What are the Latest Mobile Marketing Trends?

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What are the Latest Mobile Marketing Trends?

With the advancement in the mobile technology, new mobile marketing trends are evolving. Mobile advertising is emerging as the main paradigm shift in the marketing scenario. Rohit Dadwal of the Mobile Marketing Association (MMA) categorically maintains "Recent industry reports from InMobi and Synovate have revealed that consumers are showing a greater inclination towards receiving mobile advertising and marketing messages,". During the current year the revenue generated through mobile marketing would be in the range of $14 to $15 billion. The major contributor to this revenue is expectedly the Asia Pacific region. North America and Europe come in the second place among these revenue generation regions. The recently released 10 industry forecasts for the Asia Pacific mobile marketing by the Mobile Marketing Association (MMA) is a significant pointer in this direction. This forecast facilitates a positive planning for the mobile marketers for the year 2011 and beyond in the Asia Pacific region.

Better Business-to-Consumer Interaction via Mobile Marketing In the changing mobile marketing scenario, marketing messages are going to be more personalized. Unsolicited and unwanted SMS messages are going to be barred. Messages will be personalized with the permission of the subscriber. Thus, as per the preference of the subscriber, there will be more ads via SMS alerts on news, fashion and sports. Such meaningful regulations and blocking of unwanted messages and telephone calls will result in the mobile phone evolving as a powerful marketing device. Since spam communication will be eliminated, the result will be better businessto-consumer interaction via mobile marketing. Value-Added Services in Mobile Marketing Value-added services would come in handy for more revenue. Congregated devices such as tablets will be helpful in generating additional revenue.

New Mobile Applications in Mobile Marketing Currently, applications such as Viber and WhatsApp are available in the market. Through these applications, free phone calls, videos, SMS's, etc can be provided. In the coming years more such applications are said to be entering the market. These basic mobile features will be freely available. The Possible Revival of Windows Phone 7 There will be the revival of Windows Phone 7 which will lend further impetus to mobile advertising and marketing. The number users of Windows Phone 7 OS is sky-rocketing and it has great popularity in the mobile market. Microsoft is planning to harness this potential by restricting its hardware specification for universal users. Like Blackberry (Research in Motion - RIM) and Apple, Microsoft can provide its users Internet experience. The possible re-birth of Windows Phone 7 will give additional momentum to mobile advertising and marketing. HTML5 and Other Apps in Mobile Marketing The mobile content domain is dominated by apps and HTML5 has only very limited scope. HTML5 has better features, but it needs stable data connections. On the other hand, stable data connection is not needed for accessing other apps. The downside of apps is that it has restricted usability on specific hardware devices and that will have adverse effect in Mobile Marketing. The scope of mobile advertisement cannot be fully tapped since ads penetration will be limited with apps. Positioning-Based Augmented Reality and Mobile Marketing Another significant aspect of Mobile Marketing in the coming future is this. As the Mobile Marketing Association spokesman has said, "The swell in digital compasses and GPS has extended a number of positioning-based Augmented Reality (AR) software platforms and apps." Hence Augmented Reality and positioning-based services will be helpful in creating graphic content of the user's position. This will have a positive impact on the generation of advertisement revenue. Ease of Mobile Transactions and Mobile Marketing The mobile phone will take up the role of an 'electronic wallet'. Credit card reader, written forms or paper slips will cease to be a bother. Transactions will be quick with mobiles. Thus the customers can purchase while they are on the go. This will further boost the growth of Mobile Marketing. Bloggers, Online Writers and Tablets The galloping momentum of mobile technologies and tablets is making it easy for bloggers and online writers to write while they are on the move. With the help of the tablet, writing and uploading pictures is now easy for them while traveling. As one can write, edit and publish through the mobile, it will result in the development of new applications. This will further enhance the possibilities of Mobile Marketing. Growing Popularity of Smartphones in Mobile Marketing The growing popularity of Smartphones will further enhance the scope of Mobile Marketing in the coming years. The use of smartphones has substantially increased the need for the Internet applications. Through smartphones, B2C applications could be circulated. Users can view more content through smartphones and there is more scope for mobile advertisement.

The Influence of 3D Mobile Technology in Mobile Marketing Using 3D mobile technology, innovative mobile ads can be created. This will further broaden the scope of Mobile Marketing in the coming future.

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