Humbling yourself before God - Speaking in Tongues 1

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The Servant 02 January 2007

If My People who are called by My Name, Will humble themselves and pray... (Part 1) On the morning of the second of January 2007, my wife went to work and I stayed at home. I have prepared myself to pray and intercede the entire week to come. I wanted to start out this new year with my God. Since the end of last year the Lord started to lay some things upon my heart. It has been my desire for God’s church to see the potential which God has created it for. During the year of 2001 the call of the Lord upon my life came in a supernatural way. The Lord appeared to me through signs and wonders in the sky. He started to reveal many things and started to confirm many things according to the scriptures. During the last five years I have studied and practiced the presence of God. Then the Lord through His anointing started teaching me to hear His voice. The following word was received while under the anointing of God’s Spirit and in His love. I therefore submit this to the scrutiny of other believers, but do however realize the revelation which it contains and are confirmed by scripture! There the word of God says: “Quench not the Spirit. Despise not prophesying. Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.” While I prayed in tongues the word of the Lord came to me. This was the word as was received on the 2nd of January 2007: “Through tongues you will be able to, as it was discovered in earlier days, as if, using a lever; the lever’s power was used to move great things with a long lever; Through tongues you will be able to move as if with a lever, the powers of darkness and the powers of the evil forces. And you will be able to see great deliverance and great breakthroughs, because of tongues.”

As I have said earlier so I now say again: “Within the next three years. Yes, within the next three years, if you will be faithful and if you will pray as often as you can; If as often as possible, you will pray in tongues, then I will release through you. Yes, I will release in you, even greater release then I have done before! Yes since the year 2000 up to the year 2006, is six years. But from now until the year 2010, in the next three years, I’m going to break through to a new level, but this goes with a prerequisite, this goes with the understanding that you all will pray in tongues as often as possible.” “And you will stand in my presence, and I will release to you an understanding and new revelation and I will give you a new hope and a new future. You will look back at the past and you will say but how is this possible, the things that God had done was too great already, how can he do even greater things than these. But my son, he who stands in my presence and who hears from me, who comes to my throne room with boldness and confidence. He will see even greater things than these.” “The things of the past will seem as nothing. They will seem insignificant and small. Though you will look back at them you will say: “I could clearly not remember them!” They were great when they begun, but the things that God has shown me and that He will show me, this will be even greater. “You will see, and you will look and you will understand!” “Within the next 3 years I will raise you up, to be, the prophet which I called you to be. I will release you in the ministry of the office of a prophet. When you pray in tongues with all that is within you, as often as possible!” “Do not allow competition or jealousy, bitterness or anything else to come up your heart! Also do not compare with other people. Don’t look with the eyes of man, but look with the eyes of Jesus Christ alone.”

The Servants of the Lord Jesus Christ South Africa, Pretoria & All prophecy must be tested by the word of our Father and Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Thess 5:20-21) Please send this letter to many other so that they many also be blessed by the Word of the Lord Jesus Christ and be prepared for His coming. This letter may be copied, but all rights are reserved as those given from the Lord Jesus Christ to His Servants the prophets at Witnesses for Jesus Christ. (Amos 3:6-7 & Rev 22:16-20) Therefore give Glory to whom Glory belong. -1-



The Servant 02 January 2007

“Can a man have so much authority?” But God will say it is not a man who has this authority, but Jesus Christ and the very cross and the price of Jesus Christ that makes all of this possible, for those who believe; For those who will accept there righteousness in Jesus Christ; Those who will walk in the fullness of the things that God has for them: For those who will walk in the boldness of the Spirit of Jesus Christ. They will be ones who will walk in the Spirit of Elijah in these hours and in these days. And they will see the great exploits that God had promised His servant Daniel in the books of the prophets. All the things that has been prophesied; they will come to pass in this generation. This generation will see it and it will be revealed to them. There eyes will be opened and they will understand. And they will say truly: The Lord God Almighty, He alone – He is and He was and He is to come. He is the One who spoke these words and He will bring them about!”

Systematically - Very slowly, I am going to increase your authority. I am going to increase that which I have placed upon you. And you will walk in the great eagerness of my Spirit, yes; the very Spirit of Jesus Christ will be manifested in you. And the love of Jesus Christ and the Spirit of Jesus Christ will be shown. And they will see, not you, but they will see Jesus. Yes, and they will understand and know that it was God who said these things. That they will not be a lie, but that they would come to pass, even in the fullness of everything which God has spoken.” “May the power of the Spirit of Jesus Christ be released, O God! May it be released, in Jesus Name. May the power and the Spirit of Jesus Christ be release O Lord! Yes Lord, I accept fully, the things prophesied and said. I will do them Lord, even as you said I will do them, Father! And I am not afraid, and I know now Lord that I do not have to be insignificant or feel insignificant before men. But that you are my God and that you raise up those whom You call to you. Those whom you draw to you, O Father.

Lord we worship you and we exalt you, O God. We exalt you Father, for there is no other God, there is no other King and there is no other Ruler like you. You are the great and mighty One, The Lord of Lord and the King of Kings! Hallelujah!

“And I will draw you to me, and I will draw you with cords of love; and I will show you great love and compassion and tenderness. Many will envy the love and tenderness that I’ll show you. But you will walk close to My heart; and you will walk in a newness of understanding. I will call you higher and I will call you deeper and I will call you further. Yes, as you have desired for deep to call unto deep so deep will call unto you. The very deep things of God will call unto your spirit and they will rise up to your subliminal level, even as you continue to pray in tongues, continually worshipping Jesus – continually worshipping the God of heaven, the Lord of heaven and earth.”

“I am going to make it so enjoyable for you. You will be like a son and like a child who will play in the water. And you will enjoy the water so much; you will not want to go away from this water. A time will come when you will give up everything that you have to have this water. And this water will become in you, as I have promised, through my son, a well of everlasting water that will bubble up, and will stream up, from within your bellows and they will bring to you great joy and excitement. Yes, an excitement of understanding; an excitement of love; An excitement of exuberant live that God will bring about in you as you pour out these words. As you pour out this power over other’s lives.”

“Do not say I am only a child, I am only a youth, and who am I that men should look upon me? Do not look at yourself as man look at you, but look at yourself as I have looked at you before the time began. As I have ordained you and called you as prophet to the nations. I will open your eyes and you will understand things, yes even hidden things since the creation of the world. You will see things and you will reveal things to this earth. And as I have said to you before. I will give you authority over seas and over waters, over the air, over the rain and over the clouds. And you will walk and you will see men, but they will see you, and they will understand that God is with you. They will stand and say:

“They to will come into this branch. Yes, I am the vine and you are the branches. And they will, in Me, bear much fruit!” “Only do not let the enemy separate you from Me. Continue to pray in the Spirit and build yourself up in you most Holy faith, praying in the Spirit at all times. Continually, without seizing, praying! When I say pray without seizing. I am not talking about physical praying; I am talking about spiritual praying. I am talking about those who have their hearts and there minds and there whole

The Servants of the Lord Jesus Christ South Africa, Pretoria & All prophecy must be tested by the word of our Father and Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Thess 5:20-21) Please send this letter to many other so that they many also be blessed by the Word of the Lord Jesus Christ and be prepared for His coming. This letter may be copied, but all rights are reserved as those given from the Lord Jesus Christ to His Servants the prophets at Witnesses for Jesus Christ. (Amos 3:6-7 & Rev 22:16-20) Therefore give Glory to whom Glory belong. -2-



The Servant 02 January 2007

opened the way to the Psalms to show men, the heart of God? Who had truly shown men the Love of God for His servant and for His people. Have you considered him who said: “I know him who was able to deliver me from the bear and from the lion’s mouth and so this uncircumcised Philistine will be as one of these?” Yes Lord, cut off the head of the strongman, Father, of religion, Lord. So that we could truly worship and exalt you!

being focussed on Me. Focus everything that is in you! You very intestines, they will tremble as you focus upon Me. You heart will tremble, as your heart throb with joy, as you focus upon Me. You knees will grow weak, yes, your very knees will buckle in at the Love of God, at the very power of His presence. You will not be able to stand in My presence, because of the Glory that will be revealed to you. Therefore stand and see what God will do in these days, for those who will trust in Him!”

“I want to warn you beforehand, before these things happen. Remember, when ever the power of God is available for deliverance, healing, miracles, signs and wonders then the power of the enemy will also come to deceive, to distract and to mislead so that you will not see Me. So that you will soon be discouraged and give up hope, that the God of heaven has spoken to you. He will soon make believe that it was you imagination. He will come with the following lie: Yes, he is the father of lies. He will come and say these are only deceptions. These are only ‘makebelieves’, these are a figment of your imagination. But when he comes in, I will raise up a standard against Him. The very love of my Spirit and the very power of My anointing will break the joke. When My anointing is available, do not give up. Even though doubt rise in your heart, even though distractions want to come, do not give up, but remember not to be deceived by the false signs and wonders, which the enemy will also bring.

“There is one thing I want you to assure Me. I want you to break loose of every tradition, rule and regulation that has hold you captive. These are the strongholds of your mind. These are the things that have held this people in the clutches of the enemy. I want you to release these that are sitting in darkness because of traditions and philosophy; and hollow concepts, which the world has brought to them. The very evil one has revealed to them this structure, which held them captive so that they would not see Me!” “But you will see Me and you will show them to Me so that I may show Myself to them. And I will glorify My Name and I will glorify it so that they will see that Jesus Christ is the Hope of Glory in them. That every word of the prophets and every word of the apostles, as was spoken, will come to pass. And yes, every double-mindedness that men had because of the things of God will be utterly removed. Yes, the barrier will be broken. It will be shaken and it will be crushed. For God will do a thing in these days that are far greater than men has ever seen. Yes the anointing has been revealed, but the truth of the anointing has not yet been understood. The power of the Glory of God has not been felt yet!”

When utterly, He can see that will not be able to pull you down, blind you and make you believe his lie. He will then come with a powerful delusion. This delusion will attempt to bring you down. It will attempt to throw you into divination and witchcraft. These things are the very things which God hate and find abominable in this generation. And He will destroy it by His glorious coming, and He will reveal it, by the fire of the Spirit of God!”

“Have you considered My servants in the past? Have you seen the power of the Spirit of God that was revealed in them? Have you considered Samson – the one who pushed the pillars, the one who tore open the Lion’s mouth, the one who killed a thousand in an Acker? Have you considered Elijah, the one whose eyes were opened, who looked to the mountains and could see the enemies, but he was also able to see the very powers and forces of God, surrounding with fire? Did you consider My servant David, who with a single stone under the power of God’s guidance, picked up a stone and slung it to the enemy; and made the stronghold fall? Did you consider him, who was considered My friend; Who

“Yes this is the reason why I have come to prepare My Bride. This is the reason why I have come to prepare my people. This is the reason why I am raising up a peculiar people. A people that will not be understood by the natural ways of thinking of things. This will not be a people whom the world will consider as wise. But they will consider them foolish. They will consider them as ones who are thrown out and despised, because they can not understand them. But I am rising up a people, I am cleansing a people for Myself, I am separating them and I am setting them apart for the

The Servants of the Lord Jesus Christ South Africa, Pretoria & All prophecy must be tested by the word of our Father and Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Thess 5:20-21) Please send this letter to many other so that they many also be blessed by the Word of the Lord Jesus Christ and be prepared for His coming. This letter may be copied, but all rights are reserved as those given from the Lord Jesus Christ to His Servants the prophets at Witnesses for Jesus Christ. (Amos 3:6-7 & Rev 22:16-20) Therefore give Glory to whom Glory belong. -3-



The Servant 02 January 2007

that the enemy give is eternal damnation and destruction. The Life that I give is through My Spirit. The life that he takes is through your eternal destruction and condemnation. The curse of your condemnation will last for an eternity. Those who raise up to eternal life, they will be like stars shining in all the brightness of the heaven, but those who raise up for eternal damnation, they will they will go down to the depths. Yes, the very depths of the earth. And the earth that I am talking about is not the earth as you see it. It is the very heart and the very core of evil, the very heart of Satan himself. This will be there hell fire, in which they will be destroyed, and which ultimately will be destroyed.

purpose of preparing my bride. And my bride will show and deliver and reveal the awesome things of God. And she will be the principle that will show My Son. The very Spirit of my son Jesus Christ will be shown. And will show the glory of God!” “Therefore, My people do not be afraid. But be delivered, be set free. Yes the very powerful delusion that is coming will attempt to delude and distract. Yes, even trying to deceive the very elect.” “But for this reason I am sending now I am sending now, and I am releasing, My anointing to a greater level of deliverance for my people – My bride, so that she will be delivered from the roots of the enemy. From the roots and the hearts of Babylon. Yes Babylon will be cut out of her, and she will see my fire against her and I will consume all her pillars and I will consume all her stones. Yes, every high thing, every thing that sets itself up against God and against the very Spirit of Jesus Christ will be destroyed. It will be utterly demolished! Yes the very rejection of people that she has brought the very ideas, and her philosophy and all her trust, that she has placed her trust in. All these things I will cast down to the ground. They will be trampled underfoot. And men will despise them and say: “How could we ever have trusted in these things? How could we ever have hold on to these things?” For these were the very things that God hated. For these were the very things that God has told us, which we should not put our hand to.”

Therefore do not be part of them, but come out of them My bride, My loving ones. Come out of them and be delivered, be restored, be renewed, be rebuilt! “For the bride and the Spirit say come. And let every one who hear say come. Yes, come Lord Jesus, come! Glory to you Lord Jesus. Glory to you Lord Jesus! You will be tempted to speak allot. Yes you will be tempted not to speak in tongues. You will be tempted when revelation comes. To focus your full focus on revelation. But I do not want you to be distracted, but I want you to remain praying in tongues. I will bring revelation. Revelation will come to you. But do not be tempted and do not be distracted by the fullness of the revelation. Only keep on praying in tongues, for the Spirit of God is doing a work, far more than you can ask for, according what you allow Him, inside of you.

But I am warning you before hand, so that these things will not deceive you. So that my Bride will be cleansed. As it is said: “Pass through, pass through the gates!!” And I have shown you the gates. You have seen the two great angels stand on the two sides of the gates. Yes, this is the Gates to eternal life. Pass through the gates of eternal life. For these gates will never be shut day and night. For men will enter and they will bring them from the North and from the South and from the East and from the west and all those, whom God has called, they will come in at that time and they will be delivered. For God will be there God and Jesus will be there light. And in that town there will be righteousness and justice. And every, good thing and every pure thing, that is from God, that you only had a taste of in this world, will be in the fullness. Yes in the very wink of an eye, within a flash of a lightning, men will be turned, men will be raised. They will be turned from dust to life. The Life that I give is eternal life. The life

“Therefore do not be afraid, but let the Spirit of God continue to work in you that which He has started and wants to bring to completion. For every one who will pray in the Spirit, continually worshipping, exalting, praising, and interceding in the Spirit, with all kinds of groans, as I will teach you: Yes, My Spirit will teach you, and show you, greater things than these.” “I want you remember that the prophecy is only the beginning. As I have said before and I have started to reveal to you. A prophecy is only a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star, the very fullness of the morning, in sun with all its brightness come. A light can not compare to the brightness of the sun. Therefore the prophecy is not the sun, but the prophecy is only light shining in a dark place bring in desire and bringing in

The Servants of the Lord Jesus Christ South Africa, Pretoria & All prophecy must be tested by the word of our Father and Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Thess 5:20-21) Please send this letter to many other so that they many also be blessed by the Word of the Lord Jesus Christ and be prepared for His coming. This letter may be copied, but all rights are reserved as those given from the Lord Jesus Christ to His Servants the prophets at Witnesses for Jesus Christ. (Amos 3:6-7 & Rev 22:16-20) Therefore give Glory to whom Glory belong. -4-



The Servant 02 January 2007

will do. You can stand and see how God will break your paths open. God will make a way in desert where was no way. How God will deliver and set free, break open, raise up and do what ever is needed and you can just stand and see what the Lord will do. Yes you can stand in the fullness of the peace of God and He will do it for you!

direction. I want to light a fire within the heart of those to whom I speak. I want them to have light in themselves after the word came to them. And I want them to remember and I want you to remember that prophecy is only a light shining in a dark place. Tongues will release those prophecies in there hearts. Those to whom I have prophesied and those to whom I have spoken they must continue to pray in tongues. For these things in there lives, spoken in the spirit can only come to pass through the spirit, by praying in the Spirit can these things come to pass. Yes, continue to pray in the Spirit!”

(Side 2) Do not allow yourself to fall out of the Spirit, but build yourself up in you most Holy faith. This is remaining in the Spirit. This is being in the Love of God. This is praying in tongues. This is stirring up the gifts within you. All these things will bring to pass and come to pass, not through the wisdom of man, not through the logic and wisdom, wise and understanding thoughts and plans of man, but the wisdom of God is holy, pure and it is spiritual. For God is Spirit. And where God’s Spirit is there is life. Those who operate in the Spirit of God they will have life and they will be set free.

Prophecy is only a seed. Yes, it is only a seed in a womb. Prophecy is only sometimes the start of things. It only lights a small fire to bring things to come to pass. Yes, prophecy is only like a seed that falls into the ground and unless it dies it cannot become the fullness of what I want it to be. Then it can produce many seeds. I am not only saying seeds for other people, but many other seeds for the hearer who can be the one for whom the prophecy was given. Those words can lead to more prophecies. More seeds which will lead them into a deeper understanding of God. O My people, continue to prophecy according to the word of God so that the seeds of living water can bring life, abundance, deliverance and restoration in your lives!” Hallelujah!

“Many of my people have felt that God has let them down. Many of My people have felt that God has forgotten about them. “But I have not forgotten about you! It is because of your lack of understanding that you have not obeyed My words. I am sending you My prophets so that they will show you My words. I am not saying they will teach you My words. I say they will show you My words. They will be a very demonstration of the My power of My Spirit. And they will deliver My people. And My people will grow in understanding and they will see the power of My Spirit work. The Power of the evil one can only kill, steal and destroy, but the power that I will release in you will bring forth life and it will set things in motion that you know nothing about. And the predestined purpose of My plan will come to pass.”

“When the seed has been placed there by what ever means God has chosen, then I want the seed to be born. I want it to grow. I want it to go through child birth pains until Christ is formed in you.” “Yes as one who goes into child birth pains in every aspect of it. Going through the full nine months until birth is given. Until the fullness of the manifestation has come to pass. This will be the seed which prophecy will release. This will be the word that will bring life and understanding in those who hear it. And those who believe it and those who set alight a in there hearts a hope after it was delivered. And then by praying in tongues bring it into life. Yes, what ever God want to bring to life into your life, it will come to pass.”

“This is a teaching I want you to teach My church: Yes, even as a small fire is setting alight a great field, so the tongue also is a fire that itself is set on fire by a fire coming from hell. And he that controls the rudder of a ship controls the entire ship. So in My case I desire to control My people. I desire for them to give the control to Me. As they by faith, allow Me to speak through them I will take full control of there spirits. And I will show My power in them. Do not be afraid! Fear is the greatest enemy of My Spirit. For fear will blind the eyes. Fear will bring unbelief. Fear of the

Do not be afraid, but be at rest and at ease when it is God who does it, it has nothing to do with your effort. You can be at rest. You can be at peace. And you can stand and see what the Lord

The Servants of the Lord Jesus Christ South Africa, Pretoria & All prophecy must be tested by the word of our Father and Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Thess 5:20-21) Please send this letter to many other so that they many also be blessed by the Word of the Lord Jesus Christ and be prepared for His coming. This letter may be copied, but all rights are reserved as those given from the Lord Jesus Christ to His Servants the prophets at Witnesses for Jesus Christ. (Amos 3:6-7 & Rev 22:16-20) Therefore give Glory to whom Glory belong. -5-



The Servant 02 January 2007

will judge and they will be your judges. I have said: “Those who are spiritual, they will judge all things, but they themselves will not be judged. Do not judge those who speak in the Spirit for they speak mysteries. And when you judge mysteries, the mysteries of God, will not be able to be opened to you. Do not judge mysteries. The mysteries you do not understand. The mysteries of the Spirit. For who knows the mind of the Lord. And who has ever given to God that he may instruct Him?” Yes, how unsearchable and wise are your wisdom O God! They are beyond tracing out. Forgive a generation, O God, who have in their ignorance blinded themselves towards yours Spirit and the gifts of your Spirit. We glorify you, come Lord Jesus and baptise us with the Holy Spirit and with fire! Amen!

unknown of God! Yes, teach My people these things as James have said. I will control the entire body when I control the tongue.” “Therefore speak in tongues often! And as often as you speak My Spirit will take control and you will be building yourself up in your most holy faith. Do not despise speaking in tongues. Let it be done in order, but yet do not despise it. When I say do not despise – I do not say: “Throw tongues out of the church!” I do not say totally disregard it as something peculiar, which you do not understand and because of your human judgment, and because of your human perspective and your human ways of looking at things. You judge Me by judging tongues! You judge My Spirit. The very Spirit of God, the Spirit of Jesus Christ – who was poured out upon those on Pentecost; whom I have said: “If you sin against Him you cannot be forgiven!” Thus if you sin against Me. It can be forgiven. If you reject Me it can be forgiven, but do not reject tongues. For you will be rejecting the very Spirit of Jesus Christ. Do not be afraid to speak in tongues. Do not be ashamed. Yes, your very shame also stops you from praying in tongues. You are ashamed of men. You are ashamed of what people will say! Your are ashamed that speaking in tongues are some other spirit – a water spirit of something else, but I am not saying make use of these spirits. There are other spirits. But I desire you to build yourself up through the awesome greatness of My Son. My Son in you will be flowing through like a river and He will breakthrough and open away. And you will understand what I say.”

“I want my people to know that those who trust in me I will never, never cast out! Those who ask for tongues must not be afraid and say, “Will these things come from God?” Those who trust in me I will not, I will not, yes, I will not, Yes I will never, I will never let them be ashamed, for as it says: what father will give a snake to his child when he asks for an egg? When he is only asking for an egg from his father. Or if the child asks for a piece of bread what father will grant his child a stone to break his teeth on? Thus, in the same way, when you entrust yourself to me and when you believe in me, I will not put you to shame!” Yes, you might make a mistake in the beginning you might even allow yourself to operate because of other things, but, I will not, I will not, I will not put you to shame by giving you another spirit. As I revealed earlier, I reveal to you again. He who praises Jesus Christ cannot in the next moment say that Jesus is Lord and be cursed. Thus he who calls to God and ask in the name of Jesus Christ to be baptise in the Holy Spirit and with fire can not in the next moment be cursed for he has entrusted himself to God and God’s very spirit will come upon him. And the very Spirit of God will be revealed in him. Whether it is through tongues or prophesies or visions or even later in dreams, but he who entrust himself to God, will not be cast out. For He is a father to the fatherless and He loves those who earnestly seek Him. Therefore He will immediately grant them their request, when they trust and have faith in Him!”

“Do not despise prophecy! When I say do not despise prophecy I also mean do not despise tongues. When you despise tongues you despise prophecy, for tongues are prophecy. It is only prophecy that you do not yet understand. “The prophecy that you do not yet understand”, when you despise it you despise things that you know not. For those who despise the things they know not they are blinded. Remember David’s wife who despised him when He danced before God. This was despicable before God. God found this as an insult in His face. When she laughed at David and she despised him in her heart. Do not despise God in your heart by despising tongues. For despising the Spirit of God will ultimately lead to your damnation. And you will harden you heart against the things of God. And you will harden you heart against the very Spirit of God. The very things you do not understand which you

The Servants of the Lord Jesus Christ South Africa, Pretoria & All prophecy must be tested by the word of our Father and Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Thess 5:20-21) Please send this letter to many other so that they many also be blessed by the Word of the Lord Jesus Christ and be prepared for His coming. This letter may be copied, but all rights are reserved as those given from the Lord Jesus Christ to His Servants the prophets at Witnesses for Jesus Christ. (Amos 3:6-7 & Rev 22:16-20) Therefore give Glory to whom Glory belong. -6-



The Servant 02 January 2007

For My Spirit will show My heart, in and many different ways I will express Myself; Do not put Me in a box! Do not let My Spirit be yoked with the traditions of this world and say” This is the way!” Do not let Me be a religious god and let Me be one that shows Myself only in one way. If you will allow Me to show myself in only one way, that I will do. But you might say but how can God obey man? According to your faith it will be done!

“There are many who are afraid and then they are getting dictated by their leaders to say after them. There are many who are afraid that they are pretending and saying: “This is not from God!” But I am telling you the truth, you will know when you are pretending or when the Spirit, the very Spirit of Jesus Christ, which you do not yet understand with your mind, has revealed himself in you.” “And there will be a joy inexpressible, a joy which you will know that you have had a conversation and an encounter with God. An encounter that will bring life eternal and will lead to the eternal life, for you. For he who has been born of the Spirit is born of God. And you will know if you were born of God, for the joy and freedom of God will enter your heart. And a peace will start to overshadow your mind. Yes, you might think that you have pretend in the beginning or you might even pretend, but when God has taken your hand and when you have entrusted yourself to Him, he has entered into your heart.”

Therefore I will reveal Myself to those who seek Me, and I will show Myself to those who earnestly desire Me. Therefore this is why I say: “Desire the greater gifts. Desire the gifts – especially the gift of prophecy!” Then I will show you the way and I will break open the way before you!” “I will not treat you as your sins deserve. I will not. I will not. For My son has paid the price. And He has delivered you and He has set you free. Therefore walk in the fullness of what He has given you. Can anything separate you form the love of God that is in Christ Jesus? Can angels or demons or the past or the future or anything else separate you from the love of Christ? But God has demonstrated his love to us by crucifying His Son on the cross. So why are you afraid? And why will you not allow His Spirit to touch your heart? Therefore, open your heart and let Him fill you and you will taste and see that the Lord is good!”

“He will overflow like a living stream and nothing will be able to stop him. Those who are unable to flow in tongues are not yet full of My Word. Those who are full of my word, they will not be able to be stopped. They will flow for hours and hours in the Spirit of God. Yes, their very life will be filled continuously with the Spirit of God, day in and day out. They will pray in the spirit and they will build themselves up in their most holy faith. I know that you are afraid, but I say come to Me and have life. And I will give you life – yes, life eternal. That life is in my son. He will be the one who will fill your heart and will He will give you all understanding of every thing which He has spoken by the Spirit of truth!”

“The type of expression of tongues that My people will express while praying in the Spirit will vary through a great range of desires and expressions. I am not saying it will come through one desire or one expression. Therefore I have said according to there faith I have given it. Yes, according to there desire which I granted to them. By there faith they will have expression. There expression will be some of love, some of deliverance, some of warfare, some will show it through great compassion, others through encouragement, and others through intersession. And they will beg Me and they will exalt Me. Others through praise and exaltation. And I say that there are even more than these. Do not, yes; do not think that these are the only ones of expression. O My people, if you would listen to Me you will have all these things and more! Therefore open up yourselves to Me that I may come and dwell in you in the fullness of the desire that I have placed in you. Great desires will come forth in My people. Some will desire for the Bride of Christ to be restored. Some will desire for the

“I want you to be filled by my spirit, I want you to live in it, and I want you to experience it. Yes, I will reveal myself through many types of tongues. I will be many types of tongues I say: “Not only one type!” For there will be many expressions of My Spirit coming from Me through you.” “For the word of encouragement I will express Myself; for the word of deliverance I will express Myself; For the word of revelation I will express Myself in a new and a different way; for the word of intercession and for the word of him who comes before Me with great crying and weeping, I will express Myself;

The Servants of the Lord Jesus Christ South Africa, Pretoria & All prophecy must be tested by the word of our Father and Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Thess 5:20-21) Please send this letter to many other so that they many also be blessed by the Word of the Lord Jesus Christ and be prepared for His coming. This letter may be copied, but all rights are reserved as those given from the Lord Jesus Christ to His Servants the prophets at Witnesses for Jesus Christ. (Amos 3:6-7 & Rev 22:16-20) Therefore give Glory to whom Glory belong. -7-



The Servant 02 January 2007

power on the earth. Therefore there are levels that things will happen. First, they will happen in the spirit. Second, they will be though out in the soul and then they will manifest in the physical. I have given My people all authority over scorpions and over every evil force and over every demonic and spiritual force. This is a truth that the church has not yet full grasped or understood.”

prophetic gifts! Some will desire for the church to be healed. Some will desire, because of great compassion for the lost. Others will go out and they will do all these things. All these things are expression of My Son! This is why I have called it the body of Christ. Therefore let My Spirit be My Spirit! And let Him do in you as He pleases. Yes, He will do in you as you are pleased with Him, to do, in you. Therefore open up you heart and as the desire or God spark fires in you, with My prophets and My prophetic words, through dreams and visions and even reading and studying My Word, will create in you. This will be for My church and it will show itself with all the aspects of my Son Jesus Christ. Does a person have only one character trait? If he has only one character trait he is always laughing! Then that would not be the body. But he has many different traits. He has a time of laughter, he has a time of rising up, he has a time of being downcast, there is time when he is up on the heights, there is a time when he rejoices, there is a time when he will rebuke, and there is a time when he will speak life. There is a time where he will do all kind of things. Read the very gospels of my Son, and you will see who he was like. And a fire will light in your heart and the desires of my spirit will enlightened your heart. And they will confirm the things of my Son in you.”

“Who will dare to come into My presence? Who will dare to come and stand before the LORD God of heaven and say Lord: “Tell me the future for this people? Tell me what you O God, has in store for your people? How, O Lord, do you want your kingdom to be established, in all its fullness, as the prophets have said in the past? Who will dare to stand before Me and ask!? I say: “Ask and I will show you!” As I have said that I will show you even greater things than these!” “There is a hidden truth. A secret and a mystery hidden in the shofar. This is the truth that you have already started teaching. A truth that is hidden in the name of the shofar. The one that pierces the ear. The one that nails a nail into the coffin of the enemy. This is the purpose of the shofar. This is the very voice of an Archangel, which will be heard. This will break the atmosphere; which will open the way between the soul and the spirit. You have been fascinated with lightning thus far in your life, but you have not understood your fascination with lightning. For lighting describes this very principle. There is principle from which the clouds will charge. And as the clouds are charged they will rain down and lighting will strike the earth. But lightning will not strike until it overcomes what is called in physical terms the deelectric strength. Until the de-electric strength has been overcome the charge from both sides. Both for the earth and in the clouds have to be overcome. The charge will be loaded on both sides. My people must be charged by My Spirit while they are no earth. And as they pray in the prayer my Spirit and all the prophecies and all the Words that have been charged in the past will strike through. At one strike like lighting, in the blink of an eye, the flash will go through and the break will come and My people will be translated. These truths have been hidden in My Word for ages and generations and will now be broken open to this people. I have been using these principles for they were not lies. For I have been using these principles and I am revealing them to engineers. For they are combining the very physical understanding, yes the very

“Do not be in unbelief when I speak to you of these things. Open up your heart and listen carefully what I say. Every authority, every authority that was given unto man on earth was either granted to them either from the kingdom of Satan or the kingdom of God. This you knew already but what you did not know was that this was linked to the stratosphere, that this was linked to the atmosphere around you. I’ve revealed this to you when I spoke to you the first time, when I told you that everything also as human beings are and consist out of a physical, soul and a spirit. So also this physiscal world consists out of three parts. “You did not think at that time that I was speaking to you, but I was revealing to you truths that now would start to come into place. There is also three parts on this earth. There is the physical on which you walk – the earth. Then there is the soul. This is the atmosphere around you. This is every thing around you. And then there is the spirit: The kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan. He who rules in these kingdoms will also rule those in the soul realm. He who rules the soul will automatically manifest his

The Servants of the Lord Jesus Christ South Africa, Pretoria & All prophecy must be tested by the word of our Father and Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Thess 5:20-21) Please send this letter to many other so that they many also be blessed by the Word of the Lord Jesus Christ and be prepared for His coming. This letter may be copied, but all rights are reserved as those given from the Lord Jesus Christ to His Servants the prophets at Witnesses for Jesus Christ. (Amos 3:6-7 & Rev 22:16-20) Therefore give Glory to whom Glory belong. -8-



The Servant 02 January 2007

final seal that will be opened. This will be everything that will be fulfilled.

truths of physicists and of physics are being opened to them who are in the Spirit. And they will now combine there physical understanding with the spiritual. And these two will bring the ultimate reign of the kingdom of God. This is as I have said: “I will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and I will turn the hearts of the children to the fathers lest I come and strike the earth with a curse!” All the things I have shown you thus far: I have shown you the head of the cobra that will be broken. I’ve shown you Leviathan will be cast out; I’ve shown you Elijah that will enter into Pretoria and will come and break the head of the enemy. I’ve shown you from the first to the last as I’ve spoken to you with signs and wonders in the heavens and I have revealed my glory to you in this generation. I’ve revealed it so that this generation will take full authority of their rule and their reign and their authority in this world. I want this truth not to be hidden anymore. I want my church to take full authority of their purpose on this earth. Therefore I am with you and I will walk with you and I will grant you all understanding as you study and intercede as I’d promised to you. As you pray in tongues I will reveal the deeper things. Yes as deep call unto deep, I will open the deep to you. I will open it to you in the spirit. I will no longer speak to you in fables but I will explain them to you by powerful manifestations and you will know the knowledge of God. And the knowledge of God will be revealed to this earth. I did not say that my glory will be only on the earth, but the knowledge of the glory of the Lord will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea. This is the reason I am raising up my people so that they will understand, so that they will do the great exploits that I have spoken about. These exploits are far more than only little signs and little wonders on earth, if I may call it that. But these are the true powers of heaven that will be moved. But the powers of heaven will break open the powers on earth. And the powers on earth which is death will be overcome and in the wink of an eye my people will be translated, at the last trumpet or the last shofar. This is the shofar, this is the final break or the final crack or the

The Servants of the Lord Jesus Christ South Africa, Pretoria & All prophecy must be tested by the word of our Father and Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Thess 5:20-21) Please send this letter to many other so that they many also be blessed by the Word of the Lord Jesus Christ and be prepared for His coming. This letter may be copied, but all rights are reserved as those given from the Lord Jesus Christ to His Servants the prophets at Witnesses for Jesus Christ. (Amos 3:6-7 & Rev 22:16-20) Therefore give Glory to whom Glory belong. -9-


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