WSC Viewbook

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Westminster Seminary California Fo r C h r i s t, h i s G o s p e l a n d H i s C h u r c h


Westminster Seminary California

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You love the gospel, desire to understand the Bible more deeply, and sense a call to serve Christ and his Church. Now comes the hard part—choosing where to prepare for that calling.


Westminster Westminster Seminary Seminary California California 2012 – 2013

Choosing a seminary can be a daunting task, but the right seminary will deepen your understanding of Scripture, grow your love for Christ and inspire your worship of God. A worthy seminary is one which not only keeps up with the questions and criticisms offered by the culture, but equips her students to offer biblical and intelligent answers to those criticisms, regardless of the consequences. At Westminster Seminary California, we are excited to prepare experts in the Bible who glorify Christ, proclaim his Gospel, and serve his Church. Through graduate theological study in the Reformed tradition, we provide students with the tools for a lifetime of studying and sharing God’s Word. Our rich educational heritage shapes and strengthens the faceto-face education and community here on our campus in southern California.

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Westminster Seminary California

WSC Viewbook

W e s t m i n s t e r S e m i n a ry C a l i fo r n i a : A N e w O l d Sc h o o l Dear Friends, For over thirty years, WSC has been preparing pastors and other leaders to glorify Christ, to proclaim his Gospel, and to serve his Church. Though much has changed over this time in regard to seminary education, we remain committed to the inspiration and authority of Scripture as expressed in the fullness of the Reformed Confessions, and a mode of education that values rigorous academics and face-to-face interaction between faculty and students. We firmly believe that Christ works through his Word to build his church. The church does not need entertainers, administrators, or religious professionals; it needs above all faithful ministers and teachers who know the scriptures and are committed to defending them in this world. While many seminaries have greatly reduced their focus on the biblical languages and exegesis, these continue to be defining characteristics of our curriculum. This is not because we believe every pastor or teacher must be an accomplished linguist; it is because we believe that a thorough knowledge of Scripture is the most vital tool for those who would serve Christ as ministers and teachers of his Word. We also take seriously our responsibility to mentor students and to model Christlike piety for them. Though some might say that rigorous academic study disengages the heart, we believe that a proper cultivation of the mind fosters a heart of devotion toward God. Our faculty members are chosen because they seek to encourage a lively and heartfelt faith in our students. Though the following material cannot convey the warmth and abilities of our students, the strength of our faculty, or the sense of community that we enjoy together, we hope that it will give you a glimpse into the distinct educational experience at Westminster Seminary California. May the Lord bless you richly as you consider his call for your life and future service.

Dr. W. Robert Godfrey President

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WSC Viewbook


Rich Heritage

o f Fa i t h


estminster Seminary California traces its commitment to Reformed theological education back to the Protestant Reformation of the sixteenth century and especially to John Calvin’s educational approach in his Genevan Academy.

In America that educational heritage was maintained at Princeton Theological Seminary in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Old Princeton was devoted to the inerrancy of the Bible, commitment to the Reformed Confessions of Faith, outstanding scholarship, fine academic education, and service to the church in its preaching and missionary work. When in 1929 Princeton Seminary was reorganized to tolerate theological liberalism, several faculty members, led by the distinguished scholar J. Gresham Machen, left Princeton to found Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The new seminary preserved the heritage of old Princeton and passed it on to Westminster Seminary California when it was founded in 1979, as the first fully-accredited Reformed and Presbyterian theological seminary on the West Coast. WSC was initially a branch campus of the Philadelphia school until 1982 when it became fully independent. Over the past 30+ years WSC has grown into an institution of over 150 students and 13 full-time faculty members that has produced nearly 1,000 graduates serving in over 35 denominations in 45 states and a variety of countries around the world.


Westminster Seminary California

“Our specialty is found in the Word of God. Specialists in the Bible— that is what Westminster Seminary will endeavor to produce.” J. Gresham Machen Westminster Theological Seminary: Its Purpose and Plan

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For Christ, His G His Church 8

Westminster Seminary California

WSC Viewbook

Why We Exist

Gospel, and h Fo r C h r i s t

We are “for Christ” because he was first “for us” (Rom 5:8). With God’s Word and the Reformed confessions we say that Jesus Christ is God the Son incarnate, true God and true man (Matt 27:54: Rom 9:5; 1 Tim 2:5), and God’s saving and justifying Word to all who believe (John 1:1, 18; 3:16). Christ is the “righteousness of God” (Rom 3:21). This seminary exists “for Christ,” because “there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12) and because Christ is the focal point of God’s revelation and saving work in the world (Luke 24:25–28; 2 Cor 1:20).

that sinners are saved by God’s grace alone, through trusting in Christ the Savior alone, and not by our doing or even by our sanctity (Gal 2:16). Westminster Seminary California is committed to serve Christ and teach his Gospel because it is “the power of salvation to everyone who believes…” (Rom 1:16). It is our conviction that it is through the preaching of the Gospel that Christ has promised to call his people to saving faith and to edify his church (Acts 2:42; Rom 10:12–18). Fo r H i s C h u r c h

As someone once said, there are institutions to heal the sick, feed the hungry, and clothe the naked, but if the church does not preach and teach the GosFo r H i s G o s p e l pel, no one else will. We believe this is the church’s The Apostle Paul taught the Gospel this way, “that most fundamental mission—bringing the Gospel Christ died for our sins in accordance with the of Jesus Christ to sinners. We exist to support this Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised mission through the education and preparation of on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures, future teachers, preachers, and missionaries. To this and that he appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve. end we are firmly and happily committed to “the Then he appeared to more than five hundred broth- faith that was once for all delivered to the saints” ers at one time…” (1 Cor 15:3–6). Gospel means (Jude 3)— the Scriptures of the Old and New Testa“Good News.” The Good News is that although in ments as expressed in the Reformed confessions and the first Adam humanity willfully chose death and catechisms. hell over life and glory, in the second Adam (Rom We warmly invite you to Westminster Seminary 5:12–21) God has not left us in sin and death. Where California: for Christ, his Gospel, and his Church. we were disobedient, Christ was obedient for us; the death we deserved, he suffered for us; the life we need, he achieved in his resurrection; and ever more he reigns at God’s right hand and will come in glory (Rom 4:25; Titus 2:13). The Good News is also Learn more at or 888 480 8474



Westminster Seminary California

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WSC Viewbook

“We do not want to turn out religious professionals at WSC. We want to turn out those who know the Scriptures, who know the historic theological heritage of reformed Christianity and are committed to teaching that in this world.� W. Robert Godfrey Inaugural Address, October 1, 1993


Westminster Seminary California



These distinctives help us to clarify our purpose and inform how we accomplish it. They are integral in shaping the education at Westminster Seminary California.

Biblical in Commitment

First and foremost, Westminster Seminary California is committed to the Gospel of Christ as taught by the inerrant Scriptures. We are committed to and guided by the great confessions of the Reformation era as they faithfully summarize the teaching of scripture and connect us to the wisdom of the church in ages past. Our faculty subscribe the Westminster Confession of Faith and the Three Forms of Unity and thus are remarkably unified in their understanding of Scripture. While all of our faculty members are firmly committed to the Reformed faith and practice, our students come from a variety of geographical and ecclesiastical backgrounds. R i g o r o u s i n Sc h o l a r s h i p

There is no substitute for old-fashioned hard work, so we don’t shy away from demanding study. Our rigorous theological education centers on the study of the Scriptures in their original languages, Hebrew and Greek, within the context of our confessional Protestant faith and in conversation with the catholic (i.e. universal) Christian tradition. We reject the idea that the careful preparation of the mind deadens the heart. Instead, we believe that a proper cultivation of the mind increases the devotion of the heart. While we are careful to balance sound academics with a love and passion for Christ, his Gospel, and his Church we recognize there is no replacement for an excellent theological education. Per so nal i n Approac h

Ministry happens face to face and we believe the best theological education does as well. We value a community that fosters regular interaction between students and faculty. Our graduates regularly tell us that some of the most formative moments in their seminary experience were those spent in discussion with their fellow students. Because of our commitment to small class sizes, students not only receive the best in graduate theological education from our faculty, but also develop formative relationships with them and receive valuable insights into the joys and struggles of ministry.

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Study at WSC “When we satisfy ourselves with a less comprehensive and thorough theological training, we are only condemning ourselves to a less qualified ministry.” B.B. Warfield “Our Seminary Curriculum”


Westminster Seminary California

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J,V. Fesko 16

Westminster Seminary California

E n g ag i n g t h e S o u rc e s In our time, the church is in desperate need of pastor-scholars, those who know their Bibles very well and mine its depths to bring the riches of God’s Word to bless God’s people. Westminster Seminary California is relentlessly committed to providing such an education for students who will serve today’s church. One of the things that makes WSC unique is our focus upon primary sources in all of our courses. Whether in the MA or M.Div program, all of our students read Augustine, Luther, Calvin, and a host of other great theological minds, instead of relying on what others say about them. But our primary-source driven curriculum is especially geared towards the Bible as the primary source above all others. At WSC we believe that the only way to truly know your Bible is to study it in the original languages. Reading the Bible in any language other than its original is like watching a grainy, black and white television set. This foundation supports all of our curriculum, not only for courses in biblical studies but also in systematic and practical theology.

I ro n S h a r p e n s I ro n One of the reasons people hire personal trainers is because they want someone to push them beyond their own comfort zones, beyond what they thought they could achieve. The same principle applies to the seminary context. Professors have a way of bringing the best out of a student, causing the student to study intensely and learn more than they thought possible. But in addition to this, learning to be loving and charitable in a community of students where you study, labor, struggle, share, and even disagree, is vital in preparation for spiritually healthy service to the church. By rigorous study of the Bible and primary sources in theology, in a small community with faculty and fellow students, our students become equipped to engage the hearts and minds of those to whom they will teach, counsel, and minister God’s Word. I hope you will join us to take up this task, and apply to one of our degree programs today.

Dr. J.V. Fesko Academic Dean

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D eg r e e P ro g r a m s

Master Divinity of

Since our founding, WSC has been committed to preparing faithful pastors, teachers, and missionaries who will rightly divide and proclaim the Word of God. The Master of Divinity (M.Div) program is designed to prepare graduates to meet the requirements for ordination as ministers of the Word, particularly in Reformed and other evangelical denominations. The integrated curriculum balances academic studies in each of the core theological disciplines with the practical application of God’s Word to the church and to individuals through preaching, witness, leadership, and spiritual nurture. In addition to 110 credit hours of coursework, students engage in 700 hours of supervised field education in cooperation with a church body.

See for full degree program requirements and course descriptions


Westminster Seminary California

Master Arts of

In keeping with our mission to train both pastors and other leaders to serve the Christian community and larger society, our Master of Arts (M.A.) programs offer graduate theological education with emphases in Biblical Studies, Theological Studies, and Historical Theology. Graduates of these programs are prepared to pursue postgraduate research programs, or use their academic preparation in a variety of non-ordained vocations in the church or other ministry settings, including teaching, missions, counseling, or lay church leadership. Master of Arts Emphases

ȆȆ Biblical Studies ȆȆTheological Studies ȆȆ Historical Theology

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WSC Viewbook

Fac u lt y:

Pastors & Scholars T

he heart of the WSC educational experience is our outstanding faculty. We believe that those best suited to prepare pastors for the next generation are pastors themselves, which is why our faculty is made up of pastor-scholars: ordained ministers who are actively serving the church and who are also experts in their academic disciplines and respected for their research and writing. They are committed to the Bible as the inspired, infallible, and inerrant Word of God, and to the Reformed confessions and catechisms. Their teaching is an extension of this commitment, cultivating unity and vitality throughout the educational experience.

Our Faculty


full-time faculty ordained pastors & experts in their fields of study

11:1 70 50+ Student / Faculty Ratio

published books

articles published per year

See for full faculty bio, list of publications, and interviews.


Westminster Seminary California

C h u rc h H i s to ry & H i s to r i c a l T h eo lo g y

Scott Clark

Robert Godfrey

Ryan Glomsrud

“We are all here for one purpose: to advance the Gospel of Christ in and through his church. There is something wonderful about working together for common purpose. There is a warmth here which does not come only from the sunshine; it comes from a passion for Christ, his Gospel, and his people. — R. Scott Clark — W. Robert Godfrey President, Professor of Church History R. Scott Clark Professor of Church History & Historical Theology Ryan Glomsrud Associate Professor of Historical Theology

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S y s t e m at i c T h eo lo g y & A p o lo g e t i cs

Michael Horton

David VanDrunen

J.V. Fesko

“All of us are committed to fueling our students’ love for Christian faith and practice. I see evidence of this zeal for both truth and piety, doctrine and zeal, creeds and deeds, on campus every day and it’s very encouraging. With my colleagues, I want to see our graduates enter their ministry with sympathetic and pastoral hearts as well as courageous and clear conviction.” — Michael S. Horton — Michael S. Horton J. Gresham Machen Professor of Systematic Theology & Apologetics J.V. Fesko Academic Dean, Professor of Systematic & Historical Theology


Westminster Seminary California

David M. VanDrunen Robert B. Strimple Professor of Systematic Theology & Christian Ethics

WSC Viewbook

Biblical Studies

Joel Kim

Bryan Estelle

Charles Telfer

Joshua Van Ee

S.M. Baugh

“I want the students to love Christ their Lord. My hope is that their seminary education is not just an intellectual exercise for them, but that each class would allow them to see Christ more clearly and to turn to him as his people. I want the students to love the Word more. I hope that instead of reading the Bible as work, they see and experience that the Word is living and the Word speaks to them personally.” — Joel E. Kim — S. M. Baugh Professor of New Testament Bryan D. Estelle Professor of Old Testament Joel E. Kim Assistant Professor of New Testament

Joshua J. Van Ee Assistant Professor of Hebrew & Old Testament Charles K. Telfer Assistant Professor of Biblical Languages

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Pr ac t i c a l T h eo lo g y

Julius Kim

Dennis Johnson

Hywel Jones

“I want to make sure my students are trusting in Christ’s death and his righteousness alone for their standing before God. I want my students to leave WSC as servants of Christ who are winsomely bold. Not arrogantly bold, but humbly bold, so amazed by the Christ who loved us and gave himself for us that they are eager to share his love with others.” — Dennis E. Johnson — Dennis E. Johnson Professor of Practical Theology Hywel R. Jones Professor of Practical Theology Julius J. Kim Dean of Students, Associate Professor of Practical Theology

See for full faculty bio, list of publications, and interviews.



Westminster Seminary California 2012 – 2013

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“How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!’” Romans 10:14-15


Westminster Seminary California

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Westminster Seminary California

Life at WSC “The face-to-face education I received at WSC has been invaluable for my ministry. Being trained for the ministry is not only about getting all of the right information in your head — you also need to learn how to be a good pastor and churchman. This can only come as you live and study in a community of faith.” Brian Cochran, M.Div ’09

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Julius J. Kim 30

Westminster Seminary California

D e v e lo p L i f e lo n g R e l at i o n s h i p s Prospective students often ask me, What makes Westminster Seminary California a unique place to live and study? Simply put, there are two components that make the WSC experience stand out: formation and location. The faculty is convinced that we need to both provide our students with a strong theological education and foster the spiritual character development needed for a lifetime of service in Christ’s church and world. Our goal as a seminary is to balance the scholarly mind with the pastoral heart. Since most of the faculty members are also ordained ministers, we view our work here as a pastoral calling as we teach and help mature our students in order to present them “perfect in Christ” (Col 1:28-29). We do more than just impart knowledge or skills; we shepherd God’s people here, in our classrooms, offices, and even in our homes. One of the best parts of being a faculty member is having the opportunity to develop deep relationships with students that will last a lifetime.

S t u dy H e b r e w o n a S u r f b oa r d Our location in one of the most beautiful and temperate climates in the world is another factor in making WSC a unique place to study. One of the best reasons to attend school in Southern California is to live in Southern California! In fact, several of our professors have been known to recite Hebrew verb paradigms while teaching students how to surf. More importantly, the abundance of Reformed and Presbyterian churches in Southern California makes it uniquely suited for students’ spiritual development and provides many opportunities to serve. WSC is also surrounded by various cross-cultural communities that provide the seminary student with unique windows into diverse cultures. Students in several of our local Reformed and Presbyterian churches regularly work with missionaries and pastors in nearby Tijuana, Mexico. This is what makes the experience at WSC unique: our commitment to the spiritual formation of our students and the unparalleled location of our seminary. Experience it for yourself on a campus visit; I look forward to meeting you.

Dr. Julius J. Kim Dean of Students

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WSC Viewbook

G ro w i n



estminster Seminary California is a community of faith existing to glorify God, proclaim his Gospel, and serve his Church. During your time here, your conversations and interactions with faculty and fellow students will undoubtedly sharpen your convictions and clarify your calling, which is why WSC is committed to cultivating an environment that is both academically and relationally challenging: promoting faith, growth, and fellowship. Fa i t h


Fellows h i p

ȆȆ morning devotions twice a week

ȆȆ annual faculty conference

ȆȆ faculty-led prayer groups once a week

ȆȆ regular guest lectures from well-known pastors and scholars

ȆȆ Student Associationhosted campus barbecues

ȆȆ annual den Dulk lectures on pastoral ministry

ȆȆ monthly Warfield scholarly seminars

ȆȆWestminster Women’s Fellowship ȆȆ intramural sports ȆȆ park days for moms with children ȆȆ denominational intern lunches


Westminster Seminary California

S t u d e n t / A lu m n i P ro f i l e s

Our Students

150 70% 30% 20+ Student Body

M.Div Program

“With both professors and students, the conversations that take place during breaks and in the student lounge sharpened what was heard in the lectures and helped to work it out in greater detail.” Brett McNeil, M.Div ’03 Minister in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church Olympia, Washington

MA Programs

Denominations Represented

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“I’ve always appreciated my education at Westminster Seminary in California for preparing me to think theologically through ministry issues. This has been a tremendous help to me as I seek to apply the doctrines of grace in diverse and difficult cultural contexts on the mission field.” Rev. Dr. Lloyd Kim, M.Div ’99 Missionary with Mission to the World Phnom Penh, Cambodia


Westminster Seminary California

WSC Viewbook

J e ff r e y C h o i M . D i v ’ 12

Why did you choose to attend WSC? During a year spent studying abroad in Korea, I engaged with a lot of scholars, activists, and politicians and soon realized I had no ethical categories to process a lot of the arguments that were being hotly debated. I had heard a lot about Dr. Van Drunen and his work on ethical matters, and I figured Westminster would be the perfect place to learn about ethics from a biblical perspective. What has been your favorite part of student life at WSC? The best part of the seminary is the accessibility to the professors. My primary objective in attending seminary was to satisfy an intellectual curiosity, but the professors do more than answer intellectual questions; they provided me with insights on spiritual life and growth. I not only viewed the professors as teachers but as spiritual mentors. It was a grand experience and I am forever grateful for the vision and set up for WSCal.

How is WSC preparing you for your calling/future vocation? Currently I have been called to be a churchplanting apprentice in Queens, New York. While the logistical aspects of church planting are overwhelming, I understand that my primary calling is to be a pastor and preach the word. I believe Westminster has provided me with the tools to think through the Word of God in a comprehensive, cohesive, and responsible manner. I am confident in what I have learned from my professors, and that the message I am bringing to Queens is faithful to Scripture. This is a great comfort as I move forward into a world of unknown.

Hometown Los Angeles, California Hobbies/Interests Reading business/political/ Christian blogs, Running, Hiking Undergrad BA in History from University of California at Irvine Favorite Course at WSC Modern Mind

“My primary objective in attending seminary was to satisfy an intellectual curiosity, but the professors do more than answer intellectual questions; they provided me with insights on spiritual life and growth.�


WSC Viewbook

Ro s s H o d g e s M . D i v ’ 13

Hometown Montgomery, Alabama Hobbies/Interests Hanging out with my wife, classic literature, soccer, mild mountain hikes Undergrad BA in History and International Studies (French) from Auburn University at Montgomery Favorite Course at WSC Gospels and Acts


Westminster Seminary California

I chose to attend WSC because I wanted a seminary that took the confessions seriously and would train pastors to do scholarly work for the purpose of feeding God’s sheep. Also, I was familiar with the professors, so I knew I would be trained by some of the best in the world and would have intimate access to their minds and hearts. My favorite part of student life has been the camaraderie and deep friendship that

develop with my fellow seminarians. I have been humbled, challenged, and enormously blessed by these relationships, and the seminary experience would not have been as rich without them. WSC is preparing me for my future calling by giving me the tools necessary to dig deeply into God’s Word for the rest of my life. As the old analogy goes, WSC isn’t just giving me fish to eat, it is also teaching me how to fish and how to continue fishing for the rest of my life.

WSC Viewbook


J u s t i n M c G e a ry MA ’ 13


Hometown Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania —

“The faculty are passionate about the good news, and they help us to see the Gospel within the sweeping biblical drama for the purpose of building up the church and glorifying God.”





J oa n n a H o dg e s MABS ’ 13 Hometown Schererville, Indiana —

“I chose WSC because the staff and faculty recognize the need for theologically trained women to serve the Church. From my first interaction with the WSC community over the phone to my first day of classes, I knew there was a place for me at WSC.”

“My favorite part of my time at WSC has been the camaraderie and deep friendship that developed with my fellow seminarians. I have been humbled, challenged, and enormously blessed by these relationships, and the seminary experience would not have been as rich without them.” Student / Alumni Photos Above: 1. Justin McGeary 2. Lloyd Kim 3. John Ro 4. Simon Jooste 5. Joanna Hodges 6. Norman Van Eeden Petersman

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WSC Viewbook

N o rm a n Va n E e d e n P e t e rsm a n , M . D i v ’ 12 Hometown Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada —

“WSC gave me more of an idea of how little I know and how much I still need to learn…while also giving me tools for continued learning and a host of godly examples to emulate while I move forward. I’m thankful to the Lord that I was able to study at WSC.”

“The most significant thing I learned at WSC is that every Scripture passage is about Christ and His Gospel. Therefore I need to teach and preach the Gospel every chance I get.” Rev. John Ro, M.Div ’05 Church planter with the Orthodox Presbyterian Church Chicago, Illinois


“WSC helped me to love Christ, his gospel and his church more, thus laying an invaluable foundation for being a confessional churchman. WSC equipped me with the necessary biblical, theological and practical tools to effectively minister and defend the gospel.” Simon Jooste, M.Div ’09 Church planter with the Reformed Churches of South Africa Cape Town, South Africa

N i c L a z z e r e sc h i M . D i v ’ 12

R i c h a rd H o n g M . D i v ’ 12

Hometown North Lake Tahoe, California

Hometown Berkeley, California

“WSC gave me tools that will not get dull even after 40 years of ministry. They planted seeds in me that will take decades to grow into full maturity. The Bible comes to life more than it ever has before.”

Westminster Seminary California

“My Westminster education has caused me to appreciate my conviction for the Word of God and its effectiveness and faithfulness.”

WSC Viewbook

Over the past 30+ years WSC has produced nearly 1,000 alumni who are serving as pastors, church planters, missionaries, teachers, scholars and counselors in over 35 reformed and independent denominations, in 45 U.S. states and over 25 countries around the world.

Our Graduates

75% 16% 8% have served in pastoral ministry

have pursued Ph.D’s

have pursued foreign missions

“More than anything my education taught me that the Bible is sufficient to equip the minister to accomplish his calling.� Learn more at or 888 480 8474


WSC Viewbook

Co m e

Study Sun in the


ituated on a picturesque hill in the city of Escondido, California, our campus provides a great setting to study in community with other believers. San Diego has an excellent climate and is a world-renowned vacation destination for its beaches and variety of cultural activities. Southern California also has a strong Asian and Latin American presence and the student body reflects the ethnic diversity of the region and of the church throughout the world. Our ten-acre campus, with 37,000 square feet of office and classroom space to serve our 200 students, faculty and staff, is located in a residential neighborhood on a hill overlooking citrus groves. In downtown Escondido you can peruse quaint shops, enjoy antique car shows, and buy fresh produce at the weekly farmers’ market. There are also family-friendly activities like the San Diego Safari Park or Dixon Lake, both less than 5 miles from WSC. In downtown Escondido you can peruse quaint shops, enjoy antique car shows, and buy fresh produce at the weekly farmers’ market. There are also family-friendly activities like the San Diego Safari Park or Dixon Lake, both less than 5 miles from WSC.


days of sun per year


Westminster Seminary California

65-78° average temperatures

Our Location

30 100 50 miles from San Diego

miles from Los Angeles

miles from Mexico

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WSC Viewbook

“That their hearts may be encouraged, being knit together in love, to reach all the riches of full assurance of understanding and the knowledge of God’s mystery, which is Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” Colossians 2:2-3


Westminster Seminary California

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WSC Viewbook


Westminster Seminary California

U n pa r a l l e l e d



outhern California is rich in Reformed churches and missions opportunities. The network of 40+ Reformed and Presbyterian churches in San Diego county provide a variety of resources, as well as opportunities for service and involvement alongside experienced pastors and church leaders. F i e l d Ed u c at i o n

As an M.Div student, you will spend 700 or more hours of supervised hands-on ministry within a local church setting. This is an opportunity for students to apply the information learned in the classroom and to gain practical ministry experience in 11 particular areas outlined by the faculty. As you develop the skills and gifts necessary for effective ministry, you are given opportunities for evaluation and reflection with mentors, peers, and professors. Loc al M i s s i o n s

Our students are actively involved in evangelism ministry on local college campuses, and work with several churches to engage in short-term missions to nearby Mexico. Ecc l e s i a s t i c a l F e l l o w s h i p

WSC hosts regular intern lunches for three denominations on campus, the URC, OPC and PCA. These lunches are an opportunity for you to meet and learn from local pastors as they address practical church issues. Chaplaincy

Our location within minutes of bases for each branch of the military provides opportunities for students interested in pursuing military chaplaincy.

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WSC Viewbook

Ta k e t h e

Next Step

Visit There is no more valuable way to discover if Westminster Seminary California is the place for you than to come see it for yourself. A campus visit provides an excellent opportunity to experience the quality education and community life that WSC has to offer. Seminary for a Day, our all-day campus visit event, occurs three times each year in the fall, winter and spring. We also host personal visits throughout the academic year. Schedule a campus visit today at A vi s it to WSC in c lu d es

ȆȆA campus tour ȆȆ Meeting with an admissions staff member ȆȆ One-on-one conversation with a faculty member ȆȆ Sitting in on classes


Westminster Seminary California

Discover how God can use your WSC education to impact the world for Christ, his Gospel, and his Church.

A p p ly Making the decision to attend seminary is an important, lifechanging decision. We are committed to walking with you through the application process and answering any questions you have along the way. The basic application requirements are listed below. Please visit to start the application today. A p p l i c at i o n r e q u i r e m e n t s

ȆȆ Online application and fee

“WSC is a sanctuary provided for you to learn the most precious truths that will forever benefit both yourself and those who will hear you.” Chris Gordon, M.Div ’04

ȆȆAcademic Reference ȆȆ Ecclesiastical (Pastoral) Reference ȆȆ Statement of Reasons for Wishing to Pursue Theological Education ȆȆTranscripts from all institutions from which you have received academic credit


WSC Viewbook

Financial Aid We are committed to providing financial assistance to those students who would otherwise be unable to pursue a theological education. Due to the generosity of friends and supporters of Westminster Seminary California, we are able to keep our tuition rates below the average among our peer institutions within the Association of Theological Schools. Additionally, the WSC financial aid program is designed to supplement each student’s own financial resources through a combination of scholarships, grants and student loans: ȆȆ Each year WSC awards approximately $400,000 in non-repayable grants and scholarships through the WSC Student Aid Fund and various named scholarship funds.

ȆȆAs a fully-accredited institution, WSC students qualify for federal student loans, as well as any applicable military education benefits.

ȆȆ95% of students receive non-repayable grants and scholarships based on their financial need, merit, and denominational and ministry interests.

Deadline s P r i o r i t y A p p l i c at i o n Deadlines

Priority Financial Aid Deadlines

ȆȆ Summer or Fall start: March 15*

ȆȆ Summer term or Fall Semester: April 1*

ȆȆWinter or Spring start: October 15*

ȆȆWinter term or Spring Semester: November 1*

*These are recommended deadlines. The Admissions Office will continue to process applications after the deadlines listed until the start of each term or semester. However, after the date listed, there may be reduced financial aid available.


Westminster Seminary California

S tay Co n n ec t e d Admissions Office Westminster Seminary California 1725 Bear Valley Parkway Escondido, CA 92027 888.480.8474

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