New Bearings: A Guide for Transfer and Exchange Students

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Authored by First Year Center Edited by Dacoda Scarlett, Miranda Kroeger, Morgan Solender ’20 Photography by WashU Photographic Services, Bonner Williams ’16, and Jordan Gamble ’14

WELCOME FROM THE FIRST YEAR CENTER Welcome to Washington University in St. Louis! Whether you are joining us for the rest of your undergraduate experience or just a semester, we are so excited you are choosing to become part of our community. Transfer and exchange students bring a wealth of diverse knowledge and experiences to WashU and our community will be greatly enriched by your presence on campus. We hope you will find a home at WashU. The First Year Center is here to support students in all aspects of their transition to WashU. We know this isn’t your first time doing the “college thing,” but we want to ensure that you have all the resources you need to thrive here at WashU. In August, you will attend Bear Beginnings: Transfer & Exchange Student Orientation, a 6-day program that has been specifically tailored to the needs of transfer and exchange students. Washington University Student Associates (WUSAs) will be there to guide you through this process and will continue to serve as peer mentors throughout the rest of your first year at WashU. Do not hesitate to ask your WUSAs any questions. All of your WUSAs have either transferred to this university or spent time studying abroad; they know what it is like to join a student community as a transfer or exchange student. We encourage you to use their experience and knowledge to ease your transition to WashU. During Bear Beginnings, you will also be able to meet and connect with students going through the same experience. The transfer/ exchange community is a strong and growing community and we hope you stay connected by attending events hosted by your WUSAs throughout the year. As a transfer or exchange student, your needs are different than those of other new students. This

Morgan Solender ’20 Transfer & Exchange Chair First Year Center Executive Board

publication was written by transfer and exchange students to provide you with information and insights they gathered during their first year at WashU, or their time abroad. It includes some advice from students who have been in your position, as well as faculty perspectives on the transfer and exchange experience. At, you can access a publication titled Bear Facts, which contains resources for all new students at WashU, including campus maps, information about residential life and academic requirements, and student perspectives on living and studying at Washington University in St. Louis. Read through this publication to gain insight into how WashU will differ from your previous institution and how to make the most of your time here. We can’t wait to see you in August!

Morgan Solender ’20 Transfer & Exchange Chair First Year Center Executive Board Washington University in St. Louis | 1



Washington University Student Associates (WUSAs) are student leaders who have gone through a similar transition as you and can act as academic and social resources. Transfer WUSAs have all transferred to WashU from another institution and exchange WUSAs have studied abroad. These students are available throughout Bear Beginnings, as well as the rest of the year, to help you move in, answer your questions, and assist in your academic and social transition.

In the same way each residential college has a mascot, the transfer/exchange (TX) community has one as well: the Transferasaurus Rex. Many students take pride in their residential college mascot and the TX community is no different.

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We are an extremely tight-knit and friendly community, and we all belong to the same Transferasaurus family. Being united under this mascot means even though all TXers will branch out and find their own places in the WashU community, we all share a unique common experience and an underlying bond. We take a great deal of pride in our community and our mascot, especially during Bear Beginnings: Transfer & Exchange Student Orientation.


Yueqi Du

Danielle Folkerts

Yvonne Huang

Exchange WUSA College of Arts & Sciences Class of 2020

Exchange WUSA College of Arts & Sciences Class of 2021

Exchange WUSA College of Arts & Sciences Class of 2021

Maya Schaer

Serena Taylor

Yucen Zhong

Transfer WUSA College of Arts & Sciences Class of 2021

Transfer WUSA College of Arts & Sciences Class of 2021

Exchange WUSA McKelvey School of Engineering Class of 2021

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THE TRANSFER EXPERIENCE Welcome! We here at the First Year Center are thrilled to welcome you to WashU and want to ensure your transition to your new home is as seamless as possible. We recognize that being a transfer student presents many unique challenges and, at first, can be difficult. In our experience, all of these challenges work themselves out with time and WashU truly becomes your new home away from home. Be patient, get involved, take risks, and put yourself out there. You have the unique opportunity to start off with a clean slate and will have many experiences available to you. Everyone here at WashU is a resource for you, so never be afraid to ask questions! Your WUSA, teaching assistants, professors, and mentors are all here to support you. It is your job to seek them out and ask for their support and guidance. Throughout Bear Beginnings: New Student Fall Orientation, make an effort to attend all of the transfer student events. Bear Beginnings is a great opportunity to bond with other new transfer students. As the semester carries on, keep in touch with your transfer friends. Even now, some of my closest friends are the ones I made during orientation. Finally, know that everything is going to work out. It won’t always be easy, but if you put yourself out there, attend events, and engage with your new community you will be on track to find your niche here at WashU. My decision to transfer to WashU was one of the best decisions I have ever made, and I learned so much about myself throughout the process. Enjoy your break and please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at We look forward to meeting you in the fall! —Maya Schaer, Transfer WUSA, College of Arts & Sciences, Class of 2021

As you begin this next phase of your education at Washington University in St. Louis, keep in mind that you are engaging with a new campus culture. Depending on your previous college experience, you may encounter an academic culture that seems similar to the one you —Warren J. Davis, Assistant Dean, have known, or you may find that it’s different here. Regardless, there College of Arts & are plenty of resources to assist and support you in your transition. Sciences Your WUSA has a wealth of information about Washington University and can aid you in getting to know your new academic home. The same is true for your academic adviser, with whom you may be working over the summer. Finally, when the semester begins, get to know your instructors. Attending office hours is an excellent way of introducing yourself and of building rapport with your instructors. As a former dean once said, ‘Learning is not a spectator sport.’ 4 | New Bearings


THE EXCHANGE EXPERIENCE Last spring, I boarded a plane to leave the country I call home and headed to a different side of the world—London. Living in another culture without the comforts of home is not easy. However, my exchange experience abroad has become one of the most rewarding things I have done. The beginning was both exciting and stressful. I found myself struggling to adjust and complete simple tasks like going to the grocery store and learning to use public transportation. On the other hand, it all felt like a vacation. As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months the challenges continued but I felt myself becoming better adjusted and more equipped to handle any challenges. With more time and some effort, I found ways to fit in. I met people who helped me learn and appreciate where I was and the opportunities I had, and every day became like an adventure. I became incredibly close with the student community and by the end of my program felt fully immersed in the culture, rather than feeling like the outsider I did in the beginning. For me, having these people made the transition much easier. Having someone willing to help and take the time to invest in you makes all the difference. Your WUSA, staff, faculty, and current domestic students will provide the same for you. Exchange programs are one of the most challenging experiences that a student can pursue during college, but can also be the most rewarding. I know I am not the same person who left the United States a year ago. I have a wider and more encompassing perspective. I know I can live in a new country and function. The most important lesson I learned is that I have now incorporated a new culture into myself without losing what makes me who I am. I hope your exchange experience is as valuable as mine. If you ever need someone to talk to, ask a question, or just to hang out, please reach out. There are countless people here who will be more than happy to assist you. Good luck! —Yueqi Du, Exchange WUSA, College of Arts & Sciences, Class of 2020

Come here ready to engage intellectually both in and outside of the classroom. You can do this by choosing courses with discussion components and contributing to the debate, going to professors’ office hours to discuss ideas generated by classes or reading, seeking out research opportunities in a lab or an archive, and attending the many talks sponsored by departments, student groups, and other organizations. Don’t be intimidated by the new environment or your relatively short time at WashU. Past exchange students have done amazing things here at WashU that have shaped the remainder of their studies back home and you have the same opportunity!

—Amy C. Suelzer, PhD Director, Overseas Programs

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TRANSITIONING TO WASHU COMING FROM A LARGE, PUBLIC INSTITUTION  When I first transferred to WashU, classes were suddenly much smaller, walks across campus much shorter, and the seas of people crowding the sidewalks during break times much more navigable. Additionally, I found classes at WashU were quite a bit more demanding than my previous school, and they required I come well-prepared and ready to participate every day. I have found this extra work is well worth it as I get so much more out of my classes. These smaller settings give you a chance to engage in discussions and debates with other students, and even the professors, that will challenge your understanding of the world. The smaller classroom setting also offers a great way to start meeting other students, especially those in your major or areas of interest. I realized very quickly after arriving on campus I would run into even these few classmates or the other people I had met quite often. Coming from a large university where I rarely encountered the same person twice in a week, it was a nice feeling to recognize other students just by walking around. This has even come to be one of my favorite aspects of WashU—the close-knit student body giving the campus a very friendly and comfortable feel.  6 | New Bearings








COMING FROM A SMALL, LIBERAL ARTS INSTITUTION The first thing you might notice is there are a lot more people around! At my old institution, I felt like I met a majority of the student body after just one year. At WashU, however, I am still meeting new people each and every week. You’ll notice the wealth of opportunities to do new things on campus. With five different academic divisions for undergraduates and opportunities to take classes in each one, your educational horizon becomes much wider. WashU is a research university, which means faculty members are usually involved in research in addition to teaching. (This means you may have the opportunity to get involved with research, even as an undergrad!) Most professors do an excellent job of making themselves available outside of class. TAs and help sessions supplement many courses as well. I’ve found WashU is the perfect size. I’ve had so many opportunities to participate in and pursue different interests of mine, met so many new people, and still manage to see friendly faces I recognize every day. It’s been an extremely positive experience for me.

COMING FROM A NON-U.S. INSTITUTION I have really enjoyed the experience I’ve had at WashU. Transferring here is the best decision I’ve ever made. I’ve met many talented students here and have been lucky enough to make friends with them. It is very important to get involved at WashU when you first come here without knowing anyone. I definitely recommend taking an active part in Bear Beginnings because that’s the first and biggest opportunity for you to meet so many transfer students and spend some time to get to know them better. I met two of my best friends during that time! For international students, especially for those who come from non-English speaking countries, there will be many challenges around language, culture, and academic performance. Truthfully, I had a tough time getting through the first semester, but everything becomes so much better in the second semester, so don’t feel frustrated when you are not getting used to things here right away. It takes time and hopefully you’ll love this transfer experience! Washington University in St. Louis | 7

STARTING SCHOOL While you may have already completed orientation at your previous institution, you’ll still need to attend an orientation program here at Washington University. Bear Beginnings: New Student Fall Orientation will help you learn to navigate campus and meet other students at the university. Your Washington University Student Associates (WUSAs) will be there ready to help with anything and everything to make you feel welcome. Other transfer and exchange students will also be there. With plenty of activities and fun ways to spend time together, orientation is the first opportunity to connect with the TX community and the beginning of many meaningful friendships.

COURSE REGISTRATION Registration procedures vary depending on which academic division you are entering. You will be contacted by your academic adviser over the summer to register for courses you’ll be taking in the fall. No matter which academic division you are entering, be sure to retain syllabi and/or course information from your previous institution. This information will be important for the evaluation of transfer credit awarded at Washington University. If you have any academic questions, don’t hesitate to contact your school, department, or academic adviser.

MOVE-IN DAY/ARRIVAL INFORMATION Transfer students should plan to arrive in St. Louis on Tuesday, August 20th. Arrival details for students living in Residential Life housing will be available on If you are living off-campus, your first mandatory orientation event is the Transfer & Exchange Student Welcome at 11:30AM on Wednesday, August 21st. All transfer and exchange students, living both on- and offcampus, must attend this event.

ACADEMIC TIPS You can develop the skills for academic success here at WashU. To help you out, we’ve included a few tips that current students wanted to pass on to you.

CORNERSTONE The hub of academic support at WashU, Cornerstone offers peer mentoring for key courses like Calculus and Chemistry. Cornerstone also serves students who have a documented disability.

THE SYSTEM TAKES ADJUSTMENT The courses are not really harder but, for exchange students, the system takes adjustment. There is more (consistent) homework to do and turn in—in addition to more quizzes, projects, and exams. There are much stricter guidelines on academic integrity than at some other institutions. Make sure you check with the professor before working on assignments with others to be sure of their policy on group work.

TAKE ADVANTAGE OF HELP Take advantage of help from upper-division peers and study groups. These will help you with homework and to gain a better understanding of the material you are learning.

TAKE A SMALL CLASS If possible, take a small class your first semester. Whether you’re transferring to WashU from a large state university or a small liberal arts college, taking a small class is a nice way to meet other students, get to know a professor well, and become really engaged in an interesting topic. WashU courses can be quite rigorous, but make sure you’re taking time to have fun, travel, and see the surrounding area!

WAITLISTS ARE WORTH THE WAIT A lot of students over-register, “shop” for classes in the first week, and end up dropping a course or two. If you are on a waitlist, show up to class the first day and talk to the professor about joining the course. That being said, be sure to have some back up courses you’d be happy staying in just in case.

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CAMPUS LIFE TIPS We want you to have a great experience while you’re here in St. Louis. Here are a few tips to ensure that you’re engaged inside and outside of the classroom.



If you plan to live in privately managed apartments, it might help to take a look at the map in advance and look for routes to local amenities, etc. If your apartment is unfurnished, you can order furniture online and have it delivered on the day of your arrival.

It is by far the best and fastest way to meet people, and with literally hundreds of options to choose from, there is an activity or group for everyone. Getting involved is a great chance to meet some amazing people and form lasting friendships. The Fall Activities Fair is a good place to start!

Tip: you can find shopping & dining guides at!



If you are an exchange student, keep in touch with your family and friends from your home country! You may get lonely sometimes, and they’ll also miss you.

Begin exploring campus as soon as possible to find your ideal study, hangout, and dining locations.

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SIGN UP FOR A U-PASS The U-Pass allows you to use St. Louis’ public transit system and is free for Wash U students. You will receive an email with registration information, and it is absolutely worth the three minutes it will take you to sign up.

HOUSING OPTIONS On-campus and off-campus residences are available for transfer and exchange students. Washington University provides resources and services to assist students in finding housing.

RESIDENTIAL LIFE HOUSING Your living options may include upperclass housing on the South 40 and on the North Side (Village/Lopata and universityowned on- and off-campus apartments). For more information, visit You can also call Residential Life Monday to Friday from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM CST at 314.935.5050 or toll free at 1.800.243.1853 if you have any questions.

PRIVATELY-MANAGED HOUSING You may also choose to live in off-campus housing that is not owned or managed by Residential Life. If you decide to live off-campus in non-Residential Life housing, check out the off-campus housing website, You will find information for both university-owned and nonuniversity-owned housing. Many apartments are within a few minutes’ walk to the Danforth (main) campus.

FOR INFORMATION ABOUT OFF-CAMPUS PRIVATELYMANAGED HOUSING Contact the Apartment Referral Service (ARS) at 314.935.5092 or or contact Quadrangle Housing Co. at 314.935.9511 or

TRANSPORTATION OPTIONS CIRC The Campus Circulator (or “Circ”) makes a continuous loop around main campus and is free for all students to ride. Using the WashU smartphone app, students can track the Circ location and schedule in real time.

ENTERPRISE CARSHARE The Enterprise CarShare program allows students to rent a car by the hour. These cars are available at various locations across the Washington University campuses and can be reserved online through the CarShare website. Students must apply for membership to the CarShare program. More information on CarShare for WashU can be found at at

METRO/U-PASS Washington University students can register to get a free U-Pass through transportation services which will allow you to use the St. Louis bus and metro systems. Passes are available per semester and the summer; registration information will be emailed before the start of the semester.

TAXI Transportation by taxi is another option for travel around St. Louis, particularly for travel to and from Lambert Airport. Two local cab companies are County Cab 314.991.5300 and Laclede Cab 314.652.3456.

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LIFE OFF CAMPUS FOREST PARK “My favorite place is Forest Park because there are tons of great festivals and activities that go on and it is a great place to go for a walk or run to clear your head.”

Morgan Solender Transfer & Exchange Chair First Year Center Executive Board College of Arts & Sciences Class of 2020

CENTRAL WEST END “My favorite place in St. Louis is Jeni’s Ice Cream. They have very creative flavors and the best waffle cones! It’s the place I missed the most while I was away so you know it’s good.”

Yueqi Du Exchange WUSA College of Arts & Sciences Class of 2020

THE HILL “My favorite place in St. Louis is The Hill because the neighborhood gives off a different vibe than the rest of the city. It also has the best restaurants and bakeries!”

Danielle Folkerts Exchange WUSA College of Arts & Sciences Class of 2021

FOREST PARK “My favorite place in St. Louis is Forest Park, because I really like the art museum. Also, when the weather is nice, picnicking on Art Hill is so much fun.”

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Yvonne Huang Exchange WUSA College of Arts & Sciences Class of 2021



WEEKEND TRIPS Living in St. Louis, you have an opportunity to be a weekend drive away from fun adventures in different U.S. cities. We’ve listed a few below for you to check out.

CHICAGO Chicago is a four-to-five-hour drive from St. Louis and a straight shot via Amtrak trains or MegaBus, making it ideal for a weekend trip if you’re missing that big-city feel or want to take a break from WashU’s campus. Take a drive for deep-dish pizza, an improv performance at The Second City, and a show at Millennium Park.

LAKE OF THE OZARKS Lake of the Ozarks features two state parks and opportunities to play golf, mountain bike, fish, scuba-dive, and more. It’s only about three hours from St. Louis. Rent a cabin for a weekend or drive up for a day trip if you’re looking to get outdoors.

MEMPHIS Much like our city, Memphis claims to be the home of BBQ and blues. Do a little compare and contrast when you have a free weekend! Just a four-hour drive from St. Louis.



A four-to-five-hour drive to the southeast will take you to Nashville. It’s called Music City for a reason—tons of local and national artists play in Nashville every week—but besides that, the city offers great restaurants, lively streets, and a college town-meets-Southern-city atmosphere.

The Outing Club of Washington University ( leads day trips and weekend trips to parks, mountains, rivers, and state and national scenic landmarks. Like them on Facebook and get on their mailing list to find out about new trips and sign up for equipment rentals.

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FIRST YEAR CENTER Campus Box 1136 One Brookings Drive St. Louis, MO 63130-4899 314.935.5040

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