XXC #3

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T he Park C ity Point 2 Point race w ill take place this Septem ber 5th in the W asatch M ou ntains of U tah.T he race w ill featu re over 75 m iles of sing le track, over 10,000 feet of clim bing and som e of the best trails in the Park C ity, U tah area. C ateg ories inclu de Solo M en, Solo W om en, Sing le Speed, and a D u o division. T here w illbe cash pay ou ts in the O pen M ale and O pen Fem ale categ ories.T he first 200 entrant w ill receive a PC PP G rou nd Tech T shirt and a bu nch of other g oodies.A llracers w illenjoy su pport from 2 aid stations stocked w ith fu elfrom the g ood folks at H am m er N u trition, a tasty post race B B Q , a concert at T he C anyons R esort and m u ch,m u ch,m ore. T he cou rse is not final yet, bu t shou ld be in the com ing w eeks. Stay tu ned to thepccp.com for details.R eg istration is now open at thepcpp.athlete360.com and capped at 300 racers,so reg ister today to m ake su re you ’re on the starting line for the 2009 Park C ity Point 2 Point! Tw o video cou rse preview s are available at the X X C m ag .com B log .

Images courtesy of Jay Burke XXC SEASON ONE: ISSUE THREE



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