Are you a true prepper

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Are You A True Prepper? Some folks have been preparing for kind of disaster or economic conditions. The numbers of them are increasing year by year. If you are one of those, you are perhaps a prepper. Not few people are stoking foods, ammunitions, band-aids, etc to prepare everything. Actually, being a survivor is more than stoking supplies in your homesteading.

There are quite things that differ a prepper from average folks that rely on insurance and big savings. When it deals with emergency situation, it is different. Though it is wise idea to save big and rely on the type of protection, there are a lot of situations in which none of them would help you. You can do some things to become self-survivor. Becoming a prepper is not as easy as it seems. It is not only involving to buy huge amount of supplies. Your entire lifestyle and habit have to change. You are also have to be more aware with your surrounding. Reading prepper news, watching TV is not enough since you only get half of the story. Your duty as a prepper is putting all the pieces of information together, and investigates the fact that may be missing.

Being a prepper can be confusing. How do you now that you are doing right or wrong? Are you ready to change your lifestyle? It is possible that someday you will not use your smart phone anymore. You will be living off the grid. You need transportation, but it does not have to be Limousine with the driver. For survival preparations, it is good idea to purchase fuel-efficient model.

Do you save enough? A T-shirt does not have to cost $60 or more. You can find quality item at garage sales or ebay. More importantly, save your money for something more urgent later. Are your purchases necessary? The success key is to purchase things that are useful for your life. Select items that do not need to use power source. When your electricity is not available, batteries are the only temporary solution. Do you have enough skills to survive? Can you cook by yourself? Can you make bread when there are only flour, yeast, and salt on your kitchen? When the economy collapses, you will run out money to buy all the things. Enough skills will save you a lot.

Do you have alternative energy source? This is not less important thing to consider. Make sure that you are stoking alternative energies such as candles, camping stove, wood-burning rocket stove, barbecue, and oil lamps. If the money is tight, that could be the solution for you. Start by answering these questions honestly, then you can become a real prepper.

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