SuperLooper-Aug 2011

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AR TAR STA SUPER STAR SUPE “Starlight” won more than $100,000 last year, and was the Reno Rodeo/Perry Di Loreto Champion Heeling Horse.

ING AINING TRAIN SUPER TR SUPE “I started training Starlight exclusively on the Heel-O-Matic

and continually use it to keep him tuned and responsive,” says

Starlight’s owner and trainer Dusty Watkins. “It’s a key part of


AQHA Gelding Double Shot Peppy -

our training program.”

“If you can’t control the practice, your horses can’t learn. Heel-O-Matic provides complete control over any run pattern, resulting in faster, snappier responses from my horses.”

-Dusty Watkins

888.HEELING [433.5464]

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