The Basics Of Gastric Sleeve Surgery

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The Basics Of Gastric Sleeve Surgery

While there are several surgical options to help end your weight loss woes, it can be difficult to determine which one is right for you and your body. The answer you're seeking could be gastrectomy, which translates to "the removal of the stomach." The surgery, more commonly known as gastric sleeve surgery, is a restrictive surgery like the Lap-Band and gastric bypass procedures that can help you lose weight with a healthy diet and lifestyle. How it works Gastric sleeve surgery in Mexico is a procedure that isolates a small portion of the stomach by stapling the stomach and leaving a resected part out of the staple, leaving a crescent-moon shaped pouch. The crescent-moon pouch is smaller than the rest of the stomach included in the staple, which limits its size. This helps regulate appetite and food intake so the patient can't eat as much before feeling full. Food also takes a slower path through the digestive system, which creates a longer-lasting sense of satisfaction in the stomach. The surgery takes a couple of hours and usually has about five incisions. Advantages Unlike the Lap-Band sugery, gastric sleeve surgery is permanent and a good option for those who were seeking a less invasive type of procedure. It can be done as an outpatient laparascopic procedure that requires less recovery time than gastric bypass surgery, as it is less invasive and complicated. Recent studies and data have shown that patients who undergo the procedure experienced a 40 to 50 percent loss of excess body weight in the first year following the surgery. Gastrectomy surgery may also help with risk factors associated with obesity, like high cholesterol, high blood pressure, sleep apnea and Type 2 Diabetes. Post-surgery You can return to work or school within about two weeks after your operation, but it's important to stay on track with any specific guidelines that your surgeon in Mexico has given to you, including regulations involving physical activity. Some of these guidelines may include not lifting heavy objects or doing strenuous exercises. The diet you're assigned will have different phases, such as a week or two of liquids, and the phases will evolve up to solid foods that are healthy, high in fiber and protein and low in fat after a couple of months. Eating foods not approved by your doctor can hurt your stomach or incisions.

Those who have tried the diets and exercises and can't seem to find a successful regimen to lose weight and get healthy could be the perfect candidates for gastrectomy surgery in Mexico. If this procedure sounds like the head start you've been seeking to live a more positive, active and healthy life, schedule a consultation with a weight loss facility in Mexico to meet with doctors and discuss your options.

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