Freedom of Choice: A Youth Activist’s Guide to Safe Abortion Advocacy 2nd Ed

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Placed for adoption Choose adoption Make an adoption plan

Give up Get rid of Give away Surrender Relinquish Adopt out Put up for adoption

The preferred language is non-judgmental and implies that women make responsible, well-informed decisions about adoption.

Contents of conception Products of conception

Dead fetus in reference to induced abortion

Contents and products of conception are medically correct terms.

Using illegal abortion and unsafe abortion interchangeably

An illegal abortion and an unsafe abortion are not the same thing. Illegal abortion does not meet the conditions set out in a country’s legal framework. Illegal abortions can also be safe if performed by a trained health provider with full equipment and medications and under sanitary conditions. Unsafe abortion is conducted under precarious situations and/or performed by an untrained or under-trained provider. It is possible to have an unsafe legal abortion.

Rights of the unborn

A fetus or embryo is not subject to human rights. Only human beings are entitled to human rights. While all life has value, including fetal life, it is only persons who have rights.

Abortion is restricted Restrictive abortion laws Abortion is legal under the following conditions...


Promote choice

Promote abortion

Abortion is completely illegal in only a few countries in the world. The majority of countries have restrictive laws or legislation relating to abortion. It is important to make the distinction, particularly so that young people are aware of the legal position of abortion in their country. Every woman has the reproductive right to continue or terminate her pregnancy and she is entitled to make that choice. Women need an enabling environment that gives options, information and services according to their decisions.

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