Quick & Easy Recipes For Intelligent Electronic Pressure Cooker II 智能气压锅佳肴 II

Page 1


目录 家禽

04 娘惹酱油鸡

32 瓦煲鸡饭

06 梅菜焖鸡

34 泰式糯米饭

08 子姜酸梅鸡

36 鲜香菇饭

Nyonya Soya Sauce Chicken

Chicken With Mui Choy

Ginger Plum Chicken

pg . 06

10 腊肠冬菇焖鸡

Braised Chicken With Chinese Sausage

38 椰浆饭

Lemongrass Chicken

Nasi Lemak

Herbal Chicken And Tofu Pok Hot Pot

Tomato Rice

44 福建炒面

16 pg.

Fried Hokkien Mee

46 五香咸肉粽

Braised Duck With Pepper And Mushrooms

Savoury Dumplings (Bak Chang)

20 冷当鸭

48 娘惹粽子

22 香焖花生猪手

50 碱水粽

Rendang Duck Peanuts And Trotter Stew

24 客家酸辣猪脚

Trotter With Radish In Hakka Style

pg. 1 8

Alkaline Dumplings Teochew Peach-Shaped Kuih

54 香辣糯米饭筒

28 黑胡椒焖排骨

56 香浓南瓜汤

30 红烧蕃茄牛肉

58 咸汤圆

Braised Peppery Spare Ribs

Beef And Tomato Stew

24 pg.


52 糯米红桃糕(潮州红粿)

Spicy Caramel Pork Trotter

pg .4

Nyonya Dumplings

26 冰糖猪蹄


.4 pg

42 南印度番茄饭

Indian Curry Chicken

18 香焖胡椒鸭

Steamed Savoury Glutinous Rice Thai Style

Soya Rice With Dried Scallops

16 当归豆腐卜鸡煲


Clay-pot Chicken Rice

40 豆浆干贝营养饭

14 印度咖喱鸡


Aromatic Rice With Mushrooms

12 香茅鸡

Rempah Udang

Savoury Glutinous Rice Balls In Chicken Soup

60 冬瓜罗汉果凉水


.6 pg

Creamy Pumpkin Soup

Winter Melon Luohan Guo Dessert

62 豆腐花



Soya Bean Jelly (Tofu Fa)

Quick & Easy Recipes For Intelligent Electronic Pressure Cooker


· Introduction ·

曾美芯老师,16岁已正式踏入饮食业,独立经营一档猪肉粉面档;90年 代开了一家烘焙原料店,兼大量制做娘惹糕点批发,专派送于早晚市场 摆卖,她的木薯糕、九层糕、红龟糕、打兰糕都是十分有口碑的。整整 做了10年,后来以家庭为重原因而停止了。


美芯老师现除了在吉隆坡甲洞区经营 Ezymix (M) Sdn Bhd 烘焙原料店, 也是专业烹饪导师,经常为各大品牌食品、炊具等研发食谱和代言。除 此以外,她现也投入无烟无油炊具销售和烹饪示范。2009年,因一个 特别的因缘接触了智能气压锅,从此就将她原本使用传统炊具的习惯, 完全扭转过来了,也让她对于健康烹调有了更深入的了解,更重要的是 节省各种能源的智能气压锅,让她有更多宽裕的时间投入自己的爱好活 动。 美芯老师现为新新饮食双月刊主持专栏,撰写烹饪书籍:

1 夜市风味美食

2 最想吃的街坊美食

新新饮食双月刊出版 新新饮食双月刊出版 2011年 2007年

3 智能气压锅佳肴 2012年

美芯老师经常于以下的烘焙原料店开设烹饪课程,有兴趣者可直接拨电 询问: 曾美芯老师 016 3636050 EZYMIX (M) SDN BHD No 50, Jalan Lang Kuning (Jalan 133), Kepong Baru, 52100 KL.

Ms Sally Quah 03 4296 7399 LS BAKERY SHOPT No 56, Jalan Bunga Tanjung 8, Taman Muda, Ampang, 56100 KL.

Ms Mak 03 4023 8236 MING HUAT BAKERY INGREDIENTS SUPPLY No 4, Jalan Air Tenang Air Panas, Setapak, 53200 KL.




Nyonya Soya Sauce Chicken 材料




3只甘榜鸡全腿,斩块 1大匙油 5粒葱头仔,去皮,剁碎 3条辣椒干,剪小段 10片姜 5朵冬菇,泡软 50g阿叁膏,加入100ml水 拌匀,挤出汁

3小匙酱油 1小匙黑酱油 2大匙糖 2小匙麻油 ½小匙胡椒粉

3 kampung chicken whole legs, cut into serving pieces 1 tbsp oil 5 shallots, finely chopped 3 dried chillies, cut into short lengths 10 slices ginger 5 black mushrooms, soaked till soft 50g assam paste, mixed with 100ml water to squeeze out juice

3 tsp light soya sauce 1 tsp dark soya sauce 2 tbsp sugar 2 tsp sesame oil ½ tsp pepper

做法 1. 将所有材料和调味料拌匀,腌至少1小时或隔夜。 2.准备电子多功能气压锅,按选“Stir-fry拌炒”功能, 倒入油,倒入腌好的材料,拌炒至香。 3. 盖上,把气压节扭转向 ‘PRESSURE气压’,按 选“High Pressure高压”功能,按入5分钟,按“On / Off 开 / 关”键开始烹煮至熟便可。

METHOD 1. Mix all ingredients and seasoning. Marinate for at least 1 hour or overnight. 2. Using Electric Multifunction Pressure Cooker and press set to “Stir-fry” function. Pour in oil and stir-fry marinated chicken till fragrant. 3. Cover with lid, turn pressure regular knob to ‘PRESSURE’. Press “High Pressure” button and key in 5 minutes. Press “On / Off” button to start cooking till done.

阿叁膏 Assam Paste

4 ~ 6 人享用 Serves: 4 ~ 6 4

Quick & Easy Recipes For Intelligent Electronic Pressure Cooker

冬菇 Black Mushrooms

· Poultry ·

家 禽

娘惹酱油鸡 Nyonya Soya Sauce Chicken




Aromatic Rice With Mushrooms 材料




1大匙油 50g虾米 4朵鲜香菇,切丝 100g鸡肉,切丝 2杯白米,洗净,沥干 2杯水

1小匙盐 2小匙麻油 ⅔大匙生抽 ⅓ 大匙糖 2小匙胡椒粉

1 tbsp oil 50g dried shrimps 4 fresh shiitake mushrooms, shredded 100g chicken meat, shredded 2 cups white rice, cleaned and drained 2 cups water

1 tsp salt 2 tsp sesame oil ⅔ tbsp light soya sauce ⅓ tbsp sugar 2 tsp pepper


1 tbsp chopped local celery

做法 1. 准备电子多功能气压锅,选用“Stir-fry拌炒”功能, 在内锅烧热油,放入虾米和鲜菇炒香。 2. 加入鸡肉、米和调味料炒匀。 3. 倒入水,盖上锅盖,把气压节钮转向‘PRESSURE气 压’,按选“High Pressure高压”功能,按入7分钟,按 设“On / Off 开/ 关”键开始烹煮至熟。 4. 打开锅盖,拌入芹菜末,加盖再焖5分钟即可。

METHOD 1. Using Electric MultifunctionPressure Cooker, set to “Stir-fry” function. In the inner pot, heat up oil and stir-fry dried shrimps and fresh mushrooms until aromatic. 2. Add chicken, rice, seasoning and stir-fry until well mixed. 3. Pour in water and cover with lid. Turn pressure knob to ‘PRESSURE’. Set to “High Pressure” function and key in 7 minutes. Press “On / Off” button to start cooking until done. 4. Open the lid and mix in chopped celery. Cover and stand for another 5 minutes. Serve.

3 ~ 4 人享用 Serves: 3 ~ 4 36

Quick & Easy Recipes For Intelligent Electronic Pressure Cooker


Aromatic Rice With Mushrooms



食谱制做 / Recipes by 曾美芯老师 Chan Bee Sim 摄影 / Photography Jon Dep 排版设计 / Layout Design At Home Creative 分色 / Colour Separation Cityscanprint Sdn Bhd 印刷 / Printing Syarikat Percetakan Tass Sdn Bhd 欢迎浏览曾美芯老师网站,如有关糕点制做、烹饪难题、智能 气压锅方面的问题,请以以下的联络方式联系美芯老师: www.beesimhomebake.com.my beesim_aicook@ymail.com beesimhomebake@gmail.com HP: 013 608 2378 “智能气压锅佳肴 2”201 4年1月初版 “Quick and easy recipes for Intelligent Electronic Pressure Cooker 2” first published in January 2014 版权所有,不得翻印 All rights reserved. No parts of this book may be reproduced in any form without the written permission from the author.

美芯手工曲奇,特选用料,新鲜烘制,除了佳节和特别的日子,让您 和家人在平时也可尝到热辣辣出炉的曲奇饼干,此外,美芯手工曲奇 更是最具心思的送礼佳品,各式传统、娘惹、西式等饼干小吃,零售 或批发,都可一次过订购得到!

01 黄梨酥卷

11 脆薄鸡仔饼

02 黄梨挞

12 巧克力杏仁方块饼

03 独特白杏仁脆饼

13 碎巧克力粒酥

04 杏仁薄片脆饼

14 青豆饼

05 牛油/奶油饼

15 芝麻饼

06 腰豆饼

16 炸蟹条

07 传统花生饼

17 香炸芽菇片

08 中式核桃小酥饼

18 炭烧鸡蛋卷

09 咖啡蛋白霜饼

19 经典意式杏仁脆饼

Pineapple Tarts (Roll) (R)RM27 (S)RM22

Crispy Chicken Biscuits (R)RM28 (S)RM23

Pineapple Tarts (Closed) (R)RM27 (S)RM22

Chocolate Almond Square Cookies (R)RM30 (S)RM25

Premium White Almond Cookies (R)RM34 (S)RM29

Chocolate Chips Cookies (R)RM28 (S)RM23

Almond Flakes Cookies (R)RM34 (S)RM29

Green Pea Cookies (R)RM25 (S)RM20

Butter Cookies (R)RM25 (S)RM20

Sesame Cookies (R)RM25 (S)RM20

Cashewnut Cookies (R)RM34 (S)RM29

Fried Surimi (R)RM20 (S)RM15

Chinese Peanut Cookies/Fah Sang Peng (R)RM20 (S)RM15 Chinese Walnut Cookies/Hup Tow Soh (R)RM28(S)RM23 Coffee Meringue (R)RM20(S)RM15

Fried Arrowhead Chips/Ngaku (R)RM14 Traditional Love Letter/Kuih Kapit RM24 Almond Biscotti (R)RM34 (S)RM29

10 粟米片脆饼

Cornflakes Cookies (R)RM22 (S)RM17


www.beesimhomebake.com.my beesimhomebake@gmail.com 013 6082378 (曾美芯)

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