Climate Impacts on Energy Systems

Page 66


World Bank Study

Table 2.4. Summary of “Hotspots” Africa

2-meter T

Sizeable projected changes in variability

East Asia & Pacific Large errors in observed seasonal mean

Europe & Central Asia Large observed variability; sizeable projected changes in variability

10-meter wind

Solar radiation

Large errors in observed annual mean; sizeable projected changes in high-end extremes

Sea level

Large observed changes

Middle East & North Africa

Large errors in observed seasonal mean; sizeable projected changes in variability

South Asia Large errors in observed seasonal mean

Large observed variability over ocean

Large observed variability over NW Africa

Large errors in observed annual mean

Sizeable projected changes in high-end extremes

Large errors in observed annual mean; sizeable projected changes in high-end extremes Large observed changes

Risk of degradation and reduction


Sea ice

Latin America & Caribbean

Reported acceleration of melting of Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets

Source: Generated by authors. Note: Hotspots were identified in Chapter 2, “Climatic Impacts on Energy Services” and “Recent Observed Climate Change”, and hence are not comprehensive across all variables/statistics combinations. “Observed” refers to either direct observations or to outputs from re-analyses.

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