The Guardian 3-26-14

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MARCH 26, 2014

News Kyle Powell is the new student body president Pg 3.


Opinion Public Alleviation Pg 4.

ISSUE NO. 25 VOL. 50

Wright Life Photo New Boonshoft family medicine chair releases novel Pg 8.

Greek Week comes to WSU Pg 6.

GReeK WeeK on THe WaTeR

Sports Women’s Basketball Pg 9.

Events and activities, Page 6

Photos by Michael Tyler: Photography Editor

CAMPUS EVENTS: Wednesday, March 26 • Baseball v. Kent State: 3 p.m. Nischwitz Stadium Thursday, March 27 • Softball v. Dayton: 5 p.m. WSU Softball Field • Greek Week Lip Sync: 7-11 p.m. Student Union Atrium Friday, March 28 • Black Men on the Move’s Apollo Night: 9-11 p.m. Apollo and Endeavor Rooms Saturday, March 29 • Softball v. Green Bay: 1 p.m. WSU Softball Field • Project Linus: 4-7 p.m. Student Union Atrium


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The Guardian is printed weekly during the regular school year. It is published by students of Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio. Editorials without bylines reflect the majority opinion of the editorial board. Views expressed in columns, cartoons and advertisements are those of the writers, artists and advertisers. The Guardian reserves the right to censor or reject advertising copy, in accordance with any present or future advertising acceptance rules established by The Guardian. All contents contained herein are the express property of The Guardian. Copyright privileges revert to the writers, artists and photographers of specific works after publication. Copyright 2013 The Guardian, Wright State University. All rights reserved.

Kegan Sickels

Friday, April 4 • Rainbow Alliance Drag Revue: 8-11 p.m. Apollo Room Saturday, April 5 • Delta Zeta’s JelloPalooza: 12-4 p.m. Founder’s Quadrangle Tuesday, April 8 • My Black is Beautiful Fashion Show: 6-9:30 p.m. Student Union Atrium

Instagram Photo of the Week

Friday, April 11 • Relay for Life: 6 p.m.-12 a.m. Founder’s Quadrangle Saturday, April 12 • GloryCon 2014: 10 a.m.-8 p.m. McLin Gym, Ervin J. Nutter Center • Africa Day: 7-10:30 p.m. Apollo Room • Ball in the House: 9-11 p.m. Student Union Atrium

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March 26, 2014


NEWS 3 The second time’s a charm

Powell secures the WSUSG presidency

Leah Kelley News Editor

Quick facts:

Major: Political science Minor: Urban affairs Originally from just outside Springfield, Ohio Graduated high school in 2011 Wanted to be a secret service agent when he was little


yle Powell is the incoming student government (WSUSG) president for the 2014-2015 academic year at Wright State. Powell ran for the position of president in 2013, but lost the election by 177 votes. “We fell,” Powell said, “but in my eyes we did very well. We

were the youngest people out there.” Powell ran with fellow student government member Ryan Rushing, now the COLA senator. This year proved to be quite a different story for Powell and Megan Gray, who won this year’s election by 291 votes. Powell has leadership experience as both the treasurer and president of the College Democrats of WSU. He also served as a member of the College of Liberal Arts dean student advisory board, a chair of the student trustee search committee, and the commuter senator of student government. “I want to continue to advocate for students—I’m working on a safety application. It’s more than the blue lights, but in the palm of your hand,” Powell said. “Like I said, I love what I do.” Powell stressed the impor-

tance of student government communicating with the students of the university. “We need to let the students know what their tuition dollars are going towards, and make sure students are engaged in the process,” Powell said. Methods of pursued communication include campus e-mails, newsletters and more tabling in high traffic student areas on campus. “Outreach to students is a big thing,” Powell said. “We’ve done some tabling but I think it could be greater. General conversation where we introduce ourselves, ask the students if they have any problems at Wright State.” Students are encouraged to find their student body representative if they have any comments or suggestions about how the campus could improve.

Photo by Leah Kelley: News Editor

Kasich on campus: vets are Ohio’s golden employees Leah Kelley News Editor

“If they can drive a truck in Afghanistan, they can drive a truck here,” Governor John Kasich said of veterans Friday at a 2 p.m. press conference in the Endeavor room. Kasich is the 69th Governor of Ohio and is currently pushing a new program entitled Ohio Means Jobs. Ohio is the number one producer of jobs in the Midwest, but veterans still find difficulty paying for higher education and reentering the work force after graduation “I’m a believer that every person created has a purpose on this earth,” Kasich said to a room packed with military officials, university administrators

and interested students. “We can begin to show our students what it takes to get one of those jobs and what they need to get there.” Seth Gordon, the director of the WSU Veteran and Military Center, highlighted strategies that the university should employ to aid veterans. Several ap-

“I consider vets to be our golden employees,”

Photo by Leah Kelley: News Editor Governor Kasich speaks in front of a crowd in the Apollo Room

-Governor John Kasich proaches included supporting our veterans by linking them with local employers, educating them on their G.I. benefits and recreating the sense of brotherhood at WSU that they experienced whilst serving overseas. “I consider vets to be our golden employees,” Kasich said. “We want to give them success

when they re-enter their civilian life.” Tyler Thompson, 30, is a rehabilitation services major at WSU and a Mission Continues fellow. Thompson served in both Iraq and Afghanistan in the Army. After suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, he sought professional assistance and now studies to lend a hand to Veterans who suffer from similar mental turmoil after serving in the military. Thompson now plans veteran-specific events and activities and hopes to begin the Battle Buddy Program for Veterans on campus. Kasich said he hoped to develop a program that would produce success stories such as Thompson’s to make veterans an important part of Ohio’s economic recovery.

CORRECTION: In last week’s issue, it was reported that Associate Professor of History and Education Noeleen McIlvenna’s yearly salary was $103,764.16. The correct salary was $69,337.84.​


March 26, 2014


4 OPINION Public alleviation Brandon Berry Contributing Writer

Dear Mandy, I’m seeing 2 guys and can’t choose which one I like the best. One is really intellectual and we love discussing classic literature such as “Moby Dick” together. But the other one has big muscles and hands so big, that he can literally fit them around my waist. Which one do I choose? Do I have to? Thanks, -Sexii or Smart Dear Sexii or Smart,

Let’s get down to the nitty gritty, because you’re in a real pickle here girl. They both sound pretty dreamy. If you’re going to make that big decision, you need to figure out what you want. Do you want something long term? Or are you just looking for a fling? (Literally a guy who could fling you around if his hands truly can wrap around your waist the way you describe. You guys should take up swing dancing!)

You asked if you HAVE to choose one of them, and the answer is yes, you do. I can see where you’re confused though, because while it’s awesome that you can discuss literature with Guy #1, he also chose to discuss Moby Dick, which is maybe the most hated book of all time, and he chose a book title with the word dick in it. So that’s weighing against him. On the other hand, it sounds like Guy #2 has some beautiful, rippling muscles but his hands are weirdly Hulk sized. What a dilemma!

My instinct is always to follow my gut. If Guy #1 is doing it for you, and you get turned on talking about a whale, then he is the man for you. If Guy #2 and his meaty club hands are what you think about at the end of the day, maybe you should just forget about Moby Dick and go with Mr. Muscles. The choice is up to you. Love,

Mandy Disclaimer: Ask Mandy is satirical and intended for humorous purposes. The views and opinions reflected are those of Mandy, not The Guardian as an organization. 4

March 26, 2014


was never a fan of public restrooms until I stepped foot onto this campus. What was it about them that I couldn’t stand (sit)? No idea. Nothing beside the fact that they are grosssmelling, germ-infested, nonprivate rooms with urine stains on the walls. I mean, other than that, not a thing. I would utilize urinals only in an emergency and NEVER would I step foot into a stall, even if a volcano was about to rupture in my pantaloons. However, that was the old me. The new me has a slight reputation he needs to keep up with, so crapping his pants is out of the question. I have no problem with peeing; most of the time no one is located at the urinal right next to me anyway, so all is well. Sometimes, however, I gulp down a little too much coffee prior to leaving my dorm, so about an hour later, it hits me. You know exactly what hits me. So, seeing as though the bath-

rooms on campus are moderately clean most of the time, I have no problem dropping trou and plopping my tokus on down. I prefer fourth floor of Millett, second stall, but I can poop almost anywhere on this campus. Wright State’s bathrooms give me a sense of wellbeing, accomplishment, and, of course, a better understanding of the restroom society; they changed the way I look at toilets forever. Though I have a preference as to where I go, a part of me wants to see what else is out there, you know? One thing that makes me want to do so is the great art that grazes the stall dividers, as well as the wonderfully crafted phrases thought up by none other than the sitters themselves. Sometimes when I come across a great philosophical or mind-bending saying, I ponder around and think, “Wow, that artist, that GENIUS, sat here where I am right now. This is amazing.” That’s basically what goes through my mind while on the porcelain thrown. Well, that, and “Urggghhhhh.” *ploop*

I’d like to think that the art and creativeness is constricted to only this campus, but that’s, sadly, not the case. The other day (around 5 weeks ago now), a friend of mine, who attends Ohio University, texted me this, “Racism is a drag off the cigarette of freedom.” I responded, of course, with, “Wow, dude… you’re a philosopher.” Come to find out, it wasn’t him that said it; it was another stall writer. Why aren’t these people famous? Why aren’t they known? That’s what I want to discern. These masterful minds could, and should, provide us with a bright future. They are intellectuals and mental professionals; they are damn smart. Hell, Plato couldn’t even hold is own when it comes to this material; it’s just that good. Maybe someday, these people will come out of their secret society of intelligence and reveal to us where they acquire their golden knowledge. You never know, we might be sitting right on top of it.

Computers or mirrors? Elizabeth Turner Contributing Writer


was in the library the other day and saw many students studying and chatting, as per the function of a library. As I was walking around, I saw a group of girls in front of a computer straightening and curling hair. What? I’m sure it’s not the most absurd thing to happen in a library, but it just seemed out of place to me. I don’t have enough room in my book bag or time in the day or cares in the world to bother to bring a straightener with me to campus. Maybe it’s because I’ve finally accepted my unruly curly hair as a fact of life and moved on to

things that I can control. Maybe it’s because I’ve had the same boyfriend for four years and I’m not out to impress anyone. Or maybe it’s because my mother never really encouraged the application of makeup and instead let me draw stick people and cats all over my walls (to this day she deeply regrets that decision). I prefer a half hour of sleep to waking up and putting on basecoats or whatever that means. I’m not a house; I don’t think I need primer. Trust me, I probably could use some under eye concealer, but for the most part I’m happy with how I look naturally. And if I leave the house without makeup I will most likely return that way.

Of course I’ve been made up for special occasions and clubs (Clubs are like some kind of reverse car wash. You enter looking pristine and leave looking like you just got into a fight with a coal miner). Look that way every day? Not for me, thanks. But I get it. I had acne and I feel the need to hide blemishes and imperfections. If makeup and hairdos make you feel good then of course do it, but do it for yourself, not society. And may I propose an appropriate place, such as the bathroom, for cosmetic purposes and let someone, oh maybe a wild-haired girl with a paper due in twenty minutes (ME!), have your computer? That’d be great.

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NEWS 5 Students react to Facebook’s gender options update Dylan Dohner News Writer


acebook updated its gender options list in midFebruary, increasing the available range from the usual two to over 50, including transgender, intersex and androgynous. Users can now select up to 10 different gender definitions, with more than 50 identifiers to describe their gender preference, and share it on their profiles. This adjustment extends to other posts and applications that may mention the user’s gender, like birthday prompts to friends in which the pronoun is decided by the user. Rather than wishing “him” or “her” a happy birthday, it could display as “them.” “I have many friends who are trans-identified who do not necessarily see their gender as

something so black and white,” said undergrad Dominick Evans. “They may identify as FTM (female-to-male) or MTF (maleto-female), transgender, etc. I even have some friends who see themselves as genderless, or agender.” Evans says this update gives people a sense of expression in the social media world they never had. “Facebook is telling them that who they are matters, even if it’s just in a small way,” Evans said. Undergrad Sarah McHenry said, “I think that it’s a big start in recognizing other genders as valid. This also helps set other online forms to follow a similar format. I hope that this will spark an educated discussion on gender identity.” Facebook has consistently demonstrated support for gender and sexual preference over the years, winning a Gay and

Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation Media Award for fair representation of the LGBTQ community and issues that impact it. “It’s significant that Facebook has moved beyond the gender binary,” said Amber Vlasnik, Director of the Women’s Center. “It reflects the research about both gender identity and the experiences of millions of people.” Evans described the stressfulness of a male/female gender label for someone who may not necessarily identify so easily with either. “If we’re going to label ourselves, people should be com-

fortable in the labels with which they identify,” Evans said. “I think Facebook has taken a step in the right direction, and

I know many people who feel a sense of relief no longer being placed in a tiny, inaccurate box that does not fit their identity.”

Food pantry partnering Employment cuts a possibility with Boy Scouts for Printing Services

Todd Reigelsperger Contributing Writer


he Boy Scouts of America recently announced their partnership with Wright State’s Friendship Food Pantry as part of their annual “Scouting for Food” drive. The Friendship Food pantry is open to any current WSU student. The Wright State pantry, located in 134 Allyn Hall, has averaged 25-30 visits per month. Students and staff volunteers sort, organize and distribute the food. The pantry will provide any student with emergency need for a few days and those students who need extended help will be given resources and information on how and where to find it. “More often than not, we get students who are in need,” said Felix Torres, the pantry’s coordinator, adding that many of the pantry’s users are students with dependents. Wright State is meeting those needs, he said. Members of the Tecumseh Council of the Boy Scouts of America, more than 3,000 scouts and parents, are going door-to-door to collect dona-

tions. The food will be distributed to various food banks in Xenia, Fairborn and the Wright State University food pantry. Last year the Boy Scouts benefited 28 pantries, pulling together 92,144 pounds of food, and have hopes of growing that number to 100,000 pounds this year. “All of our scouts and leaders and parents come together,” said Jim Nolan, Executive Director of the Tecumseh Council. “This is the time of the year when food pantries are at the lowest point.” “I’m really happy to help the people of Greene County have food,” said 11-year-old Ryan Repasy, a member of Troop 56. The food pantry is open Mondays and Tuesdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and Fridays from 11a.m. to 3 p.m. There will be multiple food drives on campus to help supply food throughout the year, along with donations and any monetary support. Students need their Wright1 card in order to receive food. Suggestions for donations include pasta sauce, cereal, canned fruit, canned soup, and peanut butter. Any size of donation is accepted.

Benjamin Virnston News Writer


he new Managed Services Agreement between Xerox Corporation and Wright State was finalized last month. Some current Printing Services employees could loose employment after the transition. Vice President of Business and Fiscal Affairs Mark Polatajko commented on the transition in an email. “We care about our employees at Wright State,” Polatajko wrote. “As we transition to Xerox taking over the operation of printing services effective May 1, 2014, we are also transitioning eleven employees. We cannot discuss the individual employees at this time.” By transitioning eleven employees, Polatajko means that they will no longer be employed, according to a Printing Services employee who wished to remain anonymous. “We’ve all received separation notices, which are effective at the end of April,” the employee said. “It has been painful for us.” The employee briefly explained their reluctance to com@wsuguardian

Photo by Michael Tyler: Photography Editor Could this be the look of printing services next school year?

ment on the record. “We’re in a no comment sort of situation,” the employee said. “With everything we’ve been through during the transition to Xerox, we really don’t feel comfortable commenting right now.” Despite these changes, the Printing Services Wright Copy location in the Student Union will not be losing any employees, according to Wright Copy employee Brandon Bowen.

“The personnel here at Wright Copy shouldn’t be affected, except adjusting to the new management company,” Bowen said. “I think most of the personnel changes will be at Campus Printing Services.” There was no mention in the Managed Services Agreement of job losses. However, there was an active solicitation of employees clause, which prohibits either party from attempting to lure employees from the other. March 26, 2014



Greek Week comes to WSU Adam Ramsey Features Writer


raternities and sororities are coming together March 22 through 28 for Greek Week, a week full of activities and competition between the Greek organizations at Wright State University. According to Amanda Turner, vice president of the Fraternity and Sorority Governing Council and senior middle childhood education major, this year’s Greek Week has hosted events like an Aquatics night with Canoe Battleship, a Field Day with tug of war and a day of community service so far. Events yet to come are the Trivia Night at 7:30 in 109 Oelman Hall on Wednesday, March 26, the Greek Week Lip Sync on Thursday, March 27 from 7 to 11 p.m. in the Student Union Atrium and the Greek Awards, on Friday, March 28 from 7 to 9

p.m. in the Student Union Atrium. Assistant Director of the Office of Student Activities for Fraternity and Sorority Life Gina Keucher said participation in these events is exclusive to members of fraternities and sororities, but students are more than welcome to stop by and see the action. One activity hosted during Greek Week that stands out from the rest is the Greek Week Lip Sync, in which different fraternities and sororities lip sync to music and put together skits pertaining to their songs. “This year the theme is blockbuster movies, so each fraternity and sorority has chosen a blockbuster movie, and they will lip sync based on that theme,” Keucher said. Although Greek Week might appear to be nothing more than a good time, its true purpose, according to Keucher, is to bring unity to the Greek Organiza-

Photo by Michael Tyler: Photography Editor

tions on campus. “[Greek Week] typically involves some fun activities to bond together and have some unity,” Keucher said. This unity has been especially beneficial for Vinícius Vargas, senior organizational leadership major, who said found his closest friends during Greek Week.

“We’re social organizations, so we value the bonds that we share within our chapters and in the community as a whole as we grow through college,” said Vargas. “I’ve made so many friends that I’ve really gotten close to over the course of Greek Week. It has helped me with connecting people, and making connections is something I value per-

To see more photos, visit our Facebook page at:

Photo by Michael Tyler: Photography Editor


March 26, 2014

sonally.” Keucher said that getting connected in a Greek organization has been shown to increase the likelihood of graduation from WSU by 15 to 18 percent. “Greek life really connects you to your campus and helps you find that home away from home,” Keucher said.


WRIGHT LIFE 7 March 2014 Issue VI

Daydreams by Brandon Kinley Honey I'm home. Holy and whole. My heart and my soul. Honey I'm home. Waking in a pair Lost in a stare Across from her chair Sleeping suspended in air Honey I'm home Hands not alone Hope in a poem Honey I'm home

Forgive me Father for I have sinned Curiousity is my friend Been traveling down this lonesome road I've been fighting this pain again Don't know how this will end My feet direct me where to go The past makes you who you are today Wouldn't want it any other way Been stuck in the past that I never lived Wanna live to see another day When I look upon your face I vanish without a trace You keep going and walk on by

A baby cries Children sigh Batting out eyes They say goodbye Honey I'm home Holy and whole My heart and my soul Honey I'm home Pictures of pasts Flashing lights last Framed in glass Pile up so fast

Cairn by Kelly Ludwig

“Here’s to You” Lyrics by Brandon Berry

Rocks make their way to shore in the tide’s receding current. Old stones act as a guide for those who are meant to interpret them. Walking on the gravel beach, I patiently construct new guides to lead your way. You have the code I made it just for you. Some lean left and some lean right. High or petite they are all for you.

I wish that you were here To say that "I love you dear" You and I were in the sky

Untitled by Parag Vyas

Map set and ready, my waiting begins.

The past makes you who you are today Wouldn't want it any other way Been stuck in the past that I never lived Wanna live to see another day (or do I?)

Somewhere along the way, the track loses you. Long grass reeds sway in the cold ocean breeze and conceal my sculptures. Unwilling to seek anymore, you leave my signs unread as a mystery for others imaginations.

Clocks keep turning Desires and yearning Tired and hurting Time heals burning

As the tide rises the pebbles drown, taking away pieces from my map. You never find me.

Honey I'm home Holy and whole My heart and my soul Honey I'm home.

The Nexus Staff Zach Moore-Lead Editor/Poetry Editor Wyatt Schroeder- Fiction Editor Jo Bell- Art Editor Alexis Alexander- Assistant Poetry Editor Thomas Talbert-Assistant Fiction Editor Deborah Rocheleau- Assistant Editor

And rapidly my eyes move open

Dreamscape by Jackson Aukerman Jerrico opened his eyes, blinking in the harsh morning sun. He had forgotten to close his blinds the night before so the early sunlight was streaming in. Sitting up, the college student stretched and rubbed his eyes. Sleep never felt restful for him, his dreams kept his mind from relaxing. After a lazy moment of sitting on the edge of the bed Jerrico stood up, rolling his neck from side to side to relieve the tension. As he started moving through his morning routine his mind drifted back to his dream. He always had dreams about the same girl, through the same girl’s eyes. He knew that was not the norm but it was the life he was used to. He had become accustom to his dreams taking place through the eyes of this girl, Diellza. Jerrico’s mind had invented an entire world for this girl to exist in, the world he visited every night. In his dreams the Earth was unlike the one he lived in. It was one of fear, pain, and destruction. It had been invaded by aliens from another dimension who had enslaved humanity and obliterated the natural resources of the world. Diellza was part of the resistance, one of the few humans left fighting against the evil aliens known as the Ka’tai. The previous night had been stranger than normal. After he was dressed Jerrico yawned and sat down at his laptop then pressed the power button, waiting for the slow machine to boot.

Reminder: All Submissions for the April Print and Web of Nexus is Tuesday, April 22, 2014 at 11:59 p.m. E-mail all submissions to m. For a complete list of guidelines, please visit our website or Facebook page.

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March 26, 2014


8 WRIGHT LIFE Class registration apNew Boonshoft family medicine proaching? The Guardian chair releases novel has your back Adam Ramsey Features Writer

Dylan Dohner News Writer


all 2014 class registration is approaching for students at Wright State. We here at The Guardian are a helpful bunch. We’ve decided to help guide you through all the hoops and holes of class registration, and make it as smooth a ride as possible. Say we’ve got a chipper young undergrad ready to cast out into the world of academia. He’ll need to register for classes and work his way up the DARS rungs if he ever wants his degree. We’ll call this aspiring student Hank. First, Hank needs to figure out what day he registers. Registration dates tie directly to current credit hour accumulation. If he heads to Registration Status under the “Academics” tab, he should find out the date and time he’ll be allowed to register. Most undergrad students should see a date ranging from April 1 to April 11. Hank should next doublecheck his registration status, which he’ll find in the same spot, to see if he has anything that might hinder his registration eligibility. Has he consulted with his academic advisor? Does his student status permit registration? These holds will have to

be addressed before Hank can even consider registering for something like KNH 1140. It’s best to figure out these technicalities well in-advance of registering. Hank should head to bed a bit earlier than usual. He’ll have to wake up relatively early to lock into those high-demand classes on his wish list, since the floodgates open at 7:00 a.m. for all undergrads in his credit hour division. They’ll be gunning for those classes too; a bunch of early birds grabbing for that one worm. He’s got all his CRN numbers ready to type in. As 7:00 a.m. rears around, he should be wary of server lag. Hank is now sharing Wright State’s servers with hundreds of others all at once, so he may experience some hiccups in the system. Be patient, Hank. But there’s something important Hank nearly forgot: He has a class that also features a Writing-Intensive component. It comes with its own CRN, so he will need both numbers to be considered fully-registered in that course. Type in those numbers Hank, preferably the higher-demand ones first. Submit them quickly and cross your fingers. And just like that, our hero is ready for the next semester. Congratulations, Hank! And best luck to the students. Try not to be April’s fools.


r. Therese Zink, new chair of Family Medicine for the Boonshoft School of Medicine, recently published the first in a series of fiction novels dealing with global health, called “Mission Rwanda.” Zink was born in the area and has ties to Fairborn stretching back to her childhood. Zink Road, where all of Wright State’s campus housing is located, was even named for her family. “Zink Road is where my grandfather’s homestead used to be,” Zink said, “so now that land is part of Wright State and part of where the apartments are located. I have memories of going there as a kid to visit my great uncles.” After taking jobs in places like Cincinnati and Minnesota, Zink

said she “came back home” at the end of January to pick up her current position within the Boonshoft School of Medicine. Although Zink later chose the medical profession, she originally began her career as an English major in Milwaukee because of her love of writing. Her experiences in international health served as a catalyst for her writing career. “I did a stint with Doctors without Borders in Chechnya, which is a high-risk area,” Zink said. “My boss was kidnapped after a month and then returned. It was a pretty traumatic experience for me, so writing was really how I started to process it. That’s what got me writing.” After writing a memoir and multiple stories about doctoring, she moved on to her latest project, the Dr. Ann McLannly Global Health Series. “Dr. Ann McLannly is a young




March 26, 2014


physician that decides to do international work for all the wrong reasons,” said Zink. “She’s running away from her own issues and problems that she needs to face.” Zink’s intentions for her novel go beyond simple entertainment, with hopes to educate readers about global health through the settings of her novels in Rwanda, Chechnya and Palestine. “I hope it helps people think about life beyond the United States,” said Zink. “I think we need to have global awareness, particularly for areas that have a lot of injustice. Also, I want it to entertain and educate about these important locations.” Students can find “Mission Rwanda” through Dr. Zink’s website. It will also be available within the week at the College Bookstore.

SPORTS 9 Men’s Basketball: Women’s Basketball: Raiders not Roller-coaster season letting loss in NCAAs define comes to a close season Justin Boggs Sports Writer


season full of ups and downs for the Raiders came to a close Saturday in the Postseason Tournament as WSU fell to Ohio University 56-54. The Raiders’ season ended with a 21-15 overall record after reaching the Horizon League title game and the second round of the CIT. Before the season started, the Raiders battled offseason injuries by seniors Cole Darling, AJ Pacher and Matt Vest that put Wright State behind in preseason preparations. The injuries, Wright State head coach Billy Donlon said, put the team behind in its preparations coming into the season. “When you have major players have major surgeries and miss half of your conditioning, half of year of strength work, there is no doubt it affected our team,” Donlon said. “What they ended up accomplishing, they should be commended for.” As preseason practice commenced with the banged-up squad, backup forward Tavares Sledge was arrested by Fairborn Police for a domestic incident involving his girlfriend and infant son. He did not play in his first game until Dec. 29. Taking away the results versus Mount St. Joseph and Manchester, Wright State started the season 3-7 against Division I competition. The Raiders received a midseason boost at the guard position with the addition of Butler transfer Chrishawn Hopkins. Hopkins added depth. With the Raiders staying home for the holidays, WSU got back to its winning record, with four consecutive victories at the Nutter Center. But Wright State had trouble winning contests away from the Nutter Center. WSU had a 0-8 road record to start the season. The Raiders finally won their first road game at defending Horizon League champs Valpo

on Jan. 10. With the Raiders projected to finish second in the conference, they were falling well short of their expectations in the middle of February with a middling 6-6 conference record. The Raiders had their fortunes turn around on Feb. 16 at Oakland when WSU overcame a halftime deficit for the first time all year to defeat Oakland 7271. In that contest, Pacher hit a game-winning shot with under two seconds to play. “That game provided some relief,” Donlon said. The victory sparked a sixgame winning streak that led Wright State to the third spot in the Horizon League. The Raiders traveled to Green Bay to win a pair of games in the Horizon League Championships while No. 1 seed and host Green Bay lost its semifinal match which allowed the Raiders to host the Horizon League title game for the first time since 2007. “Our guys have a lot to be proud of being in the top three in a good league and to get to the conference title game,” Donlon said. “If you look at conference championship games and how many teams made it back to back, there are not many. Winning the semifinals and getting to the finals, that means you had to win some big games to get there.” The Raiders lost on their home court to Wisconsin-Milwaukee 69-63 in the league title game. After a few days of contemplating, Wright State accepted a bid into the CIT. The Raiders took care of business in their first CIT contest at East Carolina with a 73-59 win. In the Raiders final contest at Ohio, Wright State squandered a five-point lead in the final five minutes as poor shooting doomed WSU. The Raiders shot 32.2 percent for the game. Sledge had a career-high 11 rebounds in the loss. “I thought playing in the CIT was a good experience,” Donlon said. “I think playing in the postseason is important.”

Andrew Smith Sports Editor


ore than 48 hours removed from his team’s first NCAA Tournament appearance, Wright State women’s basketball head coach Mike Bradbury sat reclined in his padded office chair and reflected on the greatest season in program history that ended with a crushing defeat. “You can’t let one game define what you did, what our team did, over the course of six months. What we did was pretty good,” Bradbury said. The Raiders fell to the Kentucky Wildcats 106-60 in the first round of the Women’s NCAA Tournament Saturday at Memorial Coliseum in Lexington, Ky. WSU finished its historic season 26-7, which was highlighted with an 88-69 win over arch rival Green Bay in the Ho-

Photo by Brittany Robinson: Staff Photographer The Wildcats’ size and athleticism held Kim Demmings to 12 points on 5-of-20 shooting.

rizon League Championship on March 16 – the Raiders first-ever win on the Phoenix’s home floor. Junior point guard Jennifer O’Neill led UK with 21 points

and was one of seven Wildcats that finished in double figures. Forward Samarie Walker recorded a double-double with 12 points and 14 rebounds.

ami continued to show strength scoring three in the first, one in the second and two in the sixth. On Saturday, Wright State won the league opener against Oakland 7-1 in the first game and 3-0 in the second. The Raiders came together scoring two in the third inning, with a home run hit by Gorman followed by another homer by Libby Pfeffer - the first of her collegiate career. Gorman came back to score another run in the fifth, bringing the score to 3-1. The Raiders then rallied in the sixth inning scoring four runs between Kacie Rapshus, Floyd, Kortney Tackett and Kate Pfeffer, who was a pinch runner for Alexis Mayle bringing the final score to 7-1. In the nightcap, the Raiders continue to dominate scoring one in the first and one in the fifth and one in the sixth. Leaving the final score at 3-0. After the conference battle, Gorman was named Horizon

League softball Player of the Week. Sophomore Montana Wear was selected as Pitcher of the Week. Gorman currently has a batting average of .355, and a .710 slugging percentage. Throughout this season, Gorman has had seven doubles, three triples and three home runs. Wear gained the honor by having 10 strikeouts in 12 innings along with a 0.54 earned run average. This season, Wear has struck out 45 in 74.2 innings. Head coach Lynn Curylo was unable to comment on last weekend’s games. On Thursday, Wright State will host cross-town rivals Dayton at 5 p.m., followed by a doubleheader on Saturday against Green Bay. The first game begins at 1 p.m. and the second at 3 p.m. The Raiders will also host a single game against Green Bay on Sun. at 11 a.m.

See RAIDERS page ll

Softball: Raiders pick up three wins to begin conference play Emily Gay Contributing Writer


he Raiders Softball team picked up three wins last weekend against Miami and Oakland, bringing their record to 5-17 entering league play. Thursday began with Wright State winning against the Miami in the first game of a doubleheader. With the offense coming alive, Wright State was able to come back from a 3-0 deficit to take the win in the seventh. Sophomore first baseman Taylor Knore scored one in the third inning, followed by Angie Clark, Libby Pfeffer, Reagan Stofcheck, and Hanna Floyd, all scoring one each in the seventh, leaving the final score 5-4. The second game of the day, Wright State lost to Miami 6-1. Junior outfielder Jess Gorman stole the show with a home run scored in the sixth giving WSU its only run in the game. Mi@wsuguardian

March 26, 2014


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SPORTS 11 Tennis: Men’s, women’s teams enter conference play Justin Kinner Contributing Writer


ith just over a month left in the regular season, head coach Sean McCaffrey and his men and women’s tennis teams are looking to improve on their season by starting Horizon League play on a positive note. After coming off of a tough performance against Dayton the weekend before, the men’s team (7-9, 1-1 Horizon) seemed unfazed as they responded with a victory on the road against Youngstown State 6-1 Saturday. Leading the way for the Raiders was junior Lauri Makikalli, who was able to pick up wins in both

singles and doubles competition. However, trying to erase the memory of a tough defeat was not the only motivation for the men heading into Saturday’s bout against the Penguins. “It was a total change from how they competed the weekend prior,” said McCaffrey. “It’s the one thing we stressed to the guys, that they needed to come in with a lot of energy and that that would translate into performance. And they did. They came out against Youngstown who beat us last year at home and ended a 36-match win streak that we had at home. So when we took the court against them, the guys really wanted

some redemption from the previous year and they did that.” The Raiders, though, had little time to enjoy their huge win as they were back on the road again for more league action against Cleveland State, who won the conference tournament a season ago. The Raiders lost their match to the Vikings 5-2, however there were solid performances in both singles and doubles action. Dan Gilbert and Hayden Joblin each picked up singles victories while the team of Gilbert and Myles Harris were victorious in doubles. “I was satisfied with how the weekend went, it would have been nice to win both, but get-

For Love, pride and t-shirts

Photo by Richard Buss: Contributing Photographer Winners of a co-ed intramural basketball league pose for a team photo, doning their newly-won league champions t-shirts.

Richard Buss Contributing Writer


here are seven seconds left on the clock and the team with the ball is down by one point. The championship is on the line and the few fans in attendance are on their feet. What if the outcome of the game wasn’t important? What happens when winning becomes a secondary goal? Sure, everyone who plays sports wants to win and in the words of the great Herm Edwards, “You play to win the game.” That isn’t the only thing on the line when playing in the Wright State intramural league. So why do the players play late at night when they possibly have school or work early in the morning? They aren’t being scouted or offered a scholarship. Granted you do win a t-shirt for winning the championship, but that isn’t the main reason people play. The Wright State intramural league is meant for the players who love the game and want to

have fun. Billy Willis, assistant director for competitive sports, said the goal of intramural sports at WSU is for the participants to enjoy themselves. “Fun is our number one priority,” Willis said. When asked why he thought players sign up for the league, Willis said, “Most will say to win the coveted intramural championship t-shirt; but I hope it’s a chance to get out and have some fun. It’s a great opportunity to try new sports, meet new people, be active, and maybe add to your wardrobe.” The key to making sure everyone has fun is to keep good sportsmanship. “Sportsmanship is very important because when people lack good sportsmanship it kills the love I have for the game,” senior Anthony Angilella said. Nothing ruins a game quicker than a bad attitude. There are many ways players make sure they keep a positive attitude going throughout the game. Don Ntontolo talked about the ways he tries to keep a positive attitude on the court.

“We try to keep a smile on our face regardless of the game situation and we try and create a good environment,” Ntontolo said. The referees also hold some responsibility for maintaining an exceptional playing environment. “I give warnings early on to try and keep a high level of enjoyment in the game. I just want everyone to play hard,” said Ntontolo, who is also a referee. The men and women that play in the Wright State intramural league are either students or staff from the university. It is important for all of the players to maintain a positive attitude and display first- class sportsmanship. That is the best way to make sure all of the participants have a great time and enjoy themselves. Having fun is the first thing we are taught as children when playing sports. There is no reason that cannot continue on today. The Wright State intramural league is now registering for mud volleyball, a tennis tournament, and a home run derby. You can follow them on Twitter @WrightStRec. @wsuguardian

ting the win against Youngstown after having a real miserable match against Dayton really showed us something. The guys responded really well and I am proud of them,” said McCaffrey. On the women’s side, the Raiders (5-11, 0-2 Horizon) came out of the weekend without a victory as they dropped both bouts against Youngstown State and Cleveland State 6-1. Top performers over the weekend for the women were Vanessa Madrigal who was victorious in singles play against Cleveland State, and Megan Brdicka, who was also victorious in singles play as she defeated Carolyn Jesko from Youngstown State.

“I think it was a really good performance for the women at times. We had times where we were inconsistent but we are a real young team and it was also really difficult because we had a couple injuries that we couldn’t play some people over the weekend,” McCaffrey said. “Overall I think there were some good performances and we’re going in the right direction.” The women will be in action again tomorrow afternoon as they hit the road to take on Northern Kentucky at 1:30 p.m. The men’s next bout will be Saturday, as they will face Horizon League foe Valparaiso at 3:00 p.m.

>>RAIDERS continued from page 9 WSU had difficulty establishing an offensive rhythm against UK. The Raiders shot 19-of-83 for the game, and the team’s three leading scorers – Kim Demmings, Ivory James and Tay’ler Mingo – were 13-of-59 for 42 points. The Raiders’ poor shooting performance allowed the Wildcats to dominate the rebound battle to the tune of 67-40, which tied an NCAA Tournament record for total rebounds in a single game. However, Bradbury said had his team been able to hit some of the early shots it missed, the final outcome would have been different. “The rebounds are out of whack because we didn’t make any shots. We went 19-for-83. Well, if you go 34-for-83, which is still just around 40 percent, that’s 15 less rebounds that they get. So now you finish minus-12 in rebounds, which is about what we do,” Bradbury said. The overall depth of UK’s roster showed in Kentucky’s blowout win. The Wildcats’ bench outscored the Raiders reserves 54-8 and UK owned a sizeable 66-26 scoring surplus in the paint. A total of 10 players logged 16 or more minutes in the game. But some of the final stats did favor the Raiders. Bradbury said a closer look at the box score shows his program has pulled closer to competing with the juggernaut women’s programs than the final scores would show.

“It’s closer than what those scores indicated, because if you also look at the North Carolina State score, it would tell you that we can compete with people in the Top 20,” Bradbury said of the Raiders’ 99-90 win over the Wolfpack on Nov. 29. “Against Kentucky, if you look at the stats, the only difference in the game was we shot 22 percent. And we got the same shots against them as we got against Green Bay, they just didn’t go in. We took three more shots than [Kentucky] did. We took 17 more free throws than they did. We did what we always do defensively; we were plus-9 in turnovers. If you just look at that, we were competitive.” “We weren’t that far off. If you just look at those stats, we were competitive, even though it didn’t seem that way on the scoreboard. We played hard, we competed and we did everything right. We just didn’t make shots.” It will be nearly seven months until the Raiders return to the court, with expectations of repeating or surpassing their benchmark success of the 201314 season. In the interim, Bradbury said his players have a lot to be proud of. “I wished it would have been different. It was disappointing that we didn’t win, but when you step back and look at the big picture, we had a really good year,” Bradbury said. “You can’t let one game define what you did, what our team did, over the course of six months. What we did was pretty good.” March 26, 2014


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