Protecting Mobile Money against Financial Crimes

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This publication was written by Pierre-Laurent Chatain (task team leader), Andrew Zerzan, Wameek Noor, Najah Dannaoui (all from the World Bank), and Louis de Koker (Deakin University, Australia). The authors are especially grateful to Jean Denis Pesme, manager, Financial Market Integrity Unit, for his guidance and comments in producing this book. The team members would also like to express their gratitude to Latifah Merican Cheong, former program director, who initiated this project during her tenure at the World Bank; and to Kamil Borowik and RaĂşl HernĂĄndez-Coss, who coauthored the 2008 World Bank study, Integrity in Mobile Phone Financial Services: Measures for Mitigating Risks from Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing, from which the current study is derived. In addition, the authors thank Deakin University, Australia, for its collaboration. The internal (World Bank) peer reviewers for this work were Lucie Castets, Massimo Cirasino, Isaku Endo, Nadine Ghannam, Samuel Maimbo, Mariachiara Malaguti, Jean Pesme, Ritva Reinikka, Thomas Rose, Consolate Rusagara, James Seward, and Emiko Todoroki from World Bank and Michael Tarazi from the Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP). The external peer reviewers were Claire Alexandre and Ignacio Mas (The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation), Michael U. Klein, former vice xvii

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