LAURIER100 Globe and Mail

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When Jon Krohn arrived at Wilfrid Laurier University

established Oxford’s first student-run business

he had every intention of pursuing medicine after

incubator – a wildly successful venture that has the

completing his undergraduate degree. But things would

distinction of helping facilitate Google’s first UK

change as Jon developed relationships with new


mentors – including two Canada Research Chairs –

“My work needs to have real world applications.

and an extremely supportive network of friends and

There’s no better benefit to society than to be able

study partners at Laurier. Suddenly, Jon was faced with

to take science research and transform it into

a world of new possibilities and ideas, and he set his

a product that can actually impact people’s lives.”

sights on Oxford. Consider his time at Laurier: founder of the Science Faculty’s student mentorship program, Editor-in-Chief of a science newspaper, active member of the

“I didn't know that coming to Oxford was a possibility in my life. Laurier made me feel like I could go out and achieve almost anything I set my mind to.”

boxing club, Executive Producer of the musical theatre club, and a Teaching and Research Assistant. To these accomplishments, Jon would add a truly peerless academic record and earn the highest grade point average of his graduating class (a perfect 12.0). Today, Jon is completing his PhD in neuroscience at Oxford University on a prestigious Wellcome Trust Doctoral Research Scholarship. His research focuses on the genetics of anxiety and depression, because of the high prevalence of these diseases and their massive impact on an individual’s quality of life. He has

JON KROHN Alumnus 2007


1911-2011 | Wilfrid Laurier University | LAURIER100.CA

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