OMTimes Magazine February B 2024 Edition

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We Support Your Right to be Free

Slava Ukraini Pray for


We Support Your Right to be Free

Slava Ukraini Pray for



‫زن_زندگی_آزادی‬# ‫مهسا_امینی‬# MahsaAmini#

WomanLifeFreedom #IranRevolution2023#

# Woman # Life # Freedom


‫زن_زندگی_آزادی‬# ‫مهسا_امینی‬# MahsaAmini#

WomanLifeFreedom #IranRevolution2023#

# Woman # Life # Freedom



OPENNESS OMTimes Media is a multiplatform publisher and a leader in conscious, holistic, and spiritual media. It aims to redefine the paradigm of media by combining print and digital content with a focus on holistic living and spiritual wellness.

February B 2024

About us OMTimes Media represents a comprehensive and integrative approach to media, focusing on content that uplifts, educates, and connects individuals who are passionate about a conscious, spiritual lifestyle.








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enlightenment, and holistic well-being.

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This includes an online presence with

resources on topics like mindfulness,

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sustainable living.

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Table of contents 32 Matt Kahn: All For Love Your Mind with 56 Reprogram Reiki Energy Cleansing Techniques for 64 Karmic Correcting Past Life Mistakes

74 Save the World: Reincarnation 80 The Beauty of Soul Reunions 92 Are Karmic Debts and Karmic Lessons Interconnected?

Animals Help Us Speak 104 How the Truth the Depths of 110 Exploring Karmic Liability



The Bank of Karma: Understanding the Role of Karmic Lessons


How to Embrace Your Higher Purpose


The Power to Be Kind but Not a Pushover


The Noosphere: A Paradigm Shift in Earth's Evolution


Book Spotlight - All For Love


God, Science & The Secret Doctrine: Book review

Guardian of the written word, the editor's touch infuses each phrase with a breath of enlightenment, crafting a tapestry where prose meets the pulse of spirituality

Editor’s Note

Love as a Universal Language

In the heart of humanity lies a potent force, a universal language that transcends barriers and binds us in shared understanding and compassion: Love. As we navigate the complexities of life, the virtues of unconditional love and empathy emerge not just as lofty ideals but as essential tools for fostering spiritual connectivity and understanding among all beings.

In today's world, where division and discord often dominate headlines, the call for unconditional love and empathy has never been more critical. These values challenge us to see beyond our differences, dissolve the boundaries erected by fear and misunderstanding, and recognize the unity underlying our apparent diversity. They invite us to step into the shoes of another, to feel their heartbeat and understand their struggles, fostering a world where every individual feels seen, heard, and valued.

Liane Buck Editor-in-Chief

OMTimes Magazine


Unconditional love is love in its purest form, offered without expectation, demand for reciprocity, or conditions. It's a love that looks beyond the surface, recognizing the inherent worth and light within every soul, irrespective of their flaws or the paths they have trodden. This form of love is the essence of true empathy, where we not only share in the joys and sorrows of others but also act with kindness and understanding, even when faced with indifference or hostility.

Embracing unconditional love transforms us, enabling us to act as vessels of peace and healing. It compels us to reach out with compassion, to offer support and understanding, even in the face of adversity. This doesn't mean condoning harmful behaviors or compromising our values but responding with kindness rather than judgment empathy rather than indifference. The journey towards embodying unconditional love and empathy is both challenging and rewarding. It requires us to confront our shadows, to release judgments, and to open our hearts fully to the experience of others. Yet, in doing so, we unlock a profound spiritual truth: that love is the most powerful force in the universe, capable of overcoming any obstacle, healing any wound, and bridging any divide. As individuals committed to a path of spiritual growth and human connection, our task is to cultivate these qualities within ourselves and to share them with the world. Doing so contributes to a collective shift towards a more loving, empathetic, and spiritually connected humanity. In a world yearning for peace and unity, our commitment to unconditional love and empathy stands as a beacon of hope, guiding us toward a future where love reigns supreme and all beings are cherished and celebrated for the unique expressions of the divine that they are.

This month, we're thrilled to showcase on our cover the acclaimed Matt Kahn, the bestselling author celebrated with the prestigious Ommies Award in 2023. Dive into the world of heartfelt wisdom with his latest masterpiece, "All for Love". Don't miss the chance to delve deeper into his inspiring journey in an engaging conversation with Victor Fuhrman, featured exclusively in OMTimes Magazine. Join us as we unravel the layers of love and transformation that Matt Kahn brings to the literary world.

New 2023 The Ommie Awards and Ommiewood are The Conscious Media Awards that aim to recognize and honor the best Luminaries Minds, Influencers, and Change Makers of the Conscious, Spiritual Holistic, and Indie Communities.


New 2023 The Ommie Awards and Ommiewood are The Conscious Media Awards that aim to recognize and honor the best Luminaries Minds, Influencers, and Change Makers of the Conscious, Spiritual Holistic, and Indie Communities.


The OM Shopping Network

The OM Shopping Network

Conscious mature dating means knowing yourself, embracing genuine connections, and valuing the depth of shared experiences

Conscious mature dating means knowing yourself, embracing genuine connections, and valuing the depth of shared experiences

B o r ok u o Y

In a


t h Lig

Book Spotlight OMTimes Book Spotlight service is a specialized promotional tool designed to highlight and elevate books within the spiritual and conscious living community. By leveraging OMTimes' extensive network and platforms, authors gain increased visibility and credibility, reaching a targeted, engaged audience eager for meaningful, transformative content in line with their interests.

B o r ok u o Y

In a


t h Lig

Book Spotlight OMTimes Book Spotlight service is a specialized promotional tool designed to highlight and elevate books within the spiritual and conscious living community. By leveraging OMTimes' extensive network and platforms, authors gain increased visibility and credibility, reaching a targeted, engaged audience eager for meaningful, transformative content in line with their interests.

All For Love



Matt Kahn is an incomparable spiritual teacher, highly attuned empathic healer, powerful speaker, and captivating author. He enriches people’s lives by providing heartcentered solutions that ignite, delight, and unite! Matt wrote the highly acclaimed books Whatever Arises, Love That, Everything Is Here to Help You, and The Universe Always Has a Plan, which have been translated into more than a dozen languages. His second book, Everything is Here to Help You, was featured in the “Be Kind” box by Ellen Degeneres. His newest book, All For Love: The Transformative Power of Holding Space, won a Gold IPPY Award (Independent Publishers Award) and an Ommie Award (World Vision category), and is topping bestsellers lists. Matt has become a YouTube sensation with his healing and often humorous videos. With 22+ million YouTube channel views, followers are finding relief from the challenges of daily life through his heartcentered messages. Among his honors, Matt was named one of the top 100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People by Watkins magazine, alongside the Dalai Lama and Eckhart Tolle.

Issue 27 | 234

As a child, Matt Kahn dreamed of being an author someday. After an out-of-body experience at age eight and several profound spiritual awakenings, Matt developed an otherworldly connection to his intuition, allowing him to become a profoundly powerful empathic healer. But then, a back injury changed his path from personal trainer to healer and accelerated his abilities as he solidified his mission to become a spiritual teacher. Matt wrote highly acclaimed books; whatever arrives, love that everything is here to help you. And the universe always has a plan, translated into more than a dozen languages. His website is matt, and he joins me this week to share his amazing path and his OMTimes Ommie award-winning book, "All for Love, The Transformative Power of Holding Space."

Victor Fuhrman: Matt, please share your early life and how it contributed to the work and wisdom you share with our world. Matt Kahn: From my earliest memory, I remember feeling confused about my emotions and experiences with others because I would start to become aware at a very young age. And, of course, when you're aware at a young age, it takes many years to kind of become aware of what you're aware of. But I would notice that when my friends were feeling sad, I could sense the sadness inside my body, and more prominently, I wouldn't know how to separate my experiences from theirs.


And so, most commonly, when other people were sad, I thought they were mad at me because I made everything about myself when I was a young kid, like we all do. And so I spent most of my earlier years; if I think back to my childhood, every time I was around someone sad, I wanted to cheer them up, or I wanted to help uplift their experience, of course, because I wanted them to experience happiness. But I misinterpreted their experience, which could have been from their family or an argument with the sibling. And I misperceived it as their opinion of me. So, I thought they liked me only when people were happy.

And so, I spent many years in my earlier development in a stage of what I call vibrational codependency where I don't know where my emotions begin their end. And I interpret everyone's experience about me. And these were the earlier experiences that helped me to, over many, many years, discover that I'm what's called an empath. For many of the listeners who are also empaths, I would say that everyone is an empath, just at various stages of awareness, realization, and consciousness. And so, as I started to come to the truth of my empathic nature, It's not a matter of whether I choose to feel or not feel feelings. I'm in a space where I can't help but feel. OMTIMES| FEBRUARY B EDITION

And it helped me to assist people in healing compellingly and radically. And it's a beautiful full circle moment to know that what at the beginning of my life felt like emotions were inundating me or I felt like I was plagued with an ability only to feel and always to be overwhelmed.

And whether it's me feeling my own emotions or me feeling the emotions of the world being processed, I'm always in a state of feeling. As I started to get to know this experience, which took many years, curiosity, and a lot of big experiences, I realized that my emotions were like a psychic superpower. As I started to make peace with my feelings and as I started to learn that it wasn't bad for me to be sensitive as a man and that it's okay for me to feel and that feeling emotions doesn't make me too much for people or that I'm not going to lose people in my life by feeling too deeply, my emotions started to give me information and became this intuitive ability where through my feelings I get such specific information. That helped me over again many years to develop the ability to work with people as an intuitive healer where I can use my emotional body as an imprint of their emotional body. So I can feel where people are at emotionally. I can tune into brain chemistry. OMTIMES| FEBRUARY B EDITION

I'm grateful that what started as something very intense has been developed into a skillset that I have been humbled and grateful to use to help so many people worldwide.

So, it's, it's truly a full circle moment if I think back to when I was younger and how confused I was about my feelings, not realizing, of course, that my life was this journey that would help me hone these feelings as a tool to support so many in their healing journey.

And, of course, we become people pleasers because we want to be loved and accepted by people, not the most difficult ones to deal with at all times. Then there's the other side of the coin: a parent might have had spiritual experiences and be very interested in spirituality. The parent might think, if I could only teach my child what I wish I knew back then, and sometimes parents tend to teach a child too much about spirituality when they haven't taken the child hasn't taken the time to develop an ego before they're going to wake up out of it.

Victor Fuhrman: Beautiful. I can share with you, and I must say that even though I came into this existence a few decades before you, I had the same sensations growing up. So, thank you for sharing that; it sort of reemphasizes for me that many of us go through this process, and it's for those who have children who are reflecting those processes now; what would you say? What advice would you give them?

Victor Fuhrman: Thank you for that sage advice for the parents who are listening out there who have kids that are manifesting these abilities. Thank you. Yes. An out-of-body experience when you were eight years old led to profound spiritual awakenings. Please describe the event and the understanding that ensued.

Matt Kahn: It's an interesting question because I've seen it on two sides. I've seen parents who unintentionally shut down their children because an adult might come from the egoic mindset that if someone has emotions that come up, they must have a problem that they need to fix. And if I can't fix it in 10 seconds or less, an adult can get frustrated and feel incapable and actually take that out on a child. And that develops this inner belief that we are too much for people.


Matt Kahn: My goodness, when I was that age, it was during a time in the 1980s, during what was known as the Adam Walsh case, which was a child who was kidnapped. And it was during that time that, as a kid, the big message was Don't talk to strangers. And I remember being so afraid of being displaced from my parents or being kidnapped that I literally never left my parents' side when I was very, very young.

And so I always felt safe being around my parents. And I say that because one night I went to sleep, and I thought I had a dream, and I found myself in this garden that was like a garden with colors that were of the highest hue and vibrance that I could describe, or I've ever seen in my life. It was like HD multiplied by infinity.


And the colors were so bright that as I looked at this garden with this incredible spectrum of brilliance, these colors vibrated or emanated this feeling of love. And it felt to me immediately like love beyond anything I'd known from my parents, which was surprising because I was, at that time of my age, my highest knowing of love. And I remember saying to myself what I thought was a dream. I'm not afraid. I don't know where I am, but I'm safe. And that was such a big deal for me because I only knew safety as being, you know, glued to my parents' hips. And so here I was in some location; I didn't know where I was; my parents were nowhere in sight, and I felt completely safe in being all by myself, these bright colors of the garden bringing forth this vibration of love. And I started to move through this garden and walk around. And I remember walking through a field of waist-high flowers. From that young perspective, the flowers were almost like the height of my hips; I really had to move my legs through this field of waisthigh flowers.

As I was moving through them, I also then realized I was simultaneously hovering above them, watching myself so I could feel myself moving through the field of flowers. I was floating above myself, watching it at the same time. I didn't know how; I had two different experiences simultaneously, but the love was so intense that it didn't matter. It was just, oh, well, this is happening. In front of me, about 20 feet, a Being was also floating above the flowers, which had a white robe, a dark beard, and shoulder-length dark hair. And he motioned me towards him, and I froze. And then I started to move towards him naturally. And as soon as I got about five feet from this being, it looked like his eyes were glowing, pure white light. At that age, when I had that experience, for some reason, I thought the association that came up was thinking about scary movies when people like to roll their eyes up into their heads.

And as I thought about this experience, it almost broke the state. And I fell through the garden, I fell through the sky, and then I fell back in my body. Only when I fell back into my body did I realize I left it? And, as I'm in my body again trying to process this, I'm cold, drenched in sweat, and shaking; out of the corner of my eye, in the doorway of my bedroom, I saw the same figure motioning me towards him. But he was kind of made out of this chalky white energy material. And as I looked directly at him, he disappeared. The next morning, I talked to my parents, who are very much into spirituality, and I told them about this experience. OMTIMES| FEBRUARY B EDITION

My dad then told me how he had a nearly identical experience 30 years before I did when he was meditating in boot camp one day. I didn't know the significance, but I knew that there was some connection by sharing such a vivid experience and then my dad relaying nearly the same experience. And it started to help me realize that things in life have connections to other bigger things. And, of course, I didn't know what it was at that age, but I tucked it in the back of my mind as "You'll remember this." Then I remember going to my next-door neighbor's house who had a son my age, and I would spend time with him. In their living room, they had this framed picture of this person who was exactly the person I met in my out-of-body experience. And I said, who's that? And they said, Matt, that's Jesus. Everyone knows that's Jesus. And I was raised Jewish, so I didn't know he was. I said, well, that's the guy I met in my dream. My friend laughed and said, Matt, you didn't meet Jesus. And I said, well, I don't know who he is, but that's who I met. From that experience, I started to have in my peripheral vision that I'd walk and see angels with me. I didn't even know what an angel was, but I intuitively just knew it was an angel. And I would start to have these experiences of spontaneously knowing things without knowing how I know them, but it would strike me as the most obvious truth: these are angels.


And someone would say, what's an angel? I don't know. But I knew enough of just this: this is what it is. And this was the moment that started to really open me up psychically. Interestingly, it wasn't until my late twenties that those experiences started to expand even further, but that became the moment of activation. That was an initial experience that started to move me in that direction. Victor Fuhrman: It's interesting that you share that because there's a Buddhist concept called readiness in time, meaning we have to have a series of experiences before we're ready to embrace something new or something that's been there before, but that is now ready to come to its fulfillment in our lives. Please tell us how these events shaped your path as an empathic healer and spiritual teacher. Matt Kahn: I think that from an early age, what's interesting about my path is that I seem to straddle the line between one foot in the esoteric and having esoteric experiences every day and one foot on the path of awakening or the path of dharma and wisdom. And sometimes, in spirituality, you have all dharma and no esoteric, and sometimes, you have all esoteric and no dharma. And so, what's interesting is my first life experience of spirituality that I just described gave me a very esoteric opening to the fact that there's something much bigger in life than what we see with our normal senses, something much bigger. But then I went off and developed an ego, went into middle school, and discovered social status and all these things, such as achievement and seeking. OMTIMES| FEBRUARY B EDITION

And so, I think that the order in which I've had experiences has helped me to really have a unique view of the spiritual journey where, for me, it's not all esoteric, and it's not all dharma. They're actually two sides of the same coin. They're two sides of the same reality. And I think what's interesting about that is that there are stages of our spiritual development that will be esoteric in nature. Some are going to be more dharmic in nature. And for me, my whole life journey has allowed me to look at wisdom and healing on many levels, many layers, and many different frequencies. And so, when I'm working with someone, what frequency does this require? Is this more of an esoteric in nature? Is this more of a dharmic in nature? And so I think it's helped me, even as a human being, to integrate very big cosmic spiritual experiences and ground them in very mature, meaningful action and embodiment. And I think that's really the direction humanity is going in, so it's not like we're going to one extreme side over here and then another, but how do we bring these two sides together? How do we bring big esoteric experiences, and how do we ground them into the most mature, insightful, and mindful decision-making that's going to really evolve our lives forward and allow us to support the expansion of all? And so, I look back on my life, and I look back at what seems like a lot of very different experiences, and I look back, and I go, gosh, what a plan was created for me, and it unfolded perfectly. And it wasn't until 30-some-odd years into my life journey that I could turn back and look at things and go: "Wow, what a perfect plan was created."

I am truly grateful to have taken this journey and continued it, but what a perfect plan was created. For sure, Victor Fuhrman: I had the blessing of a wonderful spiritual teacher when I attended interfaith seminary in the mid-1990s. He would share that, and I quote, everything is unfolding in divine order that we may not understand or like what is transpiring, but in retrospect and with spiritual eyes, we will see that there is a higher purpose. Do you resonate with that sentiment? Matt Kahn: I do resonate with that sentence. I think that the confusion comes from people's egos; they think if things are not in divine order, they have to do something about it. Conversely, if everything is in divine order, there's Nothing for me to do. And I think the middle ground, which I'm always, I'm always promoting the middle way, is yes, everything's in divine order. Yes, everything is created as a catalyst that will expand consciousness. Yes, everything is making us better; everything is evolving the world, but that's not without our participation; that's with our participation. So, it's. I like to look at the world as a multi-dimensional training program. I often call the world the Angel Academy, where we incarnate, and no matter where we are in the incarnation cycle, we are here in a school or on a field trip, learning how to be spirit guides and angels in training. And we're doing that on our journeys as each incarnation version of ourselves.

And so we look at the state of the world right now, yes, this, what we're seeing in the world, is divinely appointed, but it's also divinely appointed for all of us to play very specific roles so that we participate in experiencing the evolution of an entire species and planet, which is part of the training program for all the souls that we will guide in future incarnations as spirit guides and angels and training.

Matt Kahn: When I started doing healing work, and I only know what I've learned from the universe and my direct conversations with my angels in this end master's, and I started delivering messages to people, and I started to work with people in, in healing and I didn't understand all the other spiritual paths. I learned them by doing intuitive sessions. I would stand outside myself, listen to what they would say, listen to what I would intuitively say, and mentally take notes. And over the years, I kind of figured out a lot of the other paths just by observation. And I couldn't understand that I always experienced the universe's source energy, whatever you want to call God's consciousness, the one, whatever you want to refer to the source as. I knew that to be a source of infinite wisdom and infinite love.

Victor Fuhrman: You've gifted our world with a series of wonderful books, fulfilling your childhood aspiration of becoming an author in many ways. Let's discuss some of these, starting with "Whatever Arises, Love That". What inspired that book, and what did you share with your readers?



And Nothing but infinite wisdom and love made up the source of energy. And I would watch so many people on their spiritual path, whether it's healing, awakening, manifestation, whatever the goal was, attracting their soulmate. And they would go about these goals or have a go, go towards these experiences in ways that weren't always embodying the love that I experienced this when tapping into the source. And so, my inspiration became, if we are all moving back into the living remembrance of source and source is infinite wisdom and love, then perhaps the paths we take to reconnect with source must be equally wise and loving. I realized that many of the spiritual goals people had been trying to move away from their experiences, and their experiences and symptoms were the parts of them begging for the love they hadn't received in earlier years.

So, I started to realize that I think there needs to be a fundamental focus on unconditional love and loving ourselves. And that if we're going to take a journey towards the remembrance of spirit and spirit is infinite love, then every step of that journey back to spirit must be just as loving. And so, it became my life purpose to teach the world how every stage of spiritual development, awakening, healing, integration, manifestation, whatever it is, can be done and can only occur when we are aligned with love. It's kind of like if we were to go to school during the summer when no one was there, and then we think we should get credits when school wasn't in session. We don't get credit for our work unless we are aligned with love. And so, it became this really incredible download and realization that I started having. And again, it became this mission of mine to be the person who reminds the world that every step forward must be taken most lovingly. OMTIMES| FEBRUARY B EDITION

And how do we love ourselves versus just loving the ideas of ourselves or pretending or imagining understanding how powerful loving ourselves can be versus what it means to love ourselves? And this excited me in every fiber of my being. And it became something fresh and new that I began bringing to the spiritual communities and to this industry. In the very beginning, it was like I was speaking a different language, and over time, this message of love and how it affects our nervous system and how it really is such a central part of our spiritual development is awakening in more and more beings. But this was the initial insight that led to my passion for the work I do and to do it only in the name of love. Victor Fuhrman: You wrote a book called: "The Universe Always Has a Plan," the Ten and Golden Rules of Letting Go. And you offer readers ten golden rules to help unlock emotional freedom. What was the foundation of these rules?

Matt Kahn: The foundation of this book was that it has been known for many years and taught for lifetimes that everything happens for a reason. And I began to see how people would say that statement from a place of resignation. They would kind of say it in this halfdefeated, oh, everything happens for a reason. And then, I began to be inspired by the idea of what if I could explain why things happen in detail. It became an inspiration, you know, and we also hear about the phrase letting go and what that means to let go and what it is because letting go for many people is about pushing things away and avoiding and bypassing. So, what does it really mean to surrender to the universe without being defeated by the universe? What does it mean that everything happens for a reason? When I think back to the 10 golden rules. I think the first one is you've done Nothing wrong. And that was the first chapter. You've done Nothing wrong. And I think another one I remember is anyone who is angry is unhappy. I think back to these golden rules, and I can't remember the other eight, but it helps people have perspective, understand, and separate the difference between their experience and other people's experiences. It helps us have the wisdom to be true to our experience, not needing everyone to agree with our experience. And when we understand the infinite wisdom and love of the universe, we're all souls on a journey. We're all on different journeys. We're all learning things in different order. OMTIMES| FEBRUARY B EDITION

“So, how do we coexist as spiritually evolved beings? How do we exist in a way where we live our lives, make decisions, and are not afraid of taking risks without taking life out on ourselves? “ MATT KAHN

We're all in different semesters of the same curriculum. So, how do we coexist as spiritually evolved beings? How do we exist in a way where we live our lives, make decisions, and are not afraid of taking risks without taking life out on ourselves? So, when I wrote the second book, it was just a platform for me to take all of the misunderstandings and contradictions I had seen throughout the spiritual journey as I started entering it. I wanted to bring the world just a clear view of here's a clear way to help you navigate your life forward. The first book, "How Do You Love Yourself and How Loving Yourself, is a cornerstone of your healing journey”. And the second book was How do we start moving forward? And how do we begin navigating a life of wisdom by making wise choices and respecting other people's experiences, even if they do not always respect our experiences?

Victor Fuhrman: Wonderful. Congratulations on your award-winning and bestselling latest book, all for Love, the Transformative Power of Holding Space. It won both the OMTimes only award for winner of World Vision Books and the Independent Publisher's Book Awards gold medal for inspiration and spiritual books. So, did you have that in mind when you wrote that book? Then this might be the last book that you write, Matt Kahn: When I wrote this book, it was during the time of the George Floyd incident, and when we were, the world was experiencing a greater awareness of things like systemic racism and how are we gonna move through all these differences and how are we gonna really bring the world together and how are we gonna bring the world together without needing every person to think and believe the same thing? Like how are, what are we going to do here in this? We always hear in spirituality, right?


The intention is to manifest heaven on earth and global peace for all. How will we tangibly do this in a world of individuality? And, what's the way, what, what's the thing the world could benefit right now? And during that time in history, um, a few years ago, when I started to realize is that when I think back to the most compelling dialogues I've had with people over my 18-year career, whether in healing sessions or at retreats, the biggest conflicts people have been in communication. So, I wanted to write a book on how people learn to communicate with themselves and others from a place of compassion. How do we speak to others knowing I'm on a healing journey? Everyone's on a healing journey, whether they're aware of it or not. And how do we learn to be true and authentic to ourselves and our communication?

Health and Healing encompass practices and knowledge focused on maintaining, restoring, and enhancing physical and mental well-being through various therapeutic and holistic approaches.

Health and Healing encompass practices and knowledge focused on maintaining, restoring, and enhancing physical and mental well-being through various therapeutic and holistic approaches.

The Top Phrases to Reprogram Your Mind with Reiki Energy Reiki Technique and Phrases for Reprogramming Limiting Beliefs


By OMTimes

eiki is a natural therapy

energy field and that of their home,

in which the practitioner

chakras, and anything else they

channels universal energy

desire. Furthermore, Reiki, originating

to recharge their own

from a pure, undistorted, and non-

OM TIMES | February 2024

polarized energy, can aid in breaking

our personality and physical

patterns, especially when guided by

body. Within it, especially in our

words and intentions.

unconscious and subconscious, lie all the experiences we have

Mental reprogramming, widely used

been through in this or other

in Neuro-Linguistic Programming

existences. Therefore, any change

(NLP), breaks patterns and/or changes

we desire in our lives must pass

limiting beliefs. For this, we must

through the mind.

always affirm positive, present-tense The energy from our mind flows


through our emotional, energetic, For example, suppose someone has

and then physical states. Thus, most

an insecurity issue. In that case, some

of our physical responses originate

affirmations that could be used in this

from our mental energy.

technique are: "As long as we are unaware of "Every day I gain more and more

our unconscious actions, we will


continue to be shaped by our

"People and my external world

unconscious and call it fate."

provide me with security," and "My inner world fills me with

The psychiatrist and creator of


analytical (Jungian) psychology emphasized the importance of our

When we combine the practice of

beliefs in shaping our reality. He

NLP with Reiki, it becomes more

said that as long as we are unaware

potent. Reiki energizes these words,

of our unconscious actions, we

allowing us to direct them straight

continue to be shaped by them

to our subconscious (which is

and call it fate. This highlights the

responsible for "storing" beliefs and

importance of our mental keys and


the thoughts we plant.

Our mind is the gateway to the

However, there are responses in our

spiritual plane. It's the bridge

minds of which we might not even

between our Higher Self and

be aware. These are our most deeply

OM TIMES | February 2024

rooted beliefs, often formed in our

Some ways to do this include

mother's womb.

holistic therapies, psychology, and other techniques and therapies.

Additionally, if you heard certain

The technique I'm presenting here

things about yourself in childhood,

is to send positive images to our

you likely believe them to be true,

subconscious through the use of

making it difficult to change later

Reiki and phrases that will help us

on. Examples include unsuccessful

more assertively face our current

relationships, short-lived dietary

challenges. Using it, we can send

changes, and other situations.

suggestions for changes and pattern breaks and communicate

Every human has these tendencies,

with our subconscious and Higher

but we can reinterpret them by

Self to bring answers and the

getting to the root of these beliefs.

necessary strength.

OM TIMES | February 2024

The thought gives the order, and the

Repeat the phrases until they

subconscious responds, so stay calm

become a state of being, imagine

and trust your words. Remember,

yourself having already achieved this

you can change your reality at any


moment. Just start this journey. Finish by applying a choke rei for 2 Technique for Breaking Patterns

minutes on the crown chakra, on the umbilical, and lastly, for about 3 to 5

Create an environment for this

minutes on the feet to the ground,

"meditation". Put on music, light

and do not let the chakras become

incense, a candle, or anything that


brings you comfort and well-being. If you are doing this technique on Connect with Reiki energy in your way,

someone else, first talk to them to see

asking permission from the masters,

their needs. Also, remember to speak

mentors, energies, and higher self.

only positive phrases.

Trace the symbols sei he ki and choku

Some examples of phrases can be:

rei (if you are level 2), or use choku rei if you are level 1, then begin applying

"(Name of the person), you possess

Reiki with your dominant hand at the


center of the neck and on the frontal

Name of the person), you will

chakra (third eye) with the receptive

have a good night's sleep.

hand. (If you are a level 3 Reiki

Name of the person), you can

practitioner, you can use the HSZSN,

shape your reality…"

SHK, and CKR symbols, respectively. Don't forget to repeat their names

This technique won't solve

while tracing them).

everything that may be wrong, but it will greatly help mitigate

Start connecting with your inner self

symptoms and improve your internal

and clarify what you will do. Continue

transformations and transmutations.

applying Reiki in the two previous

Because all work is internal and

positions and repeat the phrases you

external, we can use Reiki and other

wish to incorporate into your life.

techniques to assist us.

OM TIMES | February 2024

Spirituality involves exploring one's inner self, seeking deeper meanings, connecting with the transcendent, and understanding life's purpose through various philosophical, religious, and personal beliefs.

Spirituality involves exploring one's inner self, seeking deeper meanings, connecting with the transcendent, and understanding life's purpose through various philosophical, religious, and personal beliefs.

Top 4 Karmic Cleansing Techniques for Correcting Past Life Mistakes Karmic Cleansing: Correcting Errors from Past Lives

Discover the key to unlocking a harmonious life by correcting errors f rom past lives through karmic cleansing. Release the burdens of the past and embrace a future filled with positivity and growth. OM TIMES | February 2024


ccording to certain

Change Begins Within You

beliefs, when a child is born, they carry with

We are what we think, so if you wish

them messages and

to change how things happen in your

reflections of experiences from the

life, the first step is to visualize these

past. Before birth, each human

attitudes while maintaining positive

being has gone through previous

thoughts. For this, it is recommended

lives that have left imprints

that you create a unique form

in their aura, an energy field

of meditation, like a prayer, that

surrounding the physical body.

summarizes everything you wish to

Sometimes, people suffer from


the consequences of the baggage necessitating a karmic cleansing.


It is believed, for instance, that if

It is important to know this method,

a person struggles with financial

as it is a way to open the pathways

difficulties throughout their life,

of your consciousness and ensure

it might be because, in a past

the success of future visualization

life, they misused money and did

exercises. It is also the first step

not utilize it properly. Similarly,

towards changing your life through

a person who scorned others or

karmic refining.

they carry f rom other incarnations,

failed to help when needed might bear the karma of being deaf in

Perform this meditation twice daily:

their current life.

when you wake up and before you sleep. Before meditating, relax your

However, karma should not be

entire body, free your mind from

linked to every present situation.

worries, and let joy take over your

Therefore, before practicing karmic

interior. Set aside time each day for

cleansing techniques intended to

visualization, just as you allocate a

correct errors from past lives, you

daily period to care for yourself.

must conduct a self-evaluation, which can help eliminate some of

Look at your body and imagine a

the simpler conflicts of this life.

violet light ray emanating f rom you,

OM TIMES | February 2024

illuminating everything surrounding

Meditation is about seeing clearly

you. This color symbolizes spiritual

the body that we have, the mind

tyransmutations and fills your interior

that we have, the domestic

with positive energy.

situation that we have, the job that we have, and the people who are in

When you feel ready, concentrate

our lives. It's about seeing how we

and repeat these words softly: "I am

react to all these things. It's seeing

a free person, willing to change

our emotions and thoughts just

according to my desires. Nothing will

as they are right now, in this very

prevent me from growing, learning

moment, in this very room, on this

from others, loving, and being loved.

very seat. It's about not trying to

I am in search of my destiny, and

make them go away, not trying to

I will not let doubts and uncertainties

become better than we are, but just

be part of my life. I use my freedom

seeing clearly with precision and

to find happiness."

gentleness. — Pema Chodron OM TIMES | February 2024


Try to imagine this whirlwind as a

This visualization exercise serves to

aura from all accumulated negative

cleanse and purify your aura of all

energies. Allow it to traverse your

karmic residues you carry. It requires

entire body and exit through your

only five minutes of your time but

feet to be absorbed by the Earth.

spiral rotating clockwise, f reeing your

brings significant benefits and


happiness. Sit comfortably and relax your body slowly. Above you, imagine a white

This method balances the auric field,

fire whirlwind starting to form.

providing the necessary energy

Visualize it spinning around your

for you to perform your daily tasks

head and descending through the

efficiently and with enthusiasm.

rest of your body.

According to the Tantra practitioners, OM TIMES | February 2024

a guideline derived from ancient

your head, and it’s light is a source of

Wisdom traditions such as Hinduism,

positive energy, so visualize its clarity

Buddhism, and popular cults,

and feel it growing strongly within

mantras are magical formulas with


the power to materialize the invoked karmic cleansing.


Sit in a calm and peaceful place.

Then, pronounce the name Eheieh,

Make your body be comfortable and

an ancient Hebrew god, meaning


"I am what I am," emphasizing

divinity and are a technique for

each syllable and feeling your Visualize above of you, a crystalline

head flooded with good vibrations.

sphere of white light that envelops

Repeat this name five to ten times,

you. The Sphere islocated above

visualizing only positive things.

OM TIMES | February 2024

Pause and visualize the white light

In your heart, feel how the sphere of

sphere descending to your throat.

light becomes stronger. This god's

Pronounce the name of the god

name means "God manifests through

Yhvh Elohim, meaning "the lord

the mind."

of creation," and feel the light rays become even more intense and

Rest a bit, and then visualize a light

bright. Repeat this name five to

ray descending to your groin area.

ten times.

Feel and see a fourth intense light sphere forming there. Say the name

Breathe deeply and feel the light

of the god Shaddaie Chai and repeat

invade your heart, where a third

it five to ten times. At this moment,

bright sphere will form. Slowly,

feel an extra energy taking over your

syllable by syllable, say the name

body and visualize what you want for

of Eloah Vadaath, repeating it five

your life. Shaddaie Chai means "the

to ten times.

almighty existing god." OM TIMES | February 2024

Wait a while. Visualize with your

Having done this, you will have

mind’s eyes, and imagine a ray of

formed the configuration that

light reaching your feet, where a

will balance your body with your

fifth sphere of light, even brighter,

aura. Then, concentrate on the

will form. Picture the luminous

top of your head and practice

rays descending into the Earth and

rhythmic breathing: inhale

then pronounce the name Adonai

slowly, counting to four, and feel

Ha'aretz, which means "lord of the

the energy accumulated on the

earth." Continue to repeat the name

left side of your body radiating

five to ten times.

through your aura. To exhale, OM TIMES | February 2024

slowly empty your lungs, counting

Repeat this cycle four to five times,

to four, and feel the energy

sustaining concentration, and notice

leaving the right side of your body,

your auric field expanding.

enhancing your aura. Feel this energy going to your feet. Now, each time you inhale, see

As you inhale, visualize a rainbow

and feel the energy that envelops

of lights moving up and down from

your body flow downwards, and

your feet to your head. When you

each time you exhale, feel this

exhale, see how this rainbow expands

energy flow upwards your body.

over you, coloring your soul.

OM TIMES | February 2024

Save the World: Reincarnation


By William Bezanson

his article argues that

deeply understands the validity

the only thing we can

of reincarnation. In that case, she

do to successfully and

or he will automatically take great

fundamentally save the

care of the World because he or

world and humanity is to recognize,

she will fully expect a return for

honor, and obey the spiritual law of

their next life here on Earth and

reincarnation. All other methods

will want it to be in much better

are suboptimal. Suppose one

shape than currently.

OM TIMES | February 2024

Most of us would agree that

And nobody is doing this to us and

the world is going down the

to the world! No enemy, no alien

tubes. We, human occupants

beings, no divine entities, nobody!

of the world, have allowed it to

We human beings are doing it to

become grossly overpopulated

ourselves and to our Home! We

and plagued with pandemics,

human beings must nurture our

financial turmoil, wars, cruelties,

home back to cosmic Success.

and other catastrophic processes and energies. In combination,

There are lots of actions that we

these tragedies threaten our very

could take in order to save the World

existence on this tiny planet, our

(which I define as Earth plus Spirit,

precious island home, and the

physical plus spiritual). We could

collective wisdom and lessons

support organizations that advocate

that we human beings have

sustainable practices; we could vote

accumulated over many centuries.

for and monitor politicians who vow

OM TIMES | February 2024

to enhance the earth’s environment;

get that number, eight billion, down

we could become very rich and

to a more reasonable two billion.)

donate huge funds to worthwhile causes; we could teach people to

The Rosicrucians and other mystical

fish, rather than just giving them

orders teach that the periodicity

a fish; and we could take many

of incarnations, birth to birth, is

other noble actions. But each of

approximately 144 years, plus or

those actions falls short of total

minus, depending on individual

success. I maintain that the only

circumstances. So, in my own case,

real, hopeful, realistic action is for

having been born in 1943, (Yes! I’m

the majority of our eight billion

an old, feeble guy, who is on his way

humans on this planet to live their

out, but who thinks deeply and who

lives honoring the spiritual law of

writes soberly and talks passionately

reincarnation. (The first step is to

to anyone who will read and listen)

OM TIMES | February 2024

I am due back here, probably

steep ladder of evolution, requiring

on Earth, and likely in the 2090

a great many lives to come anywhere

timeframe. And you also, dear reader,

near the high status that we have

are due back here about 144 years

attained on Earth.

after you were born in your current lire. Now, if we allow the world to be

So, how can you learn more about

destroyed to the point that it cannot

the spiritual law of reincarnation?

any longer support human life, then

The most effective way of learning,

we STILL will reincarnate, but on

to my mind, is to use your intuition:

some other planet, somewhere in the

recognize it, hone it through

universe, where we will likely start off

constant practice, study it, stretch

at the bottom of the food chain, and

your abilities with it, and so on.

we will have to incarnate again and

Joining one of the reputable mystical

again, slowly climbing back up the

orders, such as the Rosicrucian

OM TIMES | February 2024

order to which I belong, the

reincarnation, not simply to believe it,

Confraternity of the Rose Cross

but, more importantly, to know it.

( ), will be helpful. And there are many other valid

I try to focus my energies on big-

such organizations, such the

picture concepts as I am writing

Freemasons, organizations that

about here. I watch television only

teach esoteric topics, and so on.

for news reports or to share a movie with my wife. I live a very boring

In my own case I have vividly re-

life in the eyes of young computer

experienced seven of my previous

gamers and fast car drivers. But

lives, and some others less

I feel a great, inner need, prompted

vividly. Such experiences, plus

by my intuition, to take “The

much meditation and study, have

Road Less Travelled” and to urge

convinced me of the validity of

people to honor the spiritual law of

OM TIMES | February 2024

reincarnation and thereby to work

the prime driving energy in your

towards saving humanity and the

lives. Please join me in this cosmic



I caution you that I am not writing

William Bezanson writes

about a religious concept here when

regularly for OMTimes. A retired

I write about reincarnation, but a

electrical engineer, he has turned

spiritual one, that is best approached

into an author. He has published

from a mystical viewpoint.

eight books, primarily on the topics of spirituality and world

My sincere hope is that you, dear

stewardship, most recently, Your

reader, will feel and respond to

Lives and How To Live Them, in

my passion in advocating for the

2023. He lives with his wife, Susan,

spiritual law of reincarnation as

in Ottawa, Canada.

OM TIMES | February 2024




Messages from Beyond and the Welcoming Home

Explore the incredible abilities of souls to communicate, travel astrally, and provide comfort beyond the physical realm through soul reunions. There is a great welcoming and celebration when we leave the physical plane. One of the most comforting and beautiful occurrences described is that of the soul reunions that take place when someone makes their transition. Our souls have amazing abilities in communicating, astral travel, and comforting each other beyond the physical plane. There are endless accounts of spiritual mediums who have translated messages from those who have crossed over. One of the most comforting and beautiful occurrences described is that of the soul reunions that take place when someone makes their transition.


There is a great welcoming and celebration when we leave the physical plane. Healthcare workers and loved ones have witnessed this phenomenon firsthand. They have described that the person transitioning reaches out, smiles, and calls the name(s) of those greeting them into the spiritual realm. They can see, hear, and feel the vibrations and frequencies sent to them as they transcend. After their transition, souls can relay the experience to those who can channel their energy and hear their account of the experience. They have shared valuable and comforting information with their loved ones to let them know several things. If they were fearful of death, they might describe being lovingly guided home by those they recognized and loved during this lifetime. They have also described homecoming celebrations of their physical life, meaningful connections, family, and friends who assisted them before their transition. These soul reunions are extremely comforting to the living as well. Some of the questions asked the most when someone leaves the physical plane are: “Did they make it? Are they okay? What can they tell you? Can you see who was there to meet them?”

Finding Our Soul Groups Soul reunions also happen through soul groups whose members are incarnate to live a human life on Earth to experience and complete certain life themes. Life themes include tolerance, patience, kindness, and forgiveness.


Soul groups may share their history, origin, experiences, and soul agreements. They exist on the same frequency to communicate telepathically, send healing energy, and assist those on Earth with their metaphysical skills. The personal beliefs we hold dear in our lifetimes play a role as we return to pure soul energy. Our spiritual and religious teachings connect us to the ascended masters and angels on the other side. Countless spiritual beings assist us in life, celebrate our very existence, and welcome us home with grace, forgiveness, non-judgment, and endless love.

The Path of Return and The Spiritual Guides Our spirit guides and healing guides celebrate our transitions with a special welcome-back party. These brave souls agreed to assist us during our most recent life on Earth. They share the knowledge we gained, the life themes we accomplished, the challenges we faced, and the importance of our journey as souls. We may have a history with our guides that reaches far back into our past lives. These amazing soul reunions help us to understand the reasons for our human incarnations. They fill us up with incredible healing light energy that reaches into the higher frequencies of existence, purpose, and meaning. We can understand and comprehend the miracles of life in their presence. We are also greeted by our beloved pets, who have crossed over when we transcend. OMTIMES |FEBRUARY B EDITION

The bond created with them will always exist, and they will be there to share the joy again. It is an incredible experience that instantly heals our hearts to know they are healed, and their souls live on with us. The shared gratitude between us and our animal friends creates a special kind of energy and assists us in recognizing any important life theme. About the Author: Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, intuitive counselor, healing channel, and author. She is president of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc., a 501(c) spiritual charity, and a writer for OM Times Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension, and has read for clients worldwide. To learn more or contact us for a session, see


Conscious Living focuses on mindfulness and awareness in daily life, emphasizing sustainable practices, ethical choices, personal growth, and a harmonious balance with the environment.

Conscious Living focuses on mindfulness and awareness in daily life, emphasizing sustainable practices, ethical choices, personal growth, and a harmonious balance with the environment.

Are Karmic Debts and Lessons Interconnected?


By OMTimes

hat is the difference

therefore bring them into this life as

between Karmic

"subjects we failed in the previous

lessons and Karmic

period," Karmic Debts are a more


"complex" case.

Unlike Karmic Lessons, where we

The difference between Karmic

neglect learnings in past lives and

Lessons and Karmic Debt lies in the

OM TIMES | February 2024

nature and impact of the unresolved

The purpose of Karmic Debt is to

issues from a person's past lives into

teach the individual important

their current existence.

spiritual lessons, often through more challenging experiences than those

Karmic Lessons are life lessons that

associated with Karmic Lessons.

were not learned or completed in past lifetimes. Individuals may have

While both Karmic Lessons and

struggled or failed to develop and

Karmic Debt deal with the spiritual

understand their previous existences

growth and learning that come

in these areas fully. The lessons often

from past actions, Karmic Lessons

manifest as recurring challenges

typically involve less serious, more

or themes in a person's life, urging

personal areas of development, and

them to face and learn from these

Karmic Debt involves rectifying the

experiences for spiritual growth. For

consequences of more significantly

instance, someone might repeatedly

harmful actions from past lives.

encounter situations that challenge them to develop patience, empathy,

In the Kabbalistic Numerological

or courage, indicating these are

system, a Karmic Debt is generated

areas they need to focus on in their

when we commit "wrongdoings"

personal development.

against Natural Laws: homicide, suicide, negligence towards life (both

On the other hand, Karmic Debt is

one's own and others) leading to

more serious and is often thought of

death, addictions that result in death,

as a form of cosmic justice. It refers

fraud, embezzlement of material and/

to the negative consequences of

or intellectual property, ideological

one's harmful actions in past lives.

falsehood, pride, authoritarianism,

This debt is believed to be carried

betrayal, lack of compassion...

over into the current life, where the individual must atone or make

Sometimes, we wonder why "good"

amends for their past misdeeds. This

people suffer so much? In most

could manifest as various hardships,

of these cases, when I encounter

obstacles, or even specific life

this question, I check the person's

circumstances that seem to be out

numbers, as I already "suspect" the

of one's control.

answer. Sure enough, it's karmic debt! OM TIMES | February 2024

According to the Law: "the spiritual

Four karmic debts are detected

precedes the material," when a person

by Kabbalistic numerology: They

strives to reconnect with Divinity, to

are identifiable by the Birthday

be a better human being, to practice

numbers -13, 14, 16, and 19.

charity and empathy, the doors of the material world begin to open

Karmic Debt 13 is related to death in

for them, and opportunities start to

all its conceptions. Those who have

arise. When they receive the grace

this debt were involved with death in

of knowing their lessons and debts,

past lives: as a murderer, by suicide,

a new world quickly opens before

hastening their own death through

their eyes, the cycle in which they live

addictions, being negligent with their

closes, and another, better one opens,

own life or someone else's, causing

leading them to a worldview more

death to themselves or others.

connected with spirituality, facilitating the emergence of new material

Because of this, in their current life, the

opportunities, relationships, work, etc.

person may become lazy, indifferent

In short, that's how it works.

to everything and everyone, and OM TIMES | February 2024

extremely critical. You know that

As a result, in this life, the person will

person who finds fault in everything?

face serious annoyances: constant job changes, moving residences,

To eliminate this debt, the person

loss of movable and immovable

needs to work hard, regardless of

property, failed businesses,

their professional activity. They will

disappointments with close people

be highly demanded throughout life

(partners, friends, family), and will

and will need to learn to manage bad

face various obstacles in achieving

attitudes, discontent, and possessions,

their goals.

both their own and others. In a past life, the person was driven Karmic Debt 14 refers to material

by extreme ambition and lack of

goods. In past lives, the person harmed

understanding. Therefore, in this

others to climb up in life. Through

existence, unless they develop

fraud, they harmed partners, friends,

spiritually, they may commit the

and companions, leading them to ruin,

same offenses, increasing their

misery, and moral destruction.

karma and consequent sacrifices.

OM TIMES | February 2024

To redeem this debt, the main lesson

As a result of such behaviors, in

is detachment: not to cling to anything

their current life, they will face many

or anyone and to be understanding to

setbacks and calamities: various

the utmost. Only by acting in this way

types of accidents, numerous

will they develop enough love, humility,

disappointments with friends,

and compassion to redeem this debt.

work colleagues, relatives, spouses, legal problems, and failed business

Karmic Debt 16 — Pride,

ventures. Additionally, they may

Authoritarianism, Betrayal, and Vanity

experience marital infidelities, crimes of passion, illegitimate unions, work

In past life, the person with this debt

without achieving their goals, lose

was extremely selfish, thinking only

fortune or power, and be betrayed by

of themselves and their own well-

those they love and trust.

being. They did not care at all about the feelings or rights of others and

To redeem this karma, the person

acted with extreme authoritarianism,

will need to be understanding, fair,

coldness, and even violence.

and supportive, walking in perfect OM TIMES | February 2024

uprightness without deviating from this path. Otherwise, as mentioned earlier, they will continue to suffer indefinitely from all the tribulations. Karmic Debt 19 — Balance, Law of Cause and Effect Karmic Debt 19 is related to balance and the Law of Cause and Effect. In past lives, the person with this debt acted against this Law and, in their current life, will have to repay what they took from others. Those who came with this debt to redeem did so because, in a previous life, they financially

and instead, to be tolerant in

enriched themselves through deceit,

everything and with everyone.

causing others to bear their guilt, be imprisoned, have their property

To redeem this debt, one needs

confiscated, and be dishonored on

to lead a correct and elevated life,

their behalf. They gained fame and

be altruistic, with plenty of love,

awards at the expense of others.

affection, and kindness, and always think about the well-being of all of

As a result, in their current life,


they may have secrets unveiled, be betrayed by partners and companions,

And now, a precious tip: those born on

and experience continuous success

the 13th, 14th, 16th, or 19th of any month

and failure until they learn the lesson:

carry the respective debt related to

"You reap what you sow."

these numbers. Other numbers in the Kabbalistic Numerological Chart also

All this is a warning not to be

indicate the presence of debts, but

oppressive, selfish, or authoritarian,

they require calculation.

OM TIMES | February 2024

Animal spirituality explores the deep, mystical connections between humans and animals, recognizing animals' souls, their roles in spiritual practices, and their contributions to our holistic well-being.

Animal spirituality explores the deep, mystical connections between humans and animals, recognizing animals' souls, their roles in spiritual practices, and their contributions to our holistic well-being.

How Animals Help Us Speak the Truth


By John Holland

just watched an Instagram video

As you see this child's beaming smile

that really moved me. It showed

and the horse moving in for a closer

a little girl in a stroller who sees a

look, you can just tell that they have

horse for the very first time. Her

made an intuitive connection.

entire face lights up as she glances into the horse's eyes and reaches

Animals are very intuitive, especially

up to pet this magnificent creature.

horses. They have a way of knowing if

OM TIMES | February 2024

we're sad, happy, stressed, frustrated,

Seeing this video reminded me of

or even sick. They'll intuitively read

an author I met years ago at Hay

our energy and act accordingly.

House—Wyatt Webb.

Our connection with animals is quite

Wyatt is like a character you'd see

different f rom our relationships with

in an old Western movie or TV show.

people. Animals aren't conditioned

He's as tall as a tower, wears a wide-

to be self-conscious or scared. They

brimmed cowboy hat, and smiles

don't hold back their feelings, hide

your way through a thick white

behind false personas, or tell white


lies to make us like them. They are pure, unconditional, loving souls

I'll never forget listening to Wyatt talk

who live their truth—and expect

about the most valuable lessons we

nothing less f rom us!

can learn from a horse—overcoming OM TIMES | February 2024

self-doubt and being true to

relationship? Are you hiding

ourselves. Wyatt says there's no

behind a past hurt? Do you find it

fooling a horse—or any animal for

difficult to speak truthfully about

that matter. "The horse is a mirror

your feelings?

to our energy system." He believes that horses and our pets can see

This week, if you have pets, let

right through us and know exactly

them be a sounding board for

who we are. We just need to follow

a current concern you may be

their lead, be exactly who we are

having. Be honest about anything

meant to be, and speak our truth.

that's troubling you. Speak f reely and let your truth be heard. This is


a great way to let go of your pain

Are you having trouble being

and practice being more open with

honest with yourself or in a

yourself and others. If you don't OM TIMES | February 2024

have a pet, take time to visit your

There are many furry f riends out

local animal shelter. Or maybe take

there you can connect with. Move

a walk at a park or the beach and

past your pain, open your heart,

share your innermost conversations

and let the healing energy of an

with a bird, a squirrel, or another

animal soothe your soul.

animal that crosses your path. Live a Soul-filled life! I'll admit I've had many deep conversations with my dog, Koda.

p.s. Don't forget that when you tell

I know he can't answer me in

your f riends to join my newsletter

words, but I find that his knowing

list, there's a free meditation to

expressions, unconditional love,

listen to, which is called Raising

and even that sly smirk always

the Power when you SHARE this

comfort me!

with a f riend. OM TIMES | February 2024

Metaphysical Sciences explore the nature of reality, consciousness, and the universe, blending philosophy, spirituality, and theoretical insights to understand existence beyond physical phenomena.

Metaphysical Sciences explore the nature of reality, consciousness, and the universe, blending philosophy, spirituality, and theoretical insights to understand existence beyond physical phenomena.

Exploring the Depths of Karmic Liability Understanding and Experiencing Karmic Liability


By Humanity Healing

sually, when we experience

deceived someone, being selfish, or

drastic changes in our

even having had baseless negative

personality, way of acting,

thoughts. In other words, we find

or thinking, we begin to

ourselves experiencing a kind of return

consider the bad things that happen

of all the negative actions we once

to us as karma for having hurt or


OM TIMES | February 2024

However, it is important to keep

each one will receive these energies

in mind that it's not only negative

is different; therefore, humans tend

attitudes that return in this balance;

to react much less indifferently when

all our positive, altruistic, charitable,

going through the same situation. By

and benevolent actions also come

experiencing the other side of the coin,

back as positive karma in our

we create greater empathy for the

lives. The association of karma as

feelings of others.

something negative comes from a natural tendency of human beings to

In Hindi, the word 'karma' means

remember more negative events, as

action. Originating from Buddhist,

being hurt or hurting others usually

Hindu, and Jainism religions, the term

marks our memories much more than

has also been adopted in Spiritualism.

pleasant and joyful moments.

Essentially, karma dictates that for


every action, whether good or bad, there is a reaction, an equivalent force in the opposite direction. Every deed has a consequence; the

The best way to understand the

law of karma confirms this. In other

concept of karma is to realize that

words, we will experience the effects

everything around us has its own

of our actions in this life or future

energy, just like we do. This means

existence. It's also known in many

that every time we interact with the

religions as celestial justice, as it

Universe around us, these actions

ensures that people receive what they

produce a particular energy that can

deserve based on their actions.

be good or bad. Karma is translated under this concept of "doing and


reaping the entire field of physical, verbal, and mental actions."

At this point, one can better understand what karma and the

This particularity of the energies

law of cause and effect mean. They

generated in each action can create

are basically about balance and

situations where we cannot recognize

understanding, so receiving the

the real harm we cause when we act

return of your actions by directly

unjustly toward someone. The way

experiencing their causes is certainly

OM TIMES | February 2024

a very effective way of understanding

that we are responsible for creating,

the magnitude of your acts.

demonstrates personal mastery over what happens in our lives and

However, as mentioned, this concept

that we should plan the future by

also applies to the positive return of

assuming responsibilities without

energies, or positive karma, as it is

placing all the weight of acts and

known. Even though these do not

decisions on fate.

mark us in the same way as more bitter experiences, attitudes that result in good should produce energies rich in positive charges and that


will surround us with a magnetism conducive to happy events.

Empathy is central to understanding karmic liability,

This idea of positive or negative return,

fostering a deep awareness of all

always according to a magnetic aura

actions' interconnectedness and

OM TIMES | February 2024

consequences. By stepping into another's shoes, we gain insight


into our deeds' emotional and spiritual impact. This understanding

The Great Law

nurtures a more conscious approach

The first and most significant law

to our decisions and behaviors.

of karma is about cause and effect.

Empathy allows us to comprehend

As the popular saying goes, we reap

the ripple effects of our actions,

what we sow, which is the law's

encouraging us to act with kindness


and consideration. It becomes a guiding light, helping us navigate

Law of Creation

the complexities of karma, ensuring

This law states that we must actively

our actions contribute positively to

shape life; it doesn't just happen. Our

our own karmic journey and that of

surroundings influence our internal

others, ultimately leading to a more

state, and we are connected to the

harmonious existence.

Universe both within and externally. OM TIMES | February 2024

Law of Humility

something is wrong, the source of the

The law of humility centers on

error lies within us.

accepting that the world reflects our traits. Even if we refuse to

Law of Connection

acknowledge what lies within us, it

Everything in the Universe is connected

continues to exist alongside us.

in one way or another. There is always a connection and explanation, even

Law of Growth

when it seems not to be.

This law, about growth, is about change and personal development.

Law of Focus

For our spirit to grow, change must

This law states that we must focus

originate from within us.

and not think about two things at the same time.

Law of Responsibility We must take responsibility for what

Law of Giving

happens in our surroundings. If

It's about giving oneself over to

OM TIMES | February 2024

what we believe to be true. We

require work, dedication, and

must demonstrate this truth.


Law of Here and Now

Law of Meaning and Inspiration

We should always look forward.

When something has meaning and

Looking back leads us to old

inspiration, the value we assign to things

patterns and habits. What matters is

differs. The outcome is directly linked to

the present moment.

the intention behind it.

Law of Change

These laws offer a perspective on how

We are responsible for changing

our actions and attitudes shape our

our path. Things repeat until we

existence and interactions with the world

embrace change.

and the Universe. Understanding and applying these laws can lead to a more

Law of Patience and Reward

harmonious and fulfilling life aligned

Patience leads to rewards. Rewards

with the principles of karma.

OM TIMES | February 2024

The Bank of Karma: Understanding the Role of Karmic Lessons


By Ageless Wisdom

xplore the world of

Karmic lessons are imposed by life

Numerology and

and were not learned in past lives.

understand the impact of

These lessons are fundamental for

Karmic Lessons on your

our spiritual evolution and must be

journey towards enlightenment.

learned; therefore, when we do not

OM TIMES | February 2024

learn these lessons, they tend to

The paths to liberation are

follow us in subsequent lives. If we

numerous, but the bank along

neglect these lessons, they return to

the way is always the same,

bring us the same harm caused in

the Bank of Karma, where the

past lives, generating suffering and

liberation account of each of us is

hindering us in our current existence.

credited or debited depending on our actions. — Yann Martel

One who previously made bad karma, but who reforms and

Karmic Lesson 1 — In a past life, there

creates good karma, brightens

was a lack of initiative, originality,

the world like the moon

ambition, and independence. It

appearing from behind a cloud.

means that you did not prioritize

— Gautama Buddha

yourself as you should have and failed to express essential qualities of self-

Karmic Lessons should not be

confidence, dynamism, and control,

confused with Karmic Debts, which

instead only displaying fears and a

are transgressions against the Natural

lack of self-trust. As a result, you now

Laws also committed by us in past

fear decisions and have difficulty

lives. Both follow a person until

starting new things. To eliminate this

they adjust their learning with the

negative aspect of your personality, it


will be necessary to bravely overcome fear, trust in yourself, rely on your best

The absence of a letter in a name

qualities, and have your own initiative

corresponds to a Karmic Lesson

instead of depending on others.

present in that person's life, indicating that there may be several Karmic

You need to develop your sense

Lessons to be learned or none at all.

of integrity, originality, pioneering spirit, and independence; improve

Wise Souls: If your name lacks no

your aggressiveness, determination,

numbers, you do not need karmic

and leadership, strengthen your will;

lessons. Your soul has already learned

and develop your individuality. It

what it needed to and chose to

would help if you also learned not to

reincarnate to perfect itself at an even

bother others, respect the limits of

higher level.

authority, and live with leadership; OM TIMES | February 2024

be less selfish and talk about your

To eliminate this negativity, you need


to learn to cooperate, be considerate of others, accept orders, and not

Karmic Lesson 2 — In a past life, you

lean on others. You need to develop

lacked tact, cooperation, discipline,

balanced sensitivity, understanding

and consideration for others. There

and observation skills, diplomatic

was excessive concern with details,

sense, and rhythm. Be impersonal yet

impatience, and little diplomatic

recognize the needs of others.

sense. You cultivated a feeling of being a victim or deliberately persecuted,

Karmic Lesson 3 — In a past life, you

excessive sensitivity, and insecurity.

were deficient in self-expression,

Now, you manifest shyness and

failing to express your creativity and

distrust to the point of avoiding

sense of humor. You lacked will and


self-confidence. Now, you shy away OM TIMES | February 2024

from the public, get irritated easily,

difficulty with systematization, and

have little imagination, and waste your

lacked perseverance and caution.


You indefinitely postponed your obligations. Now, you may be forced to

To eliminate this negativity, you need

build a foundation to face work of any

to learn to use words without shyness,

type with patience and concentration

express your ideas securely and

in your occupation without accepting

firmly, cultivate imagination, develop

or imposing limitations.

a refined sense of humor, express yourself joyfully, and have patience.

To balance these deficiencies, you will now have to apply yourself to work

Karmic Lesson 4 — In a past life,

with dedication and love, master

you certainly did not like work,

anger, and not feel depressed by

were deficient in details, had

work. You need to realize yourself

OM TIMES | February 2024

through hard work and physical effort,

your sexual appetites. Now, you feel

discipline and constant routine, apply

misunderstood and have curiosity

logic, and learn to delve into and

and interest in your peers as a defense

persist in your goals and objectives,

against an imaginary rejection by

aiming for order and structuring of

others. You are constantly forced

your plans.

to face some change, sometimes unexpectedly.

Karmic Lesson 5 — In a past life, you feared facing changes or novelties.

To eliminate this negativity from

You were attached and comfort-

your personality, you need to look at

seeking, reluctant to take risks,

the past only with the perception of

and had difficulty adapting to the

the facts and not as a way to justify

new. You exhibited poor sensory

yourself. You need to learn to accept

reactions and a lack of control over

changes, balance your freedom, and

OM TIMES | February 2024

direct your sexual energy in a balanced

good parent, and a good child, as you

way; contain your impulse for sudden

will be required to assume domestic


responsibilities and serve others.

Karmic Lesson 6 — Resistance to

You need to accept things as they

Family Responsibilities In a past life,

are and not be overly demanding of

there was resistance to assuming

others; learn the consciousness of

family responsibilities and obligations.

involvement with others and cultivate

Neglect was shown towards domestic

family values, taking on the obligations

life, children, and marriage. There

inherent in domestic life.

was difficulty in living with family and groups and a lack of social

Karmic Lesson 7 — Lack of Spiritual

motivation. Now, you must strive

and Material Understanding In a past

to be a good partner in marriage, a

life, there was a lack of understanding

OM TIMES | February 2024

of both spiritual and material realities.

losses, obstacles, disappointments,

Failures occurred in internalization,

and tragedies; develop learnings

introspection, consideration, and

about philosophy, spirituality,

reflection needed for guidance.

metaphysics, esotericism, and

Now, you may show indecisiveness,

sciences; develop emotional balance

overanalyzing the pros and cons of

and give proper attention to your

everything without the courage to

spirituality, whether through religious

make choices. You may fear solitude,

practice or studies.

escape from reality, lack analytical sense, struggle with introspection,

Karmic Lesson 8 — Deficiency in

neglect intuition, lack faith, and

Handling Business and Finances In

neglect spirituality.

a past life, there was a lack of ability, efficiency, and willingness to deal

To eliminate this negativity, you

with business, finances, and other

need to learn to have faith in yourself

material matters. There was a failure

and trust in others and in life; seek

to appreciate the true value of money,

knowledge, develop discipline and

power, and justice. Now, you may

understanding; learn to cope with

face constant economic or financial

OM TIMES | February 2024

problems, have a weak perception

there was a lack of feeling and

of reality, a thirst for power, greed,

understanding, being indifferent

a lack of good judgment, a lack of

to what was happening around.

understanding of the value of money,

There was a failure to express love

or excessive concern for it without

and compassion for fellow human


beings and little interest in human calamities, perhaps fearing to appear

To eliminate this negativity, you need

sensitive and vulnerable. Now, you

to learn to use money correctly as a

suffer emotional upheavals and

means of exchange, not to think of


material values only, but also not to neglect them, exercise power with love

To eliminate this negativity, you

and justice, and assume positions that

need to learn to be generous, kind,

require authority and administrative

loving, and understanding, to have


compassion for others' suffering, to practice charity, and to develop

Karmic Lesson 9 — Lack of Feeling

tolerance, understanding, and

and Understanding In a past life,


OM TIMES | February 2024

Personal Growth encompasses self-improvement and emotional, mental, and spiritual development, focusing on enhancing self-awareness, skills, health, and overall well-being.

Personal Growth encompasses self-improvement and emotional, mental, and spiritual development, focusing on enhancing self-awareness, skills, health, and overall well-being.

Do You Mind? How to Embrace Your Higher Purpose and Let Go of Worries


By Royce Morales

f you are trudging along almost

paraphrase: The secret of a happy life

any spiritual path, a universally

is not minding what happens. There

accepted commandment is

are more crude ways to express this

perhaps the toughest to apply. To

piece of wisdom, but you get the gist.

OM TIMES | February 2024

When I explain this concept to

concern is to evolve and do what it is

students, their eyes widen, their

committed to do here – your higher

foreheads furrow, and their inevitable


response is: Huh? Aren't we supposed to mind? Wouldn't that mean we'd all

Usually, eyes glaze over at that point,

be walking around like robots, letting

and they back off from the discussion.

ourselves be walked over, not caring

Most likely, they're having an internal

about helping others or the planet?

dialogue about how impossible it

And how in the heck do you do that,

would be to reach that state of nirvana,

anyway? Sounds impossible.

even if they wanted to. Perhaps they flash on all the times they did mind

My response is to clarify that you

and maybe feel a sense of pride about

only mind because a fear has been

those choices no matter the outcomes.

triggered. You mind because your subconscious (or conscious) mind

I then smile and trust that they'll get

took what happened and made it

it when they're ready. In my personal

mean something. Like when that

experience, it's a journey that takes as

person cut you off on the freeway,

long as it takes. Lifetimes, perhaps.

your mind because your thoughts hurt. Or worse.


So, said student continues, shouldn't

Minding when things happen makes

we mind that we almost got killed?

you feel like you're doing something

made it mean that you could've been

important. Like you're achieving some My answer: Yes, of course, on a

kind of justice or revenge by believing

physical, human level, how could

and then acting on those emotionally

you not mind? After all, it was tough

charged thoughts. Besides that,

to get here and even tougher to

you get all kinds of attention and

survive. But on a spiritual level, all

agreement from your family, friends,

of that is meaningless. The spirit

and maybe even the world as to how

cannot be harmed or die. It doesn't

"right" you are. That, yes, you should be

feel an attachment to the body that

respected and fairly treated. And yes,

it's temporarily inhabiting. Its only

you should mind.

OM TIMES | February 2024

Since life consists of countless big or small irritations, you might be in various


degrees of constant minding. The key is

Knowing the difference between

recognizing what's being triggered.

minding from a trigger versus minding from a higher consciousness

How? By looking within to determine

place can prevent violence, war, and

the real issue, also known as what you

other fear-based actions.

made it mean. How do they differ? Checking in is always the first and best choice before acting based on

When you mind from a spiritual

irritation. Once you recognize that you

place, it comes from an attempt to

are in an autopilot, reactive state, you

awaken your higher purpose, why

can make wiser, more mindful, and

you chose to be here. It's knowing

intuitively based choices.

that a situation is spurring you to take OM TIMES | February 2024

action based on a strong sense that

never be from anger, vindictiveness, or

there is a bigger, significant reason to

attempting to prove something.

do so. The example of someone almost The difference is that one action

getting into a car accident could

is from a survival-based fear, the

have been an event to awaken their

need to be right, the desire to stop

higher consciousness mission. Maybe

or destroy something. The other

they are here to create a completely

is from love, knowing there is a

safe vehicle that will never hit other

higher consciousness reason to do

vehicles—or perhaps becoming a

something. It feels pure, has a deep

driving instructor.

sense of purposefulness, and often has nothing logical behind it. You.

Once you tell the difference between

Just. Know. When this part of you

minding from a trigger versus

insists that you do take action, it will

minding from a higher consciousness

OM TIMES | February 2024

place, you can determine how to

row, it's often challenging to finally hear

respond when things happen. You will

and trust it. Especially when it tells you

know when to take action, big or small,

not to do anything or instructs you that

real or symbolic, to assist the situation,

it's better not to mind. My advice? Keep

thus fulfilling your purpose.


You will also know when you


are minding due to fear-based reactiveness. This recognition will

As a spirit inhabiting a physical body,

have you choose not to take action,

it isn't easy to not mind. You've been

which will allow your true power

taught to mind from day one by people

and intuition to emerge, generating

who are experts at it. So, getting to a

miraculous results.

place of no-mind is a practice that takes commitment and the willingness to do

Since most humans have relegated

some inner delving. Discovering what

their higher consciousness to the back

your mind is really about is the key.

OM TIMES | February 2024

I repeat what I said previously: It

just a triggered fear, making it

takes as long as it takes, maybe even

mean something. Remember the

lifetimes. And, just so you know, it's one

accurate acronym for fear: False

of those skills you can't fake, so don't

Evidence Appearing Real. It's that

even try.

false evidence that's making you mind.


2. Feel, feel, feel. Not minding 1. It's just fear. Spend a minute

doesn't mean suppressing your

looking inside. It's worth investing

emotions. Emotions are neon

your time and energy to not get

signs indicating that a fear has

caught up in that surge of anger

been triggered, even though they

and inner protest trying to direct

usually show up as sadness, anger,

you. Stop, look within, and see what

etc. Allow yourself to feel them,

the situation symbolizes to you.

acknowledge them, talk about

Recognize what it's really about –

them, and complete them without

OM TIMES | February 2024

judgment and without acting

minding is recognizing what the

on them. Once they've been felt,

situation is "mirroring" to you.

take a deep breath and see what

In other words, what have you

they're really about. That anger,

done that's the same or similar?

indignance, desire for revenge,

Are you suppressing an aspect

and the internal sermon about

of yourself that feels the same

respect are concealing the real

way? What is this situation trying

issue. And the real issue is always

to awaken in you that you're in

a triggered fear.

denial of about yourself? Most importantly, What is the higher

3. See the mirror. A quick way to resolve most of the oomph of

consciousness lesson being presented from this experience?

OM TIMES | February 2024

Practice taking those three steps

But in the long run, minding only

rather than trying to jump into a

keeps you stuck, unevolved, and

phony state of Zen-like acceptance.

distant from the empowered, loving

Otherwise, you'll be one of those

person you are meant to be.

people who tells the same story over and over about something that

So, be open-minded and keep all

happened years ago, still trying to

this in the back of your mind. Or at

extract pitiful reactions and attention

least broaden your mind to change

to validate why you haven't let it go.

your mind and not give a piece of your mind even when it feels

Granted, it's tempting to mind what

justified. After all, you are looking for

happens. You are in a body, after all.

peace of mind, right?

OM TIMES | February 2024

The Power to Be Kind but Not a Pushover


By Marcia Sirota, MD.

he world is in a bad place

[the understanding and emotional

these days. We all need to

appreciation of another person’s

be kinder to each other. We

experience] and more Compassion

really need more empathy

[a caring response to another person’s

OM TIMES | February 2024

distress]. It’s also clear that many

pursue more of the same, convinced

people aren’t sure what these things

that their failure to find satisfaction

are or how to implement them.

is due to not having been sufficiently selfish and insensitive.

HOW TO BE AN ASSHOLE HOW TO BE A DOORMAT We’re all aware of what it means to be a selfish, insensitive jerk. We see

We’re equally aware of the model of

so many representations of this in

the nice person in the media. This is

the media. From the sociopaths in

someone who bends over backward,

politics doing their best to wreck

tolerates mistreatment and is a

our democracy, to the liars and

chronic people-pleaser. It’s the person

cheats running big companies and

who won’t stand up for themselves,

destroying the environment in the

who never speaks out or challenges

process, to the scammers inundating

anyone. These people put up with a

our devices, to the constant stream

lot of hurtful behavior and get nothing

of predators we see on trial for sexual

out of it.

misconduct; to the hypocrites in positions of trust who are abusing

What we don’t see in our media is the

their authority by exploiting the

representation of a truly kind person –

innocent; all of these individuals

one who practices empathy and

are modeling the worst of human

Compassion but who is no pushover.

behavior. The truly kind person has equal These people mistakenly believe

amounts of self-love and love for

that being an asshole is how to get

others. They’re thoughtful and caring

what they want. Sadly, with hearts

but don’t put up with nonsense.

so completely closed to the needs and feelings of others, they can


never have meaningful connections.


They can never have real intimacy. For these reasons, it’s impossible

I developed my concept of Ruthless

for them to ever be happy. They feel

Compassion several years ago to

continually empty and mistakenly

inspire people to be kind but not nice.

OM TIMES | February 2024

The “ruthless” part of this idea refers

Ruthless Compassion means

to the determination to see the

accepting yourself with all your

truth about yourself, others, and the

flaws while always trying to improve

world. It’s an unwillingness to accept

yourself. It means facing your mistakes

mistreatment or to enable someone

and learning from them. It’s forgiving

else’s bad behavior.

yourself for messing up while doing your best not to repeat the same

To practice Ruthless Compassion is


to have self-love, as opposed to selfindulgence. It’s not giving yourself a

You don’t have to be a wimp to be

free pass to do whatever you want but


rather taking responsibility for your actions without beating yourself up

It also means having an open heart

for your mistakes. It’s accountability

and an open mind, being tolerant of

without self-abuse.

others and feeling deeply for them, but OM TIMES | February 2024

having strong boundaries and limits.

people who are rigid, unreasonable,

It means saying “no” when you need

or disrespectful. It means not

to. It’s facing the hard truths about the

trying to negotiate with someone

people in your life and giving them

who has no interest in listening to

the appropriate consequences when

you and no intention of changing


their opinion or their behavior.

It means not enabling people to

To practice Ruthless Compassion

behave badly towards themselves,

is to be truly kind. The people who

others, or you. It means knowing when

are close to you will be inspired by

it’s right to confront someone and

your way of being and might want

when it’s appropriate to just walk away.

to emulate it. Some folks around you might be angry that they can’t

Practicing Ruthless Compassion

get away with behaving badly

means not wasting your breath on

toward you.

OM TIMES | February 2024

Sometimes, people who are unkind

I find that it’s unnecessary to present

will mistake a truly kind person for a

as a “tough guy” to live as a strong

pushover. They’ll see our openness,

but loving person. Practicing Ruthless

thoughtfulness, courtesy, and

Compassion means trusting yourself

sensitivity as signs of weakness. They

to stand up for yourself when you need

see our softness as a defect, and often,

to. It means being soft and gentle

they’re surprised to see that under all

when that’s called for and fierce, feisty,

our gentleness, we have a backbone,

and even ferocious when appropriate.

and we won’t be strong-armed, Being tough makes it impossible to

coerced, or bullied.

be attuned to the needs and feelings You don’t have to be tough to be

of others. It also makes it difficult to


connect with your needs and feelings. OM TIMES | February 2024

Ruthless Compassion enables you to

approval of others to boost their self-

be soft and strong at the same time.

esteem. They twist themselves into knots, trying to make sure that others

You can be vulnerable, flexible, and

like them. They do too much for

responsive when you trust yourself

everyone else and often feel exhausted

to take the best possible care of

or even resentful for all their efforts.

yourself. You don’t need to be rigid, defensive, or guarded when you’re

Unfortunately, they never feel loved

confident in your ability to be there

because they’re not being sincere.

for yourself.

They’re putting on a pleasing performance, and the people around

Nice people care too much about

them don’t know who they really are

what others think. They need the

deep down. It’s sad because they’re

OM TIMES | February 2024

working so hard for approval and not

genuine, so they’re seen for who

meeting their needs.

they are. When someone likes them, they can really appreciate it because

Ruthless Compassion can transform

they know it’s real.

the world. I would love for more people to Kind people are deeply caring but

practice Ruthless Compassion. The

aren’t attached to what others

world would be a much better place

think about them. They’re free to be

if more of us could be truly kind.

authentic because they don’t feel the need to ingratiate themselves

When we’re kind, everyone around

with anyone. As opposed to the nice

us can benefit. And because we’re

people-pleasers, kind people are

taking care of ourselves, we don’t

OM TIMES | February 2024

give more than we can. We don’t

Sign up here for my free bi-weekly

deplete ourselves when we’re being

wellness newsletter that brings you

kind. We conserve our energy so that

fresh, thought-provoking content.

we can keep on loving each other. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel No one has to be a selfish jerk in

where you’ll learn simple tips for

order to get their needs met. No-

taking the best care of yourself and

one has to be a doormat in order to

your loved ones.

be liked. We can try a radical new approach to interacting with others

Tune in to my Ruthless Compassion

by being kind but not nice. Why not

Podcast where I go in-depth about

try Ruthless Compassion today? It’s

topics like mental health, trauma,

a win-win.

and loneliness. OM TIMES | February 2024

World Vision as a category delves into global perspectives, addressing international issues, cultural insights, humanitarian efforts, and the interconnectedness of societies in a rapidly changing world.

World Vision as a category delves into global perspectives, addressing international issues, cultural insights, humanitarian efforts, and the interconnectedness of societies in a rapidly changing world.

The Noosphere: A Paradigm Shift in Earth's Evolution


By Ageless Wisdom

s the Noosphere the new Human

jointly created in 1926, Paris, by

Global Consciousness?

French philosopher and student of Henri Bergson, Édouard Le Roy,

The noosphere, literally meaning

Jesuit paleontologist Pierre Teilhard

"mind-sphere" or "sphere of human

de Chardin, and Russian geochemist

thought," is a term and concept

Vladimir Vernadsky.

OM TIMES | February 2024

With enough of us connecting

that the mind or consciousness of

heart with heart, center with

life – the layer of thought on Earth –

center, innovation with innovation,

forms a unit that is discontinuous

prayer with prayer, through the

yet coextensive with the entire life

internet and the noosphere, we

system on Earth, signifying the

can have a major impact on a

global human consciousness.

gentler transition toward the next stage of evolution.

Essentially, the noosphere represents

— Barbara Marx Hubbard

a third stage in Earth's development, following the geosphere and

At the heart of the noosphere's

biosphere. A third idea arising from

primary definition is a dual

the first two is that the noosphere

perception: firstly, that life on Earth

defines the next inevitable stage

constitutes a unified system known

of terrestrial evolution, which

as the biosphere, and secondly,

will subsume and transform the

OM TIMES | February 2024

biosphere. How this evolutionary

Vladimir Vernadsky and Teilhard de

shift might occur remains a pivotal

Chardin, argue for its existence.

point of the theory. Traditional biology denies the In traditional science, different

existence of a noosphere. At about

dimensions of the planet can

4.5 billion years old, Earth first

be contemplated. There is the

developed the geosphere – the

geosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere,

tectonic plates and continents.

and atmosphere. For some, another

Subsequently, the hydrosphere, or

dimension exists – the noosphere.

the collection of oceans, formed.

Those who believe in the noosphere argue that Earth is a living being

Likewise, the atmosphere and the

endowed with intelligence.

biosphere facilitated the emergence of diverse life forms on the planet.

This term is a neologism formed by the word 'noos,' meaning

Those who advocate for the

knowledge, and 'sphere.' Proponents

noosphere contend that the planet's

of the noosphere concept, primarily

evolution necessarily corresponds

OM TIMES | February 2024

to the existence of a living being.

evolutionary period for Earth.

Like any other living entity,

For the planet to maintain

Earth possesses self-regulation

synchronization, it requires its own

mechanisms, reacts to external

intelligence to organize everything

stimuli, and particularly responds

that exists rationally.

to the Sun's action. However, from the perspective of conventional

Functioning similarly to the

biology, an organism must be born

human brain, just as our brain

from another living being and

processes a range of data, the

reproduce to be considered alive.

noosphere also has its capacity to organize everything that occurs

Consequently, the scientific

on Earth.

community regards belief in a noosphere as a pseudoscientific

I believe that the World Wide

theoretical model.

Web is, as a matter of fact, the noogenesis of the noosphere

The noosphere or mind of

of the future. This is it!

our planet represents a new

— Ralph Abraham

OM TIMES | February 2024

The consciousness of the noosphere

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin predicted

is not located at a specific point,

the emergence of the noosphere at

unlike the connection between the

a peak mystical moment referred to

mind and the brain. The supposed

as the Omega Point. This moment

world mind is not found here or

would result from the interactions of

there and can be found everywhere

increasing human activities, creating

in turn.

a highly charged "layer of thought."

Proponents of a global mind

Teilhard spoke of planets with a

theorize that a higher mind governs

noosphere – planets where the

various fundamental forces (e.g.,

thought layer advances to the stage

gravity or electromagnetic force). In

where it produces a noosphere, a

this sense, each cell of our body is

mental layer "above and discontinuous

connected to the noosphere.

with the biosphere." Thus, Teilhard

OM TIMES | February 2024

de Chardin wrote about a "network

prerequisite for the manifestation

of ever more literally present links, in

of the noosphere. This would be

the immensity of its organism, as the

a global network of information –

image of a nervous system."

geotechnology – the Internet. As the penultimate stage in developing

The Technosphere

a freely functioning thought layer,

Since Teilhard de Chardin died in

the Internet electronically connects

1955 when his books could finally

the noosphere before the mystical

be published, most notably "The

moment of the Omega Point.

Phenomenon of Man" (1959) and "The Future of Man" (1964), the

Such theories only prove that much

advancement of the biosphere into a

is still studied about the Universe,

transitional stage, the Technosphere,

especially human consciousness and its

has seen the fulfillment of Chardin's

relations with the astrophysical world.

OM TIMES | February 2024

Book Spotlight showcases specific books, highlighting their themes, significance, and impact, aiming to promote readership and appreciation in diverse literary communities.

Book Spotlight showcases specific books, highlighting their themes, significance, and impact, aiming to promote readership and appreciation in diverse literary communities.

Love thy neighbor. Lovingkindness. The love of the universe. From traditional religions to new spirituality, love is the foundation of all practice. We all embrace the idea of love … and then we get on social media. Or read the news. Or visit family. Whether divided by race, gender, sexual orientation, identity preference, or opinion, the incredible moral and social chasms in our world have become a source of pain and confusion for so many people. We know that love and unity are beautiful ideals, but how do we get there? Throughout the book, Matt Kahn shares ten essential principles ― mercy, worthiness, bravery, and more ― that help us access the highest and most loving qualities within ourselves and those around us. Each chapter contains personal stories and real-world applications, guiding us to reach into our own hearts and give one another the respect, validation, and encouragement needed to make it through the evolutionary shifts before us ― shifts into greater unity and greater love.

Click the cover to learn more!

Love thy neighbor. Lovingkindness. The love of the universe. From traditional religions to new spirituality, love is the foundation of all practice. We all embrace the idea of love … and then we get on social media. Or read the news. Or visit family. Whether divided by race, gender, sexual orientation, identity preference, or opinion, the incredible moral and social chasms in our world have become a source of pain and confusion for so many people. We know that love and unity are beautiful ideals, but how do we get there? Throughout the book, Matt Kahn shares ten essential principles ― mercy, worthiness, bravery, and more ― that help us access the highest and most loving qualities within ourselves and those around us. Each chapter contains personal stories and real-world applications, guiding us to reach into our own hearts and give one another the respect, validation, and encouragement needed to make it through the evolutionary shifts before us ― shifts into greater unity and greater love.

Click the cover to learn more!

A comprehensive guide covering how-to books and publishing genres, offering insights on writing, self-publishing tips, industry trends, and genre-specific advice for aspiring authors.

A comprehensive guide covering how-to books and publishing genres, offering insights on writing, self-publishing tips, industry trends, and genre-specific advice for aspiring authors.

Book Review

God, Science and Secret Doctrine By Marguerite Dar Boggia

Expand your understanding of reality with "God, Science, and The Secret Doctrine" by Christopher P. Holmes. Journey through the intersections of spirituality and science, as Holmes invites you to integrate consciousness and metaphysical dimensions for a holistic comprehension of the universe.

The Book "God, Science, and The Secret Doctrine" by Christopher P. Holmes is a fascinating exploration into the nexus of esoteric spirituality and modern scientific thought, inspired by H.P. Blavatsky's foundational work, "The Secret Doctrine." Holmes embarks on a quest to bridge the gap between ancient wisdom and contemporary scientific understanding, arguing for a unified perspective on the cosmos that respects both the mystical and the empirical.


At the heart of Holmes's argument is the idea that Blavatsky's esoteric teachings, particularly the concept of the "laya" or "zero point" state—essentially a primordial condition of the universe before physical manifestation—mirror modern scientific theories about the universe's inception, including the Big Bang and quantum fluctuations in a vacuum. By comparing Blavatsky's writings with insights from renowned scientists such as Heinz Pagels, Stephen Hawking, and Carl Sagan, Holmes illuminates the stunning parallels between theosophical spiritual doctrine and the cutting-edge discoveries in physics. The book is more than a mere academic comparison; it is an invitation to expand our inquiry into reality's nature, suggesting that true understanding requires integrating the spiritual with the scientific. Holmes posits that acknowledging the role of consciousness and considering metaphysical dimensions can lead to a deeper, more holistic comprehension of the universe. This approach challenges the often rigid boundaries between science and spirituality, proposing that both domains contribute essential insights into the fabric of reality. Holmes's enthusiastic exploration of these themes makes "God, Science, and The Secret Doctrine" an accessible entry point for those new to theosophy or esoteric studies while also offering fresh perspectives to more seasoned explorers of spiritual and scientific paradigms. The book advocates for a comprehensive view of existence that embraces the complexities and mysteries inherent in both the material and spiritual realms by serving as a bridge between these seemingly disparate worlds. OMTIMES |FEBRUARY B EDITION

For readers intrigued by the interplay between science, spirituality, and esoteric philosophy, Holmes's work presents a compelling narrative that encourages a broadened quest for knowledge. It suggests that the journey to understand the universe and our place within it is not just an external pursuit of empirical data but also an internal exploration of spiritual truth. This dual path respects the contributions of science and spirituality, offering a richer, more nuanced appreciation of the wonder of our cosmos. "God, Science, and The Secret Doctrine" thus stands as a testament to the ongoing dialogue between the spiritual and scientific communities. It underscores the potential for collaboration and mutual enlightenment, urging us to consider the universe as a domain where scientific discovery and spiritual wisdom coalesce, guiding us toward a more integrated understanding of reality's multifaceted nature.


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