Building Better Policies

Page 11

10.2 Using Project Administrative Data to Reconstruct the Baseline 10.3 Using Recall to Reconstruct Baselines 10.4 Store Owners as Key Informants on Economic Trends in the Community 11.1 Examples of Issues Normally Studied Through Quantitative and Qualitative Methods 11.2 Complementarities between Qualitative and Quantitative Methods 12.1 Menu of Evaluations 12.2 The National Evaluation Council for Social Development Policy—CONEVAL 14.1 The Australian Government’s Evaluation Strategy 15.1 Checks and Balances to Support the Independence and Neutrality of Internal Evaluation 15.2 Some Lessons Concerning Drivers for M&E 15.3 Some Lessons Concerning Implementing an M&E System 15.4 Some Lessons Concerning Building M&E Capacity

141 142 144 153 154 172 175 199 219 223 224 225

Figures 2.1 3.1 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 8.1 12.1 12.2 13.1 13.2 14.1

The Policy Cycle: Linking Policy, Planning, Budgeting, Management, and M&E Classification of Changes in Programs 2000–08, DIPRES Integrated Strategy to Use Social Accountability and ICT Tools for M&E Web Site for Capacity Building User Feedback on the Right-to-Information Online Certificate Course Social Accountability and ICT in the MGNREGA Responses of Wage Earners under the MGNREGA, Andhra Pradesh Bihar State: Number of Callers Requesting Information Performance Indicators and the Results Chain M&E Legal Framework SED Institutional Arrangements Chile’s Monitoring Tools and Actors Involved Chile’s Evaluation Tools and Actors Involved Evaluation Planning and Reporting Flows


23 44 88 92 93 96 97 99 107 168 174 187 189 201


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