2012 WVU Rowing Guide

Page 58

Record Book

[ awards and honors ] ERG HAMMER AWARD This award is given to the member of the team that has the best 2,000-meter ERG score 2001-02 Kirsten Leslie 2002-03 Gaetane De La Bourdonnaye 2003-04 Meg Ayers 2004-05 Meg Ayers Teresa Dugan 2005-06 Mollie Welty Whitney Blume 2006-07 Teresa Dugan Megan Ostrom 2007-08 Teresa Dugan 2008-09 None 2009-10 Shannon Gribbons (Varsity) Megan Neckelmann (Novice) 2010-11 Kate Brownson (Varsity) Sara Olenich (Novice)

IRON MOUNTAINEER 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11

FLAME AWARD This award represents the most spirited rower 2008-09 Alita Meyers 2009-10 Jordan Burns 2010-11 Keyara Stevenson (Varsity) Alea Hipes (Novice)

The 2003 Mountaineers

WVU at the 2001 Women’s Royal Henley Regatta in England


Caroline Rettig Brett Krumholz Shannon Gribbons Shannon Gribbons Rachel Purych

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