Bad Break #01

Page 68


Bad Break Magazine

Vol: 01


THANKS Bad Break has been an ambition of ours for a few years now, originally concieved as a zine concerning the Glasgow punk scene. It never really got off the ground while I was living in Glasgow, and so was put permanently on hold as I got ready to move back to Belfast to study. Then, in my second year as a graphic design student I got tasked to design a brief of my own and took the opportunity to write design and produce this issue of Bad Break, with Oli helping writing the Editorial and acting as an editor for the pieces I had written. It is our hope that in subsequent issues we will be able to showcase more of the arts and culture of both Belfast and Glasgow and get more people involved to make a really great magazine. The photographs in this issue were taken mostly with a Nikon N90 with a 50mm f 1.8 Prime lens and a 18 -80 mm lens or a Bronica SQ - B with a 80mm f 2.8 prime lens. Both with Illford XP - 2 400 film, or Porta 400 film. Some photos were taken with a Yashica FX-D with Fuji 200 or Kodak 100 iso film. Others were shot witha Canon 550 d digital camera with a 18-55mm lens. Please feel free to contact us with any thoughts, suggestions or if you would like to contribute to future issues.

Cheers, Willie & Oli

Photo Credit: Linzi Oliver

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