World Chefs Magazine 2

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“I like to believe, if it walks like a chef, and talks like a chef; it is a chef” Claude Buzon, owner of Chef’s Hat Inc.

I realize that the journey to become a chef takes time, hard work, knowledge and experience. It is necessary that we start our journey on the right foot and carefully prepare ourselves for success. There are many tools necessary in the culinary field. Most notably, a good work ethic, stamina, researched recipes and a sharp set of knives. Mastery of cookery techniques and a sound knowledge base are important components also but, “looking the part”,wearing the uniform correctly and with pride is what separates the professional from the novice.” We do, however, understand some modern chefs’ needs to be more expressive and for this we do offer various options in our line but the basic design of the uniform stays traditional, comfortable and practical. In the end, though, the majority of chefs will agree that a clean-pressed double-breasted white uniform, a knotted necktie, a full length apron, checked pants and of course, the unmistakable toque blanche are essential to the recognized and professional image of the chef and at Chef’s Hat, we are pleased to help promote this image.

P r o u d sp o ns o r o f wacs Chef’s Hat Inc.-La Toque Demagny 14536-115 Avenue NW Edmonton, Alberta T5M 3B9 - Canada Toll free 1-866-CHEF HAT (243-3428) Phone +1 (780) 420 6700 Fax +1 (780) 420 6722 [07/07/2010 11:32:42] Ragnar Fridriksson:

50 World Association of Chefs Societies

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