Superheroes: Words Are Our Power - Broad Square 5R

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Writing on the Wall presents...


Broad Square Primary School

Issue #1


out of this world

Writing on the Wall Toxteth Library, Windsor Street Liverpool L8 1XF Published by Writing on the Wall 2019 Š Remains with authors Edited by Rosie O’Hagan Design and layout by Katrina Paterson All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publishers. 0151 703 0020 ww

James O’Loughlin Eustace “The trains are coming.” White, Pink, Orange, and my colleague Purple Flash are coming home from Hawaii from a business trip. We went home for dinner we were having cheesy pasta. “Your head teacher has been kidnapped. I’m so sorry. If I find out any more information, I’ll tell you,” said Purple Flash. “OK,” said Pink Flash. They went to bed. “Friend, friend, your head teacher has been kidnapped by Boris Johnson, Theresa May, Gordon Ramsay and MPs. What are we going to do? “said Purple Flash quickly, but worriedly. “Let me get dressed. I’ll think of something.” He got dressed. “Right, hold my hand. It might be weird, but I’ve got a plan. That’s why I took so long getting dressed. AAAACHEW!” They teleported. “Where are we?” they both said. “It looks like some sort of secret base. Let’s search it. It might have Miss Courbet here. Let’s go,” said Pink Flash. They heard a drop. “Hello,” said a voice in the corner. corne “I have been waiting for you.” “WATCH OUT!” A trap fell. They bailed and went home. “Let’s make a real plan.” They made a plan. “So, we get to the corner shop and they go in back, we go in front. Then some of us in the corner shop take Miss and the rest try to capture Boris Johnson, Theresa May, Gordon Ramsay and the MPs. Let’s go,” said Pink Flash. They went in. “Hello,” they both said. “Hello,” all the bad guys said back. “We have got Miss and you.” “Ahh” They said. “Now we’re giving you to the police. Goodbye!” THE END.

James O’Loughlin Eustace

Divna Petroska

Lily Cummins

Carl Barlow

Charlie Hodgson

Max Taylor One dark, misty night Dark Shadow awakened to a weird noise in the hallway. He went downstairs and saw a gigantic blob of goo, so he went back upstairs and put on his super suit. Then he threw the goo into the basement and shouted, “GO AWAY!” He ran as fast as Flash, picked up the phone and rang a scientist to help him figure out what it was. A few minutes later, the scientist arrived and said, “Where is this goo you have been talking about?” “In the basement,” replied Dark Shadow. Then they went down to the basement. “It is a contagious goo that will slowly take over the world,” the scientist explained. Suddenly, when Dark Shadow woke up the next day, he was getting bigger and Suddenl bigger by the second. So, he got the phone and rang all the superheroes and said, “Get here. I need you.” After a long time, they finally got there and they arranged that they would surround the building, two at the top, and two each side. So, then they would break in and then stop the machines and kill him, and victory would be theirs. “Now, assemble.” After a while, they found the building. They surrounded the building and then said, “We will start breaking in on 1…2…3…GO!” They broke in and they were just thrown back out by the goo and the machines, so then Dark Shadow called more supers and said, “We need you here now. HURRY.” So after a while they got here and they said, “What do you need us for, Dark Shadow?” “This villain is making goo and machines to take over the world, but we can’t get in.” “Okay,” they all shouted. They surrounded the building and attacked but still couldn’t get in so they tried another plan. Two went in at a time so then they got in and tried destroying the machines but the goo trapped them. The villain came over and said, “I am Ruby Duby and I will take over the world.” But they said, “No, you won’t! Let us out so we can fight and win and save the world!” They tried and tried with all their might but they still couldn’t break out. Dark Shadow said, “The goo is too strong!” Then Ruby Duby put something on the big screen and it was the goo slowly taking over the world. It was goo covering Big Ben, the Eiffel Tower, and so much more, but then she showed them Dark Shadow’s secret base being destroyed. He got so angry he broke out! He used his powers and then got the other supers out. The war started; Ruby Duby had an army of villains as well as the goo and machines but then Dark Shadow got the British Army by his side and they battled.

Max Taylor After a while, half the British Army was dead but only a quarter of her soldiers were dead, so then he got all his animals out and they helped the attack. Then Dark Shadow snuck around and grabbed Ruby Duby in a room and fought her, but she got out and destroyed the British Army. Some supers were down on the floor but half of the villains were dead and some of her machines were gone. The supers didn’t know how to kill the goo; they tried burning it, freezing it, and sending it into a black hole but nothing worked. Suddenly, Suddenl the machines made a lot more goo and they sent the supers flying out the building. When they tried getting back in, the goo always got them and threw them out but then they left to make a plan. They made one: trap all the villains inside the goo, then break the machines and the goo ones. Then they started the plan and they broke half the machines and three-quarters of the villains were in the goo so they made sure they got all of them in and broke all the machines. Now there was only Ruby Duby, but she flew away. Dark Shadow followed her and they had a battle in the sky. “Dark Shadow, please don’t hate me but my family were all villains and they forced me to be one. That is what I have done my whole life and I don’t know how to stop, so can you show me how to stop and how to be good, please?” “Okay.” But then Ruby Duby jumped on his back and sent him flying to the ground and everyone thought he was dead, but he was just knocked out. He killed her, and everyone cheered, “HOORAY!” THE END

Max Taylor

Shea Hayde One very bad villain called Red Flash escaped from jail. Blue Flash went nuts because it had taken two years of his life to get him. He had stolen his slime and the lamp of darkness now. Blue Flash was raging with anger now. “He’s “He taken it too far now. It’s ‘go’ time. Red Flash, I’m coming for you. Never ever escape jail! Now it’s time to put YOU BACK IN!” So Blue Flash went to search around the world, but he could not find him. Then he saw a big red boat, the only boat on the water, so he went to check it out. He found him in bed playing Minecraft. When Red Flash saw him, it was a battle. It was a good battle. “Now I’ve defeated him, we need to get him to the best jail in the world!” said Blue Flash. Hour by hour, minute by minute, everyone looked and then they found it. Now everyone is safe because of the one and only BLUE FLASH! Now no one is terrified because Red Flash is in the best jail in the world. Everyone he had captured is free. He had kept them in a dungeon but now they are with their families.

Lewis Moore I was by the pool then I saw the rats. They were digging. Black Beard threw the C4 into the ditch and it blew up. Everything went quiet and, out of the depths, two massive rhinos came gushing out and tried to attack us. I said, “Oh no.” I ran and jumped into my armoured jeep and I drove away. At 12pm I snuck back. They weren’t there but the lights were on. I grabbed my AK47 and crept around the side and a mammoth came the other way. In the blink of an eye a bunker appeared. I was in the bunker but then this poisonous gas started to seep inside and the doors went thud. I started to feel sleepy. I fell to the ground with a clash. Then all I could hear was footsteps and then I felt big hairy hand touching my delicate skin. Around 5 o’clock in the morning I woke up in a casket. I heard a priest. I shouted, “It’s dark in here!” I jumped out and snuck behind the casket. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the rats again. I said, “It’s too risky,” and then my phone rang. It said, “Hey, it’s Bob.” The rats heard it; they were looking left, right and centre. They heard the noise and the massive rhinos formed a round shield of protection. They saw me and they went running like heck. One of the rhinos went backwards and killed the rats, and a man came out of the top and it was Bob.

Shea Hayde

Lewis Moore

Lewis Moore

Brionny Rutter “Where are my diamonds?” Hamster Girl said. She worked the whole season to get them. She would have to get them back! “I have a great idea! I can time travel to find them!” she thought. She gathered all her cardboard boxes and stacked them into what seemed like an igloo in her back garden. The wind howled over the boxes causing them to tumble over each other. “There must be an easier way to do this!” Hamster Girl groaned. “Oh! Sellotape!” she said to herself proudly. She really felt quite embarrassed even though she was alone…well, she hoped. She stuck them all together. Second by second. Minute by minute. Hour by hour. She stuck them all together. Finally! It was finished. All she had to do was make it work. She added 2 buttons, 1 lever, and a clock. She got inside and turned the clock 3 times. She quickly pressed the 2 buttons and flicked the lever. She was OFF! CRASH! BANG! BASH! The time machine landed in the middle of nowhere! “Where am I?” Hamster girl wondered. “Look! It’s the build off! I’ll fly over and take a peak!” She flew over to her house and found that it was half finished. Her friend Hamster Boy’s surrender flag wasn’t there. Her other friend Iskall’s house was on top of everyone else’s house too! She walked over to her ender chest and saw her diamonds lying there, all in one piece. “Wait! I…I JUST STOLE MY OWN DIAMONDS FROM MYSELF? Noo! They were mine, right? Well, they used to be until my past-self stole them. Hehe.” Hamster girl muttered. She travelled back and she made it in one piece surprisingly! Then she carried on with her normal life and everything was the same up until a few days later. Flying over Hamster Land she noticed that the time machine was gone. She flew over her game, dug straight down and found there was a military base titled, ‘Area 77’. “Hmm… I wonder. Will my time machine be there? I will go inside to see,” she said. There was also a sign and it stated: ‘YOUR TIME MACHINE IS NOT HERE, HAMSTER GIRL – CAPTAIN ANGRY EYES.’ The next day she decided to get Hamster Boy and Iskall to help her get it back. They dug a hole under Area 77’s walls to get in.

Brionny Rutter

Calum Kerrigan

Alfie McMahon

Charlotte Ball One day it was 5 o’clock and it was teatime. I was going to have my favourite tea in the world. It was KFC. After I had finished, I could not even get up the stairs I was that full up. What felt like an eternity for going up the stairs and I finally was in my room. Then I was about to go and play with my make-up but there was a scarf, so I had to shout my mum because it was not mine or my sister’s, and it definitely was not my dad’s. “MUM!” “What?” “There is a scarf in my room. Is it yours?” ”No.” I had a look at the colour of the mysterious scarf and the colours were pink, red, yellow, orange, black, and red. Once I was brave enough to smell it, it smelt like wet grass and the Queen. One side smelt like the Queen and one like wet grass. SUDDENLY, I was Mary Poppins. I was so sad and as I was going to tell my mum SUDDEN what happened but then a person flew through my window. And it was really weird because, straight away, it started raining ham baguettes. I asked her name and she was a Superhero. “Hahahahah! Superheroes don’t exist.” The superhero was hungry and ate a ham baguette, then turned into Mary Poppins like me. I was really terrified now, but then a group of superheroes started shouting. “I am Princess Dear!” “And I am Muscle Bunny!” “And I am Robo Robot. I will freeze the falling baguettes and melt them so you will become normal again.” So once that had finished I went ahead and brushed up and said, “Thank you,” because that was the least I could do. THE END.

Charlotte Ball

Mia Capper I was 3 years old when my dad gave me these keys. I’m 10 now and I don’t know what they’re for. Still kind of confused. I took them to school today. I tried to use them to open the staff room and they didn’t work. I wanted to get into my teacher’s secret cupboard; they worked. There was loads of work that we had done. I saw her phone; her messages and notifications kept going off. PING. That’s all I heard. Anyways, I was trying to find my black smuggle pen. She’d taken it, like, a week ago and every time I ask her, she—PING—screams. OK, by now I’m annoyed about that sound. PING. I slammed her cupboard door closed. The class was behind me. The teacher looked at me with a queer eye. I blinked about 1 million times in a second. “What is she going to do to me!!?” I thought to myself. My teacher wore a blowy, cream dress with knee-high socks in a dark grey colour with red and white frills at the bottom. I ran towards the playground while the teacher was right behind me. I darted further away from the teacher; her name was Mrs Dumble-floor. She had fallen over. There was complete silence, no footsteps, no birds singing in the air. I hid around the corner. “Du-Du-Du.” I transformed into Bear-Girl. Just as I was about to go and help Hector—someone’s dog who was really abused, my annoying teacher screamed, “HELP!! I need help to get off the floor!” I turned the corner and got her up onto her feet. “Oh, thank you Bear-Girl!” I left the school gate as quick as a flash, there was no way I could stay in the yard. I turned back and looked into my class window. I heard Mrs Dumble-floor shout, “WHERE IS VIVIAN!?” I ran to the dog abuser forgetting they would probably guess it was me who was Bear-Girl, but I didn’t care. I just wanted to get on with the job, so that’s what I did. I figured out I had super-speed at that moment. I stopped at the house across the street or somewhere close. I knocked on the door politely. A poor, abused dog had opened the door. A pale, skinny woman picked up Hector, the poor German Shepard. Hector squealed. I felt really bad for Hector. She threw Hector onto the hard wood floor. I stomped inside and held Hector. I had told her that I would be taking Hector unless she decided to take care of Hector the right way but, of course, she didn’t want to listen. She slammed the door on me and Hector. He was SO cute! The pale woman’s name is Velma Skinn. She barely cared, so I took Hector for myself. I had to miss school for him. People like her shouldn’t even have a pet! She had a black, silky dress with metal roses painted red on her. She had very pale skin with very dark purple eye shadow above her very metal green eyes.

Mia Capper Hector got along with my other two dogs, Fluffy and Puffy! I had to fight some people along the way home; they wanted Hector for themselves. Hector was worth fighting for. I entered school the next day. I wasn’t worried at all. I should’ve been worried though. Mrs Dumble-floor and the rest of my school had arranged a whole Bear-Girl day every month. Everyone in school could dress up as her or in her colours. Mrs Dumble-Floor told the class that she had been sent an invite to come to our school and explain what it’s like to be a superhero at such a young age. I had received the invite that day. She exclaimed that I had to reply in 24 hours or I wouldn’t be allowed to go at all. I wrote a VERY long letter to Mrs Dumble-Floor saying I would come in, but Vivian would have to make an excuse to not come in. The day came up and Bear-Girl had to wake up at 7am in the morning to go into the school and tell everyone about adventures as Bear-Girl. I had to go around the school for the whole day. It came to playtime and they said I had to go into reception and play superheroes with them. It turned out to be horrible because they’re 3-year-olds. So basically, one child tried to rip my mask off and reveal my identity in front of a load of 3-year-olds. So basically, that was my day in my own school as my superhero. Remember, if you have a pet DON’T hurt it! Also DON’T hurt people. If you abuse an animal or a person, Bear-Girl will be at your door!

Mia Capper

Charlie Mea The bright blue moon shone through my window. When it shone in my eyes, it took me somewhere I didn’t know. It was weird and scary and new. My superhero came to save me: it was a power ranger. It was a red one. There was a bad guy, he defeated them all. He said, “Do you want my autograph?” I saw zombies everywhere; the zombies were going to kill all of us. They sent us to hang. As soon as we got hung up, my superhero came to save me. It was more power rangers, and they helped defeat the zombies. All of them. I had a sword from a castle next to me. I grabbed it and managed to stop them. I said, “We won!” We went home and we celebrated. When we were celebrating someone knocked on the door. We opened it, the person said, “I am a big fan of the power rangers.” I replied, “OK, you can join us and we’ll have a party.” part The stranger at the door, who was X lord, said, “I’m a fan of the red ranger.” He said, “YA!” At the party, there were games, some cake and a disco. Everyone was having a blast. They had sweets and all things sweet. They also had lots to drink. Then they fell asleep. In the morning, there was loud banging on the door. early.” Red ranger opened the door. Red ranger said, “Who is that? It is too earl It was Green Goblin, who laughed at Red ranger. Green Goblin threw a stink bomb at Red ranger. Red ranger transformed into a more powerful suit, got his sword out, and put a spell on Green Goblin to turn him into fluff.

Shae Jones One day, I was in the forest and I was hunting. I found a lemur, but I didn’t know it was a zombie lemur and it came crashing after me with his zombie friends. This zombie-proof car came, and a girl said, “Get in.” So, I got in the car and there were zombies on each side. Then two green trucks blasted into me, but they were not zombies. They were friends and we drove to the airport. There was a jet we could fly there. Venom came and I rode the jet into the Queen and the King. I had some bombs and I dropped all the bombs on the zombies, so we won and that was the story. The end.

Charlie Mea

Shae Jones

Mia Ashworth “What is this?” Aniposar said, muttering to herself. Looking at the mysterious keys she frowned. After many minutes she said, “I WILL NOT!” at the top her voice. Everyone around her looked, stared even. “I…I…I won’t.” You might ask, what is she saying? Why is she saying this? She doesn`t want to ask someone…EVIL!!! Aniposar doesn’t want to ask the evilest of professors on this earth, she doesn`t want to ask him, but as she always says, “What has to be done has to be done.” She called a friend who was called Bear, but she didn`t want to either. So, she called up Sandy, Goddess of sand, and she said no because, “My hands will get too cracked and I am a Goddess as well, so no.” That was the last straw. She had to go…so she got up and walked over to the bedroom, put her coat on and was off. Aniposar left the house and she was going to a mountain to find Professor Emielius herself. This was going to be a long trek to find him. On the other side of things this was going to be a very exciting adventure. “Eeek, I’m so excited and disappointed in myself, though, for not knowing what these silly keys open!” She sighed and carried on with her journey up the mountain, around the bendy bench, over 3 tons of flour so you couldn`t see, and much more including climbing up and down Mount Everest! “Oh my, really this is gonna be a while. Though I like a good adventure, I don`t wanna get hurt at all, not even a scratch.” Yes, she said that with confidence. Crazy, right? No, not really. She has a superpower which makes her immune to pain. Her love for animals was coming through because she sort of thought the keys might open a door to an animal heaven. “I’m finally here,” Aniposar said. She was at Professor Emielius’ castle. It was a large structure which had a small pointy roof and a large doorway. The doormat said, ‘Beware, beware, come if you dare, I do not care.’ “I don’t care, I will know what the keys do,” Aniposar said. She walked through the door and saw a lanky figure standing beyond her, looking her in the eye. “Professor Emielius! Show yourself!” He turned around and you wouldn`t believe what she saw… She saw a man; he had white hair and he even had a moustache and beard. Behind glasses as thick as a plane, his eyes glared. He screamed, “WHAT DO YOU WANT?!” Aniposar replied, “Just tell me what the keys do!”

Keira Muat

Amelia Hind Dancerina saw pot of slime in the middle of the road. She wondered, “Should I get it or should I not?” She thought about the chance of her being run over. She thought again, then remembered and said, “I am a superhero. I probably won’t get run over.” Dancerina decided to go because she was a superhero and she wouldn’t get run over. Even though there was a car very close to her, Dancerina still went to get it. Dancerina LOVED slime, like L-O-V-E-D it, but every time she played with it for about five minutes or so a problem would happen. “What is happening? I am up and down every five minutes trying to fix problems, and everything is crazy,” said Dancerina. She sat down to play with it a little more and after 30 minutes another problem happened. She noticed that the slime was made from a unicorn’s ooze, coming out of her horn. After that, Dancerina went to save the day from the villain called Azzzzzserrb. At first Dancerina couldn’t find Azzzzzserrb. Suddenly, she heard something around the corner. “Dancerina is never going to find me, hehe…,” whispered Azzzzzserrb. “I found you, Azzzzerb.” “It’s Azzzzzserrb.” “Well, whatever your name is,” Dancerina said as she pulled out her belt and her secret weapon. “Get back to where you belong.” After all that, Dancerina was wondering what was causing all of this. ‘Could it be the slime?’ Dancerina was thinking for a very long time, then she remembered it could be the evil slime scientist called…Slime Stein. A few hours later, Slime Stein came. All the problems were something to do with the slime because Slime Stein is a villain, so every time someone played with it a problem would happen. It happened because Slime Stein made it. Once again, Dancerina pulled off her belt, flung her secret weapon, and said, “Get back to where you belong.” But it didn’t work. “Slime Stein is too powerful.” Dancerina had to try the weapon she had never used before: the slime flinger. Dancerina flung it at Slime Stein and said, “Get back to where you belong!” and…ONCE AGAIN DANCERINA SAVED THE DAY.

Amelia Hind

Sean Cunningham I once saw these aluminous crystals. They were strange gravity crystals. They were in a dark rainbow case. Bang! I broke the case! I saw Boris Johnson go in the air. The crowd’s faces turned like they saw a ghost; they were horrified, but after a split-second they burst out laughing. In a booming voice, he said, “I’m the Prime Minister, Ministe let me down from here!” His mum screamed back, “Oh Boris, you are a naughty boy. You are embarrassing me.” He started to cry. All of the crowd felt sorry for Boris. He said, “I’m sorry, Mum. I never thought my life would end like this.” I said to the crowd, “Vote Labour, not Tory.” There is an election. Captain America wins. Everybody cheers. He had an interview and said, “I will take over the UK and beyond,” and he fights for a good Brexit deal. Oh no, there is a disaster. Old people can’t get their medicine, so Captain America makes his own medicine called the Medicinesaurus. It can make sure it will make you well again, it doesn’t matter what illness you have. He solves that problem but now there are food shortages, so he says, “Up and away, here I go!” He travels all the way to Mars. He finds a homemade recipe, it is called ‘spicy moon rock.’ Everybody loves it. Every person you see is fat because of how much spicy moon rock they have been eating. Gordon Ramsay is not happy as it is putting him out of business. He plans to take over the world and destroy Mars so Captain America can’t get any food. Gordon Ramsay is planning to go to Broad Square Primary School. He meets Captain America and there is a big battle. They stare into each other’s eyes in anger. Thousands, maybe millions, are coming to watch the battle. As it starts, Miss Cobert, our head teacher, comes out and says, “Stop now! Don’t fight. Get to detention.” They sort out their differences and become friends, so the moral of this story is friendship.

Sean Cunningham

Ruby White I slowly opened the door and CREEK. I was in my mother’s bedroom and the first thing I noticed was a lamp and it was off. I went over. My mother’s bed, it was so colourful it shows her personality. I stood up. CRASH. A photo fell down. It was of her and me. “Why is Mum dead?” Mimi started to cry. I bent down and turned on the lamp. “Ruby! Mimi!” I heard a voice. It was Mum! She was right in front of me! But my Mum was dead. How? I turned the lamp off. I looked back where she’d stood but she was not there. I looked at my twin. She looked at me. We both ran downstairs to tell dad. “Dad, dad! We saw Mum!” “Don’t be so silly. You two are 10. Stop imagining things,” he spat out at us. We teleported back upstairs without Dad seeing us do so. We climbed out of the window. I carried the lamp with me. We turned the lamp on and Mum reappeared. Come on, let’s show Dad,” we said. “No, your dad knows. He tried to destroy the lamp, but for years he could not find it. I need more lamps. He will soon find me.” By now Mimi was in tears. We started to fly to Lamp World to get another lamp for Mum, but Mimi dropped the lamp. We flew down and saved Mum. “Mimi, you’ve always been clumsy,” Mum said, as I turned off the lamp and put it under my wardrobe. “Night, Ruby,” Mimi said. “Night, Mimi,” I replied.

Ruby White

Stephen Baines The bright blue moon shone through my window as I woke up. Slime man was shining against the moon. Katrina chased it down by the school. The teacher saw and she ran back into school as fast as she could. It stopped outside of school; Katrina put it in handcuffs fast. container. Rhino came out of nowhere. He put Slime man in a containe A spirit let Slime man out and he ran to his friend’s warehouse and thought we wouldn’t find him. Katrina got my truck; it was armoured. We found his warehouse and we rammed his door down. He was in a van. It drove away but Katrina rammed it off the road. We opened the truck. There was Slime man. We took him to the lab and rang the exterminator for him. They sent him to space and the planets were bullying him. He teleported to Liverpool Broad Square, but he didn’t know his way around. We were waiting for him; we saw him walking so we jumped out, captured him and sent him to a scientist. The scientist knew about Slime man but he didn’t know about his teleporting glitch, so I told him. He didn’t believe me that he could teleport until he teleported to Asia and then back to Liverpool in the scientist’s office. He stole all of his potions. He couldn’t lift all of them, so he ate them. The scientist could make them in a flash but the scientist was a villain. He was disguised as a human and never left his office because he never wanted to just be a normal person. When he was a child, he dreamed of being a superhero, so I took him and made him into a real superhero. He couldn’t believe it. His name was Boomer and he already had a mission which he managed on his first try. He never stopped doing missions and after 9,000 missions he wanted to do 60,000. He did even more than Boom Boy, but he was exhausted and when he went to sleep, we were raided. Just after midnight, 200 hundred raiders attacked. We had 600,000 superheroes; some of them were just training but all of them were pretty good fighters and they never stopped training day after day and night after night. Half of them were asleep and never left the place so I went to the shop and bought a teleporting scarf and gave it to the trainees. They went out of the warehouse and after the raid they were getting better ranks.

Stephen Baines

Liesse Shima Raaaa! It screamed! And I promise it’s scarier when you hear it. I screamed while I started to run down the street. Suddenly, I heard jingling in my pocket. DIMENSION KEYS! I opened a random portal then jumped in, hitting my head on the strange grey floor. Oww! I got up with my head dripping with blood. I acted like it was nothing. All of a sudden, a blaze of fire appeared at my right. A pit of fire. I panicked and tears ran down my face. I began to cry. Maybe it’s all over, I thought. Suddenly, Suddenl I had a flashback to when I was on Planet Doom. Cannon balls fired from rooftops, cars exploding every minute, dangerous monster dogs being let out of their cages. My mum said to me “I have faith in you that you can save the world one day.” When the flashback was over, I was closer to the fire than before and the magnetic force was even more powerful. I thought for a minute. “This is so predictable. It’s obvious that I’m going into the fire or someone is going to save me,” I said. Unexpectedly, the dangerous situation I was in disappeared like a hologram. “Was that a hologram?” I asked, thinking no one would answer back. “It was. Well, sort of. It’s like virtual reality, but not,” a voice said. “Oh. Wait, who are you?” I questioned. “I’m Stealer Meaner, the most wanted criminal in the world. Muahhh!” he cackled. “Well, I can tell by your name that you steal and you’re mean!” I said. “What a lucky guess. You’re right! I’ve stolen from one million banks and I’ve bullied every way you can,” responded Stealer Meaner. “That’s not something to be proud of,” I said angrily. He then mimicked me. I got angrier and angrier. It was like smoke was coming out of my ears. I stopped and calmed myself down. It was a trick; he was trying to get me angry but it’s not going to work on me. An idea popped into my head. Mind control! I took deep breaths and tried my hardest to get to his head. I grew a headache but that wasn’t going to stop me. It was like there were gates and guards around his mind. Finally, Finall I got through to his head and turned his mind to stop stealing and being mean, and to help people and to never ever steal. He suddenly stopped. He stopped moving. He stopped mimicking me, then weirdly fell to the floor with smoke coming out of his back. I gasped. “He’s a robot?!” “Yes, he is. I’m the real Stealer Meaner. You were fighting a fake one for at least an hour.” He said starting to laugh at me.

Liesse Shima I started to get annoyed. I wasted all my power on that robot, what am I going to do now? I thought about something. If I can control people’s minds, then can I control their body? I decided to try it out. Like last time I took deep breaths and tried my idea. He noticed me and said to me, “You know I’m doing this for revenge. Your mother, Athena, attacked my dad MasterMean for bullying a group of school children,” he said. Weirdly, he fainted to the floor. Did my idea work!? I can control people’s mind and body? That’s a good superhero power. I took him to the police station. The police officer said to me, “Thank you so much, Axe! How can we reward you?” “You don’t have to reward me. I was saving the world like any other day,” I said. I exited the police station but then I sensed someone was watching me. It’s probably nothing, I thought. “I’ll get you one day,” said a mysterious voice.

Mazie Lee One day, Flash was jumping branch to branch in the forest of the night. Flash saw a villain. He got him suddenly with a zap. He leaned back, got a zapper, and he zapped the selfish baddie. He got zapped forever. “Wahh wahh! I’ll kill you! Wahh!” “I have got you now, bad guy!” “So what are you going to do to me?” “I’m apparently scared to take you to an immortal place where all the superheroes are, so I will take you on my hoverboard that shoots webs out of the handlebars and I will shoot you with the webs if you are bad. It even has bullets out of the handlebars. I will discover where you live so I can see who you really are and see if you are just a normal person.” “What do you want to do to me?” “Nothing, because I do not hurt people like you, because I do not want to. I just like you personally because I will not do what you think I am going to do to you.” “Are you going to hit me or do something bad to me now?” “Do not be silly. I like you. Do you want to be a superhero with me so you can be a superhero, not a naughty baddie anymore? You can save the day, not rob stuff, because I do not want to catch you again. So do you want to be a superhero?” The end. Wonder what happens next?

Liesse Shima

Liesse Shima

Liesse Shima

Mazie Lee

Dylan Warner It was a dark gloomy world where you would never go: a place of burns and horror, a hellish place of death and doom, where one young Queen ruled. “Please shall you bring the town some food?” she said glimpsing at the servant’s devil-like face. “I’ll be back soon,” he said with a smirk. He ran off with a tin of burning hot lava. He poured it on the stable and the lava burned the wooden hut down to the ground. Later that day, the Queen was cuffed head to toe. “Time to go in the tiny tutu cannon!” the servant whispered, lighting the fuse. BOOM! The cannon fired and she was never seen again. She was in a black world. There were other planets. She swam to the one with life. She started falling and landed by a school, a primary school, but suddenly the alarm started as a crab-like arm began stabbing into the flesh of the school. “This day just gets better and better,” she said to herself. She blasted the robot with a bash. Suddenly, a colossal lemur-mech suit appeared, clenching onto a friendly Suddenl nacho stand. The police and the world’s strongest armies couldn’t stop it, but Shadow could. She powed out 4 nuclear fireballs at the lemur and it fell to the ground with a puff of smoke. The top opened up and the same servant from before was inside. Then he smashed his stone and turned huge, but his gem cracked open and he blew up so the world was safe again.

Shay Cameron One day, Flame was alerted that Darkness was trying to destroy the world but then he saw a slime tube with red slime in. “I wonder how this got in here,” Flame said, but then he said, “FLAME UP!” and he flew to the shop where Darkness was trying to destroy the world. The slime lit up. He took it out and threw it at Darkness and he saved the day. He went home but he saw a strange wizard. He said, “Flame, I was the one who made your ring. I also made Green Lantern’s ring.” But then Darkness appeared. Green Lantern came and scared him, so Darkness teleported away. Green Lantern and Flame said, “Bye, Wizard!” The wizard said, “See you again.”

Dylan Warner

Shay Cameron

Atanas Petroski I woke up in my room and I saw Boris Johnson. Then I was panting, like, 66 times. I was running as fast as a cheetah. Boris Johnson said, “Hey kid! You hated me so I’m going to tell your Dad on you!” I said, “Please, no! Please don’t!” A superhero came out of nowhere and threw slime at his face. Then his dad came and said, “You are banned from Minecraft for a whole year. I’m talking no chatting to your friends.” “Please, no,” said Boris Johnson. “Now apologise to this kid,” said Boris Johnson’s dad. Then Candy went to his mum’s house to find glue because last time his friends pranked him. So, he found glue and then his prank began. Candy needed to call his friends because if he didn’t call his friends then he couldn’t do the prank. He called them and said, “Meet me at Morningside road.” They said, “OK.” Then he crept behind them and poured glue on their heads. Candy laughed so hard that he nearly lost his voice. His friends were so angry, like when Liverpool beat Manchester United and the Manchester players were so angry. The friends chased Candy all along Morningside Road. Candy was so fast because he’d drank 69 energy drinks. Candy ran as fast as Usain Bolt. Then the friends gave up because they ran out of breath. He ran to his mum’s house. Candy’s mum said, “Where have you been? You haven’t been here all day long.” “Sorry, I was playing with my friends.” Actually, he was not playing with his “Sorr friends, he was playing a prank on his friends. Then he was lonely with nothing to do so he went to the park. He found a key while he was travelling. It had a label saying, ‘Do not touch the key’. Candy touched the key, and then he was in China. Candy was confused. How had he teleported to China? He tried talking to people, but they couldn’t understand him. Then he saw a genie. Candy was shocked. The genie said to Candy, “You shouldn’t have touched the key. Now you will have bad luck for a year. Now I will teleport you to your house.” Candy didn’t believe the genie. He played Fortnite and he needed to charge his controller.

Atanas Petroski

Isabella Chiocchi Once upon a time, there was someone and everybody knew her. Her name was Roller skating girl. She has to beat lots of bad guys, however this is undoable on her own. She can’t do this all by herself, not like this is doable. She advanced to the radio city tower! Ten minutes later she fell asleep! As soon as she woke up, she fell asleep again after 10 minutes. She needed to arm herself for battle because there may be bad guys. Apparently the teen titans are superheroes and in their cartoon they talk about other superheroes and how they would like a career just like superheroes such as Batman and Superman. Suddenly out of the corner of Roller skating girl’s eyes she saw a DOLLMAKER DOLL GLIMPSING AT HER! Happily, the dollmaker doll sang, “La la la la la la!” “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH,” She screamed. “THE DOLLMAKER IS ON TO MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!” She fell asleep, then woke up and said, “BRB” which stands for Be Right Back. Then she came back with a note for the dollmaker and read it aloud. It said: ‘Dear dollmaker, please if you can stop controlling people to turn them into dolls, why don’t you work with a nice and cute (but not creepy at all) doll company? Lots of love and all of my passion, xoxo Chelsea #roller skating girl.’ “I will stop controlling people if you give me the crystal!” So Roller skating girl handed over a fake identical crystal!

Isabella Chiocchi

Hollie Holmes I saw a big teddy bear. It was moving very slowly so I said, “What do you want?” Then I saw a shadow on the window. I looked back at the teddy bear. It was gone. I opened my door and he was at the bottom of the stairs. He was staring at me. I said, “Get back here now or I will get my super friends to get you.” “No, you won’t,” he said. “Ho yes I will.” He said, “I will take over the world and no one is going to stop me! Haha haha!” I called all of my superhero friends and all together we ran out to look for him. I said, “Spread out!” I went to the woods. I was trying not to be seen but then my phone rang. I answered my phone. My friend said, “Someone is coming your way. He has got a mask on him. Oh no, he has gone into the woods.” “OK, bye. See you soon,” I said. I climbed up the tree and hid on top of a branch. I said, “I can hear footsteps.” My phone fell out of my pocket. He saw the phone on the ground and he looked up, but I managed to climb higher and higher. He grabbed my phone and ran away, so I shouted “HELP!” My friend ran into the woods. They saw me and said, “What’s the matter?” “The man has taken my phone!” They said, “Which way did they go?” I said, “They went left,” so they all ran after the man. I jumped down and ran out of the woods. I went back to the house to get my other phone. Upstairs in my bedroom, I rang my friends. They said, “Where are you?” I said, “I am in the house.” “Really?” I said, “Yes, why?” They said, “Did you leave the door open?” I said, “No.” They said, “So why is the door open then?” “Ho, it’s not. Don’t be silly. I will have a look, like, but the door is not open.” “We wouldn’t lie to you.” I went downstairs and looked at the door. I said, “They were right!” I went into the kitchen and all the plates were smashed and the tools were everywhere.

Hollie Holmes

Kacper Archacki

Harry Richardson “How do I get out of here?” I, Flash Kid, asked myself. Suddenly I got a message from my best mate, Dustin. The message read, “I just saw someone taking our headteacher, Jade, into the Liver building. I am going to run in to try and stop him.” I replied, “Do you want me to help because I am already in there?” As I was about to send it I saw Dustin fighting my biggest enemy, the Demogorgon and Demodogs, with some of my other friends: Will, Lucas and Mike. That was when we found out our head teacher has telekinesis, so she blasted the Demogorgon back to where it came from. Unfortunately, she also went where the Demogorgon came from, a place called the Upside Down. That was when I noticed we all had Invisibility scarves in our pockets, so I told them and we beat the Demodogs up. It was easy because they couldn’t see us. We took them to the Upside Down. We all went back to Will’s to play Dungeons and Dragons. We played Dungeons and Dragons for a bit and then we watched Stranger Things until Lucas, Dustin and I had to go home. About two hours before we had to go home, we went to the hospital because Lucas almost broke his wrist on Will’s brother’s bat that has nails in. Before we could see the doctor more Demodogs came out of the Upside Down. So we went into the computer lab and Bob went to try to stop them, but at that moment Will’s brother turned up at the hospital. Bob ended up trapping the Demodogs. Everyone went back to Will’s and waited for Bob to come back to Will’s but he never did. Someone turned up. We thought it was Bob, but it was Jade. She had a bloody nose and she had this tattoo that said 011.

Harry Richardson



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