Window News April 2020

Page 1

GGF Underlines Positions On Covid-19 Issues 7

SMART Balustrades Launches Into Residential Sector 49

Liniar Goes for ‘Back to Back’ Award Wins 67

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20th October edition

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Cover picture: Atlas announces first installation of the month winner of 2020, read more on page 5o



Mila Announces

Limited Service While Mila remains closed in line with the government lockdown restrictions, the company is now offering a limited service to support the small number of customers who are continuing to operate on essential contracts. Customers with urgent requests can now place hardware orders via the dedicated email address. Orders can be placed at any point during the week and, as long as they are received by 3pm on a Thursday, they will be picked, packed and despatched by a skeleton warehouse team at Mila ready for delivery to those customers the following Monday. Orders placed after 3pm on a Thursday will be despatched the following Friday.

The Chancellors’ Help

There is no minimum order value and Mila is providing contactless delivery so that there is no risk to either customers or delivery couriers.

He added: The Chancellor has put in place a number of schemes to help businesses, but they are not working because the banks have not stepped up to the plate. When he gives his latest statement, he needs to address a number of issues that are simply not working.”

Richard Gyde, Mila’s Managing Director, says that Mila has been receiving requests for help throughout the lockdown from customers who are working on urgent projects across the public sector in particular. He says: “While we continue to stand in absolute solidarity with the rest of the industry in shutting down our operation to try to minimise the spread of the virus, we do recognise that we still have a responsibility to support those customers who are required to work on essential contracts. “Obviously, our priority remains the wellbeing of our team, so we have reviewed our entire warehouse operation and implemented new safe working practices which ensure that we can fulfil these orders in line with all the social distancing guidelines.” More at: 4 WINDOW NEWS APRIL 2020

For Business Is Not Working

Banks Need To Do More The Chancellor needs to do much more to help businesses and ensure that the banks do more with more haste, say leading advisory and tax firm Blick Rothenberg

“There are all sorts of things Rishi Sunak could do to sort this out but there needs to be urgent actions if businesses are to survive,” said Milan Pandya a partner at the firm.

Milan said: “Getting loans is an absolute nightmare. The banks are shut, websites are falling over, and you cannot get through on the telephone. There needs to be some real creative thinking about the process and banks need to ramp up their digital capabilities and call centres. The entire process needs to be simplified to make it quicker and more effective. “If you do get through there is too much red tape. Nobody wants to see reckless lending but there needs to be a simple way of checking out a business. Perhaps a self-declaration from borrowers along the lines of a tax declaration or providing a life-line loan now, say up to £20,000 if simplified cri-

teria are met, whilst the full application is being processed” He added: “The banks are not being creative in their thinking. The money needs to passed through to those who need it now in a manner which preserves responsible lending.” The Chancellor could look to private investors to get cash to smaller start-up businesses quickly. Introducing incentives such as tax relief to the value of the loan on amounts up to £100,000 for businesses with turnover of less than £1m could attract interest from the wealthy individuals who might otherwise be inclined to hold their cash during this period. Milan said: “Because of the banks inertia other alternate lenders and funding platforms are stepping up to help businesses. Their rates may be higher, but they have got their acts together and are providing money right now. If they can do it why can’t the banks?” He added: “One of Chancellors first steps should be to consider removing certain unnecessary obstacles, for example security over the personal assets of the directors. The loans are subject to government guarantees already and excessive security requirements are making it challenging for directors to borrow money that would protect the business and the people it employs.”


GGF Urges Chancellor To Improve Financial Support


Plus Steps Up To The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rishi Sunak

Following an internal review of the Government’s financial support packages, the Glass and Glazing Federation (GGF) has formally written to The Chancellor of the Exchequer highlighting the current cash flow crisis in the glass and glazing industry, caused by the COVID-19 outbreak. In the communication, the GGF also stressed to the Chancellor that the length of time the claim to payment process is taking will mean money under the new Government schemes might not reach companies in time, with an anticipated 6-8 weeks process period. The GGF letter also proposed three ways the Government could improve the current financial situation for many small to medium sized companies during the COVID-19 crisis. The three proposals include: That glass and glazing companies be made eligible for the Cash Grant Scheme (that is currently open only for companies in the retail, hospitality and leisure sectors) That glass and glazing companies are made eligible to apply for the

John Agnew, GGF MD

current Business Rates Holiday (currently only open to companies in retail, hospitality and leisure sectors) To increase the maximum amount that can be claimed under the Small Business Grant Funding scheme from £10,000 to £30,000 The GGF has asked the Chancellor to treat these proposals as a priority to prevent many small to medium sized companies potentially going out of business and causing greater problems throughout the supply chain and to the wider economy.

Support The NHS

Profile 22 fabricator Windows Plus is fitting infection control doors and privacy screens in Warwick Hospital to support the efforts of the NHS in caring for Covid-19 patients. The doors and screens will enable staff to safely put on and take off protective clothing before entering or leaving wards. Gary Hampton, Managing Director of Windows Plus, said: “Like everyone, we have been in awe of the amazing work NHS staff are doing in caring for patients with Coronavirus. Having previously carried out work at Warwick Hospital, I got in touch to find out if there was anything we could do to protect and support staff in the hospital at this critical time. When they confirmed the need for infection control doors and privacy screens, we were more than happy to support them.” Clare O’Hara, Managing Director of Epwin Window Systems, said: “I know everyone at Epwin Window Systems will be proud to know our systems are being used in such a positive way and delighted that Gary and the team at Windows Plus were able to support Warwick hospital. Undoubtedly, NHS staff are the heroes of this crisis and we owe them a debt of gratitude.” WINDOW NEWS APRIL 2020 5


An Industry Re-Opening Together – Have Your Say Within a week of the Prime Minister’s public broadcast on March 23rd most of the glazing industry had locked down. It was important for the industry to act together, and sash window manufacturer Roseview Windows believes it will be just important to act together once again when re-opening. However, that may be more difficult to organise. According to Roseview director Mike Bygrave: “It will be to everyone’s benefit if, as an industry, we can all re-open at the same time. Installers, fabricators, glass and component suppliers, systems houses and all the associated trades and disciplines rely upon each other. As a fabricator there’s little point in re-opening if installers aren’t

doing the same, but we can’t re-open if our suppliers don’t as well.” To help companies make a more informed choice on when to reopen, Roseview have launched a short, anonymous, rolling survey, which simply asks whether they are currently open, or if they have any plans to re-open yet. “At this stage we expect most responses to be ‘don’t know’, and that’s fine – it’s useful to know.” Mike continues. “But what we really want is to mon-

itor how the situation changes over the coming weeks. We want people to fill in the survey now, and then again in a week or so if their position has changed. That way we hope to highlight any movement towards re-opening. That should give others confidence to re-open themselves, and hopefully from there it will gain momentum.” Roseview are asking anyone in the glazing industry to take the short survey at RoseviewCV19 . In turn they have committed to making the full results available to everyone through their social media channels and on their website at and to update those results as the situation changes.

Vista Donate Personal Protective Equipment To NHS

Vista’s Managing Director Keith Sadler said: “Our NHS is doing a wonderful job and we all appreciate the work it’s doing to look after people in need.

A leading composite door manufacturer and PVCu panel supplier has been keeping the community spirit alive during the fight against coronavirus by donating personal protective equipment (PPE) to frontline NHS workers. Staff from Vista collected up goggles, masks, protective suits and 6 WINDOW NEWS APRIL 2020

gloves from its factory in the Wirral and delivered the much-needed equipment to the NHS. The NHS has seen a shortage of PPE across the country, with some doctors and nurses not always able to get the equipment needed to keep them safe from infection.

“Like so many other businesses, our factory is currently closed so it was important for us to provide the equipment to those on the frontline who need it more as they deserve to be as protected as possible. “Vista is determined to do whatever it can to help the country through the difficult weeks ahead and we are pleased that we can help in this small way.”

TRADE NEWS glaziers should be considered essential or non-essential workers, the GGF sought and received clarification from Government which stated that there was no distinction between essential and inessential workers in construction. The Government is keen for the construction industry to continue, as long as it is safe to do so under Public Health England Guidelines and in line with the Government’s Social Distancing guidelines.

GGF Underlines

Positions On Covid-19 Issues The GGF has underlined its positions on several issues around the developing COVID-19 crisis and its impact on the glass and glazing industry. In a statement to GGF Members and the Industry, John Agnew GGF, Managing Director clarified the GGF’s position with regard to the issue on whether companies should choose to close temporarily or to continue operating safely. The statement also addressed the cash flow crisis and the economic situation ahead. Statement from John Agnew, GGF Managing Director Since the outbreak of this terrible virus and the impact on our industry, the GGF has maintained a consistent and responsible position to help primarily our Member companies and also the wider industry. During the crisis, the GGF has aligned itself with Government advice and guidelines which have admittedly changed as the crisis has developed. There is no doubt, that some of the Government’s messages for our industry have caused confusion and misinter-

pretation. The GGF can’t answer for the Government but can only interpret and relay the information as and when we receive it.

To date, the GGF has been extremely active during the COVID-19 pandemic. To highlight this, a summary of all of our activity has now been published on our website. Our regular communications to GGF Members and the wider industry as well as our engagement with government and related construction trade bodies have been welcome from the feedback we have received. In addition, throughout these extraordinary times, the GGF has also maintained its core services to underline our leading and proactive role as the industry’s main trade body. In the past few weeks, some in the industry have questioned our position on various Government messages and none more so than the specific issue around installers continuing to work in domestic premises. On this point of whether or not window and door installers and

Following this clarification and the GGF’s distribution of the Government health and safety information, we have still received some queries regarding the issue from companies who are unsure. For further clarity, the GGF position on this issue, is in line with the Government’s advice and Public Health England Guidance, and as such we therefore urge employers to do the following: Only continue to work if it is safe to do so within the health and safety guidelines as published on the Government website Conduct a thorough health and safety risk assessment Check with your insurers that you covered for Public Health and Health and Safety Employer liability The GGF has also recently published the Government guidance for manufacturers and processors should they choose to continue to work. With thousands of companies in our industry, I respect that every company’s situation may differ and that is why the GGF can’t offer individual or specific advice, but instead encourages employers to follow the Government guidelines and to make their own responsible decisions for the health and benefit of all concerned. Other than health concerns, the issue facing most companies is the cash flow crisis. The GGF has published online advice articles and issued Government guidance

Continued on page 8


TRADE NEWS on how companies can cope with cash flow problems. As well as the immediate financial needs, many businesses are also now preparing for the financial issues ahead with the inevitable recession on the horizon and lengthy economic recovery. We are in unprecedented trading landscape and the GGF advice to all companies is to make a plan if you haven’t already done so to help you get through this situation.

British Woodworking Federation Supports Members With 12-Week

Membership Fee Suspension

The GGF has internally adjusted its resources and refocused its strategies to ensure Members get greater and more specific support. We have published and promoted all of the relevant Government financial packages, which have been significant and comprehensive. I have no doubt that the responsible businesses in our industry, will use this Government support, take help them plan their future accordingly. The new Government Business Support Hub has many options available should you require to apply for financial support. The GGF has worked tirelessly throughout this crisis for the benefit of our Members and the wider industry and we will continue to do so. We are constantly monitoring and reviewing the Government updates, communicating key information and news to Members and the industry as well as relaying our Members’ concerns to Government. In addition, we are also continuing to provide the high level of technical services that are a core part of the GGF membership benefits. These times though extremely difficult will undoubtedly pass. For now, it is all about following Government guidance, staying safe and making the right decisions to ensure we emerge ready for when business and life returns to normal. John Agnew Managing Director Glass and Glazing Federation 8 WINDOW NEWS APRIL 2020

Helen Hewitt, CEO, British Woodworking Federation (BWF)

The British Woodworking Federation (BWF) has today (7th April 2020) announced that it will suspend membership fees for 12 weeks to support members through the COVID-19 crisis. The move aims to offer some direct financial relief to members at a time when all businesses in the sector are facing significant challenges. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a major impact on the woodworking industry, with a number of BWF members temporarily suspending operations in their workshops and factories. The BWF understands that this is due to significant supply chain disruption, the closure of some construction sites and to protect the health and wellbeing of employees in line with guidance from Public Health England.

Helen Hewitt, CEO of the British Woodworking Federation said: “Throughout this crisis the BWF has provided ongoing advice and support to members, which we know from feedback has been greatly appreciated. However, we also know we need to do more. In light of the highly challenging period our industry faces, the BWF Board has agreed unanimously to suspend membership fees for 12 weeks to further support members. We hope that this will ease the pressure in some way, and we’ll be contacting members on an individual basis over the next fortnight to let them know the next steps.” She added: “The woodworking and joinery manufacturing industry is one built on passion, innovation, skill and adaptability. In these extremely challenging times, it has never been more important for us to work together for the greater good of the industry. Throughout this changeable period, the BWF will continue to provide its members with technical support and ongoing business guidance, and be the voice of the industry to champion the benefits of timber to the Government and grow the demand for wooden products in the long-term.” The BWF has a dedicated COVID 19 section on its website to provide members with the most up-to-date information on business operations and continuity plans. For more information please visit:




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Winners And Losers In The Government’s

Self-Employed Package – Some Will Be Hit Hard There are winners and losers in the Government’s self-employment income support proposals say leading accounting and tax advisory firm Blick Rothenberg. Heather Self, a partner at the firm said: “The Government and HMRC have worked incredibly hard to get something out which will help the majority but there will be some losers.” “Support of up to £2500 a month for an initial 3 months, with the possibility of an extension, is similar to the support for employees through the Job Retention Scheme – but with more flexibility as the self-employed don’t have to stop work completely.” She added: “The cut off at £50k is understandable – some of the most highly-paid will not need this support – but some will be hit hard.” 10 WINDOW NEWS APRIL 2020

A family with one earner on £51000 will get nothing, whereas one with two earners on £49000 each will get two lots of full support Someone with a mix of self-employed and earned income may not qualify – for example, someone who is a part-time fireman on £10,000 but has self-employed income of £8,000 People with new businesses starting after 5 April 2019 will not qualify. This is needed, HMRC say, so that grants are based on existing tax returns rather than running a higher risk of fraud, but it’s very harsh for someone who left employment last summer to start a new business Junior barristers – who are typically self-employed but often earn very little in their first year or two – are an example of new businesses who will be affected, as well as the more obvious plumbers, hairdress-

ers and so on Heather said: “The income has got to be trading income – other income such as rent, or dividends will not qualify” “Contractors who provide services through a company will NOT qualify for this scheme – they may be able to apply for the Job Retention Scheme, but there are a number of practical difficulties for them. This group is likely to be feeling left behind, despite the Chancellor’s words.” She added: “It’s very hard to design a scheme like this at such speed. HMRC are also concerned about fraud – and sadly there are already stories of people trying to exploit the schemes available. This just makes it harder for those in real need to get the support they should have.” “Anyone who had self-employed income in the year to 5 April 2019 but hasn’t filed a tax return yet, must file it by 23 April to have any chance of qualifying for a grant. Do it now.”


More Support For GGF Members

During Crisis

services so they provide more focused support for Members during the COVID-19 crisis Every day the GGF External Affairs and Marketing Department is monitoring the information and updates received from Government departments, related construction trade bodies and the political media. The most relevant information for the industry is then selected and cascaded to GGF Members often on a daily basis. The GGF conveys this key information via the following channels and platforms. Regular Business Continuity Support emails to Members Uploading direct links to Government support measures and guidance on the GGF website Uploading articles with the latest news and information in the GGF website news section Creation of a new GGF Business Continuity Support section on the Members’ only section of the GGF website to house all updates

As the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) continues across the world, the glass and glazing industry is witnessing and experiencing one of the most extraordinary periods in living memory. Across the UK and Ireland, companies continue to make tough decisions and take unprecedented measures to ensure their businesses stay solvent against a bleak backdrop. The trading environment is sharply brought into perspective by the health statistics and the omnipresent risk to everyone’s health and safety. The Government has closed down several industries but the construction is one they are keen to see continue, if workers can operate within the Public Health Guidelines. To help GGF Members cope during this crisis, the GGF has set up several platforms and communications channels under a new service titled “Business Continuity Support”.

James Lee, GGF Director of External Affairs

The GGF Business Continuity Support has three strands: To collate the most relevant information from all key sources and communicate it to Members during the crisis To communicate Members and the industry’s issues to the respective Government departments and by doing so lobby for greater support for the glass and glazing industry To adjust the GGF’s resources and

Upload of key Government documents such the Site Operating Procedures on the GGF website publications section Providing information and digital toolkits from the GGF’s business support partners such as Citation – the HR, Employment Law and Business Support consultants. Sharing information on social media via twitter @GGF_News and LinkedIn On the new Business Continuity Support, James Lee GGF Director of External Affairs commented, “At this time when companies need as much support as possible, the GGF felt it was essential to set up this bespoke service to help Members cope during this crisis. We will continue to update as and when we receive new information to ensure Members get the very latest news affecting our industry.” WINDOW NEWS APRIL 2020 11


Framexpress To Donate 5%

Of 2020 Profits To NHS tion costs and other items to aid their wellbeing.

Framexpress has pledged to donate 5% of its 2020 profits to the NHS Charities Together COVID-19 Urgent Appeal. The appeal has been launched to raise £100 million to support the amazing NHS staff and volunteers caring for COVID-19 patients. Stuart Green, Director at Framexpress, says: “The whole nation is doing their bit to protect our NHS and save lives by staying at home. We wanted to show our gratitude

to the key workers within the NHS who are putting themselves at risk every day to help people affected by this awful virus. So, we are donating 5% of our 2020 profits to NHS Charities Together COVID-19 Appeal.” The NHS appeal is funding wellbeing packs and gifts for NHS staff and volunteers, including food deliveries, snacks, refreshments, wash kits and overnight stay kits, travel, parking and accommoda-

For the remainder of the year, Framexpress is also offering a 10% discount off its window and door products that are fitted into the homes of NHS employees, so installers fitting Framexpress products can pass this extra discount onto their customers. Stuart adds: “As the Clap for our Carers campaign is proving, there is a massive appreciation for the work being done by NHS and carers during this incredibly challenging time, it only felt right for us to offer our support too.” Anyone can donate to the NHS Charities Together COVID-19 Appeal – visit

Glazpart – It’s Business As ….. Un-Usual!! Thanks to the dedication, commitment and flexibility of our team in Banbury the Glazpart factory is still operational. Our team are committed to supporting our customers especially those serving the NHS, medical and food markets.

Today, we are still accepting orders from all our customers alongside these key market customers in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. Indeed, we are actively looking to support medical device customers and their injection moulding supply chain. If we can assist as a full-service moulding company in any way from contract moulding, complete tool room services, machining or 12 WINDOW NEWS APRIL 2020

assembly contact us. This is despite introducing recommended measures to ensure the safety of our team • The factory is operating additional cleaning and PPE control measures. • Some of our team are working remotely where possible. • We are working closely with our delivery contractors ensure we can continue to deliver although signed POD’s currently may not be available. • We are working closely with our supply chain and we are ensuring we have the right stock We have postponed any non-essential meetings on or off-site, your account managers are available as usual.

• Full product support by email and phone. We are monitoring the Government’s advice closely and operations may change depending on this advice. According to Dean Bradley, Sales and Marketing Manager “There have been a huge amount of work and planning to achieve our current position to safely continue to be able to supply product. We wish all our customers the very best in this unprecedented time and we wish you all to stay safe. If you are still operating send your orders through and we will manage these with our best abilities” Please contact us if you require any advice or further information at

• • • •

Domestic window and door installations Building regulation compliance inspections British Standard 8213-4 Specification disputes

☑ ☑ ☑ ☑ ☑


Inventor Keith Rimmer shows off the simple Thermocill components outside the University of Salford’s Energy House

Ryan Johnson

Should UK Construction Be

Returning To Work? An open letter from Ryan Johnson, Managing Director, Emplas Thursday, 9th April 2020: Confused about whether you should or could return to work? We’re now in the third week of shutdown. It’s been a difficult time for us, our customers and our suppliers, personally and professionally. Closing our doors on the 24th March was something I could never have imagined doing. We never want to let our customers down – but neither do we want to put them or our people at risk. And this has been the challenge that every systems company, fabricator and installer is currently having to contend with. Deliver for our customers and get paid (let’s not make any bones 14 WINDOW NEWS APRIL 2020

about it, cashflow is a big issue for everyone right now), but in doing so risk something more important – the welfare of our people or our customers? The response of Government to COVID19 has been for the large part been on the money. We would all be feeling significantly less optimistic about the future, had it not stepped up with funding to support job retention. The Government position on working It hasn’t, however, been quite so clear on rules on work. On April 8th it issued new instructions ordering the shut down of construction sites only to withdraw them the following day. The Construction Leadership Council, a joint industry and government body, issued a notice that

hardened the previous advice to companies.

The new guidelines insisted that ‘where it is not possible or safe for workers to distance themselves from each other by two metres, work should not be carried out’. But the council withdrew the notice hours later after uproar from the industry, which complained the rules were impossible to follow. We need to be safe. There is no question about it. Where it is safe to do so, however, – and where no alternative exists – Government advice is that we can, and we should, return to work. It has said: ‘With the exception of some non-essential shops and public venues, we are not asking any other businesses to close – indeed it is important for business to carry on’.

TRADE NEWS The challenge for the window and door industry So why aren’t we (at least yet)? The first point is, that we’re still at the beginning of what is a sizeable shift in the commercial landscape. We needed time as an industry to make an assessment. From a practical perspective, we have also been focussed on supporting our customers and our staff. And – in the interests of full transparency – we didn’t have the answers. We couldn’t say anything meaningful because in common with everyone else, we were in a period of adjustment and focussed on the challenges that it has brought. Now, however, I believe we’re in a slightly different space. Working in an extended ‘lockdown’ At the time of writing it seems likely that controls on movement will be extended. This was always on the cards, so we shouldn’t be panicked by it. The question is now, and given Government advice, should we remain closed for it in its entirety, or are there ways to manage some form of return to work without increasing risk? This is a twofold question, maybe even threefold. First, construction. The challenges of working in and around someone’s home are infinitely greater than on a construction site. That is why many building sites remain open and large construction companies are currently reopening sites, putting in additional controls to reduce risk. This creates a demand for windows and doors. We have a choice of going back to work and fulfilling those orders or not? The home improvement market is more complex. Many homeowners

may not want strangers in their homes for a wide variety of reasons from pre-existing health conditions to simple concern about the risks. Others, however, will, as long as we can evidence that controls are in place to ensure their safety – and that of employees. This means putting in process as much as PPE. Confirming in advance that household and installation teams are fit and well in the period before arrival on site. Agreeing a working schedule in advance to minimise contact between homeowner and fitters, in addition to proper cleaning of product before departure. Marketing, lead generation, sales calls – these are things which can, and arguably should, be done remotely. There is no reason to go to site until the final survey. We’re working with our customers to develop these processes and tools to safeguard their teams and the homeowner. Working in the window and door industry is changed, medium term, not only the short. We need to change how we do things. When will we restart manufacture? The answer is simple. We will restart fabrication when we have the processes and systems in place so that it is safe for our people and our customers – and as long as government guidance says that we can. We are talking to our customers about what they need from us and building understanding internally as to how we need to adapt our processes to minimise risk and maximise the safety of all. This is being reviewed not only daily but by the hour. It is only when we are confident that these systems are in place, and that it is safe to do so – we will return to work. visit

Modplan Donates Its

Stock Of

PPE To Local

Doctors’ Surgery

Trade fabricator Modplan has donated its stock of personal protective equipment (PPE) to its local doctors’ surgery to help protect NHS staff as they tackle the Covid-19 outbreak. Heidi Sachs from Modplan, said: “All our manufacturing facilities and paint plant are temporarily shut to protect our workers and their families in line with government guidance. As such, we had PPE stock that we weren’t using and we knew the NHS could make use of it at this critical time.” The stock of items donated by Modplan includes full protective body suits, masks, goggles, gloves, hand sanitiser, disinfectant, paper rolls and toilet paper. They will be used to enable the surgery to carry out face-to-face consultations safely. Heidi commented: “Like everyone in the country, here at Modplan we are grateful for the amazing work all NHS staff and frontline carers are doing. I’m pleased we were able to do something to support their efforts. They are the heroes of this crisis and this small gesture from Modplan was the very least we could do.” WINDOW NEWS APRIL 2020 15

TRADE NEWS ensure their brand awareness is maintained but that leads may be actually generated in preparation for when life returns to some sort of normality. In fact, the Quickslide guide shows how quotes can still be prepared from a few photographs sent in by homeowners. Installers can guide their prospective customers over the telephone or even via video links, following which Quickslide may prepare accurate estimates that may be confirmed when it is safe to complete a survey.

Quickslide Offers

Quick Surviving Under

The Lockdown Tips

For Its Trade Partners Despite the coronavirus having a devastating effect on every aspect of life, there are signs that people and businesses are adjusting to life under lockdown. And, whilst it may be some time before any sort of normality is resumed, a number of companies are offering advice that will allow preparations to be made for that eventuality. Brighouse, Yorkshire-based window and door fabricator Quickslide is one such firm that has turned its expertise and resources towards producing advice that its trade partners may use to prepare themselves for an end to the lockdown and actually, to show how they may open up discussions with potential customers even whilst the restrictions apply. Offered in the form of a blog on 16 WINDOW NEWS APRIL 2020

the company’s website at www. quick-tips-for-trade-partnersduring-the-covid-19-outbreak/ Quickslide’s Surviving the Virus tips include guides on Government finance, grants and other key support schemes in a series of simple, no-nonsense guidelines that include links to the right departments and organisations. Others offer effective tips on how installers used to being out and about during their working day, can adapt to home working, a concept that in itself can provide difficulties when put into practice. Marketing is another key function that can and should be continued, says Quickslide. Its Marketing Portal, available for all Quickslide Trade Partners, offers extensive resources that allow companies not only to

“Although we cannot ignore the terrible toll that the coronavirus outbreak is wreaking on society, we will emerge from this and it is essential that business returns to normal as quickly as possible, for all of our sakes,” said Quickslide’s Adrian Barraclough. “Having ensured the safety of their families homeowners have a great deal of time on their hands and will be making plans and reviving aspirations for improving their homes with the addition of new windows and doors, especially those that open their homes to their gardens. “It is important for installers that lockdown time is used positively. Our guide shows how installers can not only prepare for a return to work but to actually hit the ground running with healthy leads to firm up, having secured their businesses with all of the financial support that is being made available to them. And we have a team of people ready to help with all sorts of advice,” added Adrian. The guide ‘Quick Tips for Trade Partners during the COVID-19 Outbreak,’ together with a range of other useful information, can be found on the Quickslide website at:

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David Leng

What Does Covid-19

Mean For Uk Industry? With the Coronavirus pandemic escalating day by day and businesses being forced to suspend operations a new industrial revolution may be upon us. David Leng, group chief executive at Customade Group, gives his thoughts on how the industry can react. No one could have predicted the speed and intensity with which Covid-19 would spread. The pandemic has forced every business to change how they operate, with home-working now a necessity for most people. It is a tremendously difficult time for the nation and the disruption to many industries has been huge. With most companies having to close their doors 18 WINDOW NEWS APRIL 2020

for the foreseeable future, we must find ways to keep in touch with fellow colleagues and customers and be ready to resume business when this crisis is over. Internet usage has accelerated at a phenomenal rate with Virgin Media reporting that the Coronavirus lockdown doubled the UK’s daytime internet usage. WhatsApp revealed that the number of video calls recorded across the platform has also doubled during the crisis. Additionally, use of video conferencing tools and apps like Skype, Facetime, Zoom and Houseparty, have also surged as people turn to them to stay in touch with work colleagues, separated family members and friendship

groups. One thing that we can be sure of is that this pattern of usage will continue as people spend more time in isolation to try to slow the spread of the virus. With the online landscape transforming in front of our eyes, this industry has to be prepared to adapt to a new future and a new digital age. Exhibitions and trade fairs now seem almost prehistoric. Improvements in home delivery driven by the likes of Amazon and Deliveroo have changed the expectation of the consumer. It currently seems inconceivable that the British public will want to return to having “direct sell


strangers” visiting their homes to sell them solar panels, double glazing or kitchens. Other once traditional sectors, like estate agency for instance, have already largely moved away from conventional offline strategies and transformed the way they operate with the help of digital technology. Platforms such as Teachable and Udemy are spawning a plethora of online courses in garden design, yoga, photography and social media management. The e-learning market is booming. The value of the sector is estimated to jump to $300bn (£252bn) by 2025, up from $190bn in 2018, according to the research firm Global Market Insights. It’s time for the home improvement industry to catch up. Mike Cherry, the national chair of the Federation of Small Businesses, says many companies are finding new ways to be resilient and generate income to help them survive. “Small businesses are at the forefront of adapting and are keen new-to-firm innovators. Whether it be offering increased or new delivery or collection services or offering virtual guides to products or stores when premises aren’t accessible to customers, small businesses are trying to make this work,” he says. Installers must step up their online presence and embrace all the digital tools that are out there to help them through this challenging time. With social distancing set to continue for many months it will be some time before they can visit customers’ homes to sell and price windows, so they’ll need to think about alternative ways to connect with prospects, nurture those leads, and win business.

We know from our research that on average consumers need to have around seven touch points with a home improvement provider before the consumer gains enough confidence for the job to go ahead. We believe we can harness AI to digitise and improve the first five contacts leaving only the final detailed survey and the install as actual site visits, thus minimising unnecessary time in the customers house. At Customade Group, we’ve spent the last two years investing in and developing technology with our partners Winsoc Digital to help installers boost their digital fitness to engage with new customers and secure more business. While it was never created for an emergency such as this, our digital support package and lead management app does give installers a vital lifeline to promote themselves, generate and nurture leads and even price and order windows remotely during the outbreak. We will come through this crisis and when we do, the world will be a different place. Online usage will be ingrained in many more people – from the young to the elderly – and remote working, shopping and buying will be widespread. telephone canvassing is already dead and foot canvassing will now go the same way. Those installers that are ready for this new era, will be the ones to succeed when things return to the new “normal”. We strongly recommend that home improvement companies use these weeks to improve their digital fitness so they are ready for the pent-up demand that will surely follow. Customade Group is supporting customers through this crisis. For further information, visit

Mila Joins The

Light It Blue


Mila’s iconic red logo has been turned blue to honour all of the NHS heroes who are doing such incredible work on the frontline in the fight against Coronavirus. The company says it’s a small token of appreciation for the superhuman efforts being made by the NHS and healthcare staff. Several Mila staff have joined the army of volunteers who have signed up to help support the NHS during the current crisis, and many have loved ones who are working around the clock in hospitals and care homes. Mila’s Managing Director Richard Gyde said: “As well as clapping from our doorsteps every Thursday evening, we’ve joined the Light it Blue campaign to show how much we appreciate them all. The rest of us may be doing our bit by staying home, but they are putting their lives on the line and we salute them.” Mila’s website at www.mila. will retain its blue logo until the company restarts normal operations at the end of the current lockdown. WINDOW NEWS APRIL 2020 19

Window News TV has been designed to showcase supplier’s videos in an engaging way, with maximum coverage of the UK glass and glazing industry at a cost effective price. Window News TV has its own homepage with the videos categorised under three main headings: Instructional, Products and Corporate. There is a prominent link from the main Window News homepage to Window News TV and our twice-weekly Newscasts also highlight the latest videos contained within this important area of the website. All videos are tweeted out to Window News’ industry leading twitter following once going live on the website

Should you choose, you can also include your video within a half or full page advertising space within the monthly online Window News magazine, which will contain a live link direct to the video. Having invested the time and money into producing a polished video, let Window News take it to the audience it deserves! For more information please contact us in one of the following ways: Call Gerald Batt on 01255 850245, email gerald@ or complete the enquiry form on the Window News TV homepage


We Should All Learn From

Aperture Trading’s Demise Says Barraclough

alone prosper, in normal trading conditions these qualities include good cash reserves, sound financial control, continuous investment, innovative and imaginative thinking, a dynamic, structured management, great products, a dedicated workforce from the cleaners to the senior managers; and crucially, shareholders that care passionately about and who are involved with the business on a day to day basis. “Sadly, as Synseal in recent years and then finally as Aperture, these key qualities diminished until all that remained at the end was the dedication of the workforce, many of whom I had come to know personally and to whom my deepest sympathies are extended. Quickslide chairman, Adrian Barraclough

Following the announcement of the failure of systems manufacturer Aperture Trading Ltd, Quickslide chairman Adrian Barraclough says we can learn much for the current times from the demise of the company. “Quickslide was a business partner of Aperture Trading both as a supplier and customer so we were well acquainted with the business and the issues that it faced,” says Adrian. “However, we were also a trading partner of Synseal, the business from which Aperture was formed and it’s worth bearing in mind the qualities that company was based upon and which made it 22 WINDOW NEWS APRIL 2020

such a success in the early days: and why in due course it went so wrong.” Synseal is widely credited as being an industry ‘disrupter’ when it brought its first products to market. Says Adrian: “In the hands of the company’s founder Gary Dutton and his team, Synseal disrupted the market not simply by undercutting everyone – although initially this was a significant factor – but over time the company grew and took a significant share of the UK window and door business for itself by showing a number of admirable qualities. “For any business to survive, let

“My point is that during the extraordinary circumstances being imposed on all of us during the coronavirus emergency, companies that show the qualities upon which Synseal was based will be the ones that get us through this crisis. I believe passionately in those strengths and they remain at the core of everything that we believe in and do at Quickslide. “We will continue to seek partnerships with companies – suppliers and customers – that also share those attributes because they are the qualities that will not only help to sustain each of us in the short term, they will also enable us to flourish when things return to normal, as they certainly will.”


Trade Customers

Say Nolan’s

Service Is

Garnalex Invests


In Combilifts To Achieve

Maximum Manufacturing Efficiency

Garnalex has invested in three Combilift multidirectional forklift trucks to achieve maximum efficiency in its state-of-the-art aluminium extrusion factory in Nether Heage, Derbyshire. The factory is now fully operational and extruding for trade extrusion customers. Its next major milestone is producing components for the launch of the breakthrough Sheerline window and door systems at the end of this month.

The three Combilifts support the integration of the factory with seamless synchronisation enabled by GarnerSys. Developed by Garnalex’ in-house software team, this bespoke management and tracking system is designed to seamlessly integrate all elements of the extrusion and manufacturing process, and the Garnalex back-end ERP system (SAP). The Combilifts are universal trucks that can be used both inside and outside to provide a high level of operational flexibility in all areas of this advanced factory. Garnalex ordered two C4000 C-Series models, with four-ton lift capacities, and one Combi-CB model, with 2,500Kg capacity, in late 2018. Painted in the special Garnalex livery colour and logo, the two C4000 models are fitted with a

5.5m triplex mast enabling them to pass under low doorways, and lift goods to high storage bays when extended. All three Combilifts have multidirectional capability, enabling safe, space-saving handling and storage for long loads.

Roger Hartshorn, Garnalex CEO, comments on the latest investment: “I’ve been using Combilifts for over 20 years, and they’re instrumental in the smooth running of a factory. Our factory is 100,000 sq ft, so ensuring it’s designed to supply a full end-to-end service at all points of the process requires a co-ordinated approach. It’s important for us to know exactly where our products are at all times, and with our new Combilifts and GarnerSys to integrate them into the operation of the factory we do!” Combilift CEO and co-founder, Martin McVicar, adds: “Roger was one of the first customers in the UK to recognise the qualities and benefits of our Combilift handling solutions when we launched our initial C-Series. We are very pleased that he has once again chosen products from our now much extended range. We wish him all the best for this new venture, which, knowing Roger, will no doubt be a great success.”

Deceuninck fabricator and G19 winner, Nolan uPVC has been praised by trade customers for outstanding service and support. The Carmarthenshire-based trade fabricator has a number of longstanding customers. Nolan attributes its strength in the trade sector to its focus on fast, reliable service coupled with great choice and product quality. Silver Hill Windows has been a loyal Nolan customer for over twenty years. Its owner, Euros Hughes says Nolan’s high quality products and customer service stand out above the competition: “Over the past two decades Nolan’s customer care has consistently been of a high standard. The staff across the business are very helpful and no matter what you order – from PVC-U windows to aluminium bifolds – quality is always superb.” Meanwhile, Tracey Freeman of R S Windows praises Nolan’s outstanding after-sales support, explaining: “Nolan’s products are well-made and offer true value for money. The backup service is exceptional and Nolan’s product guarantees are fantastic, with no quibbles over returns. Nolan’s staff are knowledgeable and always happy to help – nothing is too much trouble”. WINDOW NEWS APRIL 2020 23


Morley Launches New And Improved App Uni-blinds® integral blinds manufacturer Morley Glass & Glazing has developed a new and improved app with home integration company Loxone, allowing users to open and close their motorised integral blinds from a tablet or smartphone.

By integrating Morley Glass & Glazing’s fully electronic MB System Uni-Blinds® into the Loxone app, blinds can now be operated using WiFi connected devices from anywhere in the world. The app is available for immediate installation into MB Systems, including retrofitting into previous projects. Ian Short, Morley Glass & Glazing managing director, said: “We were inundated with requests from customers for 24 WINDOW NEWS APRIL 2020

a way to operate their integral blinds remotely using an app. We worked closely with DV Smarthomes in association with Loxone to make sure the final product not only offers all the features we have been asked for, but a lot more besides.” Using the app, blinds can be programmed to open and close at set times of the day, especially useful when homeowners are on holiday, and they can even be linked via a subscription service to temperature controls, allowing them to close automatically before rooms get too hot. Finally, the app can be integrated into home automation systems via the Loxone Miniserver, offering flexibility and expandability with up to 30 extensions

to integrate various domestic applications such as lighting, heating, safety and security, energy management and entertainment systems. For more information, visit

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Plimsoll Praises



Kicking off its 40th year in style, Everglade Windows shines bright in the latest Plimsoll Analysis report. With a 21 percent growth rate, Everglade Windows are among the fastest growing companies in the industry and are one of only 846 window & door companies rated as ‘Strong’ by the analysis. “Recognition from industry reports and our construction industry peers is always fantastic to receive and confirms that we are doing a great job,” comments Yogesh Gopal, Managing Director at Everglade Windows. “When the factory is busy and our team are working hard to deliver for customers, sometimes it’s easy to forget about your successes, but having figures like this, after 40 years in business, is something we’re really proud of.” Everglade Windows were named as a Best Trading Partner – Plimsoll’s highest accolade in 2019 and also named in two exceptional performance categories in this latest report. It has been an exceptional 12 months for Everglade Windows who launched One Collection uPVC windows and doors and the new aïr MOD-Series, the exclusive aluminium window and door range which has been added to its most impressive range of bi-fold and lift & slide doors. 26 WINDOW NEWS APRIL 2020

Winkhaus Laboratories Offer Latest Smoke Control Test For

Composite And Timber Doorsets Hardware specialist Winkhaus has expanded its already comprehensive testing services to now include the latest BS EN 1634part 3 smoke control test for door and shutter assemblies. This new service is available at Winkhaus Laboratories, within the company’s Kettering site, which offers independent and confidential UKAS-accredited assessments for doors and windows. Ambient air temperatures are tested to determine the leakage of smoke from one side of a door assembly to the other under strict specified test conditions. This is a requirement for door assemblies intended for use in controlling the passage of smoke in case of fire. The test service can be offered individually within a PAS24: 2016 enhanced security performance full product assessment, saving fabricators time and money on ensuring regulation compliance. Government guidance highlights the importance of third-party certification by a UKAS-accredited body for suppliers of FD30 and FD60 fire and security composite doorsets. Suppliers must comply with the latest June 2019 MH-

CLG Dual Certification: Q Mark Fire & Smoke BS EN 1634 and Q Mark Security PAS24. All external fire door sets must be fire and smoke-tested to ensure they are compliant, providing building owners and landlords with additional assurance of performance. Winkhaus has invested significantly in fire and security test evidence to achieve both ‘Q Mark Fire’ and ‘Q Mark Security’ for third-party dual certification scheme compliance on the same door. The company says their ‘competitively-priced’ testing service offers shorter waiting times for customers who can save money and time by achieving compliance with the latest security and smoke regulations in the same test house. Commenting on the benefits for fabricators, Mike Rushen, Winkhaus UK Sales Director says: “Fabricators can also expand their market offering by demonstrating full compliance with up-to-date and critical safety regulations. Not only does our additional test service save them time and money, they can be confident that the doorsets they supply provide full compliance with all MHCLG guidelines.”


Apeer Completes Latest Phase

Of Factory And Production Investment

bined will allow more than 1000 two colour doors to be manufactured each week, entirely in house. Asa McGillian, the company’s managing director, says that completion of the new extension fulfils many of the company’s plans for growth: “The additional space does far more than simply allow new machines to be installed. We have now been able to re-plan our whole facility to create more logical production flowlines and logical sequences, all of which will give us significant increases in output as well as flexibility, something that remains crucial especially until Brexit is finally settled.

A new 20,000 ft2 factory extension combined with further upgrades in the company’s production facilities, have been completed by Apeer Ltd, the Ballymena-based manufacturer of Apeer composite entrance doors and Lumi windows and doors. The investment completes the latest phase of the company’s five-year investment and development plan begun in 2017. Occupying a 7.2 acre site the company’s head office and production facilities now total 140,000 ft2 with all services now fully self-contained, including the production of door blanks through to completed door sets for Apeer residential doors; fabrication of all Lumi windows, sliding and entrance doors; and all of the company’s glass requirements. Despite challenges imposed by Britain’s exit from the EU and political upheaval nationally and locally within Northern Ireland, sales of Apeer products have continued to grow in line with the company’s plans. The new facilities further increase output capacity and provide greater flexibility to suit market conditions and demand. The factory extension has allowed re-planning of production in more

efficient flowlines with all services under one roof, including advanced glass processing that now allows for complex shapes to be cut and the exceptional sheet sizes increasingly required for Lumi doors and windows, to be sourced in-house. A new CNC precision waterjet cutting machine has been installed to make the unusually complex cuts required for Lumi windows and doors, whilst the Northglass AG-series Forced Convection furnace installed 18 months ago, allows toughened glass production in sheet sizes up to 5m x 2.8m.

“Our glass processing facility is now highly capable and flexible and allows us to cope in-house with the increasingly large Lumi doors being ordered, as well as the demands for Apeer composite doors, for which we also produce decorative glass units in our own studio. In fact, I believe that Apeer doors have a greater UK sourced content than the majority of composite door brands sold in Britain and Ireland. We are proud of that of course, and also that our video-based quality control system is now more intensive than ever and showing an exceptionally low rejection rate. Our right-firsttime rate of 98% is excellent.” Completion of the production investments has further implications for the company, adds Asa: “Our focus is now very much on marketing, with some exceptional support programmes being developed to provide high quality leads for Apeer and Lumi retail partners. Our composite doors – especially the Silka range – and new Lumi replacement window which were launched last year at the FIT Show, are enjoying excellent sales growth and we will work hard to ensure this continues.”

The second paint line installed for Apeer composite doors is now supplemented by a second insulating core press used for the production of the company’s GRP-faced composite door panels, which com-



Quickslide Continues Its Multi-Million Pound Commitment To Growth Quickslide’s £2m staged investment continues to gather pace with the award-winning fabricator recently commissioning and installing a state-of-the-art Schirmer CNC machine, as part of its ongoing commitment to company growth and overall enhancement of its Brighouse factory, systems and processes. The new Schirmer cutting and prepping centre – which has been over a year in the making – has been intelligently engineered by supplier Promac to meet Quickslide’s precise needs. At almost 100ft long it is set to take centre stage inside Quickslide’s cutting-edge factory, with its speed and precision designed to streamline production, increase efficiencies and boost capacity. The introduction of the new CNC is just one example of Quickslide’s recent factory improvements, as it follows another significant investment in two corner cleaners and two 28 WINDOW NEWS APRIL 2020

quad welders since the investment programme began 18 months ago. This has also been complemented by a further £280,000 outlay to expand the Quickslide vehicle fleet. In addition to investment in premises and equipment, Quickslide has been busy recruiting thirty-eight new employees. These additions include expert heads for its marketing, quality assurance, HR and customer service departments, as well as Quickslide welcoming new engineers, fabricators, drivers and members of the sales team. Supporting the business expansion, there has been further investment in-house, with a new online HR and health and safety system implemented, along with site improvements (for parking and loading) and the introduction of a BUPA Employee Assistance Programme to help maintain the welfare of all staff.

“We’re committed to continually improving all areas of our business, and we’re thrilled to be installing more specialist machinery which will enable us to increase our capacity while improving our quality and efficiency,” said Quickslide’s Managing Director Ben Weber.

“We pride ourselves on being at the forefront of product innovation and owed to continuing demand for our market leading products, such as the new generation Legacy VS, we’re keen to future-proof our business for the next five to ten years.” “Our ongoing multi-million pound investment means we’re now set to increase our manufacturing capacity significantly over the next few years, helping us to keep up with demand from our installer partners whilst maintaining the level of quality and service they have come to expect from Quickslide.”


Outdoor Views Can

Help With Mental Health,

Research Shows Almost 80% of Brits say seeing a nice outdoor view makes them feel more positive and relaxed.

This research was in the form of a survey conducted by bifold door manufacturer Origin Global, asking the general UK public: “Does having a nice view of the outdoors make you feel relaxed/positive?” Around 20% of respondents claimed it doesn’t, while eight in ten stated it did help them feel more relaxed and positive. Ben Brocklesby, sales and marketing director at Origin Global, said: “Nature can bring a lot of positive feelings when it comes to mental wellbeing, these are often underestimated and may be taken for granted. Merely looking at a nice view can help with stress and relaxation.” 30 WINDOW NEWS APRIL 2020

There are many proven benefits of bringing nature into your everyday life and spending time outdoors, these include: improving mood, reducing stress and anger and making you feel more relaxed. Simply viewing scenes of nature can do all of these, meaning everybody can connect with nature regardless of their lifestyles as they can simply see the outdoors from their home. However, this is not the case for everybody as some homes may be in a city, have limited views or simply feel too overlooked to enjoy the view they do have. Ben added: “Even those with a limited view and outdoor space can enhance the natural light they have available and bring the outdoors in, whether this is done by simply

using more greenery in the home, reflecting light with mirrors or installing larger windows and glass doors such as bifolds.” Previous research highlights the British public’s thoughts on nature and mental wellbeing with more than a third of Brits stating they would consider relocating to the countryside for the peace and quiet, while a further 30% said they would be drawn to the tranquillity of beautiful scenery. Fresh air is also the reason 31.7% of Brits would choose to dine al fresco. There is a range of ways the public can maximise their connection to nature, including: Changing furniture layout to gain the most natural daylight Swapping out heavy curtains or blinds for lighter options such as voile drapes Considering bifold doors to create a seamless connection between the indoors and outdoors You can view more tips here.


Customade Group Signs Widest Ranging

SBD Agreement Customade Group has further underlined its commitment to supply an unequaled range of products and services with news that it has signed what it describes as the widest ranging Secured by Design agreement ever.

security plays a greater part in the decision-making process, installers can stand out from their competitors by offering a wide range of independently accredited products that give the homeowner total peace of mind.

The group has announced that 31 of its aluminium and PVCu windows and door systems have recently achieved an SBD licence in a move that Customade Group believes will help installers to realise the full potential of the UK’s most prominent crime prevention initiative.

“And, as you’d expect from Customade Group, we’ve also made it really easy for installers to quote and sell these police-endorsed products, so they can win more new customers and grow their businesses.”

Customade Group says it is the only fabricator in the industry to offer such a comprehensive package, which spans 17 aluminium and PVCu window profile suites – including vertical sliders, reversible, tilt and turn and casement windows – and 14 aluminium and PVCu door profile suites – including bi-folding doors and patio doors. Gareth Thomas, sales and marketing director at Customade Group, explains: “We’re very excited to unveil yet another industry first from Customade Group. This development is all about delivering increased sales opportunities across a complete range of products for customers, whilst offering complete confidence to the end user when choosing accredited products. “The Secured by Design Police Preferred Specification is the only police accreditation for security related products in the UK and it is only awarded to businesses that meet rigorous police security requirements. In an era where

To gain Secured by Design accreditation, windows and doors must achieve PAS24 – the enhanced security requirement for the UK. This involves passing several attack tests to ensure that products are resilient against intrusion. Rigorous testing is performed on any products seeking Secured by Design approval to ensure that they are resistant to forced impact and damage. Customade Group says installers have reported a rise in orders and repeat business since the introduction of PAS24 accredited products. Set up in 1989 to combat a UKwide rise in burglaries, Secured by Design is a police-backed scheme that aims to ‘design out’ crime and create secure environments for the public. It focuses on crime prevention of homes and commercial premises and promotes the use of security standards for a wide range of applications and products. SBD recognises manufacturers who design security into their products and endorses products which are designed to be fully secure against theft and burglaries.

Chris Barton and Steve Roberts

UK Glazing

Group Saves With Customade

Celebrations have been taking place at UK Glazing Group Ltd as it marks a very successful year of trading as a PVCu and aluminium supplier for the commercial market. Since ceasing manufacturing and choosing Customade Group as its fabricator 12 months ago, the firm has made incredible savings of £350,000 and boosted output by 25%. As well as toasting to its success, the company, which has installed windows and doors on some of the north west’s most prestigious buildings, has now invested £100,000 to convert its former 3,500 square foot factory in North Manchester into a showroom. The showroom features a host of Customade Group products, including aluminium windows and doors from REAL Aluminium, glazed roof lanterns from Atlas Glazed Roof Solutions, PVCu windows from Polyframe and composite doors from Virtuoso Doors. The showroom, which opened at the end of February, is modelled on the stand that drew thousands of visitors to Customade Group at the FIT Show in 2019. WINDOW NEWS APRIL 2020 31



Gerald Dear Gerald

For more on remote selling – and my experience in adapting my own business to sell this way – visit www.

As an industry that relies on selling to people in their homes, Covid-19 and a nationwide lockdown threatens installers everywhere. And because it threatens installers, it threatens the industry that supplies them.

Chris Brunsdon,

The situation is changing day by day, and we’re all trying to adapt as quickly as we can. But if installers stop selling completely, the industry will grind to a halt very quickly. Many small firms and companies who supply them will go out of business.

Being a recruitment specialist dedicated to the window, door and fenestration industry we have watched how the spread of COVID-19 has impacted recruitment prior to the government’s lockdown. 1st interviews were being changed to telephone calls and video calls where possible, candidates completed inductions via video conferencing and many companies put recruitment on hold.

However, not being able to physically visit a customer at home doesn’t mean they can’t sell, and it doesn’t mean business has to stop. Modern presentation technology allows installers to continue to contact and sell to homeowners remotely, and those that do so now will set their companies up to succeed when the lockdown is over. Homeowners (or installers) can take photos of the house and – remote from each other – design the windows and doors together, discussing the details via email, over the phone or even video calls, screen-sharing photorealistic images and quotes. Most industry visualisers fall well short of this capability, but most of us carry an intuitive, very smart phone in our pockets and take that level of sophistication for granted. Software shouldn’t dictate how you sell or inhibit you because it’s slow or clunky – it should enhance the way you want to sell. I loved selling in the home for our family business, and selling quality windows and doors to homeowners underpinned the success we had at and at Jack Brunsdon Ltd. But I also love tech and being able to inspire homeowners with visions of how their property could look, wherever they are. I believe remotely-enabled installers will soon take it for granted that they can also sell without leaving their showrooms, and homeowners will take that benefit for granted too. 32 WINDOW NEWS APRIL 2020

CEO of Ltd

Dear Gerald

Since the measures introduced last Monday and to follow Government guidelines the majority of the industry has shut down in every capacity in which they could and to protect our staff the decision was made to close the Chase Taylor office temporarily. There is uncertainty surrounding our industry and understandably recruitment will be delayed until it is right to continue. It’s important for companies to support each other in these times of hardship for our industry to survive, keeping the supply chain and cash flow moving is crucial otherwise we will see mass casualties commercially. Chase Taylor will support our candidates and clients in any way they can whilst the office is closed. Managing Director Mat Gibson is available and can be contacted via telephone: 01543 897800 or email: We look forward to a time when we can get back to fully helping the fenestration industry with their recruitment needs.









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VEKA MD, Dave Jones, To Step Down As Burnley Boss Dave will be stepping down from the role at the end of December 2020 allowing someone else to take the helm at the PVCu systems manufacturer.

44 years to this point and I feel that now is the right time to step down as VEKA UK’s Managing Director and hand over the leadership of the business.

With the news announced early February, steps are already in place to recruit a successor to ensure that there’s a seamless transition at the end of the year.

“VEKA Burnley is a great business and I have found it a privilege to work here and – in recent years – to lead the firm. Whoever takes over from me will find themselves at the head of a dynamic firm which has both a rich heritage and an exciting future.

Dave explains: “I’ve enjoyed a fantastic and fulfilling career at VEKA Burnley, first as Operations Manager, then Operations Director before spending the last 13 years as Managing Director. “My working life spans almost 34 WINDOW NEWS APRIL 2020

“Both the global VEKA Group and VEKA UK have been through many changes over the years and playing a small part in the company’s ongoing success

story has been a great honour. I count myself very lucky to have been part of the VEKA journey and to have worked with such excellent and dedicated people. I am immensely proud of our achievements together. “I know that whoever takes over as Managing Director in 2021 will steer the business on a path of continued success. And in the meantime, it’s business as usual!” Additionally, Dave won’t be leaving altogether, but taking a step back into a non-executive role where the industry can still benefit from his many years of knowledge and experience.


Euramax Makes Strides Into

DIY And Merchant Sector

sales and marketing training manager, prior to returning to the role of key account manager for more well recognised builders’ merchants.

Leading UK manufacturer of PVCu windows, doors and composite doors Euramax, has appointed Kevan Flanagan as its new key account manager for the DIY and merchant sector. Flanagan joins the team with an established history in construction and the Army Reserve to lead Euramax as it continues its expansion into these sectors. Flanagan has nearly 20 years’ experience in the UK construction industry, working in sales, account management and marketing for manufacturing companies. Based in Barnsley, South Yorkshire, Euramax manufacture and supply PVCu windows, doors and composite doors for the modular, new build, holiday home and home improvement markets. Euramax also supplies windows and doors into a number of DIY merchants in the UK and is looking to build upon this following Flanagan’s appointment, expanding its offering to both new and existing customers. Flanagan’s career in the construction industry began in 1997 at Lafarge Cement UK, where he worked as the area sales manager, before taking on the role of national key account manager in 2002. In this role, he was responsible for the accounts of a number of the UKs largest builders’ merchants, including Travis Perkins and Wickes. After four years, he then took the role as

Additionally, Flanagan has 30 years’ experience in command, leadership and management training with the territorial army. In 2012, he joined the Army Reserve as a reserve recruiting mentoring training officer (RRMT), before starting at Marshalls PLC as national key account manager. “Euramax is a recognised manufacturer in the fenestration industry, and while there is a strong current customer base in the DIY and merchant sector, there is the opportunity for growth and development”, Kevan Flanagan said. “The DIY market has grown rapidly in the last few years, with £55 billion predicted to be spent on DIY projects in the UK this year, it’s vital that we use this growth to build upon the foundation that Euramax already has. “My years spent working with some of the UK’s largest merchants has positioned me with a great insight and set of strategic, analytical and interpersonal skills, which will be necessary to develop and secure more customers within the industry”, continued Flanagan. “I’m excited to be taking the lead on this this sector and drive continued success with Euramax”, added Flanagan. “The DIY and merchant sector is one of our key business focuses and we have ambitious plans for growth in this sector”, Nick Cowley, managing director at Euramax commented. “Kevan’s successful history in this industry gives me great confidence that his knowledge and strategic skills will be invaluable to what we aim to achieve, and I’m excited to welcome him to the team”.


Appoints Hillier As Head

Of Customer Services Stephen Hillier has been appointed as Head of Customer Services at Swing and Slide door manufacturer Panoramic Doors, as the company steps up its sales and marketing drive in time for the 2020 sales season. With Panoramic Doors now offering its full range of bi-fold alternatives through retail installers for the first time, the company is reinforcing its service team to provide back up for the growing network. Hillier, who has previously had glass and glazing industry roles with HiTech Blinds and Epwin Glass, heads a team with responsibility for all Panoramic Group operations though with particular emphasis on Panoramic Doors as the company drives for growth. Reporting directly to the managing director his role includes the implementation of strategies and operations from initial enquiry through to customer satisfaction polling. The new Customer Services team will provide support to Panoramic’s Approved Installers located throughout the UK. WINDOW NEWS APRIL 2020 35


Getting That ‘Right-First-Time’

Window Installation Installers are consistently under pressure to deliver ‘right-first-time’ installations – that is, to carry out projects as quickly as possible, without delay, and to the highest possible quality. With this in mind, the windows industry has explored a number of options to enable fitters to achieve these goals. Malcolm Taylor, Product Manager at REHAU, explains the importance of stringent planning of window installation and the importance of innovative offsite construction methods when it comes to minimising snagging risks and avoiding unexpected project delivery costs later on in the project. Commercial projects can pres36 WINDOW NEWS APRIL 2020

ent a number of obstructions to installers, leading to time delays and ensuing costs, as well as longterm issues that can be a result of completing jobs inefficiently. Fitters are therefore often presented with a balancing act – they need to complete jobs quickly, while also ensuring the installation is of the highest quality. Snagging issues from rushed work can lead to the installer having to return to site later on at added expense, meaning the need for a potential solution is clear. As such, offsite construction methods have evolved and grown in importance as a potential option for installers and fabricators.

Avoiding snagging issues

Generally, within the construction process, snagging refers to the minor issues or faults that are usually identified at the end of a build. These often tend to be superficial problems, but they can still be unsettling and expensive to resolve. Common examples of snagging issues include breakage or damage from parts of the build that may have been not fitted correctly. This is usually down to a job being rushed to save time and money, after which parts can be easily left unfinished and therefore require follow-up maintenance, which can be expensive.

Continued on page 38

Modern and on-trend with Rio flush fit Your home is at the heart of your family, creating moments you will treasure forever. Our Rio flush fit offers inspiration and creativity using a beautiful array of on-trend colours that add a quality finish to your home. Windows. Reinvented for modern life.

WINDOW INSTALLATION To help meet challenges around this, REHAU has developed its first two-part retrofit sill. Designed to enhance any commercial build, this innovative product offers a level of flexibility that is absolutely vital to fabricators and installers.

A wide variety of snagging issues can also arise from substandard design – whether through specifying the wrong materials or the result of errors made in the design process, these concerns can impact the construction process. As a result, we are seeing alternative construction methods become more popular as installers look to deliver projects on time, and onbudget. Offsite construction – growing in popularity Offsite construction methods can be beneficial in a number of ways for installers and fitters. For instance, physically moving the construction process away from the actual site can reduce potential disruption to the customer and community, while also decreasing overall project completion time. By moving certain construction processes offsite, the possibility of disruption is reduced. In turn, moving these processes can also improve both working conditions and personnel productivity, due to a less disruptive construction site. Additionally, the more controlled and regulated environment means the chance of onsite damage is markedly reduced, and allows for more accurate planning and timeframes as adverse weather conditions have less of an effect on factories. 38 WINDOW NEWS APRIL 2020

The evolution of construction methods However, it must be noted that there also some risks associated with offsite construction, as well as benefits. This includes the possibility that parts could be damaged in transit, so investment should be factored in during the planning stages, and more consideration paid when selecting the best products to suit project requirements. This is highly relevant where windows are concerned. As an appealing and attractive aspect of any build, installers must be careful to ensure jobs are correctly completed without compromises in quality. By investing in product design and development and opting for modern methods over traditional construction techniques, projects can be completed swiftly and in cost-efficient fashion. Solving a window challenge Because windows play a vital role in building performance and appearance, it is vital they are as functional and low-maintenance as possible. Conversely, an ill-fitting window can lead to multiple problems, including poor sound attenuation, leaks and low insulation. Factors such as these can all increase the pressure fitters face to deliver a ‘right-first-time’ installation.

REHAU’s two-part retrofit window sill operates on an easy-to-install product configuration. Because the window’s nose can be added during the project’s closing stages, the risk of expensive damage that can happen to traditional onepiece window sills during construction work is avoided. Furthermore, the window sill is completely secure once it has been clipped into place, minimising the risk of snapping, and the need for ensuing repair work. The sill’s built-in drainage channel also ensures water that can get into the window is drained away without damaging the property’s brickwork, reducing the amount of general deterioration experienced by both the building and the window over time. In conjunction with the growing popularity towards offsite construction, the window sill’s modern two-part arrangement of the window sill means it is ideal for prefabrication. Because the prominent window sill nose can be clipped on after delivery and assembly, the danger of damage incurred in transit is hugely reduced. However, the two-part sill remains ideal for onsite construction, as it is designed to be completed at the very end of the build, avoiding risks associated with onsite affliction and damage. With fitters under increasing pressure insofar as both time and costs are concerned, more innovative technologies will be required to help alleviate these concerns. Through solutions like REHAU’s two-part retrofit window sill, installers can reduce snagging and project delivery concerns that can impact any commercial project. For more information about REHAU’s first Two-Part Retrofit Window Sill, visit


DOORCO Revolutionises

Production With Integrated Barcoding DOORCO integrates universal customer barcoding into its production, taking another step closer to the UK’s first JIT composite door supply chain. “Using barcodes in manufacturing is nothing new but using a customer’s barcode in our facility is a revolutionary upgrade, delivering seamless integration between IT systems to increase speed and reduce delivery failure”, says Ben Aspinall, IT & Marketing Manager. “We have been trialling this project with customers, linking to their own internal manufacturing IT systems to produce the customer’s own unique barcodes. This basically means that when an order is received via electronic ordering, our system produces a customer specific barcode. It is applied to the packaging for manufacturing orders or to the slabs for distribution orders. Once the order arrives in the customer’s facility, it’s simply scanned-in at goods in and moves

on through manufacturing, or if pre-prepped by DOORCO, on to join the rest of the customers’ order. “The project has also resulted in various upgrades to the DOORCO ordering system. Moving away from the traditional boundaries of ‘distribution’ and ‘manufacturing’, our service has evolved into delivering a mix – for example, we support distribution only customers with colour, painting single doors or pallet loads and matching cassettes to order. We also support with prepping – one-off’s or volume management – and glass and glazing supply, whether that is packaged up glass and glazing cassettes, or glazing the doors for them, again assisting with volume, or more complex/bespoke orders such as Inox. “The key to all of this is stock: DOORCO invests in and manages stock effectively to ensure we

have what our customers need, available and ready when they need it. Customers now have the confidence to reduce their own stockholding and rely on DOORCO for the complete and seamless supply of everything they need for their composite doors. Not only does this free up valuable space in their own facility, they can also take advantage of our entire offering, be that slabs, colour, glass and glazing cassettes, without having to make huge investment. “This initiative has transformed the supply chain for the customers we’ve trialled it with so we’re delighted to now be able to roll this out to our wider customer base (subject to software integration) – taking DOORCO one step closer to offering the UK’s first JIT composite door supply chain.” For more information call: 01625 428955 or visit: WINDOW NEWS APRIL 2020 39


Customer Service

Excellence From Endurance Over the last 18 months, Endurance Doors have invested considerably in the way in which they communicate and interact with their customers, with the mantra of ‘Customer Service Excellence’ reverberating across all business disciplines, at the solid and secure composite door manufacturer. Now customers can enjoy a dedicated internal account handler, working directly with their respective Area Sales Manager, along with access to service engineers for training and technical product back up with a short timescale. This latter service has been made more accessible after the introduction of the Moisture Barrier System and wet glazing process, collectively helping to nearly eliminate any product concerns.

Stephen Nadin

The marketing department has also been re-structured under the stewardship of Group Marketing Manager, Scott Foster, with two marketing executives dedicated to B2B and B2C marketing respectively, with a new CRM system due for launch in the coming months. There’s also a

new Marketing Administrator to ensure that brochures, samples, POS materials and marketing support can be given in a reliable and timely fashion. Endurance Doors says that since 2002 the company has been investing considerably in the business and in the product and now believe that they can offer the very finest solid and secure composite door. “It’s no longer good enough to just satisfy the basic needs of the customer, we have to give them a cherished experience and its why companies such as John Lewis have thrived over the years,” explained Stephen Nadin, Managing Director of Endurance Doors. He continued: “We’ve introduced new processes, expanded existing customer facing roles and have invested in IT across the business to facilitate Customer Service Excellence, whatever the enquiry or request may be.” For further information visit

Adamson ‘Astounds’ New Customers

With Apeer’s Single Rebate Door Composite door manufacturer Apeer is enjoying success in the north of the United Kingdom as both new and existing installer partners across Scotland broaden their product ranges. Following an introduction at the FIT Show in May 2019, Adamson Doors took on Apeer as their newest supplier, a decision which enabled the Fife based showroom to offer an alternative, higher quality range of composite doors to their customers. Showroom Assistant Gillian Winiarski joined Adamson in November and has already noticed a heightened interest in the products, compared to other options: “Of all the benefits that the Apeer 40 WINDOW NEWS APRIL 2020

doors bring, their all-round versatility definitely stands out the most. We recently had a customer who had purchased a derelict property situated within the grounds of a manor house. Keen to restore his project in keeping with the rest of the site, he wanted a cottage-style door that was high quality and durable against the elements. Unable to find a perfect match anywhere else, he approached us and found exactly that.” Gillian continued, “The Silka collection in particular has had a lot of interest, and while the price point is higher than other products we offer, customers are taken with the quality, and see their purchases as long-term investments for their homes.”


New Security Standards For TD68

TD68 thermal, commercial door from aluminium systems specialist Jack Aluminium has passed the STS202 test, making it one of the most secure aluminium commercial doors on the market. Jeff Pearson, Sales & Marketing Director at Jack Aluminium explains: “For a growing number of architects and specifiers, PAS24 accreditation isn’t enough. There is real demand for an aluminium commercial door set that had passed the STS202 standard, and as we already had the robust, secure TD68 door, it made sense to continue pushing it.” “I’m thrilled to say it passed with flying colours. The STS202 test is brutal and focuses on continuous attacks on the glazing and the beading as well as attacks on the locking systems with

to the team at RED Systems in Neston, who identified that this higher security standard was becoming more and more prevalent in the marketplace. Like us, they were fully confident that the TD68 system could cope with the rigours of this test. The test doors were fabricated by the expert services of Paul Evans Architectural in Leeds who as always did a superb job of manufacturing the TD68 door sets for the test.”

large jemmies. The great news for fabricators? There is no difference in the door fabrication process. No additional locks, no additional rebates, no additional design solutions were applied – it’s the standard TD68 door. “I’d like to say a big thank you

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Jeff adds: “Input from our customers is so valuable to us to ensure that we are delivering the products they need. RED Systems supported us all the way through this process and their attendance at the various tests was instrumental in achieving the STS202 – BR2 level standard”.

DOORCO can supply colour, whatever your customers want it to be, in lead times that won’t slow you down.

T 01625 428 955




Industry Research Sheds Light On

Ironmongery Budget Estimates response to increasingly robust standards for safety, accessibility and other improvements in the built environment, advances in technology such as access control products, and the quality of products themselves. The value can now be up to 5.84% of a project value, depending on the sector. “Maintenance regimes have also moved on significantly since the 1980s. New building elements such as heating and ventilation systems, air conditioning systems and IT networks are now a higher percentage of annual maintenance costs. The demands of increased health and safety regulations and an increase to the UK minimum wage has also impacted on costs. Repairing or replacing door hardware can still be time consuming and now we also understand its budget implications too – for some building types such as educational establishments it can be as much as 30% per year.

New research shows that some types of buildings can incur up to 19% of their total maintenance budget on architectural ironmongery despite the average spend on this being between one and two percent of the value of a new-build. The research from the Guild of Architectural Ironmongers (GAI) has analysed what proportion of a project’s overall cost and ongoing maintenance is attributed to door hardware such as handles, locks, hinges, door closers and other essential ironmongery. Similar research conducted in the early 1980s by the Property Service Agency (PSA), a former agency of the UK Government, concluded that ironmongery was worth one percent of project value but accounted for 80% of the value of the maintenance budget. The results from the GAI research show that the average percentage of build cost attributed to ironmongery has increased, and has now put a figure on likely maintenance budgets too. Douglas Masterson, technical manager of the GAI, said: “As a proportion of a project’s value, the budget needed for specifying architectural ironmongery has increased over the last 40 years, most likely in 42 WINDOW NEWS APRIL 2020

“This research underlines the financial significance of making better choices about the architectural ironmongery in our buildings. When it comes to specifying products and asking for advice on routine maintenance, we would always suggest consulting with a Registered Architectural Ironmonger (RegAI). Fully trained and committed to keeping up to date with the latest product and industry knowledge, RegAIs will be able to assist with choosing the correct product for the application, the best practises for checking its ongoing performance, and the best options for any building owner’s budget.” The research was conducted on behalf of the GAI by AMA Research. The research project increased its scope from the original PSA research to include private offices; public sector offices; retail; hotels; health; education and transport facilities such as airports and railway stations. It also looked at both mechanical and electrical hardware to reflect current usage of architectural ironmongery in these types of buildings. The first part used data from Barbour ABI, AMA Research’s own library of reports which was supplemented with a series of interviews with architectural ironmongers, manufacturers, distributors and installers of ironmongery. The second stage of the research involved facilities management organisations, door maintenance companies and certified UK installers. The full research results are available for GAI and IAI members to download on the GAI website.


Don’t Panic: ARRONE Launches New Emergency

Exit Handle

A new lever operated outside access device has been launched that allows emergency exit doors in commercial buildings to also become entrance doors without compromising the security of the property.

In many cases, doors that are part of the emergency exit route could also be used as entrances into a building, but the hardware requirements are different for such uses. The new ARRONE lever-operated, outside access devices AR885L and AR886L are designed to overcome these issues and make use of existing doors to improve the access into the building. The new lever handles have been added to complement the existing

ARRONE AR880 range of panic and emergency exit hardware. Both handles have been tested to EN179 for emergency exit devices and BS EN 1125 panic exit devices. In addition to standard testing, the handles have been tested in excess of 33,000 cycles and torque tested to a force of

one kilonewton to ensure they can withstand typical levels of real-life usage experienced in commercial buildings. Jonathan Walker, ARRONE product manager, said: “Previously, the ARRONE range only offered the access device with knob-turn functionality but we developed the lever handle alternative after many requests from customers. We can now offer building owners a handle that is compliant with BS 8300 and improves access in and out of a building for all building users, without compromising on security or safety.” Both AR800 handles are suitable for use on both single and double timber doors, including fire doors, up to 54mm thick. The AR885L is supplied with a 40mm lock cylinder, whereas the AR886L allows building owners to install a cylinder of their choice.

Yale AutoEngage Locks From VBH

Hardware company VBH is a major supplier of a wide range of multi-point door locks, including Yale’s AutoEngage slam shut product. ‘Slam Shut’ style door locks are becoming increasingly popular on composite or wooden entrance doors where fixed pull handles, knobs or finger pulls are preferred to lever handles. When the door leaf is closed (or slammed) into the frame, the automatic lock mechanism instantly triggers the security latches, which engage into the striker plates. This negates the need to lift a lever to throw the locking points prior to

dead-locking through the key. The door is opened by turning the key, which retracts the latches and central deadbolt. AutoEngage’s locking action allows greater flexibility in door design whether on traditionally styled doors where a knob might be used, or on modern, contemporary styles that lend themselves to the clean lines of stainless steel pull handles, such as those of the greenteQ Coastline range. The locks are available with a choice 35 or 45mm backsets and a range of 16 or 20mm faceplates,

including a 20mm radiused end version. VBH Marketing Manager Gary Gleeson says “As well as the AutoEngage Classic, with its main lockcase at ‘normal’ waist height, manufacturers can also opt for the Heritage version that has a high level lockcase to replicate the position of traditional rim latches.” AutoEngage locks are all PAS24:2016 compliant and are approved under VBH’s Q-secure multi-brand guarantee. WINDOW NEWS APRIL 2020 43


It’s A Great Kick Off For Kubu At CWG Choices

ERA’s Surefire Multi-Point “The CWG open day was a great success and a brilliant way to launch the Kubu Equipped Door Lock to customers,” says Carly Graham, Customer Service Manager at CWG Choices. “It’s a simple product, with great benefits.” Kubu, by Avantis, is a mechanical lock with an electronic indicator that lets homeowners know whether their door is locked or unlocked, and it’s now available from CWG Choices on its Kömmerling, PVCu, Solidor and Scotdoor range as standard. “The relationship between Avantis and CWG all started after having neighbouring stands at FIT Show 2019,” continues Carly. “We liked them, they liked us, and we could see that the Kubu Equipped Door Lock would be the perfect addition to our doors. “Nothing is ever too much trouble for the Avantis team, and they have helped us every step of the way in getting it launched. Mark, Charlotte and Lauren came up before the open day to go through the benefits with our team. It worked well, because after the demonstration they were really buzzing. “On the day, the team from Avantis were great. Interacting with customers, other suppliers and our team. They were such a big part of the event”. 44 WINDOW NEWS APRIL 2020

Lock Provides Extra Stability For Force 8

Composite Doors The auto firing multi-point lock, SUREFIRE, from security experts ERA, has helped Force 8, a leading window and door manufacturer, to offer their customers a superior range of composite doors. Dennis Sumner, Force 8’s Managing Director explains: “ERA’s SUREFIRE 3-latch system provides enhanced stability. The last thing customers need is to find locks seizing into keeps, which can occur on single-latch options if a composite door bows. I’d highly recommend ERA’s SUREFIRE multi-point lock because it’s secure and simple to use and easy to fit. To eradicate the bowing of composite doors we have introduced a more highly reinforced door slab, and brought in a heat-resistant paint.” SUREFIRE delivers effortless multi-point locking: simply close the door to fire all locking points and turn a key to deadlock. ERA says the effortless functionality of SUREFIRE coupled with

clever design, ensures that doors fitted with SUREFIRE will always be pulled into the correct position, avoiding issues associated with misalignment, resulting in reduced calls backs. The versatility of SUREFIRE for timber and composite doors combined with the option to have a different gearbox position, depending on the style of the door, delivers maximum security and effortless door operation. A concealed motor can be added or retro-fitted to any SUREFIRE, this can then be used alongside an access control device/ system to transform the mechanical MPL into an electro-mechanical motorised solution. SUREFIRE not only delivers many levels of security, including anti-jemmy hooks, anti-saw protection and three stainless steel latches, it also improves the overall performance of the door by aligning the door, and sealing it firmly against the frame every time, says the company.

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Looking Forward To The Summer Of 76 Following the widescale launch of KÖMMERLING 76 in 2019, the company is now looking forward to satisfying the increased demand for this new profile platform from the German PVCu systems giant. KÖMMERLING 76 represents a new profile platform for casement, flush casement and fully reversible windows, with outstanding energy efficiency credentials, typically with a U-value of 1.1 W/(m2K) using a standard double glazed unit. Flush inside and out, the new profile design also boasts a number of new foiled options from stock including 46 WINDOW NEWS APRIL 2020

Agate Grey, Quartz Grey, smooth Anthracite Grey, English Oak and Silvered Oak. Already a number of manufacturing partners have enjoyed strong sales of this new system including Flair Plastic Products, Frame Trade, Secure Trade and Thermal Windows. Other companies, including new customer U70, are already gearing up for additional sales. The window can be either mechanically jointed, mitre welded or even manufactured using the latest Timberweld type production

methodologies. From a hardware perspective, the partnership with Window Ware will also mean that manufacturing partners can specify the Regal range of period inspired hardware in nine premium finishes. Gareth Jones, managing director of profine UK and the KÖMMERLING brand commented: ‘KÖMMERLING 76 is a profile platform for now and for the future. Inevitably Building Regulations will change and so our customers can benefit from an unrivalled and proven 70mm system and also 76, which offers class leading levels of energy efficiency. He continued: ‘The investment in our product range and in our marketing has never looked so strong and later this year we’ll also be looking to launch our installer campaign with genuine points of differentiation.’


Demand Increases For Profile 22’s Optima Flush Casement Window As the trend towards feature-rich windows continues, Profile 22 reports that demand for its Optima Flush Casement Window has never been higher. Gerald Allen, Marketing Manager at Epwin Window Systems, said: “Consumers are expecting more from their windows these days. The Optima Flush Casement Window more than delivers on their expectations, which is why we’re seeing such strong growth.” Like all Optima products, the Optima Flush Casement Window has been designed to look better and perform better than rival products, claims the company. The stand out feature is the product’s outstanding aesthetics. The Optima Flush Casement Window’s design is based on a British timber

cottage window. It has features including a traditional putty line sash, a traditional wide bottom sash rail and slim depth sashes, which all mean it looks perfectly at home in UK properties. But despite the classic appearance, it’s very much a 21st century window. It can achieve a U-value as low as 1.2W/m2K, which means its thermal efficiency is better than any of its rivals.

A Window Into The Past

In response to the enduring popularity of traditional timber-framed windows, REHAU has unveiled its latest offering to the Rio flush fit family, the Deep Bottom Rail. Combining the period-style visuals of timber sash windows with the desirable convenience and efficiency benefits of modern uPVC, its additional sash profile has been designed to complement the current Rio range and provide more style options.

With demand for affordable heritage-style windows continuing to increase, fabricators and installers should consider innovative uPVC solutions designed with this trend in mind, says a leading polymer specialist.

The Deep Bottom Rail can be mechanically jointed on the bottom of the sash with a screwported aluminium component to create an authentic look. As a result, homeowners are given the choice of the flush sash throughout, or an option for the deep bottom rail at the bottom of the sash. As an extension to the Rio family, this new window profile has been

It also features a wealth of innovations that mean it’s an exceptionally versatile solution. For example, there is a night vent lock and a flipper gasket system with 90-degree moulded corners. It means the Optima Flush Casement Window has effective but secure ventilation and is suitable for use in new builds as a fire egress window. The window can be tailored to suit both heritage and modern properties. It can be partially or fully mechanically jointed and uses mechanical joint end caps for a seamless finish. There is a range of cill and glazing bars to create the perfect look. There is also a French Flush Casement option. A heritage appearance can be recreated with period hardware and by choosing from the range of ‘heritage’ colours available in Epwin Window Systems’ new colour offering. To create a modern twist, there are contemporary hardware and contemporary colour options too. designed to enhance the traditional aesthetics of Rio flush fit, creating a visually appealing heritage look. The wider sash profile also allows for a more traditional style flush fit window to be manufactured. Clare Higgins, Product Manager at REHAU, said: “Our latest innovation, the Deep Bottom Rail is testament to REHAU’s mantra of windows being designed for modern life. With its simple, yet effective design, it’s a promising addition to the already versatile Rio flush fit family. We’re really proud and excited to launch the Deep Bottom Rail to the public, it’s an aesthetic, practical and cost-effective solution for anyone looking to replicate those traditional period property features.” For more information on REHAU’s Rio flush fit Deep Bottom Rail, visit WINDOW NEWS APRIL 2020 47


Saint-Gobain Glass

Extends Solar Control Range

Saint-Gobain Glass has announced the launch of its most recent product innovation for the commercial glazing market with a new addition to its popular COOLLITE solar control range.

COOL-LITE SKN 183 & SKN 183 II, annealed and to-be-tempered respectively, offers the highest light transmission in the COOL-LITE range of 75% in double glazed units, allowing large amounts of sunlight to flood into a building without overheating, while maintaining a neutral appearance, says the company. Lauren Whittaker, Market Manager for the commercial sector at SaintGobain Glass said: “COOL-LITE SKN 183 & SKN 183 II is easy to process, handle and assemble into IGUs and is a high-performance addition to the already successful COOL-LITE range of coated solar control glass products, designed to give our customers a competitive advantage.” 48 WINDOW NEWS APRIL 2020

This highly selective solar control glass is an ideal product for facades in buildings where a high level of natural light is desired such as schools, hospitals, mixeduse and commercial premises. A high light transmission of 75 per cent provides a comfortable interior environment, while a very low external reflection of 13 per cent and neutral and low internal reflection of 16 per cent (in double glazed units) afford the best possible aesthetics. Meanwhile, excellent solar control (40 per cent in double glazed units) combined with a Ug value of 1.0 W/m2K for excellent thermal insulation means heating and air conditioning usage can be significantly reduced. In the UK, building operations accounts for around 30 per cent of CO2 emissions, mainly from heating, cooling and electricity use. In the drive to achieve net-zero carbon buildings, the consistent use of high performance, using

high performance coated glass such as COOL-LITE SKN 183 & SKN 183 II as part of a building façade is necessary. Constructing a robust and energy efficient glazed façade creates a healthy environment for building occupants whilst helping to minimise the effects of building operations on climate change. Lauren added: “This really is the ultimate solar control glass providing the best in daylight, thermal comfort and aesthetics. It allows for high levels of daylight to enter a building but prevents the heat and glare from making the room uncomfortable for occupiers. This ensures the minimum amount of heating, lighting and air-conditioning are required, which reduces a building’s carbon footprint. “The COOL-LITE range already pushes the limits for the highest light transmission combined with the best solar control – and this latest innovation provides the additional dimension of neutral aesthetics, ensuring the views through the glass are as natural as possible.”


SMART Balustrades Launches Into Residential Sector

said: “Our reputation and the demand for our specialist services has enabled our continued growth. Having previously delivered a limited amount of works in the resi sector, we are pleased to officially launch our residential arm. This enables us to offer a more bespoke service which is fit for purpose and we hope to work with busy house builders and private homeowners.

(L-R) David Unitt, Nigel Higgins, Jonathan Hough, David Hough.

Staffordshire-based SMART Balustrades has announced that it has expanded its services into the residential sector – following the continued growth of the business, that has to date operated in the commercial market.

“We look forward to working with residential clients who can put their trust in our 100 years of combined team experience, designing, manufacturing and installing high quality and compliant handrail and balustrade systems.”

The company, which is part of the Unitech Group, has taken this step due to business growth and the increased demand from both private homeowners and commercial house builders. SMART Balustrades provides a range of bespoke glass and stainless-steel balustrades as well as glass Juliet balconies, which are manufactured at its Burntwood, Staffordshire production facility. The firm has extensive experience in the fitout sector and works heavily in the hotel and leisure markets. With housebuilding in the UK currently at a 30-year high*, there is an increasing demand for fit-out work in residen-

“There has been a significant increase in the number of planning applications submitted in recent years, particularly for home improvements, so offering our services to this sector is a natural step for us.

To support its continued growth, SMART Balustrades is investing in its production team having just taken on Tom Dopierala as production manager based at its Burntwood HQ. The team will be further expanded over the next 12 months, bringing more jobs to the area. tial properties, as well as a continued rise in the number of homeowners carrying out extensions and renovations on their properties. David Hough, managing director of SMART Balustrades,

SMART Balustrades was set up by brothers David and Jonathan Hough and its current commercial portfolio includes luxury hotels, universities, retail and leisure facilities. * WINDOW NEWS APRIL 2020 49


Atlas Announces

First Installation

Of The Month Winner Of 2020

Atlas Glazed Roof Solutions has named North West Bifolds as 2020’s first winner of the Atlas Installation of the Month competition.

The Merseyside-based firm was January’s unanimous winner for a stunning Atlas lantern installation on a large period property in Keston, Kent. The homeowner was keen to create a large, yet light-filled space to enjoy the three-acre garden all year round and turned to North West Bifolds for advice on the best products. Having installed several Atlas 50 WINDOW NEWS APRIL 2020

lanterns already, North West Bifolds recommended an 11×2 metre super-slim framed Atlas lantern in Pebble Grey (RAL 7032) to complement the red brick exterior of the property.

Steve Sharples, director of North West Bifolds, said: “The homeowner had a clear idea of what they wanted to achieve, so it was vital to get the design and choice of materials absolutely right. Everything we specified needed to live up to the high expectations of this homeowner who wanted a space that blended into the garden, whilst drawing as

much light in as possible. The Atlas roof was the only lantern we recommended and the end result is an absolute triumph. This is the first time we’ve entered this competition and we’re very proud to win an award for it. Atlas says entries have been pouring in from installers for the 2020 Atlas Installation of the Month competition. Now in its sixth year, the competition continues to reward the best Atlas orangery, conservatory and rooflight installations. Gareth Thomas, Sales and Marketing Director at Atlas Glazed Roof Solutions, added: “It’s been an absolutely fantastic start to the year for this competition. We’ve been overwhelmed with the number of entries and the very high standard of lantern, lean-to, orangery and Skyroom installations. It’s clear to see the creative flair and quality of workmanship that’s gone into these installations and we’re delighted to continue to reward the very best in our industry for their talent.”


Record-Breaking Ultra Installer Scheme

Ultraframe says its Ultra Installer Scheme has recently seen a huge rise in the number of applicants from installation companies keen to promote their professionalism and take advantage of the high-quality conservatory and extension sales leads provided to members. The scheme has also been breaking records in terms of sales leads, with February 2020 recording the highest number of consumer leads generated for members in 3 years. Established by Ultraframe in 2004 to raise standards in the industry, the Ultra Installer Scheme promotes excellence in conservatory design, installation and service, and members undergo ongoing assessments to maintain the high standards of the scheme. While homeowners benefit from peace of mind in their home im-

provement project, Ultra Installers can access a range of benefits, including sales leads, generated via the Ultraframe website. Unlike similar industry schemes which generate leads for windows and doors, the Ultra Installer Scheme generates sales leads for the more lucrative conservatory, orangery and extension projects. As market leader in the conservatory sector, the Ultraframe website attracts homeowners looking for conservatory and extension ad-

vice early in their decision-making journey, giving installers the opportunity to lead the design process as they nurture them through the sales funnel. Commenting about the recent spike in applications, Ultraframe Marketing Director, Alex Hewitt, said: “Installation companies tell us that they are keen to promote themselves as being reputable to offer that all-important peace of mind to prospective customers, and the Ultra Installer Scheme helps them to do just that. Of course, the high-quality sales leads that we generate through the Ultraframe consumer website are a huge bonus too. In fact, during February 2020, the number of leads generated on our website was at its highest level for 3 years! We’ve also recently received a record number of applications for the Ultra Installer Scheme from companies keen to take advantage of the high-quality leads and more – in fact we now have waiting lists in some areas for companies wanting to join.”

Modplan Further Expands Their Conservatory

Roof Offer With UltraSky light and no compromise on design. It can also be installed in half the time of a traditional orangery too, which our installing customers appreciate.”

Trade fabricator, Modplan, has introduced the new UltraSky orangery roof system to further extend its conservatory roof offer. Heidi Sachs of Modplan said: “With a contemporary, minimalist feel, the UltraSky roof features a super-strong ridge and an Ultraspan invisible integrated structural goal post so there are fewer bars, more

The new UltraSky roofing system joins a comprehensive range of conservatory roof solutions from Modplan which includes Leka roofing systems, Vertex roof, LivinRoof, Loggia roof system, Open Canopy and two Wendland systems including the Wendland Lantern and the Wendland Glazed roof system. Like all Modplan’s products, the new UltraSky orangery roof system will be manufactured in

their dedicated state of the art roofing manufacturing facilities at its headquarters new Newport, Gwent. The company offers sales, marketing and service support to enable installers to make the most of the opportunities on the market. Heidi concludes: “At Modplan, we have curated the best the conservatory roof market has to offer. When you work with us, you get the benefits of multiple products and the ease and efficiency of working with a single supplier for all your roofing solutions. We listen to our customers and realise that giving them a wide choice of conservatory roof systems allows them to compete at any level.” WINDOW NEWS APRIL 2020 51


Prestige Windows & Doors Opts

For New Haffner Murat Machinery East London-based trade and retail fabricator Prestige Windows & Doors has recently purchased a range of machines from Haffner Murat. Kam Nandha, Director at Prestige Windows & Doors, said: “I have known Dave Thomas and the Haffner Murat team for some years and the quality of their machines and service has more than lived up to our expectations. The new machines are currently being installed at our new Essex manufacturing plant and we can already see what a difference it’s going to make to our efficiencies.” Prestige Windows & Doors purchased a range of fabrication machinery to support their new Essex business set up. Machines included Haffner’s SBA-2 machining centre, a new SMR-4 four headed welder, a FOM Modus CNC machine and the new TT425 52 WINDOW NEWS APRIL 2020

Compound Double Mitre Saw. Suitable for use in conservatory roof and aluminium window and door manufacture, the new TT425 provides superb length, angle and cutting accuracy thanks to its strong construction and linear bearing system. Kam said: “The quality of all the machines is superb and we are particularly impressed with the SMR-4 four headed welder. We believe it’s the best welder on the market today and is four times faster than conventional welders, which increases our efficiencies. The SMR4, like all of Haffner Murat’s machines, is very user-friendly and easy to operate too, meaning it makes an instant impact on your production line.” As Kam says, one of the biggest benefits of the SMR-4 is the increased efficiency it pro-

vides. This can be attributed to three key features. Switching between frame styles is quick and easy thanks to the touch screen technology, so production planning becomes much simpler. No operator setting or alignment is needed because the welder replaces all the existing tools and set squares that a conventional machine needs. And quick release tooling reduces cycle times, increasing frame output by up to 30%. Haffner Murat says that like all its machines, they come with the reassurance of expert installation and full training so they can start to deliver return on investment from day one. Finance packages are available subject to status and part exchange is an option.


New Smart Unloading Table For

Emmegi Quadra Range

tion is being machined, it will identify another 3400mm section in the list and move that to the top of the schedule. Then, it will automatically move the first finished section to the end of the table to make room for the second one. Emmegi (UK)’s Managing Director Ian Latimer says that, for customers, regularly machining short lengths, it means that they can double the capacity of their unloading area and store two sections in the space normally used for just one.

Emmegi has just released details of a new 7500mm unloading table for its Quadra range of cutting and machining centres, which can potentially double the storage area available for machined sections. Available as option on all four flagship Quadra models (L0/1/2/3), it features sensors and motorised rollers which automatically optimise the cutting and machining schedule to ensure that finished sections are stored on the table as efficiently as possible.

With the new table fitted, the Quadra scans the cutting list to identify the sections which will fit best onto its 7500mm length and ensures that these are processed in the right order. For example, if one 3400mm sec-

The new table adds another dimension to the already impressive Quadra machine range, which offers cutting and machining in one and can typically prepare profiles up to three times faster than conventional aluminium machining centres.

Titan Trade Windows Chooses Haffner Murat

Machines For Its Factory Expansion

To capitalise on the growth in aluminium, Titan Trade Windows has opened a new 4,300 sq ft factory in Derby to manufacture aluminium windows, doors and bifold doors. The facility features a FOM Adir C CNC Machining Centre and a TT 425 Double Mitre Saw, both from Haffner Murat. Ben Vowles, Operations Manager at Titan Trade, said: “Historically we’ve been a PVC-U fabricator and we bought in aluminium products when they were needed, but recent growth in demand for windows and entrance doors in addition to bifold doors means it make sense for us to manufacture our own. We had no hesitation in

choosing Haffner Murat machines for the factory. We’ve always used Haffner Murat machines in our PVC-U facility and we know we can trust the quality of the machines, the after-sales service support and the reliability.” The FOM Adir C CNC Machining

Centre is a 3-axis controlled unit that has been designed to add value to every fabricator’s set up by speeding up production, improving quality and is extremely user-friendly, says the Haffner Murrat. It features CNC controlled axis linear guides for precision machining, there is an option of a 5 or 6 position tool holder for manual or automatic change operation and pneumatic rotation of the work table achieves angles of 0°, 90° and 180°. The machine has four pneumatic vices with dual working pressure for quick and accurate profile clamping while a pneumatically controlled front guard makes loading material easy. WINDOW NEWS APRIL 2020 53


Finishes And

Fire Resistance by Wojciech Brozyna – MD of Aluprof UK Following the Dame Judith Hackett’ report on Grenfell Tower, there has been a great deal of development regarding the specification of finishes and materials for use in dwellings over 18m in height in England. The recent spate of balcony fires have also questioned the use of combustible materials in these areas. It’s safe to say that the industry is quite confused and in some areas trying to gain clarification of what falls into legislation. So where do we currently stand and what should we be specifying for windows, doors and curtain walls to be compliant with current legislation? The government has just released its feedback on its recent consul54 WINDOW NEWS APRIL 2020

tation ‘Review of the ban on the use of combustible materials in and on the external walls of buildings including attachments’. Whilst not a definitive document, it does demonstrate the way the wider construction industry is moving, it highlights areas where further clarity is required and I would encourage anyone involved in the external envelope to offer feedback on the consultation document which will close on 13th April 2020 at 23:45. Currently the legislation is only applicable to apartments or dwellings over 18m in height, all other buildings are currently exempt. Whilst most window materials used at this height are supplied in aluminium, there are quite a number of existing

buildings in other materials such as PVC. Although anodised aluminium is completely fire resistant, coatings, such as powder coat can have a ‘limited combustibility’. In the external envelope we are talking about fire resistance and the possibility of surface spread of flame. This will mean that specified products will need to be non-combustible and gain a Euroclass A1 rating under BS EN 13501-1 or a Euroclass A2-s1,d0 rating of ‘limited combustibility’, but what are these classes and what do they mean? The BS EN 13501-1 classification comprises three ratings. The first is the main Euroclass rating, will be the reference A1, A2, B, C, D, E or F, with A1 having the highest resistance class, as shown in the simplified tables below. The second classification relates to smoke emission when subject to fire. This is given by a rating of s1, s2 or s3, with smoke emission classifications not being provided

ON SITE fenestration and cladding products for apartments or dwellings over 18m from GFL, then speak to your aluminium systems company who should offer clear guidance on the subject. Here at Aluprof we specialise in fire rated screens and facades and are well placed to offer architects and specifiers clear and current advice.

for ratings of E to F. The third classification relates to the level of production of flaming droplets or particles when subject to fire. This is given by a rating of d0, d1 or d2, from highest to lowest performance. Window, door and curtain walls are currently exempt from the ban on combustible materials used above 18m England. This includes the glass and aluminium frames for the glazing. Together with this, all backing rods, sealants and membranes used in the fixing of these windows and doors are all exempt. However, and there is always a ‘but’, any opaque spandrel panels used within the glazing are not exempt, as well as other cladding items such as cills and column casings. Apex, Ealing Broadway Anodised aluminium will carry an A1 rating as it is ‘non-combustible’, powder coated aluminium can carry an A2-s1,d0 as required in the legislation as long as the powders have been fire tested and the thickness of the powder coating controlled.

To further complicate matters, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland currently have slightly different recommendations: Scotland over 11m: A1 or A2 – latest update 2019

Since setting up the Aluprof Project Office at the Business Design Centre in London the systems company has rapidly grown their specification influence in the UK with their high performance architectural aluminium systems. Further expansion of the company’s headquarters in Altrincham now provides specifiers with meeting facilities and an extensive showroom of commercial systems to view. With overseas growth across Europe spreading into the Middle East and firm roots already in the East of the USA, the company is becoming a global player in facade supply. Further information is available on the company’s website at

Wales over 18m: B-s3, d2 – latest update 2016 Northern Ireland over 18m: B-s3, d2 – latest update 2012 As a specifier independently specifying powder coat, you should ask the powder coater to provide certification that the powder they use is tested for both fire resistance and the maximum thickness that their powder must be applied onto the aluminium to achieve the rating. “So are all your current specifications for powder coated products that fall within this legislation, used over the maximum height in apartments and dwellings, meeting the minimum standard of a fire rating of A1 or A2-s1,d0?” As the legislation continues to be in a state of change, if specifying WINDOW NEWS APRIL 2020 55



Opens Up The Toybox With a proven track record of delivering high performance aluminium fenestration solutions to the student accommodation sector, Senior Architectural Systems has played a key role in the creation of a new multi-storey residential development in Birmingham. Located in the heart of the city centre, The Toybox offers luxury student accommodation over 15-storeys and has been designed by Corstorphine + Wright architects. The building’s eye-catching curved façade, which creates a cantilevered canopy over the main entrance, features an attractive mix of green coloured brickwork, zinc cladding and the extensive use of Senior’s slim-profile aluminium glazing. 56 WINDOW NEWS APRIL 2020

Helping to maximise the use of daylighting and to provide residents with far-reaching views of the city landscape, each apartment benefits from a glazing package comprising Senior’s SF52 aluminium curtain walling and SPW600 aluminium windows. Both systems, which have been installed by EYG Commercial for main contractor Torsion Group, provide excellent thermal performance to create comfortable interiors that are cost-effective to heat and offer a highly durable and low-maintenance solution. Senior’s SPW600 aluminium windows, specified as tilt and turn style openings, also provide safe and secure ventilation and can be easily cleaned from the inside.

Commenting on the project, EYG Commercial’s marketing director Nicola Arnott said: “We were very pleased to secure this contract on such a high-quality development, led by contractors who have a reputation for transforming buildings in cities into vibrant new communities which breathe new life into the area. They have been the latest in a string of student accommodation projects that we have fabricated and installed windows, doors and curtain walling products for, and alongside new hotel developments, this has been an increasing area of our work.”


Profile 22’s Optima Flush Casement Windows Fitted In New Homes In A Conservation Area

Over 100 Optima Flush Casement windows, by Profile 22, have been fitted in the first phase of a new residential development consisting of 14 new build red-brick town houses in the historical Houldsworth Conservation Area in Reddish, Greater Manchester. The new homes, which are situated in a newly designed cul-de-sac off the Harrogate Road, were sympathetically designed to complement the nearby 19th century Victoria and Elisabeth mills.

of the local architecture.

The Optima Flush Casement windows were manufactured by Profile 22 fabricator Total Glass and installed by Rochdale-based New Look Windows. Due to the historic importance of the conversation area, the windows needed to be sympathetic to the character

Like all Profile 22 products the Optima Flush Casement Window System is produced to BS EN 12608 and manufactured to BS EN ISO 9001. It adheres to the requirements of the Environmental Management System BS EN ISO 14001 and the Responsible Sourcing standard

The Profile 22 Optima Flush Casement Window more than met the demanding requirements of the development. Jon Tudor, Contracts Manager at New Look Windows said: “The Optima Flush Casement Window offers the perfect solution for developments in areas protected by conservation orders that need a window that replicates the 19th-century timber window design, whilst offering modern features and benefits.”

BES 6001. The manufacturing facility operates a health and safety programme in line with OHSAS 18001 to ensure a safe environment for employees, supply chain partners and residents. The windows for the Harrogate Road development were fabricated in cream on white to deliver an architecturally sensitive appearance. The red-brick townhouses offer a mix of three and four-bedroom properties arranged in two terraced rows which have been designed to reflect the nearby mills and other neighbouring homes. Construction on the development began in June 2019 and is due to be completed in December 2020. WINDOW NEWS APRIL 2020 57


Cotswold Windows

Helps Transform Derelict Barn Aluminium windows and doors from Gloucestershire-based fabricator, Cotswold Windows have helped transform a derelict barn into a stylish visitor experience centre, Tower Barn, for the iconic Cotswold landmark, Broadway Tower. The tower sits atop the Cotswold escarpment with views spanning 16 counties. A vision of renowned landscape designer, Capability Brown, and completed in 1798, Broadway Tower offers a dramatic outlook across 50-acres of parkland. Today, the tower and parkland are privately-owned and play host to many events and attractions. A derelict barn provided an opportunity to improve the overall visitor experience. Surrounded by such heritage, it 58 WINDOW NEWS APRIL 2020

was crucial that the barn renovation used products and materials that complemented the Cotswold building stone. The windows and doors were integral to this. “We were looking for something which would allow for natural light to flood in, as well as being practical and in-keeping with the building,” says a Tower Barn spokesperson. The Broadway Tower team chose local fabricator, Cotswold Windows to supply and install an aluminium lift and slide door, alongside a selection of Schuco windows and entrance doors. “They provide lots of natural light and enable visitors to see in before they enter the building,” continues, Tower Barn, speaking of the new windows and doors. “The sliding doors are fantastic

and make it easier for customers and the team to access the rear terraced area without doors opening in and out.” The aluminium profile used to fabricate the windows and doors was powder coated using a carefully selected RAL colour to complement the Cotswold stone and oak beams. The installation required Cotswold Windows to draw on its experience in handling and installing large glazed items in areas with restricted access. The bigger units had to be craned into position while a mini crane was used in the courtyard. In such an exposed location, thermal performance and weather tightness were key factors in the specification of the glass. Cotswold Windows used 8.8mm laminate and 8mm toughened,


low emissivity (Low-E) glass for the large format lift and slide doors, which offers superior thermal insulation.

“Cotswold Windows have been fantastic throughout, providing the different options required to realise the look for Tower Barn, and completing the work in a clean and timely manner. They have also been very helpful with some questions we have had since the install.

“The overall look of Tower Barn is beautiful, and we get so many people asking where our windows etc. came from. It is lovely to have used local companies who we can name when asked!”

Derby-Based Housebuilder Chooses

Frame Fast UK

An exclusive housing development in Derbyshire has chosen award-winning Frame Fast UK to create stunning windows and doors for its cluster of bespoke properties in the Peak District. Flush casement windows, bespoke composite doors and slimline bifold doors were fabricated from Frame Fast UK’s specially designed production facility on Ascot Drive, for Derby-based Meadowview Homes. Frame Fast UK supplied and fitted its glazing products to properties in Wessington – the newest development launched by Meadowview Homes.

Tower Barn consists of a retail area selling clothes, footwear and home accessories, and an espresso / prosecco bar. The barn also hosts a visitor centre with a programme of workshops and e-bikes available for hire.

A total of 43 homes, which vary in style and size with two, three, four and five bedrooms, sit on an exclusive site just a few miles from Matlock in Derbyshire. Housebuilder Meadowview Homes opened talks with Frame Fast UK last year about fabricating windows, composite doors and a batch of slimline bifold doors for each of their new bespoke homes. The deal was clinched before the end of 2019.

Abigail Lee, Sales and Marketing

Manager at Meadowview Homes in Derby, says: “Frame Fast UK provides top quality products and great service. “It was a pleasure to work with the team at Frame Fast UK. It is extremely rewarding when we can work with a local business who can help bring our exclusive housing developments to life. From start to finish, everything ran very smooth and we’d like to thank Frame Fast UK for being so efficient. We’ve already had a huge amount of interest in the Derbyshire development.” Meadowview Homes praised Frame Fast UK for its strong customer service ethics and high-quality products. In recent years, Meadowview Homes, has approached Frame Fast UK to order products from its huge range of glazing options. Abigail adds: “The service at Frame Fast UK is always great and the Wessington development looks lovely. It is still in its early stages, but you can see how the overall look will be.” WINDOW NEWS APRIL 2020 59


Radical, Trad, New-Build Or Retrofit? …

One Site Shows It All For Lumi The revolutionary Lumi window and door system looks equally at home in contemporary or traditional surroundings, in new-build or retrofit – but now manufacturer Apeer has had the unique opportunity to showcase all four of these on one single site. When Michael and Emma Leliveld began working with TW-2 Architects to add a contemporary extension to their traditional Hertfordshire home, they had seen the Lumi system at one of the Grand Designs events and immediately saw it as a natural choice. But when they decided to upgrade all their windows and doors at the same time, they thought the same system would add extra kerb appeal as well as giving a perfect match for old and new. Now, with 17 windows, two doors and an expansive pair of patio 60 WINDOW NEWS APRIL 2020

doors all from Lumi in its striking Anthracite Grey, the entire house not only looks stunningly different but has also seen fuel bills cut dramatically, largely due to Lumi’s exceptional U-Values with its argon-filled triple glazed units, low-E glass and warm edge Superspacers in its radical ‘frameless’ bonded glass fibre construction.

Michael said “We are extremely pleased with our Lumi windows and slider, and all who see them comment very favourably on them. They have added an extra wow factor to the build that we hadn’t originally anticipated.” Apeer MD Asa McGillian added: “When we originally designed the Lumi concept, we first pictured it in contemporary new-build settings but so many installations since then have shown it to be just as much at home in all styles of clas-

sical and traditional homes, both retrofit and new-build.

“Now with the Lelivelds’ home, anyone can see all those facets of its versatility in this one property – in short, the best single showcase for the potential of Lumi that we could hope for.” Lumi proved to be a show-stopper from day one when the radically different window system was unveiled at Grand Designs London in 2015. Demand has grown exponentially since then and the system has been extended with the addition of patio and bi-fold doors as well as entrance doors, so now there is no installation, retrofit or new-build, that could not be completely fulfilled with Lumi, says the company.


Kawneer Glazing Systems To Feature On Passivhaus Leisure Centre

spring of 2021, and attract more than 500,000 visits a year. Exeter City Council and Passivhaus designers Gale & Snowden architects have delivered several Passivhaus multi-unit housing schemes but this is the first commercial Passivhaus development they have embarked on together.

The complete portfolio of Kawneer products will be used at St Sidwell’s Point in Devon. Work is expected to start shortly on the installation, on the world’s first Passivhaus leisure centre, of architectural glazing systems by UK manufacturer Kawneer, says the company. The systems – two types of curtain walling, three types of doors, windows and brise soleil – will be installed by Kawneer-approved specialist sub-contractor AB Glass for main contractor Kier at St Sidwell’s Point in Exeter. The 4,850m2 project will replace an ageing swimming pool with an eight-lane national/county-standard pool and four-lane learner pool, both with movable floors, together with dry sports facilities including gym, café and crèche, and health and spa amenities. Benefits of the Passivhaus design include a 70% saving on energy costs when compared to a current good practice pool, a 50% reduction in water use, outstanding internal water and air

quality, excellent daylight levels and lower maintenance costs due to a high-quality building fabric. Step up Kawneer’s Passivhaus-certified AA®100 capped curtain walling, which will be used around the building envelope and some locations internally, and RT®82HI windows which feature exceptional levels of thermal performance and airtightness, partly due to larger-than-normal thermal breaks. These Passivhaus-certified products will be installed by AB Glass alongside Kawneer’s AA®100 FR and AA®720 FR fire-rated curtain walling and doors as internal screens, AA®190 TB external entrance doors, AA®720 standard and AA®720 HI doors internally and externally, and AA®130 brise soleil. The flagship in Exeter City Council’s £330 million regenerating city centre masterplan, which also includes housing, offices, restaurants and retail, is expected to open to the public, alongside a new bus station, in the

The hybrid construction comprises an in-situ concrete frame with aerated concrete blockwork infill and mineral wool batts on an insulated in-situ ground floor slab. The design also features a metal standing seam roof on CLT (Cross Laminated Timber) and glulam beam structure and a liquid-applied warm roof on a steel frame structure. The Passivhaus Institute is acting as Passivhaus certifier and modelling the design in a bespoke multi-zone PHPP (Passive House Planning Package). As such, the energy performance figures are different to standard Passivhaus calculations due to the high pool and changing area temperatures. Alan Brayley, managing director of AB Glass, who will have a team of up to 30 on the project for an estimated 30 weeks, said: “We are thrilled to have been awarded this contract. This is an innovative project that we are very excited to be involved in. The environmental credentials of this building are such that we believe some of the standards and skills we will be implementing here will be in high demand in the future as many more buildings look to emulate what we see here.” WINDOW NEWS APRIL 2020 61


Profile 22 Launches

New Website Leading systems company Profile 22, an Epwin Window Systems brand, has just launched its new website https://www.profile22. Marketing Manager Gerald Allen said: “The new Profile 22 website has been designed to support our customers and will be a valuable source of information.”

The new user-friendly website is aimed at fabricators and installers, commercial specifiers, and homeowners. It is visually appealing, with interactive and engaging content signposting visitors to important sections and information. The new site offers improved navigation with all product information now available in one place including a useful Product Overview on all the main pages. This feature gives visitors to the site, whether trade, retail, commercial or domestic, all the informa62 WINDOW NEWS APRIL 2020

tion they need on the Profile 22 award-winning product portfolio in one place. There is also detailed product and technical information for fabricators and installers, as well as information on the wealth of support services available to Profile 22 customers. A new client area allows customers to access marketing and technical portals quickly and easily too by clicking onto client-area/ A dedicated commercial section provides information for commercial fabricators and specifiers and outlines the benefits of working with Profile 22 and Optima, said by Epwin to be the most considered commercial system on the market today. The homeowner’s section focuses

on the lifestyle benefits of Optima as well as the reassurance that comes with choosing a distinctively British brand. Gerald said: “We know that homeowners do their research when investing in new windows and doors and our new website showcases the excellence of Optima and links them to their nearest Profile 22 installer so they can continue the buying journey.” The website has been designed to be intuitive to use. It works across desktop, tablet and mobile, delivering an exceptional user experience. Gerald commented: “People will get the high-quality experience they expect from Profile 22 no matter where or how they access our website.” A short video highlighting the new website can be seen here:


New Online

Door Builder

For 6 Day Doors

Insight Data

Gives Free Trial Of Its Remote-Working Database

At this time of uncertainty with many businesses operating on skeleton staff, it is vital that companies retain some level of continuity and visibility to their customers and markets. Yet with staff unable to operate effectively from home, Insight Data has stepped in to provide a lifeline. Kirsty Winter, Customer Support Manager at Insight Data, said; “We have been inundated with companies asking for help. Our Salestracker platform is a remote-working environment for trade and commercial suppliers in the home improvement and building products market. It was designed for business leaders, sales people, marketing and customer service teams who wish to engage with customers and prospects, research markets and trends, and identify new opportunities. Given these uncertain times we have decided, for the first time ever – to provide a 30-day free trial so that remote-workers can be

productive at home.” Salestracker has detailed business and contact information on 88,000 decision-makers in over 60,000 businesses including window companies, small and large builders, contractors, merchants and architects. The system has advanced features including a full CRM to manage customers, prospects and leads, cloud document storage for quotes and proposals, a built-in email marketing platform and a credit monitoring tool that gives financial and credit-checking information. The 30-day no obligation trial is available to all UK manufacturers and distributors of glazing and building products. Contact Insight Data on for full details. Terms and Conditions Apply. Companies can apply for the 30-day free trial until the 30th April 2020. For more information on Salestracker visit

Aluminium fabricator 6 Day Doors has this month launched its cutting-edge new website – designed to make it easier than ever for value-hungry installers to benefit from the lightning-fast service that’s made its name. The Essex-based business prides itself on delivering quality aluminium bi-folds in lead times of just six days – and if it doesn’t, your next order is half price. The firm can supply the industry-leading Smart Visofold 1000 bi-fold in grey, white and black in just six days unglazed, and glazed (as well as other products in other colours, the Visofold 6000 and the Visoglide Plus Patio) with longer lead times. On the state-of-the-art 6 Day Doors website, you can use an interactive online door builder to design a product to your exact specifications, then easily order it. It’s a level of service that the company says few other fabricators can match – and that makes Managing Director Sunny Singh confident that 6 Day Doors is going to shake up UK fenestration in 2020. WINDOW NEWS APRIL 2020 63

MARKETING / INTERNET Virtape and sister company Leads 2 Trade have been working on the app since 2017. “We designed the app to help installers get more enquiries and better conversion rates from their existing web visitors and were just about to start with four businesses to test the marketing messages ahead of the scheduled launch,” said John. “But because people are aware of what we have developed, in the last week we have been asked if we can provide the app to cope with situations where consumers want to buy windows and doors but do not want to bring salespeople into their home, making sales difficult.

New Double-Glazing

App To Assist Installers Through Difficult Period A new double-glazing smartphone pricing app set to launch in April has been made available a month earlier to help assist installers during the current climate. And the company behind it will waive the monthly license fee for the app for the duration of the Covid-19 outbreak. Double Glazing App by Virtape allows the consumer to measure and price windows and doors remotely in under 90 seconds. Speaking about the decision to launch the app to the market with no risk to installers, Virtape’s MD John Cohen explained: “We want to provide practical help to fenestration businesses large and small when they need it so have decided 64 WINDOW NEWS APRIL 2020

to drop the monthly minimum fee for the duration of the coronavirus outbreak, no questions asked. “This means as an installer you only pay when you have a consumer using the app to get your prices. We will run on a month to month agreement so there are no long-term commitments and will provide Double Glazing App marketing assets free to help boost website lead generation.”

“And, while it hasn’t been developed as a contingency plan for an emergency such as this, with companies looking at their options should the traditional way of sending a rep to the home reduce, the ability to price a prospect without any face to face time may become hugely important in the near future, for both installers and consumers.” Double Glazing App is available on iOS and android as a white label app so is licensed by the installer. Potential customers can download it from the installer’s website, measure the windows/doors with a tape measure or by using the phone camera, then submit the measurements and receive an accurate quote from the app. “We are prioritising Leads 2 Trade members first before opening it up to other installers and we can get an installer set up in two days as long as they work with us and provide the things we need,” added John. If you would like to have Double Glazing App as a backup in case your sales team cannot get in to see consumers to create a quote, you can register at


Download Your FREE Window Restrictor Guide makes me feel angry. That’s why we continue to raise the awareness of the importance of window restrictors. “We are very pleased to see the Best Practice Guide from Certass, and our new downloadable guide means anyone can get the information.”

In response to the Certass Best Practice Guide for Window Restrictors, there’s a new guide to window restrictors from Cubelock. It’s easy to download from, and shows the best products for each application.

“We know that there are still unnecessary deaths and injuries because window restrictors haven’t been installed or installed incorrectly,” says Toby Staff, Managing Director of Cubelock manufacturers New Star Door Controls. “Every time I see something reported in the news, it

Dekko Signs Up With Purplex

For Eighth Year In A Row

Dekko Window Systems has signed up with marketing agency Purplex for the eighth year running – after a record 2019. Since appointing Purplex in 2013, Dekko’s turnover has tripled, and the Greater Manchester company has established itself as one of the UK’s leading fabricators of high-end uPVC and aluminium windows and doors. Purplex originally came on board to help Dekko launch Residence 9 into the market and since then have helped Dekko launch its premium product ranges Räum and Infinity. “We have had tremendous yearon-year growth since partnering with Purplex and they have played a key role in developing our busi-

The new guide includes information on homes, student accommodation and high security units, as well as a fire escape option. It’s designed for anyone responsible for fitting or maintaining windows and it’s free to download from the Cubelock Restrictor website in the downloads section. Cubelock products are available now from Window Ware. To get a copy go to work across numerous sectors helping both installers and homeowners and working with housebuilders and architects. The company also has three trade counters across the UK. Dekko work with Purplex on PR and communications, branding and design, digital marketing and lead generation, and social media management.

Andrew Scott, Purplex Marketing Managing Director (left) and Kurt Greatrex, Dekko’s Sales Director (right)

Purplex’s CEO Andrew Scott said: “It’s been fantastic to see how far Dekko have come since joining us eight years ago.

ness,” said Kurt Greatrex, Dekko’s Sales Director.

“What they have done so well is identify where consumer tastes have shifted and where premium product trends have emerged.

“Purplex have helped us attract new trade clients and have also helped many of our customers grow which has pulled more business through the factory.” Operating from a 55,000 sq ft state-of-the-art factory, Dekko

“It was great to review a record 2019 for them and map out a bold marketing strategy for 2020 to help them achieve even more success.” WINDOW NEWS APRIL 2020 65


Glazerite Employees Celebrate

Birthday In Style The Glazerite UK Group kicked off its 20th year in business in style last month, with a big party for the fabricator’s 270 employees.

The event, held at the Sywell Aerodrome in Northamptonshire, was attended by staff members and their partners from each of the fabricator’s five sites, with food, live music, a DJ, and a casino laid on as part of the evening’s entertainment. During the night, Wellingborough-based employee Shane Hawkes also had his hair shaved off by his colleagues, raising over £2000 for Glazerite’s nominated charity, We Mind and Kelly Matters. Glazerite Supervisor, Lyndon Wright, who has worked at the fabricator’s Northwest plant for 66 WINDOW NEWS APRIL 2020

over 10 years, travelled down from Bolton for the party. He says: “We had a fantastic time. It was such as lovely atmosphere and a good chance to catch up with people from the other Glazerite sites.”

The birthday party follows a year of investment for the fabricator, with over £1millon poured into its manufacturing sites in Bolton, Wellingborough and Peterborough, enabling the company to grow capacity to 4000 frames per week. Group Managing Director, Jason Thompson, says: “We wanted to hold a party to celebrate the commitment and dedication put into Glazerite by all of our employees. It was a fantastic way to come together and celebrate everything we’ve

achieved so far; everyone had a great time. Some of our employees travelled a long way on a Saturday to join us and this speaks volumes in itself.” Group Marketing Manager, Michelle Wright, adds: “The event took some serious planning, as we wanted to make it really special for everyone and celebrate 20 years in business. We made a video to show at the party, which captures everything Glazerite is about. It also celebrates our people, and the love our employees have for the company comes across very strongly in it. “What we’ve achieved as a fabricator over the last 20 years is very much driven by our founders, Jason Thompson and John Hewitt, who are still very much part of the business today, and who were able to thank everyone personally on the night for the part they’ve played in creating Glazerite.”


Liniar Goes for ‘Back to Back’ Award Wins comprehensive investment programme, all these crucial areas of scrutiny are covered but the entry is only able to convey a fraction of what the company invests in internally – and it’s almost impossible to illustrate the culture of the company itself.

We are living in uncertain times, with more still to come as our industry, and British manufacturing and construction in general, deal with navigating the disruption caused by the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Amongst all the negativity there are still good news stories to be found, one of which came last week for industry-leading systems company Liniar – a shortlist spot in the Made in the Midlands Awards for the coveted Manufacturer of the Year award. This follows on from the announcement in March that Liniar had also won the Midlands Business Award for Manufacturer of the Year for the second year running! Liniar has been a beacon of innovation for the Midlands for decades – and having been shortlisted for this award last year, the PVCu extrusion company is even more keen to bring this award back to its Derbyshire HQ.

“Being considered for awards always brings a sense of pride that our 500+ workforce are delighted to share,” comments Group MD Martin Thurley. “In these unprecedented times, it’s even more important than usual to be able to share these nuggets of much-needed good news to all those who work within our business, whilst most of them are furloughed and waiting to return.” “If we were chosen to win Made in the Midlands Manufacturer of the Year, it would once again demonstrate to our employees and our community that we belong amongst the hub of powerhouse manufacturers in the region – even with such stiff competition!” Winning an award of this calibre takes quite some work. Entries include information about every aspect of a manufacturing facility – from its financial performance to manufacturing efficiencies and quality, from infrastructure and investment in people to its impact on the local environment. With Liniar’s

“We’re all very proud of the positive culture we have here at Liniar,” explains Martin. “It’s really come to the fore of late in the proactive way the team have dealt with the temporary closure of our site, as well as keeping all our communication channels open. We’ve also had a raft of willing volunteers to help with our initiative to produce protective face visors for key workers to help get through this crisis – everyone really does want to help where they can. “We know the team are keen to return to work as soon as the government relaxes the restrictions and we are already planning how to ensure we do that safely – which is the most important focus for us.” “In the meantime, it’s always great to be recognised for our achievements, and being shortlisted for the Made in the Midlands 2020 Manufacturer of the Year is an honour for us.” The Made in the Midlands Awards ceremony is set to take place on 3 September. View the full shortlist and details about the award by visiting midlands/shortlists-for-made-inthe-midlands-2020-revealed. For more information about Liniar’s award-winning manufacturing facility, visit WINDOW NEWS APRIL 2020 67


GM Fundraising Moves Peak, Paddle,

Pedal To 2021 GM Fundraising has announced its 2020 Peak, Paddle, Pedal charity event to raise money for Hope House Children’s Hospices has been postponed until a similar date in 2021. Gary Morton, founder of GM Fundraising, said: “In view of the current unprecedented situation that we all find ourselves in, we have had to make the difficult decision to postpone Peak, Paddle, Pedal

until 2021. We have not taken this decision lightly but with the intense business pressures now faced by all team members and the ability to raise funds in a reducing economy, we feel it was the sensible and responsible thing to do.”

The 12 members of the Peak, Paddle, Pedal team were due to climb Snowdon, canoe 150 miles down the length of the River Severn and cycle 150 miles back to Hope

Don’t forget to sign up for our twice weekly Newscasts for the very latest industry news 68 WINDOW NEWS APRIL 2020

House in Oswestry – all over eight days in August. Since it was established in 1995, GM Fundraising has raised almost £2 million for Hope House Children’s Hospices, which provides palliative care for children with terminal conditions and support for their families, both on site and in their homes. Gary concluded: “Never before has support been so vital to Hope House with various 2020 charity and fundraising events being postponed or cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Over 95% of Hope House’s £5 million annual operating costs are met through charitable donations and GM Fundraising is actively looking at new ways to continue fundraising and supporting the charity for 2020.”

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