The Global HIV Epidemics among Sex Workers

Page 71

Chapter 3

Country Case Studies on Sex Work and HIV Prevention

In this chapter we present eight country case studies to provide greater depth on the diverse typologies, contexts, risks, and epidemiology of sex work and HIV across geographic regions. Case study countries have been selected to ensure representation from the geographic regions of Eastern Europe, South and Southeast Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, and Sub-Saharan Africa, as well as diverse HIV epidemic scenarios. The eight countries selected include: Benin, Nigeria and Kenya; India and Thailand; the Dominican Republic and Brazil; and Ukraine. These descriptive pieces include attention to diversity across male, female, and transgender populations as well as sex work environments such as brothels, bars, and the street. Considerable attention is placed on the legal, policy and socio-economic context of sex work in each country. Documentation of differential HIV risk patterns and conditions among sex workers and their clients within a given context, as well as, an analysis of differing social and structural barriers related to accessing HIV prevention, treatment and care services are provided in each case study. We report HIV prevention intervention coverage data for sex workers per setting as available. These case studies draw on the public health and social science peer-reviewed literatures, the grey literature related to sex work and HIV prevention for a given country, input from NSWP members, and additional consultations with sex worker representatives from these countries.


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