Wildflower Magazine | April 2012

Page 46

INT. LIVING ROOM - DAY Luke is on his way out the door for work. Sara lounges on the couch reading a Tom Robbins novel and drinking coffee.

LUKE You still cool to pick me up from work tonight, babe?

SARA Yeah, of course. I’ll be there at six. Dinner at Mundo after, right?

LUKE I was actually thinking Firefly instead. Something more low key.

SARA Oh. Okay, sure. I’ll change our reservation then.

The door slams behind Luke. Sara walks to the window and peers through the blinds. Luke’s ride is a cute, blonde hipster girl who makes Luke do a little dance before finally unlocking the door and letting him in. They both giggle. Sara sinks back into the couch. EXT. ELECTRONICS STORE - NIGHT Sara drives up to the electronics store where Luke works. He is outside, leaning up against the wall while talking to the blonde who gave him a ride to work. The blonde notices Sara, smiles genuinely, and waves. Sara offers a half-smile and a quarter-wave in return. Luke nods goodbye to the blonde, then hops into the front seat of Sara’s car. INT. SARA’S CAR - NIGHT

SARA How was work?

LUKE Just another day, babe. I’m starving, though. You cool if we just grab some fast food or something tonight?

Sara sneaks another look at the blonde, who is now smoking a cigarette and listening to her iPod.

46 | Wildflower Magazine | April 2012

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