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The Taco Spell Written by The Students of Westvale Public School and Sigmund Brouwer

Story Tag Writing Event

Story Starter… Story Starter by Sigmund Brouwer Taking a carrot from Old Man Jacobsen’s garden looked like it would be easy. He didn’t have a dog, could hardly see through his thick glasses, and wouldn't be able to run past the edge of his yard anyway.

Three of us decided to do it. My friends Joey and Brittany, and me, Michael. Oh yeah, it would be easy. Sneak in, pull out some fat juicy carrots, and run home. Old Man Jacobsen had a garden full of them. He'd never miss a few carrots. Right? Which meant we weren't doing anything wrong. Right? The three of us stood on the other side of the fence, ready to climb over. The moon was bright on a hot summer night. It was the perfect time. And then we heard a noise…

Take it away Westvale…

February 27 and 28, 2012 Westvale Public School, Kindergarten – Grade Six

Story Tag Writing Event

Room 6 – Gr. 2/3 F It was old man Jacobson, walking out the door. “Quick, run for shelter at my den” shouted Joey. They changed their minds about climbing and ran for their lives! They turned to hop home and bumped into a tree. An acorn falls down and bonks Michael in the head. Michael feels dizzy. “Ouch” says Michael. Mr. Jacobsen comes out to see what the commotion is. “Are you ok” he asks. “I’m ok”, says Michael. Mr. Jacobsen faints in shock. His face is blue, his hair goes spiky and his tongue sticks out, all because he can communicate with the rabbits.

Room 17 – Gr. 5/6 More and more rabbits come out and they started to carry him carefully back to their den. Then Joey hops back and grabs an earful of carrots. A small twig falls on Mr. Jacobsen, scraping his nose. He wakes up to see dozens of little rabbits carrying him. He thinks he is seeing things and falls back asleep. Mr. Jacobsen wakes up in the den, confused and surprised. He hears the rabbits talking about an evil wizard and he says slowly, “Why do I understand you?” Brittany hops close to Mr. Jacobsen and explains that they were kids playing in a haunted house, got caught, zapped by the evil wizard, Herman Zorro and turned into rabbits. February 27 and 28, 2012 Westvale Public School, Kindergarten – Grade Six

Story Tag Writing Event

Room 10 – Gr. 3/4 F Brittany says , “Can you help us find the evil wizard so we can be turned back into kids?” Mr. Jacobsen says, “Why should I help you because you keep taking carrots out of my garden! I will help you only if you stop taking my carrots without asking.” The bunnies say, that wasn’t us but we’re sorry anyway. Michael says, “Listen up, I have a plan! We go to the haunted house and find the wand the wizard used to change us into rabbits.”

Room 8/23 Kindergarten – Mon./Wed. The bunnies decide that Michael, Brittany, Joey and Mr. Jacobsen will sneak to the haunted house to find the wand. When they get to the haunted house they meet very tough guards. The guards are enormous with fire red eyes and green skin. There are five of them walking back and forth saying no, no, no!

February 27 and 28, 2012 Westvale Public School, Kindergarten – Grade Six

Story Tag Writing Event

Room 15 – Gr. 5 “I didn’t leave the pie out,” said guard number one. The guards are arguing because somebody stole the cherry pie they were going have for a midnight snack. While the guards were arguing about the pie Brittany leans against the wall of the house. The wall slowly rotates and Brittany is pushed into the house and slides down into a laundry basket in a dark dungeon in the basement.

Room 4 – Gr. 1 Brittany tries to climb out of the laundry basket but she’s too small and her foot gets stuck in a hole. Brittany hears a noise and Joey lands on top of her. Brittany hops on top of Joey and hops out of the basket. Now Joey is stuck. Mr. Jacobsen saw what was happening, went to the house to dig a new escape hole and uses it to climb in. Michael scrambles in after Mr. Jacobsen.

Room 3 – Gr. 3 They land on Brittany. She stumbles backwards and bumps into a bookshelf full of magic books, knocking it over. They heard a loud crash, turned around and saw a secret dark passage. Mr. Jacobsen pulls out a mini flashlight from his pocket and they start to tiptoe down the passage. Ahead they see a glowing magic wand and then they hear the wizard’s laugh. Then the flashlight turns off.

February 27 and 28, 2012 Westvale Public School, Kindergarten – Grade Six

Story Tag Writing Event

Room 12 – Gr. 4/5 F They stumble along and Michael stubs his toe on something hard. He starts to scream then freezes. Mr. Jacobsen leans over and picks up the hard object. To his surprise it is a can of salsa! He trips over something warm and fuzzy and the can goes flying against the wall where it turns into a glow stick. Then they see that Mr. Jacobsen has tripped over another prisoner rabbit who says “don’t eat me”. They realize that they are in a kitchen.

Room 5 – Gr. 2 F Suddenly the room starts to shake and the wizard appears out of nowhere. The bunnies hop in circles. They feel really scared but they are there to get the wand. , “Let’s get him,” says Michael. Then a green light fills the kitchen and they can’t see a thing. Slowly the green light fades away and the wizard vanishes.

February 27 and 28, 2012 Westvale Public School, Kindergarten – Grade Six

Story Tag Writing Event

Room 16 – Gr. 6 The prisoner bunny says, “Quick, I have top secret information”. Joey says, “How do we know we can trust you?” The prisoner bunny says, “If you help me escape I will tell you because I’ve seen it all. Mr. Jacobsen says, “That sounds fair. Hurry, the wizard could come back at any minute.” The prisoner bunny, Pablo, says there is a food that the wizard can’t resist. Brittany asks, “What is it? “It’s tacos with carrot juice and when he sees them he eats them and it makes him fall asleep.” “Well that explains the salsa!” says Michael.

February 27 and 28, 2012 Westvale Public School, Kindergarten – Grade Six

Story Tag Writing Event

Room 21 – Gr. 4 Mr. Jacobsen finds all the ingredients for the tacos except the carrots for the carrot juice. “We need carrots!” Mr. Jacobsen says. Joey says, “What did you say? I can’t hear you; I have carrots in my ears. All the bunnies cheer and they cheer so loud that the wizard comes back.

Room 1 – Gr. 1 F Mr. Jacobsen starts to make the carrot juice, he stirs very fast. Pablo yells oh, oh, it’s the wizard. The bunnies quickly split up. Michael and Joey hop around the wizard to distract him. The wizard is angry but he begins to smell the tacos and forgets to chase the bunnies. He doesn’t notice that his wand falls on the ground.

Room Kindergarten Tues/Thurs The bunnies hide, lightning quick. Mr. Jacobsen grabs a spoonful of tacos, runs over and stuffs it in the wizard’s mouth. The taco is delicious and the wizard is hungry. He wants more, so the bunnies come out and grab the tacos and throw them at the wizard. He gobbles them up and starts to feel sleepy. His eyes start to close, his head starts to tip and he falls down on the floor, snoring. The bunnies lift him up and start carrying him.

February 27 and 28, 2012 Westvale Public School, Kindergarten – Grade Six

Story Tag Writing Event

Room 22 – Gr. 4/5 They struggle to get him down the stairs to the dungeon in the basement. They drop him and he crashes and thumps down the stairs like thunder. Suddenly the bunnies look down and see only the wizard’s clothes in the laundry basket. “Where did he go?” they gasp. Meanwhile, Mr. Jacobsen is flipping through the pages of a magic book, with the wand in his hand and the wizard appears.

Room 2 – Gr. 2/3 The wizard is in his underwear and doesn’t notice Mr. Jacobsen. The bunnies scamper up the stairs into the kitchen and when they see the wizard they freeze and their jaws drop. The wizard turns, sees the bunnies and screams. The bunnies start laughing. This gives Mr. Jacobsen more time to find the right magic spell.

February 27 and 28, 2012 Westvale Public School, Kindergarten – Grade Six

Story Tag Writing Event

Room 18 – Gr. 6 The wizard snatches up the bunnies and stomps towards the oven. Realizing he’s running out of time, Mr. Jacobsen furiously flips through the pages, desperate to find the right spell. All of a sudden, a ripped page which catches Mr. Jacobsen’s eye. He starts chanting the words, “Rabbits, carrots, humans and juice, turn these rabbits before they become stew.” He waves the wand around the room and at that moment green smoke erupts from the wand filling the room with a carrot stench. When the smoke clears, the bunnies are looking at each other in awe as they realize they are kids again. Next to them a pile of carrots lies on the floor. They hear the wizard’s voice coming from the pile of carrots, saying …don’t eat me.

Copyright © 2012 All rights reserved. No part of this story may be reproduced without permission. Sigmund Brouwer and Westvale Public School, Waterloo, ON. February 2012

February 27 and 28, 2012 Westvale Public School, Kindergarten – Grade Six

Story Tag Writing Event Email message from Sigmund Brouwer…

Thursday March 1, 2012

"WOW! WOW! WOW! Thanks for sharing a great story with me. It was amazing how the story grew and changed as each of the classes day-dreamed the events and put them on paper. The problem getting worse and worse, which meant the story, was getting better and better! I love it that you involved bunnies and wizards!! Keep writing.”

Your friend, Sigmund

February 27 and 28, 2012 Westvale Public School, Kindergarten – Grade Six

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