GEORGIA drivers: Where did you get the lowest car insurance quote?

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GEORGIA drivers: Where did you get the lowest car insurance quote? I am in GA and ready to find another auto insurance company. Your recommendations for the least expensive company appreciated. Related

California Insurance company that will insure a shake roof? Does anyone know of an insurance company that will insure a home with a shake roof. We put an offer in on a house in Big Bear CA and now we are 3 weeks out of closing escrow and need to find an insurance company that will insure it for the close of escrow??? PLEEEEEASSSSSE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!! Car insurance INCREASE every 6 months with no accidents/tickets? wtf!? Last year I had Unitrin Direct....they were charging me $85 a month...this is with NO tickets or accidents for the last 5 years of my driving record....this is also with the BASIC more How high are my Insurance rates going to get up too? I am 17 turning 18 and i am looking at getting a 2000 Pontiac trans am with 28,000 miles. how much do you think my monthly payments will be on that car at my age for full coverage? and i have been in a n accident in the winter i slid into a tree so how much do you think that will be? I have state farm. Thanks for any help you may have." Can someone help me with an insurance question? new driver no insurance live in ca, 20yrs old, i am considering of buying kia rio my monthly car payment will be around $169. can u give me an estimate of how much my insurance will be." "Car Insurance, age limit on Family Plan?" Okay my parents have their cars plus my younger brother on their home/auto insurance policy. My car is also included but I am wondering, is this okay or a problem since I am 25 yrs old and no longer living with them? I could get auto on my own but it is way more expensive compared to my 'share' with my parents policy. Is there a law or rule? What if I was living with them? I am in CA" Need help to find a car with cheap insurance? Ok so im nearly 17 and i live in the uk so will be taking my driving test soon. I want a car that isnt to expensive to run and cheap insurance as insurance is really high at the moment an the car cant be to expensive either as i dont have a lot of money the most money i would be willing to be pay is about 2500 and cheapest insurance please!

Can I still collect money from a life insurance policy even if my husband divorces me? I have spousal life insurance through my company on my husband which I am automatically the beneficiary. We are currently going through a divorce and he is currently dying of cancer. If the divorce finalizes before he dies, can I still collect on the life insurance?" "What is the average malpractice insurance cost for a general radiologist practicing in Atlanta,GA?" What is the average malpractice insurance cost for a general radiologist practicing in Atlanta,GA?" What states don't require auto insurance? As a young driver auto insurance is way to expensive. Since I drive a Mercedes most quote me at thousands of dollars a year. More than what I can afford. I know some states don't require car insurance if you can prove you have the financial means to pay out if you cause an accident. I need a list of those states that don't require auto insurance if you can prove you can afford to pay out. On top of this question how do I prove I can afford it. Do I need to keep a minimum amount of money in a bank account or do I have to buy a bond how does it work. And if it works with a bond or bank account please list the states with the minimum $ you need in bonds or account money. The reason Im asking is that I can easily get a minimum amount in my account (hopefully under $10,000) because id rather have $10,000 sitting in a bank I cant use than having to pay thousands a year for insurance I don't need. I been driving for 3 years and I never had an accident and im confident I never will (at least not one that's my fault) so I don't wanna waste thousands of dollars I need for my school. The reason Im asking is cause im looking for a state that suits me. So far Vermont and new Hampshire have laws to my liking but hopefully you guys can give me more possibilities by answering this question. Thanks" "How much will I have to put down and pay every month if I want to purchase a $30,000 car?What about insurance?" -first time buyer -New York State -Salary is b/w 35,000-48,000 -always on time with my credit payments" Insurance company took me to supreme court? Ok. I had a car accident a year ago the insurance company claims that it was fraud because the story didn't match up in the euo so now they taking me to the supreme court this is the third time they didn't pay anything and infact I was hit from behind. It been a year since we are going to court. Now they send another summons saying that settle of the case if they didn't pay me anything y r they still bothering me. And acuse me of all these things Is it illegal to drive a car that has insurance but I'm not? My dad has insurance on his car under his name but I'm not insured. Can I drive his car or is it illegal. Please help. Oh and I live in California.

Second car insurance? i want to insure my second car how cheap can i get it? Any body know the cheapest place to insure a 17 year old driver? My 17 year old son just passed his driving test and would like to buy a car. This wouldn't be too much of a problem but the insurance quotes we have had are unbelievably high. The cheapest quote has been 4300 with some companies refusing to quote at all. Some of his friends have told him they pay around 2500 because they have a 'box' fitted which monitors their driving. The co-operative was recommended for this but when I got an online quote from them it was 7,500 with the box. Help!!!! Anyone have any ideas?" "I need health insurance but can't afford it, please help.?" I am a 22 year old female, I work full time at a minimum wage job that does not offer benefits. I am a diagnosed bipolar and need medication for it that I can't afford without insurance. I also need health insurance because I need to pay for therapy, medicine for over active bladder, acid reflux, insomnia, and muscle injury. I have a lot going on and need to know if there is any way I can get cheaper insurance. Please help me." Looking to insure a Corvette.? I'm a 16 year old kid ill be 17 in a few months. I am currently saving money to buy a car and my dad will match what i make to buy a car. but that's not my question, like every teenage boy who takes an interesting we all want one thing: sports car. Of course, i looked into cars like the Mitsubishi Eclipse or whatever but my dream is a corvette. Ive looked at prices for a c4 or c5 vette and to buy them i can manage, its the insurance that's worrying me. Can someone give me an idea of insurance costs for a c4 or c5 corvette for a 17 year old kid? I'd appreciate all the help i can get." How much would insurance cost for a 2013 Ford Mustang Shelby GT500? I am currently 17 years of age living in a metro area with straight As in school. I have never had any previous speeding tickets and I am a defensive driver. My parents are cosigning with me in order for me to get the car. I work as a waiter at a very upscale restaurant, so I am able to make the payments. But will it be over $300?" Can I get insurance and buy a car using Irish drivers license living in New York? I will eventually sit the test and get a NY drivers license, but in the meantime can I buy a car and get insurance based on my wholly clean Irish driving licence?" Where can I buy afforadbale individual dental insurance? Where and how much? For one.

I am 17 and i am looking for cheap car insurance. does anyone know a good insurer? I am 17 and i am looking for cheap car insurance. does anyone know a good insurer? Motorcycle provisional licence insurance costs? Obviously, to learn to ride a motorcycle you sort of need your own bike with insurance, but roughly speaking, on an average standard bike, how much would that insurance be please? Anyone who has experience of this, I'd appreciate to here from especially! Thanks! (I've mastered the driving licence, so now I'm moving on to the bike licence, well, planning to). The bike would be no more than 120cc, with no more than an 11kW output. UK-based answers please, apparently the states makes it a lot cheaper to insure vehicles, jealous! Also, if you have any experience, please tell me when this was. (Insurance prices have gone up, again!) Thank you!" Health Insurance Cost - Private option or School option? For those of you who have experience about buying health insurance, what is the average annual cost? And usually, what is the minimum cost for basic health coverage, vision and dental coverage? (Particularly in the U.S.) Should I buy health insurance from a private company or from my university? Thanks a lot for your time." What are the most famous sites for insurance? eg. car insurance etccc Auto Insurance cost of 2012 infiniti Fx35? I'm wondering how much is average auto Insurance cost of 2012 infiniti Fx35? Specially in Dallas, TX (zip 75038) - I have good driving history & credit; I'm considering that suv but before making move just want to make sure total cost factor!" Insurance and child support? If my husband provides insurance through his work to his daughter and is also paying child support on her is he going to be responsible for the co-pay everytime she goes to the doctor? His daughter also has a secondary insurance through the state that her mom collects we were just wondering if the secondary insurance would pay or who would be responsible. The mother or him??? GEORGIA drivers: Where did you get the lowest car insurance quote? I am in GA and ready to find another auto insurance company. Your recommendations for the least expensive company appreciated. Do you have to pay for insurance if you get your learners permit in California? I am 15 and am getting my permit next week and I was wondering if I would have to pay for insurance if I drive my parents cars. Quad Bike Insurance Advice?

hi can anyone tell me the best place to get a road legal quad bike insurance online quote in the UK thanks for any advice given Car insurance increase? My 19 niece has moved in with us and is going to get her license and a car soon. Will that affect the rate we pay in our insurance even if she carries her own policy? I am not sure if it would be with the same insurance company or not. We live in Minnesota. Thank you for your help! Can you get medical insurance on a motorcycle? If I were to buy a bike could I get medical insurance on the bike that covered any injuries that I could get if I got hurt on the bike. Also how much do you think it would cost? Any web sites I could go too? Need a quote on car insurance by Norwich Union. Just passed test.? A friend needs a quote on car insurance. He has just passed his test and is about to buy his first car. All details can be provided to find a rough estamate before he purchases car insurance from yourselves. Car Insurance -- Hail damage? Just wanted to come here to ask a question. My car is an '03 model and was caught in a hail storm a few weeks ago. I have probably around 30-45 dents in my hood, roof, and a large dent on the rear passenger side door that I believe is a result of the wind blowing things around, etc. I have an appointment to get it looked at tomorrow and the people at the insurance company said that they'd write me a check for the cost of the repairs. BUT, i asked her if she knew about how much I'd be expecting and she said that it depends on if the costs exceed the deductible? That's where I'm having problems. There is no lien holder on the car. And from what I've read on the internet, these repairs could cost over 1k. If that's the case, would they just say that we need to pay the deductible and they'd fix it? Or would they write me a check for the repair amount? If someone could answer I'd really appreciate it. Thanks" "Car insurance, is it cheaper to get an old car?" Im looking into a 1978 cadillac coupe deville as a first car, and im wondering if it goes cheap in car insurance. Cuz it could be cheaper up to a point till its like too old and its just becomes more expensive. And im wondering about all older cars in general. N yes i know what i might get into it is a older car might break down on me more often than usual, ill just deal with it." Car Accident and Insurance? On 7/24 I was at a Dairy Queen drive thru the person behind me hit the truck I was driving. I was looking at her in the rear view mirror the entire time. She had a cigarette hanging from her mouth that was unlit and she eventually backed up after hitting me. I got out of the truck and looked and I did not see any damage. She then said I didn't

move you hit me I then told her No I did not hit you I am in front of you and this truck was never in reverse. Since there was no damage to the truck I did not bother getting any of her information since it was not my fault. On 7/27 I got a call from the police saying she told them I hit her. I gave them my side of the story and they said she had a witness who was a passenger in her car and they will be in touch. I also let them know I had a witness as well. The cop called me back yesterday and wanted to get my insurance information so her and I could exchange information. My question is do I have to give my insurance information to this cop? I did not hit this woman and I think she is trying to get one over on the insurance company. The cop said yesterday I'm surprised the truck does not have any damage because her car does have damage. This truck was a rental truck which was inspected at the time it was dropped back off at the rental company obviously there was no damage to it. This woman looked like she was on something to begin with and I'm guessing she was not paying attention probably looking for a lighter and let off the break and hit me. Which I still don't see how her car would be so damaged. I don't want this con artist having my information. So should I tell the cop I am not giving him my insurance information and tell her to take it to court? Should I get a lawyer? I'm not sure what to do I am 29 years old and I have never been in a accident so I am not sure how to go about this but I know this woman is trying to pull a fast one and I am not going to sit back and let it happen. How do pilot insure themselves in the USA? Is that covered by the owner of the airplane or do they need to have their own personal insurance? "If I buy a car off someone, how do I put insurance on it immediately?" This would be my first car purchase and so I don't have an insurance agent. Would I need to look up a company, let them know I'm about to buy a car, then later call them back with the VIN?" Grad. Student needs health insurance? I will be quitting my full-time job to attend Grad school full-time in May. Unfortunately I will lose my health insurance covered by my employer. I really cannot go with out health insurance. I need affordable coverage. Any suggestions? What is the best company for car insurance? I think I pay way too much for car insurance right now and I have no tickets on my record. I want to switch too a cheaper company. The monthly payment is killing me. Anybody know of a really cheap company I can switch too? "If i have insurance for my car, how much more will it cost to own a motorcycle?" If i have insurance for my car, how much more will it cost to own a motorcycle?" Could I get car insurance before having a car? I don't seem to have a car at the moment like I mentioned. But I was wondering if I could get a car first and then purchase the insurance or would that not work?

Way to get auto insurance for $100 a month? I haven't had (needed) auto insurance in five years. I just got a quote from a few places, and can't believe the cost!! I have an unblemished record." How can I get 'cheap' car insurance?!? I'm going to be 17 in May so I've been trying out some qoutes because I really want to drive ASAP. I can't get a qoute for under 3000!!!! I got a qoute for Rover 25 1.4L iL, third party fire and theft, main driver, and with my mum on it aswell, for 3260. It's ridiculous! Where shall I go to try and get a good cheap? It's so unfair! I just want to be able to drive hahaha!" 1 day or Weekend Auto Insurance? Hi Guys, I have a car that has no insurance on it since i am not using it any more but still runs good. I need to travel to NY from Detroit this weekend and again don't need it any more there in NY. Are there any cheap Auto Insurance firms that give us auto insurance for the weekend only. Thanks a lot for the help." Why do I have to pay extra for changing address with my insurance company? I recently moved and changed the details on my drivers licence and log book. When I called the insurance company to do the same they said i would need to pay 60 to cover the cost of the change between now and the renewal period (which at the time was approx 6 weeks away). All of this was AFTER they took my previous and new address to confirm my ID. When I asked them why this was as I had paid my entire premium in full last year (so as not to incur direct debit charges) they just repeated themselves. I did not have the 60 and said well I will just stay at the previous address (my ex-boyfriends) until my renewal comes through and I will change address then. renewal has just come through in my NEW address but with postcode where vehicle kept overnight as my OLD address!! What does this actually mean?? surely if I have to make a claim it doesn't matter where the vehicle is kept esp as they have my address and the majority of claims do not happen at your residence!!! I have read the policy back to front and they even added amendments this year to include admin charges and NOWHERE does it mention being charged for change of address. I have literally moved around the corner surely its not just about postcodes or am I being naive?? When my boyfriend turned 18 he lost his health insurance. where can he get health insurance at? He doesn't see the importance of it, but I know he needs it. dental and health insurance. He doesn't make a lot of money either." Teen auto insurance 600$ a month WTF?? i just got my license today i'm 18 male NY completed drivers ed, i did a couple of quotes online for a cheap old beat up car like a 95 chevy caviler and most of them gave me three thousand dollar 6 month premiums, which is 500$ to 600$ dollars a

month for a a piece of junk car! what kind of bull is that?? thats like a month of rent!!!!!!!!! someone should sue those corrupt bastards!" Insurance Question - cash insurance check and pay doctor within 30 days? I keep receiving these huge checks from my insurance company and have paid the doctors 100% of what I owe - except one - where i sent the check back because of GROSS and large billing error ($21,000 worth). I did not want any liability for the error of this claim, therefore am I liable? Also, when I received the other checks - I paid the doctors within 30 days of receiving the money. Is this legal? Why is the insurance sending me these huge checks to deal with? I have enough on my plate with my own medical issues." Trying to get cheaper auto insurance? I live in NYC where auto insurance is extremely high. I wanted to know if mom and pop auto insurance companies are cheaper than top named auto insurance companies like Allstate, state farm, etc. The top auto insurance companies are giving me really high quotes. I see a lot of small business insurance companies in the neighborhood. I wonder if they will give me a lower quote and are they just as good as allstate or state farm, etc.? Thanks." Legal question about car insurance? I bought a car off of my coworker a few months back, and everything is in my name. I had paid for insurance but I was going through a rough patch and it lapsed. My mother, whom is living with me, decided to be nice and pay for a month of insurance, through a new company. This is a new policy, as my old one had lapsed. Recently though, my mother and myself have had a falling out. She's holding my car over my head. She says since she paid for a month of insurance she has free reign over using my car. The car is in my name, and as far as I'm aware based on documents the insurance is as well. The only difference is she paid for that one month of insurance for me. And that month she paid for is still active. So like I said, she is holding the car over my head. I left my house the other night with my car key so she couldn't use it This is after everyone I asked that I knew told me to take the keys. She is also living with me, I am renting the home. She is making threats through text messages saying that if I don't return the car key she will cancel my policy. Is that possible for her to do? She just paid for a month of insurance, and I believe I'm completely in control of my policy. I don't believe it can be cancelled through her calling. Is that possible? Anyone know? So not only do I own the car, I also rent the house. Legally I don't believe she can hold my own car over my head. Also, to add... After taking my keys, I left my home and went to a my girlfriends to get away for a while. Since I have taken my car keys, she has taken and hid my car battery to insure that I am unable to remove my car from my property. She refuses to give it back because she paid for my one month of insurance to start my policy again... So my questions... 1. Is it possible for her to cancel my insurance is the car is in my name, and if the policy, I believe, is also in my name? 2. Legally, can I call the local police department and have her surrender both my car, as well as it's car battery to me? I don't have my registration information on me, she removed that from the car as well. But a quick look up on my license, as well as my car insurance card that I have should be enough to validate it is indeed my car, correct?" How old can you be until you're kicked off your parents health insurance? ?

Another question would be if my parents move to another state would I still be covered? They'd be in Michigan and I'd be in Tennessee. Buying life insurance for unemployed adult son? I have a 24 year old unemployed son who works only temp jobs when they are available. I'd like to make sure he's covered if anything happens to him - what's the best route to take? I live in California, he lives in Ohio. Can I add him onto my job's insurance policy, or will I have to purchase it some other kind of way?" GEORGIA drivers: Where did you get the lowest car insurance quote? I am in GA and ready to find another auto insurance company. Your recommendations for the least expensive company appreciated. Would it be against the Law if you don't have this Obama Health Insurance? Will you be put in jail or a fine if you don't have this proposed Health Coverage? What if someone is homeless which is alot of people with this economy, do we pay for them too? Who is this for anyway? Do you think the Insurance Co.'s will make it affordable because I seriously doubt that with the Government in their pocket!!?? If it passes would this be a huge windfall for the Insurance industry or what?? First the Banks and Now the Health Industry?" "What, if anything, is in the ObamaCare bill that will keep insurance premiums at an affordable level?" We are going to be FORCED to pay for this thing, but what if we can't afford it - I can't afford insurance now." How much does insurance cost for acura rsx? im gonna buy a used car soon and i was thinking of buying the rsx. I am 16 so i would join the insurance plan with my mom. I have good grades and my mom has a clean driving record. I just need a rough estimate Question about delaying the individual mandate portion of the Affordable Healthcare act.? Since the Affordable Healthcare Act is based primarily on the individual mandate, if the mandate is delayed by 1 year, what happens to those who have already lost their current health more" I am new to car insurance so this may sound simple.? If I have fully comp insurance on my car , can any person with a current driving licence and, with my permission drive my car? Or must they have some form of personal car insurance to cover them or be a named driver, Thanks miguel"

"For each car you own, you need car insurance for each one, right? How much do they usually charge?" I don't own a car, so I don't know." What is the cheapest insurance for beginning drivers in NC? I'm about to turn 16 and get my license but I need proof of insurance before I can get it. What is the best insurance to get and how much will it cost? Cheap car insurance for occasional driver ? Hi everyone! I was wondering if anyone knows if an occasional driver's insurance exists? I dont have my own car. My parents do and sometimes I use it for schoolonce or twice every 2 weeks. Recently, my dad hasnt been allowing me to use it (at all) because I dont have my own insurance and it is too expensive for them to include me in theirs since I dont use the car too often. Do you know any car insurance that is affordable- which company, etc, for someone like me who only borrows a car occasionally? Thanks! x" What happens if you lye to you car insurance company? When I was 18 and I first got my car insurance policy my mom convinced me to set my adress to my uncle's house because it was cheaper. It is but, now that I'm 20 I'm starting to have second thoughts about it. What can possibly go wrong with this?" What are the cheapest car insurance companies you would recommend? What are the cheapest car insurance companies you would recommend? How do insurance companies determine pain and suffering if the person's insurance covers medical bill in full? On 02/14/12, I was at a complete stop on the freeway when the person behind me hit my car and launched me into the person in front of me. My car was totalled and I spent the night in the ER. I have a severe cervical spine strain (severe whiplash), blunt chest trauma, (from hitting the steering wheel), and just all over back pain. They said they were going to pay for pain and suffering, but when I looked it up it said that is typically double the medical bills. However, my medical insurance (Medi-cal), covered it in full. So now how do they determine it? Should I get the bills before the insurance kicked in? And also, I'm not interested in hiring a lawyer, I just want this over and done with so my life can move on." Car accident claim to insurance company? a car rear-ended me one night. after i made a claim to his insurance company, his insurance company said that they will deny my claim because that guy was also rear-ended and he was dragged into my car. i did not see any car rear-ending the car behind me. when i told that insurance company that your customer might be lying to you, and i asked them if they are going to go for his words. then that insurance company told me that, wouldn't your insurance company do that for you. what should i

do in this case? any help is appreciated. thanks" "Car insurance - 16 yr old boy, subaru impreza WRX? How much is insurance for a 16 year old driving a subaru impreza WRX (turbo) who gets good grades and the car is white? In wreck in oklahoma with out insurance what wil happen to me? was in wreck with out insurance there were people hurt what could happen to her? Cheap health insurance in Pennsylvania? Which companies have good coverage in Philadelphia, and have affordable plans (~60-70 bucks). I'm looking at moderate deductible plans with copays for doctor office visits. Also, more" Who offers parked car insurance? My husband is deployed with the Army and I went to stay with family out of state while he is gone. We left his car at our duty station and we still owe on it. Progressive does not offer parked car insurance and I do not want to pay full price when neither of us are going to be anywhere near the car for a year. Are there any companys that offer parked car insurance or is there anything else I can do until we pay it off? If you separate from your hubby and the health insurance is through him would I still be covered?? or do I have to get my own policy? How much would car insurance cost me as a teenager? Now i heard that the insurance is riduclous for teenagers these days. Im planning to buy a mazda sportscar worth around $25000. around how much should I be ready to pay for my car insurance a year... btw the insurance must be SUPERIOR insurance meanin the best insurance . Would my car insurance be expensive? IF I WAS TO GET A 2005 NISSAN MAXIMA CAR WOULD THE CAR INSURANCE BE EXPENSIVE......... A question about car insurnace? Hello, I just paid my car insurance......the lady said I should get my own insurance so I can start getting my own discounts , I am 30 years old and both my sisters (32 and 28) are on my mom and dad's insurance plan too, we get a multi line and multi car discount that adds up to about $40 dollars every 6 months for me.....I was in a hurry so I didn't really ask why but was wondering about it after I left.....I pay $112 every 6

months so $40 extra would be kind of crazy wouldn't it? Just wondering why......thank you......." Can a cancer survivor get Life Insurance? I am a cancer survivor, one time it was stage 3 and recently stage 1. Two different cancer. I am considered cancer free and healthy. I worry for my children and do not want them to be left alone w/o money in the future. Their dad left us during my first cancer diagnosis for another woman. He rarely contacts his kids, I do not know if he will be there for them in the furutre." How much is goin to cost me per month if i own a peugeot 206? im 19 and a student at uni, i want to buy a but im nt really sure how much it will cost me can someone help me. i will be travellin about 5miles per day with the car road tax servicing insurance petrol etc" Average insurance for a 23 year old in Texas? I am a 23 year old male from Texas and I'm shopping around for a new vehicle. I'm stuck between a quad cab dodge ram and a dodge challenger. About how much would I be payin on insurance a month on either of them? Is selling life insurance a lucrative job? I am tired of all the jobs I've ever had!!!! I don't have a career and have been asked if I'd like to sell life insurance. It's for a good, and well known company and it isn't cold selling or telemarketing. Is it worth doing? How annoying are life insurance sales people? (i've never liked them), but people do need it. tell me what you think. I'd appreciate it." Anyone want to give me a rough estimate on this car insurance quote? My friend drives a '98 Mercury right now. She's been into four accidents (three of them were caused by her), is one point away from getting her license taken away, and got a DUI last summer. Consequently, when she got her car back, she tried to get it insured only to find out her insurance premium for NO FAULT is almost a thousand a month. That's for a standard insurance company. She went to a small rinky-dink company for a lower quote and got a lower quote but I'm not quite sure what that quote was. Since she can't afford to pay that much in insurance, she (stupidly) has decided to get fake insurance proofs that she thinks will get passed secretary of state so she can renew her tags. I told her she needs to have real insurance or she could get into lots of trouble (not to mention end up owing tens of thousands of dollars if she crashes). She didn't listen to my advice and went with the fake insurance proofs which did NOT get passed secretary of state; her new plan is to pay for one months insurance and then stop paying for the next few years until her insurance goes down. She told me the other day that she wants to buy a BMW by the time she's 22. That means in one and a half years. Not only will her insurance still be high, but it will probably be even higher since she will have gone two years without it. So, considering the facts I've given you and that she has to pay almost a grand a month for no fault on an older Mercury, how much more do you think she will be paying for FULL coverage on a BMW?"

GEORGIA drivers: Where did you get the lowest car insurance quote? I am in GA and ready to find another auto insurance company. Your recommendations for the least expensive company appreciated. Help with car insurance please? Hello, I Live in the UK, I am 22 years old and I have a Kia picanto which is my everyday car. My girlfriend is the main driver and owner and I am a named driver on the policy. I have a Subaru Impreza which I want to use at weekends etc and only little use. Is there any sort of Insurance for this? Its a 1998 plate so don't think I qualify for classic cover. Basically I will do about 500 miles a year in the Subaru and can't afford the 4000 for the year. I know a lot of people will say just sell it etc etc. But I love the car and owned for the last year and do not want to sell. I just want a little help please. With the cost of petrol etc I no longer use the Subaru as everyday use as it gets me about 11 MPG and the Kia about 53 MPG and can't afford two full price premiums. So is there any temp weekend cover for the year or small use/classic kind of thing? Any advice will be very much appreciated. Kind Regards" Can a non-relative be added onto ones insurance? Example: A friend and his daughter that are living with me He has no insurance, and wont be getting any for at least 6 months, and I am helping to support her. I would like to add her onto my insurance so she is at least covered in case of emergency." Is it normal for an insurance company to need you SS#? Im 18 and on my own and ive never had to get insurance before. And the best insurance company ive found is asking me for my SS#. Is this normal, not only for a quote, but to buy the insurance also. And do i have to go to the agency directly to actually activate the insurance or can i do it over the phone like their tellin me?....." Car insurance? got 12 months car ins due renewel in one month letter came thought door and it said ins cancelled 5 months ago but i did not cancel so really i been driving with no ins can i get full refund when i rang ins they said it was not cancelled but say so on letter the woman on phone said it was cancelled 1 month ago i said not bye me she also said the same to me and the manger going to look into it and ring back to day has not done so also they are trying to charge me 20 for cancellation and i think it should be void can i get a refund or sue them Can i drive car on my full uk license on insurance for provisional license ? Hi can i drive a car with full uk license but on provissional license insurance as i passed my test in additon i am 17 yrs old the reason of that is because the cheapest insurance for full uk license with my dad as 1st driver was 2.5grand. What is a good life insurance? Does anyone know a good life insurance that they would recommend? and would you recommened term or whole?

Term life insurance policies? if i buy a term life insurance policy and three month later i die, will my family get the money?" How much would storage insurance cost? Im 16 year old guy, i have a 94 camaro z28 and i want to know what the insurance would be a month for storage, i have state farm insurance and currently pay $150 a month" "Conservatives, what is your overall opinion on insurance companies?" Particularly: a.) Insurance companies that practice rescission in which a person who has paid into the insurance fund is subsquently denied what he has paid for because the insurance company comes up with an arbitrary reason for denying the needed coverage. b.) Rationing. How do you feel about insurance companies who decide if a procedure is in their best interest and deny to someone a life-saving procedure because it isn't profitable to them in the long run? c.) Denials. Someone who works and wants health insurance and does not qualify for state aid because he actually works for a living and pulls his own weight, but can't find a job with benefits (increasingly common, and why are employers expected to foot the bill for insurance as they don't pay for your car insurance or renter's insurance and this limits job mobility and the ability to start small businesses), and is either outright denied or charged more than his monthly salary? d.) Do you think that if rent, clothing and food cost as much as monthly premiums for people with pre-existing conditions, that we would be in serious trouble? e.) How do you feel about people who had the misfortune to be born with a genetic pre-disposition to an illness, i.e., breast cancer, ovarian cancer, Crohn's Disease, Lou Gehrig's Disease, MS, Alzheimer's, haemophilia, etc. f.) Do you think that an emergency room qualifies as part of preventive, ongoing treatment or that it's not cost effective for sick people to wait until they are at the worst stage to get necessary treatment? g.) Can you explain how several nations, in fact the overwhelming majority, that have universal health care have still remained free, capitalist, prosperous nations, i.e., Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Norway, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Japan, Israel, Singapore, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, Finland.....they didn't go communist, and the people do not live in gulag states." What is the best dental insurance I can buy? What is the best dental insurance I can buy? Car insurance claim but no MOT? my partner had a crash today and it was totally the other persons fault as my parter was indicating to turn right and some idiot tried to overtake him on the right , hitting his side. the police said not probs its totally the other persons fault and we claim off his insurance not ours but when the police checked the car they discoved the mot ran out a month ago, my partner explained we though we had updated it and they were fine about , prob believed us as we had tax and insurance, they dont worry just tell your insurance about the crash. i know car insurance is not vaild but surely its okay if its

only the other person paying out? car in the garage and does not seem to be any probs so you think we will be ok, it really was a genuine over sight" Will my premiums go up on car insurance if I'm not At Fault? I live in the state of Michigan. Someone rear ended me at a stoplight. My tail light is broken and my bumper is sagging along with other minor scratches etc. I have 2 main questions more Car Insurance And 18? I have a question, i'm 18 and I need car insurance. dont tell me to google it, cuz ive tried and tried, but no results. i live in indiana. any help. wood be great, doesnt have to be the cheapest car insurance, but the best for my age. thanks. 2 am in the morning, sorry 4 the terrible writing" Home owners insurance help? I need new home insurance but I have bad credit what can I do? I am 17 and live in ct where can i get cheap car insurance 10pnts for best answer? i am 17 and live in ct where can i get cheap car insurance 10pnts for best answer Auto Insurance Increase? My family lives in New Mexico and my son is planing on moving to Arizona I want to keep him on my insurance but when he changes his drivers license to the state of Arizona will my insurance go up? Functions of auto insurance and coverage characteristics? I'm doing this for school, and she only posted a table. We have to figure out what are functions of all insurance and coverage characteristics of all. I may be overlooking this a little to much. But if someone could help me out that would be great and I appreciate it." What kind of insurance do used car dealerships have and how much does it cost? I looking to start up a small used car dealership. What type of insurance do I need and what would it cost me Im only looking to open a small lot with about 5-8 cars at a time thanks What is the cheapest insurance company to switch to for a descent price after a DUI? I am 23 and have a 2005 chevy silverado single cab. It's paid off in full. I usually like to have basic & Im on my dads plan which is about 3-400 a year. & they are now increasing it to 800$. I would like to switch to a company that I can pay less to.

Does anybody have this insurance? Do you have Presbyterian Health Plan which is an hmo? What does hmo mean and is this insurance any good? The doctors that I go to for my pregnancy, the hospital, and my sons counselor are ALL covered but does that mean i have to have a referral to go to each one or what does it mean (hmo?)" Best car for gas and insurance for a 16 year old male? Hi im a 16 year old male and need a older car because apparently there better on insurance? old as in from 1996-2002 what would be my best bet for gas/insurance? Looking for best LIC insurance for Child? Hello, I am new to this insurance/policy stuffs...i am looking for best LIC policy for kids... Please share some sites where i can get basic education about insurance policies... thanks" Insurance premium increase for life insurance.? Can my insurance company increase premiums (from $175.29 a quarter to $331.86 per quarter)when ever they wish? I retained my group life insurance for myself ($70,000)and for my husband ($50,000)after leaving my employment 15 years ago. Connecticut General(CIGNA Group) recently increased the premiums to the amount specified and said if we did not like it we could cancel. I've paid so much money into these policies and I do not wish to cancel now. There's no cash value on either one. We are in our fifties and preparing to retire and will not be able to afford premiums this high. What can we do, if anything? Any light you can shed on this issue is greatly appreciated. Thanking you in advance for your time and assistance." How much do YOU or your teen pay for car insurance every year? Every month? How much do YOU or your teen pay for car insurance every year? Every month? Insurance for young drivers? My son passed his driving test this week, he is 17.5 yrs old. I phoned our insurance company to let them know and his insurance has now jumped to over 2,000 - this is not including the 951 I had already paid to add him as a named driver when he got his provisional licence. I have been on price comparison websites but all are quoting huge amounts. As he is an A level student and plans on going to University he does't actually drive much. Anyone know what I can do to get the insurance reduced, if not now for in the future when the insurance comes up for renewal. Thank you." GEORGIA drivers: Where did you get the lowest car insurance quote? I am in GA and ready to find another auto insurance company. Your recommendations for the least expensive company appreciated.

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