Good Driver Insurance Discount?

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Good Driver Insurance Discount? Good Driver Insurance Discount? Related

What cars usually have the lowest insurance rates? I do not have the greatest driving record and am in the market for a car. I also do not have a huge budget (looking to stay under $10,000). I want something newer than 2000 and do not want very high insurance rates. Any ideas?" My car insurance is too high under parent's name? My sister added her car under my mom's insurance and they pay for both cars $347 dollars 6 months for just liability coverage. When I tried to add myself to my mom more Why do people hate Obamacare so much? Because of this law, a lot of people are now able to get affordable health insurance. I'm one of those people. I can buy my epilepsy medication at an affordable price. Why do Republicans want to rip this away from me and go back to the way things were before? By the way, I was on my parents insurance before, but I moved out because I needed to be a man and get out on my own. Because of Obamacare, that is much more affordable now for me. Health care was a disaster before this law. What will Republicans do if they repeal Obamacare?" "CAR INSURANCE FOR A 17-YEAR-OLD, 5000 quotes. Genuinely can't find any quotes less than 5000?" 1.3 KA 2002, immobiliser, no tracker fitted yet (intend on). Not bought the car. 17-year-old as the main driver and owner, passed a month ago (roughly). I know it's obvious, but KAs are the easiest cars to buy, the car is valued at 995 (the one in mind). I can literally find 5000 quotes. The car is worth less than one fifth of this. And yes, I know that car insurance will be expensive, but reading over forums etc, some people have managed to get it down to 2000. I've tried Diamond, elephant, comparethemarket, gocompare, literally everywhere. Admiral won't give me a quote and places like Tesco will only quote 18-year-olds. I will literally LOVE anyone who knows of any quotes around 2000-3000. Any less, I believe is impossible. And I realise that insurance companies take the Michael, but please don't state the obvious with a comment like Insurance will be expensive - 5000 is about right , surely it can't be, I've found so many forums of people saying they have quotes from 2000, but not telling me where from. ):" Car insurance coverage? If i have a provisional license in California (been driving for under a year) and I get in a accident with someone in my car under the age of 20 years old, will my car insurance

still cover it? I know I am not supposed to be driving anyone yet but I am trying to prove a point to my dad! Please help! thanks:)" Does a parking ticket effect my insurance rate? I got a $25 ticket for parking in a illegal spot. I have the option to plead not guilty or pay the fee (I even have the option to pay online to avoid the crowd). My only concern is, when I pay for this penalty will it effect my insurance rate?" "Affordable, legit health insurance for a 19 year old girl in nebraska?" so since i've turned 19, i'm no longer covered by my parent's insurance, and i need my own. I've been looking online but the only things i could really afford are from websites and companies that I've never heard of, so how trustworthy would they be? or is it a better idea just to go with a big company?" How much does it usually cost to insure a big (600cc and above) motorcycle? How about a 250cc? Or does it depend on the type of bike I have? What is term life insurance ? What is term life insurance ? And what types of term life insurance is provived by lic of india? Can a 73 year old man get life insurance for $100K? What would the approx premium be if so? I know it would be expensive-anyone have an idea? Thanks so much!! Car insurance on taxes? im a 23yr old part time student and i work full time, first time im filing my taxes alone, am i able to add my car insurance like i to with tuition?" How much does it cost for insurance on a scooter in europe? I don't need an exact number, just give me a range." How come we can be forced to pay for car insurance or health instead? How come we can be forced to pay for car insurance or health instead of forcing people to have a savings account that can only be used when you have a car accident, health problems or retire?" What is a good website for getting non owner sr22 insurance?

Non owner sr22 insurance. I don't own a car and I do not have the time to make calls for insurance quotes. So I'm looking for a good website for getting cheap non owners sr22 insurance. Anybody knows someone? Thanks What are the best car insurances in Dallas ? I recently moved to Dallas and now need a new insurance. "Insurance, I need a awnser.? I bought a car with some cosmetic damage. It needs a new quarter panel. If I get insurance on the car will they fix that? Isn't it mathematically impossible for EVERY car insurance company to save me $300 if I switch to them? I'm just complaining about the Lyin' Lizzards, so don't bother pasting in a car insurance website, and don't bother telling me that it's just advertising. First person who doesn't read this part is an idiot. And the first person to tattle on them in their answer gets the 10 points. Good luck! The hunt is on!" "BMW 318i 53 reg, insurance new driver?" Parents may be buyign a new car, how much would it cost to insure a new driver on a bmw 318i 53 reg, about 30000 miles. Insurance would probably be on parents policy, 30+ years no claims, safe driving etc." Cheapest car insurance? Does anyone know the best deals around for third party fire and theft? The quotes I have been given are ridiculous compared to last year, I'm sick of shopping around having to keep repeating the details then to find that the quote is as bad as the first! Thanks Guys if you can recommend...." Insurance Tips! Needed ASAP!? i have to get new insurance before i register my car. i have an 2006 chevy cobalt ive been in 2 car accidents and i haven't had my D.L for more then 3yrs. Could i take some kind of defensive driving class to get the points of my record and a lower insurance payment? if you don't have anything useful to say plz do not answer THANKS=) "HOW MUCH THE INSURANCE ILL BE FOR 2013, 15.000$CAR?IN CALIFORNIA?" IM TALKING ABOUT DODGE DART 2013 ,HOW MUCH THE INSURANCE ILL BE FOR 2013, 15.000$CAR?IN CALIFORNIA." What type of insurance is auto insurance? dex.cfm out of all these types which is for auto? and if i wanted to work in a place that sells life insurance do i have to get certified for that too? "If i sue my auto insurance underinsured, will my insurance raise? if i sue my underinsured because the other car at fault didnt have enough insurance will my insurance raise? or cancell me? How long does insurance company have to respond to a claim? Was in wreck w/semi-truck in Oct.. Driver took pic of wreck and brought back w/him. His insurance will not respond to lawyer. How long to they have to respond. If anyone knows, about average amount a trucking company will pay. They found out I have nerve damage to right leg-may not ever be able to return too work. Thanks for any input." Will a speeding ticket from a different state affect my insurance? Will a speeding ticket I got in California raise my insurance for my current state of residence? Good Driver Insurance Discount? Good Driver Insurance Discount? "When buying a New Car, is it cheaper to get your insurance through independent?" agents, and not through their recommendations? If I have to get full coverage, should I try to find the best deal on my own?" Car insurance for new driver? i'm looking to get my G2 tomorrow. i'm unsure what to do about insurance. i'm 17 and currently living with my mom, and often driving her vehicle. i'm planing on getting my own car soon though. do i have to go under her insurance? or do i have to go on my own?" "Car insurance rates are extremely high, what if someone was rich and owned like 50 vehicles...?" How much would their insurance be every 6 months to a year ( I know it varies by person, but lets say this guy is just an average driver maybe committed one accident in the last 15 years. Is male. ) He's a really rich person..." How much do insurance rates go up after a minor claim? Someone backed into my bumper, and I'm wondering if I should make a claim for it. I don't mind a $10-20 dollar increase, but anything more & I'd rather just pay for it myself."

Can the mother of my child not allow me to use her health insurance for our child? So I have a very sick little girl. The mother of my child has health insurance provided to her and our child by her father. Our baby recently got really sick. She needs certain shots based on what her current levels of things are in her body, so I am not able to give her the shots. The mother is telling me that I have to Pay for someone to give her the shots to our daughter will not be able to come to my house. The mother has health insurance and is unwilling to give me the information for her. Is that allowed? I live in california and there is nothing in our court order that says anything about this." Residency in California or South Carolina? I live in MI, I am hoping to be a marine biologist. Obviously MI is not the best place to study the ocean and the things in it. So I want to move to California or South Carolina for some schools I like. I know that it takes 1 year to be a resident in both states but can I also take community college courses while being there? Much thanks!" How soon after purchasing a car do you need to get insurance? i live in florida and i just bought used vehicle... how long do i have to purchase insurance... also can i register the vehicle without insurance? "On average, how much does it cost to make your car completely legal in arizona?" Im sitting here looking at cars, and in Illinois where I live it's like 266 to get plates & registration for our car on top of like 288 for car insurance. Is it alot more in arizona? How much more?" What company provide cheap life insurance? What company provide cheap life insurance? Florida motorcycle insurance? So I have a small 49 cc scooter that is street legal and I drive through the roads like everyone else. In Florida it's not necessary to have insurance on this small of an engine bike, so I don't. My question is, in the case of an accident that's NOT MY fault such as a car rear ends me at a traffic light or any other incident, can I still claim anything? Will the other persons insurance still fix or replace my bike? Will the other persons insurance cover me in any needed doctor visits?" "Are deductibles such as auto insurance or extended warranty deductions, taxable? I had to pay a $100 deductible (plus $13 tax) when a repair was made under my extended warranty on my car. Was this a taxable item? GAP insurance vs Full Coverage?

Im getting ready to buy my first car. I live in Indiana. I am being told getting GAP insurance is suggested, but from what they say. I don't see a difference in GAP and Full Coverage. So What is the difference between GAP insurance and Full Coverage. In Indiana, and what is recommended to do or get" "What do you want, universal health care or affordable health insurance??" What do you want, universal health care or affordable health insurance??" How will the Affordable Care Act help the self-employed? While I have been examining the Affordable Care Act from the employer's side (I work in HR), I haven't put much time into how it helps individuals. My brother is married and self-employed. He has no employees. His wife is currently a full-time student. Neither of them currently have health insurance because it is too expensive. They are in their 20s and are both healthy. What type of health insurance options are going to come available to them with the passing of the Affordable Care Act? What is the time frame on this? (I know I read something about the State Pools starting in 2014 but surely there is some relief sooner)." How much wil I have to pay the first time wen I go set up my car insurance? Ima buy a used car this week for about 2 thousand. Nd I wanna go put insurance on it but how much will I have to pay wen I go. Dented vehicle? How much more is no deductible auto insurance? some time ago I dented my car as a result of backing into a pole and I have never gotten it fixed because I cant afford the deductible and I have been with the same insurance company since that time so is it ok to just change to a no deductible insurance policy and than maybe report it and have it fixed-I'm not trying to be dishonest-Im sure I would be just paying the difference for having no deductable monthly. Also, is there even a time limit to report an accident? I dont even know the exact date, but I was with the same insurance company" "New to buy used car, can drive to home after buying with no insurance?" i dont really know how to do, i am new to drive, Is it ok to drive the used car back home first but i dont have insurance, IF NO, what should i do????" How Much Should An Insurance Adjuster Make? Hi. I'm making about 40,000 not counting a company car, and I'm a bodily injury adjuster for car accidents. I've been doing it a couple years. I'm trying to figure out how much other companies pay for a similar situation. Mention your company too...thanks." Is it up to age 26 or through age 26 for insurance coverage on parent's plan?

With health care reform, young adults can now stay on their parent's insurance longer. Is it UP TO the day they turn age 26 or through the age 26 that they are able to have the coverage?" Where to Find Affordable Health and Life Insurance? Hello, I'm looking for site that offer affordable health and life insurance.Please recommend me such a site." Car Insurance Policy - Registration and insurance in different names - Married couple? New car insurance application had both our names listed but when we got actual policy it only had my name on it. Cars are registered under my husband's name. Would that cause any problems if we are stopped? Can I use my no claims discount for scooter insurance? I am seriously considering dumping the car and using a scooter. I have full no claims discount on my car insurance, would I be able to use this on my scooter insurance? If not, would I loose that no claims I have built up i.e. if i go back to driving a car will I start again with zero no claims discount. This is a UK based question." Can a step parents add a child on his health insurance? We live in california, and i have heard that if they investigate and there is a claim and they look into it, because he has no legal coustody, then there is a possibility they would not cover the claim?? Please help, and if you reference from a website, if you could include the url that would be great." Would a married male receive a lower auto insurance rate? Would a married male receive a lower auto insurance rate? How much will my driving insurance be for 16 yrs old? Drivers Age: 16 type of car: Toyota liability limits: uh... none, i think, once i crash the car goes.. comp & collision?: idk driving record: just got it today lol credit score: perfect =P zip code where car is kept: 43221 its a rav4 crappy car, i just need a ball park geuss... my parents r trying to make me think its a lot more than i no it is, just so i dont drive... and stuff, yea... thanks justin" Good Driver Insurance Discount? Good Driver Insurance Discount? Where can I get the cheapest auto insurance? Im a 16 year old male who lives in new orleans. I have a 3.8 GPA, and my car has a 5-star crash rating (2010 Toyota Camry Hybrid). Where can i get affordable insurance?"

Is there a difference between homeowner's insurance and mortgage insurance? Is there a difference between homeowner's insurance and mortgage insurance? What reputable health insurance companies are out there? What reputable health insurance companies are out there My mom doesn't have health insurance and my job doesn't give insurance to family members. I would like to pay monthly to a health insurance company so my mom could get health check up when she needs it. Do you know any health insurance companies that can accept low monthly payments since I don't get paid that much? What is the cheapest van to insure for a young female driver with 2 yrs ncb? What is the cheapest van to insure for a young female driver with 2 yrs ncb? What Cheap car insurance do you use? What car insurance do you use? I wanted to know how comes my insurance is so cheap now but when i did it 7 moths ago it was 2800? so 7 months ago i got my insurance third party fire and theft with 2 additional drivers me as first driver and i am 20 for 2800,, and now i checked with the same details i did last time i didnt put down any experience or anything did it same exactly as last time and its about 1950 now ??? wth did i get ripped off? car is a vuaxhall corsa 2000 model" Motorcycle Insurance? If i accidentally knock over my bike, will insurance cover that? if so, which coverage covers it?" Do out of state residents need California SR22 insurance if they dont go back to California? I am a permanent resident of AZ and have an AZ drivers license. While visiting California I had a DUI. I settled out of court but an insurance broker wants to sell me a California policy. Do I need California SR22 insurance if I don't plan to return to California? Is there any benefit? What kind of car insurance do i need? hello there,i'm a plumber,i have 7 year no cliam on my vans insurance,till now coz i was goin every where with my van i didn't needed a car,now with new baby we won't be able to go every where with my van so i had to buy a new car,because i won't have any no claim on my car the insurance is sky high....i'm sure i'm missing something in

here,i can't drive my van and my car at the same time so why i can't use my no claim on my car too,surely i'm the driver didn't have the accident on these7 years not the cars so why my insurance got to be so high....any idea what can i do about it? thank you so much for your time...take care and all the best" How do I get Insurance before I even buy a car?!? I'm looking to buy my first car and one of the things the dealership asks from you is proof of insurance. How am I supposed to have car insurance if I don't have a car yet? Secondly, after buying the car am I supposed to drive it home without insurance, registration, etc?" Do anyone reccomend Geico Insurance over Allstate? Do anyone reccomend Geico Insurance over Allstate? How much insurance for a Mustang in Florida? I'm 18 years old, and I want to get a Mustang and my insurance plan is going to be under my uncle's name (52 yrs old, but he has many records for crashing and tickets, his insurance for the Civic now is $800/ 6 months). If I get a brand new one using Progressive, AT LEAST how much it's gonna cost me for 6 months??" Whats the Cheapest Motorcycle to insurance for 2014? Hello, I am researching on what is the cheapest motorcycle to insure this year. I'm also curious what is a good bike for a beginning rider. I've been looking at a couple of questions regarding this subject, and I notices some of these questions are a few years back. I am curious to know, because I am considering getting a bike. But before I can, I want to get all my ducks in a row, and research as much as I can, so I can make the best possible decision. Further details on myself. I'm a male, age 24, I have my driver licenses, I live in California, but I barely have any driver experiences. Not even a year worth. So I'm already predicting the rate will be high for me. In every sense of the word I am a novice. So any helpful tips for a person just starting out to ride motorcycles, would greatly be appreciated. Also Bonus What Insurance should I look for, for a beginner like me?" Insurance on an el camino? I'm thinking of getting an el camino, late 70s or 80s, and I'm a new 17 year old driver, I was wondering what ibwould have to expect on insurance? From what I've heard it's considered a pick up, so it as close to a muscle car I can get without having to pay super high insurance, how much would decent coverage cost me with a v8? And what if I had gotten an SS model? Im not sure which one ti get and I want to know if there is a huge difference between them, obviously I won't be paying it on my own, my parents are until I get a job, so how much woukd it general cost? Considering one parent is 48 hs dropout, other is 38 graduated college, if it helps any at all. Regardless of the answer thank you for your time." What are the upsides/downsides to a LPG/Autogas conversion.?

With auto gas being roughly 60% of the cost of petrol, investigating a conversation is attractive but not if it is just simply an exchange of costs and the whole deal just is a contra entry. Much lower mpg , increased service costs, insurance, more wear and tear are just some of my thoughts. Also how does auto gas effect performance ? Hence what are your experiences (in the UK please), costs, regrets and pleasures concerning the topic." How much wll i pay for insurance if im 16?? aint got a fast car or anything but how much if my parent adds me on or how much would it be if i pay(if i could do that at 16) What is the best and cheap health insurance? I came form a different country so i dont have any insurance when i came to california. What is the best that i dont have to pay anything when emergency and cheap like $30 per month. How much would car insurance cost me??? Before I start calling for quotes, I would like to know approximately how much Im looking at to get car insurance in my name alone for 1 year. I need to know how much to put aside for it. Im female, 31 years old, I live in Queens, NY, will be buying a used car from a private seller, have NEVER had car insurance in my name, and Ive had my license for about 10 years. Also, why is it that when you request a quote online, they only give you an estimate for a 6-month policy? Does that mean you only pay insurance for 6 months or do you have to pay the 6-month premium 2x in that year? Thanks." Insurance on a 2003 SAAB 2.0.? I am 16 and i really like this car. It is Turbo charged, which i really am not worried about.. i am a very careful driver.not looking for speed.. and never been in an accident. how much do you think the insurance would be a month??" About how much more would insurance be on this car? i want to get a chrysler sebring convertible. i tried calculating insurance but it didnt ask if it was a convertible or not. Im just trying to see how much more the insurance would be since its a convertible.SO! how much more would insurance be on a 99 sebring coupe than a 99 sebring convertible. it would have 46000 miles. Car Insurance problems.? so im in a situation where im having problems getting insurance on my vehicle. ive tried through brokers now, because ive been kicked off my insurance due to 5 tickets. i cant afford 21,000 insurance rates, but i need to be able to use my vehicle. my parents have been at this he last few days with nothing to help me. I was under their insurance but becase of the tickets i got kicked off. im trying to move out all at the same time and having a car would make things so much easier. any tips on what i can do, or how long i should wait before trying to see if i can get insured again. btw my

tickets are from late last year and this year" How much is the insurance for a fiat 500 for a 17 year old? I am getting a new car. I am oping to get the Fiat 500. But i'm not sure how much on average the insurance for it will be for a 17 year old. xcheerss lovelys x I totaled my 2010 Mazda 3i how much should I expected from insurance? I was just squished between two pickup trucks with the driver behind me at fault and having a suspended license. The body shop said the total damage is $13,700 and the insurance company just labelled it a total loss. My car is just over a year old with about 55,000km on it with no prier damage on it. How much should I expect to get back as I am financing the car and cant afford to keep paying if they don't pay it out. ( Canada, Ontario, Ottawa)" Hyundai tiburon insurance help? I am looking for this car to be my first car. I live in Washington and I have a 3.5 GPA (my insurance company told me this would help), and I'm a female. How much would it cost to get car insurance, per month. Is it a sports car? I was thinking of getting the 4 cylinder, 2.0 engine, if that makes a difference. I also have State Farm if that helps.. Thanks!" Whats the average cost if you dont have health insurance to have a baby in the hospital? I have health insurance I'm not sure yet if they will cover my pregnancy, how much does it cost to have a baby if you dont have health insurance? How much are sonograms, doctor visits etc. Thanks" Good Driver Insurance Discount? Good Driver Insurance Discount? Can you buy back an insurance write off in Ontario? I have 3rd party insurance only on my car. Someone went into the back of me & has admitted fault. They asked if they could try to settle without going through insurance companies but they are taking too long to get back to me with an offer to settle. I have been to get some bodywork quotes but have been told that it will probably be an insurance write off. The amount they give me will not enable me to buy the standard of car that I want & I don't want to put any more to it. Can I buy back an insurance write off in Ontario? The damage is only to the bumper & rear door but will cost too much to repair. Thanks for any help. Progressive car insurance? my mom is planning to get progressive car insurance , and they told her that it's going to cost her 81$ per month (I think) , and I am 18 years old and I wanna know how much will it cost if they add me to that insurance?"

"Ran a red light in NYC, what can I do to avoid having my insurance increase?" Today, I ran a red light as I was going downhill in the rain to avoid hydroplaning into an intersection. As I ran the red light, a camera from above flashed and I'm 99% sure I'm getting a ticket in the mail now. I don't live in New York state (I live in South Dakota which is like 30 hours away), so I don't have a means of going down to the DMV in NYC once I get my ticket in the mail. In the meantime(or once I get my ticket), what steps can I take to not have my insurance rate go up?" How much would motorcycle insurance be? I am a 16 year old caucasian male. Want to know how much insurance would be in TORRANCE, CALIFORNIA for my first bike, a 2001 Honda CBR600F4i." Life insurance for seniors? does anybody know any good life insurance for seniors? i need to try and help my parents some life insurance Do you think this is a good price for auto insurance? Is $201.12 a month for full coverage from State Farm a good deal? Progressive quoted me for $285 a month and it doesnt even include UM and the liability is at 10/20/25. State farm would cover me 25/50/25, auto death indemnity, UM, and more. I am a 22 year old female and i just got my license in Feb 07, and i live in Miami. This is for a 2003 Honda Civic LX 2dr coupe (paid in full). This is my first car. I was just wondering, if this is a good price compared to other people my age with similar coverage. I know my friend is paying $300 a month for his and hes 24." Where do you normally store your car insurance? The dilemma: I've always wondered where one would have to store his car insurance and automobile registration in. Say you get into a car accident or a roadblock, you'd have to provide proof that the car that you're in is insured and belongs to you. However, putting your important documents in the glove compartment or even tucked away in the back trunk is always prone to break-ins. So the question is would it be better to keep it in the car or keep it the house (or bank, if you're that paranoid)?" "Anyone know of an affordable individual health/dental insurance plan for Brooklyn, NY?" I no longer have school insurance and my work does not offer insurance. I am looking for an affordable health/dental insurance plan in Brooklyn, New York. Is dental included in medical insurance or is that separate? I don't want to spend $600-$1000 on a premium for an HMO, but would rather spend a few hundred a month while getting a decent amount of benefits. Also, does anyone know of a comparison chart online regarding details of insurance providers including premiums and benefits. All I can find are complaint comparison charts for insurance providers. Any kind of help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!"

How does car insurance work for teenagers? Im 18 and I took Driver`s Ed last summer, so I know that was supposed to save some cash when it came to the insurance. I also heard that depending on the engine of the car, the insurance changes. How do you determine the insurance on a 6-cylinder and an 8-cylinder car? Thanks" How can I get a health insurance that I can afford? I work full time and my husbant too but our jobs don't offer a health insurance. We hava just enough money to pay the mortgage, other bills and to survive the month. We would like to have a baby and the only thing that is holding us up is no insurance. I could only find family insurance that's over $500 a month and we could never afford that. And we make too much to qualify for help from the government. Does anyone know any affordable insurance or help from somewhere. Also, without $1000s in deductibles and coinsurance?" Sports cars with cheap insurance? I am 16 and I am looking for a sporty looking car, with good horsepower, but that wont kill me with the insurance rates like Mustangs, Camaro's and Trans Am's would. Any suggestions?" Car insurance!? I have recently bought a new car but im 21 years old. the car is in my name but i want the main driver to be my dad and then me as an additional driver. is there any cheap insurance companies that will allow that. or has any1 aged 21 that has been driving for 2.5years got cheap insurance thanks Do you have to buy insurance before you get a car? I would like to buy an used car (from a private owner). But I was told before I do that I must have a license, tag and insurance on the car. But another person told me that its best for me to get the car first and then get the other stuff... I am so confused.. which way is the best way for me to do? please help." Car insurance for 17 yr old in south texas? what is the cheapest car insurance for a 17 yr old in south texas v8 2007 mustang standard went thru and passed driving school with about a B+ gets good grades in school no crashes or tickets of any kind the car is paid off gonna get married after highschool around 18 1/2 yrs black car the mother has USAA is this cheaper than most places? Insurance while overseas? I am wanting to travel overseas to join my wife but wondered if something happened to my family (in the future) and I need money fast to travel back is there some kind of insurance I could take out before I leave?

How much is car insurance in schaumburg illinois? How much is car insurance in schaumburg illinois? Car insurance? Ok so i just passed my driving test so now im gonna get a car soon, what car insurance is the best for someone whos my age (21)?" Insurance Raise after Car Accident? Does your insurance rates actually go up after an accident? If yes, how many accidents can you have before it increase? OR is it depending on how much the accident is in order for your payments to increase?" Do I need insurance to drive my girlfriend's car? I'm turning in my leased car next week and canceling the insurance on it. I plan on using my girlfriend's car for a couple of months before getting a new one. I know there are a variety of coverages, but generally speaking would her policy cover me driving her car despite me not having any car insurance of my own?" Is my pregnancy covered under my mother's insurance? I just got married this past year and just found out that I am pregnant. My husband and I are freaking out because I am still under my mother's insurance. I am only 24 and supposed to be covered until I am 26. I am also a student. So question is: Is my pregnancy covered under my mother's insurance? If I am covered then for how long? till the baby gets here? Is the baby covered? If I am not covered then how can I get covered? Can I take out a life insurance policy on my child's father? My ex is a very big risk taker and our son is only two years old. Being a single mom is very financially straining and if he was to die I would have to go onto public assistance. Is there a way I could take out a life insurance policy on him where I am the beneficiary? I'm terrified that he will do something stupid and wind up dead and my son and I will be stuck living off of welfare. Can somebody explain what term insurance means? if you get term insurance for 10 years, can you get your money after 10 yearrs even if you didn't diie?" How much is cheap auto insurance for a 16 yr old female? she would have a nissan maxima. how much would it be to have her under her own..with a co signer in VA

Commercial car insurance no claims? I have 9 yrs no claims bonus on a commercial insurance policy in my name with my missus as name driver. I am selling the van and will want to buy a 4x4 and insure on a private policy, None of the insurance companies that I have had quotes from will honor the no claims bonus and all say that I have to start again from zero I also have been the name driver on the missus's car policy for 10 yrs with no claims either. Can anyone tell me if this is Right or yet again am I being unfairly screwed? Cheers all." Do I need my own car insurance? I just got my permit (i am 18) and I heard that as long as the person I am driving with has insurance that I will be covered if anything happens. I don't plan on wrecking a car but I want to be safe and I want to make sure that it is required by law that I have insurance. If i do need insurance I have no idea how to go about getting it because I have gotten quotes before and they will only give you a quote if you select that you currently have your license plus there is no option for only having a permit. I have my permit in the state of georgia if that means anything Good Driver Insurance Discount? Good Driver Insurance Discount?

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