World Outlook Spring 2013

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rean Wave� demonstrates the possibility of further interaction and, ultimately, the spread of media should be employed as a tool to enhance the socio-cultural interacWLRQ RQ ZKLFK WKH VXFFHVV RI .RUHDQ UHXQLÀFDWLRQ PD\ GHSHQG NOTES 1.

Imho Bae, “People-to-people dialogue between North and South Korea: looking ahead,â€? Negotiation Journal, 27.1 (2011), 42. 2. 0LFKDHO +DDV ´3DUDGLJPV RI 3ROLWLFDO ,QWHJUDWLRQ DQG 8QLĂ€FDWLRQ $SSOLFDWLRQV WR .RUHD Âľ Journal of Peace Research. 21.1 (1984), 55. 3. Ben Rosamond, Theories of European Integration (Houndmills/Basingstoke: MacMillan Press Ltd., 2000), 44 4. Gabriel Jonsson. Towards Korean Reconciliation: Socio-cultural Exchanges and Cooperation (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2006), 98. 5. Dana, “Hallyu Hits Pyongyang,â€? Seoulbeats (March 14, 2012). hallyu-hits-pyongyang/ 6. Jung Park, 8. 7. Jung Park, 7. 8. “A Quiet Opening in North Korea,â€? InterMedia. 9. Gene Choi, “North Korea Hallyu Capitalism,â€? Peterson Institute for International Economics (May 12, 2010). 10. Nat Kretchun and Jane Kim, “A Quiet Opening: North Koreans in a Changing Media Environment,â€? InterMedia (2012), 3. 11. Andreas Lorenz, “Kim Jong Un Sends Cautious Signals of Reform,â€? Spiegel (July 12, 2012). 12. Young Sun Jeon, “Diagnosis and Assessment of North Korea’s Sociocultural Sector in 2012,â€? ,QWHUQDWLRQDO -RXUQDO RI .RUHDQ 8QLĂ€FDWLRQ 6WXGLHV 20.2 (2011), 113. 13. Kretchun and Kim, 74.-Sonia Ryang, “North Koreans in South Korea: In Search of Their Humanity,â€? 7KH $VLD 3DFLĂ€F -RXUQDO 14. Seungbin Yi, â€œâş â‹Šáżš  âş–ᚭፊ,  ⠾Ὶ  Կ؉  á°&#x;ŕŠ?‌‍ږ‏Ԋá˜?ášąá–ž  â€­á• ₼‍'´> "ݾ‏RZQORDGLQJ +DQJDK V 6RQJV 9LRODWLRQ RI WKH 1DWLRQDO 6HFXULW\ $FW"Âľ@ Voice of the People. A00000486323.html. 15. Mark Olsen, “Review: United in sports in ‘As One’.â€? The Los Angeles Times (June 8, 2012). http:// 16. 0LQ -HRQJ /HH ´.RUHD )DQWDV\ Âś.LQJ¡ +DV 5R\DOW\ 8QLĂ€FDWLRQ $QG $V $OZD\V /RYH Âľ Wall Street Journal Asia (March 30, 2012). GUDPD PL[HV URPDQFH XQLĂ€FDWLRQ 17. Hyun Nam Gung, “A Different Type of Chatter from 13 Beauties,â€? KangwonIlbo (July 13, 2012). KWWS ZZZ NZQHZV FR NU QYLHZ DVS"V DLG 18. Haas, 55. 19. Jonsson, 230. 20. Kretchun and Kim, 59. (XQJ .\XN 3DUN DQG %HUQDUG 5RZDQ ´)HGHUDOLVW 3DWK WR .RUHDQ 8QLĂ€FDWLRQ *OREDO DQG /RFDO Prerequisites,â€? Korea Observer 29.3 (2008). Young Jung Park, â€œášŞâş…áťš  ášŠŕŽ˝  '⺅አ áź?âśśâ‚?  â‹­ŕ°‘‍ ŘĽâ€ŹÂ â„­áŒ† Âľ >$ GLDJQRVLV DQG SURVSHFWV RI WKH +DOO\X Wave Blowing in North Korea] Jeju Peace Institute 2011-30 (2011).

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