Strategic Environmental Assessment in Policy and Sector Reform

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12.05–12.25 12.25–12.45 12.45–13.00 13.00–14.00


Scaling up SEA in development cooperation Anders Ekbom (Environmental Economics Unit, University of Gothenburg, Sweden) Questions and answers Environmental governance and institutions Urvashi Narain (World Bank, U.S.) Questions and answers Lunch

Session 3:

Break-out groups. Session chair: Daniel Slunge (Environmental Economics Unit, University of Gothenburg, Sweden)


Groups focused on answering questions presented in “dialogue maps” Coffee break

15.10–15.30 Session 4:

Plenary. Session chair: Rob Verheem (Netherlands Commission for Environmental Assessment [NCEA])

15.30–16.30 16.30–16.45

Reporting back from break-out groups Wrap-up and conclusion Rob Verheem (NCEA, the Netherlands) Next steps and closure Fernando Loayza (World Bank, U.S.) and Peter Croal (CIDA and OECD DAC SEA Task Team, Canada)


Process Used for the Workshop Break-Out Groups The afternoon workshop session used a process known as “dialogue mapping” to focus discussion on the following four topics: 1. obstacles to and enabling factors for SEA effectiveness in development cooperation and poverty reduction 2. the role of the World Bank in strengthening environmental governance and institutions for sustainable development 3. SEA as a tool for strengthening environmental governance and institutions 4. main steps for scaling up SEA in development policy Groups were organized around these topics, and participants were asked four questions under each topic heading. Approximately 70 people attended the morning session, and 45 stayed to participate in the afternoon workshops.

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