My Child Magazine Issue 128 May 2022

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healthy families


Bianca Medina ART DIRECTOR



Sheree Hoddinett Amy Adeney Lance Green Liza John Any Lane Yan Krukov Josh Willink Annushka Ahuja Cottonbro Kamaji Ogino Yan Krukov Isaac Hermar Dobromir Dobrev Tatiana Syrikova Ekaterina Bolovtsova Ksenia Chernaya Ron Lach CONTACT

My Child Magazine Newcastle NSW Australia +614 11 572 877

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146 MY CHILD DIRECTORY DISCLAIMER: It My Child Magazine and are wholly owned by My Child Magazine (ABN 79 167 787 662). No other parties or individuals have any financial interest in the company or in My Child or My Child contains general information only and does not purport to be a substitute for health and parenting advice. Readers are advised to seek a doctor for all medical and health matters. The publisher and authors do not accept any liability whatsoever in respect of an action taken by readers in reliance on the recommendations set out in this magazine. Reproduction of any material without written permission by the publisher is strictly forbidden. We cannot accept responsibility for material lost or damaged in the post or for any unsolicited manuscripts and photographs. All reasonable efforts have been made to trace copyright holders.

Bianca Medina editor-in-chief Editor’s Letter Hello My Child Mamma’s and Papa’s Well, another month has come and we are almost at the halfway mark! Parenting has been hard lately, this age group would seriously test the patience of Mother Teresa! My parenting approach so far has been a little bit of every style. The most important thing over the past 7 years in parenting my daughter, has been to let her express herself and develop her sense of self! This resulted in my now 7-year-old thinking she was 25 not 7! This was not ideal, the meltdowns were epic and we were in a constant state of yelling, it was wearing me down. I know she has developed a very strong and fearless personality and has really learnt to make herself heard and looks at the world like nothing can harm her and I love these traits and am so proud that she feels secure enough to express herself, I also want her to understand that there can be consequences both negative and positive in the way she approaches life and challenges. So, what’s the right thing to do? I’ve recently made the choice to allow her to explore making her own decisions (within reason and age appropriateness of course), and we talk through these decisions going through the pros and cons. I won’t lie, it’s been super hard to stand by as I watch her do something I wouldn’t do, but I also have seen so much growth from this approach. When she doesn’t get the desired result, the next time a similar scenario arises, she reflects on the previous outcome and changes her approach to see if she can get a result that that she is after. This makes me smile, I can see that this method is helping her in her problem-solving skills, emotional growth and most importantly has changed the way we interact. The yelling has ceased from both sides and even better, when she has problem, she comes and talks to me as a sounding board with the pros and cons! Being a parent, you must change your approach frequently. Letting go and allowing my child to think for herself and make mistakes so that she can grow and become the person she is meant to be, was always going to be a little difficult. The changes that you as a parent must go through however, shape the child you are raising, so do it with care, compassion and changing your approach to meet their needs is not a weakness but a strength that they will carry with them throughout their lives! Bianca & My Child Team xoxox

Bianca oxo












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A sensation of emotional or bodily strain is referred to as stress. Every human being, irrespective of age, is affected by stress now. Adults and kids alike are prone to stress. The stress variables may be influenced by lifestyle choices and habits. People are stressed by a range of things, including health care, finances, social media, personal safety, and the country’s future. Stress is scary for parents on many levels, but especially when it comes to our children. It’s no secret that our boys and girls mimic our actions, even our lessthan-ideal stress management techniques. If we do not teach our children adequate stress coping strategies, we are setting them up for a lifetime of harmful habits. We tend to think of stress as a problem that only adults have. While we may be aware that particular occasions, such as school presentations, examinations,

performances, and athletic events, might make our children apprehensive and frightened, we often think that these feelings are isolated and temporary. We forget that just because they don’t have children of their own, a spouse, a home, a job, and everything else, doesn’t mean they aren’t struggling. They’re balancing a lot of things, including schoolwork, extracurricular activities, family responsibilities, and domestic tasks, all while trying to match their peers’ expectations, which may be challenging. While it may appear on the surface that your kid is unaffected by the ups and downs that life throws at him or her every day, teaching your child adequate stress management strategies may be incredibly beneficial as he or she develops, and the expectations placed on him or her rise. When we are all together as a family, we may model stress-relief activities for our children, which will help them develop suitable habits and abilities. Endorphins Endorphins are chemicals generated by the neurological system to help people cope with pain and stress. They’re known as “feel-good” chemicals because they help alleviate pain and increase enjoyment. Endorphin levels in the human body differ from person to person. Lower levels may increase the risk of depression and fibromyalgia. 8

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They function in a similar way to opioids, a class of medications. Opioids are pain relievers that may also induce euphoria. They’re occasionally recommended as a pain reliever or for short-term usage following surgery. Regular exercise, yoga, and meditation, as well as dark chocolate, have been shown to increase endorphin levels and reduce stress. Family activities There are a lot of activities we can do as a family to release endorphins. These activities will allow you to spend more time with your family, spend quality time with your loved ones, and reduce your stress levels. Exercise Together Exercise is a great stress-relieving activity for families to undertake together. Physical activity has been shown to boost alertness, focus, and cognitive abilities. When our energy has been depleted by stress, this is critical and beneficial. To relieve tension from the day, challenge your family to go for a walk, throw a frisbee, ride bikes, or shoot some hoops together. Take A Time Out In the heat of the moment, stress can have unexpected consequences for our families. We lose our temper, scream angry words, cry, or entirely shut off all kinds of MAY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #128


contact much too often when we are stressed. In these instances, it’s sometimes better for everyone to take a step back and get away from the source of stress. Allow yourself to find something else to do for 20 minutes when you’re stressed to regain your composure or practise strategies to feel less overwhelmed. This method is very good for children. Find Social Support Stress relief may take various forms, but when we’re under a lot of pressure, venting or depending on someone can be really beneficial. Encourage family members to make a phone call or send a text or email to a friend. Sharing your worries and thoughts with someone else might help you relax. Make sure that the individual with whom you communicate your issues is someone you can trust and who will comprehend them. This might be a member of your family, a close friend, or a healthcare professional. Finding A Hobby Together Release tension by channelling your inner artist and painting, colouring, or sculpting it away. Don’t know where to begin? Purchase an adult colouring book, finger paints, or register for a canvas painting session. Is there an artist in your family? Allow them to impart their knowledge to the rest of the family. Take a few minutes 10

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to rest your thoughts while also creating something. Yoga Yoga for stress relief isn’t a new concept. Mental health, relaxation, enhanced breathing, and a decreased heart rate are just a few of the advantages of yoga, so it’s no wonder that many parents with children who suffer from anxiety disorders are turning to yoga for help. I’ve also seen that more schools are including yoga in their weekly lesson plans to educate students on how to quiet their bodies when they’re feeling stressed. These yoga cards for kids are a terrific place to start if you’re looking for a simple way to introduce your kids to yoga. Journaling Journaling is typically thought of as an adult activity, but it can help children of all ages, and it’s one of my favourite stress-relieving hobbies for kids. Learning to express ourselves freely and work through difficulties via writing can be a very significant life lesson for all of us, and teaching youngsters how to express themselves freely and work through their problems through writing may be a very valuable life lesson. Guided notebooks are a simple way to introduce youngsters to the concept of journaling, and there are a variety of topics and ideas to pick from. MAY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #128




















We talk a lot about the soul, from eating soul food, listening to soul music, and going on trips to pacify our souls. We try to fill that emptiness within us, try to gain a sense of purpose by nurturing our souls. But this process is something that should begin at an early age. So as parents you have the ability and opportunity to nurture your little one’s soul and help them be better humans later on in life. All parents take care of their child’s mind and body, but their souls are often overlooked. When you need help with taking care of your child’s body, you go to a doctor or a medical institution. When you need help with their mind, you receive support from schools, tutors, and various organizations. But when it comes to their souls what do you do? It can be overwhelming, when you think about the fact that you can in fact create a whole new life and help give meaning to it. It is quite astonishing as to what we are capable of if we are loving and kind. So, here’s what you can do to nurture your child’s soul. Respect Them Parents often forget that their children are growing and with that so do their boundaries. It is important that we as parents learn to 14

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respect them. Your child should know that they can say no without feeling guilty. Create a safe space where your child can express their views and feelings or make decisions without being guilty about them, knowing that you’ll listen and respect them. Don’t be offended if your child turns down a hug or refuses to sing a song. They are developing into who they are, learning to embrace their individualities, and figuring out what they like and dislike. If you are kissing your child and they ask you to stop, stop. Do not make them feel guilty about it. Be Their Best Friend A parent-child relationship is one of the most beautiful bonds in the world. Some schools of thought argue that it is impossible to be your child’s best friend, and being friends means that you can’t be strict or discipline your child. Parents are a child’s first point of contact with the outer world. Parents play a key role in developing their child’s behaviour and how they interact with the world. After parents, friendships play a significant part in moulding a child’s behaviour. So teaching them how to find the right friends is MAY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #128


important, and a great way to do that is by being best friends with your child. As a parent you teach them, love them, listen to them, accept them for who they are, and respect them. Which is what a best friend does too. Be Kind There may be times when your child gets on your nerves, you lose your temper and you yell or shout. But if you notice a pattern developing or find yourself losing your cool frequently, it’s time to push for change. Change may not happen immediately but stick to it and it eventually will happen. Apologise to your child and explain to them that you were already worked up and why you lost it. Be honest and respect them. Be kind and teach your children to be kind. They Are Not Obliged to Make You Happy Or Proud Yes, you brought them up but that does not mean that they are obliged to have the same tastes or opinions as you. Your children are created uniquely and differently, they have their own free will. Yes, you can influence them but you can’t control them.


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They are not obligated to make you happy, do not make them feel guilty for having different opinions or views as you or living their life on their own terms. Make Them Feel Important

“They are not obligated to make you happy, do not make them feel guilty for having different opinions or views as you or living their life on their own terms. ”

Your children love you and you mean the world to them. They crave for your attention and want to be respected and loved by you. Show them that they matter to you more than anyone else by giving them your full attention. Make time for them and make them feel important. Final Thoughts Encourage your children to have a meaningful life. Let them explore their own paths

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Parenting is not an easy thing to do. Well, it is really hard and really challenging. It is distressing. Becoming a parent is a significant life shift. Few things have the capacity to dramatically change your priorities, schedule, emotions, and overall well-being. However, once we become parents, being busy may become oppressive. Children offer a neverending barrage of requests. Raising kids is frequently like shooting at a moving target. And without a clear indication of whether we’re doing things correctly, we tend to internalise our ambiguity as failure. It’s actually worse than failure; it’s excruciating.

Uncertainty is feared more than loss, a negative consequence, or discomfort. This sensation of unease is exacerbated by children. It’s impossible to tell if you’re doing a good job of parenting. To be honest, you won’t know for another thirty years or so. Rather than succumbing to incessant anxiety, parents may opt to manage the only thing they have control over the current moment. Choosing to let go of worry and focus on the present moment provides a lot of advantages. Running a family is a full-time job: cooking, chaperoning, child nap times, cleaning; there’s always something to do.

There are a lot of things we can’t manage while raising a child. But there are a lot of things we can do. Before we can tackle our to-do lists, we must cater to intangible, often unspoken needs. Stop and halt when your house is a disaster and you’re feeling overwhelmed.

Having A Comfortable Environment

You’ll have to say it no less frequently if you have a learning environment that is child friendly. Make your house convenient and pleasant for the people who live there. You


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may keep food on a readily accessible shelf and toys in glass boxes so you can see where everything is. Developing your children’s independence is a vital element of their growth.

Having Self-Care Time

It is critical to set some time aside for oneself. It would make parenting less difficult while also assisting with stress and fatigue management. Taking up a hobby or simply sitting on a sofa might be beneficial, depending on the individual. It is recommended that you do something that soothes your mind and body. It would also be useful to take up a pastime. This time can be spent reading a book, crocheting, or participating in a sport of your choice. Selfcare also doesn’t have to be great all of the time. When you develop attentive awareness, you’ll be able to recognise when you’re feeling stressed, hungry, or otherwise out of sorts.

Mindful Parenting

The endeavour to bring awareness, attention, and interest

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to your interactions with your children is known as mindful parenting. It entails listening, pondering, and adopting a response that benefits both the parent and the kid. The benefits of mindful parenting include reduced stress and anxiety. It helps in deeper bonding with your kid. It helps you connect with your inner emotional energy. It encourages a loving and positive relationship with your kids and spouse.

Focus On One Thing at A Time

People enjoy talking about multitasking. The capacity to multitask is worn as a badge of pride in parenting, perhaps more than activity. The issue is that multitasking does not exist. Although task switching — that is, swiftly switching between activities — is possible, it actually reduces productivity. As a result, everything slows you down. Instead, learn to concentrate. If you attend a conference call while shopping, you’ll either wind up with a cart full of odd products you don’t need or miss half of the conversation. Learning to focus on one item at a time can help you avoid succumbing to the culture of busyness.


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Having A Clear Boundary Between Work and Family

It’s critical to draw a clear line between work and home. If you work from home, managing your work time is critical. Ascertain that you will not get any work calls or emails after a certain time. Managing work from home or turning off alerts can also help. Putting your phone down for a while and spending time with your family will help you calm down and find inner peace.

Helping Kids Set Priorities

You know that both your kids and you can’t accomplish everything. Teaching kids to make healthy choices and to slow down now will help them succeed in the future.

Divide The Chores

You can’t do it all. Including your kids in your chores helps them complete the chores on time and also helps them be independent and fend for themselves. When you accomplish the chores as a family, it becomes less of a chore and more of an activity. MAY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #128



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When a relationship is toxic, it affects the mental and general welfare of the involved parties, and eventually lead to broken bonds or even hatred for each other. As parents, you are supposed to take care of your child’s physical, mental, and emotional needs. But what happens when there exists a toxic relationship between parent and child? What Is Toxic Parenting? Parents usually try to do what is best for their children and ensure their happiness. They acknowledge their children’s feelings, encourage them to chase their dreams, set up healthy communication lines and apologize when mistakes happen. However, in some families’ parents often neglect the needs of the children, they may act critical, controlling and even abusive. Parents who display such harmful behaviour consistently can be detrimental to the child’s health and development. Unlike the isolated mistakes that occur from time to time, toxic parents display a pattern of behaviour that negatively affect their child’s life. Parents are human beings too and can make mistakes like yelling at their children. But generally, they try to make up for it and do better. However, toxic parents are often self-centred and care less about how their actions affect their children. Traits Of Toxic Parenting Experts suggest that toxic parents exhibit some or all of these traits: Self-Centred Behaviour As mentioned before, toxic parents often prioritize their needs before their children’s. They may be narcissistic, emotionally unavailable, or uncaring.

Abuse Abuse maybe physical, emotional, or verbal. Toxic parents may engage in unjustifiable physical abuse that is out of proportions to a mistake that the child made. Yelling, screaming, gaslighting are some examples of verbal abuse that children have to face from toxic parents. Apart from these they may have to face emotional abuse, such as giving them silent treatment or ignoring their needs for long periods of time because of some mistake they made. Manipulative Behaviour Parents and guilt trips are two peas in a pod, and that is normal. However, toxic parents take it up a notch by using guilt, shame, or other items in a bid to control you or to get what they want. No respect for boundaries Toxic parents may push their child’s boundaries to get what they want. They may invade the child’s privacy and not allow independent decisions. Effects of Toxic Parenting Toxic parenting can prove to be inimical to the child in both short and long term. Affect Relationships Later On In Life Parents are the first point of contact children have with the world. The way you treat your child has an immense impact on how your children perceive the world. When raised in an environment where toxic behaviour is normal, then the child thinks that that’s how they are supposed to behave. These toxic traits are then passed on from one generation to another. They also affect your child’s other relations. A Sense of Being Trapped In the short term, children who face toxic parenting may constantly have a feeling of being trapped. They feel that they are left at your mercy, who in fact is supposed to love and care for them. 26

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Blaming Themselves Toxic parenting often leaves their children with low confidence and self-esteem. They feel unworthy of love or kindness. In such cases, they feel a constant pressure to prove themselves in order to get better treatment and blame themselves when things go South. If you are a parent who was brought up by toxic parents, you naturally may feel hopeless. How can you break this cycle of toxicity and ensure that your children don’t have to go through whatever you had to go through? The good news is that with a little effort, you can unlearn the toxic ways and be a better parent. How To Stop Being a Toxic Parent? Take Responsibility Talk to your children, listen to them, and try to understand their emotions. Let them explain their experiences and how they feel, without any interrupts and keep an open mind. Don’t try to shift blame or change topics, acknowledge the fact that your actions have hurt them and that you are going to change this. After they have completed, acknowledge, and take responsibility. Be Open to Change If you are to improve the relationship with your child, then you have to be willing to change. Come up with a plan and try to maintain it. There are times when you fail, but stay patient, consistency is the key. Ask For Help Talk to people you trust, accept that you need help. Seek therapy if you feel it is necessary. Online, you can find tons of resources such as relationship-support forums, relationship coaching, and more.

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B O O K r e v i e w s by: Amy Adeney from Busy Bookwor ms



‘Close yo u r e ye s no w …an d rem em ber you a re par t o f e ve r yt hi ng .’

W h e n a l i t t l e g i r l f ee l s l o n e l y i n th e dar k, he r sist e r t a ke s he r o n a d re am y j o ur ney t o i mag in e w a ys t h ey c an b e p art o f s o met hing bigge r - a s w a ve s i n the w ate r, as raindrops i n a sh o w e r o r a s f e athe rs o n a w i n g .

This co m fo r t i n g b ed ti m e s to ry is a time ly ce l e b r a t i on o f to g e the r n e s s, wit h bre at h t a ki n g i l l u s trati o n s i n a u n i q u e, war m co lo u r p a l e t t e . P art ad v e n ture, p art lullaby, this c o m fo r t i n g s to ry w i l l re m i n d reader s a ge d tw o a n d u p that w e are n o t al o ne.


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From red t o pur ple, All t he C o l o urs o f Our Rainbow is a joyful and energeti c ex p l o ra ti o n of love, family and community. R ea d ers a re invit ed t o march t hrough t he ra i nb o w i n thi s glor ious celebr at ion of pr ide!

W it h cheer ful and uplift ing ill us tra ti o ns b y Daniel Gr ay- Bar net t and colourful ri b b o ns t hat appear almost magically thro ug ho ut the book, t his is a per fect int rod uc ti o n to the colour s of t he r ainbow pr ide fl a g to s ha re wit h reader s aged t wo and up.



From th e t i n i e s t b e e tl e to the m o s t majest ic w h ale , e ve r y cre atu re o n E arth i s a mar vel, de se rv i n g o f a we an d c o m p as s i o n. T his be au tifu l p i ct u re b o o k i s a u n i q u e c e l ebr at ion of liv in g t h i n g s o f m an y k i n d s - and t he kin dn e s s w e ca n s h o w th e m as w e wander throu gh t h e w o r l d .

This is a s t u n n i n gl y i l l us trated and lyr ically w r itte n o d e t o t he w o nd ers o f o ur nat ur al w orld. R e a d e r s a g e d th ree an d u p will love the r h ymi n g t e xt an d m y ri ad o f c reat ures t o explo re.

I’m not br ave enough t oday. M a y b e nex t t ime. You’re hur t ing my feelings r ig ht no w. Want t o join in? T his is a war m and whimsi c a l g ui d e to negot iat ing life’s lit t le moments a nd b i g emot ions wit h empat hy, kindnes s a nd w o rd s from t he hear t . It is a per fect sp ri ng b o a rd fo r discussion wit h young children, p ro v i d i ng t hem wit h t ools and st r at egies to ma na g e new exper iences. Reader s aged t wo and up wi l l b e eng a g ed by t he gent le illust r at ions a nd fa mi l i a r sit uat ions t hat t he book explo res , c rea ti ng a beaut iful reading exper ience to s ha re. MAY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #128



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Staying centred in the present is tricky for everyone regardless of age. While adults and adolescents have more pressing reasons taking their attention away from the moment, young children are no different. Your infant or toddler is not any more immune to future worries, frustrations, and ruminations than you are. This is why mindfulness needs to be a skill trained in individuals from a very young age. Mindfulness can be described as a way of being or a form of lifestyle. While practising mindfulness, an individual is rooted in the present, conscious of even minute changes happening around them, and aloof to straying thoughts. Mindfulness is a great way to relieve stress, regulate emotions, and increase one’s awareness. Why Should You Teach Your Kids Mindfulness? Newborns may not have relationship woes or financial struggles weighing on their minds but they have their own source of stress. Being fed on time and relief from discomfort are highly influencing activities for an infant. Worrying about these can make an infant distracted from the parents or caregivers who are trying to engage them in play or from observing the environment they are in. Such worries and 34

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distractions disallow them to be present and also have a drastic effect on the infant’s adult personality. As they grow, toddlers grapple with the acquisition of language and learning to control their motor movements. The inability to effectively communicate their thoughts and needs as well as move around as they please can be incredibly frustrating. The additional stress from parents or other family members to achieve developmental milestones can make toddlers stressed and unaware of the world around them. Gradually with school and other engagements,

children find a milieu of reasons that keep their minds from being focused and drifting away from the present. By not being completely aware of your present, you tend to miss out on many details of your life and of your loved ones, you are more prone to negative feelings, and even mildly stressful situations can be taxing on you. Teaching Mindfulness Your child can be trained to be mindful from a very young age. With ageappropriate techniques, the skill can be a little slow to stick but once it does, it can have lifelong benefits. The most important factor MAY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #128


in teaching mindfulness to your kids is practising it yourself. Having a model to look up to can always improve a child’s ability to acquire and maintain a skill. • To start early with mindfulness training, engage your infant in gazing. When you are with your infant, try to stay away from your devices. When your child tries to get your attention, give it to them readily. Soothing your child with the help of videos and games can create a disconnect between them and physical reality, so try to avoid it as much as possible.


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• Being aware of bodily sensations is another way to start mindfulness training. This technique can also keep anxiety and stress-related disorders in check. Belly breathing is a method that involves being aware of every breath you take. Instruct your child to count and to inhale and exhale with each number. Rather than holding the breath in, the focus should be on how the chest expands with inhales and contracts with exhales. This can orient a person to the moment in case they are feeling overwhelmed.

• Mindful eating is another one of the most effective techniques that you can try out with kids. Children can get hasty or fussy during mealtimes. Allow them to savour their food by instructing them to eat slowly, noting every texture, flavour, and smell. For instance, while eating an orange, you can start by smelling the peel, noting the burst of juices across the tongue, and so on. • Another way to inculcate mindfulness is by teaching your child to describe how they are feeling like a weather report. They can describe their moods as sunny, rainy, or windy depending on how they feel. This allows them to realize that like the weather, emotions are not something you can control but something you can appraise differently. Final Thoughts Being mindful of your body and sensation is highly important in this fast-paced world. With the world demanding everyone to move faster and do better, children can feel the pressure to meet numerous expectations from a very young age. Mindfulness can help them cope with this and also build their self-esteem, resilience, concentration, and overall well-being. MAY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #128



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You are about to announce the delightful news of your pregnancy to your friends and family. You are both happy and nervous about the glad tidings. But wait, suddenly you find yourself getting directions about which diet would be healthier and nutritional, which exercise would be better, and a long boring list of things you should refrain from doing. Pregnancy is an overwhelming odyssey of beautiful moments for a family, especially a mother. For a new mother, it becomes essential

to have someone who can tell her what the right thing for her child would be, what could turn out to affect the baby, and the list goes on. But every person that visits a mom-to-be has multiple tips and guidelines for her frequently. The question is “why do people give so much unsolicited advice”? The simple answer to this question is that they love you and care for your well-being. Most of the time any person giving you a piece of advice is a result of the form of affection that is pure and genuine. With love, sometimes the safety and health of both the mother and the baby are considered. A prior experience with pregnancy and childbirth is one of the many reasons why people may consider advising new mothers-tobe. Or people will not want you to repeat the mistakes they did. Or they may be very excited and want to share their part of the knowledge of this beautiful journey with you. How Faint Can the Advice Be? Bits of advice can be critically important for a mother. But let us 40

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see it from her perspective once. If you are having trouble with hormonal changes in your body and someone is trying to convince you why childbirth is better than the option of epidural, we understand how valid it is to be mad. Or when the changes in your body are making you feel tired for the whole day, and someone suggests to you how ginger tea can help you feel rejuvenated, it gets annoying. Is too much salt okay for the baby? Are you sure yoga would not affect the baby? And the list of unsolicited advice for ladies carrying their babies is unlimited. Hold on, ladies! We are bringing ways to your ways on how you can respond to silly questions and advice: We know you are going through many physical, emotional, and mental changes. Understand that people giving you any advice have a good motive behind them. Thank them with a smile. Do not mask the good intentions of people just because of the annoyance.

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Educate yourself as much as possible so you have a good hold of knowledge and can distinguish between the worthy advice. Read books about pregnancy and parenting, follow the authentic sources for information, and keep in touch with the latest publications. Contact a professional for any query or doubt you have. Pregnancy receives a lot of greetings, wishes, and meetings from our acquaintances. A crucial thing you have to learn is to ignore unwanted advice and let it go in vain. Before affirming any of the advice given, track down the sources. Cross-check if the sources of information are authentic or not. Set boundaries for yourself. How To Stop Giving Unsolicited Advice Yourself \ Imagine announcing happy news such as pregnancy and getting a “Step back! I have a long list of things you should keep in mind”


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as a response. If you have a friend or relative going through the phase of pregnancy, provide them emotional support. Remember how you nudged that one person who gave you a piece of advice you did not need? You always have to ask if they need any guidance on any particular topic or subject related to their pregnancy phase. Constantly assure that you will stay by there in times of need. Lastly, if they choose to do things differently, try not to get offended. Every pregnancy and childbirth depends on various factors like the medical history and issues, the family, and their choices. Conclusion Family planning and parenting is a joyous journey full of adventures in itself. It may seem scary initially, but soon you will find all the information. There is knowledge out there in the world. It solely depends on an individual about what he wants to trust. If you are tired of the advice, you never asked for, you either know it is something valuable or just smile and thank them.

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As a new expecting parent, you might think of a detailed birthing plan and coordinate your pregnancy as well as post-partum care

likewise. However, labour rarely goes in the way you might expect it to. Natural vaginal birth is not a far-fetched dream but most of the time, midwives and obstetricians intervene in your pregnancy to hurry along the process and to reduce the immediate risks concerning both the foetus and the parent. Yet, studies have shown that, more often than not, the birth interventions by healthcare experts are unnecessary. The medical interventions involve inducing the labour with synthetic hormones

or augmenting the labour for stronger contractions. Instrumental delivery is also a routine intervention that takes place using forceps or vacuum to deliver the baby. With caesarean section and episiotomy, healthcare experts intervene with the labour surgically. While the interventions aid the taxing process of birthing, there are significant dangers and long-term effects associated with unnecessary birth interventions. Dangers associated with common birth interventions Epidurals Yes, epidurals may seem like a necessity for giving birth but that is not true. With epidurals, pain relief is the biggest benefit while in labour but at the same time, the analgesic causes disruptions in the parent’s physiology. For instance, while giving birth naturally, oxytocin is produced by the body, which induces the contractions and releases endorphins that helps the parent to give birth. By administering an epidural too early, this natural rhythm gets disturbed.


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By relieving the pain that signals for more oxytocin, the parent has a dramatic decline in the production of oxytocin and has to be administered Pitocin (synthetic oxytocin) to facilitate labour. Pitocin does not have the relaxing properties of oxytocin either. As a result, the individual in labour is more prone to complications and has longer labour. Augmentation Statistics show that the earlier expecting individuals are admitted to hospitals, the more likely it is that they receive some form of labour augmentation procedure. Amniotomy is almost a routine procedure in hospitals, especially the ones that are located in average and low-income regions. By deliberately letting the water break before the due time, the chances of spontaneous labour are drastically cut down. The foetus also experiences problems with heart rate and umbilical cord due to this process. There are also risks of infection and foetal positioning that comes with amniotomy.

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Electronic Foetal Monitoring (EFM) EFM is a way to constantly monitor the heart rate of a baby. If you are close to going into labour, this technique can be used as a prediction tool. The downside of EFM is that the parent’s movement is restricted and this can interfere with the labour support they can get. Utilising EFM has also been associated with a higher occurrence of surgical intervention and instrumental delivery. The foetus also experiences risks due to EFM, starting from compressed umbilical cord to mispositioning. Instead of constantly tracking the foetal heart rate using EFM, intermittent auscultation or checking the foetal heart rate using a stethoscope can be beneficial. Eating And Drinking During Labour With unnecessary birthing interventions, there are also a few myths about prepping for labour that negatively influences the process. A common one is restricting eating and drinking while the parent has


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started labour. This belief had a scientific backing back in the 40s because general anaesthesia was linked to vomiting and backing up of the stomach’s content to the lungs, leading to infections. However, with obstetric anaesthesia, this is no longer an issue. In fact, eating gives the parent energy to push when the contractions hit. Cutting back on the fluids is concerning as well. Without a steady intake of fluids, the parent is bound to wind up dehydrated before the baby is birthed. Also, administering intravenous fluids to compensate for food and water should also be discouraged unless absolutely necessary. Final Thoughts Labour can be tiring, complicated, and simply painful. While you set out a birthing plan, be sure to chart out all the possible ways you can proceed in order to achieve the least medically intervened delivery. While science and technology have advanced greatly, there is a threshold beyond which its involvement becomes more of a hindrance than a help. Be sure to know what you want during your birthing and let your obstetrician know about that.

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Babies, like everyone else, are one-of-a-kind. in their sleeping habits, requirements, and, most importantly, how they address them. If you spend some time observing your friends and family, you’ll notice that each person has a distinct personality. Some individuals are highly extroverted; they like spending time in big groups and are not bothered by crowds or noise. Others find crowds intimidating and prefer to spend less time at events, instead cuddling up with a good book. If you’ve ever seen kindergarteners on the playground, you’ll notice that they have a wide range of personalities, much like your adult companions. Every child, including babies, is one-of-a-kind. Easy Baby Or A Difficult Baby: Babies are frequently described as easy and tough. The easy infants are the ones who get enough sleep on a regular basis, consume appropriately sized meals, and aren’t too noisy or scream once their basic requirements have been fulfilled. Then there are the difficult babies, the ones that fidget and scream despite your best efforts to accommodate their every demand. Then there’s the question of what’s upsetting them. What are you doing wrong, or are you spoiling the kid by responding to every cry? It’s upsetting to observe a baby sobbing and howling when others are smiling and calm, or even sleeping. Sleeping and eating habits would be the primary checkpoints to determine the level of ease with which to take care of a baby. When it comes to new-borns, this is one of the most important 52

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subjects to discuss. Almost every parent is sleep deprived, and some feel as if they haven’t gotten a good night’s sleep in years. Infants are likely to have a range of sleep habits, just as adults are. Some new-borns require multiple night feeding to grow and develop appropriately, while others require only a handful. Many, if not the majority, want reassurance that someone is watching out for them. While we may believe that infant is secure, their time on this planet has been brief; instinct tells them that they are vulnerable and require the touch of a caretaker. Is It Just the Baby’s Nature? Is a child’s behaviour influenced by his or her personality? Is their reaction to the world’s pressures a function of their physical surroundings and parenting? The explanation is that kids are born with an intrinsic behavioural style that may be observed as early as infancy, before life experiences begin to impact and form their personalities. Despite being raised in the same environment, children have a tendency to act differently. There were children in the same house who were raised by the same parents, went to the same school, and lived in the same neighbourhood, yet behaved differently. Despite having the same womb, some twins behave differently. As a result, we might conclude that each child is born with a unique personality and temperament. The child’s upbringing would undoubtedly be influenced by his or her environment, but only to a limited amount. MAY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #128


Parenting Having a difficult baby does not imply that you are a bad parent. It’s the same idea that having an easy baby makes you a better parent. Parenting may sometimes make a baby’s life simpler. If you learn your baby’s temperament, you can organise your day ahead of time to provide the optimal conditions for both you and your baby to be happy. If your infant is sensitive to stimulus, spend some quiet time with him or her to avoid overstimulating him or her. Try napping together or practising safe co-sleeping if your kid isn’t sleeping through the night and you’re both having trouble. Maintaining a proper perspective and understanding typical new-born growth and behaviour can also result in a more relaxed baby. While none of these factors will change your kid, knowing what normal infant behaviour is may help you realise that your “difficult” baby is actually a perfectly healthy and normal baby. It can also assist you in structuring your day in a more baby-friendly manner, which may help you avoid some of your baby’s challenging behaviours, such as fatigued crying and overstimulation. If your child appears to be having difficulties, talk to your paediatrician about your worries so that any medical issues may be ruled out. An very fussy infant may be suffering from an

undiscovered medical problem. However, temperament is often what determines whether a new-born is easy or difficult to care for. Temperament The ease with which a kid adapts to his surroundings is heavily determined by his temperament, which includes adaptability and emotional style. Temperament is, for the most part, a child’s natural quality, one with which he is born. It is influenced by his experiences and relationships with other people, his surroundings, and his health. An infant’s temperament is influenced by their activity levels, approach and withdrawal, adaptability, intensity, etc. Helping Babies Adapt Because a child’s temperament tends to remain fairly consistent throughout their lives, it is critical for parents to teach children skills and assist them in developing techniques for managing their responses. When it comes to helping children negotiate the eccentricities of their intrinsic personalities and temperament, parenting styles are critical. It’s crucial for parents to realise that children don’t pick their temperaments, whether they’re amicable, adaptable, ‘easy’ kids or nervous, intense, ‘difficult’ kids. They are imbued with them from birth. It is our responsibility to assist them in responding to the world in the most effective way possible.


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get the look


nursery photo: Mineheart

Neat Rocking Cradle $499.95

Serenade Throw Olive $89

Amazing Antlers Summer from $75/m2


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Bamboo Shoe Storage Bench $59

Cream Poly Round Rug $249

Bouclair Faux Fur Naadam Cushion $30

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k i d s photo: Circu

Wooden Bed Frame Single Size $240

London Bus & Taxi Wall Border $24

Beetle Car Shape Pillow $112


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Soft Touch Sheet Set Single Bed $19

Tudor Wooden Dining Chair $179

Charlie The Train Quilt Cover Set $59.95

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B y :

L i z a

J o h n

If asked a question on why human beings are unique, we can all agree it’s due to the individuality of the human race. What exactly is this individuality, and when do we humans form this sense of self? The perspective of the set of attributes that constitute a person is referred to as the sense of self. Personality characteristics, talents, likes and dislikes, moral code or system of beliefs, all contribute to your personality or distinctive identity as a person. All of these, start

developing the moment a person begins to think, and it is a longdrawn process that lasts throughout the lifetime of a person. This article aims at assessing the stages of self-discovery and methods to ensure the constructive method of building individuality.

How Old Are Kids When They Start Becoming Self Aware?

When a child is born, it obviously doesn’t have any idea that it is an autonomous being but as it grows, becomes more and more independent. A lot of socio-emotional and cognitive skills start developing around the age of 24-36 months and the child begins to figure out their likes and dislikes, along with growing bonds and thereby forming a personality of their own, either borrowed from people around them or through other influences. In this scenario, the child tends to navigate their surroundings by themselves and be more inquisitive and excited about learning new things. They start categorizing themselves and explore the niche they feel most at home at. They begin to integrate memories into their sense of self and create interior thoughts and feelings as their long-term memory improves.


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Different Factors in The Building of Individuality in Children:

Physical Self:

The earliest development seen in children is generally the awareness of their physical self, owing to the fact that small children are very sensory driven. They start to identify their body and the functions that are performed by each body part as they gain more and more physical abilities. By two years old, a child is able to distinguish between self and others and identify themselves in photos. They constantly make comparisons between their own body and those of others in their surroundings, which propel their understanding of self, even more.

Skills and Abilities:

Young children are very inquisitive, get immense satisfaction trying out new things, and love to hone their abilities in daily life situations. The first 3 years in a child’s life is a period of learning, and this gives them a feeling of achievement. Skills such as motor skills, vocal skills

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etc are developed and children tend to experiment with these skills to understand what all they can accomplish by using them. Children also tend to see themselves based on their abilities, likes and physical attributes during this time period.

Other’s Perception:

As children are forming opinions slowly about both others and themselves, abstract attributes are being given in terms of mental, emotional and physical aspects of their personality. The individuality of young children depends heavily on what others think of them. Labels and descriptions like names, adjectives to describe them and memories also play a significant role in dictating a child’s sense of self.

Connection To the Surroundings:

Children often have very strong connections to people, places, and things around them. They have a sense of ownership about things


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and while it may be annoying, is also an advancement in developing their individuality. They tend to relate themselves to the things they feel attached to and makes it part of their personality, at least for a short while. These connections help in making them realize what their interests are and to start focusing on them. It can also help them while learning things like sharing a resource or making small sacrifices in order to make people around them happy.

Ways To Help Build a Strong Sense of Self:

• •

Showing interest in things they have interest in. Specifying why they are being applauded when they accomplish something.

Teaching them the importance of how trying is more important than doing .

• •

To be kind to others and yourself. Teaching them how each and every one of their actions have an impact.

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MAY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #128

T O Y r e v i e w s b y :

S h e r e e

H o d d i n e t t


$34.95 4/5

S u it ab l e f o r a g e s: 2 - 5 ye ars Brigh t e n p l a y t i me an d d i s c o ve ry w it h t he Lear n & Discover Tablet . P layfu l a ni ma t i ons an d so u n d e ffe c ts p ai r wi t h 12 l ear ning act iv it ies t o engage l it t le lear ne r s . They ca n e x plo re a p p s a n d p l ay m o d e s t h at t each let t er s, w ords, number s, count ing, p uz z l es a nd m o re . Yo u r t o d d l e r c an k ee p o n track w it h daily rout ines and w eekly act ivit i es i n t he M y C ale n d a r a p p , j us t l i k e t h e i r f avo u r it e adul t s do. P lay songs and sound e ffect s i n t he M y P i a n o a p p w hi l e p res s i ng t he p iano keys. Hav e a conver sat ion w it h t he fr i end l y l i on in t h e Ta l ki n g Pal ap p . R es p o n d to quest ions about w hat t hey l ike and t r y t o g ues s t he an im a l s o u n d s . Cho o s e f ro m f o u r LED screen colour s, t hen w at ch t he t able t g l ow. Ta ke t h is ta b l e t o n - t he -g o to k e e p yo ur todd ler ’s playful explor at ion r ight at han d . Ou r Ve rd i ct – If yo ur m i n i m e wan t s t o be just l ike y ou w it h t heir ver y own t a b l et w i t h ap ps, s o u n d s a nd al l t h e o t h e r b e l l s and w hist les, t his is t he best w ay t o go . I t ’s ea s y t o u se , e a s y t o t r a n s p o rt and k ee p s t h e y oungest member s of t he family, easily ent er t a i ned . M o re t h a n j u s t a to y f o r e n tertai nment t hough, t here is some lear ning v alue b ehi nd t hi s tab le t . C o v e r i n g al l t he l e t ters o f t he alphabet , number s t oo, plus some basi c ma t hs a nd e v e n wo rd s , y o u have al l b as es c o vered. Br ight colour s and easy t o push b ut t ons , your k ids w i l l l i ke l y b e teac hi ng yo u a t hing or t w o! T he hardest par t , l ike w it h a l l t echnol og y t h e se d a y s , wi l l b e g et t i ng t he m to st op using it ! Availa b l e f ro m: vtec h.c o m .au, Km a rt, good toy s tores and online retailers 74

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$44.95 4/5

S u it ab l e f o r a g es: 3 -8 ye ars In trod u ci n g R u s h t he Ve l o c i rap to r. This w ild Sw it ch & Go Dino is an excit ing 2 - i n- 1 t oy w h ic h s w i t ch e s b etwe e n a Ve l o c i ra pt or and a hi- t ech aircr aft . See cool d i no eye a nd p ilo t a n i m a t i o n s o n t he b ac k l i t LCD screen. P ul l t he w ing t r igger s in aircra ft mod e t o se e t h e s p i n n i n g d i s c s l au n c h i nto t he air. P ress t he l ight project ion but t on t o s ee R us h sh in e t h e i r l i g h t. Pre s s t he vo i c e b ut t on t o hear excit ing car and d inosaur sound effect s , p h rase s a n d Ve l o c i rap to r f ac ts ! R u sh w il l l ight up w it h t he responses. Hea r even more g re at s o u n d e ffe c ts whe n s wi tc h i ng Rush bet w een d inosaur and aircr aft mod es . Ou r v e rd i ct – I f e e l t h at b y havi n g t w o gir ls, I missed out on al l t he fun w it h d i nos a ur s as it ’s n o t re a l l y t h e i r t h i ng . Bu t when it comes t o t oys, t hey ’l l give most t hi ng s a g o, e sp e ci a l l y i f i t mak es l o ts o f n o i s e and moves! But one of t he biggest highl i g ht s b ehi nd t h is to y ce n t re a l o t aro un d t he f ac t it ’s a 2 in 1 piece. One minut e you can ha ve a g a me of d in o s a u r s i n t he f o re s t q u i c k l y tur n int o a fast fly ing hi- t ech aircr aft shoot i ng d ow n i t s e n e m i e s . Th e p os s i b i l i t i e s are e n d l ess. Light s and sounds are so real ist ic and t he t oy ha s b e e n m a d e t o wi t h s tand e ven t h e roughest of kids. P lus y ou’l l be amazed b y t he ma ny d in o sa u r fa ct s yo u p ro b ab l y d i d n’t know. It ’s t he per fect t oy for any mad d i nos a ur fa n, b o y or g i r l ! Availa b l e f ro m : vtec h.c o m .au, Km art, good toy s tores & online retailers 76

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$35.00 3/5

Suitable for ages: 6+ years Grab some air with Tech Deck and recreate skateboard professional Nyjah Huston’s own private training facility! The Nylah Skatepark X-Connect Park Creator ramp set includes everything you need to build and customise an incredible park for you to perfect your finger skateboard skills. Set up different combinations with a Hubba ledge, stair set, rail, and ramps to learn and progress your tricks. Grind the rail, slide the Hubba ledge, jump the stairs or set up and customise the spot in any way you like. Skate the park with the included exclusive Nyjah Huston fingerboard and add to your mini skateboard collection. Combine the park with other X-Connect compatible ramps, such as the Jump N’ Grind or Bowl Builder ramp sets (each sold separately) to build the ultimate facility for you to shred. Use the Nyjah Skatepark X-Connect Park Creator with your Tech Deck fingerboard collection or Tech Deck BMX (each sold separately). Tech Deck fingerboards and ramp sets are for kids and skate-lovers ages 6 and up. If you want real skate graphics from real skate companies, then it has got to be Tech Deck - start small, go big and collect them all! Our Verdict – Who knew that little skateboards could be so much fun and cause so much drama in the one setting. I never would have picked my girls as skateboard fans, still grappling with the whole balance side of things. But this is skateboarding on a whole new level because it’s for your fingers! Yes, you read that right! But my kids love it! The trickiest part with this set, is it’s a little difficult for the kids to put together so they do need an adult’s assistance but it’s also hard to move from one spot to another once it is together. My kids had lots of fun with this one but it is more fun if you have more than one set up and then connect them. So I highly recommend having more than one set to get the most out of it, especially if your kids already have the moves down pat. We are new to finger skateboarding so it is a little tricky at first, but there’s plenty of online videos to help you out and teach you all the tricks. Available from: Spin Master, Kmart, Big W, Target, good toy stores & online retailers 78

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$69.00 4/5

S u it a b l e f o r a ges: 4+ ye ars R ac e i n t o G o t h am Ci ty wi t h t he Bat mobile Tur bo Boost RC in 1:15 scale ! The remot e c on tro l B a t mo b i l e f eatures au t he n t ic st y l ing from T he Bat man Mov ie, a l ight up eng i ne an d t u r b o b o o s t s p ee d ! Perf o rm e pic back w heel ies w it h t he dual joyst ick re mot e cont rol . D riv e y o u r B a t m o b i l e R C i n an y d irect ion and r ace up t o 6 vehicles at once w i t hout in te rfe re n ce from u p to 200 f e e t a w ay w it h t he 2.4 GHz dual remot e cont rol . The d ua l jo y st i ck re mo t e c o n tro l i s US B rec hargeable and feat ures out - of- r ange sens or s s o you’ l l k n ow w h e n y o ur Batm o b i l e n e e d s t o st ay in r ange, recharge, and can speed i nt o a ct i on again . T h e d e t ai l ed d ec o and The Bat man Mov ie- st yle sculpt ing w il l be app reci a t ed b y Batm a n a n d D C Co m i c s f an s – m a king t hem a great gift idea. DC fans of a l l a g es l ove t h is B a t m o b i l e c o l l e c t i b l e R C, to y figures and playset s t o engage t heir im a g i na t i on a nd c re at e t h e i r o wn ep i c Batm an m i s sions! Br ing t he Bat man act ion home w i t h t he Tur b o Boo s t B a t mo b i l e R C! O u r v e rd i ct – B atm an i s o n e s up er hero t hat nev er seems t o go out of st yl e a nd i s once again a s p o p u l ar as ever. It ’s a s l ee k looking car, is v er y l ight in w eight and it ’s b een s t yl ed f ro m t h e o ffi ci a l Batm an m o vi e s , w hat more could you ask for ? It is super e a s y t o cont rol an d t h e t u r b o s et t i ng i s an am az i ng feat ure and real ly adds t o t he w hole d im ens i on of t he c ar. I t a ct u a l l y g o es real l y f as t f o r a remot e cont rol car ! You don’t need bat t er i es for t he c ar ( b i g wi n ! ) , b ut s o m e o ne has to remember t o charge it up v ia USB (ever y ki d i s l ooki ng at y o u m u m! ) . L uc k i l y i t d o es n ’t take much t o charge and you get quit e a f ew hour s p l a y be f ore i t n e e ds to b e rec harg e d . We especial ly loved t he l ight up engin e, t he i ns a ne wh e e l i e a ct i o n s o b e p re p are d f o r lot s of st unt s and laughs w it h t his remo t e cont rol l ed c ar! A fa n t a s t i c g i f t i d e a f o r k i d s a nd t he even bigger “kids”! Avail a b l e f ro m: S p i n Master, Bi g W, Target, good toy s tores & online reta i l ers 80

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$49.00 4/5

S u it ab l e f o r a g es: 8 + ye ars T h e ‘ C L IMAT E CH AN G E ’ k i t f ro m Aust r al ian Geogr aphic! Science makes sens e of g l ob a l w e at h e r s y s t e ms and t he i m p ac t o f human act ivit y. It w or ks just l ike our plan et a nd even loo k s l i ke i t . U s e real ap p aratus to conduct scient ific exper iment s t hat w il l s t a r t l e, t hr i l l an d am a z e y o u . Gro w and eat yo ur ow n crops, ir r igat e a desser t , creat e r ain fa l l a nd s ee if y o u ca n s a v e yo ur real i c e g l ac i er s! Wat ch oceans r ising, creat e and me a s ure w i nd s , m e asu re ca r b o n d i o x i d e an d ac i d e missions. Feel t he greenhouse effect . Fl oa t i ceb erg s an d m o n i t o r o cean c urre n ts as t he y mel t . And much much more… Ou r v e rd i ct – In a wo rl d wh e re we hav e lot s changing al l t he t ime, t his lab hel p s d evel op an u n d e r s t a n d i ng o f t he i m p ac t hu manit y has on t he global w eat her syst em , w i t h ha nd s on in te r a ct i v e a c t i vi t i e s . W i t h t hi s k it y ou can make your ow n mini ear t h w it h fores t , s ea g lac ie r s a n d re al we at h e r. Yo u c an explore t ur bines and ind icat or s t o mon i t or w ea t her an d le a r n t o mak e s e n s e o f g l o b al w eat her syst ems. It comes w it h al l y ou need for a n u m be r o f e xp eri m e n ts . It tap s i nt o and nur t ures cur iosit y and a lov e and i nt eres t i n n atu ra l s ci e n ce . It ’s t he i d e al k i t f o r kids w ho alw ays have t hose “w hat if…” q ues t i ons . Availa b l e f ro m : Bi g W, U Gam es Aus tralia, good toy s tores & online retaile rs 82

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$69.99 4/5

S u it ab l e f o r a g e s: 4+ ye ars G e t st a r t e d b u i l d i n g yo u r o wn m arble r uns w it h t his Quadr il la beginner ’s s et . Drop t w o m arble s i n t o t h e to p an d watc h as t hey r ace dow n d ifferent pat hs t o t he bot t om. As w i t h e v e ry H a p e Q u a d ri l l a Marb l e R un C onst r uct ion Set s, it combines easily w it h ot her H a p e Qu ad r i l l a p ro d uc ts f o r e x p an s i o n and unique combinat ions t hat w il l enhance your chi l d ’s p lay exp e r i e n ce. Ou r Ve rd i ct – T he re’s s o m e t hi ng ab out mar bles t hat alw ay s dr ags me in and remi nd s me of al l t h e fu n I had as a k i d . Mi nd you, t he t oys w e have now are definit ely off t he R i cht er S c ale co mp a re d to wh e n I was l i t t l e ! O ver al l t his is one of t hose t oy s t hat b r i ng s fun a nd f ru stra t i o n t o g e t he r as o n e . R e l at i vely easy t o put t oget her (al t hough youn g er ki d s w i l l n e e d s o me h e l p), yo u c an f o l l o w t he ideas on t he box or const r uct your ow n ver s i on. You c an gu e s s wh a t t h e k i d s wi l l l i k e l y want t o do! It has an element of educat ion t o i t a s w el l b e c au s e ki d s ca n l e arn ab o ut t h e d i fferent w ays t o build t heir r un and w het he r i t w i l l w or k or n ot . It ’s a g o od i d ea to b ui l d i t o n a sol id sur face (not t he car pet ) and prep a re t o cha s e t h e e s ca p i n g marb l es ! It ’s g reat t hat it can be added t o and expanded if y ou p urcha s e ot h e r s e t s a s we l l . A g reat i d ea f o r al l ages and w il l keep ev er y one guessing a s t o w ha t w il l w o r k fo r t h e ne x t b ui l d . Availa b l e f ro m: M yer, g o o d to y stores & online retailers 84

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B y :

L i z a

J o h n

Our physical, mental, emotional, spiritual health all boils down to what we consume. So, it’s es-essential for us to consume food which will boost our metabolism and make us immune to various health diseases. Thus, it’s essential for us to have a healthy relationship with healthy food from childhood itself. But in today’s world, peer pressure and parents’ hectic schedules have led children to grab those easily accessible junk food. The craving for burgers and pizzas in kids isn’t inbuilt. It’s made in their mind as they are more and more exposed to unhealthy dishes. But it’s important to remember that we can always re-program our child’s mind by replacing those items with healthier, wholesome ones. The sooner

we introduce those foods, the better their relationship with food will be, which will serve them for their lifetime. What If We Don’t Help Kids Build That Healthy Relationship with Food? A healthy diet boosts a person’s mental and emotional health by processing fewer mood swings, resulting in an overall happier outlook and higher ability to focus. These prevent various mental health problems, like, depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and ADHD. Excessive consumption of fast food can lead to anxiety. Many fast-food items contain refined carbs which results in low blood pressure leading to panic attacks, insomnia, frustration etc. Junks also lead to obesity, which is a problem and the cause itself to many other health issues. Besides diminishing our confidence, it can lead to heart diseases, high cholesterol, diabetes, etc. So, we need to instil our children with healthy habits right from their childhood without making our dinner place a war zone. How Can You Accomplish the Goal? Cook at Home: Prepare wholesome, highly nutritious, less sugary dishes 88

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at home it-self. Restaurants and take-out meals contain added sugar and unhealthy fat which can ruin your child’s health when consumed on a daily basis. Pro Tip: Make easy dishes where you can engage your kids in cooking, this will educate them. They would even be less scared while consuming the food. Shop Together: Let your kids accompany you to the grocery store. Give them options to choose from the veggies and fruits section. It’s proven that if they choose their de-sired food, then it’s more likely for them to eat that later. Don’t Make The Dish Look Intimidating: Don’t just put it over there. Design the plate for your kids. Funny Names For Less Scary Foods: Don’t put up regular names for your dishes, like brinjal curry or fried potato. Put up something interesting like, Shrek smoothie or man-go tangos. These will lead your kid to want to try the food themselves, as those may sound fun to them. Look For Healthier Junks: The food preferences can’t change all of a sudden. Sign up for a gradual change. For example, replace French fries with “baked fries” grilled in the oven and salted lightly. Or doughnuts or pastries with home baked goods with less sugar. MAY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #128


Try It In More Than One Way: If your child doesn’t like baked broccoli, then grind it or mash it. Or make a smoothie out of it. You don’t know what method would work un-less you try it. So be patient. Be A Role Model: Set up some family meal times together in a week. Make it easier for them to normalize consuming veggies by eating it out yourself. Be healthy yourself, your kids will follow eventually. Stop Talking, Just Do: Keep putting in the work and stop snitching. Kids have an oppo-site mindset at times, scolding or forcing them non-stop won’t possibly yield results. You want food to be a positive experience for them. Don’t yell the benefits of healthy food every single time, rather than just serve the food continuously for days. Don’t Be Afraid of The Waste: Parents sometimes stop putting out the veggies on their child’s plate because they assume that their child would never try them any time soon. This further decreases the chance. Even if your child despises trying out the dish you made, still serve it. Instead of throwing away the leftovers, you can just store it and eat it later. Limit The Snacking: When kids are hungrier, they are more likely to eat what you serve them, and be less picky about it.


MAY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #128

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B y :

L a n c e

G r e e n

A single parent is someone who lives with a kid or children but does not have a spouse or live-in partner to help with the child’s upbringing or support. Divorce, breakup, abandonment, domestic violence, rape, death of the other parent, birth of a single person, or single-person adoption are all reasons for becoming a single parent. A family with children led by a single parent is known as a single-parent family. While society’s commitment to fostering equality for all parents is growing, single mums’ and single fathers’ societal opinions still differ substantially. We all know that having a child in a two-parent family is difficult, but parenting a child alone is a completely different ballgame. And it’s a responsibility that more and more parents are being forced to shoulder. Single-parent households are becoming more common all around the world. We think of childrearing as primarily a woman’s responsibility. This is problematic for a variety of reasons, but it does imply that single mums and fathers are seen differently in society. Single mums and single fathers are subjected to various pressures and expectations. How Does Society See Single Mums? This glorified notion of mum dates back to the dawn of existence. Intensive mothering is the ideal way to raise a kid. The underlying premise is that the


MAY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #128

child requires constant nurturing from a single primary caregiver, and that the mother is the best candidate for the task. A “good” mother is defined as one who commits her entire time, energy, and attention to her children. When things like a lost homework assignment at school or being late to pick up kids from childcare fall through the cracks, single mums are evaluated harsher than single dads. In a manner that we don’t presume for males, women are considered to be “naturally” capable carers. Single mums affirm that they are subjected to these pressures and high expectations on a daily basis, and that they feel stigmatised if their talents fall short of the ideal. Then there’s the concern that single parents will be condemned if they don’t prove they can do it all and keep it all together. Single mothers must balance work, medical appointments, and alone time while remaining present, only for society to dismiss them as menials, waiting for them to fail and pointing out every imperfection. Single mums are considered to be parenting because of poor judgement, an unintended pregnancy, or an inability to sustain a relationship. The researchers also discovered that unfavourable attitudes towards single mothers are often motivated by a belief that there is something fundamentally wrong or broken about a single mother’s personality. Single mums were described as being negligent, irresponsible, immature, stressed out, unhappy, prone to making poor decisions, promiscuous, despairing, and/or insecure by the study’s respondents. MAY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #128


How Does Society See Single Dads? Single fathers are perceived as less competent at parenting. They are praised or admired for taking on the major parental role. When it comes to making parenting blunders, single fathers are offered a lot more sympathy and are given a lot more leeway. This is especially difficult when it comes to child custody arrangements. Because women are perceived to be “better parents,” this frequently works against fathers in court. When people find out about a single dad, they shower them with admiration. “Well done!” “I don’t know any man who would do what you’re doing.” Those kids are very fortunate. Other notions include that: men are thought to be buffoons who can’t even clothe a child, while women are meant to be the ones who can do everything for the kids. That’s probably why dads get lauded when things go well and women get chastised when things go wrong. Dads are often seen as the weaker parent, which has made single dads feel as if they must continuously prove themselves in order to be taken seriously as fathers. Single fathers, on the other hand, were seen as people in difficult circumstances who had to deal with the problems of solo parenting, such as paying child support, obtaining childcare, and combining their dating life with raising children, according to those polled. Not quite the personal defects mentioned by the mothers! When presented with a hypothetical scenario about single


MAY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #128

parents that was identical save for the gender of the subject, research participants were harsher on the mums than on the dads. Supporting Single Parents Sweden, for example, is a developed country that

“Single fathers are perceived as less competent at

provides far more help for single parents seeking inspiration and motivation to change. Single parents in Sweden, for example, are entitled to 480 days of government-mandated paid parental

parenting. They

leave as well as housing assistance. It’s difficult to

are praised or

be a single parent without similar perks and extra

admired for taking on the major parental role. ”

societal expectations. Single parents must be viewed and supported equally in order for this to change. When it comes to child-rearing, many of us still retain highly gendered notions about men’s and women’s duties. Understanding that these are socially constructed ideas rather than biological facts might help us combat the stigma and hazards that single mothers experience, as well as create an atmosphere where more men feel capable of parenting and supported as single fathers.

MAY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #128



B y :

L i z a

J o h n

Dating may be both exhilarating and terrifying for many single parents. On the one hand, your excitement for your new love interest is contagious. However, you may have concerns regarding when and how to introduce your children. When should you proceed? Is this the right person? These are just a handful of the many concerns that single parents could have.

Would my children feel alienated? Would this have a negative impact on them? How would they handle this situation? These questions would undoubtedly worry the parents. Before thinking about how or when to introduce the kids, parents should assess the strength of the dating relationship. The most crucial aspect is dedication, because when there is commitment, the kids can see it. It’s crucial to stay honest with yourself and your relationship. Not every dating relationship progresses to the point where children must be included. You may be having a casual, active social life with someone who is enjoyable to be around but with whom you don’t see a future. When you introduce children, you expose them to the risk of attachment. It’s unfair to the kids to do so until you’ve resolved for yourself that this will be a long-term relationship. If the relationship does not work out, parting ways might be just as traumatic for them as your original breakup. You’ll want to start a meaningful conversation with your children once you’ve both determined that this is a serious, committed relationship. Above all, you’ll want to reaffirm your commitment to the children and answer any questions they may have.


MAY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #128

Introduction In A Group Setting The first five meetings should be held in a group setting. You should introduce him as a friend and let your kids get to know him in a pleasant, relaxed, and pressure-free environment. Children feel less intimidated in a group environment. During the first five meetings, it’s preferable not to display love. Getting Ready for Initial Resistance Long before you’re ready to bring the parties together for their initial check-out session, your children will find out that you have a relationship going on with someone. The older children will have the most trouble integrating a new individual into your family’s routine. They typically prefer to have you to themselves since they will have the clearest memories of your relationship with their parents. Even if they are aware that the relationship is finished, they will have difficulty picturing you with another person. It turns into a question of allegiance. Issues with Premature Attachment You face the danger of forming an instant relationship with younger children. This is why, before allowing your younger children to bond, you MAY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #128


should make sure your relationship has some potential. Even while you can’t always forecast how a relationship will turn out, it’s better for a kid to avoid too many unwanted losses. Private Family Time Initially At first, you should avoid incorporating this new person into too many of your family events. You’re forming a connection that must be founded on a solid link between you and your new partner. You won’t be able to maintain things in balance if all of your time is dedicated to establishing a family unit. On the road to deeper participation and commitment, you may be forced to miss certain crucial phases of your relationship. As a single parent with your children, you’re also creating a whole new family arrangement. They, too, deserve your time and attention as they work through the changes that divorce has brought into their lives. Invite Your Children’s Feedback For Ideas About How And When They Meet Your New Partner For The First Time: If you’ve been seeing someone for a while and are quite certain that you’re on the verge of committing, tell your kids that you’re dating someone you care about and would want to introduce to them. You may inquire if they have any concerns. Keep the initial encounter brief and informal. The 102

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initial meeting should be held at a restaurant or a neutral location. Ask your kids where they want to go, and don’t bring your partner’s kids along for the first few times. Offer Reassurance: Your children may take some time to accept parental dating relationships. Finally, you must reassure your children that you love them completely and that you will always be there for them. They’ll eventually realise that bringing another person into your life isn’t about dividing your feelings; it’s about expanding the circle of individuals you choose to care about and welcome into your family. Slow Down: Remember that, while you may be in love, your children will need time to adjust to a new circumstance. Take their lead. Talk to them if you see they’re experiencing problems. If necessary, slow down. Trust me when I say that taking it gently now will secure your success afterwards. Dating after a breakup can be difficult, but if you take your time and do things correctly, it can be a win-win situation for everyone. Make sure you’re in love and take your time; if they’re a good person and you go carefully, your children will understand. MAY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #128


going once, going twice, is it over yet? WRITTEN BY: SHEREE HODDINETT

You never want to wish the time away. But there are days and nights, weeks, months too, that you reach the point where you want to fast forward past all the difficult chapters and move on to the good stuff. I think there is some good stuff, right? I’m in the midst of dealing with some lovely and challenging attitude from my dearest darling 8-yearold. It feels like it’s never ending and possibly what I write about the most. When she’s a good kid, in a great mood, everything is peachy. But when she jumps on that hormonal rollercoaster, it’s all over. I know that this is merely a snapshot of what I have ahead of me. It does not, in any way, lessen the pain. That I can guarantee. What I love (and I use that term very loosely) most about my girls is the unpredictable nature in which they operate. They can go from zero to hero and then back down again in the space of not even a minute. We’re not even talking toddler territory here anymore either. They’re barrelling towards the ages of 7 and 9 this year and it’s definitely all attitude and sass, plus seeing how much they can get away with before Mum blows her gasket. On some days, it’s not much, I can assure you of that. It may not seem like I talk about the good things when it comes to my girls, but they do exist, they’re just not as entertaining to talk about! Everyone commiserates when their kids are little turds, but not everyone wants to hear about the time your kid cleaned the entire house on their own. Okay, so I’m exaggerating the extent of my child’s skills and abilities a little, but you know what I mean. We privately applaud their amazing schooling achievements but actively support each other through their terror moments which take place at home or out and about. 106

MAY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #128

We all need to lift each

It’s like they see you are

shape me as the terrible….

other up when it counts

in a bad mood and they

joking…pretty good mum

because let’s face it, as

know the right button to

that I am today. Plus, I get

mums (or even just as

push you straight over the

the fun of sharing all my

parents in general), we

edge. Every single time,

‘wisdom” with others. Am

need each other to survive.

without fail. But on the

I perfect? I’m just sitting

There is no manual on any

other hand, they know


of this. Despite the fact

exactly when to be cute

thought. Perfect is one

that our parents raised us,

and tell you they love you

word I will never use to

doesn’t mean they have or

or give you a big hug. If

describe myself as a mum.

had all the answers either.

anyone ever works out the

But it is what it is and I’m

They learnt the hard way,

madness behind it all and

just doing my best to get

just like we are. I often tell

how they truly operate,

through it all alive and in

those who are just starting

please let me know!

one piece. I can’t speak

their journey as parents,




for my kids though, haha!

that becoming a mum is

We’re all going through

both the best and worst


thing I’ve done. When I


say worst, I don’t mean I



Reflection always helps



me remember what I really



shouldn’t do with or say

regret having my girls in

life as a whole. Nothing

to my kids again. Doesn’t

any way, except maybe

is easy. It’s not always

mean it always works that



way though. We’ll get




stages on




absolutely feral, then I’m

doesn’t mean you won’t


all done. Obviously, I’m



some of the other chapters

kidding (mostly). But fellow

degrees of ups and downs

in my journey over at www.

parents would know the

that come along with it. Until next

frustration I speak of. Kids

Would I change any of

time, keep on surviving!

have this inane ability to

my experiences? Probably

grate on your last nerve.

not. They have helped



MAY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #128



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MAY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #128



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MAY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #128


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MAY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #128


b o y s F A S H IO N


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BOY K-D Boys Printed Hoodie $12.00 The 1964 Denim Company Boys Denim Track Pant $15.00 K-D Kids Jack Tab Shoes $15.00

MAY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #128



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MAY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #128


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BOY Versace Pink Medusa Sweater $620.00 Il Gufo Cream Chinos $181.00 Dolce & Gabbana Mini Me Leather Sneakers White $425.00

MAY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #128







BEAR PANT $34.95






MAY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #128


H E A L T H Y r e c i p e s

sourced from:

D e l i c i o u s

Fruit Loaf

prep time: 65 mins serves: 15




place flours, skim milk powder, yeast, mixed nuts, dried fruit and brown sugar in the bowl of an electric mixer. place vegetable oil and water in a jug. using a dough hook begin mixing the dry ingredients together and then slowly pour in the liquid. continue mixing on a low speed until all the ingredients come together. increase the speed to medium low and continue mixing for 10 minutes or until dough is satin-like. if you don’t have an electric mixer, bring the ingredients together in a large mixing bowl and then turn out onto a lightly floured surface and knead for 10 minutes.


place dough in a large, lightly oiled, bowl. cover with plastic wrap and sit in a warm place for 1 hour or until dough has doubled in size.


meanwhile, preheat oven to 220°c. grease a 11 x 26cm loaf tin and set aside. knock dough down and knead lightly. shape into a log and place in the loaf tin. cover with oiled plastic wrap and once again sit in a warm place for a further hour until dough has once again doubled in size.


bake fruit loaf for 40-45 minutes or until dark golden in colour and loaf sounds hollow when the bottom is tapped. brush with the warmed honey, if desired, and allow to cool 10 minutes in the tin before turning out.

4 cups white breadmaking flour 1 1/2 cups

2 tbsp skim milk powder 2 tsp dried yeast mixed nuts (e.g. almonds, cashews, 1 1/2 cups walnuts), roughly chopped dried fruit (e.g. sultanas, dates. apricots, mixed 1 1/2 cups dried fruit), roughly chopped 2 tbsp brown sugar 2 tbsp vegetable oil 1 1/2 cups water, warm 1 tbsp


MAY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #128

wholemeal self-raising flour

honey, warmed (optional)

Quick & Easy

Breakfast Frittata

prep time: 23 mins serves: 6




preheat grill to high.


combine eggs, milk and cheese in medium bowl and season with pepper.

6 eggs 1/2 cup reduced-fat milk 1/2 cup

reduced-fat grated tasty cheese


heat oil in a medium non-stick frying pan over medium heat.

pepper, to taste


cook bacon for 3–4 minutes or until lightly golden. add tomatoes and spring onions and cook for 2 minutes or until tomatoes just start to soften.

oil for cooking



add egg mixture to pan and cook 3–4 minutes until egg is just starting to set. place under grill and cook for a further 2–3 minutes until top browns. sprinkle with parsley.


rashers lean bacon, diced

150g cherry tomatoes, halved 4

spring onions, finely sliced

1/4 cup chopped parsley

MAY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #128



MAY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #128

Chicken & Vegetable Laksa-Style Soup prep & cook time: 25 mins serves: 4-6 INSTRUCTIONS 1

spray a large saucepan with oil and heat.


add onion and cook over low heat for 3 minutes, until soft.



add lemongrass, chilli, ginger and turmeric, and cook, stirring, for 30 seconds. add stock and bring to the boil. add noodles, chicken and vegetables.

INGREDIENTS olive or canola oil spray 1/2 sml

red onion, finely chopped

2 tsp

finely chopped lemongrass


finely chopped fresh red chilli

1 minced ginger 1/2 tsp ground turmeric


return to the boil, reduce heat to medium-low, and simmer uncovered for 5 minutes, until noodles are soft, vegetables are just tender and chicken is cooked through.


stir in milk with coconut essence and heat through.


stir through fish sauce and serve topped with coriander leaves.

1 ltr

natural chicken liquid stock

125g rice vermicelli noodles chicken breast fillets, 500g halved lengthways and thinly sliced 1 bunch

broccolini, cut diagonally into thirds


red capsicum, cut into thin strips


carrot, cut into thin strips

375 ml

light and creamy evaporated milk

1 tsp coconut essence 2 tsp fish sauce 1/3 cup fresh coriander leaves

MAY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #128



MAY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #128

Sherwood Pie prep & cook time: 95 mins serves: 3-4


preheat oven to 180°c (350°f).


place tvp mince, tomatoes, tomato paste, carrots, zucchini, mushrooms and onion in a large bowl and mix well.


combine garlic, sauces and herbs and add to vegetable mixture.


season with pepper.


set aside for 10-15 minutes or until tvp mince absorbs some liquid.


meanwhile, mash potatoes and add milk and margarine.


textured vegetable protein (tvp) mince

800g chopped tomatoes 150g tomato paste 2

carrots, peeled and diced

2 zucchini, diced 8

button mushrooms, diced

1 onion, diced 1 tsp minced garlic 1 tbsp soy sauce 2 tsp chilli sauce 2 tsp tomato sauce


continue mashing until the mixture is smooth.


spray a lasagne dish with oil to lightly grease.


place vegetable mixture in lasagne dish, spread the potato mixture over the top and sprinkle with cheese.



bake for 50-60 minutes or until cheese is golden.

2 tbsp canola margarine


sprinkle with pepper and serve with bread rolls and a tossed salad, if desired.

mixed dried herbs 1 tsp freshly ground black pepper 4 lrg

potatoes, peeled and boiled light & creamy evaporated milk canola or olive oil spray

1/2 cup grated low-fat cheese 6 sml bread rolls tossed salad, to serve (optional)

MAY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #128


Quick & Easy Chilli Chicken & Rice

prep time: 15 mins serves: 4




heat oil in a medium non-stick frying pan over medium heat. add onion and cook for 2 minutes or until just soft.

oil for cooking 1 red onion, finely sliced

add chicken mince, garlic and ginger and cook for about 5 minutes or until browned, breaking up any lumps with a wooden spoon.

300g chicken mince


add capsicum and cook for a further 3 minutes, stirring frequently.

2 tsp minced ginger


add fish sauce and sweet chilli sauce.


stir in coriander.



to serve, divide the rice among the lettuce leaves, top with chicken mixture and roll up to eat with your fingers.

2 cloves garlic, crushed

1 sml

red capsicum, finely chopped

1 tbsp 1 tbsp fish sauce 2 tbsp

sweet chilli sauce, or to taste

2 tbsp

chopped fresh coriander

3 cups

long-grain white rice, cooked

12 iceberg lettuce leaves


MAY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #128

Quick & Easy Terriyaki Chicken Skewers

prep time: 15 mins serves: 4




soak the skewers in cold water for 10 minutes. combine all ingredients except vegetables in a bowl and marinate for 20 minutes.


thread the chicken onto the soaked bamboo skewers.


grill for 6 minutes until cooked through.


serve with vegetables

8 bamboo skewers 2 tbsp rice wine 4 tbsp soy sauce 2 tbsp mirin 1 tbsp caster sugar 1 tsp minced ginger 500g

chicken thigh fillets, sliced into 2cm cubes vegetables, steamed, to serve

MAY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #128



MAY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #128

Lemon-Lime Cheesecake prep & time: 3+ hrs serves: 6-8


lightly grease a 20-cm round nonstick springform pan.


place biscuits in a food processor and process until finely crushed.


2 tbsp margarine, melted 250g


add margarine, and process briefly until evenly moistened.


press crumbs into the base of the pan, smoothing with the back of a spoon.


refrigerate while making the filling.


using electric beaters, beat cream cheese with lemon and lime rind until combined.


add milk and lemon and lime juice, and beat until smooth.


put 1½ tablespoons hot water in a small bowl and sprinkle over gelatine.


stand the bowl in a saucepan with about 1-2 cm hot water and place over low heat for 1 minute until gelatine has softened.


remove bowl from saucepan and whisk gelatine, using a fork, to dissolve.


set aside to cool slightly.


beat egg whites in a clean dry bowl, with clean beaters, until soft peaks form.


add egg whites and gelatine to cream cheese mixture and fold gently until combined.


using a rubber spatula or metal spoon, work carefully so as not to lose the volume from the egg whites.


pour over the base and refrigerate for 3 hours, until set.


serve with fresh fruit.

reduced-fat butternut biscuits

1 tbsp

reduced-fat cream cheese finely grated lemon rind

2 tsp finely grated lime rind 400g

can sweetened condensed skim milk

2 tbsp lemon juice 2 tbsp lime juice 3 tsp gelatine 2 egg whites

MAY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #128



MAY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #128

Baked Rice Custard prep & cook time: 60 mins serves: 4-6


cook rice in a large saucepan of boiling water for about 10 minutes or until tender, drain well.


preheat oven to moderate (180°c or 350°f).


stir together milk, water, eggs, rice and sultanas.

INGREDIENTS 1/3 cup white rice 185ml

skim sweetened condensed milk

440ml water 3 eggs, lightly beaten 1/4 cup sultanas


pour into a 1¼ litre (5 cup) shallow ovenproof baking dish and sprinkle with nutmeg.


stand the dish in a baking pan with enough hot water to reach halfway up the side of the dish.


bake in the oven for 40-45 minutes or until set.


serve hot.


MAY 2022 | My Child Magazine Issue #128







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