Online Marketing Ki (Matrix)

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The Ki Of Online Marketing Magazine

Best Practices, Tips, and Secrets of the Online Marketing Trade Issue no: 1 October 2012

Prepared By: Mina Adly Younan

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THE GIST OF ONLINE MARKETING: FROM PROFESSIONALISM TO INTELLIGENCE A professional and Successful Online Marketer or Digital Advertiser should master 5 trades and be gifted by 2 skills; The 5 trades are: SEM, SEO, SMM, SMO, and Affiliate marketing. While the 2 skills are: Creative and analytical thinking. Mastering the 5 trades is the easy part. It is simply like learning how to drive a car or a bicycle. You just know the rules and keep practicing them. The harder part is gaining the skills. My advice, if you are not a creative thinker or a person who lacks analytical thinking, you should develop these faculties inside you. Being creative is always asking about WHY NOT and What IF? And to be analytical is to simply dig into the details and asking HOW? Of course, there are a lot of analysis tools and breakdown solutions that any Online Marketer cannot live without, but a professional knows how to use these tools the right way by asking the right question. The tool is just a vehicle. It will take you nowhere unless you know where exactly do you need to go. So, the first rule of a thumb in digital Marketing is to define your goals. Many would just claim that the ultimate goal of any online activity is to grab as much audience as possible to the website. But that is in fact so unprofessional and even immature for many obvious reasons. First, a website is a space in a computer (server), the more the visitors the heavier and slower it gets until it finally crashes. Also, if your target is to bring as many visitors as possible, you will be more exposed to “negative audience”. They might be people with a different taste than that related to whatever service you provide, or different class, or “vandals” who just enjoy leaving their negative comments and reviews (which may be a positive tool in some cases if you plan to depend on customers feed back to improve your service.) But of course nobody wants to be scolded in public. Also, if you just seek numbers (quantity) you will lose your segment. Hence, if you are planning to sell ad placements on your site for a luxurious car company, you need to be targeting an A class audience, or if you are targeting females only, you should make sure that your content is well targeted and defined to your preferred client. Therefore, it is all about quality. It will save you a lot of money and will help you gain the right audience and above all, will keep your identity among billions of other pages. Yet, a professional Online Marketer goal is to maximize the gains of the following goals: 1.

Taking full advantage of the web site


Saving money


Making money


Appearing up-to-date


Creating a favorable attitude to your organization


Communicating effectively with your audience Page | 2


Adhere to these 10 commandments for all the days of thy life and thou

shalt avoid many smitings. Keep them close to thou heart always.

Your search engine is your sole source of free traffic. Even if you’re getting traffic from forums or blogs – that traffic itself has started out as a search engine query. Don’t forget that The search engines have the almighty power. 1st Commandment Thou shalt have content as close to the top level of thy site as possible 2nd Commandment Thou shalt group content into logical “buckets” based on topical relevance 3rd Commandment Thou shalt make it as easy as possible for users to share content 4th Commandment Thou shalt not buy links or spam 5th Commandment Thou Shalt Honor Your Users by creating high-quality content for them, not simply for search engines 6th Commandment Thou Shalt Not Overkill with Flash 7th Commandment Thou shalt not stuff URLs with unnecessary words. 8th Commandment Thou shalt not use redirects that are on a timer or are on the client side. 9th Commandment Thou shalt not show web crawlers content that is different than the content shown to humans. 10th Commandment Thou Shalt Not Use SEO Keywords in Vain

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1- Consistent and relevant URLs, Titles, description, headers, text 2- Keywords Friendly Meta Tags and description 3- Long-Tail Keywords compilations 4- Quality backlinks and Social Bookmarking 5- Social Media integration 6- Search Engine Friendly images (src attribute/alt tag description) 7- Micro-formating (Thematic and Semantic) structure 8- XML sitemap 9- User generated content by site visitors (comments, reviews) 10- Using canonical Meta tags

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SEO OFF-SITE BEST PRACTICES Off-Site SEO is simply about optimizing your Site's Search Engine Optimization without working on the Physical site itself (The site's code). It is simply about: 1- Backlinks 2- Social Bookmarking 3- Directories 4- Competition Analysis 5- Social Media Optimization Here are my advices: 1. when you use backlinks (inbound links) make sure to make your URL link in the form of an anchor text instead of saying "click here" or "Link" and the text should be related to your targeted Keywords. 2. Create a link outreach strategy to emulate top ranked competitors by analyzing their site's URL on and find which sites refer to them, know them, and make use of them. To do that, simply select the inbound link tab > select back links with high high page and domain authority so you can find directories your competitors have discovered while you have not. 3. Try to get NGOs link to you by sponsoring them some way or another 4. Try convincing a satisfying client to put your link on their website if they have a qualified page. 5. Use the Link Manager Tools at 6. To know the link value use: 7. To get some historical data for backlinks use this tool on 8. To measure Social Media SEO use this it covers 8 social media channels: FB, twitter, LinkedIn, Declicious, Stumbleupon, Google plus, Pinterist, (only dig html files) 9. To know what the internet is saying about your business or your brand or any topic that you are interested in use Google Alerts and Social Media Monitoring Tools. 10. Make use of your Browser's SEO Plug-ins and Add-Ons to instantly analyze any page you visit and know your position among others. 11. Video Sharing Sites can provide your site with massive traffic and Back links without too much effort. Just create some useful Videos of your blog topics and publish them on popular Video sharing websites like: · · · · · · · · ·

Yahoo Video YouTube Video.qq Youku Daily Motion Metacafe KU6 TinyPic Ning Veoh

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SEO ON-SITE BEST PRACTICES Since we are humans, we should remain so in whatever job we do. It is what I believe in life. Never make your priority anything but Human Relationships. And remember: The opposite of Love is not hate, it is indifference". Hence, What differentiates a technician from a Professional or Specialist is how far s/he could reach others. So, my first advice in SEO is to focus on People as much as you focus on Search Engines. 2- Use Long-Tail Keywords. For 2 reasons: first, You cannot afford short tail keywords and second because they are too broad and will not be relevant to your activity in terms of accuracy. 3- Identify a Theme for your site 4- Use Categorization. Make a tree, a Hierarchy Structure for what you are offering to help both your visitors and SE Robots to identify your content without being lost. 5- Compare your Keywords and Trends via Google Insights. It will really help you 6- Before deciding which keywords to use or put in your list, do your research in their attributes (in terms of relevance, volume, and competition) Of course you can always use the KW Tool of Adwords 7- And to know how difficult the KW will rank, simply use 8- Keep records on used KWs in a KW distribution Spread Sheet where you show in which pages they are utilized and the website hierarchy (URL, KW, Title, Meta tags, description, ads for PPC advertising)

9- Test KWs via PPC (Buying a KW for a period of time then monitoring it) 10- Although search engines prefer text, Do Not ignore the fact that Page | 7

humans prefer pictures and videos. So do not ignore media but when using them (moderately) remember to add text description to them (img alt - img src - description - title - or subtitles if applicable) 11- Your Page Description is what users find under your site title. So make it appealing, simple, relevant, and of course catchy and compelling to urge your visitor to come to you

12- Try to use the same KWs and Theme you chose for your project in the H1 Header Tag 13- Use MicroFormating from to add an understood description for the nature of your content by the Search engine (whether it is a page of contacts, recipes, catalog, or any thing) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia is an initiative launched on 2 June 2011 by Bing, Google and Yahoo! (the operators of the then world's largest search engines) to “create and support a common set of schemas for structured data markup on web pages.� On 1 November Yandex (whose search engine is the largest one in Russia) joined the initiative. They propose using their schemas and microdata to mark up website content with metadata about itself. Such markup can be recognized by search engine spiders and other parsers, thus gaining access to the meaning of the sites). The initiative started with a small number of formats, but the long term goal is to support a wider range of schemas. The initiative also describes an extension mechanism for adding additional properties. A mailing list is provided, for discussion of the initiative. 14- Create an XML sitemap and a video sitemap for the video content (you can simple use 15- Use the SEOmoz On Page optimization Tool to optimize your KWs Performance 16- Utilize the Users Generated Content by site visitors (comments, reviews, or complains) to enhance your service 17- Use the REL Canonical Metatags to tell the Search Engines which URLS are preferred and which to ignore to prevent indexing duplication which would harm your SEO and PR 18- Respect your landlord and when you move tell him by Implementing re-direction rules when content is moved. (302 for temporary movement, and 301 for permanent movements) Page | 8

19- If a page is not found, what do you expect from the visitor? you decide how the 404 not found page should look like. (add internal links for easy navigation and a search bar or 301 permanent redirect) 20- Compare your site's performance with others (either competitors or sites with similar activities) through 21- Search Engines will appreciate it if you tell them that you are having a Paginated content (like a list of products distributed on more than one page) by using the Rel="next" & Rel="prev" 22- They will also love you if you tell them more about your geotaging (whom do you target?) by using the hreflang="fr-CA" for instance 23- How about your site's mobile version? is it User-Friendly? check that out on Google's nice tool 23- Get familiar with the important analysis tools (Google Analytics, Adobe Omniture Site Catalyst, Web Trends, and Coremetrics) 24- Have not you submitted your site to Google and Bing webmaster tools YET? of course you did I was just checking ;)

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Why use a browser seo Add ons: 1- They will save you a lot of money 2- Will keep you always aware of what is going on in terms of SEO 3- Will help you understand competition 4- will give you new ideas to update your SEO strategy, Keywords, link building, etc. 5- Your browser will look professional.. just like you are Here under, are the top Add-Ons for Fire Fox. Just install those who you prefer the most and let the magic begin:

1. SEO Doctor–Allows you to see how any website you visit is optimized in terms of SEO. It offers easy diagnosis of SEO problems and even offers solutions for common problems. 2. SeoQuake SEO Extension–Extension allows users to obtain and investigate many important SEO parameters of the internet project under study on the fly, save them for future work, compare them with the results, obtained for other, competitive, projects. 3. SenSEO–Analyzes web pages and tells you how good they fulfill onpage Search Engine Optimization criteria. 4. SEO Info–Provides some information on the site you visit: indexed pages, backlinks, link report, pages reported on social network, pagerank, alexa rank, whois, and much more. (As of this publication, this add-on has not been rated.) 5. SEO Status–Shows Google PR and Yandex TYC in status bar. Information can be load automatically or by click. Also highlights rel=nofollow and noindex tags. 6. SEO Tools–Collection of useful search engine optimization tools. 7. SEO Monitor –Information for SEO monitor users displayed in status bar. 8. Foxy SEO Tool–Toolbar that lets you access many well-known search engine tools like Google Site, Yahoo! Site Explorer, Live Fromlinks. It also includes well-known web traffic analysis sites like Alexa, Compete, Quantcast, as well as popular statistic aggregators like Quarkbase and WebSiteOutlook. Use this tool to check a site’s listing in many important directories. 9. SEO Workers Web Page SEO Analysis Tool –Lets you to perform a basic analysis of the page in your browser with a single click. The results from the SEO Workers Analysis Tool are structured into useful groups. 10. SEO Toolbar–This toolbar is fully customizable. There are several different views available, including icons and text, icons only or page ranks only (PageRank, Alexa Rank and PI Rank). 11. SEO Professional Toolbar–Offers many SEO-related tools in one place. Display PageRank, S-Rank and the number of backlinks for visited pages. This toolbar also stores the history of ranks for selected sites. Highlight words, links, view number of words and more. Page | 10

12. SEOpen–Includes tools for Google backlinks, Yahoo backlinks, PageRank checker, and http header viewer. 13. Swoosty SEO Tools–A tool that automatically shows the Google PageRank and Alexa ranking of all the sites you visit, and provides other essential tools for complete analysis. You can also activate and deactivate it without having to restart Firefox. 14. KGen (Keyword Generator)–Lets you see what keywords are predominant on the web pages that you visit. 15. SEO Stats–Provides an analysis of the popularity of your website. From Facebook to Twitter, you’ll know exactly how many links to your site are available through social networks and the number of backlinks and pages indexed in the major search engines. 16. SEO and Site Analysis–Click on the SEO WooRank icon to generate an SEO report for your website. 17. Affilorama SEO Toolbar –Provides you with useful information and data to make domain and page analysis of domains easier. 18. Niche Watch Tool–Gives you the technical information you need to beat your online competition. This tool tracks backlinks number, indexed pages, keyword occurrences on the page, page rank, all in anchor, all in title, and all in text rank. 19. Search Status–Shows helpful information like the Google PageRank of a page and its Alexa rank. It also includes Compete ranking and the SEOmoz Linkscape moz rank for a page. This tool also displays a fast keyword density analyzer, keyword/nofollow highlighting, backward/related links, and Alexa information. 20. SEOHand–Keeps a record of a site’s placement on Google and Yahoo for any given keyword. Watch Google PageRank (PR), Backlinks, Saturation over time. The data is presented in graph and table format. 21. SEO Status Page Rank/Alexa Toolbar–See Google Pagerank (PR) and Alexa rank for each website you visit. 22. SEO Live YS Rank–Live search rank at the status bar, top searched keywords and search volume data for a specific site. Great for search marketing, keywords research and SEO. 23. SmartPage Rank Toolbar–Includes the Alexa Rank and Page Rank. The usage of this toolbar will increase the Alexa Rank of the websites you visit. 24. The KPRMS Toolbar–Website ranking and keyword monitoring service for Google, Yahoo and Bing. (As of this publication, this add-on has not been rated.) 25. Money Quake–Displays your real-time earning statistics from most popular advertisement systems (like AdSense etc). 26. Firebug 1.05 27. Save As Image 1.044 28. SEOpen 0.8 29. SearchStatus 30. Rankquest SEO Toolbar 31. LinkChecker 0.6.1 32. X-Ray 0.8.1 33. SEOpen – 23 different metrics from back links on Yahoo and Google to Archived pages, whois and checking robots.txt. 34. SEO For Firefox -Aaron Wall’s clever and configurable tool with 13 different signals ranging from domain age and Page Rank to bookmark and .edu inbound links. 35. yExplore – Thomas’ handy tool offering easy right click access to Yahoo Site Explorer info. Page | 11

36. Web Developer – Adds a menu and a toolbar to the browser with various web developer tools including the ability to disable JavaScript, images, and CSS to see what a page looks like in a text browser or for robots. 37. KGen -Keyword generator analyzes a page for keyword frequency and placement. Also offers transfer to clipboard for use when tagging bookmarks. 38. Niche Watch Tool – Checks back links, indexed pages, keyword frequency and several other SEO signals. 39. MetaTags – Offers a side bar menu showing a web page’s meta data, links, keyword frequency and others. 40. Search Status – Highlights nofollow links, back links, indexed pages, Alexa and Compete rankings. 41. Prefbar: Toggle JavaScript, Flash and images as well as spoof user agent. 42. Yslow: evaluates webpages and recommends methods to enhance their overall performance primarily based on an algorithm for high performance website pages. 43. Michael Fagan’s original URLinfo tool

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THE SEO BRIEFCASE: SEO TOOLS AND MORE The SEO Briefcase is your Samsonite you take with you whenever you are going to wear the SEO hat (the white one of course) ;) It consists of most of the tools you may (or may not) need for your job. And remember it is not the tools that make you awesome, but how you use them the right way with a professional creative and analytical approach: PR Search •

Link Popularity Checker: Shows inbound links for Google, Yahoo, MSN, AltaVista, Allintheweb & HotBot. MSN Position Search: MSN Search for up to 15 keywords on one domain. Page Rank Search: Google search results with PAGE RANK bar and inbound links. Yahoo Rank Position: Shows Yahoo rank position, number of entries indexed. Google Rank Position: Shows Google rank position, PAGE RANK, number of entries indexed, DMOZ and Google Dir status.

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SEOBench • • •

Google vs Yahoo Graph: Graphically shows the top 50 in Google and Yahoo linked. Keyword Density Analysis: Determines density of one, two, and three word phrases. Multi Datacenter PageRank Checker: Checks page rank values across all Google data centers.

SEO Book (You must register to use these tools.) • • • •

Rank Checker: Checks the rank of your site on Google, Yahoo, and Bing. SEO Toolbar: Allows you to view SEO data as you browse. SEO for Firefox: Adds SEO information to Google and Yahoo search results Myriad Search: Meta search that examines Google, Yahoo, MSN and Ask Jeeves.

SEOMoz (You must be logged in to use these tools.) • • • • •

Open Site Explorer: View site’s analytics on custom API. Linkscape: Professional inlink tool. SEO Toolbar for Firefox: Linkscape as a toolbar for Firefox. Term Target: Examines a specific page to see which keywords are used. Popular Searches: View the most popular sources for a specific date on a number of well: known sites including Technorati, Page | 13

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Flickr,, Yahoo Buzz, Google Hot Trends, eBay Pulse, AOL Hot searches, Lycos, Ask, and Amazon. Trifecta: Provides an estimate of the importance of a page, blog, or domain. Term Extractor: Analyzes a page and shows keywords. GeoTargeting Detection: Checks to see if your website is set up for geo targeting searches. SEO Toolbox: Includes many free SEO tools.

SEO Toolset • • • •

SEMToolBarTM: Downloadable toolbar lets you view SEO information as your browse. Search Engine Optimization/KSP Tool: Provides Google and Yahoo search engine statistics for specified keywords. Check Server: Looks for issues that prevent your site from being crawled by the search engines. View Page Source: Shows the source code of a URL.

WebConfs • • • • • • • • • •

Domain Age Tool: Determines the age of the domains entered. Domain Stats Tool: Enter domain and find out domain age, number of pages indexed, and number of backlinks. HTTP/HTTPS Header Check: Lets you examine the HTTP headers from the web server after you request a URL. Search Engine Friendly Redirect: Enter URL: Checks your redirect to see how SE friendly it is. Website Keyword Suggestions: Provides keyword suggestions along and keyword traffic estimates for the entered website. Backlink Anchor Text Analyzer: Blacklink analyzer that shows URL and anchor text. Check Yahoo Page Rank: Allows you to check the Yahoo WebRank of up to five URLs at a time. URL Rewriting Tool: Creates Mod: Rewrites rules to convert dynamic URLs to static looking URLs. Search Engine Spider Simulator: Displays page content minus code. Similar Page Checker: Compares pages for similar content.

Webmaster Toolkit • • • • • •

Keyword Research Tool: Tool returns similar keywords found in the meta keywords of sites searched by your choice of nine search engines. Link Appeal: Enter UR: Rates for link appeal. Link Popularity Checker: Enter URL: Displays backlinks on five search engines. Search Engine Position Checker: Enter URL/Keyword: Displays top 50 for nine search engines. HTML Header View: Shows HTTP headers the web server is sending. Web Page Analyzer: Enter URL/Keyword: Checks copy for optimization. Page | 14

WebSeoAnalytics • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Aged Domain Finder Backlink Analysis Backlink Hunter Blog Analyzer Domain Battle: Shows how your site ranks in domains Domain Info: Provides the current status of your domain name. Duplicate Content: Lets you compare content between two URLs. HTML Validation: Determines whether a list of URLs are valid according to W3C standards. Indexed Pages: Shows which pages on your site are indexed in Google, Yahoo, and Bing. Keyword Analyzer: Allows you to determine the percentage of keywords in a particular page. Keyword Battle: Shows how your site ranks for a particular list of keywords Keyword Difficulty Keyword Research Link Popularity: Shows the number of incoming links to a URL. Link Structure Multi DC PageRank: Lets you check your site’s page rank across multiple data centers. PageRank Check: Lets you check your site’s page rank. Reputation Tracker: Tracks recent social media mentions of your site. SERP Analysis Site Submitter: Allows you to submit your site to major search engines and directories and includes recent traffic statistics. URL Analyzer WebSEOAnalysis: Comprehensive website analysis. WSA Spider WuzzRank Calculator InternetMarketing Ninjas

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Find Broken Links Redirects & Site Crawl Tool Image & Link Analyzer Social Image Resizer Tool On-Page Optimization Tool Side-by-Side SEO Tool Social Activity Tool Robots Text Generator Keyword Density Tool Page Speed Tool Meta Tag Generator Header Checker Tool Search Combination Tool Google Freebase Tool Domain Whois Lookup Tool DNS Lookup Tool Page | 15

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Hide Your Email Tool Password Generator Free Online Spell Check Tool What's My IP Tool

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MONITOR YOUR REPUTATION Here are the Basic (Free) Tools to Monitor your Brand (name): 1- Google Alerts: are email updates of the latest relevant Google results based on your choice of query or topic. You can subscribe to each alert through email and RSS. The alerts track blog posts, news articles, videos and even groups. Set a “comprehensive alert,” which will notify you of stories, as they happen, for your name, your topic, and even your company. 2- Yahoo! Pipes: is also a good tool for aggregating and combining feeds into one central repository. 3-Technorati: is the largest blog search engine in the world. They say that if you don’t claim your blog in Technorati, then you don’t own it! When you register with it, Technorati tracks “blog reactions,” or blogs that link to yours. Search for your brand on Technorati, and subscribe to RSS alerts so that when someone blogs about you, you find out. 4-Backtype: is a tool for monitoring blog comments. If people commented on various blog posts, citing your name, you never used to have a way of tracking it, until now. Backtype is a service that lets you find, follow, and share comments from across the web. Whenever you write a comment with a link to your Web site, Backtype attributes it to you. 5- Yacktrack: lets you search for comments on your content from various sources, such as Blogger, Digg, FriendFeed, Stumbleupon, and WordPress blogs. If you comment on a blog, you can locate other people who are commenting on that same blog post and rejoin the conversation. 6- Commentful: used to track your social comments on the web. 7- co.mments: Also used to track your social comments on the web. 8- to get instant alerts from discussion boards threads citing your name (brand). 9- Boardreader Also used to get instant alerts from discussion boards threads citing your name (brand). 10- Big Boards The same as the above it is used to get instant alerts from discussion boards threads citing your name (brand). 11- Twitter search where you can locate any instances of your name and decide whether you want to tweet back or ignore them. It really depends on the context and meaning of the tweet. 12-

Twilert used to receive email alerts about tweets mentioning you

13- TweetBeep additional tool you can use to receive email alerts. 14- FriendFeed is a social aggregator. You have the ability to take all of your social accounts, such as YouTube, Delicious, Twitter, blog, and Flickr, and pull them together into a single (Friend) feed. Page | 18

You can conduct searches on your brand throughout all social networks at once using this search engine. 15- Alert Thingy. very helpful if you want to receive alerts straight to your desktop 16- Social Mention is a social media search engine that searches usergenerated content such as blogs, comments, bookmarks, events, news, videos, and microblogging services. It allows you to track mentions of your brand across all of these areas. 17- Serph social search engine 19- Keotag.Other social search engine 20- Filtrbox only delivers the most relevant, credible mentions of things you need to track.

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When Creating your Billing Account try to choose the currency with least valued unit like the Vietnamese Dong (1USD =20800 VND), or the Indonesian Rupiah (9500 IDR = 1USD) or even the Japanese Yen to save more money when bidding for very long tail keywords where there is low or zero competition. Because the minimum CPC is 0.01 of whatever currency you use. So 0.01 of USD is 20000 times more than 0.01 VND or even 200 times more than a 1 VND. Of course there is the Iranian Rial (25000 IRR for 1 USD) and the Somalia Shilling (22000 SOS) but they do not work on Adwords. ·

Use the Broad Match Modifier KW matching type in specific adgroups; this AdWords targeting feature helps creating keywords that reach more people than phrase match and gives more control than broad match.


Consistency of naming the adgroups, the Accounts, and the Campaign with the Ad text


As a media buyer you should check your Placements thoroughly because many of your ads appear on pages that are either poor, or irrelevant, or the ad locations are not attracting visitors sight.


Try to use higher levels of adwords accounts as possible will grant you a higher Quality Score. So instead of making on MCC, 2 Accounts (one for English and one for French), 4 Campaigns, 8 Adgoroups, why not having 2 MCC one for English and The other for French, with 8 Accounts for your 8 Ad groups, with 8 Campaigns, and 16 or even 8 Adgroups. The more you play with the masters, the more Google respects you (of course that will help you in the consistency of naming as you will be using the same name thread for the Account, Campaign, Ad Group but with little additions.


Use long-tail Keywords (they are cheaper, and more relevant)


Defining your USPs Unique Selling Pointes (sales, guarantee, Free stuff, Free delivery, etc.) and add a call to action (Buy now!)


Create a refined list of negative keywords through Brainstorming, KW tool, and from the Keywords > Keyword Details > Search terms (After Keeping the Campaign running for a week or two, to know which irrelevant (negative) KWs triggered your ad then you can add them to your negative KW list.


Sitelinks add value to your existing AdWords ads by providing additional links to specific, relevant content deeper within your sitemap. Rather than sending all users to the same landing page, ad sitelinks display up to six additional destination URLs for users to choose from. Notice that there are also sitelinks for webmaster tools besides that you create through Adwords.


When Creating a Display Advertising Campaign, try to customize your ad creatives to all possible ad formats to make sure your ad will suite any available ad location on your desired Placements. Page | 20

Hope you enjoyed this issue. See you in the next one. In the meanwhile, you can follow all the new stuff as fresh as they come out of the oven on my blog:

Mina Younan

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