Remove Background From Image Online Without Using Photoshop

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Remove Background From Image Online Without Using Photoshop

Preview of Original and Final Photo after background change The left side photo is the original photo. Let's assume we don't like it's background, so it's background is removed and new blue flower background is added shown at right side. We are going to accomplish this action step-by-step.Source: Change background of image Load Photo from desktop Now click on "Load" or "Open" button to get photo from your desktop on this app whose background you don't like and want to change it. Mask the image painting on it using brush Now paint over the photo using different brushes. There are two types of brushes round and soft with different sizes. Take brush as requirement and carefully paint on the photo which you want to keep. The green part of the photo will be preserved and non-green part will be transparent. You can see live preview on the right side. Remove unwanted green using eraser If you mistakenly paint on part of image where it is not necessary, there is an eraser to erase it. Look preview at right side You can see your mask on the right side. If not satisfied with mask painting, use brushes or eraser to further fine tune the work. When you are satisfied, hit on "Save" button to load it on the main canvas. Reposition cutout photo The saved transparent photo can be moved, scaled, rotated as you wish Add another background photo Load another photo to use as background you want. Click on "Add Photo" button and browse the image from desktop or other drives. If you want login to facebook to get facebook album pictures. There are some inbuilt background patterns or gradients in "Background" category. A simple color selector is also available to choose any color set as background. I am loadin a beautiful flower picture with green environment. Enlarge the background photo Resize the flower photo to make fit on the background. If necessary move it at different position as you wish.

Send background photo to the back Hit "Send Back" button to send background photo to the back so that the cutout photo automatically come to the front. Select the front photo and move it to the right side. You can place it wherever you want.

See all 15 photos Back, backward, foreward and front are the most common tools for any photo editor. Send any image move back or move to front Apply white shadow on front image This tutorial is complete but i like to add some white shadow to the front image so that it looks interesting. Adding white shadow make the photo glow and make viewers that the resulted picture is not fake and seems realistic. Apply shadow dialog box has 3 sliders and one color chooser. Move those sliders to apply shadow on different position and distances. Choose any color from color chooser. I am using : Blur: 45, offsetX:0, offsetY:0 and color: white. Save Your Result You can save the result by clicking on "Save" button. A Save Dialog is appeared in which 3 options are appeared. First one is "Save To Facebook" which ask you facebook login and some permissions to upload the result to you facebook account. Second one give you low size jpeg image and third one gives you high quality png image which you need to download by "Right Click" and hit "Save Image As" to download to you computer. It's your choice which options you want to use.

Final Image with new background This is the final result with new background. Congratulation, you have completed this tutorial on how to remove boring background and replace with new interesting background. If you want, more effects and text can be added. You can also free hand drawing to add special art lines. If photo is low light or incorrect color combination, it can be corrected using "Edit photo" feature of this app. Good Luck.

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