Cot June Meeting Agenda

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Division of Student Affairs Council of Trustees Report June 2014 Page 3 in a CARE break to assist SRIJ students it.t connecting in and out ofclassroom leaming- OSC facilitated 7 hearings and an appeal. The Student Counseling Center's newly developed Triage and Scope ofPractice allowed for no waitlist throughout the spring semester, with an average wait from Triage to an Intake Appointment at 5.9 days. IJsing our text messaging appoinlment rcminder amenity through Titanium, data showed an overall 2olo decrease in No Show rates and an increase by Io of Student Cancellation rates resulting in better utilization ofappointments for students.

Tlie President has approved tlre merger between Counseling and Development and the Counseling Center under the College of Education. This collaborative reorganization will both strengthen the quality ofthe master's counselor preparation programs offered through the Department of Counseling and Development by creating additional opportunities for high-impact experiential learning, and significantly improve the availability aDd diversity of counseling selvices provided to Slippery Rock University students tl.trough the Counseling Center. Student Health Services (SIIS) collaborating for student success:

Clinical Care: Health care visits continuo to increase, despite reduced enrollment. 15, 779 visits to SHS occurred this academic year, an increase of292 visits despite a reduced enrollment. Collaborative partnerships allowed for besl student outcomes, and this is especially true for our students experiencing mental health concems (a 250olo increase)- Collaborative relationships with the Counseling Center, Retention Services, Student Intervention Services, and the Behavioral Intervenlion Team assisted in the provision of needed evaluation, treatment and services as well as addressing academic responsibilities. A strong relationship with the Center for Community Resources (CCR) is invaluable in addressing rnental bealth crisis and student safety. CCR also prov;ded assistance with admission to psychiatric facilities as indicated by student presentation. The 2417 operation ofSHS allows access for Registered Nurse evaluation and referral for our most fragile studentsHealth Promotion: Educational encounters continue to increase through both programming and marketing campaigns. The Ofilce of Health Promotion has been able to continue to increase the number ofstudents encountered with less resources through our collaborative partnerships. 'fhese partnerships have included Orientation (new this semester, the Coordinator speaks to incoming students about participating in mystudentbody), Enrollment Services, Faculty, AVI, WSRU, SGA, House Council, Adagio Health, UPB, Student Organizations and Greek Life. Wellness/Public Health: SHS partnered with International Services to address a public health concem with increasing nr:mbers of students being sought from countries with high rates of Tuberculosis (TB) infection. The Pennsylvan ia Department of I lealth was a key partner in the care of an intemational student who had previously undiagnosed latent TB infection. The focus ofthe TB protocol for intenrational students is twofold; reducing the risk of infectious disease to the SRU community and assisting individual students. Academic Partnerships SHS staffcontinues to support the Exercise is Medicine partnership with Jxerclse Science faculty by collectjng data on students' exercise habits (data also used for grants and research initiatives), referring to the student trainer program and ARC and reinforcing positive exercise habits. Clinical staffprovided a guest lecture on Infection Control to Athletic Training students. SHS also worked closely with Athletic Training faculty and Athletics to develop a policy for addressing Sickle Cell testing in athletes. The healthcare staff in Student Health Services provided a clinical site for 7 Butler County Community College Nursing (Associate Degree) students. The evaluations by the students indicated this experience was very positive and educational regarding healthcare for the college student. Pat't ofthe SHS experience includes information about SRUs Rlr' to BSN program. The director met with the new Physician Assislant ptogram faculty to discuss ways we could collaborate including clearance for program participation, service review, program review, clinical rotation experiences, and subject exDertise.

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