World Development Indicators 2014

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2 People surveys and are generally considered reliable measures of fertility

primary completion rate may exceed 100 percent. The numerator

in the recent past. Where no empirical information on age-specific

may include late entrants and overage children who have repeated

fertility rates is available, a model is used to estimate the share

one or more grades of primary education as well as children who

of births to adolescents. For countries without vital registration

entered school early, while the denominator is the number of chil-

systems fertility rates are generally based on extrapolations from

dren at the entrance age for the last grade of primary education.

trends observed in censuses or surveys from earlier years.

Youth literacy Prevalence of HIV

The youth literacy rate for ages 15–24 is a standard measure of

HIV prevalence rates reflect the rate of HIV infection in each coun-

recent progress in student achievement. It reflects the accumulated

try’s population. Low national prevalence rates can be misleading,

outcomes of primary education by indicating the proportion of the

however. They often disguise epidemics that are initially concen-

population that has acquired basic literacy and numeracy skills over

trated in certain localities or population groups and threaten to spill

the previous 10 years or so. In practice, however, literacy is difficult

over into the wider population. In many developing countries most

to measure. Estimating literacy rates requires census or survey mea-

new infections occur in young adults, with young women especially

surements under controlled conditions. Many countries estimate


the number of literate people from self-reported data. Some use

Data on HIV prevalence are from the Joint United Nations Pro-

educational attainment data as a proxy but apply different lengths

gramme on HIV/AIDS. Changes in procedures and assumptions for

of school attendance or levels of completion. Because definitions

estimating the data and better coordination with countries have

and methods of data collection differ across countries, data should

resulted in improved estimates. The models, which are routinely

be used cautiously. Generally, literacy encompasses numeracy, the

updated, track the course of HIV epidemics and their impacts, mak-

ability to make simple arithmetic calculations.

ing full use of information on HIV prevalence trends from surveil-

Data on youth literacy are compiled by the United Nations Educa-

lance data as well as survey data. The models take into account

tional, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Institute for

reduced infectivity among people receiving antiretroviral therapy

Statistics based on national censuses and household surveys dur-

(which is having a larger impact on HIV prevalence and allowing HIV-

ing 1985–2012 and, for countries without recent literacy data, using

positive people to live longer) and allow for changes in urbanization

the Global Age-Specific Literacy Projection Model.

over time in generalized epidemics (important because prevalence is higher in urban areas and because many countries have seen rapid

Labor force participation

urbanization over the past two decades). The estimates include

The labor force is the supply of labor available for producing goods

plausibility bounds, available at, which

and services in an economy. It includes people who are currently

reflect the certainty associated with each of the estimates.

employed, people who are unemployed but seeking work, and firsttime job-seekers. Not everyone who works is included, however.


Primary completion

Unpaid workers, family workers, and students are often omitted,

Many governments publish statistics that indicate how their educa-

and some countries do not count members of the armed forces.

tion systems are working and developing—statistics on enrollment

Labor force size tends to vary during the year as seasonal workers

and efficiency indicators such as repetition rates, pupil–teacher

enter and leave.

ratios, and cohort progression. The primary completion rate, also

Data on the labor force are compiled by the International Labour

called the gross intake ratio to last grade of primary education, is

Organization (ILO) from labor force surveys, censuses, and estab-

a core indicator of an education system’s performance. It reflects

lishment censuses and surveys and from administrative records

an education system’s coverage and the educational attainment

such as employment exchange registers and unemployment insur-

of students. It is a key measure of progress toward the Millennium

ance schemes. Labor force surveys are the most comprehensive

Development Goals and the Education for All initiative. However, a

source for internationally comparable labor force data. Labor force

high primary completion rate does not necessarily mean high levels

data from population censuses are often based on a limited number

of student learning.

of questions on the economic characteristics of individuals, with

The indicator reflects the primary cycle as defined by the Interna-

little scope to probe. Establishment censuses and surveys provide

tional Standard Classification of Education (ISCED97), ranging from

data on the employed population only, not unemployed workers,

three or four years of primary education (in a very small number of

workers in small establishments, or workers in the informal sector

countries) to fi ve or six years (in most countries) and seven (in a

(ILO, Key Indicators of the Labour Market 2001–2002).

small number of countries). It is a proxy that should be taken as an

Besides the data sources, there are other important factors that

upper estimate of the actual primary completion rate, since data

affect data comparability, such as census or survey reference period,

limitations preclude adjusting for students who drop out during the

definition of working age, and geographic coverage. For country-level

final year of primary education. There are many reasons why the

information on source, reference period, or definition, consult the

World Development Indicators 2014



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