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When we started Gnu the very act of snowboarding was considered freakish. Weird open minded experimentation has always been job one. Mysterious materials, bizarre geometries, contours and board shapes, far out art and colors, odd terrain and freakish riders have allowed us to create fantastic progressive snowboards taking snowboarding to wild and magical places. The same unusual crew that helped create modern snowboard designs back in the 70’s and 80’s, with the addition of a few deviants and Dr. Weird himself, are still experimenting every day to build the snowboard equipment of tomorrow. Award winning Easy Rider speed entry binding systems, naturally light and lively sustainable eco woods, human bio dynamics as applied to snowboarding, balance through asymmetry and A.S.S technology built into Forest’s Space Case, liquid crystal heat tempered polymer fiber in our Eco Genetic Series. Today’s weird is tomorrow’s rad.

Join us in the effort to keep snowboarding Weird!

Every Gnu is and always will be Handbuilt in the USA by Weirdo's With Jobs.

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