Primary School Handbook

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Thank you for choosing Green Valley for your child. We hope that you find this handbook useful. It is designed to keep our parents aware of some useful information and if it cannot be found here - please feel free to ask a member of our team. At the core of any successful school lies its community. For all of us here, your child’s homeroom, or ‘form’ tutor is at the center of this community. They are here to help you, and we would strongly encourage you to reach out and take advantage of that opportunity. Research is very clear that the stronger the homeschool relationship, then the better a child achieves. Our teachers here are fantastic professionals, so please feel free to approach them over any issue. We feel that the education of a child is a team effort based upon trust. No school will ever get everything right, but Green Valley is a small school with a big heart. The level of care shown towards each child here goes beyond the ordinary, and we are lucky to have forged a reputation based upon a strong sense of family support and integrity. In addition, we are a school with a clear ethos and identity. We are adventurous, ‘hands on’ and experiential in our learning. We focus on nature, sustainability and the outdoors. We seek to provide children with bespoke, personalised experiences which value the development of character as much as academic recall. We expect a growth mindset from our community and ‘challenge’ them to be their best. This means that students will need to push themselves, but will ultimately find within themselves the characteristics, qualities and values to lead successful lives.

Welcome to Green Valley.

Mr. Charles Grayhurst


Welcome to St. Andrews International School Green Valley.

We recognise the extraordinary responsibility and privilege it is to educate our students. They all deserve the right to the best possible education and to achieve their highest potential in every way, every day. Therefore, at St Andrews, we consistently design and deliver an innovative and inclusive curriculum that supports the needs, abilities, strengths and talents of each individual child. We have a team of experienced and talented teachers and support staff that work hard to ensure that students are engaged and challenged, and achieve their best in all areas. Creating a safe, stimulating, and positive learning environment that promotes learning as an ongoing exploration of our world, is a great strength of our school. Our students learn in a many ways and in a variety of environments: out-of-doors, through play and discovery, in small groups, through art, music, ICT, sport, working with each other, and by listening, watching and doing. At St Andrews, we also aim to create a welcoming atmosphere and actively seek to involve families in the life of our school. The St. Andrews School community works together as a team to ensure the needs of all students are addressed and that our school is held in esteem with our community and beyond. We wish to ensure that all parents are provided with high quality and effective communication and the following pages contain some information that I hope may assist you settle into our school. However, should you have any queries or wish to discuss matters concerning your child's education, please do not hesitate to contact your child's classroom teacher or myself personally. Again, a sincere and warm welcome to our school. I look forward to meeting you all throughout the school year.

Best regards,

Michelle Taylor 3/30

Over the past year, the school has thoughtfully reflected upon what makes Green Valley special, and why the school is well placed to prepare students for the future. We know that the school has a heavy focus upon outdoor education, of ‘hands on’ experiential learning that engages students and gives them real life skills. We want them to be innovative, brave, positive and lead others. We want them to be adventurous. In addition, a holistic education has always been the hallmark of a Green Valley education. Not only do we gain excellent academic results, but we look to develop personal characteristics, values and attitudes in children that prepare them for their futures. We want them to be brilliant. And finally, we recognise that a school is a family. That learning is built upon a community that respects each other, cares for each other and ensures that children can be nurtured in a safe and warm environment. We want them to be happy. As such, our educational philosophy intends to “develop eco-literate students, committed to a sustainable future, who are actively engaged as leaders within their communities. Through our commitment to holistic education, our Green Valley students are uniquely identifiable through a range of personal values, skills and qualifications needed to lead adventurous, brilliant and happy lives in the future”. This new expression of our philosophy truly encapsulates our mission, and over the course of the next academic year, the school looks forward to meeting with the community to refine this philosophy into a school motto that we can all refer to. Watch this space.


Michelle Taylor Head of the Primary School. Please contact Michelle at any point with any feedback/ concerns relating to your child. Michelle has an open door policy and is at the gate most mornings from 8 am.

Khun Wan Personal Assistant to the Head of Primary Please contact K wan if you would like to speak to someone in Thai or need help with translation. K Wan will also help you with any day to day issues with things like co- co-curricular activities, Lost property, your child’s absence etc…

Mr. Paul Noonan PYP Co-coordinator Paul is responsible for coordinating the Primary Years Programme (PYP) curriculum. If you have any questions regarding the PYP curriculum please contact Paul.

Ms. Amy Goodson Early Years Team Leader Amy teaches the Reception class and has the responsibility for coordinating Nursery, Kindergarten and Reception. If you have any questions regarding Early Years please contact Amy.

Ms. Lucy Marshal Key stage 1 leader and English coordinator Lucy teaches in Year 1and has the responsibility for coordinating Key stage 1 (Years 1, 2 and 3) English across Primary School. If you have any questions regarding years 1, 2 or 3 or Primary English teaching please contact Lucy.

Mr. Phil Howard Key stage 2 leader Maths Co-coordinator Phil teaches in Year 6 and has the responsibility for coordinating Key stage 2 (Years 4, 5 and 6 Maths across the Primary School. If you have any questions regarding years 4, 5 or 6 or Primary Maths teaching please contact Phil. 5/30

Ms. Cindy De Borger Primary Computing and ICT coordinator Cindy teaches in Year 3 and has the responsibility for coordinating Primary Computing and ICT. If you have any questions regarding the teaching of Primary computing and ICT please contact Cindy.

Ms. Laura Kerr Whole school Safeguarding Lead and Special Educational needs coordinator

Ms. Jess Wilson Marketing and Admissions Manager

Mr. Ben Shield Head of Health and Safety, Educational visits and Forest school

Khun BC Head of Maintenance and Transport manager

Ms Tamsin Marriot School Counselor

Khun Kalaya Finance Manager


The school uses different channels to communicate with parents and to keep you updated on your child’s learning and what is happening at school each week. The core platforms are detailed below: SchoolZine (SZApp): The SchoolZine app is accessible through your smartphone. It is the central location to go for all information, including calendars, staff contact details, daily notices etc. Every Friday, a Primary and Secondary ‘What’s On’ Newsletter is published through the app. This newsletter contains notices of what is happening in the week to come, any events to be aware of, school updates etc. Seesaw: Seesaw is an app used in the Primary School to keep you updated with your child’s learning. Through the app, you can directly message your child’s class teacher. The class teacher will also post photos throughout each day so that you can keep updated with your child’s learning. SchoolsBuddy: SchoolsBuddy is an app used for booking extra-curricular activities at the start of every term, as well as to provide consent for school trips etc. Through the app, you can sign up to activities and school trips. You can also pay directly through the app for any activities or trips with an additional charge. LINE: The school also holds a LINE channel whereby notices are shared with parents. These will include day-to-day notices, such as sport match updates, cancellations etc. Messages on the LINE channel are also shared on the SchoolZine app. Email: Occasionally the school will send you a direct email regarding school announcements. These are most often from the Head of School or Head of Primary and Secondary to keep parents informed of school developments etc. Details on how to download and access each channel can be found on the link below: fr=xKAE9_zU1NQ The Admissions Team will help support all new families to access these channels when their child joins the school. You can also contact us for help on the email below: If you are not a new parent and have trouble logging into any of these communication platforms please contact the primary academic schedule ( Thai and english speaking) K Wan on: 7/30

At Green Valley, the safety of our students is of the utmost importance. As such, we take this duty very seriously.

Arrival Times Please note that the school opens at 0800 for students, and that the educational campus should be clear by 1645, unless there is a school activity planned. The coffee shop is available at other times and a breakfast club is available for early morning arrivals. Please contact the school if you are interested in this service. Students must be collected promptly, please, no later than 1630, in order to ensure the safety and supervision of your children.

Visitors to School All adults who enter the school site require a colour coded lanyard so they are easily identifiable. Parents are given blue lanyards and identification cards at the beginning of the year. All visitors, including parents, should sign in at the Front Office during the school day (other than designated pick up and drop off times). New visitors are given a safeguarding briefing and a red lanyard. If you are not wearing a pass when arriving at the school, security will deny entry and ask you to sign in at reception. Please note that all adults, whether parents or outside visitors, require a purpose for being onsite - for example, during scheduled pick up, a school event, or scheduled appointment. All staff are trained, as per international standards, to politely and respectfully ask as to why parents or other adults are unsupervised around school without a reason to be on campus. They may, on occasion, direct adults back to reception if required, to formally sign in. However, the coffee shop is always open to visitors and parents as it is a secure area separate from the educational campus.

Please note, it is not always possible to see a member of staff if you do not have an appointment due to their teaching and other commitments. Please book an appointment in advance to avoid disappointment. Adults visiting the campus have an important role to play in the life of the school. Working together we can ensure that our students are safe by: 

Remaining accompanied by a member of staff at all times;

Wearing your visitor’s badge in a visible place;

Engaging appropriately with students through your words and your actions;

Respecting all members of the community by not exchanging personal details or interrupting activities;

Only using toilets designated for adults. There are bathroom facilities located in the main reception area;

Reporting any concerns about a student’s welfare with your host or the Reception desk staff;

Treating all community members with courtesy and respect


All visitors are expected to respect the school’s no-smoking and no-alcohol policy.

On departing the school, visitors should leave via the reception and return the visitor’s pass to security. Our school has implemented various security measures, including a 24 hour security presence, surveillance cameras, locked entrances, and staff training, to ensure a safe learning environment for all students.

Guardianship Guardianship is the term used to describe when a child under the age of 18 does not live with their parents or legal carers. This includes living with a family member or grandparents as well as a homestay arrangement. It is important we are informed of guardianship changes, even when temporary, so that we can provide additional support to students and guardians as needed.

Photos of Children Families give or withdraw consent for photos of their children to be taken, at their own discretion as part of the admissions process. For this reason, and to safeguard our students and school community, parents and visitors are asked not to take photos of or publish any photos of children that are not their own.

Medical Centre/School Nurse At St. Andrews, Green Valley, we have a dedicated school nurse who plays a vital role in promoting the health and well being of students, staff and visitors on site. The school nurse is on duty in the medical centre from 8:00am - 5:00pm each day (lunch breaks taken in the canteen - note left for contact). In case of sporting fixtures, the School Nurse will extend her working day until the match is finished. Please ensure that you complete the annual health declaration form at the beginning of the school year. This form provides essential medical information about your child. If any information changes please update the school nurse promptly. Particularly ensure that emergency contact information is up to date in case of any emergencies during school hours. Families should obtain medical insurance cover for their children. In particular in respect to travel and official school activities, against all risks. The school nurse will contact parents in the case of injuries/illness requiring further treatment (example fever), when follow-up care or observation is required (example a head injury note is sent home), and when there is a visible mark from injury or a large wound. If medicine is required to be administered in school time (trips and visits included) a request to administer medication form should be filled out by the parent. This should be accompanied by the medication and prescription from the doctor/pharmacist. The medicine must be delivered to the nurse by a responsible adult (parent/bus monitor preferred). Medicine for school trips should be arranged by the parent at least 2 days before the trip departure. Remember, our school nurse is a valuable resource and partner in your child's health. Feel free to reach out to the nurse with any questions, concerns, or information related to your child's health. By working together, we can create a safe and healthy environment that supports your child's overall well-being.


School nurse contact: Nurse May 66 School to issue a nurse phone next

Emergency Evacuation The assembly point for emergency evacuations is in the carpark in front of the administration building/ reception area. The school conducts termly fire drills to ensure preparedness in case of an emergency. Students are instructed on evacuation procedures, and it is essential they follow the instructions of their teachers and staff. If a fire alarm sounds while you are on site please assemble with the visitors on the left hand side of the assembly point.

Duck and Dive Duck and dive drills are conducted termly to prepare students for the possibility of a dangerous situation, such as an intruder on campus. On hearing the siren everyone should seek the shelter of the nearest safe locked space. They should remain hidden quietly until directed by staff that ‘All Clear’ has been announced.

School Calendar for 2023 - 2024

Absence from School or Late Arrival Parents are asked to telephone or email to the Tutor if a child is absent through sickness or any other reason. Late arrival at school (defined as 0840?) – upon arrival, students are to report to the school receptionist at the front office to sign in. The above staff will adjust the official school record accordingly.

Early Departure Occasionally, a child may need to leave school before the end of the school day. Students can leave when prior communication has been received from a parent (Letter, email or phone call). Except for IB students going to the local village for lunch, students are not permitted to leave the campus without a parent or nominated adult during the school day.


Extended Absence

If a student needs to be absent for an extended period of time (in excess of one day) a parent is required to email Mr McGee in advance to request a period of leave. Students are expected to keep an attendance rate of 96% or higher so extended periods of leave for holidays etc may not be granted.

School uniforms are available in the uniform shop at the front of school. Please ask at reception.

Primary Uniform: Boys 

Blue and white striped shirt

Blue shorts

White Socks

Black Shoes

Girls 

Blue and white striped shirt

Blue Culottes OR

Blue and White striped dress

White Socks

Black Shoes

Physical Education Uniform for both Boys and Girls 

Blue Shorts

Blue Shirts

White sport socks


Labelling It is the child’s responsibility for their uniform to be clearly accurately labeled. The school collects and stores any lost property that is found, however Spare clothes Students in the Early Years and Primary school often bring spare changes of clothes. Please ensure the clothes are extra uniforms or PE kits, rather than personal clothing. Suncream/Hat It is the child’s responsibility to wear sunscreen and a hat to school each day. The school also makes sunscreen available during the day. Shoes or trainers Please ensure trainers are suitable for all activities, for example adventurous play, PE, Forest School, Walks.


At St. Andrews International School it is our aim to develop independent, confident learners. We work to nurture well-balanced, mature individuals who take responsibility for their actions and who grow into caring, respectful members of the international community. We have high expectations of our children's behaviour at St Andrews, Green Valley and we have a no tolerance approach to bullying. We understand that students will occasionally make mistakes, and we follow a restorative approach to behaviour management which involves reflecting on and learning from behaviour incidents with the students involved, and rebuilding and repairing incidents. We always aim to discuss serious incidents with parents soon after they occur and work together as a team. We ask our primary students to be a PANTHER and model excellent preparation, behaviour for learning and character.

I will be a PANTHER 

Prepared for the day

Act responsibly

Notice others and say hello

Tell someone if I, or someone else, needs help

Helpful in and around the classroom

Eager to learn

Respectful to all

Parents can help with supporting children to behave their best by ensuring students: 

Are prepared for the day

Are wearing appropriate uniform

Leave smart watches, phones and other distracting items at home

Communicate changes or difficulties to the class teacher

Report poor behaviour or bullying to school as soon as possible. 12/30

Bullying & Cyber Bullying We have zero tolerance to any type of bullying. Any type of bullying should be reported immediately to a teacher. Cyber Bullying is the use of technology to harass, threaten, embarrass, or target another person. This is a form of bullying and will not be tolerated. Standing back and letting bullying happen can be just as bad as being a bully. If a student is worried that someone is getting threatened or hurt by others, they should offer them support and inform an adult they trust so that they can help make it stop. Students should always respect other people and be aware of what you’re sending and receiving whilst online. What can an adult do if they become aware of Cyber-bullied? 1. Speak (or email) immediately to a teacher at school . 2. Save, screen shot or print off evidence. 3. Learn how to block or delete unwanted people from your child’s contacts. 4. Advise your child not reply or retaliate. Tell them not to discuss it with friends as it might make the situation worse. If the person being cyber bullied doesn't respond, the bully is more likely to get bored and move on. What should I do if I believe someone else is being Cyber-bullied? If you believe that someone is being cyber-bullied it is your duty to report it. Tell a teacher at school so that the school can follow up. Don’t allow your child to participate in forwarding or commenting on pictures, messages or insults about a person. Children may think it is a joke, adults need to make them realise that they could really be upsetting the person involved. Students who look at and don’t reporting or forward hurtful material are contributing to cyber-bullying.

Wellbeing, Inclusion and Learning Support We aim to be an inclusive school community and provide an enriching and supportive education for all students. Every teacher at St Andrews, Green Valley is a teacher of SEND, and we have a culture of high expectations for every student, our teachers use adaptive teaching strategies to ensure progress for all children. Additionally, we have a learning support coordinator, learning support intervention teacher and a team of one to one support assistants for additional support. There are some well recommended local services which we have links with as needed, such as Educational Psychologists and Occupational Therapists. Learning Support Assistants (LSA’s) are employed to support students with additional needs to be successful in the mainstream classroom. Families pay additional fees for this support. If you have any worries about your childs learning please make an appointment with your child’s class teacher and Learning Support Coordinator. 13/30

If you are concerned that your child may have difficulties learning, or are seeing signs of special educational needs, please contact our Learning Support Coordinator, Laura Kerr

Counselling Miss Tamsin is our qualified and registered school counselor and sees students from Early Years to IB. Counselling promotes emotional wellbeing by offering young people a non-judgmental, safe space where children can express their feelings and thoughts about any difficulties they might be experiencing. Counselling sessions are offered once a week for as long as they want or need. When children are experiencing difficulties at home or in school their ability to concentrate inclass and the way they behave can be adversely affected. By helping children understand and express their feelings and worries, counselling can help them cope with challenges, feel better about themselves and develop their self-confidence. This puts them in a better position to get the best out of their learning and social environment


Our curriculum is aligned with the UK National Curriculum standards, which we have carefully adapted to suit the requirements of the broad international community of which we are members. As we are a PYP school, children are taught through a Programme of Inquiry that uses thematic units of inquiry in which they explore relevant, interesting and challenging topics. Within each unit of work, class teachers and specialist teachers outline the central idea, lines of inquiry and specific learning objectives as well as the major focus for each area of learning. Our Programme of Inquiry has been tailored to ensure that children cover all curriculum areas in a manner that is developmentally age appropriate, ensuring full coverage of a broad and balanced curriculum as they move through the Primary School. We offer a creative, exciting, relevant and challenging primary curriculum. We provide regular workshops and information sessions throughout the year for parents to support their understanding of teaching and learning at St. Andrews.

Early Years Curriculum During each unit of work, class teachers will identify developmental goals from the UK’s Early Years Foundation Stage. They will use the following six areas of learning and development from which to plan, assess and report. 

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Communication, Language and Literacy

Knowledge and Understanding of the World

Mathematics – Numbers, shape, space and measure

Expressive Arts and Design

Physical Development

Primary Years Curriculum During each unit of work, teachers will identify learning objectives from the school’s curriculum framework for each subject. The school’s curriculum framework documents have been compiled using the Primary Years Curriculum and the UK National Curriculum. At St Andrews we also follow the Cognita outdoor education curriculum which involves a one hour 20 minute Forest school session every Fortnight.

Useful curriculum links: The Primary programme/




The Primary Uk National Curriculum objectives : 15/30


Summary of Primary Subjects English English is the medium in which we teach and learn, play and interact. It permeates the entire school day. We learn English, learn through English and learn about English. 

Usage (Phonics, Spelling, Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation)



Speaking and Listening

Mathematics We aim to give the children a good understanding of the mathematical skills we teach, and confidence in applying them to everyday situations. Early work is essentially practical, and enables the children to handle equipment and make discoveries about volume, capacity, sets, measurement, time and numbers. Children learn to record their findings in a meaningful way on paper and thus start to bridge the gulf between practical and abstract activities. Our approach throughout the school is based on understanding the mathematical processes. Our Mathematics Curriculum Framework is divided into the following four strands, as shown below; 

Number (Numbers and the number system, calculations, mental skills),

Problem Solving

Organising and Using Data

Shape, Space and Measures (Patterns and properties of shape, Properties of position and movement, measures).

Computing and ICT Information and computing technology (ICT) prepares pupils to participate in a rapidly changing world in which work and other activities are increasingly transformed by access to varied and developing technology. Children at our school use ICT tools to find, explore, analyse, exchange and present information responsibly, creatively and with discrimination. They learn how to employ ICT to enable rapid access to ideas and experiences from a wide range of people, communities and cultures. Increased capability in the use of ICT promotes initiative and independent learning, with children being able to make informed judgments about when and where to use ICT to best effect and to consider its implications for home and school, both now and in the future. Our ICT Curriculum Framework is divided into the following six strands, as shown below.

Basic Operations and Concepts 16/30


Research and Awareness

Handling Data

Modelling and Simulation

Control and Sensing

Science Science for children means exploring, discovering, investigating and understanding the world around them. Science is largely a practical subject that involves children doing things for themselves. Our aim in setting practical tasks is to encourage children to ask questions, conduct experiments, test theories, increase their knowledge and skills and to enable them to work with each other co-operatively. Our Science Curriculum Framework is divided into the following four strands: 

Scientific Inquiry

Life Processes and Living Things

Materials and their Properties

Physical Processes

Historical, Geographical and Social Understanding Historical, geographical and social understanding fires children’s curiosity and imagination about who we are, where we have come from, where we live and where we might be going next. It connects the past with the present and the future, helps children make sense of our place in the world and is central to their development as informed, active and responsible citizens. This area of learning encourages children to investigate the world around them, from the local to the global. They learn about the impact of their actions on the planet and understand the importance of developing a future that is sustainable. Through exploring cultures, beliefs, values, human rights and responsibilities, children develop a deeper understanding of themselves and others, and a sense of belonging. They see how societies are organised and shaped by people's values and actions, and how communities can live and work together. Children learn about diversity and interdependence, fairness and justice. They begin to understand how events that happened long ago can affect our lives today and how our actions shape the future.

Music Children are taught Music throughout the school by specialist Music Teachers during curriculum time ( 3 Lessons a week. ) Individual instrumental tuition is available and Music Theory Lessons leading to Associated Board Grades take place during extra-curricular activity time. 17/30

The Curriculum Framework is divided into the following five strands, as shown below. 

Performing - singing and performing instruments

Creating and composing


Listening and appreciation

Music in society

Physical Education We aim to provide a Physical Education curriculum that offers balance and diversity. ( 3 Lessons a week, including one swimming lesson) ) We offer opportunities for every child to experiment with a wide range of physical activities. The activities we provide are differentiated to accommodate a wide range of ability, which encourages motivation, and progression of skills. Children are taught P.E. during curriculum time by qualified specialist teachers. They also have numerous opportunities to participate in a range of competitive and non-competitive sport during extra-curricular activities. The P.E. Curriculum Framework is divided into the following eight strands, as shown below. 

Body control and spatial awareness

Adventure Challenge


Movement to music (dance)



Health-related activities


Art, Craft and Design In art, craft and design the children will be taught the creative, imaginative and practical skills needed to express ideas and feelings, to record observations, and to design and make images and artefacts. Children will be introduced to the work of artists, craftspeople and designers in order to develop their appreciation of the richness of our diverse cultural heritage. They will work individually, as a group, and as a whole class. The art curriculum is divided into the two strands of responding and creating.

PSHE Students learn about themselves as growing and changing individuals with their own experiences and ideas, and as members of their communities. They learn the rules and skills for keeping themselves healthy and safe and for behaving well. They have opportunities to take more responsibility, individually and as a group, for their own learning and learn how to make more confident and informed choices about their health and environment. Through discussions, role 18/30


Movement to music (dance)



Health-related activities


Thai Children are engaged in the language through interesting exercises, games and stories. By using these mechanisms the children become enthusiastic participants in their own learning. The programme relates to everyday life and routine giving children opportunities to use Thai in real-life situations. This programme enhances this interaction through the study of festivals, traditions, customs and language. The language component includes speaking, listening, reading and writing. Separate lessons are provided for native and non-native speakers ( 3 Lessons a week)

Dutch Dutch is taught during language curriculum time. Lessons are available for Dutch or Belgian children or for children who speak Dutch as their first language. The lessons are offered to children from Reception through to Secondary School, IB Diploma level. The Dutch lessons are structured according to the benchmarks for Dutch language set by the Dutch Government and Inspector of Education. Our aim is to provide lessons that will enable children to read, write and comprehend the Dutch language. A classroom for Dutch lessons is located in Teaching Block1. The Dutch Department is financially supported by the Dutch government. This enables us to keep the Dutch curriculum up to date and support our library and other resources regarding Dutch lessons. For more information you can contact the school by sending an e-mail to: French French is offered to children in Years 5 and 6. The objectives of the French primary classes are to allow the children to enjoy discovering a new language, to think about the way the language works, and to introduce them to a new culture. The children learn through computer software, videos, songs, reading, interviews and games. A weekly French activity is also provided for Native French speakers.

Mandarin Mandarin is offered to children in Years 5 and 6. The objectives of the Mandarin primary classes are to allow the children to enjoy discovering a new language, to think about the way the lan-


guage works, and to introduce them to a new culture. The children learn through computer software, videos, songs, reading, interviews and games. A weekly Mandarin activity is also provided for Native French speakers.


Khun Penny operates the cafeteria. She provides morning snack and lunches to all children who wish to purchase meals from her. Children may also choose to bring their own morning snack or packed lunch from home. Please note that we are unable to offer ‘in-canteen dining’ for adults who are not school staff, due to safeguarding procedures on the campus. Morning snack is delivered to the classrooms in Nursery, Kindergarten, Reception, and Years 1 to 4. This snack consists of fruit, vegetables and biscuits. Children in Years 5 to years 13 may purchase their morning snack from the canteen. Nursery children have lunch delivered to their classrooms. Children eat in the classroom The children from Kindergarten to year 13 walk to the cafeteria to eat lunch. The children line up and select their food, then sit quietly and eat. There is always a teacher on duty in the cafeteria to supervise the children whilst they eat. Billing is between each family and Khun Penny. The school does not participate in this structure. Khun Penny is available in the school office each morning so that cafeteria bills can be paid. Parents are encouraged to pay these bills in person as sending money with children can sometimes be problematic. The relevant costs are as follows: 

Early Years (Nursery, KG and Reception) – 45 Baht per day

Primary (Years 1-6) – 50 Baht per day

Vegetarianism and allergies can be catered for. Please make sure that Khun Penny is aware of your preferences. Using the cafeteria is not compulsory. You may choose to send healthy, wellbalanced food to school with your child if you wish. Your child will still eat with their classmates.


Co-Curricular Activities Co-Curricular activities take place from 3.15-4.15 every day except Friday. On Friday however, we do have our after school United Football programme which children from reception to year 10 can join at an extra cost. The aim of our Co-Curricular activity programme is to give children the chance to experience and learn new skills or expand and develop existing skills. We try to ensure that children gain enjoyment, healthy exercise, new skills and hopefully the motivation to take those activities they enjoy with them into adult life. Co-Curricular activities give children the chance to experience different teachers and teaching styles and reap the benefits from this. The programme also gives teachers a chance to give their knowledge and expertise not only in their teaching subject but also from whatever interests and experience they have. We offer over 50+ different activities and these include: 

FOBISIA (Federation of British International Schools in Asia) Sports training for events.

Team Sports such as basketball, football, T-Ball and volleyball

Drama productions and LAMDA exams

School Newspaper/Podcasting

Athletics, swimming,Taekwondo and Tennis

Languages: Thai/Mandarin/French

Arts and Crafts

Music: school band and choir

Horsemanship, and Golf may also be offered at any extra cost

Sports fixtures The PE Department will work closely with the Co-Curricular programme to ensure there is minimal disruption and maximum opportunity.

Sports fixtures at Green Valley will take place from approximately 4:00pm. Away fixtures, teams will depart at the start of the Co-Curricular activities. Please be aware at the beginning of the year, students who wish to train and be considered for team selection will be given a kit list for participation.

Instrumental Music and singing lessons An instrumental music programme is offered to all children from Year 1 to Year 13. These children have tuition after school, at lunchtime or are taken from classes by the instrumental music teacher at differing times over the week so children do not miss the same lessons. Children are expected to ‘catch up’ the lessons they miss. There is an additional cost for instrumental music instruction. We currently offer tuition in piano, violin, guitar and singing. If you would like your child to participate in the Instrumental Music programme please get in touch with our head of music Ms Tara McNeill on


Homework We believe that Primary age children should participate in a few relevant and appropriate tasks outside of the school environment in order to reinforce, consolidate and extend learning. These tasks will consist of: daily reading and practicing spelling and times tables. Homework should promote the learning partnership between home and school and encourage self-organizational skills and independent learning.

Lost and found

All items that come from home should be labeled clearly with your child’s name. Lost property will be sent to the School Secretary in the front office and stored there until it is collected. In the primary school lost items are displayed for a few days in the foyer in Teaching Block one, to encourage children to ‘find’ their losses. By labeling everything your child brings from home you are ensuring it is returned as soon as it is found.

Reporting Procedures In addition to providing regular, valuable feedback to children, a schedule of regular reports ensures that parents remain informed about their child’s progress. Teachers also contact parents to report on achievement or to inform parents of concerns or changes in their child’s progress. We encourage discussions about learning to occur with the teacher, child and parent together as this encourages responsibility and continued learning. However parents are welcome to arrange an appointment with their child’s teacher at any time should they wish to talk about their child’s learning alone. We ask that parents do not ask for a meeting without prior arrangement in order to allow teachers to focus on teaching and learning during the school day.

In addition to meetings requested by parents and teachers the following are scheduled reporting times: 

Settling-in Reports – After one month at school each new child receives a settling in report. This report tells you how your child has adapted to the new schooling situation.

At the end of each term, teachers complete a report on each child’s progress. In Term One this is followed up with a Parent Conference. In Term Two this is followed up with a Student-led Conference.

In Term Three a report is completed by teachers. This report is emailed home. This report reflects on the child’s development and progress throughout the year.



The school provides transportation if this is required. We manage the bus service and maintain a high quality of provision. The cost of the transportation depends upon the area covered by each bus. The current list of transportation charges is available from the school office. These and any other enquiries regarding buses should be directed to All students beginning with Nursery are permitted to travel on the school buses. We aim to provide a door to door school bus service that is safe, reliable and efficient. Each bus has a Driver and a Bus Monitor. The bus should not leave without both members of the team. Bus monitors are in mobile phone contact with the school at all times. Children are expected to show respect to both members of the bus team. Children are expected to wear a seat belt whenever they are on a bus. Bus Monitors are required to make sure they are fastened safely when leaving home/leaving on a school trip/leaving school. Children are not permitted to unbuckle during the journey. Parents may wish to provide car seats for children in Nursery and Kindergarten. You will be given a pick-up schedule. Please make sure your child is ready and waiting for the bus. If you are late then everyone on that route is late. Bus monitors will log the time your child gets on the bus.

Primary Student Leadership Opportunities We believe in providing students with many different leadership opportunities in order to develop their leadership skills, listen to student voice and help improve all aspects of school life. Leadership opportunities involve the following roles: The Student Council: The Student Council has representatives from Year 2 through to Year 6 who are elected by members of their class. These children help to make decisions on behalf of the children in the Primary school. Their decisions are fed to the Primary Leadership Team for discussion. Student Council members are encouraged to organize formal class meetings with their class and contribute to Assemblies. This structure teaches children about the decision-making process and gives the children in classes a voice. In year 6 two Head students are also appointed by the head of the primary school after an interview, to lead the student council and be ambassadors for the primary school at events. The Eco Council: These students work as a group alongside secondary students on various Eco projects and initiatives in the school and local area. They meet once a week and regularly contribute to assemblies and whole school eco events such as world wildlife and Earth day. One to two members of each class in the primary school will have an eco councilor. This is a voluntary position. Island community leaders: These leaders are all from year 6 and lead their island community in school events such as sports day and swimming galas. They also organize activities for the primary school children at break and lunchtime. They apply to the Head of the primary school for this position and have an interview before being appointed.


Primary Assemblies

Primary Assemblies are held each Friday morning at 8.40 in the Black Box theater and parents are always welcome to join the primary assemblies. We encourage everyone to feel a part of the school community but also to value the communities within the school. Our Assemblies provide a chance to celebrate achievement, share work, perform and pass on important information. Assemblies are also used to reflect and discuss things such as behaviour expectations, community service or important global events.

Class and birthday Parties

From time to time individual classes hold ‘Class Parties’ to celebrate a special event, say farewell to a student or celebrate the end of term. Teachers will often ask for food or drinks to be sent along to be shared at this time – please send along healthy food and snacks. Parents are often invited to join in the celebrations. Birthday celebrations must be limited to a cupcake or one slice of cake, preferably at the end of the day (again, please communicate with your child’s teacher regarding this).

How can we help you?

We take great care with the quality of the teaching and pastoral care provided to our students. However, if a parent does wish to raise an issue or problem, it is hoped that these complaints will be resolved quickly and informally. A parent should normally contact their child’s homeroom teacher in the first instance. If the teacher cannot resolve the matter alone, it may be necessary for them to consult with the relevant member of the Senior Leadership Team. Any complaints made directly to the Head of School will usually be referred back to the relevant member of staff unless the Head of School considers it more appropriate to deal with the matter personally. Should this be the case, the aim will still be to resolve the matter informally. If it has not been possible to resolve the complaint informally, then the parent should put their complaint in writing to the Head of School. The Head of School will decide, after considering the complaint, the appropriate course of action to take including the person to take the lead in any investigation.

The Friends of Green Valley All parents are, of course, Friends of Green Valley. However, each year, the school canvasses our community to collect together a committee of class representatives who wish to help the school further. Any interested persons should contact the PA to the Head of School, and the school shall also conduct a survey during August.



The Friends of Green Valley (FOGV) Class Representatives serve a primary role in maintaining good communication between parents, teachers and the School in general.

The Friends of Green Valley (FOGV) provide practical support to enhance the educational experience and opportunities for our students by promoting productive relationships within the School community.

The Friends of Green Valley (FOGV) also facilitate social interaction amongst families in the School community. Examples of FOGV activities include offering support for new families in transitioning smoothly into School life and the Pattaya/Rayong area.

The Friends of Green Valley (FOGV) help to organise social events and fundraising activities for both the School and our charities throughout the year, with parents of all nationalities informed and involved.

Major activities include the Welcome Coffee Morning for new parents, International Day, One Day One Goal charity football event, social events for children such as Halloween and Christmas parties and many more fun school activities.


Being the class representative for a Primary/Secondary class in the school

Attending the FOGV monthly morning meetings;

Participating in FOGV events

Volunteering to be on various committees, and

Sharing skills and talents with the community.

FOGV ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Parent Class representatives This position involves: 

Being the main parent link between the teacher and students in each class.

Ensuring that all parents in the class are well informed of class and school activities and events, and that parents have the opportunity to be involved when needed.

Welcomes new parents whose children have joined the class and ensure that they have all the necessary channels of communication, are well informed and feel part of the St. Andrews community.

Liaise with the class teacher and class student leaders and provide support when needed for class events, trips and activities.


What are the new timings of the school day? Here is the timetable for all years.


Monday- Friday


School gates open

08:00 – 08:25

All Primary children (including Early years) play outside in their playgrounds until the bell rings at 8.25

08:25 - 08:35

All Children and teachers line up in the playground for the national anthem. Daily announcements are then given to children before they go to class.

08:40 - 09:20

Lesson 1

09:20 - 10:00

Lesson 2

10:00 - 10:40

Lesson 3

10:40 - 11:00


11:00 - 11:40

Lesson 4

11:40 - 12:20

Lesson 5

12:00 - 12:20

Lunch for Early years children

12:20 - 13:10

Lunch for years 1-4

13:10 - 13:50

Lesson 6 for years 1-4

12:20 - 12:50

Lesson 6 for years 5 and 6

12:50 - 13:50

Lunch for years 5 and 6

13:50 - 14:30

Lesson 7

14:30 - 15:10

Lesson 8


Early years children are picked up, unless they get the school bus or stay for after school supervision until 4.15.

15:15 - 16:10

Co Curricular activities (Monday- Thursday ) On Friday school finishes at 3.15.


Buses leave/other children are picked up by their parents.


All access to school grounds are closed unless there are sports fixtures etc.. going on after this time. 27/30

What time can my child come to school and what happens if they arrive early?

As with previous years, children can arrive at the school gates which will be open from 8.00 am every morning. If your child gets the school bus, they will start arriving from 8.00 am. If your child is in Early years or Years 1 and 2, they will be escorted to their classroom by the bus monitor. If your child arrives at school before 8.00, they will need to wait in the coffee shop with you or go to the main reception area where you child will be supervised by a member of staff.

Can I come into the school in the morning if I bring my child? If you are bringing your child to school, you can take your child to their classroom, drop them off and have a quick conversation with their teacher. Please remember to wear your school parent ID lanyard. If you need a new lanyard, please contact the school receptionists when you arrive at school. They will give you a temporary lanyard whilst they make you a new one.

If my child is getting the school bus, when will I know what bus they are on and what time they will be picked up? If your child is taking the school bus, our transport manager will be in contact with you soon, informing you of the time that the bus will collect your child from your residence. If you have any questions or require further information, our transport manager’s email is:

What does my child need to wear and bring on their first day of school? On the first day of school, your child needs to wear their school uniform and bring a hat and water bottle. Please make sure these are clearly labelled with your child’s name. It is also a good idea for your child to be wearing sunscreen each day before they come into school.

What do I do if my child arrives late to school? If your child arrives late, please come into school through the main reception area and sign in with one of the receptionists so that your child is registered as being in school. Your child can then make their way to their classroom.

What do I do if my child is ill? If your child is ill, please contact your child’s teacher on Seesaw or ring the school to let us know.

What do I do if I want to pick my child up early or I have arranged for someone else to pick them up from school? Please send a message to your child’s class teacher on Seesaw or email.

When am I allowed to come into the school buildings? You can come into school in the mornings when you drop off your child and when you are invited into school for a special event by your child’s class teacher or the Head of the primary school.

When will the Co Curricular activities start (Years 1-6) and what do I need to do to sign my child up for these activities? For years 1-6, CCA’s will take place every day except Friday from 3.15 – 410. 28/30

For students who catch the school bus home, CCA’s are compulsory. Students who come to and from school in their own car are strongly encouraged to participate in at least 2 CCA’s a week. If you decide to pick up your child at 3.15, please contact your child’s class teacher. We will be starting a week of taster activity sessions in week 2 on Monday 21st - Friday 25th August. Your child will be given a chance to try different activities during this week and will sign up with their teacher. The sign up forms for the actual Term 1 activities will be open to parents on SchoolsBuddy on Monday 21st August and will close on Wednesday 23rd August. Please make sure you have your SchoolsBuddy account set up. All term 1 activities will then start in week 3 on Monday 28th August until week 16 - Friday 8th December.

If my child is in Early Years, when do they finish school? Early Years children can be picked up from school at 3.15 if they are doing full days at school. If your child gets the bus home then they will be in after-school care from 3.15-4.15 and then get the bus home. If your child does not get the bus home and you would like them to attend after school care until 4.15, please contact your child’s class teacher.

What information will I receive each week about my child, school events, the curriculum etc… - This Wednesday, your child’s class teacher will send you a welcome letter, which will contain your child’s timetable and an overview of the week's curriculum. -At the beginning of each week thereafter, your child’s class teacher will send you a weekly overview document on Seesaw that will contain more detailed information about the upcoming week. -During the week, you will also receive further notifications through Seesaw, sharing with you the tasks and activities that your child has completed and are really proud of. We love to share your child’s success stories with you! -On Friday each week, you will also receive the Primary ‘What’s’ On’ newsletter via our online Schoolzine platform. This weekly ‘What’s On’ newsletter will provide you with information about whole school events and activities, important links for whole school information and updates on our successes of the week. I strongly advise you to read this weekly newsletter each week so you are aware of what is happening in the primary school. If you have problems signing up to these platforms please contact the primary Academic Secretary, K Wan on:


What homework will my child receive?

Your child will only receive the following homework each week: 

Daily reading

The spelling and definitions of their weekly vocabulary

Practicing their times tables (Year 2 upwards) and

Completing an activity on Bedrock Vocab (Years 3-6.)

Further details will be provided by your child’s class teacher.

How can I prevent my child losing their belongings and where is the lost property if they do lose something? Please make sure all your child’s belongings are clearly labelled with permanent ink. If your child loses something, please let your child’s class teacher know. Any lost property will first be displayed outside Miss Michelle’s office and then at the end of the week this will be moved to the lost property cupboard in the main reception area.



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