Making Monitoring and Evaluation Systems Work - Part 1

Page 215

Indicator selection criteria

Examples – good and bad

7. Sensitive: The indicator serves as an early warning of changing conditions. A sensitive indicator will change proportionately and in the same direction as changes in the condition or item being measured, thus sensitive proxy indicators can be used as an indication (or warning) of results to come.

NO! Gross Domestic Product

8. Responsive: What the indicator measures can be changed by program actions. Indicators should reflect change as a result of program activities and thus indicators reflect results that are responsive to program action.

NO! % of population unemployed

9. Objective: The measure is operationally precise and one-dimensional. An objective indicator has no ambiguity about what is being measured. That is, there is general agreement on the interpretation of the results. To be one-dimensional means that it measures only one phenomenon at a time. Avoid trying to combine too much in one indicator.

NO! Number of expanding and successful parent/teacher associations

10. Capable of being disaggregated: Data can be broken down by gender, age, location, or other category where appropriate. Disaggregating data by gender, age, location, or some other category is often important from a program or reporting point of view. Experience shows that development activities often require different approaches for different groups and affect those groups in different ways. Disaggregated data help track whether or not specific groups participate in and benefit from activities intended to include them.

YES! Gender, age, location, ethnic group

YES! % of secondary school students who graduate with a passing grade of 60% or higher

YES! Number of parent/ teacher associations experiencing an annual increase in membership of at least 5%


Chapter 4

M&E PLans

YES! Amount of rice consumed per household per year

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