The Coming Interspiritual--Archive Edition

Page 274

Further Evidence of Oneness Bizah suddenly got up and headed to Akina’s, not knowing why. When he arrived, he found Akina sitting on the floor nursing his bleeding knee. “Goodness, what happened, Akina?” Bizah asked. “Oh, I wasn’t looking and tripped over a fallen tree branch on my way home and scraped my knee badly,” replied Akina. “But why are you here now? I didn’t expect to see you here.” “That’s a good question,” Bizah responded. “I really don’t know, other than that I was just sitting quietly at home, then my body got up, and I knew I had to come see you.” “Hmm,” replied Akina. “More evidence that we are becoming very attuned to one another. You sensed something was wrong with me and just came.” “I guess so,” said Bizah. “But how does that really happen—that we become so attuned, we can sense what’s happening to each other?” “Well, we sure spend a lot of time in stillness together. During these times, we experience an inner presence that isn’t personal, but universal. It’s in all things. So as we cultivate this inner presence, we must become closer.” “Why?” asked Bizah. “Because there is not your presence and my presence, there is simple presence. We are in truth all one, and our spiritual practice is bringing us into this realization through our experiences.” “Awesome!” exclaimed Bizah. “Should we tell the Master?” “I think he already knows,” said Akina.

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