Update Fall 2014

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p.11 p.14

Bulut Yasar’s Journey to Christ and WSC



WSC’s Impact On Alumnus, Art Azurdia wscal.edu




ince 1979, Westminster Seminary California (WSC) has “run with endurance the race that is set before us” (Hebrews 12:1), driven by Christ’s Gospel, fueled by God’s grace, and sustained by friends like you. In a race that is often marked with the distractions of new ideas, WSC strives to remain faithful to God’s infallible and inerrant Word and to the historic Reformed confessions and catechisms. Now in our 35th year, WSC remains committed to educating the Church’s pastors and leaders, holding on to the baton handed down to us by Old Princeton and J. Gresham Machen. In this issue of UPDATE, we are reminded by Prof. Charles K. Telfer that the Christian life is “a drawn-out adventure of pain and glory,” and that “it is a sure thing that we will finish our race ... because of Christ’s blood, His sweat, and His tears” (p. 4). We congratulate the 36 graduates of WSC’s Class of 2014, who successfully completed the race of seminary education and crossed the finish line of graduation this past May (p. 7). We also honor Dr. Derke P. Bergsma and Dr. Hywel R. Jones for their combined faithful service to WSC of nearly 50 years (p. 9)! Dr. W. Robert Godfrey We also hope you will be encouraged by the remarkable story of how God saved a young Muslim man from Turkey through the ministry of one of our alumni, and how God eventually brought him to study at WSC (p. 11). Alumnus, Rev. Dr. Art Azurdia, shares with us how his WSC education forever changed his life and ministry (p. 14), and we proudly report that another alumnus, Rev. Dr. Lloyd Kim, is preparing to be the next Coordinator of Mission to the World, leading the missionary agency of the Presbyterian Church in America (p. 16). Finally, we thank God for sustaining WSC through another academic year (p. 20), in part through the many gifts received in honor of and in memory of friends and loved ones (p. 21). As WSC faculty, students, and staff press on through another academic year, please pray that the Lord would continue to renew our strength as we wait on Him, that we may run without growing weary and walk without fainting (Isaiah 40:31). Cordially in Christ,

W. Robert Godfrey President PS — Please join us this January for our upcoming Annual Conference 2015! See page 13 for more information, including how to register today.


FALL2014 UPDATE | FALL2014 PRESIDENT W. Robert Godfrey EDITOR Christopher A. Sandoval DESIGNER Megan York, meganyork.com


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PERMISSIONS: UPDATE grants permission for any original article to be photocopied and distributed, permitted that the wording is not altered in any way, no fee is charged beyond the cost of reproduction, and no more than 500 copies are made. Any exceptions to the above must be explicitly approved by Westminster Seminary California. Please include the following statement on any distributed copy: This article originally appeared in UPDATE, a publication of Westminster Seminary California (WSC) and is reprinted with permission. For more information about WSC, visit www.wscal.edu or call (888) 480-8474. MISSION: The purpose of UPDATE is to showcase Westminster Seminary California’s distinctively Christ-centered, graduate education through the work of its faculty, students and alumni who are serving as pastors, teachers, missionaries, and leaders worldwide in light of our overarching mission “to glorify God through graduate theological study. . . for those who will serve in the Christian community and the larger society.” Since 1979, Westminster Seminary California has offered a distinctly Reformed and rigorous education in order to glorify Christ, promote His Gospel, and serve His Church. The strength of our degree programs lies in our faculty’s unified commitment to the inerrant Scriptures and the Reformed confessions. Westminster Seminary California is the only accredited seminary in the Western United States serving confessionally Reformed churches. 2014-2015 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Rev. Andrew A. Cammenga Rev. LeRoy Christoffels Mr. Lyle Faber Rev. Dr. David W. Hall Rev. Sung Yun Han Mr. Milton D. Hodges Rev. Terry L. Johnson Mr. Craig A. Knot Mr. James W. Onnink Dr. James D. Paauw Mr. Ronald W. Prins Mr. Pete Sara Dr. Benjamin E. Sasse Dr. Scott A. Swanson Mr. Roger A. Swets Rev. Dale A. Van Dyke Rev. Derrick J. Vander Meulen Rev. Brian D. Vos ©2014 Westminster Seminary California All rights reserved.

11 INFOCUS 4. The Marathon Of Faith: Exhausted Yet Pursuing

ONCAMPUS 7. Class of 2014 8. New & Returning Students 9. Dr. Bergsma, Dr. H. R. Jones, den Dulk Lectures 10. Did You Know? 11. From the Church in Smyrna: Bulut Yasar’s Journey to Christ and WSC 13. Annual Conference 2015

ONMISSION 14. Life-Changing Education: WSC’s Impact on Alumnus, Art Azurdia 16. Alumni News & Class Notes

INPERSON & INPRINT 18. Faculty Speaking & Writing 20. Annual Report 21. Honorarium & Memorial Gifts 22. Up Close with Marcus McArthur




THE MARATHON OF FAITH: Exhausted Yet Pursuing By Charles K. Telfer




ou are in a marathon — the long race of the Christian life. In 1 Corinthians 9:24-27, the Apostle Paul pictures you as an athlete running, not for the perishable wreath of the Hellenic games, but for an imperishable prize of unfading glory. And as a Christian, your race is not a dash to be finished in 9.58 seconds. It is a marathon, a drawn-out adventure of pain and glory that may leave you, like Gideon and his men, “exhausted yet pursuing” (Judges 8:4). In this marathon of faith, you may experience the endorphins of a runner’s high at the halfway point, but you may also find yourself weeping, rejoicing, and weeping again in pain as you make your way toward the finish. My own experience in ministry throughout the years has been similarly two-sided. While serving as a missionary in northeast Africa years ago, I had the joy of preaching the good news in the local language of Tigrinya and of helping to start a congregation which included some Muslim converts. At times, our mission work even had standing-room-only evening worship services. But the mission faced all kinds of withering discouragements from within and from without, including having all its missionaries forced out of the country on several occasions. Today, no foreign missionaries are left in that country, its local churches are under persecution, and its people live in disastrous conditions. Even as a pastor here in the U.S., it has been heart-rending for me to see persons harden themselves in sin, refuse to respond to the gospel, and ultimately undergo tragically necessary church discipline. Yet it has also been glorious to hear saints of all ages profess their faith and cling to the Lord with joy and confidence even amidst great difficulties.

not always respond to quick fixes, and obstacles resist us at every point. This is why we are spurred on to “lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely,” and to “run with endurance the race that is set before us” (Hebrews 12:1). At times we are “running well,” and at other times we are “hindered” (Galatians 5:7). Running experts will tell you it is not a question of whether you will be slowed by injury, but of when and for how long. And as a long-distance runner, I have had hip troubles, hamstring troubles, knee troubles, foot troubles, and repeated calf troubles to prove it. My heating pad is a regular fixture in my office. Ugh. In the marathon of faith, long distance running is not an option but a requirement, despite all the obstacles, weaknesses, and troubles en route. Our progress will only come through strain and even agony, which is why the Apostle Paul sets his experience as our paradigm to follow — “forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:13-14).


THE LONG HAUL We live in a profoundly quick-solution culture where immediate gratification and instant pain relief are taken for granted. But the Christian life does

HITTING THE WALL “Hitting the wall” is what happens after you run about 20 consecutive miles. It is a graphic way of describing the onset of glycogen depletion — the agonizing moment during a marathon when burning 100 calories per mile completely depletes the 2,000 calories of stored energy in your muscles and liver. It is when your legs give out and despair sets in. When I ran my first marathon in 2013, I had four miles to go and felt great. But a mere one mile later, a sudden wave of despair came over me. I had three miles to go but there was no gas in my tank. The following year I ran the same race, but this time finished some 18 minutes faster. Why? Two reasons. The first is I stuffed myself full with as much water and glucose as possible during the



first half in preparation for the rest of the race. The second is, in God’s kind providence, I found myself running alongside a veteran marathoner for the last six miles of the race. She buoyantly engaged me in conversation (discussing even the gospel!) to such an extent that I was just able to hold on for dear life as we maintained a scarily fast pace through the finish. My experience as a Christian has been similar. I must have the nourishment of the gospel or I will collapse. I must drink of the cup of my Lord or I will perish. I must attach myself to my brothers and sisters in Christ or I will not finish well.

efforts because he had such a sense of the grace that undergirded him. Confidently, the apostle could say, “I press on… because Christ Jesus has made me his own” (Phil 3:12, emphasis mine). And because we also have been made Christ’s own, it is a sure thing that we will finish our race, pass into the celestial Olympic stadium for our final victory lap, and have the crowds of Heaven cheer us on — because of Christ’s blood, His sweat, and His tears. Whatever our specific callings in life, each of us can sing the old hymn by Philip Doddridge:


THE FINISHER OF OUR FAITH As we look to run the long marathon of faith with endurance, let us praise God that Jesus is not just the “founder” of our faith, but its “perfecter” or “finisher” (Hebrews 12:2). Thank God that our success does not ultimately depend on the intensity of our own efforts! Thank God that our success ultimately depends only on the intense efforts of Him, “who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross” and “endured from sinners such hostility against himself,” so that we who run with Him ahead of us “may not grow weary or fainthearted” (Hebrews 12:2-3). There is no opponent we face — whether personal, financial, spiritual, or biological — that can keep us from entering into the joy which Christ earned for us. Of this truth Paul was acutely aware. As a Christian and a minister, he was able to make indefatigable

Awake, my soul, stretch ev’ry nerve, and press with vigor on; A heav’nly race demands your zeal, and an immortal crown. A cloud of witnesses around hold you in full survey; Forget the steps already trod, and onward urge your way. ‘Tis God’s all animating voice that calls you from on high; ‘Tis His own hand presents the prize to your aspiring eye. That prize, with peerless glories bright, which shall new luster boast, When victors’ wreaths and monarchs’ gems shall blend in common dust. Blest Savior, introduced by You, have I my race begun; And, crowned with vict’ry at Your feet, I’ll lay my honors down.

Prof. Charles K. Telfer is Assistant Professor of Biblical

Languages at WSC. He is an ordained minister in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, and has served as a missionary in Northeast Africa and as a pastor in North Carolina and the Chicago area prior to joining the WSC faculty in 2011. Prof. Telfer and his wife, Rhonda, have four children.





oin us in congratulating the recent graduates of Westminster Seminary California (WSC) and in thanking God for sustaining the them through their studies. Please also join us in praying for these men and women as they glorify Christ, promote His Gospel, and serve His Church.

Graduate Andrew Canavan with Dr. David M. VanDrunen

The WSC class of 2014 includes 36 students, 25 of them graduating with Master of Divinity degrees and 11 with Master of Arts degrees. The graduates represent 16 U.S. states, three foreign countries, and sev-

eral Reformed denominations, including the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC), the United Reformed Churches in North America (URCNA), and the Christian Reformed Church (CRC). WSC’s 33rd Annual Commencement was held on May 31, 2014, at Emmanuel Faith Community Church in Escondido, California. The Rev. Nam Joon Kim, pastor of Yullin Presbyterian Church in Anyang, South Korea, delivered the commencement address entitled, “The True Mission of Ministers.” The 2014 graduates join over 1,000 other WSC alumni who are using their theological education to serve as pastors, teachers, missionaries, scholars, and church leaders in various denominations around the U.S. and the world.

FROM THE GRADUATES “It is a rare thing to have a place like WSC where the professors are not only willing to invest in your education, but invest in you as an individual.” — Matt Mullininx “We graduates of WSC are especially equipped to bring the joyous news of salvation by grace alone through faith alone and in Christ alone to a world so desperately in need of it.” — Le Ann Trees “As someone who had been in pastoral ministry for eight years before coming to WSC, I greatly appreciate the M.Div. program... It’s clear to me the program is put together by people who understand both the church and the people who sit in the pews.” — Christopher Hartshorn wscal edu


BY THE NUMBERS WSC’s 36 New Students Come From:



n September 3, 2014, the incom- were served and the students and ing class for the 2014-15 aca- their families were able to fellowdemic year received their introduc- ship with each other, as well as faction to the Westminster Seminary ulty and staff. The next day, the 2014-2015 California (WSC) community during New Student Orientation, an annual academic year officially kicked off fall event designed to acclimate stu- with an Opening Convocation. After morning classes, students and dents to academic policies and stustaff gathered in the chapel while dent life. Orientation began in the morning with a devotional address by the faculty processed in wearing their academic regalia. The feaDr. W. Robert Godfrey, WSC President and Professor of Church History, tured speaker was Dr. W. Robert and was followed by presentations by Godfrey. His address was entitled Dr. J. V. Fesko, Academic Dean, and “Joseph the Righteous” from MatDr. Julius J. Kim, Dean of Students. thew 1-2. Following dismissal, The morning events concluded with students, faculty, and staff fellowa lunch for the new students, faculty, shipped over refreshments, which were generously provided by the and staff. WSC Student Association. That evening, new students, faculty, and staff reconvened, accompanied by their spouses and family members, for the New Student Reception. In this annual gathering, new students are given the opportunity to introduce themselves and share what led them to WSC and what they hope to do upon completing their seminary education. After the intro- New students Ayrian Moore, Antonio Coppola, Joel Zakahi, and Matthew McCallister. ductions, refreshments


Seminary for a Day is a unique opportunity for prospective students to experience WSC firsthand. Join us for one of our upcoming Seminary for a Day events! JANUARY 15 AND MARCH 5 WSC


Lodging and travel reimbursement are available. For more info, visit wscal.edu/visit, email admissions@wscal.edu, or call (888) 480-8474.

WSC HONORS DR. BERGSMA On April 23, Dr. Derke P. Bergsma was honored by faculty, friends, and alumni of Westminster Seminary California (WSC) as part of an appreciation dinner held at Meadowbrook Village (Escondido, CA). After 33 years of faithful service to the seminary, Dr. Bergsma is retiring for the second time, and will be deeply missed by the seminary’s faculty, students, and staff. In honor of Dr. Bergsma, the WSC faculty has made the following proclamation: Whereas The Rev. Dr. Derke Bergsma, after years of faithful and effective pastoral and academic work, joined Westminster Seminary California as the founding Professor of Practical Theology, Whereas Dr. Bergsma served WSC for sixteen years, from 1982 until 1997, as full-time Professor of Practical Theology, Whereas Dr. Bergsma in those years frequently traveled and spoke on behalf of WSC, Whereas Dr. Bergsma continued to serve WSC after his retirement for the last seventeen years as Professor


The WSC Board of Trustees approved a faculty resolution at Dr. Jones its May 2014 meeting appointing Dr. Hywel R. Jones Professor Emeritus of Practical Theology. In addition, the board and faculty approved a resolution honoring and thanking Dr. Jones for his faithful service to the WSC community for 14 years, as well as his more than 50 years of ordained service to the Lord. Throughout his years in ministry, Dr. Jones has served as pastor of several churches, as Principal and lecturer in Biblical Studies and Pastoral Theology at London Theological Seminary, and since 2000, as Professor of Practical Theology at WSC. During his time at WSC, Dr. Jones has profoundly influenced the WSC community through his deep piety, kindness, conviction, and gracious wisdom. Dr. Jones and his wife, Nansi, currently reside in Wales.

Dr. Bergsma and his wife, Doris

Emeritus of Practical Theology continuing to educate men for the ministry of the gospel, Whereas Dr. Bergsma has been a teacher, mentor, and friend to many members of the faculty, Whereas Dr. Bergsma has been an example to all of the faculty both in his dedication to the seminary as well as in his continued service to Christ, his gospel, and the church, The faculty extends its thanks for Dr. Bergsma’s service to the seminary and prays that his sacrificial labors will continue to produce great fruit in the church of Christ for generations to come and that the Lord will continue to use and bless him and his wife Doris for many years to come in his second retirement.



WSC alumnus and former Trustee, Rev. Eric Hausler, was the guest speaker for WSC’s anRev. Eric Hausler nual den Dulk Lectures this past April. Named after WSC’s second President, Robert den Dulk, the den Dulk Lectures bring seasoned pastors to WSC’s campus for three days to share their wisdom on topics related to pastoral ministry. Speaking from years of experience as a pastor, church planter, and foreign missionary, Rev. Hausler encouraged students to equip believers with thanksgiving, joy, forgiveness, grace, the urgency of the gospel, and the hope of the resurrection. Rev. Hausler is currently a church planter in Naples, FL, for the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC). Listen to Rev. Hausler’s lectures — and those of many other den Dulk Lectures guest speakers — at wscal.edu/dendulklectures. wscal.edu


DID YOU KNOW? WSC’s student/teacher ratio is

10 UPDATE | FALL2014

Westminster Seminary California (WSC) has 13 full-time faculty teaching a student body of 155, providing a 12:1 student/teacher ratio. WSC’s full-time faculty are ordained church officers committed to God’s infallible, inerrant, and authoritative Word, and subscribe to the Westminster Standards (Confession and Catechisms) and the Three Forms of Unity (the Belgic Confession, the Heidelberg Catechism, and the Canons of Dort). WSC remains the only fully accredited Reformed seminary in the Western United States, graduating an average of 35 students per year.


Bulut Yasar’s Journey to Christ and WSC


ntioch, Tarsus, and Smyrna. For most of us, these cities are only ancient places mentioned in the New Testament and part of Biblical history. But for Bulut Yasar, current student at Westminster Seminary California (WSC), these cities are where he was born, grew up, and ultimately became a Christian.

writings of Jonathan Edwards and several Puritans. Of all the Christian beliefs he studied, however, it was the five points of Calvinism and the idea of predestination that Bulut found to be most unbelievable. “I remember ridiculing Calvin and predestination,” recalls Bulut, the irony of now studying at WSC not escaping him. Bulut’s study of Christianity was academic at first, ANCIENT CITIES WITH MODERN TIES but became personal during his sophomore year when Bulut was born in Gaziantep, Turkey, not far from he met American missionaries who were ministering the city of Antioch, where believers were first called at his university. Intrigued by these foreigners who “Christians” (Acts 11:26). He was raised in a tradimany in Turkey believe to be undercover CIA agents tional but non-practicing Muslim home, and learned that pay people to convert, Bulut wanted to engage the much about Islam from his devout missionaries if only to practice his grandmother. When Bulut was in English and talk all things Amerihigh school, his family moved to “GOD CONVINCED can. Although he knew some of Tarsus, the ancient hometown of the the basics of Christianity, it was the Apostle Paul (Acts 9:11). It was there ME THAT I AM A missionaries’ belief that Muhammed that Bulut first encountered Chrisnot a prophet of God that most SINNER IN NEED OF A was tians when his classmates dared him startled and offended him. “I had to enter a Roman Catholic church always considered myself an atheist,” SUBSTITUTE BEFORE during a worship service. Acceptsays Bulut, “but I suddenly found ing the challenge, Bulut went in, sat, HIS JUDGMENT SEAT.” myself defending Muhammed!” participated in the service, and even Shocked by the missionaries’ disbought a New Testament from one of the parishiobelief — and his response to it— Bulut sought out ners afterwards. He never did get around to reading answers to his own questions about Islam. He picked the New Testament, but the memory of interacting up a copy of the Koran in Turkish and started reading with practicing Christians stuck with him. it for the first time. He didn’t like what he read. It was After graduating from high school, Bulut enthen that Bulut decided to re-read the Bible, this time rolled at the Aegean University in Smyrna (or Izmir), reading more than just parts of the New Testament. the city whose believers suffered persecution but “I’m a literature major,” says Bulut, “why would I start were promised the crown of life by the resurrected halfway through the story?” So he read the entire Jesus (Rev. 2:8-11). Majoring in English and AmeriBible, Genesis through Revelation. can literature, Bulut was forced to study Christianity in order to understand the literature’s context — and EXODUS AND WSC CONNECTIONS As he read and studied the Bible, Bulut began this time, reading parts of the New Testament was spending more and more time with his newfound his homework. He specifically recalls studying Luke Turkish and American Christian friends, who invited 15 and the parable of the prodigal son, as well as the wscal.edu


him to worship services at a local Reformed and Presbyterian church pastored by WSC alumnus, Rev. Fikret Bocek (MABS, 1998). Like Bulut, Rev. Bocek was born in Turkey and grew up as a Muslim. He became a Christian in high school, and after graduating from university he moved to the U.S. with his wife to

“I WAS ALSO CONVINCED THAT WESTMINSTER SEMINARY CALIFORNIA WAS THE BEST SEMINARY FOR STUDYING REFORMED THEOLOGY.” study at WSC. Rev. Bocek graduated from WSC with a Master of Arts in Biblical Studies, and he and his wife eventually returned to Turkey to plant and pastor a Reformed Presbyterian church in Smyrna. It was at this church years later that Bulut would hear Rev. Bocek preach through the Old Testament book of Exodus and learn about the greater spiritual exodus from sin that God has provided through Jesus Christ. Bulut was impressed by the reverent worship and hospitable spirit of the believers at this church, but the weight of God’s law and Jesus’ moral standards greatly disturbed him. He remembers thinking, “If what Jesus is saying is true, there’s no way I will go to heaven!” And yet, God’s Spirit continued to draw Bulut closer and closer to the Savior, who not only demands moral perfection but fully obeyed God’s law on behalf of those who confess Him as Lord. Finally, Bulut felt he could no longer say no to God. “God convinced me that I am a sinner in need of a substitute before His judgment seat,” says Bulut, and in the summer after his junior year in college he confessed his faith in Christ and was baptized by Rev. Bocek. Immediately, Bulut began studying the Westminster Confession of Faith, teaching Bible studies to the church’s youth, and evangelizing his family and friends, several of whom now confess Christ as well. Encouraged by Rev. Bocek, Bulut started proofreading and editing Turkish translations of Reformed 12 UPDATE | FALL2014

theology books, which led him to read books by WSC professors such as Dr. Meredith G. Kline, Dr. Michael S. Horton, and Dr. David M. VanDrunen. Bulut would eventually also go on to translate into Turkish Redemption: The Triumph of God’s Great Plan by Dr. Derke P. Bergsma (WSC Professor Emeritus of Practical Theology) along with other books by WSC alumni, Dr. Christopher Caughey and Rev. Daniel Hyde. FULL CIRCLE As Bulut matured in his faith and talents, Rev. Bocek discerned that God was calling Bulut to ministry. “Rev. Bocek asked me to think and pray about theological training and pastoral ministry,” recalls Bulut, “but I had my doubts, so he gave me a copy of Dr. Edmund P. Clowney’s Called to the Ministry and asked me to read it.” Dr. Clowney’s book triggered another major life change for Bulut as he became convinced that God was indeed calling him to fulltime ministry and evangelism. “I was also convinced that Westminster Seminary California was the best seminary for studying Reformed theology,” says Bulut, confirming what WSC has known for a while — that WSC alumni are the seminary’s best recruiters. In early 2012, Bulut was accepted and enrolled at WSC, and received an international student scholarship through the seminary. That summer, Bulut started his Master of Divinity studies at WSC, and this past summer served as a pastoral intern at Amoskeag Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC) in New Hampshire, working alongside WSC alumnus, Rev. Dr. Greg Reynolds. Besides studying, Bulut has also continued his Turkish translational work, currently translating Dr. Horton’s The Christian Faith: A Systematic Theology for Pilgrims on the Way and Pilgrim Theology: Core Doctrines for Christian Disciples. “Rev. Bocek and I work together to determine which Reformed books to translate into Turkish,” says Bulut, “Our plan is to translate several books by Dr. Horton, Dr. Fesko, and Dr. VanDrunen, as wells as a number of biblical commentaries.” Planning for future ministry, Bulut hopes to be ordained in the OPC shortly after graduation. But his long term goal is to return to his home country and help Rev. Bocek plant more churches and even establish a Reformed seminary in Turkey. “I hope to preach, teach, and church plant in Turkey,” says Bulut enthusiastically, “and follow in the footsteps of Rev. Bocek — and of the Apostle Paul, too!”


Annual Conference 2015


Friday, January 16 - Saturday, January 17, 2015 On the campus of Westminster Seminary California (Escondido, CA) The WSC faculty will address what the Scriptures have to say about wisdom, not only as a literary genre in the Bible, but Christ as the embodiment of wisdom, and it’s necessity for the Christian Life.



FRIDAY, JANUARY 16 Evening “Why Do We Need Wisdom?” — Joshua J. Van Ee “The Wisdom of God or of the World?” — Dennis E. Johnson

SATURDAY, JANUARY 17 Morning “Wisdom in Dialogue” — Bryan D. Estelle “Wisdom and Theology” — Michael S. Horton “Wisdom and the Christian Life” — David M. VanDrunen Afternoon “Christ Our Wisdom” — W. Robert Godfrey Questions & Answers — Speakers Panel

Early Bird Registration ends 12/1/2014 Three ways to register now: • Online: (recommended) Visit wscal.edu/conference • Phone: Call (888) 480-8474 • Mail: Complete, detach, & mail the form below to: Westminster Seminary California Attn: Annual Conference 2015 1725 Bear Valley Parkway Escondido, CA 92027

NOTE: Cancellations and refund requests must be made in writing, by email to conference@wscal.edu, or by fax to (760) 480-0252, and received by January 2, 2015 in order to receive a full refund, less a $10 cancellation fee.



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WSC’s Impact On Alumnus, Art Azurdia

t has been 16 years since Rev. Dr. Art Azurdia graduated from Westminster Seminary California (WSC) with a Doctor of Ministry degree, but the seminary’s teaching and training continue to bless him and his ministry. Now Pastor of Trinity Church of Portland (Oregon) and Associate Professor at Western Seminary, Dr. Azurdia readily acknowledges the lasting impact of Westminster’s faculty. In particular, one professor stands out for him. “I will always and forever be eternally grateful for Dr. Clowney,” said Dr. Azurdia in a recent interview with UPDATE. “He put a permanent mark on me.” AN EMMAUS ROAD EXPERIENCE Shortly after graduating from WSC, Dr. Azurdia published his doctoral dissertation as a book entitled, Spirit Empowered Preaching: Involving the Holy Spirit in Your Ministry. In it, he writes that the three most significant high points in his Christian pilgrimage have been when God saved him, when God impressed upon him the implications of the doctrines of grace, and when he enrolled in a WSC course taught by Dr. Edmund P. Clowney. “For three Rev. Dr. Art Azurdia hours each day,” recounts Dr. Azurdia in his book, “Dr. Clowney showed us … how the Old Testament ing Christ from all of the Bible was something you ruthlessly points to Jesus Christ. Each day I left class can not do, something you must not do. “I was always saying to my roommate, ‘I love Jesus more today than I have ever before loved Him.’” For Dr. Azurdia, taught to be very, very faithful to the text at hand, but unfortunately I hadn’t fully considered the implicawho by that time had already been preaching and tions of appreciating the context. I subsequently pastoring for 11 years, “it was something akin to an came to understand that the context of any text is the Emmaus road experience. Each day my heart would whole of the Bible.” burn.” Prior to enrolling at UPDATE caught up with WSC, Dr. Azurdia was good Dr. Azurdia this past sum“EACH DAY I LEFT CLASS SAYING at diagramming Scripture mer, and when asked about and parsing Greek Dr. Clowney’s course, he TO MY ROOMMATE, ‘I LOVE JESUS passages and Hebrew verbs, but he said, “It changed everything for me. I’ve probably told the MORE TODAY THAN I HAVE EVER suffered from what he calls “a really deficient appreciation story a thousand times, and BEFORE LOVED HIM.” of the totality of the Bible’s I tell it to my own students story, of how all the little parts here at Western Seminary. of the story contribute to the telling of the one big It is such a high point in my life and something story.” Dr. Clowney’s teaching changed all that. “He for which I give praise to God on a regular basis.” systematically opened my eyes to an entirely new Dr. Azurdia admitted that part of the reason Dr. horizon,” recalls Dr. Azurdia of Dr. Clowney. “He was Clowney’s lectures were so life-altering was because so disarming and yet held us spellbound. Daily I was he arrived at WSC absolutely convinced that preach-

14 UPDATE | FALL2014

exhilarated and became even more profoundly in love with the Lord Jesus.” It was Dr. Clowney’s lectures — and the whole of Dr. Azurdia’s time at WSC — that subsequently defined the rest of Dr. Azurdia’s life and ministry. “I want to figure out how to get to Jesus from the entire Bible,” says Dr. Azurdia. “That’s what I want to do for the rest of my life — and it all started at Westminster.” IMPACT BEYOND THE CLASSROOM For Dr. Azurdia, the impact of Dr. Clowney’s course and of a Westminster education has gone far beyond the classroom. He summarizes much of what he learned at WSC with this simple phrase — moral imperatives grow out of redemptive indicatives. “Understanding that the demands set forth in the Bible grow out of and are in response to God’s redeeming work through Jesus Christ has had profound effects not only on how I preach,” says Dr. Azurdia, “but also on how I teach and counsel, and on how I live my own life as a Christian.” In other words, what Dr. Azurdia learned at WSC helped him to understand “what it means to live a grace and gospel-centered life. It taught me to me remind myself every single day that my status before the living God is made right in the gospel because of Christ, and when I recognize that — despite all of my actual fallenness — I can get up out of bed and get to the tasks of the day.” He contrasts this way of thinking and living with “a kind of

Christian life that is based on the notion that I have to find a way to keep God happy with me, which is a terrible and tyrannizing way to live.” Since graduating from WSC, Dr. Azurdia has spent the rest of his life studying, preaching, and teaching how the Bible’s commands always flow out of God’s redeeming grace. “The concept that moral imperatives grow out of redemptive indicatives is something I hope they etch onto my gravestone one day because that’s what I live by.”

“I WANT TO FIGURE OUT HOW TO GET TO JESUS FROM THE ENTIRE BIBLE. THAT’S WHAT I WANT TO DO FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE — AND IT ALL STARTED AT WESTMINSTER.” Reflecting on his time at WSC, Dr. Azurdia says, “As a pastor and a seminary professor, I often pray, ‘God, would you be gracious and give me the opportunity to do for students what Ed Clowney and other WSC faculty did for me?’” He concluded his conversation with UPDATE by adding, “I will forever be indebted to Westminster Seminary for its contribution in my life and how it made all the difference in the world to me. I am very thankful for my experience at WSC, and its implications are felt in my ministry every day.”

Dr. Edmund P. Clowney Dr. Edmund P. Clowney was Adjunct Professor of Practical Theology at Westminster Seminary California (WSC) from 1982 to 2000. Previously, he had served as President of Westminster Theological Seminary (Philadelphia, PA) from 1966 to 1982, during which time his administration spearheaded the establishment of WSC. Dr. Clowney was a gifted preacher and theologian, a dedicated educator, a caring pastor, and a prolific author whose Christ-centered sermons, lectures, writings, and ministry have greatly influenced and blessed the lives of countless pastors and church leaders throughout the U.S. and the world. Among his most well-known books are The Unfolding Mystery: Discovering Christ in the Old Testament, Preaching Christ in All of Scripture, and The Church (Contours of Christian Theology).

Rev. Dr. Art Azurdia III is Pastor of Trinity Church of Portland (Oregon) and Associate Professor of Pastoral

Theology and Director of Pastoral Mentoring at Western Seminary. He received his Doctor of Ministry degree from WSC in 1998. He is the author of Spirit Empowered Preaching: Involving the Holy Spirit in Your Ministry and a contributing author of The Compromised Church: The Present Evangelical Crisis and Reforming Pastoral Ministry: Challenges for Ministry in Postmodern Times. wscal.edu





estminster Seminary California (WSC) alumnus, Rev. Dr. Lloyd Kim, has been nominated to serve as the next Coordinator of Mission to the World (MTW), the missionary agency of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). “Dr. Kim is a proven missionary leader,” said Rev. Mark Bates, Chair of MTW. “He displays a rare blend of godliness, humility, academic rigor, and leadership acumen. Not only is Dr. Kim thoroughly committed to the Reformed faith, but he also understands the challenges of taking the gospel to other cultures.” Under Dr. Kim’s leadership, the MTW Asia-Pacific ministries, particularly Cambodia where he served as team leader, have grown into vibrant church-planting networks that are working to make disciples, plant churches, and transform communities. About his missions experience Dr. Kim commented, “I have seen the hand of

“DR. KIM IS A PROVEN MISSIONARY LEADER. HE DISPLAYS A RARE BLEND OF GODLINESS, HUMILITY, ACADEMIC RIGOR, AND LEADERSHIP ACUMEN.” God working mightily throughout Asia and the Pacific. I believe this experience will help me inspire the next generation of missionaries as well as serve those who are currently on the field.” “I can’t think of anyone who can better lead Mission to the World than Lloyd Kim,” said outgoing coordinator Dr. Paul Kooistra. “He has successfully led one of our largest mission teams in a very difficult country, and has seen remarkable progress in church planting. As a missionary himself, I believe that he is going to understand the needs of MTW’s missionaries as well as be able to relate in a very special way to our many, many national partners.”


Fritz Harms has served churches in South Dakota and Vermont, received his Ph.D. in Church History from Theological University Apeldoorn (the Netherlands), and has been a chaplain at a senior care facility in Ripon, CA since 2009. He recently taught church history in Riga, Latvia. 16 UPDATE | FALL2014


Dr. Kim is an ordained PCA pastor and has served as a missionary with MTW since 2004 in the Philippines and Cambodia, and is currently MTW’s International Director of Asia-Pacific. The goal of MTW is to help fulfill the Great Commission by advancing Reformed and covenantal church-planting movements through word and deed in strategic areas worldwide. Read about Dr. Kim’s experience at Westminster Seminary California in the spring 2014 issue of UPDATE, now online at wscal.edu/update. This article adapted from the original MTW press release on July 23, 2014.

“Transforming Worldviews for Effective Community Development” in William Carey International Development Journal (Winter 2014).

Matt Slick is President and Founder of the Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry (CARM) and has authored The Influence and Right Answers for Wrong Beliefs.

Bradd Nymeyer became a taekwondo master after 27 years of training. He is currently a 6th Degree Black Belt.


Rita Cefalu is working to receive her Ph.D. by 2015 from Queen’s University Belfast. She recently published “Royal Priestly Heirs to

Arnell Motz is now Dean and Executive Officer at Bethel Seminary San Diego and recently published


the Restoration Promise of Genesis 3:15: A Biblical Theological Perspective on the Sons of God in Genesis 6” in The Westminster Theological Journal (Fall 2014), and has begun teaching Bible and World Religions at the University of San Diego.


Dave Bush and his wife were blessed with the birth of their seventh child, Valor, in August. Chandler Im is Director of Ethnic Ministries at the Billy Graham Center at Wheaton College and recently co-edited and contributed to Global Diasporas and Mission.


Brian Borgman has co-authored Spiritual Warfare: A Biblical and Balanced Perspective, has contributed the new ESV Women’s Devotional Bible, and has authored the forthcoming book, After They’re Yours: The Grace and Grit of Adoption. He has also preached and taught in China, Denmark, and Canada. Danny Hyde published his latest book, The Nursery of the Holy Spirit: Welcoming Children in Worship, in July.


Susan Erikson published her second book of devotional poetry,

Walking, Walking, Through the Stress of Life, in April.


Brent England and his wife were blessed with the birth of their third child, Charlie Hunter, in April.


Ted Beglin and his wife welcomed their fourth child, Glibert Ross Early, in June. Luke Kim completed his Th.M. at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (Deerfield, IL) in May and has begun his Ph.D. studies in Biblical Theology at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (Kansas City, MO).


Richard Cunningham and his wife welcomed their third child, Penelope Faith, in July. Dan Halley and his wife celebrated the birth of their first child, Samuel Matthias, in March.


Iwan Baamann recently received a call to Grace Reformed Church of Leduc (URCNA; Alberta, Canada). He and his wife now have two children, Ruth Llyan and Asher Jonah. Ariel Flores is now the Resident Chaplain at Providence Medical Center Mission Hills (Mission Hills, CA).

Matt Tuininga received his Ph.D. in Religion, Ethics, and Society from Emory University (Atlanta, GA) in September. His dissertation is entitled, “Christ’s Two Kingdoms: Calvin’s Political Theology and the Public Engagement of the Church.” He is currently teaching as an adjunct professor at Oglethorpe University (Atlanta, GA).


Jose Jimenez and his wife thank God for their third child, Rachel Hope, born in June. Scott Korljan (also class of 2013) was installed as Pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church (Traverse City, MI) in November 2013, was blessed with a second child, Cade, in January, and had his MAHT thesis on Billy Sunday published in Confessional Presbyterian (2014).


Ben Castaneda was ordained as Assistant Pastor of Youth and Family Ministry at Rincon Mountain Presbyterian Church (PCA; Tucson, AZ) in May. Kristopher Marriage and his wife welcomed their first child, Caleb Elias, in March.


Nathan Born and his wife were blessed with the birth of their fifth child, Caleb Barnabas, in August.


WSC Alumni — Get away and refresh at the Alumni Winter Refresher this January! Audit for FREE most one-week Winter Term courses. Attend the Annual Conference, too! For more information, visit wscal.edu/awr wscal.edu





he 66th Annual Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society (ETS) was held in San Diego this year (November 19-21), and several Westminster Seminary California (WSC) faculty and one staff member presented papers and participated in panel discussions. On the first day of the Annual Meeting, Dr. Michael S. Horton presented a book review of Evangelical Theology: A Biblical and Systematic Introduction by Michael Bird, and Dr. Dennis E. Johnson presented “‘Blessed Is He Who Comes in the Name of the Lord’: David (seed of the woman) vs. Goliath (seed of the serpent) (1 Samuel 17).” During the Annual Meeting’s “Reformation Studies” session on the second day, Dr. W. Robert Godfrey presented “Demythologizing Arminius: A Fresh Look at His Life,” and Dr. R. Scott Clark presented “‘Clothed in the Covenant of Grace’: Caspar Olevianus on the Administration of the Covenant of Grace.” The “Reformation Studies” session was moderated by current WSC Trustee, Rev. Dr. David W. Hall. On the last day of the Annual Meeting, Dr. Horton presented “How the Marks of the Church Inform Its Mission,” and Dr. Marcus McArthur (WSC Vice President for Administration) presented “Church, State, and Treason: The Crisis of Border State Ecclesiology during the Civil War.” ETS is a professional, academic society of Biblical scholars, teachers, pastors, students, and others dedicated to evangelical scholarship and committed to the inerrancy and inspiration of the Scriptures and the gospel of Jesus Christ. Its mission is to serve Jesus Christ and his church by fostering conservative, evangelical biblical scholarship. The ETS Annual Meeting program included hundreds of speakers representing prominent theological institutions from around the United States.

18 UPDATE | FALL2014


9-10 — Dr. David M. VanDrunen presents his paper, “The Protectionist Purpose of Law: A Moral Case from the Biblical Covenant with Noah,” at the annual meeting of The Society of Christian Ethics (St. Louis, MO). 16 — Dr. Michael S. Horton speaks on atonement and ascension at the Los Angeles Theology Conference at Biola University (La Mirada, CA). 16-17 — Dr. Bryan D. Estelle, Dr. W. Robert Godfrey, Dr. Michael S. Horton, Dr. Dennis E. Johnson, Dr. David M. VanDrunen, and Dr. Joshua J. Van Ee speak at WSC’s Annual Conference 2015 (Escondido, CA). 23-24 — Dr. R. Scott Clark speaks at a conference at Sovereign Grace Church of Bakersfield (Bakersfield, CA). 26-30 — Dr. Julius J. Kim teaches on missions and evangelism at the Ligonier Academy of Biblical and Theological Studies (Sanford, FL).


9-13 — Prof. Charles K. Telfer speaks at the Reformed Pastors Conference (Cartagena, Colombia). 19-21 — Dr. W. Robert Godfrey speaks at the Ligonier National Conference (Orlando, FL). 20-22 — Dr. David M. VanDrunen speaks and preaches at Providence Presbyterian Church (PCA) (Midland, TX). 25-27 — Dr. J. V. Fesko speaks on John Owen and union with Christ at the Affinity Theological Study Conference (North Hampton, England). 27-28 — Dr. David M. VanDrunen presents his paper, “Wisdom and Natural Law: Why Each Needs the Other,” at the Nootbaar Conference at Pepperdine University School of Law (Malibu, CA).


13-14 — Dr. W. Robert Godfrey speaks at the Ligonier Regional Conference (Walnut Creek, CA). 19-20 — Dr. David M. VanDrunen speaks at the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC) Timothy Conference (Philadelphia, PA). 20-21 — Dr. W. Robert Godfrey speaks at the Growing Reformed Churches Conference (Chino, CA).


24-25 — Dr. J. V. Fesko speaks on the doctrine of justification at The Majesty of God Conference (Barboursville, WV), sponsored by The Navigators of Huntington, West Virginia.

FACULTY WRITING BOOKS ESV Gospel Transformation Bible

contributions by Michael S. Horton and Julius J. Kim

The ESV Gospel Transformation Bible was created to help readers see Christ in all of Scripture, and grace for all of life. This Bible version features allnew book introductions and gospel-illuminating notes designed to help the reader encounter the gospel throughout God’s Word. Among the team of over 50 contributing pastors and scholars are WSC faculty members, Dr. Michael S. Horton (for the book of Joshua) and Dr. Julius J. Kim (for the books of Habakkuk, Colossians, and Philemon). The Gospel Transformation Bible outlines God’s redemptive purposes of grace throughout all of Scripture and helps apply God’s word in a grace-centered and hearttransforming way.


by Michael S. Horton

No one wants to be “ordinary,” yet Dr. Michael S. Horton believes that attempts to measure spiritual growth by the constant pursuit of the next big thing have left many Christians disillusioned and disappointed. In his new book, Ordinary: Sustainable Faith in a Radical, Restless World, Dr. Horton invites readers to recover their sense of joy in the ordinary and provides a guide to a sustainable discipleship that happens over the long haul. Convicting and ultimately empowering, Ordinary is not a call to do less; it is an invitation to experience the elusive joy of the ordinary Christian life. For more faculty books, see the Bookstore ad on page 23.

ARTICLES Dr. R. Scott Clark

“The Babylonian Captivity of the Papacy” in Tabletalk (July 2014). “Always Abusing Semper Reformanda” in Tabletalk (November 2014).

Dr. Bryan D. Estelle

Review of Elaine Pagels’ Revelations: Visions, Prophecy, & Politics in the Book of Revelation in Modern Reformation (May/ June 2014).

Review of Katherine J. Dell’s Interpreting Ecclesiastes: Readers Old and New in Catholic Biblical Quarterly (October 2014).

Dr. W. Robert Godfrey

Review of Keith D. Stanglin and Thomas H. McCall’s Jacob Arminius, Theologian of Grace in Reformation 21 (March 2014). “Reformed and Always Reforming: the Historical Context” in Tabletalk (November 2014).

Dr. David M. VanDrunen

“The Market Economy and Christian Ethics: Refocusing Debate Through the Two-Kingdoms Doctrine” in Journal of Markets and Morality 17 (Spring 2014). “Two Kingdoms in China: Church Development and Reformed Ethics” in China’s Reforming Churches: Mission, Polity, and Ministry in the Next Christendom, edited by Bruce P. Baugus (2014).



Christian Reformed Church in North America

Independent/ Reformed Baptist Churches

Other Churches

Academic Year 2013-2014






FACULTY 13 Members 12:1 Student/faculty ratio

ALUMNI 1,060 Graduates


$3.9 Million

$4.3 Million



Fundraising & Development


$13,825 Total Cost Average $5,750 Financial Aid Average


General & Administrative


Orthodox Presbyterian Church

Instruction & Programs


Unrestricted Gifts

Korean Presbyterian Denominations






ACCREDITATION Association of Theological Schools Western Association of Schools and Colleges


Presbyterian Church in America

United Reformed Churches in North America



Visiting/ Non-Matriculating

Master of Divinity



Master of Arts







Other Reformed/Presbyterian Denominations


Average Net Cost


Mr. Robert Clark

Ms. Diann Otten Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Buikema

Dr. and Mrs. R. Scott Clark Mr. and Mrs. Henry Doorn II Dr. and Mrs. W. Robert Godfrey Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. MacVey Rev. and Mrs. Charles A. Tedrick

Dr. R. Scott Clark

Mr. Grover C. Coleman

Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Wolfe

Mrs. Kazuko Yoshitake

Mrs. Mary Ellen Godfrey

Mrs. Krynie Doelman

Dr. Derke P. Bergsma

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Veenendaal

Rev. Rollin P. Keller

Mr. and Mrs. Willard C. Gekler

Mr. and Mrs. Andy Van Die Mr. and Mrs. Dick Dykstra

Mrs. Gre De Raadt

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Doorn II

Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Lazzareschi Dr. and Mrs. W. Robert Godfrey Dr. and Mrs. William B. Lide

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Goedhart

Rev. and Mrs. Bradd L. Nymeyer

Mr. Darwin Houtsma

Rev. Daniel Overduin

Mrs. Elsie Kok

Mrs. Alice Strimple

Mr. Don Lewis

Westminster Seminary California Faculty

Mr. Gerrit Oosterkamp

Mr. and Mrs. Scott Korthuis

Faith Orthodox Presbyterian Church Mr. and Mrs. Willard C. Gekler Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Van Egmond

Dr. and Mrs. William J. Montgomery

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Veenendaal Mrs. Edna Paauw Dr. and Mrs. James D. Paauw Dr. and Mrs. Robert B. Strimple Mr. and Mrs. Henry Doorn II

Mrs. Kaye Paauw Mrs. Edna Paauw

In Memory Of... Mr. Ken Anema

Dr. and Mrs. Robert B. Strimple

Mr. Neil Asma

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Doorn II Dr. and Mrs. W. Robert Godfrey Mr. and Mrs. Ben Goedhart Mrs. Bea Van Dam

Mr. Helprig Van Egmond

Dr. and Mrs. W. Robert Godfrey Mr. and Mrs. Ben Goedhart Dr. and Mrs. Robert B. Strimple

Mr. Gerrit Vanderbyl

Dr. and Mrs. Derke P. Bergsma Mr. and Mrs. Edward Brower Mrs. Joyce Dekker Mrs. Nellie B. den Dulk Mr. and Mrs. Henry Doorn II Mr. and Mrs. Dick Dykstra Dr. and Mrs. W. Robert Godfrey Mr. and Mrs. Ben Goedhart

Mr. Walt Visser

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Brower Dr. and Mrs. W. Robert Godfrey Mr. and Mrs. Ben Veenendaal Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Verhoeven

Mrs. Wilma G. Visser

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Doorn II Dr. and Mrs. W. Robert Godfrey Ms. Ellen Ward

Mr. Lawrence Vlasblom

Ms. Mary Riddell

Dr. and Dr. David M. VanDrunen

Mr. Scott Sanders

Ms. Blanche Von Seggern

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Korthuis

Mr. Delbert Schowalter

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Doorn II Dr. and Mrs. W. Robert Godfrey

Mrs. Margie Boertje

Mr. Paul T. Strimple Sr.

Mr. Alfred L. Clark

Mrs. Marjorie Sytsma

Mr. Maurice Aronzon Ms. Paula A. Benach-Richards Mr. and Mrs. Henry Doorn II Mr. and Mrs. Christopher L. Felten Fishman, Block + Diamond LLP Dr. and Mrs. W. Robert Godfrey Ms. Linda Johansen

Mr. Nicolaas Van Dam

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Doorn II Dr. and Mrs. W. Robert Godfrey Mr. and Mrs. Ben Goedhart

Mrs. Edna Paauw

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Veenendaal


Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Porter Mr. and Mrs. Henry Doorn II Dr. and Mrs. W. Robert Godfrey Dr. and Mrs. Joshua J. Van Ee

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Doorn II Dr. and Mrs. W. Robert Godfrey Mrs. Mary M. Nemeth Mrs. Karin G. Norlin Mr. and Mrs. John Rau III Mr. and Mrs. Andy Van Die

Mr. Alfred Vos

Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Vos Mrs. Sharon M. Vos

Mr. Joel Brian Vos

Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Vos Mrs. Sharon M. Vos

Mrs. Karen L. Watson

Dr. and Dr. David M. VanDrunen wscal.edu



with Marcus McArthur

Dr. Marcus McArthur joined the staff at Westminster Seminary California (WSC) in 2013 as the new Vice President for Administration. He completed his Master of Arts degree in Historical Theology from WSC in 2004, and went on to earn his Ph.D. in History from Saint Louis University. Dr. McArthur and his wife, Mandi, recently welcomed their third child. UPDATE caught up with him for a quick Up Close interview. What are your favorite memories of WSC from your time as a student? My most memorable moments as a WSC student were my interactions with the faculty outside of class. Whether it was casually chatting about theology or history, viewing and discussing films, or just watching college football, professors were always very intentional about making themselves available. How did WSC prepare you to specialize in American religious history at Saint Louis University? WSC prepared me for doctoral studies in many ways, but most importantly it made me vigilant for truth. At WSC I learned that all truth is God’s truth, regardless of the discipline. So when I study a historical question, my goal is not to make my tradition look better or to vindicate my heroes, but rather to discover the truth and learn from it. What excites you most about your new role as Vice President for Administration? The thing that excites me most is being part of a community that is passionate about Christ, the Gospel, and His Church. As a historian, I am convinced that the Church is best served when her ministers are well educated in God’s Word. I’m honored to serve at a seminary that is committed to this mission.

22 UPDATE | FALL2014



Sustainable Faith in a Radical, Restless World by Michael S. Horton (Zondervan, 2014)

Songs of a Suffering King

The Grand Christ Hymn of Psalms 1-8 by J. V. Fesko (Reformation Heritage Books, 2014)

Psalm 119 for Life

Living Today in the Light of the Word by Hywel R. Jones (Evangelical Press, 2009)


Calvin On The Christian Life



Divine Covenants And Moral Order

Glorifying and Enjoying God Forever

A Bibical Theology of Natural Law

by Michael S. Horton (Crossway Books, 2014)

by David M. VanDrunen (Eerdmans, 2014)

Pilgrim Theology

Core Doctrines for Christian Disciples by Michael S. Horton (Zondervan, 2012)

Living in God’s Two Kingdoms

A Biblical Vision for Christianity and Culture by David M. VanDrunen (Crossway Books, 2010)

The Theology of the Westminster Seminary Westminster Standards California Historical Context and Theological Insights by J. V. Fesko (Crossway Books, 2014)

John Calvin

Word, Water, and Spirit

Pilgrim and Pastor by W. Robert Godfrey (Crossway Books, 2014)

Natural Law and the Two Kingdoms

A Reformed Perspective on Baptism

by J. V. Fesko (Reformation Heritage Books, 2010)

A Study in the Development of Reformed Social Thought by David M. VanDrunen (Eerdmans, 2010)

Recovering the Reformed Confession Our Theology, Piety, and Practice by R. Scott Clark (P&R, 2008)

A New Old School

by W. Robert Godfrey and D. G. Hart (Westminster Seminary California, 2012)

Christ and the Desert Tabernacle By J. V. Fesko (Christian Focus, 2012)

The Law Is Not of Faith

Essays on Works and Grace in the Mosaic Covenant edited by Bryan D. Estelle, J. V. Fesko, and David M. VanDrunen (P&R, 2008)

Salvation through Judgement and Mercy The Gospel According to Jonah By Bryan D. Estelle (P&R, 2005)

Him We Proclaim

Preaching Christ from All the Scriptures by Dennis E. Johnson (P&R, 2007)

A New Testament Greek Primer (3rd Edition) by S. M. Baugh (P&R, 2012)


Visit our campus Bookstore — now located in the library! wscal.edu/bookstore wscal edu 23



Annual Conference 2015




January 16 - 17, 2015

On the campus of Westminster Seminary California (Escondido, CA) The WSC faculty will address what the Scriptures have to say about wisdom, not only as a literary genre in the Bible, but Christ as the embodiment of wisdom, and it’s necessity for the Christian Life.


W. Robert Godfrey, Michael S. Horton, David M. VanDrunen, Dennis E. Johnson, Bryan D. Estelle, and Joshua J. Van Ee.

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