Libertas 34.2 (Fall 2013)

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Henninger, Folsom, West, Conway, and Buchholz Address Rawhide Circle Retreat More than 100 supporters and friends gathered in Santa Barbara for Young America’s Foundation’s annual Rawhide Circle retreat which focused on the question, “Can Free Enterprise Survive for Future Generations?” The Foundation also utilized the special weekend to launch our latest initiative: The Center for Entrepreneurship and Free Enterprise. For many participants, the weekend began with The Wall Street Journal’s deputy editorial page editor, Daniel Henninger, discusses the current state of our free market system and how to protect it for future generations during the annual Rawhide individual tours of the Reagan Ranch. Supporters Circle retreat at the Reagan Ranch Center. then gathered at the Reagan Ranch Center where they were welcomed by President Ron Robinson. The session continued with a robust presentation by pollster Kellyanne Conway, CEO of the polling company, inc. and a member of the National Journalism Center’s Board of Governors. Conway presented the results of the Foundation’s extensive study on young people’s views about free markets and conservative ideas. Later, guests enjoyed the opening dinner banquet featuring the Wall Street Journal’s Daniel Henninger. Reagan Ranch Board of Governors Chairman Frank Donatelli emceed the program which also featured remarks from 75th U.S. Attorney General Ed Meese. The next day began with an entertaining and informative session featuring author, economist, and Foundation alumnus Todd Buchholz, who offered insights regarding the challenges facing our economy and how competition advances freedom and happiness. A highlight of the weekend included a panel featuring four of the Foundation’s top student activists: Stephan Pitts from Mississippi College, Langston Bowens from Grosse Pointe South High School in Michigan, Gabriella Morrongiello from Oregon State University, and John DiGiacobbe from Highland High School in Ohio. The program continued with author and Hillsdale College free enterprise historian Dr. Burt Folsom who discussed how government subsidies, throughout history, have bankrupted companies. The final session featured a panel of YAF Foundation supporters enjoy a rooftop reception at the Reagan Ranch Center. (From left) Marion leadership, including President Ron Robinson Vandersteel, Jack Perrin, Katherine Perrin, Don Dick, and popular Foundation speaker Dr. Burt Folsom. and Vice Presidents Nicole Hoplin and Kimberly Begg, and Dr. Folsom, who briefed attendees on the Foundation’s plans and goals for the Center for Entrepreneurship and Free Enterprise. The weekend concluded with a dinner emceed by Reagan Ranch Board of Governors member Mark Larson and featuring Lt. Col. Allen West, who was introduced by Reagan Ranch Presidential Scholar Governor George Allen. West delivered a passionate speech on the need to uphold the Constitution and how we can make the moral argument for free enterprise. Young America’s Foundation | Libertas | Fall 2013 7

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