Abolishing School Fees in Africa

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158 • Abolishing School Fees in Africa

other necessary education inputs, FPE has significantly boosted Kenya’s chance of realizing universal primary education as stipulated in the Education for All and the Millennium Development Goals.

REFERENCES Carr-Hill, Roy A., Almaz Eshete, Charlotte Sedel, and Alba de Souza. 2005. The Education of Nomadic Peoples in East Africa: A Synthesis Report. Paris: UNESCOIIEP (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization International Institute for Educational Planning). Ministry of Finance and Planning. 2000. Second Report on Poverty in Kenya. Nairobi, Kenya: Ministry of Finance and Planning. MoEST (Ministry of Education, Science and Technology). 2005. “Sessional Paper No. 1 of 2005 on a Policy Framework for Education, Training, and Research.” Available at www.un-kenya.org/ThemeGroups/SessionalPaperFinaljan.doc.

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