeutic benefits to people with conditions like psoriasis and atopic dermatitis. Other research theorizes hemp-derived oils can be beneficial to the skin for purposes of hydration. There are several types of hemp oils, each with its own unique qualities. Hemp seed oil, rich in cannabinoids, terpenes and other essential plant components, comes directly from


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pressed hemp seeds. There are also CBD and THC oils, which are extracted from the hemp plant, heightening the effects of the specifically chosen cannabinoid. No matter what you decide to use in your skincare routine, hemp could be the answer to treating your delicate skin.

How to Use Cannabis to Benefit Your Skin Since hemp’s legalization, companies have developed diverse ways to integrate hemp oil and cannabinoids like CBD into skincare products. In fact, cannabis topicals are available in virtually any option you’d find for typical skincare products, whether you’re searching for serums, salves or moisturizers. As you might know from traditional skincare, the method of use matters. Creams absorb into the skin, whereas ointments stay on the top layer, offering protection from concerns like dry air. It’s thought that cannabinoids in skincare products can provide moisturizing benefits, hydrating skin, and fight conditions like eczema while reducing inflammation, redness and irritation.

Could Other Ingredients Play a Role? In order to hydrate the skin effectively, it’s best to use a CBD skincare product packed with other nourishing ingredients. When products such as CBD body butter utilize components like shea butter to trap moisture, it, in turn, soothes and hydrates damaged skin. When it comes down to honing the benefits of CBD and

the hemp plant, CBD company Healing Harbors’ Chief Operating Officer Ashley Lenz says it all comes down to incorporating any naturally grown ingredient known for fighting skin issues like pain, inflammation, and ageing. “Simple things, like shea and cocoa butter — even the curry leaf — each have the potential to bring powerful relief when paired with premium quality hemp extract, especially in our topical skincare products. In our home, we use the Body Butter almost daily for skincare, bruises, rashes, swelling, pain; you name it. If my daughter gets a boo-boo, she asks for the Body Butter before anything else! There’s something amazing about how well all of those natural ingredients work together for our family.” Other ingredients, like vitamin E, also contribute to top-quality CBD skincare products. Vitamin E is thought to combat sun damage and protect against ageing. It is also utilized to promote collagen production, which the body begins to lose as we age. According to Laura Fuentes, Chief Executive Officer at Green Roads, diversifying CBD skincare products’ ingredients allow the product to serve different functions. “Each ingredient in Green Roads CBD Skin Relief serves a different purpose. Safflower is commonly used on acne and other skin irritations. Avocado oil moisturizes while bentonite clay helps manage oils that cause acne. Vitamin E supports your skin’s overall health, and CBD manages physical stressors, especially when applied topically. Calm, clean skin is clear and healthy while blemishes are caused (at least in part) by stress and irritants.”

Key Points to Remember When choosing a hemp-infused skincare product, be sure to pick one that meets your needs. Match the hemp product you purchase to which one you’d use without the addition of cannabinoids. If you’re searching for a product to soothe sore spots, find a hemp-based skincare product that includes ingredients such as menthol or camphor. For cannabis skincare aiming to help dry skin, ensure your product has other vital nutrients like tea tree oil. Furthermore, if you’re purchasing from a hemp brand, ensure they employ independent third-party lab testing and publish results, so you know exactly what you’re putting on your skin. Don’t forget to make important considerations, such as buying CBD products containing SPF, offering sun protection, and trying to stay away from products that use harmful ingredients to keep your skin free of irritants. Though more research needs to be done, hemp could be a gamechanger for your skincare routine. As in most cases, one size certainly does not fit all, and the best way to find out how CBD skincare could benefit you is to test it on yourself. Do a patch test of any skincare product you purchase to ensure you do not have a reaction and buy from brands you trust. The world is a stressful place — make it a little less stressful by adding hemp to your skincare routine!

KELLY EBBERT spends her time writing and researching to make the world a little brighter. She seeks to help people feel comfortable in their own skin. You can find her meditating or enjoying the simple beauties life brings.




Julia Perfetto

Julia Perfetto shares the origin of her journey and how she can help others achieve their personal fitness goals. How did your fitness journey begin? My fitness journey began in high school when I was 15 years old. I grew up in a very athletic household — my parents, brother, and sister all played sports. I tried a bunch of different sports too, but none of them stuck. It wasn’t until I signed up for a gym membership with a friend in Grade 11 that I discovered my passion for fitness and exercise. Ever since then, the gym has become my happy place. When I’m working out, all my problems disappear. It’s the only place where I can turn off my racing mind and focus on my workout and my workout only. It’s the best feeling! At the start of my fitness journey, I had no idea what I was doing and relied on Instagram and YouTube influencers to learn how to perform exercises, put together a workout, and discover new ones. I was so grateful that other women were sharing their fitness knowledge — if it weren’t for them, I would have never learned myself. That’s when I first became fascinated with the idea of starting my own fitness account — and now here we are! You cover a lot of ground on your IG, from outfits to meal prep. What guides the content you share with your followers? My only rule is to have fun with it! Of course, fitness is my primary source of content, but I love to share other content that I think my followers will enjoy or find useful. I want to keep things as authentic as


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possible, and part of that is showing different parts of my life beyond just fitness and working out! What does an average day look like for you? Every morning before work, I try to go for a long walk. I love getting outdoors and moving my body first thing in the morning because I need to be sitting at my desk working for most of the day. Walking is such a great way to start the day, and I always feel so much better afterwards. From 9-5, I’m working my day job as a People and Culture Specialist at a Canadian healthcare technology company (I’m currently working remotely but hope to be back in the office soon)! Depending on how much time I have, I will either do my strength workout over lunch or after work. In the evenings, I’m usually working on Instagram/TikTok content, hanging with friends, or relaxing! What›s the most helpful thing someone looking to get «shredded» should know? Doing endless hours of cardio isn’t the answer! The only way to lose weight is by being in a consistent calorie deficit. You can achieve this through a combination of diet and exercise but need both to work together to achieve results. It doesn’t matter what type of exercise you are doing. If the total amount of calories you burn throughout the day (Basal Metabolic Rate + calories burned with movement) is higher than the number of calories you

consume, you will lose weight. That said, prioritizing strength training will allow you to replace fat with muscle and create that “toned” look. Muscle also requires more energy, so the more muscle you have, the higher your BMR will be (i.e., the more calories your body will burn when resting). Please tell us more about your Summer Shred Program. My Summer Shred Program is a 6-week exercise plan that I created to get toned and lose fat just in time for summer. It started as a plan that I wanted to create for myself to regain motivation, but as I made it, I realized I wanted other women to use it. It incorporates my favourite training styles — you can expect many booty-burning workouts and High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). The exercises are more intense in this program to bring your heart rate up and burn calories more efficiently. Combined with a healthy diet, this plan creates an optimal environment for fat loss. If you are interested in learning more about it, you can contact me via DM on Instagram or email. The plan is available to purchase for only $10 at  JULIAFIT.CA  JULIAFIT_ JULIAFIT_


Making informed choices for you and your family can be difficult. With a multitude of products and labels at your fingertips, how do you know that what you're choosing is good for you and the planet? Organic is built on four main principles: Health, Ecology, Care, and Fairness. Choosing organic ensures you know what you're eating and the positive effects your purchases have on the environment. Here are five reasons to make the change and start choosing organic!

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_________________ Organic is good for people, the planet, and the animals! September 13-19




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