The Education System in Malawi

Page 45


Executive Summary

Figure 10: Number of Higher Education Students per 100,000 Inhabitants in SubSaharan Africa Students per 10,000 inhabitants 0 Malawi





1,000 1,200


Niger Burundi Central African Republic Tanzania Mozambique Guinea Burkina Faso Rwanda Madagascar Ethiopia Mali Angola Lesotho Average


Ghana Namibia Swaziland Nigeria Botswana Cameroon Mauritius Cape Verde South Africa


Sources: Table 7.1of Chapter 7 and UNESCO Institute for Statistics data.

Postgraduate enrollments account for less than 10 percent of total enrollment. Private colleges are not offering postgraduate programs yet. The highest enrollments are in the social sciences and sciences. Areas critical to the implementation of the Malawi Growth and Development Strategy are not adequately covered. There are still huge gender disparities in the access to higher education. Female enrollment has remained around 30 percent in public institutions and around 45 percent in private institutions. There are a number of reasons why female enrollments are low in higher education. The first has to do with the dropout rates for

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